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Is there internet in India? Cellular communications and Internet in Goa

Mobile communications and Internet in Goa- one of the fastest growing sectors of the state's economy. There is a government program underway, according to which the development of such technologies is a state priority.

Mobile communications in Goa

There are 14 mobile and Internet operators in the state, the most famous of which are Vodafone, Airtel, Idea, BSNL, Aircel, Reliance and Tata DoCoMo, all of which have approximately the same tariffs. The quality of communication is usually good, and your phone can connect to the network not only in a city or village, but even in transport.

The best option for a tourist who comes to Goa is to use his own phone and prepaid services of a mobile operator, especially if the trip is long. Calls to your country from the local cellular network are much cheaper than calls in international roaming, especially since some operators do not support this service within the state.

A prepaid SIM card can be purchased at the office of a cellular company or at a travel agency that sells . The best coverage here is provided by Vodafone, Airtel and Idea. To connect to the operator’s network, you need copies of your passport pages (main page and visa page), as well as 1-2 passport-size photographs. All this can usually be done on site. After filling out the form, you will be given a SIM card, but it will not start working immediately, but only after you call the customer support center, where you will be asked a few simple questions (name, passport number, date of birth, residential address, etc.) . Communication with the operator takes place, of course, in English. After successfully answering the questions, the SIM card is activated within approximately one hour.

Please note that in India there are restrictions on the sale of SIM cards to foreigners; a tourist can receive one for the duration of the visa, but not more than 3 months. After three months or at the moment the visa expires (whichever comes first), the SIM card is blocked. However, such a SIM card can be unlocked if you contact the mobile operator’s office with a corresponding application. To do this, you will again have to go through the entire registration procedure, after which you will be given a new SIM card, but with the same number and with the saved balance.

Thus, when applying for a SIM card in your name, some problems may arise. Firstly, after purchasing a SIM card, mobile communications do not become available immediately, but only after calling the call center, which is not very convenient, especially for those who do not speak sufficient English. Well, secondly, the SIM card will be blocked after three months, which may not be a very pleasant surprise for those who plan to travel around India for a long time. Of course, enterprising Indians are ready to offer a way out of this situation. If you wish, you can purchase an already activated card from them. They are sold in almost all mobile communications departments, but, of course, they are more expensive. To purchase such a SIM card, you do not need any documents, filling out forms or calling support. It will start working immediately. The main thing is not to forget to check whether there is money in the account, and you can call anywhere.

To top up your account balance, you need a voucher, which is sold almost everywhere. You can deposit money in cash at the office of a mobile operator or agency. It is better to top up your account with certain amounts of money, called full talk time. This means that the balance will be exactly the amount you paid, otherwise a replenishment fee may apply.

Internet in Goa

Many people, when arriving in India for work or other purposes, need not only a mobile phone, but also access to the Internet. Such communication in Goa is not of good quality and speed, but there are many connection options. One of them, and the simplest, is wi-fi, free internet, which is available in cafes and sheks, hotels and hostels. To access this Internet you need a password, which can be obtained from the service personnel. However, this Internet does not have good speed; it happens that there is no connection at all all day.

2G and 3G Internet services from Indian operators are connected and charged separately. It is better to find out in advance what tariffs and traffic packages are available. The easiest way is to ask the SIM card seller about all this. If you travel to the northern part of the state, for example, to the villages of Anjuna, Vagator, Chapora, then you can rarely find 3G here; more often the phone catches the usual Edge, which is slow, which can hardly load even the simplest Internet pages. If your route lies in the villages of Candolim, Calangute or Baga, then you can breathe easy, there are practically no problems with 3G here, it works everywhere.

The best option may be to connect to the Internet via a USB modem with a SIM card from an Indian mobile operator. You can buy it at the office of the mobile operator. Be careful with video calls, they consume a lot of traffic.

There is also fiber-optic Internet in Goa, however, this is very rare here, because it is expensive and time-consuming; the procedure takes about two months. Only those who live here permanently use this connection. This type of connection is tied to a specific place of residence, that is, after spending money on it and waiting until the connection is established, you will not be able to take the Internet with you anywhere.

When going to India, you need to be prepared for local flavor in everything. The mentality is reflected not only in the leisurely and very original service, but also in the level of communication. You shouldn’t count on affordable and good internet in Goa. There are often emergency situations where it is impossible to apply the necessary settings to your equipment.

Internet in Goa: mobile or WiFi

You shouldn’t count on Wi-Fi, even if the hotel claims it is available: no one can guarantee you a normal connection. One router can have a couple of dozen users, which reduces the speed significantly, and mobile communications in India are convenient due to their relative independence from where they are.

Internet cafe

Considering the low income level of the Indian population, the Internet in Goa is available in special cafes equipped with rare equipment. The cars in them are old with a whole set of associated problems and risks. In some cases, you can connect from your laptop. Internet cafes are everywhere. Their services are in demand. Spending an hour online costs about $1.


This is the most popular service, increasing the cost of rental housing, as well as the attractiveness of sheks and cafes for tourists. Therefore, Wi-Fi is gradually becoming an integral part of any public place. The speed is different everywhere. The quality of the connection leaves much to be desired. Terms of use vary between establishments. For example: the first half hour can be used for free, then an hour for up to $1.

Roaming or local SIM card?

India lives in a slightly different dimension. When you arrive here, you should remember that not all operators support roaming. For others it will be expensive. From 1.5 to 2 $/min.

Even for a short trip, it is advisable to purchase several SIM cards. To do this, you will need a photocopy of your passport and a couple of photographs. Some ask you to fill out a form and even call you back to confirm the information provided. Activation requires knowledge of English. If you are weak with this, do it at the place of purchase.

Several SIM cards will be required due to the specifics of cellular communications in India: coverage is not uniform everywhere. In remote corners of Goa, there may be no signal from local companies at all, not to mention roaming.

What mobile and internet operators are there?

All cellular operators provide Internet traffic of varying quality.

4G is being gradually introduced in India. Progress has also reached Goa. JIO is available for the local population. The cost is $2.5 per month for 120 GB. The project is private and is a privilege of Indians.

There are plans to provide free SIM cards for tourists at the state level, but for now the top three market leaders include commercial ones:

  • Airtel;
  • Vodafone;

There are about 14 of them in total. The next echelon behind the leaders is:

  • Reliance;
  • BSNL;
  • Aircel.

Packages for tourists - only with prepayment. They have a limited validity period corresponding to the expiration date of the visa. In order for the number to be valid permanently, an additional payment is required to ensure lifetime validity. About $15.


Beeline users, after arriving in Goa, will find that they have automatically connected to Airtel. For roaming, the minimum balance should be about 600 rubles. Others are available upon special request.

Airtel provides normal coverage, some better, some worse, just like cellular communications in Goa in general. Internet is configured on a 3G-enabled phone. Points of sale will definitely offer a modem. Try experimenting with your smartphone first.


Idea Cellular provides better coverage than Airtel, but the quality is good only for calls. Internet traffic depends on the purchased package, time of day and even wind direction. It is better to purchase with a modem provided by Idea, otherwise there may be difficulties with the settings.


One of the cellular giants in India. You should not expect an attentive and reverent attitude towards clients. You can find any option in the packages. Be prepared for several applications to load that regularly reset your account balance to zero. To turn them off, you will have to spend time and nerves.


BSNL's position in mobile telephony in India is mediocre. He is among the top five. Unlike competitors, it is not yet ready to provide 4G to customers. In Goa, it is interesting to have the opportunity to provide wired Internet with fairly reasonable tariffs.


Aircel's cellular coverage covers predominantly the northern and south-eastern states of India, but is gradually coming to Goa. 4G technologies are being actively developed.

Which mobile and internet operator should you choose?

Interruptions in cellular communications require tourists to take precautions: spend money and buy at least two SIM cards. Internet in Goa is best provided by the leaders Airtel, Vodafon, Idea. When choosing, it is better to build on them. With patience, you may even be able to file claims against the work.

If you do not plan to leave the hotel and travel far beyond your beach, buy a SIM card from a company whose coverage extends to the territory of your residence.

The signal is traditionally better in the center of a village or city and deteriorates greatly on the coast.

Connection quality

Airtel has good coverage in central Goa. In the north - Idea is suitable. Vodafon has approximately the same signal strength throughout the state.

All operators are guilty of spam. Get ready, your number will receive a dozen SMS with all kinds of commercial offers per day.

Important nuances

Internet in Goa comes with the purchase of a SIM card for making calls.

Additionally, the purchase of a telephone or modem for yours is often imposed. There are often cases when standard Indian settings cannot be applied to your equipment.

Purchasing a SIM card as of the 2016–2017 season with standard options: GB of Internet and about 3 hours of local calls will cost up to $10. A call to your home country costs no more than 20 cents. Calling within Goa costs about 1 cent. Activation takes up to 2-3 days. The standard cost of a modem is about $10. The router will cost up to $45.

The price of the packages varies, but there are no big differences between them.

There is no unlimited internet in Goa. Communication companies in package offers limit the speed or volume of downloaded information.

For those who plan to stay for a long time in Goa

Expats from other countries and winterers face serious difficulties when moving to Goa for a long time. Despite the fact that the service is improving year after year, the quality of communication is growing slowly. Good internet in Goa is still a dream for our compatriots. There are several steps you can take to ensure you have the connectivity you need:

  1. Rent a house with an extended line and agree in advance to pay for it yourself. As a rule, the owner buys the cheapest package. The paid GB is enough for literally a few days. Then the supplier demands additional payment, reducing the speed to a minimum, and this continues until the next month.
  2. Conduct the Internet yourself. Depending on the distance, this is an expensive but reliable option. The range is large - from $30 to $300. Useful if you work remotely. There will be a choice of which package to pay for.
  3. Get to know the owner of the house better and buy Jio on his behalf or with his help. It will be cheap and cheerful. The main thing is to have coverage.

The situation with cellular communications or Internet quality cannot change overnight. But if you have questions, it is better to clarify them on the official websites of Indian operators operating in Goa.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Where is home Wi-Fi in Goa that works without interruptions and at an acceptable speed?

If you decide not to buy a local SIM card, you have enough money in your account to activate roaming, and you don’t expect active travel around Goa, you can only count on good Wi-Fi when booking rooms in high-class hotels or when renting housing from Europeans who have been living in India for a long time . Only they provide acceptable Internet speed and quality for an appropriate fee. Tested empirically.

If you plan to travel to other states in India, does the tariff plan change? If so, which card do you recommend buying so that it’s not expensive?

The tariff plan for a SIM card purchased in Goa is valid within the state. When leaving the country, interstate roaming is enabled. The cost of calls abroad, as a rule, remains the same, but the price for a conversation with a subscriber in Goa increases 2-3 times.

How can I top up my balance in another state?

Cash is actively used to replenish the account. In Goa, cards are sold on every corner. If you use a local number, they can be purchased in advance. Otherwise, when traveling outside the state, you will have to use the Internet to pay.

Goa, waves, sun and shanti. All the rest does not matter. There is no need to place high demands on communications. After all, you have arrived in a tropical paradise, which has a completely different purpose: work and news can wait.

Note with description mobile internet in Goa and purchasing a microsim card for your phone.

general information

There are almost no problems with the Internet in Goa. Internet is available in many cafes and hotels. You can also get a local SIM card and use 3G Internet. This is perhaps the best way to always be connected and not depend on wi-fi, which constantly “falls off” due to short power outages.

If you use wi-fi in the area where you live and after a power outage you find that the Internet has stopped working, ask the hosts to reboot the wi-fi router. In 50% of cases, the router needs to be rebooted to resume Internet operation. If you don’t contact us and complain about the lack of Internet, you may find yourself without it for a couple of days.

There are three most common mobile operators in Goa

— Vodofon
- Airtel

My experience of using the Internet in Goa

Initially I wanted to buy a SIM card Idea, but at that moment the management of the company was changing and it was impossible to issue a tariff. I don’t know how the management of companies in GOA changes, but some users could not even top up their account during this period.

I had to buy Vodofon. Which I didn’t regret at all. The only difficulty was that I was looking for a micro SIM card. And lo and behold, in one of the remote places, I found one. So, if you wish, you can get a micro SIM card.

To obtain a SIM card, you need a copy of your international passport and two color photographs. Stock up on them in advance when leaving.

There is no point in citing the cost of Internet and communications in GOA. It is an order of magnitude cheaper than in Russia. They will explain everything on the spot and will also connect you to the Internet in front of you. Sometimes this is done in such a cunning way that you can’t figure it out yourself. For example, I observed how the seller sent a request to activate the Internet through his phone, and not through the SIM card I purchased.

Telecommunications in India is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. There is a government program in which the development of telecommunications is declared a state priority. Today there are almost a billion telephone subscribers in India.

Landline telephone services in India are provided by two state-owned companies, MTNL and BSNL. Fixed-line users are mainly government agencies. Residents of the country and private businesses, however, prefer cell phones, which to a certain extent explains the more reasonable price of mobile calls.

Currently, in the country, including the state of Goa, there are 14 fiercely competing mobile and Internet operators, the most famous of which are: Vodafone, Airtel, Idea, BSNL, Aircel, Reliance, Tata DoCoMo.

The best telephone connection option for a foreign tourist in Goa If you want to use your own phone, these are prepaid services from mobile operators. Calls to Russia from local cellular networks are much cheaper than calls in roaming from Russian operators, some of which, by the way, do not support this service in Goa. Tariffs for both incoming and outgoing calls in roaming from Russian operators start at 100 rubles per minute, SMS about 20, and a call from Goa to Russia from any local network costs 6-7 rubles per minute, SMS - 3-4 rubles, calls and SMS within Goa - less than a ruble.

Buy a prepaid SIM card You can find them in the offices of cellular companies and travel agencies; they are also sold in supermarkets and hotels. According to reviews, Vodafone, Airtel and Idea have the best coverage in Goa. To connect to the network of any operator, you will be required to provide copies of significant pages of your international passport and one or two passport-size photographs. Copies are usually made on site. Since September 2012, India has introduced restrictions on the sale of SIM cards to foreigners. Tourists are issued SIM cards for the duration of the visa, but not longer than 3 months. That is, if you have a visa for a longer period, then you will have to buy a new oneSIMmap.

To top up your balance need to purchase a voucher ( recharge voucher), they are sold almost everywhere. It is also possible to top up in cash - at the offices of mobile operators or travel agencies. It is recommended to top up your balance only full talk time. This means that you will receive on your balance exactly the same amount that you paid. Some operators have commissions for replenishing your balance.

International fixed line communications available at points STD-ISD-PCO, which are widespread, especially in the resort area of ​​Goa. Usually such points are recognized from afar by their yellow signs. The service is convenient because it is paid after the conversation, in cash, the rate is per second, and the current time and cost of the call are reflected on the display next to the phone. A call to Russia from the STD/ISD/PCO network costs 9-10 rubles per minute.

Dialing a phone number.



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