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What countries does the world payment system accept? "Mir" is a bank card of the Russian payment system "Mir"

100% government support The national payment system "Mir" was created with the support of the state for the convenience of clients of Russian banks. NSPK JSC, operator of the national payment system, is 100% owned by the Bank of Russia.

Independence from foreign policy events Unlike international payment systems, transactions using Mir cards cannot be suspended. No external economic or political factors can affect the making of payments using Mir cards.

High level of safety and reliability Mir cards meet the requirements of global security standards, including when making payments on the Internet. Each Mir card is equipped with a chip that provides a high degree of protection against fraudsters.

Ease of use All usual payment transactions using the Mir card are available. By July 1, 2017, Mir cards will be serviced by all retail outlets that accept cards.

Variety of card products Everyone can choose their own “World”. The Mir payment system offers a wide product line for future cardholders.

Additional features Mir card holders will have access to special conditions of the payment system’s loyalty program, as well as various profitable offer from partners of the Mir payment system.

Loyalty program for Mir card holders

Any client who is a Mir card holder can join the “Hello, World!” loyalty program. and receive cashback up to 20% - in money, not points!

How to become a member of the loyalty program?

  1. Apply for a “World” card (main or additional).
  2. Register in the program on the website https://privetmir.ru/.
  3. Make purchases on promotions that interest you, paying for them with your Mir card.

You will receive cashback within 3 business days from the date of the transaction on your Mir card account. The cashback amount can be seen in “ Personal account"or on the website https://privetmir.ru/.
At the moment, the program offers 6 main categories for cashback.

Important! At the moment, the Mir loyalty program is valid only in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region and the Republic of Crimea. Follow the news about expanding the geography of the program on the website https://privetmir.ru/.

After all the sanctions imposed against Russia, a problem arose: the absence of its own banking payment system in Russia. I had to create my own. And it was created with the name National Payment Card System. To work with clients, a plastic card called “Mir” has been developed, which has become a national alternative to such cards as MasterCard.

Map World national payment system

In terms of how to use it, it does not stand out in any way from its foreign counterparts. You can use it to perform exactly the same operations. That is, deposit and withdraw funds, transfer from card to card, pay by card in stores and on the Internet.

Cards are divided into standard debit, credit, and premium. They differ in privileges and monthly limits on receiving money. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to such conditions. At the moment, the card can only be linked to a ruble account and it is not yet possible to travel abroad with it.

Pros and cons of the World card


  1. The main distinguishing feature of this card is 24/7 access to your funds. Moreover, regardless of what the situation will be in the foreign political and economic sphere.
  2. The card has the ability to work with several systems simultaneously and will be valid both throughout Russia and abroad. So far it is valid only in the Russian Federation, but there is already an agreement on issuing cards with such brands as “Mir – Maestro”, “Mir – AmEx” and “Mir – JCB”.
  3. The card is equipped with a Russian-made chip that protects it from copying, as well as technologies for secure payments via the Internet.


  1. There are no programs for calculating interest on the balance; in banking it is called cash back. If anyone doesn’t know, cashback is a type of bonus program rewarding the buyer for purchasing goods with payment by card. And these are not just points that can be used in these stores, but real money that is returned back to the card after a certain period of time after the purchase. Therefore, the absence of this function is a significant disadvantage, especially for those who often make non-cash purchases.
  2. At the moment, this card is accepted in rare stores and is used more as a souvenir.
  3. The cost of issuing a card is much higher than the cost of issuing foreign ones.

Difference from foreign analogues

What's the difference then? Each system has its own main currency and this is the main difference. “Mir” has Russian rubles."Visa" has a dollar. MasterCard has both the euro and the dollar.

Banks and companies working with the Mir card

Launching the system was very problematic. After all, banks began to be indignant that issuing this card was more expensive than issuing an international card. Therefore, its release began several weeks later than indicated, and the number of banks that joined this system became much smaller.

Some of the first banks to issue Mir cards were VTB-24, Bank Rossiya, Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank, MDM Bank. Sberbank began issuing it at the end of 2015 and the Sberbank world card is today available to all bank clients.

The first company to accept this map, became AliExpress. The issue was settled only in the fall of 2016. But in reality, it is still impossible to pay for purchases.

As a result, the Mir card is very reminiscent of a product from Soviet times: a little expensive, not very convenient and not so safe. And there is no benefit either for the client or for the bank. Therefore, for now it is necessary to wait for new improvements for the card and their implementation so that the payment system is useful both for us and for banks.

The production of Mir cards started at the end of 2015, but mass issue began only this summer. However, as it turned out, not all Russians know about the existence of the domestic payment card. What can we say about active use? Who issues it and where you can pay with the Mir card - in our review.

The need to create our own, Russian plastic card arose in the summer of 2014, when Visa and MasterCard, due to US sanctions against the Russian Federation, stopped servicing cards of a number of Russian banks (SMP Bank, Investkapitalbank, Rossiya Bank and Sobinbank). After this, the law on the National Payment Card System was adopted, which laid the foundation for the project of creating “domestic plastic”.

In total, since the start of the project (December 15, 2015), 170 thousand “World” cards have been issued in Russia. This data is provided by the project operator, the National Payment Card System (NSCP). To understand the scale of the event, a total of 243.9 million cards were issued in the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2016, according to the Central Bank. That is, “domestic plastic” accounts for less than 0.1%. However, officials assure that by the end of the year, Russian state employees alone will receive 16 million Mir cards.

What do Russians think about the national payment system "Mir"

More than half - 56% of Russians - have not heard at all that banks have begun issuing and servicing cards of the Russian Mir payment system. 37% of respondents have heard something about this card, and only 7% of citizens are well aware of it. At the same time, the most uninformed among the respondents are young people from 18 to 24 years old, and the most “knowledgeable” are people aged from 35 to 59 years old.

However, the overwhelming majority of Russians - 87% - are convinced that the country needs a national payment system, Mir.

The main expectations of Russians as potential users of NPS cards are related to stable and uninterrupted operation (25%), greater data security than that of foreign competitors (19%), ensuring independence from foreign payment systems (13%), as well as the provision of loyalty programs, the cost of service is lower than that of foreign competitors, general support for the development of the country's competitiveness and domestic production, etc.

Who issues Mir cards?

Currently, there are 114 banks among the participants of the Mir payment system. Full list(constantly updated) posted on the NSPK website. However, from this list, only 19 banks issue this card, the rest are either acquirers (accept and process payments on them), or are just preparing for issue.

Table 1 “Banks issuing Mir cards”


Issue cost, rub.

Cost per year. service


for free


550 from the second year


for free

for free

for free

for free


for free


for free


for free

for free

for free

for free


for free


for free

for free

for free

for free


for free

Bank "SIAB"

Bank opening"

for free

for free

Moscow Industrial Bank

Data: RBC, bank websites

The leader in issuing Mir cards is the Crimean bank RNKB. This popularity in the region is easy to explain - the international payment systems Visa and MasterCard do not work in Crimea due to anti-Russian sanctions. The bank issued more than 100 thousand cards to residents of Crimea. Now the bank issues up to 5 thousand Mir cards per day (including up to 500 credit cards).

Other banks have more modest results. Svyaz-Bank issued 1,600 Mir cards, or 2% of the total issue (since the start of the project). SMP Bank - several hundred cards.

Some banks - Svyaz-Bank, SMP Bank, MDM Bank, Center-Invest, RNKB, SDM-Bank, Genbank, KS Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Otkritie - offer to issue the Mir card for free. The rest charge little money for the issue, from 150 to 1000 rubles. Some banks charge a service fee. Annual expenses will range from 90 to 900 rubles per year.

In three banks, the issue and servicing of the Mir card will be completely free - in MDM Bank, Otkritie Bank and RNKB.

Features of the World card

Payment for purchases in offline and online stores. According to the National Payment Card System, Mir cards are today accepted by more than 140 thousand devices throughout Russia (almost 40 thousand ATMs and about 100 thousand POS terminals). According to acquiring banks, the Mir card can be used to pay at the McDonald's fast food chain, the Dom Byta workshop chain, Kodi, H&M, Mothercare, Ile de Beaute stores, the Jean-Jacques and "Jean-Jacques" restaurants. De Marco." Using the Mir card, you can buy air tickets online on the Aeroflot website, pay for services on the MegaFon and Tele2 websites, as well as on the Mail.Ru Group website.

The plans include paying for purchases on the AliExpress website. In the fall, most likely in September, Russians will be able to pay with cards of the national payment system “Mir” through the AliExpress online platform.

Cash-back. The national payment system will launch a pilot loyalty program from August 2016, the participants of which are SMP-bank, SDM-bank and Svyaz-bank, and which involves cash-back (return of money from purchases to the card).

Within two months, employees of the NSPK and organizations participating in the pilot will test the performance system support loyalty programs. The program is currently based only on cash-back, the average amount of which in pilot promotions is 10-15%.

NSPK acts as the initiator and organizer of the loyalty program, and participating banks will use ready-made solution- unlike solutions that exist within other payment systems.

Disadvantages and advantages of the “World” card

Before you start using the Mir card, it is worth assessing whether you can pay with it in your usual places. See if there is a special sticker with the “World” logo on the stores where you are used to shopping. It’s worth noting right away that this card is for domestic Russian service; you won’t be able to pay with it when traveling abroad. For these purposes, it is better to have an additional card from international payment systems.


  • more favorable rates compared to Visa and MasterCard
  • you can pay in Crimea (where Visa and MasterCard do not work due to sanctions)


  • cannot be used abroad
  • Payment is not accepted everywhere (the number of places is constantly growing).



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