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What is a teletype on a telephone? Teletype - what is it: where is it used and how did this technology appear? What is teletype mode in a Lenovo phone

Some phone users, delving into the settings, come across an incomprehensible abbreviation TTY or the phrase “Teletype mode”. There may also be a characteristic icon in the status bar of the smartphone. What is a teletype on a telephone? What is it for? How to use it? All this will be discussed in this article.

Hearing problems

Unfortunately, some people have both congenital and acquired hearing problems. But this does not mean that they should be limited in the use of mobile phones. Therefore, for such people, various technologies are being invented to make life more comfortable. One of them is the use of TTY mode on mobile phones. But before talking about this mode, it is necessary to refer to the original history of the invention under the same name.

What is a teletype?

A teletypewriter (also called a teleprinter or TTY) is an electromechanical printing device that is designed to send and receive typed text messages. The connecting link between teletype devices was first a pair of wires, and a little later - a telegraph or telephone cable. These days, the communication capabilities of such devices have increased significantly.

The history of the creation of the teletype dates back to the middle of the century before last. More specifically, in 1846 such technology was first used over a long distance. A connection was established between Washington and New York.

After this, a number of inventors contributed to the further development of the teletype. This has led to the fact that today's best teleprinters for communication not only use wireless capabilities for communication, but have also moved from traditional printers to LCD screens. Next, we will examine in detail what a teletype is in Android or on other devices.

The main target audience for TTYs are people with hearing impairments. For them, this function is a very convenient tool for communicating, as well as receiving and transmitting information.

How to use a teletype?

In order to use this mode, the phone must support this function. It must be said that it is present in most devices on iOS, some smartphones on the Android and Windows platforms. To check its presence, you need to go to the device settings and look for the TTY option there. On some smartphones it is called “TTY Mode” or simply “TTY”. There are devices in which the function may be located in the accessibility section.

We figured out what a teletype is. How to turn it on - too. But it’s also worth saying that for it to work via a smartphone, special additional equipment must be connected to the latter. In addition, the mode must be supported by the telecom operator used. The teletype equipment is called an adapter. It can be ordered in specialized stores.

If you already have the equipment, you need to connect it to your smartphone, and then go to settings and switch the function to active mode. Now you can call other people and use a teletype to communicate, typing various messages and seeing the answers of the interlocutor.

Any additional information about using the equipment can be found in the documentation supplied with it.


So, what is TTY on a mobile device? This is a tool whose purpose is communication between hearing-impaired people. Of course, today the relevance of such a function is questionable, since it has long been replaced by various messenger programs or video communication applications, where users can see each other and use sign language to communicate. But the feature is still used by a large number of people due to certain conveniences.

By the way, the latest version of the iOS operating system allows you to use the software teletype function without purchasing additional equipment.

If for some reason the active teletypewriter icon is visible in the status bar of your smartphone, you need to go to the device settings and deactivate the mode. Otherwise, the battery charge will be consumed faster.

What is "TTY mode" in a smartphone?

    TTY mode is primarily intended for people who have hearing or speech problems. Using a smartphone in teletype mode on both sides, deaf people can type messages and share information.

    In some smartphones, the teletype function is available for free use; on the iPhone, in order to use the smartphone in this way, you will have to purchase a special adapter cable.

    To communicate with a subscriber in teletype mode, you must first activate this option, then the communication will take place continuously, without delays. You immediately see what your interlocutor is typing, the connection is not interrupted.

    The teletype mode in the smartphone is used for ease of use by people with disabilities. TTY - teletypewriter provides the ability to type text by voice. On smartphones this feature is disabled by default.

    Teletype is a special mode in a smartphone that was created to make life easier for people with disabilities.

    Using the teletype mode, the device can be connected to a TDD - telecommunications device for the deaf.

    I also have this feature on my iPhone 3gs. It is located in the Settings - Phone section - called TTY:

    The teletype mode itself is a typewriter mode, that is, when characters appear on the screen not in any specific places, but as in a notebook, that is, each subsequent character is displayed strictly to the right of the previous one, and if the line ends, then a transition occurs to the next line, and if the entire screen is already filled, then the content is shifted one line up and thus the bottom line is again free to fill. This term has existed for quite a long time, at least in the days of MS-Dos it already existed, since it was used in nm.

    In relation to smartphones, you have, in principle, already been answered in previous answers. This is a function for people who suffer from the absence of certain senses or their poor performance, as well as for those who simply prefer to communicate this way. This can be either something like a chat for the deaf, or a voice-to-text and vice versa converter, depending on the sophistication of the smartphone.

    TTY support is one of the special features of a smartphone for people with disabilities. This function will benefit people with hearing and speech impairments. Using special devices, they can communicate through the telephone line of their smartphone.

    TTY mode(TTY - teletypewriter) is needed so that you can send a text over a telephone line. This function is needed for those who have some speech and hearing limitations. You could say it's a text phone. By default, this mode is always disabled on smartphones.

    Before the advent of computers, mobile phones and smartphones, a teletype was a special printing device for transmitting electronic information over an electrical channel.

    With the advent of more modern technology, many mobile phones and smartphones actually have a teletype function - this function is intended for communication between people with hearing and speech disabilities and makes life much easier for such people.

    Teletype in smartphones may be available in cases where the mobile operator supports this service; all necessary information must be requested from the operator.

    You can connect and disable the TTY function in the smartphone settings.

    This mode was created to make communication via smartphone easier for people with disabilities.

    It converts text into audio and vice versa.

    Something like a hearing aid only for a smartphone

    This mode helps people with disabilities communicate. If, for example, one person has hearing impairments, then the sound of the speaker is converted into text for him, and if the person has speech limitations, then the text is typed and the person he is calling will hear the words converted from the text written by the first person . But this function must be installed on both subscribers.

    TTY mode Designed for people with hearing and speech disabilities. There are devices called TTY (teletypewriter) that convert signals into text and vice versa. When you connect a smartphone to such a device and activate the teletype mode, the signal will be converted both into text, and vice versa, the text will be converted into audio signals. That is, this device allows people who are hard of hearing or have speech impairments to type messages for other people who have TTY-enabled devices using a telephone line.

    TTY mode for a smartphone is necessary for people with hearing and speech disabilities. There are some smartphone models where the TTY function is free; for the iPhone, in order to be able to use this function you will have to purchase an adapter cable. To start using the teletype mode, you need to activate the option so that the communication continues in an uninterrupted mode, the interlocutor will immediately see what the other person is typing.

    Teletype mode works like a typewriter. This function, in principle, is used not only for the deaf and those who speak poorly, it is also used by those who simply like to communicate in this format: you write, and the interlocutor on the other side receives your letter in audio format, or vice versa, you speak, and the interlocutor receives what was said sees in writing.

Knowledge from time immemorial

Historically, the teletype became the successor to the telegraph, which, using Morse code, made it possible to transmit text messages in encrypted form.

This method is better known, but is very inconvenient to use, since the person both receiving and transmitting information needs to know the rules for decoding the message.

With this device everything is much simpler.

Despite the fact that the data is transmitted in encoded form, it is received and entered using a convenient mechanical keyboard, which is combined with a digitizing device.

Now in the era of the Internet, it looks funny when a person, without seeing the text on the screen, types it with his hands on the keyboard, and previously messages were transmitted in this way between cities, including those located in different countries, using a wired connection of similar devices.

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Development and operation in modern conditions

Before the era of mobile phones with SMS messaging, this technology allowed people with physical disabilities, namely hearing impairment, to exchange information with other users over long distances.

In addition, a special international service was created, which made it easier for ordinary citizens to use such devices.

For example, a subscriber with hearing problems could dial the appropriate request to call the company on a regular telephone number.

The operator, an employee of the service, read this request to another telephone subscriber and, when he responded, transmitted a message, transferring it from voice to text version, displayed on the digital screen of the requesting subscriber.

Oddly enough, such services are still used in some countries, but their use is in no way related to the limited abilities of citizens.

They are used to transmit operational reports over backup data channels. Their reliability is not questioned due to their comparative simplicity.

It is worth noting with confidence that many of us have come across the term “teletype” somewhere. However, not everyone knows what such a word means.

Teletype: meaning of the word and its application

The term "teletype" itself refers to a mechanical installation that allows all users to exchange various text messages with each other. When this function is enabled, only the electrical channel is used (in simple words - several wires in the phone).
Modern technology has completely improved the teletype. Today, while typing messages, the screen is used, and the function has become completely electronic.
In telephones, the teletype was invented for people who have disabilities - problems with vision, hearing, and the motor system. If you have a special adapter, the teletype can easily be connected directly to the phone.
If you want to activate this function, you need to go to “phone” and only find it in the settings. The TTY icon should appear on the screen, indicating that the TTY is turned on.

So, teletypewriter is a feature in smartphones for users with hearing problems (total loss), which makes it possible to communicate with others by reading texts and typing characters.

Many users, after delving deeply into the phone’s settings, often try to find out what this is – teletype mode on the phone? And usually no one can answer this question, because this function is so outdated and of little use that no one uses it. Why, no one even knows what it is - teletype mode on a phone. So let's figure it out. Perhaps this information will be useful to you someday.

What does TTY mode mean on a phone?

In general, this mode was created for people with limited hearing and speech abilities, and it is called teletypewriter, that is, teletype. In fact, as we said, few people use this mode, due to its uselessness. And many, even having learned that this is a teletype mode on the phone, still do not use it.

It is worth noting that the TTY on an iPhone or any other device has absolutely nothing in common with the teletype machine, which was developed in 1870. That device was a large unit that could transform an electronic signal into text. Today its closest analogue is the fax, but even the fax is radically different from the old teletype. As for phones, TTY is just a function, not a device, and its purpose is different.

How does TTY mode work?

Let us immediately note that a special adapter cable is often needed in order for the teletype mode to work on the phone. What kind of adapter cable is this and where can I buy it? They are definitely sold in official Apple Stores. Although you can also buy one at some radio market. By the way, smartphones running Android OS support the mode without an adapter.

So, a teletype works as follows: one person speaks words into the phone, the system translates them into text and sends them to the interlocutor. It does not receive a voice signal, but reads the text. The function can also work in reverse: one person types a text, sends it, and the other person hears a voice. That is, the smartphone itself reads the text and plays it. This often helps people with speech and hearing disabilities who find it difficult to communicate on the phone in the usual way.

The idea itself is good, and it really helped some people. But today the teletype is not very popular (it is difficult to say whether it was ever popular at all). Today, as we have already said, most people do not even know that this is a teletype mode on their phone. And the lack of popularity is quite understandable.

What are the reasons for the unpopularity of TTY

Many modern smartphones hit the market without this feature. There is no need for its presence, so it is quite logical that it is absent from the functionality of phones. Firstly, only a few people use it. Secondly, there are many analogues that are more convenient and better. Even ordinary people with normal speech and hearing abilities prefer to chat on social networks. It's much more interesting and convenient there. So various chats and social networks completely replaced TTY. Thirdly, there is YouTube, which makes it much easier for deaf and mute people to communicate. At a minimum, you can sign words and read lips, which a teletype cannot offer.

And in general, manufacturers are well aware that the TTY function is completely useless, so they do not indicate it in advertising videos and on posters. Even the instructions for the smartphone don’t write a word about it. How does an ordinary user know about it?

Thanks to the rapid development of 3G/4G networks and high-speed Internet via Wi-Fi, there is no need for a TTY. Therefore, various programs for live communication such as Skype or applications for social networks have replaced the teletype, and for a long time.

Well, now you know what kind of function the teletype mode is on your phone.

Should I disable TTY?

You need to disable this feature. It is supposed to drain battery power, although only a little. By default, this mode is inactive, but some users often “walk” through the settings, turning on and off functions whose purpose they are not aware of. There are reports on the forums that the phone began to discharge more slowly after disabling this mode. So we recommend turning it off.

However, for informational purposes and just for fun, we recommend trying to communicate with someone in TTY mode. This may seem funny. Although sometimes even an adapter is not enough. The function must also be supported by the mobile operator.

In the settings of modern phones and smartphones you can find such a function as teletype. Sometimes, after accidentally turning it on, users can no longer use their phone normally. Now we will tell you what a teletype on a phone is, why it is needed, and also how to turn it off if it is not needed.

Teletype Model 33 is a device manufactured in 1963.

Before we go on to describe the teletype function in modern telephones, let's say a few words about what a real teletype is, which was used in the past. A teletype (or teletype, TTY) is an electromechanical printing machine that was used to transmit text messages via cable.

This technology originated at the end of the 19th century and by the 20s of the 20th century it had grown into the global Telex network. This network was actively used for business communications throughout the twentieth century. For example, in 1963, the USSR was connected to the Telex network, and in the 70s, a closed teletype line was used to organize the so-called “hot line” that connected the leadership of the USA and the USSR.

With the advent of the 90s, the popularity of the teletype began to decline sharply. It has been supplanted by telephone communications, faxes and the Internet. However, in some countries the teletype continues to be used. For example, it is sometimes used in such areas as interbank transfers, aviation, shipping and military command.

Teletype in a telephone and smartphone

In modern telephones, TTY is a feature that is intended for people with hearing or speech disabilities. This feature allows you to send text messages over a regular telephone line because it automatically converts entered text into audio and also decodes the received audio into text. Thus, in TTY mode, a person with hearing impairment can receive and answer calls using the screen and keyboard.

Calling using a TTY.

At the moment, the teletype function is available on most modern phones and smartphones based on the Android and iOS operating systems. But, for this function to work, you also need support from your mobile operator. If it is not there, then the function will not work.

There are several TTY modes that can be used on the phone, these are Full TTY, HCO and VCO.

  • Full TTY(or full-featured TTY) means that both sides of the telephone call use text communication.
  • HCO or Hearing Carry-Over means you hear a voice reading the received text and enter the text to send.
  • VCO or Voice Carry-Over means that you send a message by voice and receive a text message in response.

The teletype mode works in such a way that at one time only one of the subscribers can transmit a message. Therefore, among the people who use it, there are rules of etiquette that facilitate communication. For example, the abbreviation GA (from English go ahead) means that you have finished your text message and are waiting for a response from the other person. Also, GA can be used as a greeting. To end a conversation, the abbreviation SK (from English stopped keying) is usually used. It means that the subscriber has completed typing on his side. In addition, when making an outgoing call, it is customary to expect at least 7 rings, since it may be difficult for a person to notice your call in time.

How to turn TTY on and off

If you have a phone with the Android operating system, then in order to enable or disable TTY mode you need to open the “Phone” application, click on the button with three dots and go to settings.

To access the TTY settings, open the “TTY Mode” subsection. Also in this section you can enable or disable support for hearing aids.

As a result, the teletype settings will appear in front of you. Here you can choose one of 4 options. If you want to turn off the TTY, select the “TTY off” option. If you need to turn it on, choose one of three modes: full-featured TTY, TTY with hearing, or TTY with voice. These are the three modes whose capabilities we described above.

If you have an iPhone, then to enable the TTY function you need to open the “Settings” application and go to the “General - Accessibility - TTY” section. In older versions of iOS, this function may be located in the “Settings - Phone” section.

What is "TTY mode" in a smartphone?

    TTY mode is primarily intended for people who have hearing or speech problems. Using a smartphone in teletype mode on both sides, deaf people can type messages and share information.

    In some smartphones, the teletype function is available for free use; on the iPhone, in order to use the smartphone in this way, you will have to purchase a special adapter cable.

    To communicate with a subscriber in teletype mode, you must first activate this option, then the communication will take place continuously, without delays. You immediately see what your interlocutor is typing, the connection is not interrupted.

    The teletype mode in the smartphone is used for ease of use by people with disabilities. TTY – teletypewriter provides the ability to type text by voice. On smartphones this feature is disabled by default.

    Teletype is a special mode in a smartphone that was created to make life easier for people with disabilities.

    Using the teletype mode, the device can be connected to a TDD - telecommunications device for the deaf.

    I also have this feature on my iPhone 3gs. It is located in the Settings - Phone section - called TTY:

    The teletype mode itself is a typewriter mode, that is, when the characters appear on the screen not in any specific places, but as in a notebook, that is, each subsequent character is displayed strictly to the right of the previous one, and if the line ends, then a transition occurs to the next line, and if the entire screen is already filled, then the content is shifted one line up and thus the bottom line is again free to fill. This term has existed for quite a long time, at least in the days of MS-Dos it already existed, since it was used in nm.

    In relation to smartphones, you have, in principle, already been answered in previous answers. This is a function for people who suffer from the absence of certain senses or their poor performance, as well as for those who simply prefer to communicate this way. This can be either something like a chat for the deaf, or a voice-to-text and vice versa converter, depending on the sophistication of the smartphone.

    TTY support is one of the special features of a smartphone for people with disabilities. This function will benefit people with hearing and speech impairments. Using special devices, they can communicate through the telephone line of their smartphone.

    TTY mode(TTY - teletypewriter) is needed so that you can send a text over a telephone line. This function is needed for those who have some speech and hearing limitations. You could say it's a text phone. By default, this mode is always disabled on smartphones.

    Before the advent of computers, mobile phones and smartphones, a teletype was a special printing device for transmitting electronic information over an electrical channel.

    With the advent of more modern technology, many mobile phones and smartphones actually have a teletype function - this function is intended for communication between people with hearing and speech disabilities and makes life much easier for such people.

    Teletype in smartphones may be available in cases where the mobile operator supports this service; all necessary information must be requested from the operator.

    You can connect and disable the TTY function in the smartphone settings.

    This mode was created to make communication via smartphone easier for people with disabilities.

    It converts text into audio and vice versa.

    Something like a hearing aid only for a smartphone

    This mode helps people with disabilities communicate. If, for example, one person has hearing impairments, then the sound of the speaker is converted into text for him, and if the person has speech limitations, then the text is typed and the person he is calling will hear the words converted from the text written by the first person . But this function must be installed on both subscribers.

    TTY mode Designed for people with hearing and speech disabilities. There are devices called TTY (teletypewriter) that convert signals into text and vice versa. When you connect a smartphone to such a device and activate the teletype mode, the signal will be converted both into text, and vice versa, the text will be converted into audio signals. That is, this device allows people who are hard of hearing or have speech impairments to type messages for other people who have TTY-enabled devices using a telephone line.

    TTY mode for a smartphone is necessary for people with hearing and speech disabilities. There are some smartphone models where the TTY function is free; for the iPhone, in order to be able to use this function you will have to purchase an adapter cable. To start using the teletype mode, you need to activate the option so that the communication continues in an uninterrupted mode, the interlocutor will immediately see what the other person is typing.

    Teletype mode works like a typewriter. This function, in principle, is used not only for the deaf and those who speak poorly, it is also used by those who simply like to communicate in this format: you write, and the interlocutor on the other side receives your letter in audio format, or vice versa, you speak, and the interlocutor receives what was said sees in writing.



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