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Large traffic consumption in the background. How to save mobile traffic on Android

Unlimited tariffs wired providers have long taught us not to save traffic at home. Without any hesitation, we download movies in Full-HD quality, tens of gigabytes in size, watch TV series and videos on YouTube online, play online games, etc. However, the situation changes radically as soon as we turn on mobile Internet on our phone, tablet or other portable device.

Unfortunately, wireless providers are not so generous. They still diligently count and charge every megabyte of data we receive and transmit, set limits on traffic consumption per month and demand a lot of money for their services. And if a person goes online while roaming, then the cost of these services can increase many times over.

As a result, most active users worldwide network looking today various ways, how to save traffic on Android, iOS and other mobile operating systems. We will look at just a few of them using Android as the example of the world's most popular platform for portable devices.

How to save traffic on an Android smartphone using standard tools

Let's start with the most simple tips. They will be useful to every owner of an Android device who uses paid mobile Internet.

The fact is that Google’s operating system initially contains many “loopholes” through which traffic will flow “down the drain,” emptying your wallet. All these “holes” need to be patched!

  • Play Market. This is the most dangerous “waste” in the system, which strives to update your programs at the first opportunity, spending all mobile traffic. To “cut off its oxygen,” go to the settings and in the “Auto-update applications” option, select “Never” or “Only via Wi-Fi.” Also uncheck the “Availability of updates” checkbox. If you need to update, you can always do it manually.
  • Synchronization. Long gone are the days when we had to manually synchronize our address book with Outlook, transfer browser bookmarks ourselves, save passwords from access points, and so on. Today, the operating system does all this automatically. But it's not always on time. If you want to control these processes, then, firstly, uncheck “auto-sync data” in the account settings, and secondly, disable backup in the “restore and reset” section.
  • Background mode. Many applications like to go online even when minimized. As a result, not only traffic is wasted, but also battery power. To prohibit such “liberties”, you need to go to the “data transfer” settings section and select the “limit background mode” function. If you actively use all kinds of online messengers, you will have to allow them to work in the background using the individual settings of these applications.
  • Other loopholes. You can solve the problem of how to save Internet traffic on an Android phone using standard means:
    • disable “location history” in the “Location” settings section;
    • disable auto-checking and auto-downloading of system updates in the “About phone” section;
    • disable sending statistics and downloading voice packages in the Google application;
    • disable remote control there Android management(if you are not going to use it);
    • set limits in the “data transfer” section.

How to save Internet traffic on Android using third-party tools?

Watching streaming video, listening to music online, surfing websites, monitoring Email And social networks– those things that owners cannot do without modern gadgets. However, the extensive capabilities of your phone sometimes come to naught, because mobile operators continue to introduce traffic restrictions in order to siphon money from subscribers. For this reason, saving expensive megabytes is not only possible, but even necessary!

System optimization

Disabling auto updates

If you are using as network access 3G or LTE technologies and want to save on mobile internet, the first thing to do is turn off automatic update programs on your smartphone!

Android operating system:

  • go to Google Play;
  • swipe to open the left side panel;
  • click "Settings";
  • In the “Auto-update applications” column, select the “Only via Wi-Fi network” option.

iOS operating system:

  • click system settings;
  • open the AppStore item;
  • Disable the “Cellular Data” button by first going to the “Updates” section in the “Automatic Downloads” menu.

Note! Phones that function without operating system, this procedure is not needed, because software updates on such devices occur only by flashing them or by purposefully downloading installation files from the Internet. This also applies to subscribers who download network data via EDGE/GPRS. In this case, online markets will independently block application upgrades due to a slow connection.

Traffic limiting

In order to fully control the use network traffic systemic, as well as third party programs, you will need to set the required limit in accordance with the tariff plan.

On an Android smartphone, you can limit data transfer as follows:

  • go to “Settings”;
  • then select the “Data Use” sub-item;
  • Click “Set limit” and indicate the allowed number of megabytes.

In turn, in order to perform similar manipulations on the iPhone, you will have to download third party application from AppStore. Free utility Traffic Monitor is just one of these.

Removing widgets

Currently, the Android OS and a number of less popular mobile platforms are burdened with the problem of power-hungry widgets. However, it can be quickly resolved by simply deleting the information block from the desktop.

Statistics show that one-time views of the content of interest in the browser require significantly less traffic compared to requests from a widget that requires an uninterrupted Internet connection.

Refusal to sync

Again, no matter how you access the network - LTE, 3G or legacy EDGE, your smartphone synchronizes regularly available applications with remote servers. In order to avoid this and save money accordingly, you just need to disable it:

  • Android: "System Settings - Accounts– Turn off synchronization/Only via Wi-Fi";
  • iOS: step No. 1 “System settings – iCloud Drive – turn off Cellular data”, step No. 2 “System settings – iTunes, AppStore – turn off Cellular data”.

Compressing traffic via browser

How is traffic compression done? Everything is very simple. When you view web pages with the Optimized Data Ingestion feature, they are initially stripped by software. remote servers companies of the browser you are using, and only then appear on your display. The process itself takes hundredths of a second, so there can be no talk of any freezes.

Google Chrome

To enable compression in Google browser Chrome needs to perform the following algorithm of actions:

“Go to Chrome – Settings – Data Saver – On.”


Multiplatform Opera browsers and Opera Mini save up to 75% of network data - an absolute record for this market segment software. Traffic compression is set in them by default, so even the average user should not have any problems using the above web browsers. However, be prepared for the fact that it is not possible to watch streaming videos in the mini version, with the only exception being videos on YouTube.


Unfortunately, in Safari browser There is no function that allows you to compress downloaded content online. But thanks to the Reading List option, you can save the sites you need while in Wi-Fi range, and then view the downloaded content anywhere and at any time convenient for you without using a mobile Internet connection.

However, keep in mind that you won’t be able to download videos this way, just like music.


The underground utility TextOnly is designed to remove text from a web page, allowing you to save more than 90% of expensive 3G traffic. However, it’s hard to call this full-fledged Internet surfing.

Obviously, TextOnly will be especially useful for students or schoolchildren who need to quickly download a cheat sheet without being distracted by third-party information.


Music and video

Today we can state the fact that most modern smartphones have at their disposal not even one, but several gigabytes. random access memory. As for ROM storage, 128 gigabyte has not been the ultimate dream for a long time. Why not take advantage of this?

Download from using Wi-Fi favorite music, videos and other multimedia materials directly in the browser tab, then collapse and expand it when you have the opportunity to watch or listen to the saved content. In this case you will not have to pay mobile operator for access to the network.

Satellite positioning

Applications that navigate without using the Internet are expensive, and programs such as Yandex. Maps and Google Maps at first glance cannot do without network traffic, but that’s the point at first glance.

Instructions for downloading maps to implement satellite positioning offline:

  • Yandex: “Yandex. Maps – Menu – Download map – Select city – Select map type – Download”;
  • Google: “Google Maps – Menu – Your Places – Download Map Area – Select Map – Download.”

So, despite the abundance of opportunities to save traffic, perhaps the most in an effective way remains – disabling data transfer. Therefore, do not be lazy to turn off the Internet at those moments when you do not need it. After all, to do this, just click on the corresponding icon in the smartphone control panel or uncheck the necessary box in the menu network settings an ordinary telephone.

Not many operators mobile network give unlimited access to the Internet, so we, as a user, have to set a limit on Internet traffic. Many users may say that this requires downloading special applications, and I agree with them to some extent. But now I’m going to talk about a method for which you don’t even need to download any applications, because Android has such an option.

So let's look at how to set an Internet traffic limit and how to use it correctly.

To do this you need to take a few simple steps:

  • Step 1: go to system settings and find the “Data transfer” item;
  • Step 2: in the menu that opens, select the desired network(in two SIM versions of smartphones there will be two of them, as in this case);

  • Step 3: check the box next to “Set limit” and agree to the notification that appears;

  • Step 4: now it remains to set the Internet traffic limit on the chart, the one you need. The orange line is responsible for a warning, and the red line is for turning off the Internet when the set limit is reached.

This method allows you to set an Internet traffic limit for an entire month. If you need a daily limit, then you will need to change the start date of the statistics period every day, and set the limit value itself to what you need for one day. Yes, don’t forget to set your Internet traffic limit according to the tariffs of your operator.

Example 1. Your Internet provider provides you with 5 GB of Internet traffic for a month. Everything is simple here, go to the settings, check the “Set limit” checkbox and set the desired Internet traffic limit on the graph.

Example 2. Let's say your mobile operator gives you 50 MB per day. We check the box next to “Set limit”, set the desired limit for the day (first set a warning, and then the limit value), and then set the date of the statistics period for the day you need. Don’t forget to change the start date of the statistics period every day.

But that's not all the possibilities. In this menu, you will have access to detailed statistics on Internet traffic consumption; to do this, you need to scroll down. Using these statistics, you can find out which application uses the most traffic. Oh yes, I almost forgot, there is also such an item in the limit settings - “Show when blocked”. This item is activated automatically when the limit is enabled. With this option, an air circle appears on the lock screen displaying information about traffic consumption. For myself, I always leave this option enabled.

This is the functionality Android has. I hope the article was useful for you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments.

Stay tuned, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

In light of the fact that operators mobile communications stopped providing tariffs from unlimited internet traffic, it would be useful to know how to save mobile traffic in android smartphones and tablets. In this material, we will tell you how to significantly reduce traffic consumption and try not to go beyond the volume that is required by your tariff.

Identifying applications with high network activity

To determine mobile traffic consumers in the operating room Android system there is a built-in application, which, depending on the versions of the operating system and the proprietary user interface, may be called “ », « " or " data usage».

Here you can see which programs consume megabytes the most, and also set a traffic limit, upon reaching which work on the Internet via the mobile network will be stopped. And if you look at the name of a specific application in the list of Internet data consumers, you can see more detailed information about the consumption of mobile traffic.

Having studied the list of applications, you can see that the main consumers of the Internet are a small number of applications. Usually these are those programs that provide viewing of pages on the Internet (browsers), viewing online video and audio, as well as navigation maps. Let's see what can be done to save mobile traffic in these applications.

To save mobile traffic when browsing the Internet, you should use browsers that support data compression and . In such browsers, the requested information is compressed by special server, and then transmitted to the user.

Along with blocking uninvited advertising banners, which, against your will, take an additional amount of data, with such browsers you can get quite good traffic savings on the mobile network. Applications such as Ghrome, Opera and UC Browser have proven themselves well.

Watching videos on the Internet using the network mobile operator– this is the most “traffic-consuming” event. After watching just a couple of videos in good resolution, you can spend the entire monthly limit on your tariff. The vast majority of users watch videos on YouTube using the application of the same name. How can you save mobile traffic here?

Open the app settings and check the option " Traffic savings", thereby disabling viewing HD video on mobile Internet.

Listening to music and radio online also consumes a large amount of data over the mobile network. Although compared to watching video, traffic consumption here is an order of magnitude lower, it is still worth setting up an application for listening to streaming audio to save Internet data received. Almost all streaming audio download apps have an option to select the audio quality. The lower the quality, the lower the traffic consumption.

For example, in Google program Play Music you can select the sound quality over the mobile network " Low», « Average" And " High" You can completely turn off listening on the operator’s network and use only WI-FI.

Most users use maps from their smartphones and tablets for navigation. Google search engines and Yandex, which significantly consume mobile traffic when downloaded to the device. You can save money here by saving the desired section of the map in the memory of your smartphone or caching it in another way.

And if you are in roaming, then for navigation it is better to use special navigation applications that work without using the Internet, determining the location using GPS or Glonass satellites.



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