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Extension of registration for participants in the “Living Classics” competition! International competition for young readers "living classics" Living classics vk.

Due to the huge number of people wishing to take part in the competition this year and due to the huge number of questions regarding the operation of the site, the organizers of the competition are extending registration until February 15, 2016!

Now you can see which schools in your area have registered and which are lagging behind! To do this, you need to click on 2016 on the main page (http://www.youngreaders.ru/offline/278/index.phtml) and select the region you need, divided into districts and schools. All registered schools will be reflected in the list. Schools not on the list need to be reminded to register URGENTLY.

We remind you: EVERYONE must register - both students and those responsible for the competition.

If the educational institution is not on the website:

1. You need to register.

Within 3 days from the moment the letter is sent, the technical specialist will add your school to the list, and you will be able to indicate your educational institution in your profile (Section “Edit Profile”).

Registration in the international competition for young readers “Living Classics” 30.01.2018 19:58

Due to numerous applications and requests, we have prepared for you the most detailed instructions on how to register to participate in competition! Therefore, read, put it into practice, and we are sure that you will definitely succeed! You can ask your national supervisor for further questions.

Go to the competition website youngreaders.ru and on the main page click on the “Participate!” button.

In the registration window, provide all the required information:
- what competition do you want to take part in (all children from Russia need to register in the all-Russian competition)
- in what role do you want to register (participant or curator of one of the stages)
- your email address. It is important that this email address has not previously been used by anyone to register on our website (if you registered in previous years, you do not need to do this again).
- check the box “I agree to the processing of personal data”
- click “Register!”

Your login and password have been sent to the email specified during registration; copy and paste them into the window that opens on the site. If a new window does not open on its own, then in the left menu of the main page of the site youngreaders.ru you need to select the “Personal Account” item and perform the same steps.

Hooray! You are on your personal account page! In it you need to click the “profile” button and fill it out completely. Please note that some data must be checked before saving, otherwise this information will always be lost. Be sure to confirm your phone number, otherwise your profile will not be completely filled out. Don't forget to click the "save" button.

If there are no empty windows left in your profile, then you can move on. Now in your personal account there is a button “I want to take part in the competition” / “I want to become the curator of the competition”. Don't hesitate to click on it.

Now in your personal account you have access to the school stage page of the educational institution that you indicated in your profile. Here you can find out the details of the curator/participants of the competition and the date of the school stage!

PROFIT! You are great and now you are definitely a participant/curator of the competition. If you have any difficulties at any stage, be sure to contact the competition email for help. [email protected] Here you will be helped to solve all technical registration issues.

We hope that these instructions will help you cope with everything! Therefore, go to our website and register to participate in the “Living Classics” competition for young readers, we are looking forward to seeing you!

Applications are now being accepted for participation in the “Living Classics” competition for young readers. Deadline January 25, 2018.

Organizer: The Living Classics Foundation under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.

The Living Classics competition for young readers is the largest children's literary project in Russia.

During the first five years, more than 10 million children from 84 countries and 85 regions of the Russian Federation took part in it.

Participation in the competition is free. Collection of organizational and other fees from participants is unacceptable. The competition is open to everyone without pre-selection. Refusing a schoolchild to participate in the school stage of the Competition, as well as forcing a schoolchild to participate in the Competition are not allowed.

As part of the competition, participants aged 10 to 16 read aloud passages from their favorite prose works. The work should not be included in the school literature curriculum.

The organizers of the Competition are recommended to offer participants a choice of works by Russian writers of the 18th-20th centuries, works of modern Russian writers, works of foreign authors, works of regional authors. The final choice of the work must be made by the competition participant himself.

Our official VKontakte group: , .

The duration of each participant's performance is from 2 to 5 minutes. Exceeding the regulations is not allowed. During the performance, musical accompaniment, scenery, and costumes may be used. The use of musical accompaniment, scenery and costumes does not count toward performance scores and is not a recommendation or benefit.

Each participant of the Competition performs independently and cannot resort to the help of others during the performance.

The competition takes place in 5 stages: school, city and regional rounds, and then the final at the Artek international children's center and the super final on Red Square in Moscow.

  • Each participant in the competition receives an electronic certificate of participation.
  • The winners of the regional stage are awarded the diploma of “Winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Competition for Young Readers “Living Classics”, a ticket to the Artek International Children's Center, and Goznak medals (awarded to the Artek International Children's Center).
  • The winners of the All-Russian final of the competition are awarded the diploma “Superfinalist of the competition of young readers “Living Classics”, gifts from the sponsors of the competition and the opportunity to perform on Red Square in Moscow.
  • The winners of the All-Russian competition are awarded a diploma “Winner of the All-Russian competition of young readers “Living Classics”, gifts from sponsors and trips to children's summer camps “Living Classics”.

“Living Classics” is an international recitation competition among Russian-speaking children, students in grades 6-10. The goal of the Living Classics project is to popularize classical literature, revive the traditions of family reading, increase literacy levels and aesthetic education of the younger generation. As part of the competition, children recite excerpts from their favorite literary works, trying to fully reveal their artistic merits.

The ten most talented readers advance to the super final, the winners of which are determined by an independent jury. Superfinalists receive diplomas and gifts from the competition's sponsors, as well as the right to perform in the finals on Red Square in Moscow. The winners of the super final are the three participants who score the maximum number of points. The best readers are awarded diplomas, gifts and trips to summer children's camps “Living Classics”. You can take the first step towards victory and become a participant in the project after registering in your Personal Account on the “Living Classics” website.

Functionality of the Personal Account

Registration on the official website is a prerequisite for participation in the reading competition. The site provides two Personal Account options: for adults and children. Children are registered as participants in the competition, and adults are registered as curators of the school or district stage. After registration, project participants gain access to information about the time and date of the school, municipal and regional stages of the competition. In addition, in your Personal Account you can find out about the winners of previous stages, view photo reports of events and see a list of schools whose students are taking part in the project.

Registered users have the opportunity to apply for participation in a regular and online competition. The latter increases the chances of reaching the final of the All-Russian competition and receiving the main prize. A participant in an online competition uploads a video of his performance on the YouTube channel and places a link to the video in his Personal Account. Those who collect the most likes win. Information about the winners of the online competition is published on the official website of the project.

Registration in your Personal Account “Living Classics”

The project website has sections “Registration of children” and “Registration of adults”. Contest participants must select the “Children Registration” tab and fill out the form with the following information:

  • email address;
  • telephone number in international format;
  • last name and first name;
  • Class;
  • age;
  • Country of Residence;
  • region;
  • district;
  • locality;
  • school.

After clicking the “Register” button, an individual password is sent to the email address specified in the form, which must be entered in the appropriate field. Then the user receives a digital code to his phone number, indicates it in the required line and completes registration.

The curators of the competition - school directors, teachers, librarians - undergo a similar procedure. When registering, they must provide their position.

Authorization in your Personal Account “Living Classics”

To authorize in your Personal Account, you need a login - the email address specified during registration, and a personal password. If the user has saved his data in the browser, he can log into his Personal Account after clicking the “Login” button on the main page. If the data is not saved, you need to enter your e-mail in the “Login” field, receive a new password and digital code to your phone number, and then go through authorization.

Customer support for your personal account

If difficulties arise during the registration and authorization process, the user can use technical support services. The official website of the Living Classics project has instructions for users, which are aimed primarily at curators of school and district stages. The instructions will help you “link” schools in the district to your Personal Account, post reports on the intermediate stages of the competition, and submit information about unregistered project participants.

How to disable your Personal Account

There is no shutdown function in the Personal Account, so the user has free access to his page at any time. In your Personal Account, you can always edit your profile if any data has changed: age, position, last name, region and city of residence, school number.

Security and privacy rules

When registering, the user consents to the processing of personal data. In turn, the operator undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided and to prevent its unlawful dissemination in accordance with Federal Law No. 152.

General provisions
This provision determines the procedure for organizing and conducting the municipal stage of the regional competition for young readers “Living Classics” (hereinafter referred to as the competition) in the 2017-2018 academic year.
The competition is held in order to increase interest in reading and expand the reading horizons of children and teenagers in the city of Magnitogorsk.

Main objectives of the Competition:
- acquaintance of students with works of Russian, foreign and regional children's and adolescent literature of the 18th-21st centuries, which are not included in the school curriculum;
- search and support of talented youth;
- formation of a community of reading children.

Organizers of the competition
The organizers of the competition are:
- Department of Education of the Magnitogorsk City Administration;
- MU DO "Right Bank Center for Additional Education of Children" of the city of Magnitogorsk

Organizing Committee of the competition
Zasova V.V. – head of the department of organization of additional education of the education department;
Becker L.N. – Director of MU DO “PbCDOD”;
Vasina I.M. – Deputy Director of MU DO “PbCDOD”;
Savelova N.I. – leading specialist of the department of organization of additional education of the education department.
Functions of the organizing committee:
- informs about the conditions of participation in the competition;
- draws up the competition program;
- forms the jury of the competition;
- approves the winners of the competition;
- no later than March 25, 2018, publishes on the official website http://www.youngreaders.ru/ a report on the municipal stage of the competition, including the names of the winners, titles of works, photographs;
- prepares the necessary documents for the participation of the winners in the regional competition of young readers “Living Classics”.

Address of the Organizing Committee of the Competition
MU DO "Right Bank Center for Additional Education of Children" of the city of Magnitogorsk (Galiullina St., 17), office No. 203, tel.: 34-22-41.
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.
Information about the competition: https://site
Curator of the Competition – Vasina Irina Mikhailovna

Participants of the Competition
Students of grades 5 - 11 of educational institutions of general and additional education who are not older than 17 years at the time of the qualifying rounds of the All-Russian finals of the competition (May 2018) take part in the Competition.

The jury is composed of specialists from cultural institutions, higher educational institutions of the city, additional education teachers and literature teachers of the highest qualification category.

Functions of the jury:
- conducts expert assessment of performances in accordance with the criteria;
- determines the winners and prize-winners of the competition.

Dates and stages of the competition
The competition is held in three stages:
- registration - from October 1, 2017 to January 25, 2018;
- school stage - from February 1 to February 28, 2018.
- municipal stage - from March 1 to March 25, 2018.

Rules for the registration stage of the competition
A prerequisite for participation in the competition is registration on the official website of the competition http://www.youngreaders.ru/ before January 25, 2018.
Registration on the website must be completed by the participants of the competition, the person responsible for holding the competition in the educational institution, and the coordinator of the municipal stage.
Persons who have not registered on the site are not allowed to participate in the competition.

Rules for the school stage of the competition
The head of the educational organization appoints a person responsible for conducting the school stage of the competition in the educational institution.
Only a representative of the school (principal, school teacher or librarian) can be responsible for conducting the competition at school.
Only one person responsible for conducting the competition can be appointed from one school.
Responsible for conducting the school stage of the competition in an educational institution:
- notifies participants of the need to register on the official website of the competition http://www.youngreaders.ru/;
- from February 1 to February 28, 2018, organizes and conducts the school stage;
- no later than March 1, 2018, publishes on the official website of the competition (on the official page of the educational organization) a report on the school stage, including the names of the winners, titles of works, photographs;
- no later than February 28, 2018, submits to the curator of the municipal stage of the competition a protocol for the school stage.
An unlimited number of schoolchildren can take part in the school stage. Refusal to participate in the school stage of the competition, as well as forced participation of students in the competition are not allowed.
The winners of the school stage of the competition are the three participants who score the most points. They are awarded the diploma of “Winner of the school stage of the All-Russian Reading Competition “Living Classics”.
The winners of the school stage become participants in the municipal stage of the competition.
If at the end of the registration period of the first stage (school) less than 3 people participate from one institution of general, secondary or additional education, all of them automatically become participants in the municipal stage.

Rules for the municipal stage of the competition
The municipal stage of the competition is held on March 2, 2018 at 13:00 at the Inspiration Theater Center (50 Letiya Magnitki St., 48A). The winners of school stages take part in it.
Competition entries are assessed on a 10-point system.
The decision of the jury is documented in a protocol.
The jury's opinion is considered final and cannot be revised.
The winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the competition are the three participants who scored the most points.
The winners of the municipal stage become participants in the regional competition of young readers “Living Classics”, which will be held in the city of Chelyabinsk in April 2018.
Each participant in the competition receives a certificate of participation.

Requirements for participation in the competition
During competitive competitions, the participant recites from memory or using printed text (the use of the text is permissible only at the school level) an excerpt from any prose work of any Russian or foreign author. The work should not be included in the school literature curriculum.
When preparing for the competition, it is recommended to choose excerpts from the works of Russian writers of the 18th-21st centuries, works of modern Russian writers, works of foreign authors, works of regional authors that are not included in the school literature curriculum.
The final choice of the work must be made by the competition participant himself.
The duration of each participant's speech is at least 2 minutes, but no more than 5 minutes. Exceeding the regulations is not allowed.
During the performance, musical accompaniment, scenery, and costumes may be used.
The participant has no right to use the voice recording.
Each participant performs independently and cannot resort to the help of others during the performance.
The participant has the right to perform at the school, municipal and regional stages of the competition both with the same work and to change the work.
Winners and finalists of the competition from previous years take part in the competition on a general basis, but are required to choose excerpts from other works for their performance.



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