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Top linux distributions. Rating of the best Linux distributions: which is better

If you want to try Linux, then you have to decide on the choice of the most suitable distribution. There are several hundred different Linux distributions. Some of them make it easier for users to adapt to an unfamiliar operating system, while others can be quite difficult for beginners.

"Linux" is only the kernel, the main part of the operating system. The graphical environment, command line utilities, and other parts of the operating system are separate projects. Linux distributions combine open source components source code from various projects into a ready-made operating system that can be installed and used.

Nowadays, switching to Linux is quite easy. You need to download the image and create a bootable one USB storage or DVD. After restarting your computer, you can boot from the created media to use Linux in Live mode (without installing it on your computer).

In Live mode, the Linux distribution will run from the boot device without creating potential conflicts with the real system. If you decide that you want to install a Linux distribution on your computer, you can do so directly from the Live environment.

On new computers, you may need to disable the feature secure boot. However, some Linux distributions may boot normally on computers with the Secure Boot option enabled.

“Try Ubuntu or Mint” is a very common piece of advice. Indeed, these are excellent Linux distributions to start and learn from. If you're looking for something a little different, Fedora might be the way to go.

Fedora has several philosophical differences from Ubuntu, Mint and many other distributions. Unlike others, Fedora is very sensitive to open source software only. For example, the system does not include closed source hardware drivers. You must find them yourself if necessary.

Fedora developers work directly with open source projects such as GNOME, making small changes and delivering the latest developments to their users. This distribution gives you the latest and greatest projects from the community.

The Fedora desktop is known as "Fedora Workstation" and is great for developers by providing fast access to the necessary tools and functions. On the other hand, anyone can use Fedora.

Fedora is the base for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, commercial product Linux Red Hat with long-term support. The Fedora Project releases new versions approximately every six months, and each release is supported by security updates for approximately 13 months. If you want to receive free version Red Hat Enterprise Linux Red Hat, then you can use CentOS. The differences lie in branding and commercial support.

What else can you try?

There are many other reliable Linux distributions that you can try. The DistroWatch website presents a rating of popular distributions with user ratings. Projects with good rating are probably excellent products.

Some Linux distributions are developed and maintained by small teams of developers, such as . Elementary OS offers a simple and convenient desktop based on its own Pantheon environment. It looks good, but is seriously different from other Linux desktops.

There are a huge number of operating rooms Linux systems, each of which offers one or another advantage. Various OS options can make it difficult to choose and take a considerable amount of time to find the one you need specifically for your tasks. Ubuntu, Mint, Elementary, Fedora, OpenSUSE... the list of user-friendly distributions can seem like an endless story. Need a simpler OS? For games? Or perhaps you need a multimedia distribution for comfortable viewing and listening to media content? All of them are available.

Here is a regularly updated list of Linux operating systems, optimally suited to the specific needs and requirements of the project. Material - adaptive translation of an article by Christian Cawley.

Here is the list:

Linux for beginners


Ubuntu - Debian-based distribution, released a new version the popular Linux distribution Ubuntu - 17.10 Artful Aardvark with the graphical shell Gnome 3 (3.26) and Gnome Shell (it is characterized by higher customization and flexibility). Ubuntu is one of the most widely used Linux OS. When switching to Linux, most likely this distribution will be one of the first that you start using. There's even a Raspberry version for Raspberry Pi. Only the 64-bit edition (1.4 GB) is available for downloading version 17.10.

Features and changes:

New GNOME Desktop - The biggest change is in the desktop environment. In Ubuntu 17.10, Unity is replaced by GNOME, version 3.26.1.
- Wayland (interaction protocol between KOM and clients). By default, the display server is Wayland, but for systems and users who prefer X.Org, you can select the “Ubuntu on X.org” session
- new Caribou on-screen keyboard
- server build with updated versions of QEMU 2.10, libvirt 3.6, DPDK 17.05.2, Open vSwitch 2.8, Samba 4.6.7

About the main innovations by following the link

There are many versions of SparkyLinux available, but this is perhaps the most successful if you choose a “game-oriented” distribution. Together with Sparky Linux GameOver, users have access to pre-installed games, a Steam client, PlayOnLinux and Wine for running games written for Window, as well as DOSbox.

Security distributions

Kali Linux

Kali Linux (formerly BackTrack) is good operating system in the field of computer security, based on the Linux kernel. The distribution is popular for conducting security tests; the Debian-based OS comes with more than 600 security utilities.

Parted Magic

Parted Magic is a lightweight Linux distribution designed for partition management. LiveCD
for disk partitioning, a small distribution kit for emergency rescue work. 80 MB contains many specialized utilities, an X server, and the Xfce working environment.


GParted (GNOME Partition Editor) is another universal distribution that allows you to manage partitions on hard drives, on devices for storing information. Perform various disk operations using GParted.


TAILS is a Debian-based Linux distribution specifically designed to provide privacy and anonymity. The OS is open source, uses Tor technologies, to install it you need a CD/DVD drive or USB flash drive, SD card, 64-bit (x86-64) compatible processor, 2 GB random access memory.

Distributions for corporate clients

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a commercial project based on Fedora, designed to meet the needs of corporate clients. Support for 10 years, no support for MP3 and DivX, access to binary update packages is paid.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is used to deploy mission-critical applications on global exchanges, financial institutions, leading telecommunications companies, and animation studios

SUSE Linux Enterprise

SUSE Linux Enterprise is a Linux distribution from SUSE, a ready-made and flexible OS for workstations that simplifies working with various office software. Two versions, server and desktop, are a reliable solution for enterprises. Distribution based on .rpm packages. There are two modifications of the distribution - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop. The first modification is characterized by reliability and high speed; this distribution is suitable for building high-performance servers. The second modification of SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop for corporate desktop users.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 - with an updated kernel 3.12, the systemd system manager is used, using kraft technology you can update the Linux kernel without rebooting and interrupting the system's workflow, a new installer that does not require additional intermediate reboots, a new Wicked framework, YaST configurator on Ruby language, MariaBD instead of МYSQL, support file systems Btrfs and Ceph, support for the virt-sandbox package, GNOME 3.10 graphical shell, but you can choose the familiar SUSE Linux Enterprise Classic.

Make your choice by choosing the right distribution that is best suited for your work and projects.

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Linux is a popular free operating system for computers and laptops. It's ideal for a variety of standard tasks, as well as for something more special, like creating games or programming. It is noteworthy that this operating system has a huge number of different images - both those that in their structure resemble the usual command line, through which you need to perform all actions, no different from regular Windows in terms of convenience.

In addition to diversity, Linux has another undeniable advantage - almost no common viruses affect it. This is due to the variability of the system - it is impossible to write malware, if it is not clear what exactly it should act on. Naturally, for complete security you will have to configure some programs and tools, but the result will be impressive.

This is a very important point. The average user will not need any specialized system image designed for designers or programmers. And the latter may not be enough for a regular distribution without additional bells and whistles. Therefore, it is important to immediately decide what exactly you want to get from the download. This will determine what exactly is worth looking for.

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the comments and description. It is important to know that most builds have a lot of bugs that make them difficult to use. Therefore, if there is a lot of negativity in the comments to the distribution, you should not download it. More nerves will be wasted. Many, moreover, require professional setup, which should also be taken into account.

Standard distributions without bells and whistles

These include the three main and most popular, but at the same time the most average. For special features, you should look for something special, but if you find it, there will be no price for such a distribution.

Debian. The most stable build of all existing ones. But at the same time, it is also the most outdated of all possible ones. The Debian development team numbers hundreds of people. But updates are released extremely rarely - once every few years. Therefore, Debian users are often left without the latest programs and components. But it has practically no errors. If nothing more serious than work in text editors and you don’t need to surf the Internet - this is the best solution.

Ubuntu. Completely turns the previous approach on its head. Updates occur very frequently and with amazing stability. But with the same stability, these updates contain software bugs that make using this build impossible for an inexperienced user. Because, as they say, you need to “finish it with a file,” that is, correct errors yourself. But such practice will help you get better at computer art.

CentOS. Essentially the same as Ubuntu. But it is better suited for system administration and is very often used for servers. Therefore, a person who knows how and loves to crash in CentOS will be in great demand in the computer labor market. Because it is difficult to understand, and there are not enough specialists.

The best distribution of 2016

However, in addition to the standard and, so to speak, basic distributions described above, there are a huge number of others. If you choose a random assembly among them, it may not end well. Wasted nerves and time, for example. However, every year, lists of the best builds are compiled that can conquer any fan. computer equipment. We recommend visiting the site distrowatch.com and see a more or less real picture of the popularity of various distributions. So in the version of this site, the most popular distribution is already for a long time is Linux Mint, which is based on the equally famous Ubuntu.

This build is a slightly redesigned Chromium OS, which has been remade to fit the Ubuntu base. It seems like it was created specifically for laptops - its beautiful, but not overloaded interface and stable operation make the device’s battery last much longer. You can run any software for Ubuntu on it if you use Synaptic and Gdebi, as well as all programs from the Google extension store.

At the same time, the Cube does not require serious technical capabilities from. Therefore, it will run even on fairly old machines. It only needs 512 megabytes of RAM, 1 gigahertz of processor performance and 4 gigabytes of hard drive.

However, Cube Linux has its drawbacks. For example, it loads somewhat slower than other distributions. It also has a not entirely user-friendly application menu. But you can get used to it.

This will probably be the most best build for those who just want to switch from Windows to Linux. Its interface subtly resembles Microsoft products, which will allow former Windows users to feel at one with Linux. This operating system will be an excellent transition point for any user. It has almost all the Linux features hidden under the visual shell of Windows.

During installation, along with ChaletOS, a pack of necessary and useful programs so that the user does not search for them later. These programs and tools will make it easier to set up and use the system. Essentially, helping to “move” to Linux.

However, you need to remember that this distribution appeared only this year, so errors and shortcomings are possible. Although its convenience and advantages can overcome minor problems.

This is a professional distribution aimed exclusively at activities related to multimedia functions. Here you can find everything the soul of a designer, musician or other creative people desires. All the most best programs, which are aimed at this type of activity, are collected specifically in Ubuntu Studio.

It is noteworthy that the distribution kit itself is not demanding on the computer and “eats” quite a few resources. Therefore, everything that is not spent on it can be used to run multimedia programs.

Don't assume that this distribution isn't too different from regular assemblies. It’s better not to install it just like that, but only if you are professionally involved in something related to multimedia programs.

This build is many steps ahead of its competitors in terms of convenience and customization flexibility. However, it also requires sufficient literacy in Linux distributions, because it needs to be properly configured once. But after that it will work stably for many years. But if you have no experience, but want to figure out what kind of beast Linux is, you can install Arch and study it inside and out.

Immediately after installing the operating system, the user... There will be nothing. He will have to independently find the desktop and all the programs for the operating system. Moreover, you will have to do everything manually - you won’t have to wait for any automatic action. This apparent minus ultimately turns into a big plus - you can customize your computer 100% for yourself.

It is noteworthy that updates continue continuously. As soon as a new version comes out software– Arch will update it immediately. And it has an extremely large number of applications and tools. Almost every program that generally works in Linux can, in most cases, be found in its repository.

Simple, but at the same time convenient and functional, this distribution will captivate both novice Linux users and professionals. It can be considered one of the best if something specific is not required from the computer. Deepin Linux has an intuitive interface, which at the same time does not have anything superfluous.

Its basis is the usual Debian, but with a uniquely designed desktop, which is divided into three types - modern, aimed at former Mac OS users, created specifically for those moving from Windows 7, as well as for fans of the “old school” in as Windows XP.

It’s worth noting right away that Deepin Linux comes with a lot of built-in programs that will be useful to most users. Here you can find how office applications, and entertaining or educational. This system has its own “store” of free and not so free applications.

New Linux distributions have been sprouting like mushrooms lately. Every year Linux is developing faster and becoming more friendly to new users. New distributions are increasingly aimed at beginners rather than experienced users.

The main distinguishing feature of Linux is the ability to choose what you want. Each distribution is based on the Linux kernel, but they all have something special to offer. In this review, we will look at the new Linux distributions 2016. Some of them came out a long time ago, but were abandoned and only now received new versions, while others were created recently.

Got quite a lot of attention lately. This is a great operating system built from the ground up. It is not based on Ubuntu or Debian. It uses the popular Budgie desktop environment in new distributions, which is based on Gnome.

Actually, SoulsOS has existed before. Its first version was released in 2012 and was based on the Debian stable branch. As part of that project, our own package manager and other improvements. But then the project was closed. And it only resumed last year. The new operating system is being developed from scratch, but will use some developments from the previous version.

If we talk about the interface, it looks minimalistic and very interesting. A very promising project. Currently, the Budgie desktop, its own configurator, installer and package manager are being developed within the OS.


ChaletOS is based on XUbuntu 16.04, and is as accessible to beginners as, if not more so than, Canonical's operating system. The system is fully compatible with Ubuntu software because it uses its repositories.

The main goal of the ChaletOS project is to help Windows users successfully migrate to open source software, represented by an operating system with a Linux kernel. The system has a very beautiful and unconventional user interface for the Linux OS; using it you will forget that you are using Linux. It uses a specially configured XFCE desktop environment, with the ability to customize the environment for yourself. There is also special utility to configure system parameters. Along with the system, a large amount of software is installed on the computer to make it easier for the user to configure the system after installation, this is the Firefox Internet browser, file manager thunar, gimp, playonlinux, BleachBit, Disks, Disk Analyzer, GDebi Package Installer, Synaptic Package Manager, Task Manager, GParted, Ubuntu Software Center, Wine, Windows Wireless Drivers and also some games and many other software.


VeltOS is based on Arch Linux and also uses the Budgie desktop environment, but the developers forked the original environment and are developing their own version. The distribution appeared last year, but is still at the Technical Preview stage. VeltOS has one notable feature: every feature, program or system component is voted on by the community. Thus, it is the community that decides what the distribution will be.

This is not the first distribution with a democratic approach to development. Among the popular and widely used distributions, Debian also holds community discussions when introducing new features, and moves forward only when consensus is reached. But VeltOS takes democracy to a new level. A voting system has been developed in which you just need to register and vote for the desired function in order to express your wishes for the development of the project.

The system interface looks very good, I must say the Numix theme does its job. All the standard controls, menus and bottom bar are there. Everything looks minimalistic and beautiful.

4. eModOS

Development of the distribution began back in April 2014, and it is being developed by one person - a programmer from Italy - Luca Di Martino. Since then, three versions of the system have been released, Kronos 1.0, Afrodite 2.0, Omega 3.0, but the final version has not yet been released.

The fact is that Luke wants to bring his distribution to perfection. Its target is Windows 10 users. Although there are already enough such distributions, eModOS will stand out with something of its own. The latest version of the distribution uses Ubuntu basics 16.04 and in addition to a similar user interface and ease of use, there is improved support for running Win32 applications out of the box. For example, you can run Photoshop or Microsoft Office on the system.

In addition to standard software, the distribution kit comes with Google apps+, Facebook, Feedy and Google Maps. You can get something similar in Chrome, but here everything is integrated into the system.


These were all new Linux 2016 distributions. PapyrOS should also be mentioned, but this distribution is still at the alpha stage, and despite the promises of the developers to release a version that is at least somewhat usable, they are not going to release it. If you know of other new Linux distributions not mentioned in this article, please write in the comments!

01. 10.2018

Blog of Dmitry Vassiyarov.

Which Linux to choose because there are an unlimited number of distributions

Greetings, my dear subscribers and readers of the blog. Today I will have a big and serious conversation on the topic of which Linux to choose. I don’t know what reasons prompted you to switch to a new OS (and I’m sure that before that, with a 99% probability, you were Windows users), but your interest in Linux itself is worthy of great respect.

If with Windows everything is simple (whichever version the computer runs, install that one), then with Linux everything is much more complicated and interesting. Based on one kernel and freely available code, various developers have created many different free distributions. Differing, first of all, in their functional purpose.

And this, my friends, is simply wonderful when you have the opportunity to choose the software product that best suits your tasks.

The second criterion when choosing a Linux system is its popularity. This is not a tribute to fashion, but additional opportunity install more programs and, importantly, get help on forums or from other sources. So, let's begin.

Linux Mint is the first thing to try

Although this article is not a rating, but simply detailed review different versions Linux, I still want to start with Linux descriptions Mint. This distribution not only leads in popularity among users, but also strengthens its position every year. In relation to other operating systems, you will also encounter characteristics such as:

  • ease of use;
  • user-friendly interface;
  • stable work;
  • wide selection and excellent functionality of preinstalled programs;

But it is in Linux Mint that all these qualities are implemented in in the best possible way. Therefore, this system is the best option for a beginner who has decided to master Linux. I advise you to first choose it for reference.

Mint was developed in 2006 based on Ubuntu and today is offered in two versions: Mate and Cinnamon. The first is less demanding on resources and can be used on older PCs and systems with a “weak” configuration.

Also, some difference in the workspace interface is important for the user. In Cinnamon, applications are presented in the menu as categories and there is the ability to work with widgets. Mate does this differently: You simply add programs to the menu yourself.

An additional argument for beginners in favor of Linux Mint is the similarity of the interface with Windows 7. Therefore, switching from one OS to another will not be difficult and will allow you to quickly become an experienced Linux user.

It is this distribution that I advise you to choose if you want to get acquainted with the Linux family. That's why I put it at the beginning of the text.

Ubuntu - a time-tested foundation

Another mega popular distribution whose name is always heard is Ubuntu. Many who decided to master Linux began their acquaintance with it by trially installing Ubuntu for home use on a desktop computer. Yes, they left this system due to its convenience and functionality. This version of Linux can also often be found on computers of commercial organizations.

The secret to such consistent success is simple: due to its great popularity, Ubuntu enjoys huge support from developers, and therefore you will always find any application for it. Actually, you don’t even need to look for it. In the modern release, all kinds of software are already built into the distribution, and this is very convenient.

In addition, the current Ubuntu is an ideal shell for touchscreen gadgets, where you can use many convenient gestures and swipes. This is also facilitated by the large icons of the more modern GNOME graphical environment, to which Ubutnu reoriented from Unity.

Kubuntu – something new and interesting

Those who find GNOME unusual (complicated, insufficiently flexible or unattractive) can choose and try out the Kubuntu system, created on the basis of Ubuntu and the powerful KDE graphics solution. It allows you to use a huge number of settings like appearance, and functional utilities, and this is somewhat reminiscent of latest versions Windows.

You will simply enjoy creating a comfortable working environment for yourself. At the same time, you will immediately appreciate the stability and reliability of the system, which has been modified to perfection, and will also have the opportunity to use the entire arsenal of applications and programs created for Ubuntu.

This is Elementary, Watson

If you are just about to explore the world of Linux, then I can also recommend Elementary OS. It received a very precise name, fully corresponding to the level of complexity.

The graphical environment is designed stylishly and concisely, and its operating principles are reminiscent of MacOS. And the system itself, thanks to its lightness, works like a clock. I would describe the concept of this distribution this way: nothing superfluous, but everything you need. So a beginner will definitely not get confused in the interface.

To the above advantages, it is worth adding a very important quality that is missing in other versions of Linux: the brevity of Elementary OS allows the system to operate using a minimum of energy resources. And this is just a godsend for a laptop that requires battery autonomy.

Endless OS – endless fun

Endless OS is also suitable for entry-level knowledge of Linux. Its multilingual interface, developed by an American company and based on GNOME 3, is simplified and fully optimized for regular user. Some laptop manufacturers (in particular Asus) pre-install this OS on their devices.

Perhaps you will like Endless for its simplicity and pleasant working “environment”. Often laptops from Asus have this system. It’s not for nothing that such a large manufacturer chose Endless OS. Take a closer look, it's a good thing. I used it myself once and really liked it.

Debian is another ancestor of distributions

Specifics of use home computer is changing even now, with many separate gadgets in everyone in the family, the PC serves as a capacious local storage of information. Is best oriented towards accomplishing this task. Debian system. In fact, the OS with this name is one of the first basic developments, on the basis of which many distribution kits with different functionality were created (including Ubuntu).

This is the main advantage of Debian - it is initially laconic, conservative, but due to this it is stable. Therefore, it is often used for a server that functions as a data warehouse. This distribution is not for beginners, as it requires manual settings many post-installation options.

Kodi – for fun and relaxation

But servers are different. If your home PC is focused on media resources that your home theater, stereo system and other similar devices use in your home, then feel free to install the Kodi version on your desktop. To be fair, it should be noted. That this is not a pure Linux distribution, but a separate add-on installed, for example, along with Ubuntu. This, by the way, is a perfectly working combination.

Universal functionality"Kody" will amaze anyone:

  • processing, organizing photos;
  • distribution of music and video streams to individual users;
  • working with torrents;
  • playing videos from different streaming services;
  • full integration with account on YouTube and receiving newsletters from channels;

Add to this a simply beautiful and user-friendly interface and support for working with remote control or with its emulation on an Android smartphone.

Gaming Steam OS

Every time I talk about home use I definitely pay attention to gamers. Well, what would we do without it? And for the gaming industry, developers using Linux code have created a product worthy of respect - the cross-platform distribution of Steam OS, based on Debian.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to describe what it is in a few words. After all, everyone will find in this software product something most interesting for yourself:

  • entertainment software;
  • online communication with partners and rivals, the ability to exchange content and patches;
  • access to many famous and original games;
  • Steam store support;

The interface of this gaming platform fully corresponds to its purpose and immediately sets the user up for entertainment. You can easily control all its elements with your usual mouse, joystick or gamepad.

RHEL is the most successful commercial Linux project

It's time to move from home distributions to specialized ones. And to begin with, I will tell you about a corporate project from Red Hat. It (despite the usual free availability of Linux) brings developers over 70% of income.

The secret is that their Linux operating system RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), like no other, ideally meets the requirements of industrial and commercial organizations that are willing to pay real money for it (in the presence of free, but less efficient software). Over 65% of organizations choose RHEL from the Linux distribution environment. You can’t argue with statistics, and I have nothing more to add here.

For experienced and novice programmers

The first to choose and try out Linux in all its glory were programmers. And many distributions are dedicated to them, which are often themselves the source of new versions. Today, the best operating systems for programming are Fedora (a derivative of Red Hat Linux) and OpenSUSE.

The first system is for beginner developers (it has built-in instructions for a number of tasks), and the second is aimed at professional programmers and system administrators.

Hacker Kali

The next Kali distribution is very specific and many people call it hacker. If any of you have heard about root access, then it is in this OS that it is provided by default. If a graphical shell is not needed, but what is important, first of all, is the result when solving security-related problems, then this is your choice.

Kali allows you to effectively test software and networks without being noticed. And this is its main purpose.

Here it is used special applications and installation of third-party ones is highly undesirable. Let's assume that I made the announcement of this distribution. And those who need it will probably find it on the Internet. I do not recommend others experiment with this system. After all, it requires extensive experience and knowledge of working in the Linux environment.

The lightest category of Linux

In principle, the review on which Linux to choose can be considered complete. But I feel that some readers turned to this topic precisely because of the desire to install some modern software on their outdated or weak machines. Here again, Linux has something to offer for a weak laptop.

Lubuntu – comes pre-installed necessary programs and ensures full functionality of the system. And this is with 512 MB of RAM and 3 GB of free space.

It could only be easier Puppy Linux. It can work simply from a flash drive (requires an ancient processor, 128 MB of RAM and 0.5 GB disk space). If this is exactly what you need, then choose it.

Perhaps this is worth stopping at. Although in fact, as you understand, there are still so many versions of Linux. But for an initial understanding of the capabilities of different distributions, this will be quite enough. Here it’s up to you to decide which Linux to choose.

All I have to do is say goodbye to you and wish you good luck in mastering the new OS.



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