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The BEST-OFFICE system is a simple and powerful tool for accounting, planning and analysis of the economic activities of small and medium-sized businesses. A distinctive feature of the system is its focus on business management. Given the general shortage of working capital, the only way to stable development of an enterprise is the transition from intuitive management to regular management. The BEST-OFFICE software package not only provides assistance in solving this problem, but is also a kind of educational tool for enterprise management. The use of a built-in programming language allows, if necessary, to adapt the system to almost any business needs.

General view of the "BEST-OFFICE" program

The BEST-OFFICE software package is designed to automate management, accounting and tax accounting in small and medium-sized businesses specializing in the field of wholesale trade and services.

The concept of building the BEST-OFFICE system is based on the fact that, on the one hand, to make the work of accounting workers as easy as possible, on the other hand, to provide management and management personnel with the opportunity to quickly access information about the state of affairs at the enterprise for making management decisions.

BEST-OFFICE is a full-featured system. After installing and configuring the system, you do not need to purchase or install any additional components. Using the included built-in programming language VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the user can practically unlimitedly expand the functionality of the system on their own. At the same time, you can take full advantage of the integrated MS Office environment, for example, connect MS Word to BEST OFFICE and create any documents and reports using all the capabilities of this word processor.

A well-thought-out information presentation system with a large number of customized management reports makes BEST-OFFICE a reliable means of information support for making management decisions. The module for maintaining and monitoring contractual activities, the module for forming enterprise budgets and the system for accounting for mutual settlements included in BEST-OFFICE will help management personnel analyze and optimally organize the work of the enterprise. The Director analytical system, intended for management, allows you to monitor material and financial flows in real time and analyze the summary results of the enterprise.

System functionality

The BEST-OFFICE system consists of logically separate and at the same time interconnected subsystems. Each subsystem corresponds to a separate accounting section:

  • Subsystem Payments
  • Subsystem Calculations
  • Purchasing subsystem
  • Subsystem Inventory
  • Sales subsystem
  • Subsystem Taxes
  • Subsystem General Ledger
  • Subsystem Property
  • Subsystem Personnel
  • Subsystem Salary
  • Subsystem Budgets
  • Subsystem Directories
  • Subsystem Setting

Subsystem Payments

    maintaining operational and accounting records of cash and non-cash funds of the enterprise
  • Cash availability and flow
  • Register of bank statements
  • Cash book
  • Accounting for the issuance of wages on payrolls

Subsystem Calculations

    operational accounting of settlements for obligations arising as a result of various transactions
  • Maintaining a file of settlements with partners.
  • Control of receivables and payables by transaction and by partner as a whole.
  • Accrual and write-off of debt.
  • Carrying out mutual settlements.
  • Calculations with accountable persons.
  • Preparation of reports.

Purchasing subsystem

    accounting for purchases of inventories; conducting procurement transactions with control of execution according to deadlines, specifications and amounts; accounting of goods accepted for consignment
  • Execution (registration) of contracts and invoices for the purchase of inventory items in any currency.
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations at the stages of contracts.
  • Registration of acts of work performed by third-party organizations or services provided.
  • Registration of commodity and payment documents in any currency based on contracts and invoices.
  • Preparation of consignment agreements.
  • Reports on purchasing transactions.

Subsystem Inventory

    maintaining a card file of the enterprise's goods, recording the movement and balances of inventories in the enterprise's warehouses
  • Support for an arbitrary number of inventory storage locations using various storage schemes.
  • Operational and accounting accounting of inventory in value and physical terms.
  • Registration of goods movement documents in any currency.
  • Maintaining batch and grade inventory records in warehouses.
  • Control of expiration dates for batch goods.
  • Support for various accounting policies and methods of writing off inventories.
  • Possibility of calculating the actual cost of received goods and materials, taking into account associated costs (services).
  • Calculation of the cost of inventories.
  • Card index of warehouse records and batches of stocks.
  • Accounting for goods in the warehouse by owner.
  • Reports on the movement of goods.

Sales subsystem

    accounting for sales of inventories, works and services; conducting sales transactions with their full control; formation of a price list; accounting of goods transferred for consignment
  • Preparation of contracts and invoices for sales in any currencies.
  • Monitoring the execution of multi-stage contracts.
  • Registration of acts of completed work.
  • Maintaining an arbitrary number of price lists.
  • Flexible configuration of rules for calculating selling prices.
  • Possibility of accounting for the expected receipt of goods and reserving ordered goods.
  • Maintaining agreements on the transfer of goods for consignment.
  • Accounting for the movement of consigned goods.
  • Control of mutual settlements with exporters.
  • Generating sales reports.
  • Generating the necessary printed forms of invoices and contracts.

    Accounting programs

Subsystem Taxes

    maintaining a tax classifier, tax accounting, monitoring mutual settlements with the budget and generating tax reporting
  • Preparation of invoices for shipment, receipt of goods (work, services) and receipt of advances against the upcoming shipment of goods (work, services).
  • Maintaining a purchase book and a sales book.
  • Maintaining a tax directory.
  • Maintaining a tax chart of accounts.
  • Maintaining a register of tax accrual certificates.
  • Control of settlements with the budget for each tax.
  • Maintaining a directory of tax models.
  • Formation of analytical tax accounting registers.
  • Collection of data for calculating the tax base for income tax
  • Formation of tax reporting.
  • Possibility of maintaining tax records using a simplified taxation system.
  • Calculation of the single tax on imputed income.
  • Formation of a ledger for accounting income and expenses using a simplified taxation system.
  • Ability to calculate the tax base and tax amounts for each tax.

Subsystem General Ledger

    Accounting: maintaining a book of business transactions, maintaining a register of transactions, generating external and internal accounting reports
  • Maintaining a chart of accounts with support for 4 levels of analytical accounting.
  • Possibility of reorganizing the chart of accounts.
  • Account assignment of primary documents.
  • Maintaining a general journal and journal entries.
  • Accounting for currency transactions.
  • Using the mechanism of standard postings when assigning documents.
  • Creation of new standard transactions.
  • Maintaining a directory of cost items.
  • Formation of the balance sheet for any period.
  • Formation of analytical statements for any period.
  • Preparation of special types of documents - accounting statements - in any currency.
  • Accounting for travel certificates and powers of attorney.
  • Formation of internal and external accounting reports.
  • Setting up templates for generating external reporting.
  • Management of accounting periods.

Subsystem Property

    Maintaining property records, recording the movement of enterprise property
  • Accounting for the availability of fixed assets and intangible assets of the enterprise.
  • Accounting for the movement of enterprise property (receipt of fixed assets, their write-off and internal movement between divisions of the enterprise and materially responsible persons).
  • Monthly, quarterly or annual calculation of the amount of depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets.
  • Calculation of depreciation of fixed assets for profit tax purposes in accordance with the methods provided for by the Tax Code (linear, non-linear).
  • Accounting for the property of an enterprise that maintains tax records according to the simplified taxation system.
  • Formation of documents on changes in the cost of fixed assets.
  • Registration of operations for the transfer of inventory items from the warehouse to the operating system.
  • Maintaining a file index of the enterprise's fixed assets.

Subsystem Personnel

    formation of the organizational structure of the enterprise and maintaining personnel records
  • Accounting for the organizational structure of an enterprise.
  • Registration of hires (dismissals) and movements of employees in the form of orders.
  • Photo archive of workers.
  • Printing of individual cards in the T-2 form, orders: for employment, for vacation, etc.

Subsystem Salary

    maintaining personal accounts of employees, calculating salaries and accruals to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, generating salary entries
  • Maintaining personal accounts of employees.
  • Calculation of the amounts of accruals and deductions in the pay slips of each employee.
  • Calculation of the amounts of accruals and deductions, the amount of which is established in conventional units.
  • Calculation of the amounts of income, unified social tax and contributions to extra-budgetary funds in accordance with current legislation.
  • Calculation of taxes and contributions using a simplified taxation system and a taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income.
  • Formation of payrolls for salary payments.
  • Formation of payslips.
  • Taking into account the benefits of disabled people when calculating the unified social tax.
  • Accounting for income from previous employment.
  • Export data to pension fund programs (INPUTPSN and OASIS) and to the Taxpayer program.
  • Generating income certificates for individuals and Individual cards to record the amounts of the single social tax.
  • Automatic generation of transactions.

Subsystem Budgets

    The purpose of this subsystem is to form company budgets and monitor the compliance of planned and actual indicators.

Subsystem Directories

    maintaining system-wide classifiers used by various sections of the program
  • Directory of currencies.
  • Directory of partners.
  • Nomenclature reference book.
  • Directory of units of measurement.
  • Directory of regions.
  • Directory of banks.
  • Directory of standard contents for creating documents.
  • Directory of cost items.

Subsystem Setting

    By means of this subsystem, the basic parameters of BEST-OFFICE operation and system administration are configured.


  • Developing system capabilities using the built-in VBA (Visual Basic for Application) language


The system is implemented using MS Visual Studio 6.0, MS Access 2000 is used as the DBMS.


  • Processor Pentium -133 MHz
  • RAM – 32 Mb

IT Co. BOSS management system.

The functionality of the comprehensive integrated management system BOSS covers all the main business processes of the organization:

ü management and accounting

ü financial management

ü personnel management

ü logistics

ü marketing and sales

ü production management

ü office work and document flow.

The system consists of separate, completely independent and at the same time integrated products. This allows you to create an enterprise system in stages, starting with the functional unit whose automation is most relevant at the moment.

BOSS-CORPORATION is a full-scale financial and economic management system designed for large corporations and trade associations. Consists of four interacting subsystems (finance, logistics, marketing and personnel).

This system is distinguished by ease of setup and adaptation, openness of source materials, scalability, reliability, and focus on the Russian specifics of accounting.

ERP systems.

General characteristics of ERP systems.

The main purpose of ERP systems is to automate the processes of planning, accounting and management in the main areas of activity of the enterprise and therefore Enterprise Resources Planning systems - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in general terms can be considered as an integrated set of the following main subsystems:

ü Financial management

ü Material flow management

ü Production management

ü Project management

ü Service management

ü Quality management

ü Personnel management

The given sequence of functional subsystems does not pretend to be complete and reflects the main activities of the enterprise. Each of the listed subsystems may include functional blocks, which can also be designed as separate subsystems. For example, the material flow management subsystem, as a rule, includes a functionally complete “Transport Management” block for drawing up schedules and transport schemes for delivery, planning and transport management.

BEST programs

The listing does not indicate the information support subsystem for reengineering (enterprise modeling), etc.

At the same time, the subsystems for managing material flows, production/projects, and service maintenance collectively form the information logistics system of the enterprise (supply logistics, storage, transport logistics, production logistics, sales logistics, etc.)

Rice. 1 Simplified supply chain diagram

The following are considered resources for planning:

ü Cash

ü Material and technical resources

ü Capacities (machines and equipment, warehouses and storage areas, transport units, labor resources, etc.)

Most of these subsystems have functionality that allows planning of materials and equipment and capacities and transforming them into the corresponding needs for financial resources.

Financial management.

In general, financial management can be represented as four functional levels (Fig. 2):

ü Financial planning of the enterprise (Financial plan)

ü Financial control of activities (Budgets and budgetary control)

ü Control over financial processes (Control of financial transactions)

ü Implementation of financial processes (Conducting financial transactions)

The two lower levels represent processes that are fairly independent of the type of activity. (An example would be standard operations for registration of incoming and outgoing invoices, bank statements, transactions with fixed assets, etc.)

The top two levels largely depend on the type of activity of the enterprise, because At these levels, the features of the organization of management accounting of the enterprise are determined. For example, for the type of activity “Assembly to order”, from the point of view of financial planning and control, cost centers (divisions) and cost units - manufactured products - can be determined. For the activity type “Design to order”, design projects can be defined as objects of financial monitoring.

Rice. 2 General functional levels of the financial management subsystem Financial planning of the enterprise.

In the financial subsystems of ERP systems, as a rule, it is assumed that there are two ways to draw up a financial plan:

ü Bottom - up;

ü From top to bottom;

In the case of using the bottom-up method, the relevant parts of the financial plan are formed in lower divisions, after which the system aggregates them.

When using the opposite method, the main indicators of estimates are determined by upper level hierarchy of the enterprise, after which they are detailed at lower levels.

Financial plans and budgets, the number of which at the preparation stage, as a rule, is not limited by the system, may have different versions, modifications and features. As a result, one is accepted as a worker, which is approved and declared in the system as current.

All financial plans and budgets are based on the general ledger accounts and the management structure of the enterprise (centers of financial responsibility, cost units, ...) previously described in the system, which determines the distribution of the integral estimate indicator for the period according to the general ledger account in accordance with the structure of analytical (managerial) accounting objects (responsibility centers, cost units,...).

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The BEST-5 enterprise management system has been developed since 2001 by a large team of specialists in information technology, management, accounting and tax accounting. The system is developing dynamically, adapting to legislation, absorbing new ideas and experience of application in many enterprises. She is a reliable business assistant in solving the most pressing problems facing the enterprise.

System advantages

  • The system has an affordable, low sales and maintenance price.
  • Upon purchase, discounts of up to 50% are provided. The flexible pricing policy of the BEST Company offers the purchase of the BEST system in arbitrary configurations and for the required number of workstations required by a specific user.
  • You can install the system yourself or invite a specialist.
  • The system update is carried out centrally by the developer - this means that the released updates are suitable for any system configuration, adapted by the user to the needs of each enterprise while maintaining all its individual settings.
  • Updates can be obtained by simply downloading them from the corporate website of the BEST Company and installing them yourself or using the services of a supporting organization.
  • As part of the system support, there is a consultation hotline: electronic - “YOUR QUESTION” and a multi-channel telephone line.
  • The system is integrated with office suite MS Office and the free Open Office package.
  • The system can work in local and network versions on computers running operating systems Windows family: XP/2000/Vista/2003/2008/Win 7/. To work in a network version with 10 or more workstations, it is optimal to use the terminal version of work. Also, the terminal mode of operation has proven itself well when working with remote branches and divisions

Application area

    The BEST-5 enterprise management system is intended for use by small and medium-sized enterprises. It provides operational, accounting, tax and management accounting, planning and control of economic activities.

    It is used by commercial organizations, state (municipal) budgetary, government and autonomous institutions and private entrepreneurs. Among them:

  • Wholesale and retail trade
  • Manufacturing and construction
  • Services sector
  • Pharmacies
  • Catering
  • Sanatorium-resort institutions
  • Utilities
  • Public organizations
  • Education, science, culture
  • Children's preschool institutions
  • State (municipal) institutions.

The system can be used to keep records at one enterprise, at an arbitrary number of unrelated enterprises, as well as in an arbitrary group of companies with a single owner or common management.

Functional composition

  • Finance.
    A group of applications designed for accounting, tax and management accounting. Solve the problems of financial planning of economic activities, accounting for funds, maintaining contracts, settlements with partners and employees, accounting for property, and generating financial and tax reporting for the enterprise.
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  • Logistics.
    Group of applications for effective management purchasing, inventory and sales. Implements comprehensive accounting of goods, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Provides sales management in wholesale and retail trade, as well as in mobile trade. Solves the problems of accounting for the implementation of works/services and managing the work of the enterprise's motor transport services.


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  • Production.
    A group of applications for planning and accounting of production activities in assembly and complex industries (woodworking, dairy industry, meat processing, oil refining, etc.).
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  • Staff.
    Application group, problem solver personnel records, time sheets and settlements with personnel for wages.
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In addition, there is a set of free applications that are designed to maintain the database, configure the system, and maintain general classifiers. This also includes an integrated program development environment.

  • Industry solutions
    This group combines applications that are key functional components of various industry solutions created on the basis of the BEST-5 system.
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  • Technical requirements

      The BEST-5 system is a 32-bit Windows application, and from version 3.4 it also operates under 64-bit MS Windows operating systems.
      The system can be operated on any computer running this environment, Windows: XP/2000/Vista/2003/2008/Win 7/. It can work on one computer or on a local network. There are no restrictions on the network operating system. The system uses a distributed data processing model using an application server. To run the application server, you need a computer running Windows.

    Company "Intellect-Service"

    “BEST-PRO” - enterprise management system

    Effective management of a modern enterprise cannot be imagined without the use of information technologies. To make a specific decision, sometimes it is necessary to analyze a very large amount of information, which is impossible to collect and process manually. In addition, the analyzed parameters are in constant development, that is, they are constantly changing, and these changes must be monitored.

    More recently on the market software products Another enterprise management system has appeared. The Intellect-Service company presented its new development - the BEST-PRO system. Compared with previous programs (in particular, with the most widespread system “BEST-4”), new system is distinguished by its focus on enterprise management.

    The main advantage of the BEST-PRO system is that it allows the user to maintain accounting, operational and management records based on the same primary documents. The system retains the document-based operating principle. This principle means that all required by the user internal and external reporting is generated automatically based on user-entered primary documents.

    The range of users for whom the BEST-PRO system is designed has also expanded. There are several delivery options for this system: for industrial enterprises, for trade and service enterprises. Each delivery includes the optimal set functionality oriented to the corresponding type of enterprise. The scale of activity and the number of employees can be any - the system is able to support accounting for enterprises of many thousands.

    In the structure of the system, regardless of the delivery option, several large blocks can be distinguished: accounting, operational, management accounting, salaries and personnel. The ability to maintain personnel records is also new for the BEST series programs.

    The system's approach to workplace organization has fundamentally changed.

    Each workplace can be customized by defining the set of functionality allowed for it. In other words, each user has a strictly limited set of rights when working with the system. This organization of system operation significantly increases the reliability of data protection from unauthorized access.

    The user first reflects all financial and economic transactions in operational accounting. Operational accounting data is the foundation for effective management of the current activities of the enterprise. In the BEST-PRO program, special functions allow you to quickly obtain information necessary when planning and managing an existing enterprise: the status of mutual settlements with counterparties, fulfillment of obligations under contracts, current cash balances, expected payments and receipts, etc. Data is provided without any distortions, as they were recorded in the system, in real time. The system allows you to fully control the current state of mutual settlements with counterparties in any currency without using accounting.

    An important feature of operational accounting is that its data is based only on primary documents and is not associated with the need for immediate execution of accounting entries. This feature allows you to fundamentally change the organization of work and redistribute functions. Since the transfer of data through accounting can be delayed in time, a significant part of the operations (mainly routine) for the formation and processing of primary documents and operational analysis and planning can be carried out by personnel who do not have accounting training. These could be managers, storekeepers, forwarders, etc. This organization of work greatly facilitates the work of an accountant and allows him to concentrate on analytical work. In addition, independent maintenance of operational accounting allows you to quickly find and correct errors in primary documents, generate and adjust entries immediately before the end of the reporting period, when you can take into account the latest changes in legislation, including those introduced retroactively, and the financial and economic situation .

    Another characteristic feature of the BEST-PRO system is that it provides the ability to simultaneously work on different workstations in DOS and WINDOWS modes. This allows you to combine the advantages of different operating systems: the DOS mode ensures high performance of the program (this, in particular, is extremely important for large volumes of document flow), and the WINDOWS mode ensures high-quality printing of reports and primary documents (for example, banking), export of documents and reports in WORD AND EXCEL, creation of graphic images of documents and other additional features.

    The BEST-PRO system is distinguished by its high speed of processing large volumes of data and high security against unauthorized access. The system is implemented in the Btrieve DBMS in the C++ programming language, designed to work in local and network modes online operating systems NOVELL, WINDOWS 95/NT.

    In addition, the system has a number of unique capabilities implemented in the “CONTRACT MANAGEMENT” module. Fully integrated into the operational and accounting modules, this unit offers great flexibility. The set of standard agreements supplied as a standard set meets the needs of a large number of enterprises and includes leasing agreements, rental agreements, contract agreements, service agreements, barter agreements, consignment agreements, etc. The template settings mode allows you to customize contracts for any type of activity. The module implements the ability to maintain long-term contracts with periodic payments, multi-stage contracts with various control parameters of the stages. Provides flexible linking of primary documents to the contract, tracking and control of contract implementation, calculation and accrual of penalties, analysis of contractual activities.

    We will tell you about working with this module in more detail.

    Capabilities of the “Contract Management” module

    The “Contract Management” module is designed to record contractual activities and provides the user with the following capabilities.

    1. Maintaining agreements and contracts in the usual text form.
    2. Support for types of contractual activities:
    • rent;
    • exhibition activities;
    • purchase and sale;
    • barter;
    • consignment;
    • contract;
    • others.
    1. Support for a large number of contract templates different types contractual activities.
    2. Support for multicurrency accounting.
    3. Drawing up a complete specification and calculating the contract estimate.
    4. Maintaining a calendar plan for contract execution.
    5. Monitoring current receivables/payables under executed contracts.
    6. Calculation and accrual of penalties.
    7. Reduction of settlement balances under the contract as a whole, by accounts and stages of the contract.

    The formation of a contract and a description of its stages occurs in the “Maintaining a file of contracts” menu, and monitoring the progress of fulfillment of contractual obligations in the “Control of contract execution” menu.

    After registration and approval of the contract, it appears in the register of executable contracts and becomes available in other modules of the system.

    In the course of further work, you can generate invoices, orders, payments and invoices, documenting the execution of stages under the contract. The document linking scheme is as follows: invoices and orders are “linked” to contracts; and invoices, certificates of completed work and payments can be “linked” both to invoices and directly to the contract.

    In the “Mutual settlements with counterparties” menu, you can quickly monitor the current status of mutual settlements at the counterparty, agreement and account level. Analysis of contractual activities is carried out in the “Contract execution control” menu and the “Reports” menu.


    Before you start working with the module, you must configure it. Setting up contractual activities consists of the following steps:

    • creating types of contracts that are used in the enterprise;
    • filling out reference books necessary for preparing and maintaining contracts in the system;
    • adjustment of contract text templates.

    For each type of contractual activity, contract templates are provided. The agreement template includes the text of the agreement, a set of standard operations, names of the parties and the type of movement of funds under the agreement.

    Setting up types of contractual activities

    The supplied program already contains a large list of customized contract templates. This list can be expanded at the user's discretion. When creating a new type of contract, you must select an existing template and then configure the following parameters:

    • type of funds flow under contracts of this type;
    • a sign of the possibility of conducting a multilateral agreement;
    • currency accounting feature;
    • type of contract card (simple or structured).

    In the contract type creation mode, you can view the available operations for the created type and edit the names of the parties to the contract. If the “multilateral agreement” parameter is set for this type, then you can add other parties to the agreement.

    Accounting software - comparison

    Adding in this case, as well as in any mode of working with the system, is carried out using the Ins key.

    The “Directory” section ensures the maintenance of autonomous directories with information necessary for the preparation of contracts.

    Subsystem directories

    The text template for the contract type can be adjusted in the “Contract Form Designer” field.

    The contract form designer is designed to prepare a template for the text of the contract and has 2 types:

    • text of the agreement;
    • structure of the contract text.

    The contract text template is structured and consists of individual clauses of the contract. The article, in turn, consists of text and fields, which are subsequently filled in in the structure card of the contract.

    You can create the structure of the contract in text form using control keys (you can create an article using the Ctrl+F3 key). Moving and typing text is carried out by analogy with a regular text editor. If the enterprise has prepared contracts in text files, then they can be imported into the system (Ctrl+F4 keys).

    When you insert a field into the text (F3 key), a hierarchical list of available fields appears, consisting of the following sections:

    Contract fields - standard contract details, which are available in all types in the contract card; these fields always have an unambiguous interpretation, no matter how many times they appear in the text of the agreement.

    • Party fields - standard details of the parties; if the contract has more than two parties, then indicate Bank details, address and other attributes of additional parties are possible only in text form.
    • Custom fields.

    After selecting a field, you need to adjust its parameters.

    Rice. 2. Directories

    Rice. 3. Simple contract card

    Rice. 4. Contract structure card

    Agreement card

    A simple card is a specification of the basic general descriptive characteristics of a contract without the ability to conduct transactions under the contract, text and specifications. It is used to maintain a contract as “brackets” that will collect operational accounting transactions for shipments and payments for settling mutual settlements.

    Simple contract card

    The structural card consists of several sections:

    • Basic data;
    • text of the agreement;
    • specification.

    Structural card of the contract. Basic data

    The text of the agreement is a screen form with the ability to adjust individual details of the agreement. Having filled out all the fields of this form, you can print the text of the agreement or save it to a file and then use it in graphic text editors. When working with a contract in the “Purchasing Management” and “Sales Management” modules, you can always call up the contract card for viewing. If the text part of the agreement is filled out, then all the terms and obligations under the agreement can be viewed in a form familiar to the user.

    The contract specification is a plan for maintaining the stages of the contract with a description of commodity items for operations and calculation of the total amount of the contract. In addition, financial sanctions associated with delays in the execution of operations, or non-compliance with obligations under the contract of both the counterparty and the enterprise itself may be described here. The calculation and accrual of sanctions occurs when an invoice is generated for this contract transaction. This section can be printed in two forms: as a specification (estimate) of the contract or as a calendar plan for the implementation of the stages of the contract.

    Structural card of the contract. Specification

    Exist following types operations that differ appearance and processing logic:

    • goods supply;
    • provision of premises for rent;
    • provision of property for rent;
    • sale of goods and services;
    • provision of utilities;
    • prepayment;
    • penalties.

    When you insert operations into a specification, they fall into different sections:

    • operations (stages of the contract);
    • payment (procedure for payment for stages of the contract);
    • penalties.

    Rice. 5. Structural card of the contract. Specification

    The total amount of the contract is calculated based on the amounts of incoming or outgoing transactions, depending on the type of movement of funds under the contract. The “Movement type” parameter is configured for the contract type and is not subject to further editing. If the contract does not have a single transaction (or for a simple card), then the total amount is entered manually.

    Monitoring the execution of contracts

    During the preparation of the contract, it is recorded in the register of contracts and has the status “Draft”. After preparing and executing the contract, its status can be changed to “Approved”, and it will appear in the register of executed contracts.

    With an agreement that has the “Approved” status, the user can perform the following operations:

    • control the obligations of both the counterparty and the enterprise itself in terms of deadlines;
    • generate invoices payable/receivable for contract transactions;
    • create orders for suppliers and buyers for commodity transactions under the contract;
    • reduce the balance of settlements under the contract on the basis of primary operational accounting documents;
    • control current receivables/payables under the contract.

    When monitoring the execution of a contract, the user can online view current settlements under the contract. Based on operational documents “linked” to accounts and the contract from the “Purchasing Management”, “Sales Management” and “Cash” subsystems (payments, invoices and certificates of work performed), the current receivables and payables under the contract are displayed.

    Execution of the contract. Calculations

    In the “Accounts” section, you can create invoices for payment and receipt for contract transactions and control the balance for each account.

    The “Orders” section appears only for those contracts that have operations related to the shipment of goods in the specification. Based on the planned purchase of goods, you can create orders for suppliers, for a planned sale - orders to customers and reserve goods in the warehouse.

    Rice. 6. Execution of the contract

    To “link” various documents that appear during the execution of the contract to contracts, the “External Correspondence” mode is intended.

    After making a decision to close mutual settlements under the agreement, you must change its status to “Closed”. Then no changes can be made to this agreement and it will not be accessible from other modules of the system. For further analysis of the contractual activity of an enterprise, there are several types of “closed” contract status:

    • “Closed” - all obligations stipulated by this agreement have been fulfilled;
    • “Terminated” - refusal to fulfill contractual obligations in the event of impossibility of fulfillment, as well as in case of violation of the contract by one of the parties;
    • “Cancelled” is a refusal to fulfill the contract due to significantly changed circumstances (outside the control of either party).

    Analysis of contract activities

    Planning of activities under the contract is carried out at the time of preparation of the contract card in the “Specification” section. Execution and control of obligations is carried out when performing operations planned under the contract in the “Execution Control” module. Here you can analyze the implementation of the contract plan based on deadlines and document specifications.

    General analysis for different types of contractual activities is carried out in the reports supplied with the system. Using reports you can:

    • view the consolidated register of contracts;
    • issue an operational summary of counterparties who have entered into agreements with the enterprise;
    • withdraw debts under executing contracts on a specific date;
    • check calculations for a specific agreement, etc.

    Thus, in the contractual activity accounting module, you can obtain complete information about the state of affairs under any contract in various sections. Information is provided online and allows the user to make management decisions in accordance with the real state of affairs.

    Natalia Soboleva

    "Intellect-Service" company


    The lion's share of every working day of the average enterprise manager is consumed by solving numerous small current problems, overcoming all sorts of problems and inconsistencies, not to mention the banal routine. As a result, against the backdrop of a permanent rush, with the daily “closing” of some “embrasures” and the emergence of new ones, the most important thing is lost, namely, the ability to objectively assess the present and lay the foundation for the future, i.e. think about business development strategy. And, despite the fact that all the staff, as they say, are “on the job”, working in a tense working rhythm, forgetting about lunch breaks and vacations, the company’s efficiency does not correspond to the desired value. Is it possible to somehow influence this situation and conduct your activities more productively?

    Obviously, one of the main reasons for unsuccessful “patching holes” in enterprise management is the low quality of information available to management. Unstructured, inconsistent, inaccurate (sometimes deliberately distorted) and, moreover, irrelevant information about the state of affairs reduces the likelihood of making the right decisions and threatens the well-being of the business. On the contrary, obtaining complete and reliable information at the right time allows you to plan and balance all the company’s resources, objectively evaluate costs and results of work, and establish full-fledged management of material and cash flows.

    The most effective means of getting rid of spontaneous, rather than carefully calibrated, actions in the market and assessing key business indicators “by eye” is the use of information systems.

    “What about accountants?” – all those who don’t trust will ask computer technologies. Yes, accounting really is at the center of things, or rather, at the intersection point information flows companies. However, all data on economic activity collected by accountants is processed and analyzed according to the rules dictated by regulatory authorities. Therefore, a quick “translation” of all this information into a language understandable to management services results in an additional burden for accountants who are exhausted from digging through a heap of documents and solving various “puzzles” related to changes in current legislation and minimizing tax payments.

    In addition, the content of any accounting report is essentially a historical reference telling about “what happened,” while operational business management requires answers to the questions: “what do we have now?”, “what is needed to solve this or that problem.” ? and that will be?".

    “Is it worth investing in computers and programs if there are constant gaps in the budget?” – those who are used to saving on everything will ask. In fact, the money spent on accounting and management automation will certainly pay off. Firstly, continuous monitoring and detailed analysis of financial and commodity flows will help to avoid investing money in unpromising business projects, block loopholes for the “diversion” of goods and money, reduce unreasonable costs and improve the quality of customer service. Secondly, the application information system will sharply reduce the number of errors in accounting and will allow you not to “inflate” the staff of the enterprise by attracting new accounting employees. Thirdly, enterprise automation will make it possible to save valuable working time spent on issuing a large number of similar business documents, and use it for other, more important business purposes.

    Meet: "BEST OFFICE 2.0"

    How not to drown in the ocean of a market economy while maintaining and increasing your income? How to submit a balance sheet and other financial statements on time and without extra effort? Answers to these and many other questions can be obtained using the new BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system (Fig. 1), released by Intellect-Service, the developer of the popular BEST series software products.

    The BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system is a new generation software product, created using advanced technologies from Microsoft Corporation and aimed at small enterprises representing the trade and service industries. The main purpose of the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system is uninterrupted information and analytical support for executives, managers and accounting departments. It should be noted that the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system provides comprehensive automation of the enterprise and is based on a unified information platform.

    What are the main advantages of this program? On the one hand, this is a “boxed” software product with an affordable price for everyone, with a minimum of implementation costs and, no less important, with an absolutely simple interface that is understandable to anyone, even a novice user. On the other hand, the principles of constructing the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system are fully consistent with the generally accepted logic of doing business.

    Therefore, the starting point in the BEST OFFICE 2.0 system is not accounting entries, but transactions and transactions performed, which can either be documented or carried out on the basis of an oral agreement. In other words, information basis for making decisions on business management is operational accounting. As for accounting, it represents the last stage in reflecting the events that have occurred. Moreover, if you wish, you can completely refuse to use the accounting subsystem.

    Rice. 1. Main menu of the “BEST-OFFICE 2.0” system

    Rice. 2. Control of mutual settlements

    As part of operational accounting, data on payments, purchases, sales and inventory movements in the enterprise’s warehouses is recorded. The tasks of operational accounting are solved by employees whose responsibilities include the supply, storage and sale of inventory, as well as works and services.

    By bringing together all the information registered in operational accounting, the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system constantly keeps the manager informed of what is happening at the enterprise, drawing a complete current picture of the state of cash, inventory, fulfillment of accepted obligations and debt to the budget, business partners, etc.

    We emphasize that all this happens even before the creation of accounting records based on documents. If necessary, the entire “painted” business picture (literally with a few mouse clicks) can be disassembled into details for a more in-depth study. Thus, by analyzing the receivables of a particular business partner (Fig. 2), the user can find out in a matter of seconds what “elements” this amount was made up of, quickly become familiar with the history of these business relationships, and quickly “raise” all the necessary shipping and payment documents and find out the “commodity” content of the debt that has arisen. Using the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system, you can receive reports, statements and certificates that allow you to analyze your product and financial flows in a variety of aspects - by date, by business partners, managers, cost items, etc. The only thing that will be required of you and your employees is to carefully enter all documents into the database day after day, hour after hour, and the rest of the load will fall on BEST-OFFICE 2.0.

    As a result, using the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system in your work, you will be able to:

    • optimize the assortment structure and not invest in purchasing slow-selling goods,
    • carry out a competent pricing policy,
    • fulfill your obligations regarding deliveries and payments accurately and on time,
    • increase sales volumes and surround yourself with profitable clients,
    • reduce costs,
    • objectively evaluate the performance of each employee,
    • carefully plan the development of your business, calculating the benefits of each step.

    BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system: a tool for accounting and management

    Not every software product addressed to small businesses can be proud of such a rich palette of functionality that the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system has. Using the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system, you can successfully solve such accounting and management tasks as:

    • maintaining contracts;
    • accounting of mutual settlements;
    • control and analysis of financial flows;
    • accounting of purchases, inventory and sales;
    • HR and payroll accounting;
    • accounting of fixed assets;
    • accounting and tax accounting;
    • analysis of revenue, profit, products and clientele.

    Therefore, the BEST OFFICE 2.0 program is a truly powerful tool that can provide real assistance to almost every employee of the enterprise.

    As you know, each company constantly enters into various business contacts with other market participants, purchasing and selling goods, products and services. Each transaction concluded with one or another business partner involves certain amounts, nomenclature and deadlines.

    Depending on the terms of a particular agreement, one of its participants makes deliveries, and the other pays for them. Accordingly, there is a need to control the ratio of payments and deliveries, i.e. transaction balance. Often, simultaneous work is carried out on several agreements with the same partner. Thus, constant monitoring of the fulfillment of obligations is required, both at the level of each transaction and for the business partner as a whole.

    It is clear that the higher the business activity of an organization, the more difficult it is to track the movement of financial and commodity flows for all obligations. Meanwhile, incomplete or inaccurate information about the state of mutual settlements creates favorable conditions for loss of income, shortage of working capital and conflicts with business partners.

    BEST (programs)

    Moreover, information about mutual settlements must be prompt, i.e. be provided upon request and cover the latest business events.

    Each company decides how to process a transaction in its own way. In some situations this may be a contract or invoice, while in others it may simply be a verbal agreement. However, be that as it may, the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system, without missing the smallest detail, will monitor the progress of its execution. If goods are shipped to one enterprise, and all the necessary payments are made by another, then the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system will easily deal with this, helping in carrying out the appropriate offsets.

    Moreover, the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 program also provides such an opportunity as working with multi-stage contracts and, accordingly, monitoring the fulfillment of obligations for each stage, carried out at the level of terms and amounts. At the same time, the program promptly notifies the user of violations of the schedule.

    Another advantage of the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system is the maintenance of hidden continuous inventory of goods by batch, which is very convenient for operational accounting of commodity flows. If necessary, you can track the expiration dates for each batch.

    In addition to working with sales and purchase agreements, the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 program will also help in accounting for consignment agreements (Fig. 3). Thus, if the item being sold is not the property of the company, but is taken on consignment, then the program will independently track when and to whom these goods were sold and, based on the results of these sales, taking into account previous payments and returns, will automatically calculate the amounts that should be pay their owners. Similarly, when selling goods on consignment terms, the program will monitor the entire history of their sale, process reports from selling companies and give a detailed picture of mutual settlements.

    Fig.3. Consignment agreement card

    Concerning general organization sales management, then in the BEST OFFICE 2.0 program you can maintain any number of price lists - in rubles and foreign currencies - and flexibly configure the rules for calculating selling prices.

    The capabilities of the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system are complemented by a new information and analytical program designed to support the head of an enterprise, which is called “Director”. Internet technologies were used in the development of this program, and it is built into the Microsoft Corporation Web navigator, i.e. Internet Explorer. This system helps to find the answer to the most important business question: what, when and in what quantity should be purchased in order to get maximum profit? Therefore, it provides detailed analysis of current and historical data. The objects of analysis in the system are revenue, profit, customers and inventory. Using this program, business managers will be able to identify the pros and cons of their assortment and pricing policies, find true “leaders” and “outsiders” in inventory, rationally plan purchases, avoid investing in slow-moving goods, and surround themselves with profitable suppliers and solvent buyers.

    "BEST OFFICE 2.0": everything for an accountant

    The advantage of the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system also lies in the fact that it provides for the assessment of business activities from both a managerial and accounting perspective.

    What is attractive about the BEST OFFICE 2.0 program from the point of view of accounting?

    Firstly, all documents entered in the subsystems “responsible” for operational accounting immediately fall into the possession of the accounting department. Secondly, accountants do not necessarily have to make entries on them right away: the reports necessary for operational business management can be obtained in other functional blocks of the program. Thirdly, since the main burden of business analysis falls on operational accounting subsystems, accountants will be able to conduct analytical accounting exactly as they need, using from one to four analytical features (vectors) at once - by accounting centers (partners, divisions, employees, storage locations, etc.), by settlement centers (transactions), by product centers (items) and by cost centers (items).

    In addition, the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system carries out operational calculations of the turnover balance. By viewing it on a computer screen, an accountant can immediately open any turnover, see its “documentary content,” and, if necessary, make corrections to documents or postings (Fig. 4).

    Rice. 4. Analysis of the balance sheet for the selected account

    And, of course, the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system will help solve problems in such accounting areas as fixed asset accounting and payroll. Let us note that this program fully supports the new legislation of 2001, namely, work with the new Chart of Accounts, new rules for calculating personal income tax, and calculates the unified social tax.

    The BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system has created comfortable conditions for organizing tax accounting. With its help, accountants can set up various algorithms for calculating taxes and fees, draw up documents for the calculation and transfer of tax payments, and quickly track debt for each type of tax to the budget and extra-budgetary funds.

    Thus, the BEST-OFFICE 2.0 system has all the necessary tools for building well-functioning management and accounting and, accordingly, for effective management.

    Yulia Banina, company expert

    Copyright © 1994-2016 K-Press LLC



    Industry solutions

    The BEST-OFFICE system is simple and powerful tool accounting, planning and analysis of economic activities of small and medium-sized businesses. Distinctive feature system is focused on business management. Given the general shortage of working capital, the only way to stable development of an enterprise is the transition from intuitive management to regular management. The BEST-OFFICE software package not only provides assistance in solving this problem, but is also a kind of educational tool for enterprise management. The use of a built-in programming language allows, if necessary, to adapt the system to almost any business needs.

    General view of the "BEST-OFFICE" program

    The BEST-OFFICE software package is designed to automate management, accounting and tax accounting in small and medium-sized businesses specializing in the field of wholesale trade and services.

    The concept of building the BEST-OFFICE system is based on the fact that, on the one hand, to make the work of accounting workers as easy as possible, on the other hand, to provide management and management personnel with the opportunity to quickly access information about the state of affairs at the enterprise for making management decisions.

    BEST-OFFICE is a full-featured system. After installing and configuring the system, you do not need to purchase or install any additional components. Using the included built-in programming language VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the user can practically unlimitedly expand the functionality of the system on their own. At the same time, you can take full advantage of the integrated MS Office environment, for example, connect MS Word to BEST OFFICE and create any documents and reports using all the capabilities of this word processor.

    A well-thought-out information presentation system with a large number of customized management reports makes BEST-OFFICE a reliable means of information support for making management decisions. The module for maintaining and monitoring contractual activities, the module for forming enterprise budgets and the system for accounting for mutual settlements included in BEST-OFFICE will help management personnel analyze and optimally organize the work of the enterprise. The Director analytical system, intended for management, allows you to monitor material and financial flows in real time and analyze the summary results of the enterprise.

    System functionality

    The BEST-OFFICE system consists of logically separate and at the same time interconnected subsystems. Each subsystem corresponds to a separate accounting section:

    • Subsystem Payments
    • Subsystem Calculations
    • Purchasing subsystem
    • Subsystem Inventory
    • Sales subsystem
    • Subsystem Taxes
    • Subsystem General Ledger
    • Subsystem Property
    • Subsystem Personnel
    • Subsystem Salary
    • Subsystem Budgets
    • Subsystem Directories
    • Subsystem Setting

    Subsystem Payments

      maintaining operational and accounting records of cash and non-cash funds of the enterprise
      • Cash availability and flow
      • Register of bank statements
      • Cash book
      • Accounting for the issuance of wages on payrolls

    Subsystem Calculations

      operational accounting of settlements for obligations arising as a result of various transactions
      • Maintaining a file of settlements with partners.
      • Control of receivables and payables by transaction and by partner as a whole.
      • Accrual and write-off of debt.
      • Carrying out mutual settlements.
      • Calculations with accountable persons.
      • Preparation of reports.

    Purchasing subsystem

      accounting for purchases of inventories; conducting procurement transactions with control of execution according to deadlines, specifications and amounts; accounting of goods accepted for consignment
      • Execution (registration) of contracts and invoices for the purchase of inventory items in any currency.
      • Monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations at the stages of contracts.
      • Registration of acts of work performed by third-party organizations or services provided.
      • Registration of commodity and payment documents in any currency based on contracts and invoices.
      • Preparation of consignment agreements.
      • Reports on purchasing transactions.

    Subsystem Inventory

      maintaining a card index of the enterprise's goods, recording the movement and balances of inventories in the enterprise's warehouses
      • Support for an arbitrary number of inventory storage locations using various storage schemes.
      • Operational and accounting inventory in value and in kind terms.
      • Registration of goods movement documents in any currency.
      • Maintaining batch and grade inventory records in warehouses.
      • Control of expiration dates for batch goods.
      • Support for various accounting policies and methods of writing off inventories.
      • Possibility of calculating the actual cost of received goods and materials, taking into account associated costs (services).
      • Calculation of the cost of inventories.
      • Card index of warehouse records and batches of stocks.
      • Accounting for goods in the warehouse by owner.
      • Reports on the movement of goods.

    Sales subsystem

      accounting for sales of inventories, works and services; conducting sales transactions with their full control; formation of a price list; accounting of goods transferred for consignment
      • Preparation of contracts and invoices for sales in any currencies.
      • Monitoring the execution of multi-stage contracts.
      • Registration of acts of completed work.
      • Maintaining an arbitrary number of price lists.
      • Flexible configuration of rules for calculating selling prices.
      • Possibility of accounting for the expected receipt of goods and reserving ordered goods.
      • Maintaining agreements on the transfer of goods for consignment.
      • Accounting for the movement of consigned goods.
      • Control of mutual settlements with exporters.
      • Generating sales reports.
      • Generating the necessary printed forms of invoices and contracts.

    Subsystem Taxes

      maintaining a tax classifier, tax accounting, monitoring mutual settlements with the budget and generating tax reporting
      • Preparation of invoices for shipment, receipt of goods (work, services) and receipt of advances against the upcoming shipment of goods (work, services).
      • Maintaining a purchase book and a sales book.
      • Maintaining a tax directory.
      • Maintaining a tax chart of accounts.
      • Maintaining a register of tax accrual certificates.
      • Control of settlements with the budget for each tax.
      • Maintaining a directory of tax models.
      • Formation of analytical tax accounting registers.
      • Collection of data for calculating the tax base for income tax
      • Formation of tax reporting.
      • Possibility of maintaining tax records using a simplified taxation system.
      • Calculation of the single tax on imputed income.
      • Formation of a ledger for accounting income and expenses using a simplified taxation system.
      • Ability to calculate the tax base and tax amounts for each tax.

    Subsystem General Ledger

      Accounting: maintaining a book of business transactions, maintaining a register of transactions, generating external and internal accounting reports
      • Maintaining a chart of accounts with support for 4 levels of analytical accounting.
      • Possibility of reorganizing the chart of accounts.
      • Account assignment of primary documents.
      • Maintaining a general journal and journal entries.
      • Accounting for currency transactions.
      • Using the mechanism of standard postings when assigning documents.
      • Creation of new standard transactions.
      • Maintaining a directory of cost items.
      • Formation of the balance sheet for any period.
      • Formation of analytical statements for any period.
      • Preparation of special type documents - accounting statements - in any currency.
      • Accounting for travel certificates and powers of attorney.
      • Formation of internal and external accounting reports.
      • Setting up templates for generating external reporting.
      • Management of accounting periods.

    Subsystem Property

      Maintaining property records, recording the movement of enterprise property
      • Accounting for the availability of fixed assets and intangible assets of the enterprise.
      • Accounting for the movement of enterprise property (receipt of fixed assets, their write-off and internal movement between divisions of the enterprise and materially responsible persons).
      • Monthly, quarterly or annual calculation of the amount of depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets.
      • Calculation of depreciation of fixed assets for profit tax purposes in accordance with the methods provided for by the Tax Code (linear, non-linear).
      • Accounting for the property of an enterprise that maintains tax records according to the simplified taxation system.
      • Formation of documents on changes in the cost of fixed assets.
      • Registration of operations for the transfer of inventory items from the warehouse to the operating system.
      • Maintaining a file index of the enterprise's fixed assets.

    Subsystem Personnel

      formation of the organizational structure of the enterprise and maintaining personnel records
      • Accounting for the organizational structure of an enterprise.
      • Registration of hires (dismissals) and movements of employees in the form of orders.
      • Photo archive of workers.
      • Printing of individual cards in the T-2 form, orders: for employment, for vacation, etc.

    Subsystem Salary

      maintaining personal accounts of employees, calculating salaries and accruals to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, generating salary entries
      • Maintaining personal accounts of employees.
      • Calculation of the amounts of accruals and deductions in the pay slips of each employee.
      • Calculation of the amounts of accruals and deductions, the amount of which is established in conventional units.
      • Calculation of the amounts of income, unified social tax and contributions to extra-budgetary funds in accordance with current legislation.
      • Calculation of taxes and contributions using a simplified taxation system and a taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income.
      • Formation of payrolls for salary payments.
      • Formation of payslips.
      • Taking into account the benefits of disabled people when calculating the unified social tax.
      • Accounting for income from previous employment.
      • Export data to pension fund programs (INPUTPSN and OASIS) and to the Taxpayer program.
      • Formation of income certificates individuals and Individual cards for recording the amounts of the single social tax.
      • Automatic generation of transactions.

    Subsystem Budgets

      The purpose of this subsystem is the formation of company budgets and monitoring the compliance of planned and actual indicators.

    Subsystem Directories

      maintaining system-wide classifiers used by various sections of the program
      • Directory of currencies.
      • Directory of partners.
      • Nomenclature reference book.
      • Directory of units of measurement.
      • Directory of regions.
      • Directory of banks.
      • Directory of standard contents for creating documents.
      • Directory of cost items.

    Subsystem Setting

      By means of this subsystem, the basic parameters of BEST-OFFICE operation and system administration are configured.


    • Developing system capabilities using the built-in VBA (Visual Basic for Application) language


    The system is implemented using MS Visual Studio 6.0, MS Access 2000 is used as the DBMS.


    Home / Programs / "BEST-5" / General description of the BEST-5 system


    The work of a modern enterprise is impossible without reliable and effective information support for its activities. The volume of accumulated data is constantly growing, and its processing is becoming more complex. The competitiveness and prosperity of modern business directly depend on the speed of collection and quality of analysis of information necessary for making the right management decisions. In these conditions, even small companies cannot do without the use of information management systems. Such systems include "BEST-5".

    Attention PROMOTION!!!



    01 August 2018 75 kindergartens and 5 schools in the city of Sochi are successfully working with the BEST-5 program. Nutrition"

    News "BEST-5"


    Accounting and tax accounting for OSNO, simplified tax system, UTII, includes regulated forms of primary documents and reporting to the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, Federal Tax Service. Comes pre-configured for trade enterprises and service industries. Automates areas of the enterprise: procurement, sales, warehouse, personnel, wages. Detailed activity analysis.


    Ready-made specialized solution for pharmacies. 18 years on the market. There are more than 950 pharmacies. Customized directories (more than 100 thousand items), electronic receipt, pricing control for VED (VED), counterfeits, drug quality control, applications, inventory, detailed analytical reports, information in UIAS FTS RF.


    Development and maintenance of technological maps, planned menus, menu layouts, product accounting, diet control. Printing documents by forms 0504202, 0504037, 0504308 SanPiN. Electronic database of prescription reference books for children's, medical, sanatorium nutrition and public catering.


    Accounting, operational control and analysis of inventory in various sections. The entire trajectory of movement of each type of goods - from the moment of their purchase to sale to customers. Allows you to choose the right range and prices of goods, and reduce storage costs. Successfully used by many trading companies in the Russian Federation.

    BEST-5. ALCO

    Blot accounting of wholesale and retail alcoholic products. Register 3. Integration with UTM EGAIS. Notification of the commencement of circulation of alcoholic products. Alcohol products log book . Declarations on alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in in electronic format. Help for TTN. Certificate for customs declaration. Reports to Rosstat and the Federal Tax Service.


    Everything for working with electronic veterinary certificates. Includes functionality that allows you to automate data exchange with FSIS<Меркурий>to generate and receive veterinary accompanying documents, ensure storage of the received information on veterinary accompanying documents. Intended for agricultural producers, distributors, sellers and consumers of food products.


    Everything for country accounting. Allows you to maintain accounting and tax records (USNO, OSNO), keep track of settlements with members of a gardening non-profit partnership (SNT) and other partners, and calculate wages.


    Automation of vehicle accounting, accounting of fuels and lubricants, batteries, tires, calculation of driver salaries. Card files of cars, trailers and drivers. Waybills. Accounting for refueling cars at gas stations, using fuel cards. Write-off of fuel and lubricants for operation based on actual consumption and taking into account standards. Accounting for inventory items written off for vehicle repairs.


    Automation of accounting and movement of strict reporting forms (SSR). The full path of the movement of BSO of different insurance companies from receipt to control and analysis of sales. Card file of policyholders, history of the movement of BSO. Submission of reports by branches and insurance agents electronically in Excel format.

    BEST-5. SHOP

    Management of a retail enterprise. Interaction with a wide range of commercial equipment.


    Assembly production to the warehouse or according to orders. Consumption rates for materials and semi-finished products, reference books for replacing components. Detailed and operational accounting. Planned and actual cost. Complex production. Lists of disassembly (cutting) of raw materials by type of product. Production planning.


    Personnel. Unified forms T-7, T-10, T-10a, T-54. Timesheets. Schedules, accounting by day and month, shift work of employees. Salary. Calculation of vacation and sick pay, transfers according to lists to the bank and post office. Reporting to the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund, including electronic reporting. Quarterly reporting 4-FSS, RSV-1, “On the use of insurance premiums”, annual reporting “7-injuries” and “Information on the average number of employees”.


    Current and non-current assets. Individual and group property registration cards. Accounting and tax depreciation. Any number of depreciation books. Documents of movement for all categories of property. Tracking the complete history of changes in property details. Inventory and revaluation using data collection terminals (DCTs). Accounting for precious metals.


    The provisions of federal legislation have been implemented, orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation 157n, 162n, 190n, 191n, 173n and other regulatory documents. Forms of financial documents for institutions with personal accounts in OFK. Support for electronic document management with OFK. Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets in accordance with "Instructions on budget accounting". Accounting for remuneration by sources of financing.


    The requirements of federal legislation have been implemented 174-FZ, 7-FZ, 129-FZ, orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation 33n, 173n, 183n, 157n and other regulatory documents. Accounting for subventions and subsidies, income and expenses from independent economic activities. Accounting for receipts and expenditures of targeted financing, property assigned (acquired) to the founders of property.


    Ensuring that orders are received from customers for the provision of equipment for rent and for scheduled maintenance. Formation of specialized contracts with clients: leasing agreements, pledge agreements, guarantee agreements, for repair work.Automatic generation and issuance of invoices for payment, conducting settlements with partners. Specialized reporting on leasing operations.


    Attention PROMOTION!!!


    "Info - Accountant"

    The advantage of this software in ease of installation, ease of use, system reliability and ease of learning. This is almost the only program on the huge market of accounting products that you can use right away, without going through the training phase. It is so easy and convenient to work here that even a beginner will understand the intricacies of accounting.

    In "Info - Accountant" everything is provided for the effective work of a specialist. An accounting calculator, the ability to make retrospective amendments, an integrated legal system "Garant", a report generation system, a complete set of reporting documents and much more - everything an accountant needs. In addition, the program ensures reliable storage of information and is adapted to different modes taxation, equipped with all sections of accounting and tax accounting.

    The main features of "Info - Accountant" include automatic execution of postings, as well as manual adjustments, automatic filling of all statements, the general ledger, journals - orders, maintaining analytical and synthetic accounting, calculating depreciation and wages, and much more.


    The BEST program is intended for automation of trade, manufacturing, service sector and budgetary organizations. It was created for small and medium enterprises of wholesale and retail trade, budget structures, service organizations and industrial enterprises with local network, combining up to 100 jobs with ADS. For personnel management and payroll, the “Personnel” and “Payroll” modules are used, which can be used either separately or as part of the “Integrator” complex. Structurally, the BEST system is designed as a set of interconnected software modules: setting and system utilities; Maintaining the General Ledger (workstation of the chief accountant); accounting of cash transactions; accounting of transactions with the bank; accounting of fixed assets; inventory accounting; accounting of goods and finished products; sales (sales) management; wage. The “Sales Management” module (in Western systems it is most often called “Sales Book” or “Order Placement”) performs management rather than accounting functions. It allows you to draw up orders for contractors to purchase material assets from the enterprise. The generated order serves as the basis for drawing up invoices and invoices. The described module automatically controls the quantity of goods issued from a specific warehouse. After processing all documents in the accounting system, the order is assigned the status of completed. Preparation of orders significantly reduces the time spent on managers and facilitates the planning of the enterprise's trade and purchasing strategy.

    Russian business software developer, founded in 1990 in Moscow by a team of like-minded people who set themselves the goal of creating and implementing information and management technologies that contribute to building an effective, highly profitable and competitive business at customer enterprises.
    The founders of the company previously worked in research institutes and the space industry in the field of software development for launching and landing spacecraft.

    The company began its activities in 1990 under the trademark "Intellect service". By 2002, two large and independent directions had been formed: the first was the continuation of our own development of business software and the second was the implementation of programs from other developers.
    In 2004, the direction of in-house software development under the trademark "BEST" spun off into an independent legal entity with the same name, BEST Company LLC. Here are just some of the company's development milestones:

    • 1990: Separate software products were released to the small business market: Bank, Cashier, Warehouse, Salary and Mutual settlements.
    • 1991 The first comprehensive system for automation of small enterprises was developed "Fastcalk"("Accountant").
    • 1992 software package released "BAMBY"- accounting, small business economics, which has received enormous user recognition.
    • 1993 The first version of the integrated information system was released "BEST", the name of which is an abbreviation of the company’s activities at that time: "Accounting, Economics, Warehouse, Trade."

    From 1993 to the present, BEST Company continues to develop and support software products under the brand "BEST", significantly expanding the scope of activity and the range of tasks to be solved. Now this is the development of complex systems for automation of wholesale and retail trade enterprises, including pharmacies, manufacturing enterprises in the food, alcohol, chemical industries, as well as assembly production, construction organizations, catering enterprises, public and non-profit organizations, government agencies and educational institutions.
    The company's main software product today is enterprise management system BEST-5 .

    Enterprise management system BEST-5

    BEST-5 is a comprehensive enterprise management system that organically combines classical accounting methods and modern management technologies.
    The BEST-5 enterprise management system is intended for use by enterprises (organizations) in various fields of activity and government agencies using a common (OSNO) and simplified ( USNO) taxation system, incl. payers UTII. It covers the full management cycle, including operational, accounting, tax and management accounting, planning, control and analysis of business activities at the enterprise. Provides preparation of enterprise reports in electronic form with the ability to edit and print.

    The BEST-5 system is produced in an adapted form to comply with the legislation of Belarus and Ukraine.

    BEST-5 belongs to the class of multi-user integrated systems, where the work of departments and services of the enterprise is carried out in a single information space. Thanks to this, repeated entry of the same information is eliminated, and when importing documents in electronic form, manual data entry is also eliminated. This organization of work significantly increases staff productivity and promptly supplies enterprise management with the necessary information, which creates a reliable foundation for making the right management decisions.

    To ensure complete control over the activities of holdings (groups of enterprises, geographically remote divisions), bidirectional data exchange has been implemented between the central complex (parent enterprise) and remote branches (divisions) using a data replication mechanism between similar BEST-5 applications.

    The BEST-5 system operates in Windows environment, integrated with the office suite MS Office and with a freeware package Open Office. The report generator is used as a built-in reporting designer, as well as templates for various printed forms. FastReport. There is also the possibility of external exchange of information in electronic form - import/export of data in various formats: XML, MS Excel, Open Office, DBF, text, etc.

    The main emphasis in adapting the BEST-5 system to the needs of a specific user enterprise is on advanced parametric configuration, which provides quick start systems into operation without the involvement of programming specialists and which is sufficient for most situations. At the same time, along with parametric settings, the system has built-in programming tools designed to adapt and expand the range of system capabilities.
    The first, simplest level is the ability to develop small programs (PlugIn) while maintaining the basic functionality of the system, without changing its business logic. The second level is the provision of a full-fledged built-in development environment XBA (Xbase for Application).
    The freely supplied XBA development environment is used to create and develop applications, modes and functions of the BEST-5 system itself and is provided to all its users for writing any functional components - even developing applications from scratch. XBA includes an integrated development environment, a built-in debugger, and an object-oriented development language Xbase++.

    Industry solutions BEST-5

    Based on an enterprise management system BEST-5 Many industry-specific solutions have been developed that contain functions and industry-specific settings to automate business processes and legal accounting requirements specific to a particular industry:

    • "BEST-5. Car insurance. Insurance Broker"- a solution for insurance brokers, designed to automate the accounting and movement of strict reporting forms (SSR). Tracks the full path of movement of BSO of different insurance companies from receipt to control and analysis of sales, including in branches and agents. A file of policyholders is maintained, the history of the movement of BSO in the context of each insurance company for reconciliations, etc. with the ability to submit reports by branches and insurance agents electronically in Excel format.
    • "BEST-5. ALCO"- for enterprises producing and selling alcoholic products wholesale and retail, includes the automatic generation of declarations for alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (including beer), in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.
    • "BEST-5. Pharmacy"- intended for automation of retail and wholesale trade in medicines, medical products and related products. Covers the full management cycle from ordering and accounting for mutual settlements with suppliers to monitoring and analyzing business activities in pharmacies, retail pharmacies, pharmacy chains, pharmaceutical companies, hospital pharmacies, clinics and sanatoriums. The system comes with a customized nomenclature directory (more than 100 thousand items), an INN directory, a state register of prices for vital and essential drugs, a directory of pharmaceutical groups, a directory of suppliers, a directory of manufacturing countries, a directory of manufacturing companies.
    • "BEST-5. State institution"- a comprehensive solution for state (municipal) institutions. Fully takes into account the list of requirements for accounting in state, budget and autonomous institutions.
    • "BEST-5. Shop"- solution for retail businesses. Keeping records using cash register equipment, interacts with cash register programs and other specialized retail equipment. Operational analysis of assortment, purchasing and sales, aimed at middle and senior managers. Reports on sales volumes in various sections, ranking of sales by income and gross profit, ABC sales analysis with controlled division of assortment into groups, etc.
    • "BEST-5. My business" is a ready-made comprehensive solution adapted for small businesses of all forms of ownership operating in the field of trade and services using a common (OSNO) or simplified (USNO) tax systems, incl. who are payers UTII.
    • "BEST-5. Nutrition"- a solution for automating food accounting and food calculations at catering establishments, medical and sanatorium-resort type, social and school catering plants (CSF). For the convenience of users, these solutions are supplied with electronic collections of recipes. The solution is a convenient tool for a dietician and an accountant-calculator for developing and monitoring the implementation of a balanced diet, accounting and monitoring diets, natural nutrition standards, caloric content and chemical composition standards for each category of food and accounting for products.
    • "BEST-Food for children's organized groups"- developed jointly with FSBI "Research Institute of Nutrition" RAMS. Convenient tool for the development and control of the diet of children of different ages in terms of calorie content, chemical composition, natural standards and cost. Accounting for products in the warehouse. Meets requirements SanPiNov. The solution includes a collection of ready-made recipes.
    • "BEST-5. Production"- a solution for various manufacturing enterprises, both food and chemical, where various types of products are produced as a result of a single technological process, as well as assembly production. The solution provides comprehensive accounting of production, starting from the receipt of raw materials and materials in warehouses and ending with its transformation into various types of products. In assembly production, the solution supports two key production schemes - “to warehouse” and according to production orders. Mixed types of production are also supported. The solution provides a unique opportunity to configure product specifications taking into account the wishes of a specific customer.


    Distribution and implementation of BEST series programs in end-user organizations and enterprises is carried out through affiliate network throughout Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
    BEST Company partners range from sales agents to large distribution centers and Industry Solutions Centers that provide comprehensive implementation and subsequent advisory support for users of BEST programs.


    • Official website of the Solution Center "BEST-5.Nutrition", Samara
    • Official website of the Solution Center "BEST-5.Pharmacy", Krasnodar
    • Regional representative office of BEST in the Republic of Belarus, Minsk


    • Denishchenko, Galina Nikolaevna. Accounting automation system: BEST-4: Accounting: [Textbook. allowance] / G. N. Denishchenko, N. L. Naumova; State univ. Higher school economy. - M.: State University Higher School of Economics, 2000. - 136 p.
    • Mozhaitsev, Lev Nikolaevich. Automation of accounting using the BEST program: textbook. manual / Mozhaytsev L.N., Kuvshinov M.S., Bogomolova I.V.; Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Federation, Feder. Education Agency, South-Ural. state univ. - Chelyabinsk: SUSU Publishing House, 2004. - 103, p. : ill., table; 21 cm.
    • Fundamentals of automated accounting: educational manual / N.N. Ivanov; Saratov: Publishing house Nauka, 2007. - 133 p.
    • Information technologies in economics: (automation of solving accounting and analytical problems using the enterprise management system “BEST-53.4”): educational and methodological manual / E. N. Skripchenko [etc.]; Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Russian State. Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K. A. Timiryazeva, Dept. economic cybernetics. - Moscow: Publishing house RGAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K. A. Timiryazeva, 2009. - 134 p. : ill., table; 20 cm.

    Wikimedia Foundation.

    2010. Accounting programs are software with the help of which employees of the relevant structural unit can effectively and efficiently keep records of property and calculate the budget. The requirements for such products are set very precisely and strictly, just as calculations should be carried out in serious companies. Any mistakes are unacceptable, which means accounting programs

    An insufficiently high rank can be safely dismissed. In this article we will consider only the best software.

    Program "1C: Accounting"

    "1C" is considered the most popular and very high-quality program. Knowledge of this software is required in the list of requirements for a specialist to be hired. Reviews about it are the best.

    Peculiarities "1C: Accounting", in fact, is one of the application solutions that allows you to keep all records in one program. This means a program for accounting for several enterprises at once (if necessary); there is also the possibility of choosing different systems taxation. For ease of use and to make life easier for accounting workers, all complex processes in 1C are automated. The 1C: Accounting program fully complies with the law when using it to prepare various reports and forms. Besides, official support

    The software allows developers to work comfortably with it anywhere, anytime, without worrying about possible problems.

    "Accounting" is part of a set of application solutions from "1C: Enterprise". If desired, for a large corporation you can purchase other programs, such as “Salaries and Personnel”, “Logistics”, etc. It is worth considering that all of them are not free, but the developer allows you to order a demo version.

    "IT: Boss"

    • This is a personnel system developed by the domestic manufacturer IT. An indispensable solution for document automation under the full name “Boss-Referent” becomes the right hand for its owner, efficiently performing the following functions:
    • Assigns each document (and it can be stored both in fully electronic and scanned form) a unique number.
    • Works with text files using a specially built-in processor, similar to regular Word. Functions for working with other office documents, for example, Excel spreadsheets, are also implemented.
    • Using links to existing nodes, it creates connections between documents.
    • Directly knows how to work with database management systems (relational, which include Microsoft's "Access" and the more advanced Oracle MySQL - working with the query language of the same name in the database).
    • In addition to relational databases, it also recognizes hierarchically constructed data structures.
    • Scales.
    • Organizes a powerful information security system in the form of access control to documents.


    A free accounting program, an alternative to the popular 1C, the Parus system is somewhat similar to Accounting, but with some differences. We will consider them. Of course, both main accounting programs perform automated multi-level accounting of documentation, but in Parus all results and operations are displayed in Excel spreadsheet format.

    Who is it suitable for?

    Considering the reviews about Parus, we can safely say that it is much more suitable for medium and small companies than 1C: the statement that the latter was written for programmers, and the former directly for accountants, is more than true. This, by the way, is a double-edged sword: just as it is sometimes difficult for an accounting specialist to understand the 1C settings, the coder will not be able to carry out the necessary operations on Parus correctly, and this is not a program error, but the specifics of the profession.


    Accounting computer programs often have to be tailored to multi-level, but "Galaxy" goes even further - it covers the full spectrum of categorization - both external activities and internal ones. In fact, this is expressed in the fact that, unlike all the software products described above, it is a comprehensive solution. While accounting programs usually automate the accounting itself, Galaktika automates management, that is, the activities of all levels. The structure of this software is expressed in circuits - specialized elements, a set of modules designed to perform certain tasks of the same kind.

    There are a total of four circuits in the Galaxy, which can be used individually or combined.


    The BEST trading system is, nevertheless, a development that is successfully used in the field of accounting. Using it you can:

    • maintain current accounts;
    • control the cash register and settlements with accountable persons;
    • keep records Supplies and profits;
    • conduct calculations and control the payment of salaries.

    All these functions, as noted in the reviews, allow you to fully automate the activities of the enterprise; moreover, the interface is organized in such a way that to the average user It’s not difficult to figure it out without the help of specialized developers.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    "BEST" does not have open source and is completely closed to the user, but the system is beautifully designed so this is usually not necessary.

    If there is a need to change the software to meet the needs of a specific enterprise, you have to contact manufacturers for the appropriate built-in modules, which is an expensive operation. This can be called the main disadvantage of the BEST program.

    On the other hand, after the system is configured to work with certain operations and it is tailored to the activities of exactly the company for which it was done, BEST will become an indispensable assistant.


    The market of domestic manufacturers provides a wide selection of quality accounting products. But it’s still hard to argue with the fact that almost all of them are inferior to 1C in popularity. Important note: by popularity, but not necessarily by quality. A peculiar fashion, however, dictates its own, so that an accounting specialist first of all has to deal with this software. If a company decides to choose products that are optimal in quality, it should definitely consider Parus, Galaktika, and BEST with Boss-Resident.

    The choice of a specific program should be made based on the requirements for it:

    • for small companies it is ideal to install “Parus” - a functional system similar in properties to “1C”, but not as large-scale;
    • for companies that have a narrow profile and need to quickly automate their activities, BEST is well suited, because it can be customized “to suit you”;
    • absolute control over all parts of the enterprise, as well as external and internal activities, can be achieved using “Galaktika” - it is perfect for experienced specialists (using its four circuits separately and combining them, you can achieve high-quality accounting and auditing results);
    • large-scale enterprises with a large staff and numerous operations can safely choose the popular 1C, purchasing the entire package of its application solutions at once.



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