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How to write status on telegram. Useful Telegram features: privacy settings and invisible mode

For those who take a responsible approach to the issue of their own anonymity, Telegram provides many opportunities. One of them is fine tuning status that the interlocutor sees under your name in the chat window.

This status, for example “was recently”, shows the last time you logged into Telegram.

Options status of the last visit to the application:

  1. "For all". If you set this option, any user in the chat window will see how long ago you logged into Telegram.
  2. "My contacts". By selecting this option, your status will be visible only to your contacts.
  3. "Nobody". In this case, instead of a time stamp in the Telegram status, the words “was online recently”, “this week”, “this month”, “long ago” will be displayed - the approximate value of the date of the last online.

Setting up the status and selecting exceptions

You can configure exceptions for each of the three options . Identify specific people from your contact list who will see Always or they won't see never your status!

So, where to find the visibility and exclusion settings:

On Telegram for Android: On Telegram for iOS: On Telegram desktop:
Main menu → “Privacy and Security” section → “Last activity” item Main menu → “Privacy” section → “Last activity” item Main menu → subsection “Privacy and Security” → item “Who sees the last login time”

Tip from TeleGuide: Changing status visibility works round trip. If you have hidden a status from a specific user, you won't see either time of his last visit to Telegram. It's the same thing if you hide your status from everyone - you won't know anyone's last online date.

How status works when a user is blocked

This question often arises, so we have raised it separately: even if your status is visible to everyone in Telegram, the blocked user will see it under your name “been online for a very long time”.

Therefore, if you suddenly see such a status from a person with whom you recently communicated, this may mean that for some reason he has blocked you.

By the way, if the first person to write to you is someone who is not in your contact list, next to his nickname there will be a “Spam” button.

Accounts that have received spam reports will not be able to send messages to people outside of their contact list.

The ban can last from a week to indefinitely, depending on how often complaints were received about the account.

Therefore, with all this in mind, it is worth thinking carefully before writing to a stranger.

If a user blocks you, you will not see the exact time they were last online

A little trick: detect user activity with time stamps turned off

This can be determined, but approximately:

‣ If you see the status “Been online recently”, it really means that the user was on Telegram not long ago - within a month.

‣ But “Been online for a long time” means that the user has not logged into Telegram more than one month. This status will also be shown if the account has been blocked by the messenger administration.

‣ Another option is to sit in Telegram around the clock and look at the chat window to see the “online” sign. It appears for a few seconds even when installed settings"don't show it to anyone."

As we can see, if the user has disabled the display of exact timestamps, his activity can only be approximately determined. This feature provides some privacy, but you shouldn't rely on it alone.

Ensuring the security and privacy of the subscriber should be emphasized. This is done using many functions, including secret chats, the ability to automatically delete messages, etc. For the same purpose, a regime was created "Invisible" in Telegram. Unlike most similar programs, here you can hide the time a person last logged into his account.

How to hide status in Telegram

In the application settings, the user can hide the display of their activity from other people using Telegram. To do this you need:

  • Open « Menu" — « Settings» — « Privacy and Security».

  • Go to section " Last Activity».

Here the subscriber can mark who can see the time of his last visit - everyone, people from the contact list, or no one. If the task is to block several people, you need to select the “ Contact list", and then use the subsection " Add exceptions" Here you can mark people to whom the user’s activity will be constantly available (“ Always share with..."") or indicate those to whom this information will be inaccessible forever (" Always hide from..."). Opposite the selected items there are buttons “ Add”, providing access to a person’s contacts.

Preserving and adjusting Telegram user privacy is one of the company’s key rules. In order to ensure comfortable communication, make it easier to delete message history and activity in the application, many functions have been invented. One of the useful features in Telegram is the invisible user mode, which provides sufficient privacy in front of other users. Telegram is one of the few instant messengers that provides the ability to hide the last session time, it is possible to make secure calls and more.

How to hide the time of last visit in Telegram and or make it invisible?

Hide Online status in Telegram can be activated in the settings section. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Open Application > Privacy Settings. The screen will display home page profile and some available actions;
  2. Scroll the list to the “Privacy and Security” section - when you select this line, telegram will provide another list of possible actions;
  3. Let’s open the “Last Activity” section – here you can change the time of your last visit;
  4. To hide a visit in Telegram, open the “Who can see your last visit” settings section. Initially, the application sets the “everyone” option - you need to change it to “my contacts” or “no one”. If you want to block multiple people who are saved in your contacts, you need to select the “my contacts” option and proceed to the next step;
  5. At the bottom of the privacy page is the “Add an exception” section. There you can select people who can always see your visit, as well as those who can never do so. To do this, open the option you need - telegram will display everyone who sees when you are online in telegram. Click on the “+” sign, which is located at the bottom of the settings page, and select users from the list available to you (No. 6);
  6. Save your settings changes by clicking the checkmark at the bottom of the security and privacy page.

So, how to set an online status in Telegram? Follow our instructions, but instead of Nobody, put it to everyone or my contacts.

If you want to make your account more hidden, “invisible” to users, find out how to remove Additional information In chapter " ".

How to change time in Telegram

If suddenly the messenger itself is counting the time incorrectly, for example, it shows that the user’s last activity was a day ago, but in fact you received a message from him 2 minutes ago, you need to adjust the settings yourself.

You need to right-click on the date on your PC in the lower right corner and select “Set Date and Time.”

Activate the “Set time automatically” slider and check if your time zone is set to the correct one.

How to change the time in Telegram if the method described above did not work? Try changing the date and time manually in the settings, remembering to save the result.

Why is the time in Telegram wrong?

The app was very fair in introducing some privacy restrictions. You will not be able to view the last visit time of a person whom you have deprived of this opportunity yourself.

Due to this system, many people think that the application displays the wrong time of visit in telegram, but in fact it is displayed approximately.

By the way, the visiting time is accurately determined only in America, because... Telegram servers are located there, the rest of the time is determined approximately!

Profile self-destruction

If you stop using the messenger, another useful function is activated - profile self-destruction. The user cannot influence the account: telegram will be able to destroy it after 6 months, provided the profile is inactive. Along with it, the message history, saved and received files are deleted.

Preserving and adjusting Telegram user privacy is one of the company’s key rules. In order to ensure comfortable communication, make it easier to delete message history and activity in the application, many functions have been invented. One of them is the invisible user mode, which provides sufficient privacy in front of other users. Telegram is one of the few instant messengers that provides the ability to hide the last session time.

How to hide the time of last visit in Telegram and or make it invisible?

Hide Online status in Telegram can be activated in the settings section. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Open Applications > Privacy Settings. The screen will display the main profile page and some available actions;

Scroll the list to the “Privacy and Security” section - when you select this line, telegram will provide another list of possible actions;

Let’s open the “Last Activity” section – here you can set the time of your last visit;

  1. To hide a visit in Telegram, open the “Who can see your last visit” settings section. Initially, the application sets the “everyone” option - you need to change it to “my contacts” or “no one”. If you want to block multiple people who are saved in your contacts, you need to select the “my contacts” option and proceed to the next step;
  2. At the bottom of the privacy settings page is the “Add an exception” section. There you can select people who can always see your visit, as well as those who can never do so. To do this, open the option you need - telegram will display everyone who sees when you are online in telegram. Click on the “+” sign, which is located at the bottom of the settings page, and select users from the list available to you (No. 6);
  3. Save your settings changes by clicking the checkmark at the bottom of the security and privacy page.

So, how to set an online status in Telegram? Follow our instructions, but instead of Nobody, put it to everyone or my contacts.

If you want to make your account more hidden, “invisible” to users, find out how to remove additional information in the “How to hide your phone number” section.

Why is the time in the telegram wrong?

The app was very fair in introducing some privacy restrictions. You will not be able to view the last visit time of a person whom you have deprived of this opportunity yourself.

Due to this system, many people think that the application displays the wrong time of visit in telegram, but in fact it is displayed approximately.

By the way, the visiting time is accurately determined only in America, because... Telegram servers are located there, the rest of the time is determined approximately!

Profile self-destruction

If you have not been online for a long time, your profile will self-destruct. The user cannot influence the account: telegram will be able to destroy it after 6 months, provided the profile is inactive. Along with it, the message history, saved and received files are deleted.

However, if you are unable to access Telegram for a long time, you can set a period convenient for you from 1 month to a year in the settings section.

How to set a text status in Telegram?

To set the status you need to do the following:

  1. Open the application > Settings

Click the arrow next to your profile.

  1. Open the application > Settings

We set a text status, but no more than 70 characters.

For computer

  1. Open the application > Settings

In the “Information” block, under your phone number and user name, there will be a text BIO status “Not filled in”.

We set a text status, but no more than 70 characters.

Every day, the Telegram technical support team receives hundreds of letters from users asking them to hide their last online presence from other users. We know this is important and have given this task our highest priority. We want users Telegram had the most flexible and convenient messenger, without any compromises.

Starting today you will be able to specify specific users who will be able to see the time you were last online. This feature will be available in both versions for and for . You can configure the filter using one of three preset options - “Everyone”, “My Contacts” or “Nobody”, and also add any number of exceptions in the “Never show for...” and “Always show for...” sections. »

For example, you can show the last online time to everyone except your boss, or not show it to anyone except your wife (or vice versa). Using the settings described above, you can create any combination of visibility or invisibility of the status.

Why is this so important?

To make everything fair, you will not be shown the last online time of those users from whom you hid yours. This is why it is important to have flexible settings to avoid awkward situations. For example, you don't have to choose between hiding your status from your boss and being able to see when your best friend was online—you can do both.

Was online recently

Of course, the absence of a tag with the time of last access to the network will complicate the understanding of whether a given person is an active user Telegram, or he won't even be able to receive your message. Therefore, even if the last online time was hidden from you, you will still be able to see the approximate time, for example, “Recently” (which corresponds to a period from 1 minute to 3 days), or “Was online this month”. This provides sufficient privacy, and at the same time shows whether the user can be reached through Telegram.

By the way, about inactive users: soon there won’t be many of them left. Starting today, accounts Telegram will begin to self-destruct if you have not logged into your account within the last 6 months.

Self-destructing accounts

Large companies like to accumulate user data and store it indefinitely. Telegram is not a commercial company and values disk space on their servers. Therefore, today we present to your attention self-destructing accounts.

Now if you stop using Telegram om and have not logged into it in the last 6 months, your account, as well as all files, photos, contacts, message history and everything else that may be connected with you will be deleted completely and irrevocably. You can change this period - you can choose any period from 1 month to 1 year.

These new features are only available for iOS and Android for now.



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