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Download the Russian language program Baranov Ladyzhenskaya. Comparative analysis of Russian language programs V.V. Babaytseva and T.A. Ladyzhenskaya

Working programm in the Russian language for grades 5-9 was compiled using materials from the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and the Model Program for the Russian (native) language for primary school.
Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world. It is distinguished by a rich vocabulary, word-formation and grammatical means, has inexhaustible possibilities of visual and expressive means, and stylistic diversity. Fiction and science of world significance have been created in Russian.

Syntax as a section of grammar. Phrase and sentence as units of syntax.

Collocation as a syntactic unit, types of phrases. Types of connections in a phrase.

Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement and emotional coloring. The grammatical basis of the sentence, the main and minor members, ways of expressing them. Types of predicate.

Structural types of simple sentences: two-part and one-part, common and non-common, sentences of complicated and uncomplicated structure, complete and incomplete.

Types of one-part sentences.
Sentences of complex structure. Homogeneous members of a sentence, isolated members of a sentence, appeal, introductory and plug-in constructions.

Classification of complex sentences. Means of expressing syntactic relationships between parts of a complex sentence. Complex sentences are conjunctional (complex, complex) and non-conjunctive. Complex sentences with different types of connections.

  • Russian language, 120 texts for school presentations, grades 5-11, Voilova K.A., Ledeneva V.V., Tikhonova V.V., Shapovalova T.E., 2000
  • Preparing for the Russian Language Olympiad, grades 5-11, Kazbek-Kazieva M.M., 2012
  • Literary text in Russian language lessons, Reading, analysis, evaluation, speech creativity, Didactic materials, grades 5-11, Kulaeva G.M., 2010

The following textbooks and books.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

municipal formation "City of Arkhangelsk"

"Gymnasium No. 24"


Minutes of the meeting of the subject department

from "____"___________20_____



Deputy Director of MBOU

Gymnasium No. 24




Director of MBOU

Gymnasium No. 24




In Russian

(specify academic subject, course)

basic level of basic general education

5-9 grade

primary general education, basic general education, class

Sergeva Olga Adolfovna


714 teaching hours

number of hours (total)

the program is developed based on: Russian language programs for grades 5-9 general educational institutions edited by M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky.

    Explanatory note

The work program in the Russian language for grades 5-9 was created on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education, an approximate program of basic general education in the Russian language and the author's program in the Russian language for grades 5-9 of general education institutions, edited by M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky.

The choice of the author's program is motivated by the fact that it recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for general education classes; corresponds to the standard of basic general education in the Russian language, the social order of parents; built taking into account the principles of consistency, science, accessibility and continuity; promotes the development of students' communicative competence; provides conditions for the implementation of practical orientation, takes into account the age-related psychology of students.

The program details and reveals the content of the standard, determines the general strategy for teaching, educating and developing students through the means of an academic subject in accordance with the goals of studying the Russian language, which are defined by the standard.

Document structure

The work program for the Russian language is a comprehensive document that includes five sections: explanatory note; educational and thematic plan; content of the training course topics; requirements for the level of training of students; list of educational and methodological support

general characteristics academic subject

Language, in its specificity and social significance, is a unique phenomenon: it is a means of communication and a form of information transmission, a means of storing and assimilating knowledge, part of the spiritual culture of the Russian people, a means of familiarization with the riches of Russian culture and literature.

Russian language is the state language Russian Federation, a means of interethnic communication and consolidation of the peoples of Russia.

Knowledge of one’s native language, the ability to communicate, and to achieve success in the communication process are those personality characteristics that largely determine a person’s achievements in almost all areas of life and contribute to his social adaptation to the changing conditions of the modern world.

In the school education system, the subject “Russian language” occupies a special place: it is not only an object of study, but also a means of teaching. It is a means of communication and a form of information transmission, a means of storing and assimilating knowledge, part of the spiritual culture of the Russian people, a means of familiarization with the riches of Russian culture and literature. As a means of understanding reality, the Russian language ensures the development of the child’s intellectual and creative abilities, develops his abstract thinking, memory and imagination, and develops the skills of independent learning activities, self-education and personal self-realization. Being a form of storage and assimilation of various knowledge, the Russian language is inextricably linked with all school subjects and affects the quality of mastery of all other school subjects, and in the long term contributes to the mastery of a future profession.

The proposed course presents the modern Russian language as a system. A special feature of this course is that the program covers all sections of the Russian Language course, but the main focus is on grammar, spelling and punctuation in their relationship and interaction.

Goals of teaching Russian language

Studying the Russian language in primary school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    • upbringing citizenship and patriotism, a conscious attitude towards language as a cultural phenomenon, the main means of communication and acquiring knowledge in various spheres of human activity; nurturing interest and love for the Russian language;

      improvement speech and thinking activity, communication skills and abilities that ensure fluency in the Russian literary language in different areas and situations of its use; enriching the vocabulary and grammatical structure of students’ speech; development of readiness and ability for verbal interaction and mutual understanding, the need for verbal self-improvement;

      development knowledge about the Russian language, its structure; about the peculiarities of the functioning of the Russian language in various spheres and communication situations; about the stylistic resources of the Russian language; about the basic norms of the Russian literary language; about the features of Russian speech etiquette; enriching vocabulary and expanding the range of grammatical means used;

      formation skills to recognize, analyze, compare, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity, compliance with the situation, the sphere of communication; skills to work with text, perform information search, extract and transform necessary information.

      development speech and mental activity; communication skills that ensure fluency in the Russian literary language in different areas and communication situations; readiness and ability for verbal interaction and mutual understanding; needs for speech self-improvement;

      application acquired knowledge and skills in one’s own speech practice.

The implementation of these goals is achieved in the process of formation and development of the following subject competencies: communicative, language and linguistic.

Objectives of organizing educational activities:

    development and improvement of students’ ability to verbal interaction and social adaptation;

    at the basic level, it is envisaged to deepen and expand knowledge about the language norm and its varieties, norms of speech behavior in various spheres of communication, improve the ability to model one’s speech behavior in accordance with the conditions and tasks of communication;

    development and improvement of communicative, linguistic, linguistic (linguistic) and cultural competence.

Communicative competence– mastery of all types of speech activity and the basics of the culture of oral and written speech, skills and abilities of using language in various areas and communication situations that correspond to the experience, interests, and psychological characteristics of students high school.

Language and linguistic (linguistic) competences – systematization of knowledge about language as a sign system and social phenomenon, its structure, development and functioning; studying general information about linguistics as a science; mastering the basic norms of the Russian literary language, enriching the vocabulary and grammatical structure of students’ speech; improving the ability to analyze and evaluate linguistic phenomena and facts, the ability to use various linguistic dictionaries.

Cultural competence– awareness of language as a form of expression of national culture, the relationship between language and the history of the people, the national and cultural specifics of the Russian language, knowledge of the norms of Russian speech etiquette, the culture of interethnic communication.

The program contains:

    • a system of concepts selected in accordance with the learning objectives from the field of phonetics, vocabulary and phraseology, morphemics and word formation, morphology, syntax and stylistics of the Russian literary language, as well as some information about the role of language in the life of society, about language as a developing phenomenon, etc. ., speech science concepts, on the basis of which work on the development of students’ speech is based - the formation of communicative skills; information about the basic norms of the Russian literary language

      information about graphics, spelling and punctuation; a list of types of spelling patterns and names of punctuation rules.

The structure of the Russian language school course in grades 5-9.

The material of the Russian language school course is arranged by grade as follows: in grades 5, 6, 7, phonetics and graphics, vocabulary and phraseology, morphemics and word formation, morphology and spelling are studied. A systematic course in syntax is the subject of study in grades 8 and 9. However, initial information about the basic concepts of syntax and punctuation is introduced already in the 5th grade.

Program compiled taking into account the principles of consistency, scientificity and accessibility, as well as continuity and prospects between sections of the course.

The material is arranged taking into account the age capabilities of students.

The program provides for a solid assimilation of the material, for which significant space is allocated repetition. For repetition at the beginning and end of the year, special hours are allocated in each class. Each topic also ends with a repetition of what has been covered. This system repetition provides the necessary level of solid knowledge and skills.

Assimilation theoretical information is carried out in the practical activities of students: when analyzing, comparing and grouping language facts, when conducting phonetic, spelling, morphological, syntactic and punctuation analysis.

Work on speech culture is dispersed across all cash desks.

The program specifically allocates hours for the development of coherent speech. Topics on speech development - speech science concepts and types of work on text.

Speech development promotes the development of logical thinking among students.

The development of students’ speech in Russian language lessons involves the improvement of all types of speech activity and is carried out in 3 directions:

    • mastering the norms of the Russian literary language: literary pronunciation, formation of word forms, construction of phrases and sentences, use of words in accordance with their lexical meaning and stylistic affiliation;

      enrichment of vocabulary and grammatical structure of students’ speech;

      formation of skills and abilities for a coherent presentation of thoughts in oral and written form.

The most important direction in a teacher’s work is the development of competent writing skills. Systematic work on words with unverifiable and difficult to verify spellings is of great importance in the formation of strong spelling skills. During the learning process, it is necessary to involve students in working with reference literature.

All of these areas help to increase children’s interest in the Russian language and improve the quality of its teaching by teachers.

The curriculum of a general education institution provides for compulsory study of the Russian (native) language at the stage of basic general education in the amount of 714 hours. Including: in grade V - 204 hours, in grade VI - 204 hours, in grade VII - 136 hours, in grade V III - 102 hours, in grade X - 68 hours.



language sciences

Didactic units that need to be included in the work program

General information about the language

Language is the most important means of communication in a certain national community

Phonetics. Orthoepy

Orthoepy as a science of language.

Phonetic transcription. Explanation of the pronunciation and spelling of words using transcription elements. Changes in sounds in the speech stream. The relationship between sound and letter. Characteristics of an individual speech sound and analysis of sound in the speech stream. The connection between phonetics and graphics and spelling.

Spelling dictionaries and their use in everyday life. Evaluation of one's own and other people's speech from the point of view of orthoepic norms. Application of knowledge and skills in phonetics in spelling practice.


The difference between a morpheme and other linguistic units.

Types of morphemes. Root and non-root morphemes. Possibility of historical changes in the structure of words.

Application of knowledge and skills in morphemics in spelling practice.


Understanding the basis for transferring a name (similarity, contiguity). Lexical homonyms are words that are identical in sound and spelling, but different in lexical meaning.


Morphology. Morphology as a branch of grammar. The system of parts of speech in the Russian language.


Gender as a permanent feature of a noun. Correct use of a noun in speech.


Dependence of gender, number and case of an adjective on a noun. Correct use of adjectives in speech


Indicative, imperative and conditional (subjunctive) moods of the verb. Present, future and past tenses of the verb in the indicative mood. Correct use of verbs in speech


Syntax as a section of grammar.

The main features of phrases: semantic and grammatical connection between the main and dependent words.

The sentence as the basic unit of syntax and as a minimal speech utterance. The main features of a sentence and its difference from other linguistic units.

Intonation of sentences with appeal.

Thematic distribution of hours by topic.

Number of hours

Language is the most important means of communication

Repetition of what has been covered in grades 1-4

Syntax. Punctuation

Phonetics. Graphics and spelling

Morphemics. Spelling

Independent and auxiliary parts of speech



Repetition and systematization of what was learned in 5th grade

Section 1. General information about language (2+1)

Language and man. Communication is oral and written. Language and its units.

Section 2. Repetition of what was learned in primary school (17+4)

Sounds and letters. Pronunciation and spelling. Spelling. Spelling of the tested unstressed vowels at the root of the word. Unstressed unverified vowels at the root of the word. Spelling of the consonants being checked in the root of the word. Spelling unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word. Letters and, y, a after the hissing ones. Separating ъ and ь. Parts of speech. Adverb (introduction). Prepositions and conjunctions. Separate writing of prepositions with words. Verb. Tsya and tsya in verbs. Subject of the text. Personal endings of verbs. Not with verbs. Noun. b after hissing nouns at the end. Letters E-I at the endings of nouns. Adjective: gender, case, number. Spelling vowels in reliable adjective endings. 1st, 2nd and 3rd person pronouns.

Text. Educational presentation (according to exercise 66). Essay based on a painting. Oral description of the painting (A.A. Plastov “In Summer”). The main idea of ​​the text. "Memorable Day"

Section 3. Syntax and punctuation (26 +7)

    Basic syntactic concepts (units): phrase, sentence, text. Punctuation as a branch of the science of language. Phrases: main and dependent words in a phrase.

Offer. Simple sentence; types of simple sentences according to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative, incentive. Exclamatory and non-exclamatory sentences. Punctuation marks: completion marks (at the end of a sentence), emphasis, separation (repetition). The grammatical basis of the sentence. Main members of the sentence, minor members of the sentence: addition, definition, circumstance. Unextended and extended sentences (with two main members). Sentences with homogeneous members not connected by conjunctions, as well as associated conjunctions a, but also a single conjunction and; a comma between homogeneous members without conjunctions and with conjunctions a, but, and. Generalizing words before homogeneous members. Colon after the generic word. Syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences. Address, punctuation marks when addressing. Introductory words and phrases. Difficult sentence. The presence of two or more grammatical stems as a sign of a complex sentence. Complex sentences with conjunctions (with two main clauses in each simple sentence). A comma between simple clauses in a complex sentence before and, but, so that, because, when, which, what, if. Direct speech after the author’s words and before them; punctuation marks for direct speech. Dialogue. Dash at the beginning of dialogue lines.

    The ability to correctly pronounce narrative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences, as well as sentences with a generalizing word, intonationally.

    Oral and written speech; dialogical and monological. The main idea of ​​the text. Etiquette dialogues. Letter as one of the types of text. Concise presentation according to ex. 137 "Old Stump". Oral analysis of essay topics. Essay on a free topic. Letter. Essay based on a painting. F.P.Reshetnikov “Again deuce” (No. 218). Selected presentation (No. 254)

Section 4. Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphics and spelling. Speech culture (12+3)

    Phonetics as a branch of the science of language. Sound as a unit of language. Speech sounds; vowels and consonants. Emphasis on a word. Vowels are stressed and unstressed. Hard and soft consonants. Hard and soft consonants that do not have paired sounds. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Sonorant consonants. Hissing and c. Strong and weak positions of sounds. Phonetic analysis of the word. Spelling dictionaries. Graphics as a branch of the science of language. Designation of speech sounds in writing; alphabet. Handwritten and printed letters; uppercase and lowercase. Calligraphy. Sound meaning letters e, e, yu, i. Designation of softness of consonants. A soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants. Identification features of spellings. Spelling analysis. Spelling dictionaries.

    The ability to follow the basic rules of literary pronunciation within the framework of the textbook requirements; pronounce vowels and consonants before the vowel e. The ability to find information about the pronunciation of words in various dictionaries (including spelling ones).

    Types of texts. Narration. Description (of the subject), selection of linguistic means depending on the topic, purpose, addressee of the statement. Educational presentation with elements of description (K.G. Paustovsky “The Box”). Composition. Description of the item. An essay describing the objects depicted in F. Tolstoy’s painting “Flowers, Fruits, Birds”

Section 5. Vocabulary. Speech culture (8+2)

    Vocabulary as a branch of the science of language. The word as a unit of language. The word and its lexical meaning. Multiple and unambiguous words. Direct and figurative meanings of words. Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms. Explanatory dictionaries.

    Ability to use an explanatory dictionary, dictionary of antonyms and other school dictionaries. The ability to use words in their proper meaning.

    Creating a text based on the original (detailed presentation), dividing it into parts. Description of what is depicted in the picture using the necessary linguistic means. Essay based on the painting (I.E. Grabar “February Azure”). Detailed presentation (K.G. Paustovsky “First Snow”).

Section 6. Morphemics as a branch of linguistics. Spelling (21+4)

    Morphemics as a branch of the science of language. Morpheme as the minimum significant part of words. Change and formation of words. Similar words. The stem and ending are in independent words. Zero ending. The role of endings in words. Root, suffix, prefix; their purpose in the word. alternation of vowels and consonants in a word. Variants of morphemes. Morphemic analysis of words. Morpheme dictionaries.

Spelling as a branch of the science of language. Spelling rule.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes; the letters z and s at the end of the prefixes. Spelling of alternating vowels o and a in the roots -lozh-- -lag-, -ros- rasch- -rast-. The letters e and o are after the sibilants at the root. The letters s and and after c.

    Ability to use words with different prefixes and suffixes. Ability to use spelling and morphemic dictionaries.

    Reasoning in storytelling. Reasoning, its structure and varieties. Essay-reasoning “The days of the week tell about themselves.” Selective presentation with change of face. Essay-description of “Lilacs in a Basket” depicted in P.P. Konchalovsky’s painting

Section 7. Morphology. Spelling. Speech culture (69 hours + 14 hours)

Independent and auxiliary parts of speech (1 hour)

System of parts of speech in Russian

Noun (20 h + 4 h)

    A noun as a part of speech. The syntactic role of a noun in a sentence.

Animate and inanimate nouns (repetition). Proper and common nouns. Capital letters in geographical names, in the names of streets and squares, in the names of historical events. Capital letters in the names of books, newspapers, magazines, paintings and films, performances, literary and musical works; These names are highlighted in quotation marks. Gender of nouns. Three declensions of nouns: changing nouns by case and number.

Nouns that have only a singular or only a plural form.

Morphological analysis of words. The letters o and e after sibilants and c in the endings of nouns.

Declension of nouns into -iya, -iy, -ie. Spelling vowels in case endings of nouns.

    The ability to coordinate adjectives and past tense verbs with nouns whose gender may be incorrectly determined (for example, surname, apple).

Ability to correctly form the nominative (engineers, elections) and genitive (stockings, places) plural forms.

The ability to use synonymous nouns in speech to more accurately express thoughts and to eliminate unjustified repetition of the same words.

    Evidence and explanations in reasoning. Essay-reasoning. Concise presentation (E.A. Permyak “Pen and Inkwell”). Oral essay based on the painting (G.G. Nissky “February. Moscow Region”)

Adjective (12 h + 4 h)

    An adjective as a part of speech. The syntactic role of the adjective in a sentence.

Full and short adjectives. Spelling of vowels in case endings of adjectives with a sibilant stem. The absence of ь at the end of short adjectives with a sibilant base.

Changing full adjectives by gender, case and number, and short adjectives by gender and number.

    The ability to correctly place stress in the short form of adjectives (difficult, difficult, difficult).

The ability to use synonymous adjectives in speech to more accurately express thoughts and to eliminate unjustified repetitions of the same words.

    Description of the animal. The structure of the text of this genre. Stylistic varieties of this genre. Presentation (A.I. Kuprin “Yu-yu”). Description of the animal based on the picture. Essay based on the painting (A.N. Komarov “Flood”). Essay “How scared I was.” Essay “Our friends are animals”

Verb (36h + 6h)

    Verb as part of speech. The syntactic role of the verb in a sentence.

Indefinite form of the verb (infinitive in -t (-tsya), -ti (-tis), -ch (-chsya). Spelling -tsya and -ch (-chsya) in the indefinite form (repetition).

Perfect and imperfect forms of the verb; I and II conjugation. Spelling of vowels in unstressed personal endings of verbs.

Spelling of alternating vowels e and i in the roots of verbs -ber- - -bir-, -der- - -dir-, -mer- - -mir-, - nep- - -pir-, - ter- - - tyr-, - stel- - -steel-. Spelling is not with verbs.

    Maintaining the correct stress in verbs in the pronunciation of which errors are made (start, understand; began, understood; beginnings, understood; repeat, facilitate, etc.).

The ability to coordinate the predicate verb in the past tense with the subject, expressed neuter noun and collective noun. The ability to use nouns in the correct case with verbs.

The ability to use synonymous verbs in speech (for example, with the meaning of saying, moving, finding) to more accurately express thoughts, to eliminate unjustified repetition of words.

    The concept of a story, the features of its structure and style. A true story about yourself. Stories based on plot pictures. Concise presentation with a change in the shape of the face (A.F. Savchuk “Chocolate Cake”). Essay-story based on a drawing (O. Popovich “They didn’t take me fishing”).

Repetition and systematization of what was learned in 5th grade (6+2)

Sections of the science of language. Spelling patterns in prefixes and roots of words. Spelling patterns at the end of words. Use of letters ь and ъ. Separate spellings. Punctuation marks in simple and complex sentences. An essay on one of the topics of your choice.

Forms and controls

    dictation / dictation with grammar task;

    detailed, concise presentation;

    a narrative essay on a given topic;

    essay on a painting;

    story about incidents from life,

    description of individual objects, animals from observations, experience, from a picture

    oral / written statement on a linguistic topic.

4. Requirements for the level of preparation of students for the 5th grade Russian language course.

Students should know:

define the main language phenomena studied in grade 5, speech science concepts, spelling and punctuation rules, justify your answers and give the necessary examples.

By the end of 5th grade they should master the following skills and abilities:

    parse words phonetically, by composition, morphologically, and sentences (with two main members) - syntactically. Compose simple and complex sentences of the studied types;

    explain the meaning of known words and use them correctly. Use spelling and explanatory dictionaries;

BY SPELLING. Find studied spellings in words, find spelling errors and correct them, correctly write words with unchecked spellings studied in 5th grade.

BY PUNCTUATION. Find meaningful sections in sentences that need to be highlighted with punctuation marks, and justify your choice.

BY CONNECTED SPEECH. Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the text, its style. Retell narrative texts in detail and concisely. Make a simple plan for the source and your own text. Write narrative essays on a given topic, stories about incidents from life, describe individual objects, animals based on observations, experience, or a picture.

Improve the content and linguistic design of your text (in accordance with the material studied).

Use language correctly in oral and written speech.

Competently use known lexical and grammatical means in oral and written speech.

Use different dictionaries.

5. List of educational and methodological support for grade 5

For the teacher

    Bogdanova G.A. Collection of dictations in the Russian language. 5-9 grades. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2007.

    M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky. Teaching Russian in 5th grade: Guidelines to the textbook for 5th grade OU. - M.: Education, 2006.- 110 p.

    Vodolazkaya S.V. Subject week of the Russian language at school. Competitions, quizzes, olympiads. – Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2008

    Gdalevich L.A., Fudim E.D. Russian language lessons in 5th grade. Book for teachers. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1991

    Nikitina E.I. Russian language lessons in 5th grade. Book for teachers. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 2003

    Org A.O. Olympiads in Russian language. Book for teachers. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2002

    Bogdanova G.A. Russian language lessons in 5th grade / G.A. Bogdanov. St. Petersburg, 2004

    Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Shansky N.M. Programs of general education institutions. Russian language grades 5-9. – M., 2008.

    Egorova N.V. Lesson developments in the Russian language. 5th grade. - M.: “Vako”, 2010.

    Kostyaeva T.A. Tests and tests in the Russian language, grade 5. - M.: Iris press, 2000.

    Nikitina E.I. Speech development lessons. To the textbook “Russian speech. Development of speech" 5-7 grades. - M.: - Bustard, 2002.

    Trostentsova L.A. Didactic material on the Russian language, grade 5. – M.: “Education”, 2007.

For students

    Arsiriy A.T. Entertaining materials on the Russian language. Book for students. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1995

    Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Trostentsova L.A., Grigoryan L.T., Kulibaba I.I. "Russian language. 5th grade": M.: "Prosveshcheniye", 2008

    Tekucheva I.V. 3.Tests in Russian for grade 5. – Exam Moscow 2003

    Malyushkin A.B. Ikonitskaya L.N. Test tasks to test students' knowledge of the Russian language, grade 5 - M.: "Sfera", 2011.

    Shansky N.M. In the world of words. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1985

    Tables and handouts on the Russian language for grade 5.

    Multimedia aids :

    “Phrase” A training program on the rules of spelling and punctuation for schoolchildren and applicants.

    1-C Tutor “Russian Language” Educational program for high school students and applicants.

    Electronic tutor-simulator “Russian language course”

Means of education


Program “Russian language. grades 5-9" edited by M.B. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky, M: “Prosveshchenie”, 2008 is designed for 170 hours per year, 5 hours per week, which does not correspond to the curriculum of MBOU Gymnasium No. 24, where 204 hours are allocated for studying the Russian language in the 6th grade per year, 6 hours per week. Due to changes made to the program, the number of hours for studying the following sections has been increased: “Repetition of what was covered in grade 5” to 13 hours;

“Vocabulary and phraseology. Culture of Speech” until 15:00; “Noun” until 21 o’clock; “Adjective” until 21 o’clock; “Numeral name” until 14 o’clock; "Pronoun" until 22 o'clock; "Verb" up to 26 hours; “Repetition and systematization of what was learned in 6th grade” until 13:00.

The program provides for a solid assimilation of the material, for which significant time is devoted to repetition, generalization and systematization of knowledge of the Russian language, improving spelling and punctuation literacy, and speech culture. The content of the repetition work is planned specifically in the work program.

The assimilation of theoretical information is carried out in the practical activities of students in the analysis, comparison and grouping of language facts, while conducting phonetic, spelling, morphological, syntactic and punctuation analysis.

In order to prepare 6th grade students for the Unified State Exam, a system of practical and test work has been developed, including partially tasks of parts A and B, complex analysis text, work with means of artistic expression.

In order to develop such vital skills as various types of reading, information processing of texts, searching for information in various sources, as well as the ability to convey it in accordance with the conditions of communication, 36 hours are allocated for the development of speech.


Didactic units

General information about the language

Language as the main means of communication in a certain national community. Russian language is the national language of the Russian people.

Lexicology and phraseology

Basic expressive means of vocabulary and phraseology. Monitoring the use of synonyms, antonyms, phraseological units, words with a figurative meaning, dialectisms, etc. as means of expressiveness in artistic and journalistic texts.

Word formation

Possibility of historical changes in the structure of words. The concept of etymology.


Features of the use of adjectives in different styles of speech.


Using a pronoun as a means of connecting sentences in a text. Expressive possibilities of pronouns in folklore and works of art.

Thematic distribution of hours, 6th grade

Sections, topics

Working programm

Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world.

Repetition of what was covered in 5th grade

Vocabulary and phraseology. A culture of speech.

Word formation. Spelling. A culture of speech.

Morphology. Spelling. A culture of speech.





Repetition and systematization of what has been covered


13+4= 17

27+5= 22

18+3= 21

Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world (1 hour)

Repetition of what was covered in 5th grade (12 hours + 2 hours).

Dividing text into parts; official business style, its linguistic features.

Vocabulary and phraseology. Speech culture (13+4)

    Repetition of vocabulary covered in grade V.

Original Russian words. Borrowed words. Common words. Professionalisms, dialectisms, jargons. Neutral and stylistically colored words. Outdated words. Neologisms.

The main ways to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language.

Explanatory dictionaries of foreign words, obsolete words.

Phraseology as a branch of the science of language. Free combinations of words and phraseological units. The main features of phraseological units. Stylistically neutral and colored phraseological units. Sources of phraseological units. Use of phraseological units in speech. Phrasebook.

    The ability to determine from an explanatory dictionary what language a word is borrowed from, whether it refers to outdated, dialect or professional words.

Ability to use dictionaries of foreign words, obsolete words, phraseological units.

    Collection and analysis of materials for the essay: working materials. A condensed retelling of the source text.

Word formation. Spelling. A culture of speech. (27+5)

    Repetition of what was covered in morphemics in grade V.

The main ways of forming words in the Russian language: with the help of morphemes (morphological) - prefixal, suffixal, prefix-suffixal, suffixless; basic and word composition, addition of full and abbreviated words, abbreviation (abbreviation of words and phrases). The formation of words as a result of merging combinations of words into a word.

The concept of etymology and etymological analysis of words. Etymological dictionaries.

Spelling alternating vowels O And A in the roots –mountains- - -gar-,

-braid-- -kas-.

Spelling vowels in prefixes pre- And at-, letters s And And after prefixes on consonants. Spelling of connecting vowels O And e.

    Ability to coordinate adjectives and verbs in the past tense with complex words.

    Description of the premises, structure of this text, language features. Systematization of material for an essay; complex plan. Selective retelling of the source text.

Morphology. Spelling. A culture of speech. (1 hour)

Noun (18h+3h).

    Repetition of information about nouns received in grade V.

Declension of nouns in -mya. Indeclinable nouns. Text-forming role of nouns. Word formation of nouns.

Not with nouns. Spelling vowels in suffixes -ek, -ik; letters O And e after the hissing and ts in suffixes -OK(-ek), -onk, -onk. Consonants h And sch in the suffix -chick(-schik).

    The ability to correctly form forms of oblique cases of nouns in -me, correctly use indeclinable nouns in speech, agree adjectives and verbs in the pro form
    past tense with common nouns (for example, white-handed, orphan, etc.).

The ability to determine the meaning of suffixes of nouns (augmentative, dismissive and diminutive).

    Various areas of use of oral public speech.

Adjective (18h+3h).

    Revision of what we have learned about adjectives in grade V.

Qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives. Degrees of comparison of adjectives; formation of degrees of comparison. Word formation of adjectives.

Not with adjectives. Letters O And e after the hissing and ts in adjective suffixes; spelling of vowels and consonants in suffixes - an- (-yang-), -in-,-he N-(-enn-) in adjectives; distinguishing suffixes in writing -To- And -sk-. Continuous and hyphenated spelling of complex adjectives.

    The ability to correctly form degrees of comparison of adjectives, observe the correct stress when forming degrees of comparison, determine the meaning of suffixes in adjectives (diminutive and incomplete qualities).

The ability to use adjectives in speech in a figurative sense.

    Description of the nature, structure of a given text, its linguistic features; description of objects near and far. Selective retelling of the original text with a description of nature. Description of the landscape from the painting.

Public speech about a piece of folk art.

Numeral name (12h+2h).

    Numeral as part of speech. The syntactic role of numerals in a sentence. Numerals are quantitative and ordinal. Numerals are simple and compound. The text-forming role of numerals.

Declension of cardinal numerals. Spelling of vowels in case endings; letter b in the middle and at the end of numerals. Integrated and separate writing of numerals.

Declension of ordinal numbers. Spelling of vowels in case endings of ordinal numbers.

    Ability to use numerals to indicate dates, correctly use the numerals two, three, etc., the numerals both, both
    in combination with nouns.

The ability to express an approximate amount using a combination of a cardinal number and a noun (for example, five minutes, ten kilometers).

    Public speaking - appeal, its structure, linguistic features. Retelling of the original text with digital material.


    Pronoun as part of speech. The syntactic role of pronouns in a sentence. Pronoun categories. Declension of pronouns. The text-forming role of pronouns.

Separate writing of prepositions with pronouns. Letter n in 3rd person personal pronouns after prepositions. Formation of indefinite pronouns. Hyphen in indefinite pronouns before suffixes -That,

-either, -any and after the prefix something.

Not in indefinite pronouns. Integrated and separate writing Not And neither in negative pronouns.

    Ability to use 3rd person personal pronouns in accordance with the meaning of the preceding sentence. The ability to correctly use pronouns as a means of connecting sentences and parts of text.

    A story based on imagination, based on plot drawings; structure, linguistic features of these texts.

Reasoning as a type of text, its structure (thesis, argument, conclusion), linguistic features.

Verb (24 hours + 6 hours).

    Repetition of what we have learned about verbs in grade V.

Transitive and intransitive verbs. Indicative, conditional and imperative moods. Separate spelling of the particle (b) with verbs in the conditional mood. Letters b And And in verbs in the imperative mood. Variably conjugated verbs. Impersonal verbs. The text-forming role of verbs. Word formation of verbs.

Spelling vowels in suffixes -ova(t), -eva(t) And -yva(t),


    The ability to use forms of some moods in the meaning of others
    and an indefinite form (infinitive) in the meaning of different moods.

    A story based on what was heard, its structure, linguistic features. A retelling of the original text from the perspective of one of its characters. A story based on plot pictures with the inclusion of part of the finished text.

Adverb (29 h + 2 h)

Adverb as part of speech. The syntactic role of adverbs in a sentence. Degrees of comparison of adverbs and their formation. Text-forming role of adverbs. Word formation of adverbs.

Spelling not with adverbs in -o and –e, not- and neither- in adverbs. One and two letters in adverbs -o and -e.

The letters o and e after sibilants at the end of adverbs. The suffixes -о and -а at the end of adverbs. A hyphen between parts of a word in adverbs. Combined and separate spellings of adverbs. The letter ь after hissing adverbs at the end.

Ability to correctly place stress in adverbs. Ability to use adverbs-synonyms and antonyms in speech.

Description of actions as a type of text: structure of the text, its linguistic features. Retelling the source text with a description of the actions.

Repetition and systematization of what was learned in 6th grade (8 hours + 2 hours)

Essay on a chosen topic

Forms of control:

    dictation (with a task, vocabulary, prepared, explanatory, warning, terminological);

    complex text analysis;

    complicated cheating;

    compilation of complex and simple plan to the text;

    presentation of the text (detailed, condensed, selective);

    composing a dialogue on a given topic;

    compiling a text of a certain style and type of speech;

    essay (description of landscape, premises);

    compiling a story based on plot pictures including part of the finished text;

    text editing (correction of spelling, grammatical, punctuation and speech errors);

    working with deformed text.

4. Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language for the 6th grade course:

    Students must know the definitions of the main language units studied in grade 6, speech concepts, spelling and punctuation rules, and justify their answers by giving the necessary examples.

    By the end of 6th grade, students should master the following skills:

    carry out word-formation analysis of words with a clear structure, morphological analysis of parts of speech studied in grade 6, syntactic analysis of sentences with two main members and with one main member expressed by an impersonal verb;

    with the help of an explanatory dictionary, find out the rules of word usage;

    comply with the norms of literary language within the limits of the studied material.

By spelling.

    Find studied spellings in words, be able to justify their choice, correctly write words with studied spellings; find and correct spelling errors.

    Correctly write words with untestable spellings learned in 6th grade.

By punctuation.

    Find meaningful segments in sentences that need to be highlighted with punctuation marks, justify the choice of punctuation marks and arrange them in sentences in accordance with the learned rules.

On speech development.

    Make a complex plan. Present narrative texts in detail, concisely and selectively with elements of description of the room and landscape. Collect and systematize material for an essay, taking into account the topic and main idea. Describe the room, landscape, compose a story based on what you hear and from your imagination. Improve the content and linguistic design of your text (in accordance with the studied language material).

    Be able to competently and clearly answer questions about the material covered; speak on a given topic.

For the teacher

    Bogdanova G. A. Russian language lessons in 6th grade, M.: Education, 2010.

    Bakulina G. A. Lesson notes for teachers of the Russian language: 6th grade / G. A. Bakulina. – Vlados, 2004.

    Shulgina N.P. Dictations in the Russian language, 6th grade / Ekzamen Publishing House, 2011

    Kostyaeva T. A. Tests, verification and control work in the Russian language: 6th grade / T. A. Kostyaeva. – M.: Education, 2006.

    Ladyzhenskaya T. A. Teaching Russian in the 6th grade / T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, M. G. Baranov, L. A. Trostentsova, L. Yu. Komissarova. – M.: Education, 2006.

    Larionova L. G. Collection of spelling exercises: 6th grade / L. G. Larionova. – M.: Education, 2006.

    Lvova S.I. Russian language workshop: 6th grade / S.I. Lvova. – M.: Education, 2006.

    Mikhailova S. Yu. Didactic material on the Russian language for grades 5-7 of secondary school / S. Yu. Mikhailova, O. Yu. Sharapova. – St. Petersburg: special literature, 1998.

    Troshin V.V. Words and numbers: Entertaining materials on the Russian language in lessons, extracurricular and independent studies. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

    Khazanova A. S. Russian language: A practical guide / A. S. Khazanova, L. V. Zweig. – M.: VAKO, 2002.

    O.V. Belyaeva, O.A. Datsenko. Lesson developments in the Russian language. 6th grade. Moscow "Waco", 2007.

    Vodolazkaya S.V. Subject week of the Russian language at school. Competitions, quizzes, olympiads. – Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2007

    Org A.O. Olympiads in Russian language. Book for teachers. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2002

    Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Shansky N.M. Programs of general education institutions. Russian language grades 5-9. – M., 2008.

For students

    Russian language. Textbook for 6th grade of general education institutions. Authors: M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and others. Moscow “Enlightenment” 2010.

    Testing and measuring materials. Russian language: 6th grade / Compiled by N.V. Egorova. - M.: VAKO, 2012. - 96 p.

    Didactic materials on the Russian language: 6th grade / E.P. Chernogrudova.-M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2912.-159 p.

    M.Yu.Nikulina. Presentations on the Russian language. 6th grade. Moscow Publishing house "Exam" 2012.-255 p.

    Arsiriy A.T. Entertaining materials on the Russian language. Book for students. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1995

    Shansky N.M. In the world of words. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1985

    Mikhailova S. Yu. Didactic material on the Russian language for grades 5-7 of secondary school / S. Yu. Mikhailova, O. Yu. Sharapova. – St. Petersburg: special literature, 1998.

    Troshin V.V. Words and numbers: Entertaining materials on the Russian language in lessons, extracurricular and independent studies. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

    Khazanova A. S. Russian language: A practical guide / A. S. Khazanova, L. V. Zweig. – M.: VAKO, 2002.

Multimedia aids.

    Testing program for schoolchildren and applicants. Cyril and Methodius

    Russian language lessons from Cyril and Methodius, 6th grade.

Means of education

    Printed manuals (tables, diagrams, reproductions of paintings, posters, demonstration cards, albums of demonstration and handout material)

    Information and communication tools (electronic libraries, game programs)

    Screen and sound aids (slides, filmstrips, videos)

Educational electronic resources

    Names.org – popular information about names and surnames

    Handwritten monuments of Ancient Rus'

    Russian phonetics: multimedia Internet - textbook

    Russian writing: origin of writing, manuscripts, fonts

    Svetozar: Open International Olympiad for Schoolchildren in the Russian Language

    Electronic textbooks on the Russian language for schoolchildren

7th grade

The program contains a system of concepts from the field of morphemics, morphology, spelling, syntax and punctuation, stylistics of the Russian literary language, about language as a developing phenomenon; speech science concepts, on the basis of which work on the development of coherent speech of students is based - the formation of communicative skills;

information about the basic norms of the Russian literary language; a list of types of spelling patterns and names of punctuation rules.

In the 7th grade, the study of such independent parts of speech as participles, gerunds, the category of state, auxiliary parts of speech and interjections is provided.

The program allocates hours for the development of coherent speech. Topics on speech development - speech science concepts and types of work on text - are proportionally distributed among grammatical material.

The program provides for lesson-based learning of the material, for which significant space is given to repetition.

Various teaching aids, developed as components of a complex, the basis of which is the textbook, are methodologically consistent with it. All this helps in organizing independent work and facilitates the implementation of intra-subject connections.

The study of each section, each topic contributes to the development of logical thinking and speech of students. The development of students' speech in Russian language lessons involves improving all types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading and writing).

At the end of the study of each topic, credit lessons, testing, creative and control work are provided.


Sections, topics

Number of hours

Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world

Repetition of what was covered in grades 5-6

13 + 1=14

Morphology. Spelling. A culture of speech.

1. Communion.

2. Participle.

5. Functional parts of speech. A culture of speech.

6. Preposition.

8. Particle.

9.Interjection. Onomatopoeic words.

Repetition and systematization of what was learned in 7th grade.

10 + 2=10

Russian language as a developing phenomenon (1 hour)

Repetition of what has been covered in grades 5-6 (13 hours + 2 hours)

Syntax. Phrase and sentence. Syntactic and punctuation analysis.

Vocabulary and phraseology.

Phonetics and spelling. Phonetic analysisWord formation and spelling.Morphemic and word formation analysis. Morphology and spelling. Independent parts of speech. Functional parts of speech Morphological analysis.

Journalistic style, its genres, linguistic features.

Dialect synonyms and their variants. Dialectal phraseology, its use in oral speech and folklore.


Communion (30 h + 6 h)

  1. Repetition of what has been covered about the verb in grades V and VI. Participle. Properties of adjectives and verbs in participles. Syntactic role of participles in a sentence. Active and passive participles. Full and short passive participles. Participial; Separate the participial phrase with commas. The text-forming role of participles.

Declension of full participles and spelling of vowels in case endings of participles. Formation of active and passive participles of the present and past tense (familiarization).

Not with participles. Spelling of vowels in suffixes of active and passive participles. One and two letters n in suffixes of full participles and adjectives formed from verbs. One letter n in short participles.

    Ability to correctly place stress in full and short sentences
    corporal participles (brought, brought, brought, brought, with
    carried), correctly use participles with the suffix -sya, consonant
    create participles with qualified nouns, build sentences
    tion with participial turnover.

    Description of a person’s appearance: text structure,

Linguistic features (including special “portrait” words).
Oral retelling of the source text with a description of appearance.

    Selective presentation of text with a description of appearance. Description
    the appearance of a friend from personal impressions, from photographs.

Types of public socio-political speeches. Their structure.

Participle (10 hours + 2 hours)

    Repetition of what has been covered about the verb in grades V and VI.

Participle. Verb and adverbial properties of gerunds. The syntactic role of gerunds in a sentence. The text-forming role of gerunds. Participial turnover; punctuation marks for adverbial verbs. Isolation of single participles with commas (familiarization). Participles of the perfect and imperfect forms and their formation.

Not with participles.

    Ability to correctly construct sentences with adverbial verbs.

    Story based on the picture.

    Selective presentation of text describing the human condition or nature.


Preposition (10 hours + 2 hours)

    Preposition as a functional part of speech. Syntactic roleprepositions in a sentence. Non-derivative and derivative prepositions. Simple and compound prepositions. Text-forming role prepositions.

Combined and separate spellings of prepositions (during, due to, due to, etc.). Hyphen in prepositions due to, from under.

    Ability to correctly use the prepositions in and on, with and from. Ability to correctly use nouns with prepositions by, thanks,according to, contrary to.

Ability to use synonymous prepositions in speech.

    Tell a story on your own behalf based on what you read. A story based on what was seen in the picture.

Union (18 h + 2 h)

    Union as a functional part of speech. The syntactic role of conjunctions in a sentence. Simple and compound conjunctions. Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions; coordinating conjunctions - connecting, disjunctive and adversative. The use of coordinating conjunctions in simple and complex sentences; use of subordinating conjunctions in complex sentences. The text-forming role of conjunctions.

Combined and separate spellings of conjunctions. Difference in writing conjunctions but also to from pronouns with preposition and particles and conjunctions Also from an adverb so with a particle.

    The ability to use synonymous conjunctions in speech.

    Oral argument on a controversial topic; its linguistic features.

Particle (20 h + 4 h)

    Particle as a functional part of speech. The syntactic role of particles in a sentence. Shape-forming and semantic particles. Text-forming role of particles.

Distinguishing between particles in writing is not and neither. Spelling is not and nor with different parts of speech.

    A story based on this plot.

Interjection. Onomatopoeic words (2 hours)

    Interjection as a part of speech. The syntactic role of interjections in a sentence.

Onomatopoeic words and their difference from interjections. Hyphen in interjections. Intonation highlighting of interjections. Comma and Exclamation point with interjections.


(10 h + 2 h)

Sections of the science of language. Text. Speech styles. Phonetics, phonetic norms. Vocabulary. Phraseology.

Morphemics and word formation. Morphology. Morphological analysis.

Syntax. Simple sentence. Difficult sentence.

Punctuation. An essay-reasoning on a moral and ethical topic orpublic speech on this topic.

4. Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students

in Russian language for the VII grade course

    Students must know definitions of the main language phenomena studied in the 7th grade, speech science concepts, spelling and punctuation rules, justify your answers by giving the necessary examples.

    By the end of grade VII, students should master next skills And skills:

    perform a morphological analysis of parts of speech studied in grade VII, syntactic analysis of sentences with participial and participial phrases (in the simplest cases), as well as complex sentences with studied conjunctions;

    make sentences with participial and participial phrases;

    comply with the norms of literary language within the limits of the studied material.

By spelling. Find studied spellings in words, justify their choice, correctly write words with studied spellings; find and correct spelling errors.

Correctly write words studied in the 7th grade with unchecked spellings.

By punctuation. Separate participial phrases (standing after the noun) and participial phrases with commas.

By coherent speech. Adequately perceive and create journalistic style texts on accessible topics. Present narrative texts in detail and concisely with elements of description (both written and oral) of a person’s appearance and labor processes. Describe a person, labor processes; write stories based on the proposed plots; essays-reasonings (based on the life experience of students). Competently and clearly talk about the events that happened and justify your conclusions.

Types and forms of control knowledge, skills and abilities of 7th grade students : dictation (with a grammatical task, explanatory, warning, selective, graphic, “Test yourself”, vocabulary, creative, free), essay (based on a picture, based on imagination, based on a given plot, based on life experience), presentation (selective, detailed) , test, comprehensive text analysis.

5. List of educational and methodological support:

Main literature

    Russian language VII grade. Textbook for general education institutions. Authors and compilers: Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2008.

additional literature

    Bogdanova G.A. Russian language lessons in the 7th grade: a book for the teacher / G.A. Bogdanova. - M.: Education, 2001.

    Bogdanova G.A. Collection of dictations in the Russian language for grades 5-9. - M.: Education, 2005.

    Deykina A.D. Handouts on the Russian language. 7th grade / A.D. Deikina, T.M. Pakhnova. - M.: Bustard, 2001.

    Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Teaching the Russian language in grade 7 / T.A.Ladyzhenskaya, L.A.Trostentsova, M.T.Baranov.-M.: Education, 2005.

    Larionova L.G. Collection of spelling exercises. 7th grade / L.G.Larionova. - M.: Education, 2006.

    Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language/Ed. N.Yu.Shvedova. - M.: Russian language, 2003.

    Programs of general education institutions. Russian language. Grades 5-9: Educational publication/Ed. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Shansky N.M. - 8th ed. - M.: Education, 2008.

    Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of spelling and punctuation/Chelyabinsk:

    South-Ural book publishing house, 1994.

    Tekucheva I.V. Russian language tests: 7th grade/M.: ed. Exam,

Grammar Sections

Didactic units that need to be included in the work program

Speech activity

Reading. Culture of working with books and other sources of information. Types of reading (introductory, studying, viewing), methods of working with a textbook and other information sources

Syntax as a branch of grammar

Relationship between syntax and morphology


Norms for combining words and their violations in speech


The sentence as the basic unit of syntax and as a minimal speech utterance. The main features of a sentence and its difference from other linguistic units. Affirmative and negative sentences

Simple sentence

Difficult cases of matching the definition with the word being defined. Question about generalized personal sentences. Stylistic features of sentences with homogeneous members. Synonymy of simple sentences with homogeneous members and complex sentences. Norms for combining homogeneous members. Functions and methods of expressing appeals. Intonation of sentences with appeal. Synonymy of introductory constructions

Distribution of hours by sections

Working programm

Functions of the Russian language in modern world

Repetition of what has been covered in grades 5-7


Simple sentence

Main members of the proposal

Secondary members of the sentence

Simple one-part sentences

Incomplete sentences

Homogeneous members of the sentence

Addresses, introductory words and interjections

Separate members of the sentence

Direct and indirect speech

Repetition and systematization of what was learned in 8th grade

Functions of the Russian language in the modern world (1 hour).

Repetition of what has been covered in grades 5-7 (6 +2).


Collocation (2h)

    Repetition of what we learned about word combinations in grade V. Connection of words in a phrase: agreement, control, adjacency. Types of phrases according to the morphological properties of the main word (verbal, nominal, adverbial).

    The ability to correctly use the form of a dependent word when coordinating and managing. The ability to use synonymous word combinations in speech.

Simple sentence (3+1).

    Repetition of what has been covered about the proposal. The grammatical (predicative) basis of a sentence.

Features of the connection between subject and predicate. Order of words in a sentence. Intonation of a simple sentence. Logical stress.

    The ability to highlight the most important word in a sentence using logical stress and word order, and to read sentences expressively.

    Description of architectural monuments as a type of text;
    structure of the text, its linguistic features.

Simple two-part sentences

Main members of the sentence (6 +2).

    Repetition of what has been covered about the subject.

Ways of expressing the subject. Repetition of what has been learned about the predicate. Compound verb predicate. Compound nominal predicate. Dash between subject and predicate.

Syntactic synonyms of the main members of the sentence, their text-forming role.

    The ability to correctly pronounce sentences with missing connectives intonationally; agree the predicate verb with the subject,
    expressed phrase.

The ability to use synonymous variants of expression of subject and predicate in speech.

    A journalistic essay about a cultural (historical) monument of your area.

Secondary members of the sentence (6+3).

    Repetition of what has been learned about the minor members of a sentence. Direct and indirect addition (familiarization). Inconsistent definition. Application as a type of definition; punctuation marks when applying. Types of circumstances by meaning (time, place, reason, purpose, course of action, conditions, concession).

Comparative turnover; punctuation marks with it.

    The ability to use agreed and inconsistent definitions as synonyms in speech.

Simple one-part sentences (9+2).

    Groups of one-part sentences. One-part sentences with the main member being the predicate (definitely personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal) and the subject (nominal).

Synonymy of one-part and two-part sentences, their text-forming role.

    Ability to use two-part and one-part sentences as syntactic synonyms.

Ability to use noun clauses in descriptions to indicate time and place.

    A story on a free topic.

Incomplete sentences (2 hours).

The concept of incomplete sentences.

Incomplete sentences in dialogue and in complex sentences.

Homogeneous members of the sentence (12+2).

    Repetition of what has been learned about homogeneous members of a sentence. Homogeneous members of a sentence connected by conjunctions (conjunctive, adversative, disjunctive) and intonation. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Rows of homogeneous members of a sentence. Separating punctuation marks between homogeneous members. Generalizing words with homogeneous terms. Colons and dashes for generalizing words in sentences.

Variability of punctuation marks.

    The ability to correctly pronounce sentences with generalizing words and homogeneous members intonationally.

Addresses, introductory words and interjections (9+2).

    Reviewing what has been learned about conversion.

Common appeal. Distinctive punctuation marks when addressing. Introductory words. Introductory sentences. Plug-in structures. Interjections in a sentence. Emphasizing punctuation marks for introductory words and sentences, and for interjections. Single and paired punctuation marks.

The text-forming role of addresses, introductory words and interjections.

    The ability to correctly pronounce sentences with intonation, introductory words and introductory sentences, interjections. Ability to use synonymous introductory words in speech; use introductory words as a means of connecting sentences and parts of the text.

Isolated members of the sentence (18+1).

    The concept of isolation. Separate definitions and segregated applications. Special circumstances. Clarification as a type of isolated member of a sentence. Distinctive punctuation marks for isolated secondary and clarifying members of a sentence.

Syntactic synonyms of isolated sentence members, their text-forming role.

    The ability to correctly pronounce sentences with isolated and clarifying members intonationally. Ability to use sentences with isolated members and their syntactic synonyms.

Direct and indirect speech (6+1).

    Repetition of what has been learned about direct speech and dialogue. Methods of transmitting someone else's speech.

Syntactic synonyms of sentences with direct speech, their text-forming role.

Systematization and generalization of what was learned in 8th grade (5+1).

4. Requirements for the level of preparation of 8th grade students

Students must:

know/understand definitions of the main language phenomena studied in grade 8, linguistic concepts, punctuation rules, justify your answers by giving the necessary examples;

be able to:



Differentiate main and secondary information, known and unknown information of the listened text;

Record the information of the listened text in the form of a thesis plan, complete and condensed retelling;

Determine whether the text being listened to belongs to the type of speech and functional variety of language;

Review the student's oral response;

Ask questions about the text you listened to;

Answer questions about the content of the text;

Listen to information from television and radio broadcasts with the goal of determining the topic and main idea of ​​the message;


Predict the content of the text based on the analysis of the title, the content of the epigraph and on the basis of familiarity with the illustrative material of the text - diagrams, tables based on the text;

If necessary, switch to learning reading;


When retelling the text, reflect your understanding of the issues and position of the author of the source text;

Report about school life;

Construct a short oral statement based on diagrams, tables and other visual materials;

Create a coherent monologue statement on a linguistic topic in the form of a text-argument, text-evidence, text-description;

Draw up instructions for the application of a particular rule;

Take part in dialogues of various types;

Respond adequately to spoken speech, correctly enter into verbal communication, maintain or end a conversation, etc.;


Retell a fragment of the text you listened to;

Retell read journalistic and literary texts, preserving the structure and linguistic features of the source text;

Create an essay - a description of an architectural monument, an essay - a comparative description, an argument on a free topic, a narrative essay with elements of narration or reasoning, a report on an event;

Write notes, advertising annotations, it is appropriate to use language means characteristic of journalism (expressive vocabulary, expressive syntax, dissected sentences - parcellation, rhetorical questions and exclamations, question-answer form of presentation, rows of homogeneous members, polyunion, etc.);

Draw up business papers: application, power of attorney, receipt, autobiography; TEXT:

Find problematic articles, reports, portrait sketches in magazines and newspapers, determine their topic, main idea, title;

Recognize the linguistic and speech means of influencing the reader that are characteristic of artistic and journalistic texts;


Correctly pronounce common words, taking into account pronunciation options;

Evaluate one’s own and other people’s speech from the point of view of compliance with spelling standards;


Explain the meaning of a word, its spelling and grammatical features, relying on word-formation analysis and typical morphemic patterns of words;

Analyze words that illustrate different ways of word formation;

enjoy different types morphemic and word-formation dictionaries; LEXICOLOGY AND PHRASEOLOGY:

Explain the meaning of words on socio-political topics, define them correctly;

Use different types of explanatory dictionaries (“Dictionary of Foreign Words”, “Dictionary linguistic terms" and so on.);

Assess the appropriateness of the use of words, taking into account the style, type of speech and speech tasks of the statement;

Find figurative and expressive techniques in a literary text based on the lexical capabilities of the Russian language;


Recognize parts of speech and their forms;

Observe morphological norms for the formation and use of words, use a dictionary for grammatical difficulties;

Rely on morphological analysis of words when conducting spelling, punctuation and syntactic analysis;


Apply spelling rules;

Explain the spelling of difficult-to-check spellings, based on the meaning, morphemic structure and grammatical characteristics of words;


Recognize, correctly construct and use different types of phrases;

Distinguish between simple sentences of different types, use one-component sentences in speech, taking into account their specificity and stylistic properties;

Correctly and appropriately use sentences with introductory constructions, homogeneous and isolated members;

Correctly construct sentences with isolated members;

Carry out intonation analysis of a simple sentence;

Carry out intonation and syntactic analysis of a simple sentence when conducting syntactic and punctuation analysis;

Use various syntactic structures as a means of enhancing the expressiveness of speech;

Know the correct method of action when applying the learned punctuation rules, orally explain the punctuation of sentences of the studied constructions, use special graphic symbols in writing, build punctuation schemes for simple sentences, independently select examples of punctuation rules.

Forms and controls

The forms of intermediate and final certification in the 8th grade are as follows:

Dictation (explanatory, selective, graphic, warning, “Testing myself”);

Test work with a selective answer;

Comprehensive text analysis;

Detailed and selective presentation;

Presentation with elements of an essay-reasoning;

Essay - description of the monument;

Essay on a moral and ethical topic;

Public speaking on socially important issues;

Essay-story on a free topic;

Oral statement on a linguistic topic.

5.List of educational and methodological support


For students

    Akhremenkova L. A. Towards an A grade step by step, or 50 lessons with a tutor: Russian language: 8th grade / L. A. Akhremenkova. - M.: Education, 2005.

    Bogdanova G. A. Test tasks in the Russian language: 8th grade / G. A. Bogdanova. -M.: Education, 2006

    Zherdeva L. A. Russian language in secondary school: Cards-tasks: Syntax, punctuation. - 2nd ed. / L. A. Zherdeva. - Novosibirsk - M.: Vlados, 2004.

    S.G.Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L. Yu Maksimov, L.A. Czech. Russian language: Textbook for 8th grade of general education institutions / M.: Prosveshchenie, 2006.

For the teacher

    Bogdanova G. A. Russian language lessons in 8th grade: A book for teachers. - 3rd ed. / G. A. Bogdanova - M.: Education, 2006.

    Valgina N.S., Difficult issues of punctuation. – M., 1983.

    Didactic materials on the Russian language: 8th grade / Comp. Yu. S. Pichugov. -M.: Education, 1999.

    Ivanova V.F., Difficult issues of spelling. – M., 19824.

    Kapinos V.I., Sergeeva N.N., Soloveichik M.S. Presentations: texts with linguistic analysis. – M., 1994.

    6. Kostyaeva T. A. Tests: Tests and tests in the Russian language: 8th grade / T. A. Kostyaeva. - M.: Education, 2004.

    Lebedev N. M. Generalizing tables and exercises in the Russian language: A book for teachers: From work experience / N. M. Lebedev. - M.: Education, 1991.

    Standard of basic general education in the Russian language. URL:

    Sample programs of basic general education. Russian language for educational institutions with Russian as the language of instruction. URL:

Multimedia aids

    "Phrase". A training program on spelling and punctuation rules for schoolchildren and applicants.

    Electronic tutor-simulator “Russian language course”

    3.Testing program for schoolchildren and applicants. Cyril and Methodius

    4. Russian language lessons from Cyril and Methodius, 8th grade.

    Read more School kit: Russian spelling trainer.

    Educational program (spelling trainer) for schoolchildren from 10 years old and applicants (grades 5 – 11).

Reference Guides

    Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / edited by corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.Yu. Shvedova. - 18th edition, stereotype. - M.: Russian language, 1986. - 797 p.

    Bukchina B.Z., Kalakutskaya L.P. Together or separately? Spelling dictionary-reference book.: - 2nd edition, stereotype. - M.: Russian language, 2001. - 944 p.

    Efremova T.F., Kostomarov V.G. Dictionary of grammatical difficulties of the Russian language. - 3rd edition, stereotype. - M.: Russian language, 1997. - 347 p.

    Reznichenko I.L. Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: Pronunciation. Emphasis: Reznichenko.- M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2004.- 1182 p.

    N.P. Kolesnikov Dictionary of words with double consonants. Rostov n/d.: Publishing house Rost. University, 1995.- 416 p.

    Alexandrova Z.E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: edited by L.A. Cheshko. - 5th edition, stereotype. - M.: Russian language, 1986. - 600 p.

    Rosenthal D.E. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. 2nd edition, corrected and expanded, M., “Enlightenment”, 1976, 543 p.

    Lapatukhin M.S., Skorlupovskaya E.V., Snegova G.P. School explanatory dictionary of the Russian language - M., 1981

    Baranov M.T., Kostyaeva T.A., Prudnikova A.V. Russian language: Reference materials (Ed. N.M. Shansky) M., 1993

    10. Valgina N.S., Svetlysheva V.N. Spelling and punctuation. Directory. – M.: Higher School, 1993.

    Goldin Z.D. Russian language in tables for grades 5-11. M., 2007.

    Golub I.B., Rosenthal D.E. Russian language. Spelling. Punctuation. - M.: Iris press, 20.

    Panov B.T. Types and structure of Russian language lessons. - M.: Education, 2006.

    Panov M.V. Interesting spelling. – M.: Obraz, 2004.

    Khalikova N.V. Tests and tests in the Russian language: grades 5-9. – M.: Bustard, 2003.

    Shapiro N.A. Russian language in exercises: grades 5-7. – M.: September, 2000.

    Vasilyeva, E.V. Open lessons in the Russian language: grades 5-11 / E.V. Vasilyeva, M.: LLC “5 for knowledge”, 2008

    Kasperskaya, O.V. Russian language. 5-11 grades. Analysis of literary text: lesson developments, supporting notes / O.V. Kasperskaya, - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010

    Krivoplyasova, M.E. Means and techniques of expressive speech. Grades 5-9: training tasks in the classroom / M.E. Krivoplyasova, - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007

    Sivokozova, T.V. System of preparation for the Unified State Exam. Work with text. Exercises of increased complexity / T.V. Ssivokozova, - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005

    Tsvetkova, G.V. Russian language. Grades 5-11: project activities of students / G.V. Tsvetkova, - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009

    Krysin L.P. Explanatory dictionary of foreign words. – M.: Education, 1998. Krysin L.P. School dictionary of foreign words. – M.: Education, 1997.

    Encyclopedia for children, volume 10: Linguistics. Russian language. – M.: Avanta+, 1998.

    Vasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. In 4 volumes. – M.: Astrel. AST, 2004.

    Ushakov D.N., Kryuchkov S.E. Spelling dictionary. - 41st ed. - M„ 1990.

    Baranov M.T. School spelling dictionary of the Russian language. - 4th ed. - M., 1999.

    Panov B. T., Tekuchev A. V. School grammar and spelling dictionary of the Russian language. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M., 1991.

    Odintsov V.V. and others. School dictionary of foreign words / Ed.

    Baranov M.T. School dictionary of the formation of words in the Russian language. - M., 1997.

    Tikhonov A.N. School word-formation dictionary of the Russian language. - 2nd ed., revised - M., 1991.

    Zhukov V.P., Zhukov A.V. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. - 3rd ed., revised. - M., 1994,

    Lvov M.R. School dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. - 4th ed. - M., 2000.

    Shansky N. M., Bobrova T. A. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1997.

Educational electronic resources

    - Educational series computer programs"1C: Tutor" in the Russian language, Control and diagnostic systems of the "Tutor" series. Tests on punctuation, spelling, etc. Tests, dictations for grades 5-11

9th grade

The intellectual potential of school students and the needs of parents for schoolchildren to obtain quality knowledge had a significant influence on the choice of the program by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya. Training under this program does not violate continuity, because it has a completed line and, what is very important, corresponds to the goals and objectives of the educational process in the context of the updated content of language education and the changed forms of state assessment tests for the course of primary and secondary schools.

Planning the topics and structure of lessons is aimed at preparing ninth-graders for the State Examination. To this end, speech development lessons will be aimed at developing the ability to write complete and concise statements and essays on various topics. The program provides for lesson-based learning of the material, for which significant space is given to repetition.

One of the main directions is the organization of work to equip students with solid and conscious knowledge.

The assimilation of theoretical information is carried out in the practical activities of students in the analysis, comparison and grouping of language facts, during various types of analysis.

The study of each section, each topic contributes to the development of logical thinking and speech of students. The development of students' speech in Russian lessons involves improving all types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading and writing).

The assessment system at the end of the study of each topic provides for credit lessons, testing, creative and control work.

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation provides for compulsory study of the Russian (native) language in grade IX - 68 hours (2 hours per week).


Working programm

International significance of the Russian language

Repetition of what has been covered in grades 5-8


Complex sentences

Conjunctive complex sentences

Complex sentences


Complex sentences


Non-union complex sentences


Complex sentences with different types of connections


General information about the language

Systematization of what has been studied in phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and spelling, speech culture



Forms of work:

frontal work, individual work, independent work, pair work

Methods, techniques, forms of organizing students in Russian language lessons, Technologies:

    level differentiation;

    problem-based learning;

    information and communication technologies;

    health-saving technologies;

    test technologies

    pedagogy of cooperation

    student-centered learning


verbal, visual, practical, methods of control and self-control; search, deductive

Forms of training:

A lesson in learning new material, a lesson in consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities, a combined lesson, a lesson-conversation, a repetition-summarizing lesson, a lesson - lecture, a lesson - a game, a lesson - research, a lesson - workshop, a lesson in speech development.

Teaching methods:

    • generalizing conversation on the studied material;

      individual oral survey;

      frontal survey;

      polling using punched cards;

      random exercise check;

      peer review;

      self-control (using dictionaries, reference books);

      various types of analysis (phonetic, lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, linguistic);

      types of work related to text analysis and its processing;

      observation of the speech of others, collection of appropriate speech material and its subsequent use as directed by the teacher;

      presentations (selected, detailed and condensed) based on texts such as descriptions, reasoning;

      essay writing;

      writing from dictation;

UDC 372.881.116.1(073.3) BBK 74.268.1Rus P78

Compiled by L. M. Rybchenkova

Programs for general education schools, gymnasiums, P78 lyceums: Russian language. 5-9 grades / Comp. L. M. Rybchenkova.

- 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2002. - 160 p.

18VM 5-7107-5350-5

The collection includes programs for grades 5-9 approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the three current parallel stable sets of textbooks on the Russian language included in the Federal List.UDC 372.881.116.1(073.3)

BBK 74.268.1Rus

Russian Federation2000 18VK 5-7107-5350-5©Drofa LLC, 2000


In Russian

to textbooks

M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya,

N. M. Shansky)**

Explanatory letter

Russian language is the language of the Russian people. It serves him as a means of communication in all spheres of life (in everyday life, between citizens and institutions, in

* Ladyzhenskaya T. A., Baranov M. T., T r o s-tentsova L. A. and others. Russian language. 5th grade/Scientific editor acad. RAO N. M. Shansky.

Baranov M. T., Ladyzhenskaya T. A., Tros-tentsova L. A. and others. Russian language. 6th grade/Scientific editor acad. RAO N. M. Shansky.

Baranov M. T., Ladyzhenskaya T. A., Tros-tentsova L. A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade/Scientific editor acad. RAO N. M. Shansky.

Barkhudarov S.G., Kryuchkov S.E., Maksimov L.Yu., Cheshko L.A. Russian language. 8th grade.

Barkhudarov S. G., Kryuchkov S. E., Maksimov L. Yu., Cheshko L. A. Russian language. 9th grade.

** This program is based on the program in force since 1968, taking into account the “Temporary requirements for the mandatory minimum content of basic general education.” In the process of its creation, suggestions from teachers from the country's leading pedagogical universities, IUU methodologists, as well as teachers from many schools were taken into account.

scientific and artistic-verbal creativity); for storing and transmitting information; to connect generations of Russian people who lived in different eras.

Russian language is one of the most developed languages ​​in the world. It is distinguished by its richness and diversity of vocabulary, word-formation and grammatical means, has inexhaustible possibilities of visual and expressive means, and stylistic diversity. Fiction and science of world significance have been created in Russian.

The Russian language in the modern world is one of the official languages ​​of the UN. In the Russian Federation it is the state language.

Fluency in the native Russian language is a reliable basis for every Russian person in his life, work, and creative activity. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to raise the teaching of the Russian language to a new qualitative level that meets the conditions and needs of modern society, strengthen the practical orientation of teaching the Russian language, and increase the effectiveness of each lesson.

Objectives of teaching Russian language. The academic subject “Russian language” in a modern school has a cognitive and practical orientation, i.e. it gives students knowledge about their native language and develops their language and speech skills. These are the special purposes of his teaching. At the same time, “Russian Language” also performs general subject tasks.

The special goal of teaching the Russian language at school is to develop the linguistic, communicative and linguistic competence of students.

Linguistic competence, i.e., schoolchildren’s awareness of the native language system, is realized

in the process of solving the following cognitive tasks: forming a scientific and linguistic worldview in students, equipping them with the basics of knowledge about their native language (its structure and functioning), developing a linguistic and aesthetic ideal, i.e., the idea of ​​beauty in language and speech.

Communicative competence, i.e., schoolchildren’s awareness of the peculiarities of the functioning of their native language in oral and written form, is realized in the process of solving the following practical problems: formation of strong spelling and punctuation skills (within the limits of program requirements); mastering the norms of the Russian literary language and enriching the vocabulary and grammatical structure of students’ speech; teaching schoolchildren the ability to coherently express their thoughts orally and in writing. As a result of teaching the Russian language, students should be able to use it freely in all public spheres of its application.

Linguistic competence is the knowledge of students about the science of “Russian language”, its sections, the goals of scientific study of language, basic information about its methods, stages of development, and outstanding scientists who have made discoveries in the study of their native language.

The general subject objectives of work on the Russian language at school are: educating students using the means of this subject; development of logical thinking of schoolchildren; teaching them the ability to independently expand their knowledge of the Russian language; formation of general educational skills - working with books, reference literature, improving reading skills, etc.

Russian is a literary language, therefore the curriculum of the Russian language school course consists of basic information about it. At the same time, the program includes elements of general information about the language, the history of the language, its modern varieties - territorial, professional.

The program contains:

a system of concepts selected in accordance with the learning objectives from the field of phonetics, vocabulary and phraseology, morphemics and word formation, morphology, syntax and stylistics of the Russian literary language, as well as some information about the role of language in the life of society, about language as a developing phenomenon, etc. ; speech science concepts, on the basis of which work on the development of coherent speech of students is based - the formation of communicative skills; information about the basic norms of the Russian literary language;

information about graphics, spelling and punctuation; a list of types of spelling patterns and names of punctuation rules.

In addition to the listed knowledge about language and speech, the program includes a list of spelling, punctuation and speech skills that students must master.

Structure of the Russian language school course in5-9 grades. The program is built taking into account the principles of consistency, scientificity and accessibility, as well as continuity and prospects between the various sections of the course.

The material of the Russian language school course is arranged by grade as follows: in grades 5, 6 and 7, phonetics and graphics, vocabulary and phraseology, morphemics and word formation, morphology and spelling are studied. A systematic course in syntax is the subject of study in grades 8 and 9. However, initial information about

basic concepts of syntax and punctuation are introduced as early as 5th grade. This allows you to organize work on the syntactic, punctuation and speech skills of students and prepare them for studying a systematic syntax course in grades 8 and 9.

The material in the program is arranged taking into account the age capabilities of students. In accordance with this, the study of some topics of the Russian language course is carried out in two stages. For example, the topics “Vocabulary”, “Word Formation”, “Noun”, “Adjective”, “Verb” are given in grades 5 and 6, information on stylistics and speech science - in grades 5, 6 and 7.

Work on speech culture is distributed across all classes.

Each class provides introductory lessons about the Russian language, revealing the role and significance of the Russian language in our country and abroad. These lessons give the teacher great opportunities to solve educational problems and create an emotional mood that contributes to increased interest in the subject and its successful study. The knowledge gained in these lessons is summarized and systematized in the section “General information about the language”, which ends the Russian language school course in the 9th grade.

The program provides for a solid assimilation of the material, for which a significant place in it is given to repetition. For repetition at the beginning and end of the year, special hours are allocated in each class. In grade 5, in the section “Repetition of what has been covered in grades 1-4,” the content of this work is determined, which is dictated by the need to correctly resolve issues of continuity between the primary and secondary levels of education. In other classes, the content of work in repetition lessons is not

regulated. The teacher plans such lessons, taking into account the specific teaching conditions. Topics studied in several stages are preceded at the next stage by repetition of information received in the previous class (classes). Each topic ends with a repetition of what has been covered. This repetition system provides the necessary level of solid knowledge and skills.

The program specifically allocates hours for the development of coherent speech - a fifth of the total teaching time indicated for a given class. Topics on speech development - speech science concepts and types of work on text - are proportionally distributed among grammatical material. This ensures uniformity of speech training and conditions for its organization.

At the end of the program of each class, a special section lists the basic skills that are formed in the process of studying information about language and speech.

The program indicates the annual amount of teaching time for each class, and also gives the distribution of the number of hours by program topic. The teacher, taking into account the importance of the material for the development of competent written and oral speech skills, as well as the preparedness of students and the working conditions with this class, can make adjustments to the specified distribution of hours.

Main areas of work in Russianlanguage in grades 5-9. One of the main directions of teaching the Russian language is organizing work to equip students with solid and conscious knowledge.

Strengthening the practical orientation of teaching the Russian language at school requires special attention to those theoretical issues that serve as the basis for the formation of spelling,

punctuation and speech skills: dividing words by composition, distinguishing parts of speech, determining the grammatical basis of a sentence, the ability to establish connections between words in a sentence, etc.

The assimilation of theoretical information is carried out in the practical activities of students in the analysis, comparison and grouping of language facts, during phonetic, morphological, syntactic, spelling, punctuation and other types of analysis, which should be used primarily to explain the conditions for choosing spelling and punctuation marks, as well as developing self-control skills.

The most important area in the work of a Russian language teacher is the development of literate writing skills. When studying spelling and punctuation rules with students, it is important to ensure that students understand and remember them, can illustrate them with their own examples, and master how to apply the rules in practice.

Systematic work on words with unverifiable and difficult to verify spellings is of great importance in the formation of strong spelling skills. Memorization does not require obligatory visual support and targeted training. In dictionary and lexical work, special techniques are used: thematic combination of words into special lexical groups, composing phrases and sentences with these words, including them in independent work, composing nests of cognate words with them, maintaining individual dictionaries, referring to the etymology of words, working with orthographic and explanatory dictionaries, the use of vocabulary dictations. These and other types of exercise

they contribute to the solid assimilation of minimum dictionaries (they are placed in the appendices to textbooks called “Write Correctly”), necessary for a literate person.

It is important to ensure the consolidation of spelling and punctuation skills when studying all sections and topics of the Russian language school course without exception, thereby creating continuity in improving spelling skills. Most of the time intended for studying the subject is allocated to work on developing skills and abilities.

Teaching schoolchildren the Russian language in grades 5-9, the teacher supports and improves the skills and abilities of correct calligraphic writing, formed in grades 1-4, imposes the necessary requirements for the graphically correct and legible design of all entries in notebooks, and pays attention to the fact that students write strictly on the line of the notebook (and not between the lines) letters of the same height, capital letters were written correctly (G, but not g, P, A Not P etc.) and lowercase letters consisting of graphically similar elements (w And t, m And w, and And e, o And a, and And s, n And P etc.), observed the required inclination of letters, spacing between words, correctness and uniformity”, placed in notebooks the dates, names of the lesson topics, names of types of work, numbers of exercises, epigraphs, observed the red line, carefully drew up various conventions in grammatical parsing words and sentences.

In this regard, teacher control over students’ classroom and homework becomes especially important. It is necessary to organize the checking of notebooks in such a way that each student feels daily responsibility for his notes in them. Oso-

Very close monitoring should be established over the condition of the notebooks of low-achieving students who need to be provided with daily assistance in correct design all entries.

A thorough analysis of the mistakes made by students when writing educational and especially test papers is used to determine the direction of the teacher’s further work in developing the skills of schoolchildren.

The study of each section, each topic should contribute to the development of logical thinking and speech of students. The development of students' speech in Russian language lessons involves the improvement of all types of speech activity (speaking, listening (listening), reading and writing) and is carried out in three directions that make up a single whole.

The first direction in the development of students' speech is mastering the norms of the Russian literary language: literary pronunciation, formation of word forms, construction of phrases and sentences, use of words in accordance with their lexical meaning and stylistic affiliation.

Mastering the norms of the Russian literary language of speech of students of dialectisms and jargon. Success is ensured if the teacher, taking into account the peculiarities of the local dialect, systematically monitors the correctness of students' speech, accustoms schoolchildren to consciously analyze their speech and the speech of their comrades from the point of view of its compliance with literary norms.

The second direction is enriching the vocabulary and grammatical structure of students’ speech. Students' vocabulary grows as they study all

educational subjects, but a special role in this belongs to the Russian language and literature. The enrichment of vocabulary in Russian language lessons is ensured by systematic vocabulary work.

Enrichment of the grammatical structure of children's speech is achieved permanent job on the synonymy of phrases and sentences, observations on the form, meaning and features of the use of linguistic units.

The third direction in the development of students' speech is the formation of skills and abilities for a coherent presentation of thoughts in oral and written form.

The development of coherent speech involves working on the content, construction and linguistic design of an utterance, which is carried out when performing special exercises and when preparing presentations and essays. It includes the formation and improvement of the skills to analyze a topic, clarify its boundaries, determine the main idea, draw up a plan and systematize the material in accordance with it, and correctly select linguistic means.

In Russian language lessons, attention is paid to improving students' coherent oral speech: educational, scientific and public (oratory) based on familiarity with the main types of everyday, socio-political and academic eloquence.

As an obligatory component in the work on developing students' speech, it is the prevention and elimination of various language errors.

Speech development work includes developing expressive reading skills. Classes

expressive reading is preceded and accompanied by work on the development of students’ speech hearing (the ability to distinguish sounds in a word, pronounce words clearly, distinguish between stressed and unstressed syllables, determine the boundaries of a sentence, raise and lower the voice, speed up and slow down the pace of speech, highlight words that fall on logical stress). It is very important to ensure that each coherent text is not read monotonously and inexpressively. Using Learning Tools

Various teaching aids, developed as components of a complex, the basis of which is the textbook, are methodologically consistent with it. All of them expand the teacher’s abilities to organize students’ independent work, develop students’ spelling, punctuation, speech and language skills, facilitate the implementation of intra-subject and inter-subject connections, etc.

Screen aids such as overhead projector banners allow you to intensify the learning process, increase the density of the lesson, increase the volume of didactic material to explain new things and reinforce what was previously learned, and organize a check of what was written in the lesson.

Using reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists in grammar and design lessons

ornate speech helps expand students' vocabulary , activating their oral and written speech helps solve the problem of aesthetic education of students.

Introducing them to work with reference literature is of great importance for the development of independence in schoolchildren in educational work. Gradually moving from the reference apparatus of the textbook to dictionaries and reference books specially created for school, the teacher develops in students the habit of turning to these manuals in difficult or doubtful cases of spelling words, their pronunciation, stress, formation of form, disclosure of meaning (see Appendix 2).

It is necessary to improve the educational process, using, along with the lesson, such forms of classes as seminars, interviews, workshops, consultations, which require more active independent study of the material. For the successful operation of these forms of classes, the teacher must introduce students to a variety of popular scientific literature on the Russian language and linguistics in general. All this will help increase children’s interest in the Russian language and improve its teaching by the teacher.

Interdisciplinary connections in Russian language lessons. The school mainly studies the Russian literary language, therefore the closest and most organic connections of the Russian language as a subject are with literature. When teaching the Russian language, software works of fiction are widely used to illustrate linguistic facts, observations of the use of individual words, grammatical forms, various syntactic structures, means of connecting sentences and parts of text, as well as certain types of speech (narration, description and reasoning). The connection between Russian language and literature

is fixed by a speech development program, which provides for types of work common to these subjects (teaching presentation, retelling, composition, etc.).

The same linguistic concepts take place in the course of foreign languages ​​being studied (subject, predicate, member of a sentence, etc.). Similar concepts are contained in the course of literature, fine arts (antonym, antithesis, contrast, visual means); in history lessons, students become acquainted with archaisms, historicisms, borrowed words, and widely introduce them into speech; when studying geography - with issues of population and language groups; in biology lessons - with questions of thinking and speech; when practicing music - with sound, timbre, intonation.

Using reproductions of paintings by famous artists in Russian language lessons, the teacher relies on the knowledge that schoolchildren acquired in fine arts lessons. By teaching children to write an essay based on a painting, a Russian language teacher contributes to their aesthetic education, teaches them to value a truthful depiction of life, identify the artist’s ideological intent, and understand the language of this type of art. At the same time, schoolchildren learn to find a verbal equivalent to visual images and the color scheme of what is depicted.

Interdisciplinary connections in the educational process provide students with a better understanding of the material being studied and a higher level of proficiency in the Russian language.

Application of the program in the process of teaching the Russian language. The program includes basic knowledge and skills that all secondary school students must master. The teacher must implement it. At the same time, he is given the right, at his own discretion,

use a fifth of the time, without, however, weakening the study of basic knowledge and work on developing skills. To do this, the teacher has the following options: give students similar and complex topics in a general way (in the form of blocks); use the material to repeat what has been covered in your own way; increase (by repeating what has been learned in strong classes) the amount of work on the development of coherent speech.

Different groups of students are differently prepared to perceive new things. Taking into account the actual amount of knowledge of schoolchildren and the level of proficiency in skills, as well as the importance of the material for their formation, the teacher himself distributes time on the program topics of a particular class.


Language is the most important means of communication

Repetition of what has been covered in grades 1-4 (17 hours + 3 hours)

I. Parts of a word. Spelling. Place of spellings in words. Spelling of verifiable and unverifiable vowels and consonants at the root of the word. Spelling letters And, a, y after the hissing ones. Separating ъ And b.

Independent and auxiliary parts of speech.

Noun: three declension, gender, case, number. Spelling vowels in case endings of nouns. The letter ь at the end of nouns after sibilants.

Adjective: gender, case, number. Spelling vowels in case endings of adjectives.

1st, 2nd and 3rd person pronouns.

Verb: person, tense, number, gender (past tense); spelling of vowels in personal endings of the most common verbs of I and II conjugations; letter b in the 2nd person singular verbs. Spelling tsya And to be; separate writing Not with verbs.

Adverb (introduction).

Prepositions and conjunctions. Separate writing of prepositions with words.

II. Text. Subject of the text. Styles.

Line of educational and methodological complexes (UMK) "Russian language" (authors: ) is intended for students in grades 5-9 of general education institutions. It has been used for decades. The theoretical and practical material of the textbooks is presented in an accessible and simple manner. Russian language program Ladyzhenskaya T.A. etc. revised taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic Schools. New external and internal design of textbooks has been developed. Teaching materials in the Russian language Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranova M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others produces publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" .

Textbooks on the Russian language Ladyzhenskaya T.A. etc. are included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253). The content of the textbooks corresponds to the federal state educational standard for basic general education (FSES LLC 2010).

Composition of the educational complex “Russian Language” for grades 5-9:
- Textbooks. 5th, 6th grades (from electronic application), 7th, 8th, 9th grades. Authors: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A., Deykina A.D., Aleksandrova O.M. and etc.
- Workbooks. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 grades. Efremova E.A.
- Workbooks " Ambulance In Russian". 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 grades. Authors: Yanchenko V.D., Latfullina L.G., Mikhailova S.Yu.
- Didactic materials. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 grades. Authors: Trostentsova L.A., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Strakevich M.M., Podstrekha N.M. and etc.
- Dictations and presentations. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 grades. Solovyova N.N.
- Cards-tasks (manual for teachers). 5, 6, 7, 8 grades. Larionova L.G.
- Diagnostic work. 5, 6, 7, 8 grades. Solovyova N.N.
- Thematic tests. 5, 6, 7 grades. Kaskova I.A.
- Guidelines. 5th, 6th grades. Ladyzhenskaya T.A.
- Lesson-based developments. 7, 8, 9 grades.Authors:Trostentsova L. A., Zaporozhets A. I.
- Russian language lessons ( Toolkit). 5, 6, 7 grades.Bogdanova G.A.
- Work programs. 5-9 grades.Authors:Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and etc.

Russian language textbooks Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranova M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others ensure the formation of linguistic, communicative, cultural competencies, develop universal learning skills in students, and cultivate an attitude towards their native language as a national value and as an important means of communication. When processing textbooks, special attention was paid to in various ways organization of educational activities, forms of interaction between participants in the educational process, aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results of the main educational program of basic general education in the Russian language.

Workbooks Efremova E.A. include exercises and assignments that are structured in accordance with sections of textbooks and are intended to organize consolidation and testing of students' knowledge of the Russian language. Exercises and creative tasks for speech development can be used by the teacher for work in the classroom, as homework, and also in extracurricular activities.

Workbooks “First aid in the Russian language” contain differentiated tasks for all sections of the language course being studied and are intended for teaching schoolchildren who encounter difficulties in mastering educational material.

Didactic materials They supplement the practical part of textbooks with lexical, grammatical, spelling, syntactic and punctuation exercises, as well as exercises that form and develop students’ speech.

Collections of dictations and presentations contain a variety of differentiated material for dictations, presentations, independent and test work, as well as developmental essays. Test tasks have been developed for each section. The manuals have a thematic structure; they use a system of graphic notations, which helps to quickly navigate the necessary material and establish its level for effective use in the educational process. All educational topics are covered, there are keys to assignments.

Task cards can be used both in class and outside of class for individual lessons. All educational material is presented on a text basis and takes into account the features of the Russian language course in primary school. Task cards help students develop spelling and punctuation literacy. In addition to the text and a grammatical task for it, each card contains a task on speech development. The tasks are given in two versions, which differ in degree of difficulty.

Methodical manuals will help the teacher understand the specifics of revised and new textbooks on the Russian language, methodological problems of the modern school. The manuals present the planning of educational material taking into account changes in the school curriculum.

Purpose of benefit "Lesson-based developments" - provide assistance to language arts teachers when planning lessons using the Russian Language textbooks (grades 7, 8 and 9). Features of the publication: a variable approach to lesson planning, implementation of modern pedagogical technologies.

Work programs Russian language course Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranova M.T., Trostentsova L.A. etc. for primary school, in addition to the distribution of educational material by year of study, contains characteristics of the main types of student activities.

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The science of the Russian language, its main sections.Brief information about outstanding Russian linguists.

Language as the main means of communication in a certain national community. Russian language is the national language of the Russian people.

The concept of the state language. Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation. Russian language as a means of interethnic communication between the peoples of Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Russian language as a developing phenomenon.Lexical and phraseologicalinnovations of recent years. The need for a careful and conscious attitude towards the Russian language as a national value.

The main forms of existence of the national Russian language: Russian literary language, territorial dialects (folk dialects), social dialects (jargons) and vernacular. National language is the unity of its various forms (varieties).

The concept of literary language. The Russian literary language is the basis of the national Russian language. Literary language as the basis of Russian fiction. The main differences between literary language and the language of fiction.

Normalization (the presence of norms) is the main distinctive feature of the Russian literary language. Language norm and its features. Types of norms of the Russian literary language: spelling, lexical, morphological, syntactic, stylistic and spelling (spelling and punctuation).

Dictionary as a type of reference literature. Linguistic and non-linguistic dictionaries. The main types of linguistic dictionaries: explanatory, etymological, spelling, spelling, morphemic and word-formative, dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, phraseological dictionaries.

Basic units of language: sound, morpheme, word, phrase, sentence, text.

Phonetics and orthoepy as branches of the science of language.

The system of vowels and consonants in the Russian language: stressed and unstressed vowels; voiced and voiceless consonants; consonants are soft and hard. Paired and unpaired consonants in terms of voicedness and deafness, in terms of softness and hardness. Sonorant consonants. Sibilant consonants.

Changes in sounds in the speech stream. Changing the quality of a vowel sound in an unstressed position. Stunning and voicing of consonants.

Characteristics of an individual speech sound and analysis of sounds in the speech stream. The relationship between sound and letter.

Phonetic transcription.Explanation of the pronunciation and spelling of words using transcription elements.

The connection between phonetics and graphics and spelling.

Basic expressive means of phonetics. Understanding and evaluating sound writing as one of the expressive means of the Russian language. Verbal stress as one of the means of creating the rhythm of a poetic text.

The concept of orthoepic norm. Mastering the basic rules of literary pronunciation and stress: norms for the pronunciation of unstressed vowel sounds; pronunciation of a soft or hard consonant before [e] in foreign words; pronunciation of consonant combinations(chn, th, etc.); grammatical forms (adjectives in-him, -wow , reflexive verbs with-sya, -sya and etc.). Features of the pronunciation of foreign words, as well as Russian names and patronymics.

Peculiarities of stress in the Russian language (force and quantity, mobile, different places). Difficult cases of stress in words (quarter, contract, etc.). Difficult cases of stress in word forms (past tense verbs, short participles and adjectives, etc.).

Acceptable pronunciation and stress options.

Spelling dictionaries and their use in everyday life.

Evaluation of one's own and other people's speech from the point of view of orthoepic norms.

Application of knowledge and skills in phonetics in spelling practice

Morphemics and word formation as branches of the science of language.

Morpheme as the minimal meaningful unit of language. The difference between a morpheme and other linguistic units.

Types of morphemes. Root and non-root morphemes. Root. Similar words. Derivational and inflectional morphemes. The basis of the word. Ending. Prefix, suffix as derivational morphemes.

Morphemic dictionaries of the Russian language.

Alternation of vowels and consonants in the roots of words. Variants of morphemes.

Possibility of historical changes in the structure of words. The concept of etymology. Etymological dictionaries of the Russian language.

Basic ways of forming words.

Formation of words using morphemes (prefix, suffix, prefix-suffix, suffixless). Addition as a way of word formation. Types of addition.

The transition of a word from one part of speech to another as one of the ways of forming words. Combination of a combination of words into a word.

Features of word formation of words of different parts of speech. Word-formation dictionaries of the Russian language.

Basic expressive means of morphemics and word formation. The use of individual author's words in literary texts. Repeating words with the same morphemes as one of the techniques of expressiveness.

Dividing words into morphemes. Clarification of the lexical meaning of a word based on its morphemic composition. Determination of the main methods of word formation. Application of knowledge and skills in morphemics and word formation in spelling practice.

Lexicology as a branch of the science of language.

Vocabulary as a vocabulary, a set of words of a given language.

The word is the basic unit of language. The difference between a word and other linguistic units.

Lexical meaning of the word. The main ways to convey the lexical meanings of words. Interpretation of the lexical meaning of a word using description, interpretation, selection of synonyms, antonyms, and cognates.

Single and polysemous words.

Direct and figurative meanings of the word. Understanding the basis for transferring a name (similarity, contiguity of objects or characteristics).

The main types of tropes based on the use of words in a figurative meaning (metaphor, personification, epithet, etc.). Observation of the use of figurative meanings of words in oral and written texts.

Explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language and their use to define and clarify the lexical meaning of words.

Lexical homonyms are words that are identical in sound and spelling, but different in lexical meaning. Distinguishing between homonyms and polysemantic words in speech.

Synonyms are words that are close or identical in lexical meaning. Semantic and stylistic differences between synonyms. Dictionaries of synonyms of the Russian language and their use. Observing the use of synonyms in oral and written texts. Identification of semantic and stylistic differences between synonyms. The use of synonyms as a means of connecting sentences in the text and as a means of eliminating unnecessary repetition.

Antonyms are words that have opposite lexical meanings. Dictionaries of antonyms in the Russian language. Observing the use of antonyms in oral and written texts.

Historical variability of the vocabulary of the language. The formation of new words and borrowing are the main ways of replenishing the vocabulary of a language.

Original Russian and borrowed words. The main reasons for borrowing words. The main languages ​​are sources of lexical borrowings in the Russian language. Assessment of speech from the point of view of the feasibility and appropriateness of using foreign language vocabulary. Dictionaries of foreign words and their use.

Outdated words and neologisms. The main reasons for the appearance of obsolete words and neologisms in the process of language development. Two types of obsolete words: historicisms and archaisms. General linguistic and individual author's neologisms. Observation of the use of outdated words and neologisms in texts. Dictionaries of obsolete words and neologisms.

Neutral and stylistically colored words. Book words and spoken words. Assessing one’s own and other people’s speech from the point of view of the appropriateness of using stylistically colored vocabulary in various situations of verbal communication.

Common vocabulary and vocabulary of limited use. Dialectisms, professionalisms, jargons. Unjustified expansion of the scope of use of jargon in colloquial speech, mass media, and public speaking. Terminological vocabulary as the most essential feature of the language of science.

Phraseology as a branch of lexicology.

Differences between free combinations of words and phraseological units. Neutral and stylistically colored phraseological units, features of their use in speech.

Phraseological wealth of the Russian language. Proverbs and sayings, aphorisms and catchphrases; their appropriate use in speech practice. Phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language and their use.

Lexical and stylistic norms of the Russian language. Use of a word in strict accordance with its lexical meaning. Taking into account the lexical compatibility of words in speech. Taking into account the stylistic characteristics of words when using them in speech.

Basic expressive means of vocabulary and phraseology.Observation of the use of synonyms, antonyms, phraseological units, words in a figurative meaning, dialectisms, etc. as a means of expression in artistic and journalistic texts.

Evaluating one's own and other people's speech in terms of accurate, appropriate and expressive use of words

Grammar as a branch of the science of language.

Morphology as a branch of grammar.

The grammatical meaning of the word and its difference from the lexical meaning.

The system of parts of speech in the Russian language. Principles of identifying parts of speech: general grammatical meaning, morphological features, syntactic role.

Independent and auxiliary parts of speech.

General characteristics of independent parts of speech.

Nounas part of speech. Animate and inanimate nouns. Common and proper nouns. Gender as a permanent feature of a noun. Nouns of masculine, feminine, neuter, general gender; nouns that do not have a gender characteristic. Number of nouns. Nouns that have only a singular or only a plural form. The system of cases in the Russian language. Types of declension of nouns. Declinable and indeclinable nouns. Indeclinable nouns. Correct use of nouns in speech.

Adjectiveas part of speech. Adjectives are qualitative, relative and possessive. Gender, number and case of adjectives. Dependence of gender, number and case of an adjective on a noun. Degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives, their formation and grammatical features. Full and short qualitative adjectives, their grammatical features. Features of the use of adjectives in different styles of speech. Correct use of adjectives in speech.

Numeralas part of speech. Places of numerals by meaning and structure. Question about numerals in the system of parts of speech. Declension of numerals. Correct use of numerals in speech.

Pronoun as part of speech. Question about pronouns in the system of parts of speech. Classification of pronouns by meaning and grammatical features. Declension of pronouns. Using pronouns as a means of connecting sentences in a text. Correct use of pronouns in speech.

Verb as part of speech. Infinitive. Perfective and imperfective verbs. Transitive and intransitive verbs. Impersonal verbs. Indicative, imperative and conditional (subjunctive) moods of the verb. Present, future and past tenses of the verb in the indicative mood. Conjugation of verbs. Person and number. Changes in gender of verbs in the form of the conditional (subjunctive) mood and indicative mood (past tense). Variably conjugated verbs. Correct use of verbs in speech.

Participle and gerund. Question about participles and gerunds in the system of parts of speech. Participle, its grammatical features. Signs of verb and adjective in participle. Present and past participles. Active and passive participles. Full and short forms of passive participles. The participle, its adverbial and verbal features. Participles of the perfect and imperfect form. Observation of the peculiarities of the use of participles and gerunds in texts. Correct use of participles and gerunds in speech.

Adverb as part of speech. Adverb categories. Degrees of comparison of adverbs, their formation.

Question about words of the state category and modal words in the system of parts of speech.

General characteristics of auxiliary parts of speech; their differences from independent parts of speech.

Pretext as part of speech. Derivative and non-derivative prepositions. Simple and compound prepositions.

Union as part of speech. Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, their categories. Conjunctions are simple and compound.

Particle as part of speech. Particle categories by meaning and use.

Interjection as a special category of words. The main functions of interjections. Interjection categories.

Onomatopoeic words .

Determining whether a word belongs to a certain part of speech based on its grammatical features. Application of knowledge and skills in morphology in the practice of spelling and syntactic analysis of sentences.

Compliance with the basic morphological norms of the Russian literary language.

Correct use of nouns in speech, taking into account their gender assignment and the peculiarities of the formation of nominative and genitive plural forms. Correct use of degrees of comparison and full and short forms of adjectives in speech. Correct use of collective numerals and case forms of cardinal numerals in speech. Correct use of pronouns in speech. Correct use in speech of personal forms of the verb, as well as forms of the imperative mood. Using dictionaries for grammatical difficulties of the Russian language.

Syntax as a section of grammar. Relationship between syntax and morphology.

Phrase and sentence as units of syntax. Types and means of syntactic communication.

Collocation. The main features of a phrase; semantic and grammatical connection between the main and dependent words in a phrase. The main types of phrases based on the morphological properties of the main word: nominal, verbal, adverbial. Types of connections between words in a phrase: coordination, control, adjacency. Norms for combining words and their violations in speech. Selecting the case form of the controlled word, the prepositional case form of the controlled noun.

Offer . The sentence as the basic unit of syntax and as a minimal speech utterance. The main features of a sentence and its differences from other linguistic units.

Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement: non-interrogative (narrative, incentive) and interrogative. Types of sentences based on emotional coloring: non-exclamatory and exclamatory. Intonation and semantic features of narrative, incentive, interrogative, exclamatory sentences.

Sentences are affirmative and negative.

Syntactic structure of a sentence. Grammar(predicative) basis of the proposal. The sentences are simple and complex.

Simple sentence . Syntactic structure of a simple sentence. The main members of a two-part sentence. Ways of expressing the subject. Types of predicate: simple verb, compound verb, compound nominal predicate, ways of expressing them. Features of the connection between subject and predicate.

Secondary members of the sentence: definition (agreed, inconsistent; application as a type of definition), addition (direct and indirect), circumstance. Ways of expressing minor members of a sentence. Difficult cases of coordinating definitions with the word being defined.

One-part sentences. The main member of a one-part sentence. The main groups of one-part sentences: definitely personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal, nominal. Their structural and semantic features. Question about generalized personal sentences. Observation of the peculiarities of the use of one-part sentences in oral and written speech. Synonymy of one-part and two-part sentences.

Proposals common and uncommon. Sentences are complete and incomplete. Observation of the use of incomplete sentences in oral and written texts.

Sentences with homogeneous members. Means of communication between homogeneous members of a sentence. Intonation and punctuation features of sentences with homogeneous members. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Stylistic features of sentences with homogeneous members. Synonymy of simple sentences with homogeneous members and complex sentences. Using the predicate with homogeneous subjects. Norms for combining homogeneous members.

Proposals with isolated members. Separate definition and application. Isolated circumstance. Correct construction of sentences with participial and participial phrases. Clarifying, explanatory, connecting members of a sentence, their semantic and intonation features. Observation of the use of sentences with isolated members in oral and written texts.

Appeal, its functions and methods of expression. Intonation of sentences with appeal. Observation of the use of addresses in colloquial speech, the language of fiction and official business style.

Introductory constructions (words, phrases, sentences). Groups of introductory constructions by meaning. Synonymy of introductory constructions. Using introductory words as a means of connecting sentences and semantic parts of the text. Observation of the use of introductory constructions in oral and written texts.

Plug-in structures. Features of the use of plug-in structures.

Difficult sentence . Semantic, structural and intonation unity of parts of a complex sentence. Basic means of syntactic connection between parts of a complex sentence. Non-union and allied (compound and complex) complex sentences.

Complex sentence, its structure. Means of connecting parts of a complex sentence. Semantic relationships between parts of a complex sentence.

Complex sentence, its structure. Main and subordinate parts of the sentence. Means of connecting parts of a complex sentence: intonation, subordinating conjunctions, allied words, demonstrative words.

Types of complex sentences according to the nature of semantic relations between the main and subordinate parts, structure, syntactic means of communication. Question about the classification of complex sentences. Types of complex sentences. Observation of the peculiarities of using complex sentences in oral and written texts.

Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Subordination (homogeneous and heterogeneous) and sequential subordination of subordinate parts.

Non-union complex sentence. Determination of semantic relations between parts of a non-union complex sentence, intonation and punctuation expression of these relations.

Types of complex sentences with different types of connection.

Correct construction of complex sentences of different types. Synonymy of simple and complex sentences.

Methods of transmitting someone else's speech: direct and indirect speech. Synonymy of sentences with direct and indirect speech. Usage different ways quoting in your own speech statements.

Text . Means of connecting sentences and parts of text. The paragraph as a means of compositional and stylistic division of the text.

Compliance with the basic syntactic norms of the Russian literary language in one’s own speech.

Syntactic synonymy. Stylistic differences between syntactic synonyms.

Basic expressive means of syntax. The use of various syntactic structures as a means of enhancing the expressiveness of speech (exclamatory sentences, addresses, sentences with homogeneous members, etc.).

Spelling as a system of rules for spelling words and their forms. Sections and basic principles of Russian spelling. The concept of spelling.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in the roots of words.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes.

Spelling suffixes in words of different parts of speech.

Spelling endings in words of different parts of speech.

n and nn in words of different parts of speech.

Using ъ and ь.

Spelling vowels after sibilants and c.

Continuous and hyphenated spelling of words.

Integrated and separate writing not and neither with words of different parts of speech.

Spelling adverbs.

Spelling of prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

Use of lowercase and capital letters.

Transfer rules.

Punctuation as a system of rules for spelling sentences. Basic principles of Russian punctuation. Punctuation marks and their functions. Single and paired punctuation marks. Combination of punctuation marks. Variability of punctuation marks.Author's use of punctuation marks.

Punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

Punctuation marks in a simple sentence (a dash between the subject and the predicate, a dash in an incomplete sentence, etc.).

Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members and isolated members of the sentence; in sentences with words that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence: compound, complex, non-union, as well as in a complex sentence with different types of connection.

Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech.

Combination of punctuation marks. Variability in the use of punctuation marks.



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