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Review of operating systems for smartphones. Android, iOS or Windows Phone: comparison of mobile operating systems

When choosing a new smartphone, the user inevitably has to take into account a lot of technical parameters: camera resolution, battery capacity, processor power, display type and resolution, and so on. But first of all, it is important to decide what operating system the smartphone will run under.

The decision in favor of one or another operating system determines how well the new device will meet the user’s expectations in terms of performing various tasks, whether he will be able to install specific applications or will have to be content with analogues, and how the new gadget will interact with other mobile and stationary electronic devices.

And of course, the operating system largely determines the cost of the device.

In our article we will look at 3 main operating systems for smartphones, which by 2017 had become the most popular and in demand in the world:

Sales volumes

According to analysts from the NetMarketShare portal, the main players in the mobile operating system market in 2017 remain software products from Apple and Google. Windows Phone is losing a tenth of a percent in sales every month. According to some forecasts, by 2020, Microsoft's OS may completely leave the market due to the fact that not only users, but also mobile application developers are losing interest in it.

As can be seen from the graph, Android remains the sales leader, despite the fact that Apple’s operating system has shown strong growth over the past six months. However, it is possible that the balance of growth between Google and Apple will change in the coming weeks towards Android, given the emergence of a large number of interesting new products based on this OS, which were announced at the last MWC 2017 exhibition in Barcelona.

Now let's compare each OS separately and try to find out which operating system is better for a smartphone.


Apple products are a closed ecosystem. That is, one company is both a manufacturer of smartphones and tablets and a supplier software. Therefore, Yabloko can guarantee highest quality and the reliability of their devices, which, in turn, affects the price. So, the cost of the latest model is from Apple iPhone 7 ranges from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand dollars.


  • Simple and well-thought-out software interface
  • Spectacular design
  • A closed environment for developing high-quality professional applications
  • No viruses
  • Constant updates


  • High cost of gadgets
  • Inability to customize the operating system for yourself
  • Small selection of applications compared to Google Play
  • Extremely limited choice of devices for the user
  • You have to synchronize with your PC and manage multimedia files through a separate program

There is an opinion that by choosing an iOS device, the user is buying not so much a device as an introduction to a fashion brand. However, high price here it is fully justified by the excellent quality.


The popularity of Google's operating system is explained by the fact that a huge number of devices are based on it, not only smartphones and tablets, but also watches, bicycles and even cars. Android is both unique and diverse - each user can very finely customize the original shell on their device.


  • Open source. Anyone who understands programming can write an application for Android and post it on Google Play
  • In this regard, more than 1.5 million programs for all occasions, available for both paid and free downloads
  • One personal account gives access to all Google services, many of which are very closely integrated with each other.
  • Convenient synchronization with other devices via modules wireless communication or USB cable without additional software
  • Convenient and intuitive controls
  • High performance and multitasking
  • Huge selection of manufacturers
  • Wide range of prices. An Android device, depending on the configuration, can cost either 2 thousand or 32 thousand rubles


  • High vulnerability to hacker attacks and viruses
  • Among free applications there is a large amount of frankly low-quality software
  • A huge number of settings, which can sometimes be difficult for an untrained user to understand

An Android smartphone or tablet is ideal for those who have just begun to master mobile technologies, and confident users. Considering the combination of pros and cons of the OS, we can confidently say that Android is the best operating system for a smartphone.

Perhaps the main thing here is to monitor what and how you install and download, and not delve into complex settings without the appropriate skills.

Windows Phone

Microsoft, unlike its competitors, who sometimes spy on each other's technological solutions, is trying to go its own way. As a result, the Windows Phone operating system has a unique design and specific operation. And yet, gadgets running Windows Phone OS, to put it mildly, are not flying off the shelves.


  • Unified OS for mobile devices and PCs
  • Low system requirements
  • Windows Phone is annually recognized as the most secure OS in the world
  • Spectacular tiled interface
  • Quality applications


  • A small number of applications in the Marketplace brand store (about 300 thousand)
  • Incompatible with popular applications. For example, there is no version of Instagram for Windows Phone. We have to use rather inconvenient analogues
  • Limited selection of gadget manufacturers
  • Lack of customization
  • Cumbersome system for transferring Windows Phone contacts to another OS
  • Errors in system operation
  • Inconvenient built-in Edge browser, which in this regard became the direct successor of Internet Explorer

As a rule, smartphones running Windows Phone are recommended for businessmen who can process various types of documents in one software environment Microsoft Office. At the same time, it is quite difficult to choose a gadget for Windows Phone, for example, for a schoolchild.

As mentioned above, one of the main advantages of the Android OS is the pricing policy of smartphone manufacturers that use this “operating system”. For a reasonable price of up to $150, the user can find a gadget running the current version of the OS with reliable and powerful hardware.

One of the most prominent manufacturers of smartphones that perfectly combine modern technologies, quality, reliability and availability. If you prefer the accessibility and simplicity of the Android OS over other systems, and also choose for yourself a powerful and inexpensive smartphone, we recommend paying attention to the products of the British company Fly.

Why Fly

Since 2003, Fly has been producing mobile gadgets designed for the mass consumer. Mine best smartphone Any user can find solutions for any requests and tasks, regardless of profession, age, social status and earnings. Businessman, student, schoolchild, athlete, builder, rescuer, traveler - everyone can find the perfect Fly for themselves.

Among the latest models, in which the entire range Android capabilities combined with high-quality and reliable technical components, an impressive body design and a reasonable price, we can mention the Fly Cirrus 9 and Fly Cirrus 12.

Fly Cirrus 9

The gadget is an LTE phablet with a large 5.5-inch screen on an IPS matrix and HD resolution. On such a screen it is incredibly convenient to work with a variety of Android applications, watch movies, read books and process documentation. A fast 4-core processor at 1.25 GHz is responsible for speed and multitasking.

The Fly Cirrus 9 is a great answer to those who complain that Android drains your battery in a matter of hours. Thanks to excellent optimization of the system, hardware and a capacious 2800 mAh battery, the smartphone will work stably for up to 10 hours of talk time and up to 280 hours of standby time. Add to this a high-quality 8 and 2 megapixel camera, a nice glossy design of the rear panel and we get great smartphone with a nice price tag - only $100.

Fly Cirrus 12

The Fly Cirrus 12 LTE smartphone will be chosen by those who like to take great photos with a smartphone. The model inherited 13 and 5 megapixel cameras on a CMOS matrix from the early Fly Cirrus 7 model, which at one time was called a “camera phone” in many reviews. The 5-inch IPS screen will provide excellent tactile sensations thanks to 2.5D technology, which allows you to create screens with pleasantly rounded edges.

The combination of operating systems is responsible for stability, convenience and performance in a smartphone. Android systems 6.0 and a powerful 4-core processor at 1.3 GHz. And 8 hours of talk time and 150 hours of standby time will be provided by a capacious 2600 mAh battery.


We have analyzed which smartphone operating systems are the most popular in the world. When choosing a smartphone for a specific OS, consider the combination of advantages and disadvantages of each system and proceed from your own needs. We also recommend that you read the overview of the main characteristics of smartphones, which will help you choose the most suitable model for yourself.

When choosing a gadget, you should pay attention to various parameters, but the most important thing is the operating system. Do buyers have a choice in 2019?

As of 2019, there are two current operating systems that divide the mobile device market. In addition, there are several stable and operating OSes, the potential of which is quite difficult to discuss. The reason for their “unpopularity” lies not in the lack of any functions, but in high competition - market monopolists Google with its Android OS will not simply give up their position.

You can count the number of mobile device manufacturers who did not use the Android OS in their devices on the fingers of one hand. Android's share of the OS market exceeds 80% (!). Such statistics allow us to judge that Android is the most popular operating system for mobile devices. Californian company Android Inc. was founded in 2008 and was later acquired by the search giant Google.

On September 3, 2019 there was a release of a new Android versions 10. Starting from here, only numbers will be used in the name. Its release will bring a number of new functions and further improvements to stability, security, and optimization to smartphones. Despite this, there are rumors that Google experts consider Android an obsolete system, so they are preparing a full-fledged replacement for it. Can become a successor.

The first mentions of it appeared back in 2016, but there were no comments from Google, which gave rise to a number of speculations. The most interesting version says that the existing OS will be completely replaced by 2023, and from 2021 Fuchsia OS will begin to be installed on smart home devices. This information was denied by the head of Chrome OS and Android, Hiroshi Lockheimer, at the Google I/O 2019 conference. According to him, the development of a new OS is indeed underway. The system can work with any device from laptops to smart home equipment, but the developer has no specific plans for it. This is an experimental OS that is being tested for various purposes, but its fate has not yet been determined.

The advantages of Android include:

  • Open source - any qualified programmer can write an application and upload it to the official store Android Play Market. In addition, smartphone manufacturers have their own stores.
  • Convenience of data transfer - if the user wants to load a favorite song or video into the smartphone’s memory, he just needs to connect the gadget to the computer via a USB cable and transfer the file from one folder to another. There is no need to “fight” with additional software.
  • Price - you can find an Android smartphone for only 2 thousand rubles. It is the fact that Androids are available to both pensioners and students that is the reason for the company’s total dominance in the OS market.
  • Customization - opportunities to “sharpen” Android interface a huge amount for yourself. Some options change the appearance of the OS so much that it is quite difficult to recognize the original source.

The disadvantages include fast discharge batteries due constant use Internet and vulnerability to attacks - you should take care of installing a high-quality antivirus immediately after purchase.


iOS is developed by Apple and is installed only on iPad. As of 2019, it ranks second in terms of market presence. The current version is iOS 12, but it will start on September 19, 2019 iOS installation 13. Among the most anticipated innovations are the “dark” mode and the QuickPath function (by sliding your finger across the keyboard you can type a word).

iOS features are:

  • Security - the system operates in such a way that virus attack completely excluded.
  • Rich store. There are just over 1 million applications in the AppStore - iOS is quantitatively inferior to Android in this regard, but you need to remember that the OS is closed source, therefore, all applications are written only by professional programmers and are of high quality.
  • A virtual assistant for the iPhone owner, capable of executing commands and even conducting a dialogue with a person.
  • It is believed that the iOS interface is more user-friendly and requires minimal time to master.

iOS is also not without its shortcomings. For example, the user will have to download a song to the device memory through special program iTunes. Difficulties in data transmission are a kind of payment for increased security. There is only one application store - and most of the software offered is distributed on a paid basis.

Windows 10 MOBILE

The few owners of Windows 10 Mobile phones are in for bad news – they will be released on December 10, 2019 Latest updates system after which its support will be completely discontinued. recommends that all users switch to gadgets with Android and iOS and, if possible, do not delay it, as services will be gradually switched off. 12 months after the end of support, that is, in December 2020, Windows 10 Mobile will cease to exist, and all devices with it will become useless.


Operating system for push-button devices, developed in Linux based. For a modern person, current mobile phones with a physical keyboard are, in most cases, devices for calls and SMS. is designed to change the perception of users and make such gadgets more functional.

Among the features:

  • Supports GPS, LTE, Wi-Fi.
  • Support for applications written in HTML
  • Energy efficient - the system will not drain the battery.
  • Supports devices with RAM from 256 MB.
  • Own application store.

Even though KaiOS only came out in 2017, it has already attracted a lot of attention and significant investment. In 2018 year Google invested $22 million in it. In addition, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are pre-installed on devices with this system. This suggests that it has a bright future and we can expect it to become widespread in the coming years.

It is important to understand that KaiOS is not a competitor to iOS or Android. She has a different reference point - weak phones with push-button keyboards. On at this stage development current version 2.6.0, released in May 2019.


- this is the brainchild of the company, which has not yet been published, but according to company representatives it is a fully functional product, ready for release at any time. Development of the system began back in 2012, but after Huawei’s conflict with the US authorities in the spring of 2019, the company had to speed up work on it. By August 2019, it was announced that the OS was completely ready.

Initially, Harmony OS was created for wearable electronics, but due to the peculiarities of its structure, it can be installed on any device - from a car radio to a laptop. IN currently the system was not presented in any device, and the next release will take place at the end of 2019 on Huawei Smart TV. There is no exact information about when Harmony OS will begin to be installed in smartphones, but according to some rumors, upcoming Huawei devices in the Chinese market may come out with their own OS. In addition, in the event of new sanctions from the United States, Huawei will be able to transfer all its smartphones to Harmony OS in 2 days.

Key Features:

  • High level of security.
  • Fast response on any device.
  • Virtualization – easy transfer of applications from any operating system.


The OSes listed above are not the only ones. However, those options that also exist and work are not widely represented on the market and have a narrow focus. An example is the operating system from Amazon. Several devices were released with it, which did not reach the masses. In 2019, it is presented only in the company’s set-top boxes, although it can be used in smartphones. Another example is Lineage OS based on Android. The system supports about 185 devices (including Pixel 3), and is installed on top of the existing Android. The stable version supports Pie, and in December 2019 the developers promise to release a working build on Android 10.

Many people use smartphones every day and many have no idea what operating system they have installed. In order to better understand mobile devices and choose models with more user-friendly interface, a modern user should always pay attention to the operating systems that are installed in gadgets. They significantly affect the operation of mobile devices, guarantee stability, comfort or inconvenience, and each has its own pros and cons. Let's look at the most popular operating systems that are installed on most handheld computers.

What operating systems are there for smartphones?

  • Android
  • Windows
  • WebOS
  • Blackberry OS
  • Maemo

Android is a popular platform for everyone

Android is the most popular OS in the world. 85% of users have phones with this software (based on Strategy Analytics). Works with almost any hardware configuration. The “stuffing” is used by powerful corporations and unknown companies that produce inexpensive gadgets. This trend is a disadvantage because the quality of the goods leaves much to be desired. With such rapid development, defects are inevitable, but they should not obscure the positive image of a “system for all,” as its creators call it.

The electronic shell is similar to a racing car engine. This forces specialists to create numerous applications for it. They have a chance to attract people to their developments. The complex is suitable for people who like to have full control over their phone. Here they can get administrator rights and enjoy exciting features without worrying about serious dangers. Best options configurations are ideal for hackers who plan and implement their ideas. Ninety-nine percent of worms are created for Google's OS.

Interconnected processes are threatened by various modifications being developed by companies that produce smartphones, as well as by developers of applications for them. They insert various functions and their own algorithms that slow down the platform, but by doing it in a timely manner, this can be avoided. It is also advisable to buy a device with a pure Android system.

iOS – an exclusive and expensive choice

Apple iOS is not the most common operating system. But it is considered the best on the market, or maybe this is a simple marketing trick of the Apple corporation. The iPhone came before products from Google and Microsoft. The brand has transformed and changed for the better. He gathered customers for whom price is not a decisive factor; such individuals are attracted by the quality of the products.

California Engineers Have Limited Recruitment technical characteristics equipment, this eliminates significant defects. Everything here is well thought out and planned, so the platform functions smoothly even on older devices. However, all capabilities will be available when the iOS handset communicates with another Mac of the same brand. The Cupertino company has created a complete, user-friendly ecosystem covering all its products.

The OS operates quickly, without delays, it is robust, and always up to date. Utilities are safe for it because they are checked in one place. Reliable updates are supported for a long time. American products are beautifully crafted and have a minimalist look. They are too expensive and are reserved for a select group of people who can afford them.

Microsoft's mobile system is an attempt at compromise

Windows Phone is trying to reconcile the two giants, find common values ​​and develop its own unique concept. This product is the least popular, not fully formed. Runs very smoothly, better than many versions of Android. Unfortunately, the platform developers have stopped creating new applications for it.

The interface used in the shell is different from the OS described above. It consists of tiles, has fierce enemies and many followers. The programmers do not hide the fact that they created a complex for less sophisticated users who need a working, uncomplicated phone. Mobile Windows is a closed shell and does not allow its owners to obtain additional “usefulness”. Smartphones running this OS rarely break down due to limited utility permissions. In this situation, it will not be possible to create malicious bots.

The presented mobile operating systems deserve attention and calm analysis. In the material, experts tried to explain to interested people their features. The future will tell which ones will survive the commercial race. There are also some popular OSes, but still some users and developers choose them. There are several such operating systems: Blackberry OS, Open WebOS, Maemo.

When choosing a smartphone, of course, first of all you should pay attention to its hardware characteristics, so that the device, immediately after purchase, does not disappoint with a dim display or slow down due to a weak processor. But an equally important aspect when choosing a smartphone is its software platform - the mobile operating system. The overall performance effect will largely depend on the coordinated operation of the operating system and hardware components of the smartphone.

In addition, can the use of a smartphone be considered full if only the standard functionality of the mobile operating system is used? Of course not. You can maximize the potential of modern mobile devices only with the help of applications for a particular operating system. Small programs for smartphones will tell you about the weather, exchange rates, attractions of various cities, book movie or plane tickets, book a hotel room, help pass the time with simple, unpretentious games, etc.

Despite the huge variety of mobile device models on the market, the choice of operating systems is small. Symbian and MeeGo – it is almost impossible to find mobile devices based on these two operating systems on the market anymore. But smartphones based on Bada OS are still available. The leadership in the smartphone market belongs to the three mobile operating systems – Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

iOS, Android or Windows Phone – which platform-based smartphone is better to choose if you focus primarily on the software component of the device?


Android is the brainchild of Google, which the search giant offers to smartphone manufacturers completely free, as long as they take it. After all, what more smartphones will be based on Google’s mobile platform, the more people will use the company’s services. On Android based Today, companies such as Samsung, LG, Motorola, Sony, HTC, Lenovo and others release their flagship smartphones.

Android is the most popular mobile OS. 85% of smartphones sold in the second quarter were Android devices. Due to the fact that Android is free open source software, the platform is beneficial to mobile device manufacturers. Users will be able to install various applications on their smartphones from the Google Play Market, which is updated with new content daily. What remains for manufacturers of mobile devices is to come up with their own branded launcher add-on so that the model has a kind of branded completeness.

Ruler Samsung GALAXY S based on Android OS / bilisimhaberi.com

Android is ideal for enthusiasts who love to explore new programs and games, as well as active users of various Internet services. Not only everyone has a mobile client for Android Google service, but also a lot of other Internet services, social and trading platforms. True, such online activity can cost the user a pretty penny if Internet traffic is limited. After all, almost all Android applications automatically connect to the Internet to synchronize data. If the Internet connection is not unlimited, it is better to immediately Android settings disable automatic access of applications to the network.

Android-based smartphones are the most affordable. A mobile device with a touch screen based on this platform can be purchased not only from well-known brands, overpaying for sometimes completely unnecessary hardware power, but also for a reasonable price from little-known Chinese manufacturers who offer smartphone assemblies from budget hardware components.


At the operating room iOS systems the greatest number of advantages when compared with all mobile platforms - from the well-coordinated organization of the software component and hardware to the global idea that iOS was invented not by anyone, but by Steve Jobs himself - the charismatic leader of Apple, unfortunately now deceased. But you cannot use iOS on any other device if it is not an Apple product.

You choose iPhone. When choosing an iPhone, you are parting with an impressive amount in your wallet. But this will not be money thrown away - together with the iPhone we get a fashionable device and the full potential of applications and games for iOS on App Store. Content for iOS is mostly paid, but by paying, the user can be sure that he will be able to use the purchased application, and it will not crash or refuse to work due to the lack of support for a particular hardware, as can often be seen with applications and games for Android.

iPhone 6 with proprietary iOS / bhartiads.com

iOS is a secure operating system; all content posted on the App Store is thoroughly tested by Apple. So iPhone users, when installing an application they like, can be sure that they are installing exactly the application they like, and not a virus, an auto-dialer program on paid numbers or a Trojan that steals confidential data.

The main task that Steve Jobs set for himself when he created the iPhone based on iOS was to make using the smartphone as simple and convenient as possible. And he succeeded.

The disadvantage of iOS is that it is a closed platform for fans only Apple products. The user may only use what Apple authorizes. If you don’t agree, hack the firmware, lose your iPhone warranty and risk the security of your data.

Windows Phone

Being a product of the software giant Microsoft, Windows Phone did not inherit the desktop policy Windows versions– XP, Vista, 7 and even 8/8.1. Windows Phone, like iOS, is a closed operating system tailored for its own store software and promotion of Microsoft services. Like iOS, Windows Phone is secure, stable, does not glitch or slow down.

In terms of the number of applications and games, the store for Windows Phone is seriously inferior to both iOS and Android, however, everything necessary for the full use of the smartphone is available. Applications of some social networks even pre-installed.

Unlike both iOS and Android, where standard smartphone functions and applications can be launched using small, neat shortcuts, external Windows view Phone stands out for its unique design solution - “live” tiles of the Metro interface. The latter, we recall, became the concept of both a mobile platform and an operating platform. Windows systems 8/8.1 for computers and tablets.

HTC 8s based on Windows Phone OS / t3n.de

Windows Phone is demanding on the hardware components of smartphones. On smartphones with a weak processor and a small amount of RAM Windows memory Phone may not work as quickly as on more powerful devices.

Windows Phone will benefit from Android not only in terms of stability and security, but also due to the ability to synchronize data with any other Windows-based devices - PCs, laptops, tablets. And iOS Windows Phone will benefit in terms of variety of device selection. So, there are already a variety of models on sale Nokia smartphones Lumia, HTC, Prestigio based on Windows Phone versions 7.5, 8 and 8.1. Manufacturers Acer and Sony are preparing to release smartphones based on Windows Phone.

So Windows Phone has a future. Perhaps this will not be such a rapid development as Android had, nevertheless, it will have its own audience mobile platform from Microsoft will be able to win - for the most part, these will be company employees accustomed to the products of the software giant.

Comparison of iOS, Android, Windows Phone

Main photo: Smartphones based on iOS, Android, Windows Phone OS

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Despite their small dimensions, modern “smart” mobile devices– these are real pocket computers, multifunctional and high-tech. And their operating systems make them so, competently managing all their components. However, it should be borne in mind that, unlike a regular desktop computer, the OS in a smartphone is designed to do more than just provide stable operation of this device, but also monitor its energy consumption.

What are the operating systems for smartphones?

For the first time the term “smartphone” (which is translated from in English means " smart phone") was introduced in 2001, when the latter released its new slider. It was "smart" cellular device, which ran on the Symbian platform. This event had some historical significance, because later the term “” began to be used by other manufacturers of high-tech mobile equipment.

Today this is very common. It is under its control that most modern “smart” mobile devices operate. This operating system was developed by Google, and its basis was a computer OS running named Linux. It is an open platform that has achieved unprecedented adoption among consumers.

No less popular is an operating system such as iOS, developed and serving as a source of endless pride. Its feature is a closed code, which ensures not only stable operation of the platform, but also reliably protects it from virus software. This operating system can only be found on a smartphone with the Apple logo.

In third place is the operating system in a smartphone called . Previously, it could be found on mobile devices. Today such smartphones are produced by Microsoft. The features of this operating system include stability and a minimalistic “tiled” interface. The platform was developed on the basis of a full-fledged Windows OS, familiar to everyone who has a computer. Due to its certain asceticism this system has not become as popular as iOS or Android, but it also has its devoted followers - especially since it works very quickly.

There are a number of other platforms that smartphones run on. Among them, it is worth highlighting some customized versions of the Android system, as well as an OS such as . As a rule, updates for such platforms are released with enviable regularity, but they are not nearly as widespread and convenient as those included in the above-mentioned top three.

Choosing the optimal OS for your gadget

How to determine which platform is best? To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each of them, and then figure out how convenient all these personal features will be for a particular user.
  1. Android is considered the most flexible OS in a smartphone. The owner of such a mobile device can completely customize it for himself, or leave everything as is. In terms of flexibility, this platform can only be compared with a desktop operating system.
  2. For those who love expensive and reliable gadgets, iOS is best suited. This operating system is considered intuitive, and even an untrained user can understand it. True, in this case the latter will have to put up with the fact that a single file system is missing, and also carefully understand the Apple branded store and the features of working with programs, audio and video. Among the advantages, it is worth noting that the owner of an iOS-based gadget will have access to many applications that work with excellent speed. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such a mobile device, and therefore the iPhone is considered something of a premium smartphone.
  3. A user who prefers minimalism will certainly turn his attention to Windows Phone. This phone OS is considered to be as simple as possible. In this case, the owner of the mobile device will have free access to the data and will also be able to place it on his home screen not only shortcuts, but various links and notifications.

Pros and cons of the most popular OS for smartphones

As already mentioned, a platform such as iOS is distinguished by a huge range of applications hosted by . All of them are completely safe from the point of view of the presence of virus software, which is made possible thanks to the closed code of the system. The Android platform offers slightly fewer applications to users, while even fewer are available to owners of Windows Phone-based devices.

An operating system such as iOS is distinguished by the ability to work with a special “cloud” browser. At the same time, the synchronization function with a mobile device is implemented in a somewhat unique way. However, web browsing across all iOS devices can be easily unified. Android developers also took care of tab synchronization. In addition, bookmarks made by users and queries entered into the search bar are subject to synchronization (which is very convenient). Unfortunately, this function is absent from Windows Phone, which can be considered more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

When it comes to voice commands, both iOS and Android are very convenient in this regard. Developers from Cupertino have taken care of excellent intellectual . As for the Google platform, it also has a speech recognizer and voice commands. Windows Phone developers offer much less options. However, support for voice commands is still implemented.

Wide navigation options are available to owners of a smartphone OS such as Android. Almost every modern user knows what Google maps are and how to work with them. iOS also has its own service. It is quite useful and functional, but there are some drawbacks - for example, there are no public transport routes. As for Windows Phone, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, and the cards on this platform are very convenient.

Now a few words about mobile payments. Thanks to the presence of a Google wallet, it is very convenient for owners of Android gadgets to work with them - however, not all are supported payment systems. A full-fledged e-wallet was created by the Windows Phone developers, and it is thought out as much as possible. As for iOS, long-awaited support mobile payments appeared relatively recently, with the release of the eighth generation Apple smartphone.

Communication capabilities in smartphones with different operating systems

The main purpose of any mobile device, including a “smart” one, is communication. Of course, the owner of a smartphone can count on receiving and making calls, exchanging text messages and so on. It is very convenient for iOS and Android users to work with calls. The advantage of the Apple OS in the phone is that the manufacturer took care of the Do Not Disturb function. The least convenient seems to be Windows Phone, which not only lacks the above function, but also does not have the ability to compose and send a text to quickly answer a call.

When it comes to instant messaging, this service is best designed on the Android platform. It is not only as convenient as possible, but also very reliable - which cannot be said about IMessage on an Apple smartphone, messages from which are sometimes delayed. In addition, you will only be able to communicate with those who also use iOS. A much more convenient operating system in a smartphone in this regard is Windows Phone. The function is well thought out and very reliable.

Other advantages and disadvantages of the Big Three operating systems

The function of working with media streams is best implemented on platforms such as iOS and Android. The Apple operating system is intuitive and therefore easy to understand. Of course, closed source should be taken into account when doing this. In practice, this means the ability to work with media streaming exclusively within the Apple ecosystem. It will be even easier for owners of Android-based gadgets. They will be able not only to transmit and receive media streams, but also to connect hubs together. As for the Windows Phone platform, its developers have taken care of a special technology that not only simplifies the entire process of data transfer and makes it visual, but also helps transfer additional content.

A modern smartphone OS user is often concerned about even such a question as the ease of working with icons. Android platform is notable for the presence of a large number of widgets that can be customized at the discretion of the gadget owner. At the same time, the icons themselves are quite standard. Unfortunately, the Apple platform cannot boast of such a large number of widgets. In this regard, the palm should be given to Windows Phone. Its dynamic icons display all the most necessary information and updates. In addition, they are convenient to organize. In other words, Microsoft has gone far ahead here.

BlackBerry operating system and its features

This platform was developed by Research In Motion based on the operating system it purchased in 2010. It received the same name as mobile devices, the history of which began back in the 80s in Canada. A notable feature of the operating system is that it could be used both on touchscreen “smart” gadgets and on phones with a QWERTY keyboard. Of course, it never managed to compete with platforms like iOS or Android, but it still became quite popular.

The main advantage of the BlackBerry OS on the phone is support for all services of the developer company. At the same time, you can count on complete security and confidentiality of data when working online, ensured thanks to a special encryption method. That is why such an operating system is especially in demand among well-known global companies.

Already in 2012, the platform’s proprietary application store contained over 79 thousand different programs. In addition, a service has been developed to convert utilities for the Android OS. A rather remarkable gadget was a tablet running BlackBerry. Its owner could, for example, run SonyPlayStation games.

The interface of the “blackberry” operating system (translated from English as “blackberry” means “blackberry”, and this is exactly the design of the manufacturer’s smart sliders) is very convenient. This is especially evident when viewing various electronic documents, which makes the company's smartphones ideal business communicators. In addition, managing such mobile devices is intuitive. Their owner can easily customize the menu at their own discretion. There is also a full-fledged browser, reminiscent in its functionality of a desktop browser.

As already mentioned, the “blackberry” operating system in the smartphone is focused primarily on working with documents. It is also convenient for those who frequently use by email. Unfortunately, the multimedia functionality is not as well developed as other platforms, and in this regard the operating system lags significantly behind others. Such an OS in a smartphone is best suited for a business person who does not have time to play games, listen to music, and so on. Things are not going too well with messenger support either. For example, in the early spring of 2016, it became known that smart mobile devices from the company of the same name would no longer support Facebook. In fairness, it is still worth noting that the operating system is very reliable and works stably - and this is perhaps the main quality for a business smartphone.



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