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iPhone 4 lock. How to unlock iPhone if you forgot your password? A pirated option to unlock a found or second-hand iPhone with a blocked apple id function

Happens to everyone. I came up with and set a password on my iPhone, and then forgot it. Or you haven’t used your smartphone for a long time. Be that as it may, it is better to know what to do and how to unlock your iPhone if you forgot the password.

In this guide, I will describe three ways to reset your iPhone password. These methods will not help if, only contacting Apple support will help.

If the password is entered incorrectly 6 times, the iPhone will be blocked for one minute; if you enter the wrong password again, the iPhone will be blocked for 2 minutes, then 3, and so on. In general, it’s not realistic to guess the password; life won’t last long.

If you have the “Erase data” function activated, then guessing the password is dangerous. This function will erase all information from your iPhone if you enter the password incorrectly 10 times. To disable it you need to: go to settings – password – opposite the “erase data” field, switch the toggle switch to disabled mode.

Below are three ways to reset forgotten password on iPhone, here they are...

1. Reset your iPhone password by restoring it from a backup.

If you systematically sync your iPhone with iTunes, you should have and can restore one of the copies where the password is still set. This is the most The best way, all media files and information will remain on the iPhone.

2. Reset your password using Find My iPhone

If you have the Find My iPhone function activated, you can use iCloud to remove the lock password, however, all data will also be erased. This method works if you forgot your iPhone lock password, but remember your Apple iD password.

Now you can restore iPhone data from a backup or set it up as new.

3. How to reset iPhone if you forgot your password

If you've never synced your iPhone with iTunes, don't have a backup, and don't have Find My iPhone enabled in iCloud, your only option for removing the passcode is the recovery mode method. I note that this method always works, but not only the password will be erased on the iPhone, but also all media files and information.

Step 1. To get started, you need to enter your iPhone into

To enter recovery mode: turn off the iPhone, now hold down the Home button and without releasing it, insert the USB cable, an iTunes icon with a cord should appear.

Step 2: If iTunes doesn't open automatically, open it. You should immediately be prompted to update or restore your iPhone.

Step 3. Select “Restore” and wait for the recovery to complete. At the end of the process, the iPhone will be “clean” as if it came from a store and without passwords. Use it!

Still have questions?

Do you still have questions about unlocking your phone if you forgot your iPhone password? Are you having trouble recovering a forgotten ID on your iPhone? Write in the comments and we will try to help you!

If none of the above methods helped you or you don’t remember your Apple ID! Read this manual

Hello friends! Not long ago I bought my wife an iPhone 7, but she is a forgetful lady and a problem arose: how to unlock an iPhone if you forgot your password? At that moment I realized what the next topic of my article would be.

Despite the fact that most iPhone models have finger scanners, many people continue to use digital passwords out of habit. There are also owners of phone models 4 and 4s, which do not have a built-in fingerprint scanner. Plus, there is a possibility of glitches in the scanner. That is why thousands of people are still faced with the problem of a forgotten password.

1. How to unlock iPhone if you forgot your password: 6 ways

After the tenth attempt, your favorite iPhone is blocked forever. The company tries to protect phone owners as much as possible from data hacking, so it is quite difficult to recover the password, but it is possible. In this article we will give as many as six ways to unlock your iPhone if you forgot your password.

Important! If you haven't synced any of your data before attempting the reset, it will all be lost.

1.1. Using iTunes from a previous sync

If the owner has forgotten the password on the iPhone, this method is recommended. Forethought in restoration is very important and if you are lucky enough to have backup copy data, no problems should arise.
For this method you will need a computer on which synchronization with the device was previously carried out.

1. Using a USB cable, connect your phone to your computer and wait until it appears in the list of devices.

3. Now you need to wait, iTunes will synchronize the data for some time. This process may take a few hours, but it's worth it if you need the data.

4. When iTunes reports that synchronization is complete, select "Restore data from backup" iTunes copies" Using backups is the easiest thing you can do if you forgot your iPhone password.

5. The program will display a list of your devices (if there are several of them) and backup copies with their creation date and size. What part of the information will remain on the iPhone depends on the creation date and size; changes made since the last backup will also be reset. Therefore, choose the latest backup.

If you are not lucky enough to have a backup of your phone in advance or you do not need the data, read on and choose another method.

1.2. How to unlock an iPhone via iCloud

This method only works if you have the Find My iPhone feature set up and activated. If you don't care wondering regarding how to recover your iPhone password, use any of the other five methods.

1. First of all, you need to go to the link https://www.icloud.com/#find from any device, no matter whether it is a smartphone or a computer.
2. If you have not previously logged into the site and saved a password, at this stage you need to enter your Apple ID profile information. If you have forgotten your account password, go to the last section of the article regarding how to reset your iPhone password for Apple ID.
3. At the top of the screen you will see a list of “All devices”. Click on it and select the device you need, if there are several of them.

4. Click “Erase (device name)”, this will erase all the phone data along with its password.

5. Now the phone is available to you. You can restore it from an iTunes or iCloud backup, or re-set it up as if you just bought it.

Important! Even if the service is activated, but Wi-Fi access is disabled on the phone or mobile internet, this method will not work.

Without an Internet connection, most methods for hacking an iPhone password will not work.

1.3. By resetting the failed attempt counter

If your gadget is locked after the sixth attempt to enter the password, and you hope to remember the password, try resetting the counter of incorrect attempts.

1. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable and turn on iTunes. It is important that Wi-Fi or mobile Internet is turned on on your mobile phone.

2. Wait a little while the program “sees” the phone and select the “Devices” menu item. Then click “Sync with (name of your iPhone).”

3. Immediately after synchronization begins, the counter will reset to zero. You can continue to try to enter the correct password.

Do not forget that the counter cannot be reset simply by rebooting the device.

1.4. Using recovery mode

This method will work even if you have never synced with iTunes or enabled the feature to find your iPhone. When you use it, both the device data and its password will be deleted.

1. Connect your iPhone via USB to any computer and open iTunes.

2. After this, you need to hold down two buttons at the same time: “Sleep mode” and “Home”. Keep them on for a long time, even when the device starts to reboot. You need to wait for the recovery mode window. On iPhone 7 and 7s, hold down two buttons: Sleep and Volume Down. Hold them for the same long time.

3. You will be prompted to restore or update your phone. Select recovery. The device may exit recovery mode if the process takes too long, then repeat all the steps again 3-4 times.

4. Once the recovery is complete, the password will be reset.

1.5. By installing new firmware

This method is reliable and works for the vast majority of users, but requires selecting and downloading firmware, which weighs 1-2 Gigabytes.

Attention! Carefully select the source for downloading the firmware. If there is a virus inside it, it can completely break your iPhone. You will no longer be able to find out how to unlock it. Don't ignore warnings antivirus program and do not download files with the extension .exe

1. Using your computer, find and download the firmware for your iPhone models with extension.IPSW. This extension is the same for all models. For example, almost all official firmware is available.

2. Log into Explorer and move the firmware file to the folder at C:\Documents and Settings\username you are using\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates.

3. Now connect your device to your computer via USB cable and log into iTunes. Go to your phone section (if you have multiple devices). Each model will have a full technical name and you can easily find yours.

4. Press CTRL and "Restore iPhone". You will be able to select the firmware file that you downloaded. Click on it and click “Open”.

5. Now all we have to do is wait. Eventually the password will be reset along with your data.

1.6. Using a special program (only after jailbreak)

If your favorite phone was hacked by you or the previous owner, all the methods above will not work for you. They will lead you to install official firmware. You will have to download a separate program called Semi-Restore for this. It won't work if you don't have the OpenSSH file and the Cydia store on your phone.

Attention! On this moment The program only works on 64-bit systems.

1. Download the program from https://semi-restore.com/ and install it on your computer.

2. Connect the device to the computer via a USB cable, after a while the program will recognize it.

3. Open the program window and click the “SemiRestore” button. You will see the process of clearing devices of data and passwords in the form of a green bar. Wait, the mobile may reboot.

4. When the runner “crawls” to the end, you will be able to use the phone again.

2. How to reset your Apple ID password?

If you don't have your Apple ID account password, you won't be able to sign into iTunes or iCloud and reset. All methods of how to recover a password on an iPhone will not work for you. Therefore, you will first need to recover your Apple ID password. Most often, the account ID is your email.

1. Go to https://appleid.apple.com/#!&page=signin and click the “Forgot your Apple ID or password?” button.

2. Enter your ID and click on “Continue”.

3. Now you can reset your password in four ways. If you remember the answer to a security question, select the first method, enter the answer and you will be given the option to enter New Password. You may also receive a password reset email to your primary or backup account email. If you have another Apple device, you can use it to recover your password. If you have enabled two-step verification, you will also need to enter the password that will be sent to your phone.

4. Once you reset your password using any of these methods, you will need to update it in other Apple services.

Which method worked? Perhaps you know life hacks? Share in the comments!

The story of the FBI's unsuccessful attempts to hack the Texas shooter's iPhone has spread all over the world. On the one hand, this shows the reliability of iOS as operating system, and on the other hand, it serves as a warning to inattentive users. In this material we will tell you how to unlock iPhone 4S and other older models. We will not compete with the FBI in hacking practices. It is assumed that you perform all operations with your own smartphone.

Locking a phone can mean several actions. The simplest one, which the user encounters every day, involves protection from unauthorized access. The screen can only be unlocked by entering a numeric password. Without it you can only do emergency call rescue services. The call is free and can be made even with a negative balance.

This was done in case something happens to the owner of the smartphone. The person who finds it will be able to call for help even when the display is locked. You don't need to know the password for this. Additionally, to help doctors, the user can enter the necessary data into the electronic medical record in advance.

In addition to blood type, you can indicate chronic diseases and note intolerance to certain drugs. For emergency communication with relatives, a contact phone number is indicated.

Thus, using the capabilities of the general lock screen, the iPhone owner can protect himself in case of unforeseen circumstances. To eliminate the possibility of guessing a password at random, there is a function to erase data after ten unsuccessful typing attempts. This option is activated by the user independently in the security settings.

If you manage to forget a given combination of numbers, but remember your Apple ID account information, you can reset your smartphone this way and then restore it from an iCloud backup.


Synchronizing your iPhone with your computer is one of the purposes of iTunes. In macOS it is built into the operating system, and Windows users can install it separately. Unlocking a normally working smartphone for which the user has forgotten the password is performed in one step. To do this, you need to connect to your PC using a USB cable. When the program recognizes the phone, select “Browse” in the navigation menu.

At the top of the main window, in the field general information about the smartphone, a marked item will appear. By clicking the “Restore” button, we start the download latest version OC – in this case it is iOS 11.2. Time to receive it from Apple servers depends on the speed of the connection used. There is no user intervention required during the recovery phase, so you can leave your iPhone connected to your PC and do other things. After the flashing is completed, the data stored in memory remains unchanged, only the access code is reset.

Recovery Mode

If for some reason you restore the iPhone using the method described above and remove forgotten lock fails, you will have to sacrifice its contents. With regular synchronization with iCloud configured, the maximum you will lose is the data of the last 24 hours. In this case, you need to connect your smartphone and then put it into recovery mode. This is done in exactly the same way as a forced reboot.

For iPhone 4S (model A1387), press the power and home buttons simultaneously. The iTunes and cable logos will appear on the screen to indicate a successful connection. If you release the power button and hold only “Home” when the display goes dark, the iPhone will enter DFU mode. In both cases, iTunes will be able to find the device, download the necessary firmware and start its installation.

A lost device can be locked remotely using the Find My iPhone feature. It also allows you to erase data if necessary. You can use this option from any other Apple devices or via a web browser. In the action menu, select the marked item and erase the data, returning the smartphone to its original state, factory condition. After this, you can recover data from using iTunes, if the backup is stored on a computer, or via iCloud, if in the cloud.

You can perform this operation for devices linked to the same Apple ID or connected by family sharing.

Foreign operators cellular communications may sell iPhones with a contract. By purchasing such a device, you automatically become a subscriber for a period of one or two years. During this period, you pay the operator the cost of the device and services with a slight discount. This is a unique type of purchase in installments without obtaining a loan. The problem is that until the contract with the operator expires, you cannot use another SIM card on it, since its activation fails.

This is the most unpleasant type of blocking, which you cannot disable on your own. This is usually encountered when purchasing second-hand “gray” devices. Assistance in solving this problem is provided by specialized offices that will need from you Smartphone IMEI. You can find it in the settings in the “General” group. In addition, to save time, it is advisable to know the foreign operator. The procedure for so-called “unlocking” a smartphone takes up to 20 days, and the cost varies from one to 10–12 thousand rubles.


The main condition for successful unlocking is knowledge of the Apple ID data. When buying secondhand, you should definitely make sure that the smartphone is unlinked from the previous owner’s account and reset to factory settings.

Video instructions

You can see how the described unlocking methods work in the overview video below.

Users of popular Apple smartphones often set a password on the gadget to increase the security of the mobile device and avoid troubles - theft, loss of the smartphone, or simply to protect their own data from people who can get into the phone.

Even though the password consists of only a few numbers, it is often forgotten. In this case the problem iPhone unlocking(4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, X) becomes relevant because regular user It is unlikely that he will figure out how to remove the lock on his own. Of course it is possible, but you must follow the instructions below.

Types of blocking

It is worth immediately noting that the expression “unlocking” Apple smartphone can be applied in different situations, and each of them differs in its context. So, there are several types of smartphone locking:

  • The user may have simply forgotten the password, which consists of numbers, and needs to reset the password to gain access to the phone;
  • Blocking a specific communication provider;
  • Blocking via iCloud.

It must be borne in mind that, despite the same word denoting the situation, they have nothing in common with each other. Therefore, for each problem it is important to apply its own algorithm of actions, which was compiled by specialists.

Unlocking with iTunes

To restore access to your smartphone, you need to have a personal computer and the iTunes program at hand, which is part of the software for Apple gadgets. Yes, it is designed for storing and playing music tracks, but it is extremely useful for unlocking a smartphone.

Let's move on to the next method.

How to unlock via iCloud

Unlocking an iPhone via the iCloud service is a method similar to the previous one, but has a slightly different algorithm. This path is suitable only for those users who have connected the “Find iPhone” function while using their mobile device. Without it, all that remains is to return to the previous method and try it.

If the option was enabled, then everything turns out to be even simpler. In an Internet browser open on a computer, just go to the iCloud service page and log in using your data. After this, you will need to use the search function for a mobile gadget, and the system will almost instantly detect it. After this, the “Erase iPhone” option will appear, which will unlock the system. Again, all data, photos and other information will be erased from the smartphone's memory.

Unlinking via support

When a smartphone is sold to another user, the previous owner must unlink the device from a special service that may limit the capabilities of the new user. Unlink from former Apple ID is required if the device owner needs new account or other identity-related functions.

By far the most effective way Unlinking iPhone from Apple ID is considered a support call. It is quite complex and lengthy, but it also has certain advantages - for example, it will work well if you need to completely delete an account without the possibility of returning it. So, you need to follow the following steps:

It is important to remember that it is best to fill out the form according to certain rules. So, Email the one for which the Apple ID was originally registered must be indicated. In the “Subject” line a request is written about what needs to be deleted. And in the “Comment” line a letter is already left explaining the above request. You can write that the smartphone will be sold or become a gift.

Don't worry if you don't receive a response from support for a long time. They may respond in a few weeks, but the process will end immediately. After clicking on the link provided by company employees, the Apple ID will be completely unlinked.

Unlock via R Sim

R-sim is a universal chip card. Experts have created this module to activate and unlock most iPhone models so users can use their carrier's network.

To use R-sim, you need to have a Nano-sim format SIM card with you. Very often, employees of workshops or communication stores can simply cut a regular SIM card to the required size, but it is best to ask for the operator’s card to be reissued in a mini size. So it will be much thinner than usual.

If you have a card, you need to remove the password from your smartphone and remove the password lock if it was installed on the SIM card. This is done so that the PIN code does not interfere with the correct setup of R-sim. Then you need to insert the chip card into the smartphone so that its “tail” goes under the tray and the chip does not lie on top. Along with the chip, a SIM card is also inserted into the device.

After all manipulations with the chip and SIM card are done, a setup menu will appear on the screen of the mobile device. In it you need to select the appropriate gadget model, your operator and accept the settings. Now the smartphone can be rebooted, and then within a few seconds the iPhone will receive a signal.

Removing Activation Lock

The “Find iPhone” option has been provided since the seventh software new feature– iCloud Activation Lock. It is automatically turned on when setting the first option and significantly complicates life for users who purchased an unlocked smartphone. Each time you activate this option, the smartphone will request your Apple ID and password.

Basically, the problem of removing Activation Lock affects users who purchased a mobile gadget from Apple secondhand. It is known that resetting settings, activating through other programs or resetting settings will not help in this case. And bypassing the blocking is necessary to activate iCloud and start using your device normally.

Of course, you should never save money by buying such an expensive gadget not officially, as you can run into fakes. It can be noted that when buying an iPhone from your hands, in order not to have to worry about unlocking it, you need to check the full complex of the device.

This is the smartphone itself, a headset, a cable for connecting to a computer, Charger, a box with a sticker (later it will become clear why it is so important), which shows serial number, matching the data in the phone. It wouldn't hurt to ask for a sales receipt.

In order to remove the binding of an iPhone to the Apple ID of the previous owner, if, after all, the phone was purchased unlocked, you need to follow certain recommendations that are associated with contacting support:

  1. The first step is to write an official letter to contact company employees who will help solve the problem. There is no clear template for this, so you can briefly describe the situation and your request. Must be attached to the letter iPhone photo and the stickers that were on the box. You can also attach a sales receipt;
  2. The smartphone box is really important. There are stickers with numbers and identification data on it. If there is no box, you can scan stickers from identical gadget models and make your own layout by entering the IMEI and serial number. The last one is especially important;
  3. If you don’t have a receipt, you can also make one yourself. Of course, if you are not afraid of the liability that you may face for falsifying a document. Advice: first it is better to try to write a letter without a receipt, explaining to the employees that they have not saved it. It often happens that users are met halfway - after all, the company values ​​its customers;
  4. All this is collected in order to prove to Apple employees that the phone is not stolen or misappropriated, but actually purchased. There's just no way to unlock it. All components must be photographed in one photo. Many people advise not to use too much good quality shooting if the receipt and box are not genuine. Employees are unlikely to take a closer look;
  5. When the photo is taken, you can write a letter to one of the official postal addresses support service indicating the serial number. You can find out the request number (which you will then have to indicate in the letter) on the website that deals with troubleshooting, and select your problem there. Then you just need to schedule a call using, again, the serial number. This is also done on the website in a special form;
  6. After 5-10 days, an Apple employee will respond to the letter. It will contain information that the problem is assigned specific number, and a company representative will contact the user as soon as possible to resolve the issue. Usually the process takes quite a long time, but it has a good result - the company needs time to check the data.

Restoring without saving information - flashing

All Apple mobile gadgets operate exclusively on operating iOS system, which is developed specifically for iPhone, iPad and other devices of the company. Because of this, all resources and software are very tightly connected, literally every function is tailored to the users of these particular devices. In particular, the company very often releases firmware (software) updates, and new versions are designed to eliminate existing errors, improve the security of gadgets and make them more convenient.

The term “firmware” often refers to the process of restoring or updating software itself. To do this without saving user information and data, you need to seek help from specialists who are available in every service center. The operation can be performed right on the spot; it does not require much time. Why do you need firmware? Here are some typical situations:

  • If a new operating system update has appeared, and your mobile device is running one of the previous versions. Here you just need to spend backup information and then install new version firmware;
  • The latest firmware version is already installed on the smartphone, but after this procedure mobile device started to work incorrectly, applications may crash, or the system itself may become glitchy. In this case, you can restore the software, for which you need to go to special mode recovery (which was already mentioned above), having previously saved the data, if necessary;
  • The user independently tried to update the software, but during the process an error occurred. critical error. Because of this, the gadget may stop functioning correctly. A logo and an image of the cable will appear on the screen, and in some cases the smartphone may not turn on at all. Of course, there are many reasons for this situation. Including system error, incorrect firmware and much more. If the problem is in the program, then it is enough to restore the software. In most cases, this procedure will cause all data stored inside the device to be lost. If you take your smartphone to the service center, then specialists can help restore the information or part of it, and also explain how to proceed.

Is it possible to unlock an iPhone if it is locked/lost mode?

The “lost” mode, which is built into the software of Apple gadgets, is initially disabled only by entering the password used to unlock the device. If the user does not know the password or has forgotten it, then he will have to identify the device and restore access to the Apple ID. If the mail associated with the ID is available, you can easily reset the password for the ID:

Once all the steps are completed, you can go to the official iCloud website. With two-factor authentication, you will need login confirmation, for which a code is used - it is sent to trusted devices from which Account functioned in the past. Of course, if it was used only from one smartphone (locked in this situation), then you need to contact support.

In the event that there is no two-factor authentication, or a trusted device is found, it is enough to confirm your login using a verification code that will be sent to another gadget. Afterwards, you can safely go to the “Find iPhone” section, select the device and turn off lost mode.

Is it possible to unlock a found iPhone?

Of course, in our world there are many people who will try to take someone else's mobile gadget for themselves if they find it somewhere. Experts do not recommend even trying to unlock a found iPhone (or any other Apple device) since very often owners still find their smartphone. And in this case it will be difficult to explain why it was unblocked.

If we move away from moral advice, we can tell a very simple instructions, which will help you change the unlock password for your Apple gadget. First, you need to connect your phone using a cable to your computer and wait while it syncs with iTunes. Then, again, you need to put the device into update mode - then it will begin connecting to the program on its own.

After this, a message will appear on the screen that the program has detected a device that requires recovery. Moreover, the program itself will recommend performing this procedure. Now you just need to click the “restore” button and wait until the process is over. After this, there will be no data or information left in the gadget’s memory, but if all steps are followed correctly, the method should help. Now the smartphone will work normally without requiring a password.

The more numbers and letters in the access password, the more likely it is that your device will not be hacked. But this situation also has the opposite result; this defense may one day work purely against you. Imagine that you forgot your password and can’t remember it, it just flew out of your head, and thereby gave you a “Fun Life”. The only way out is to unlock the device, and today we will figure out how to do this.

Unlocking your device through iTunes

There are two ways to unlock your phone through the program: by saving the data, and by refusing to save it. Saving data only works if the device has been connected to the computer and there have been no problems. If your device freezes when connected, then you will not be able to extract data from it.

To complete the unlocking process while saving data, you need to open iTunes and go to the section called “Devices”. There you need to select our device and go to the “Browse” item in the top menu. We immediately find the “Version” menu, and there we click on the button labeled “Restore”. After this, the password will be reset and all your data will remain intact.

You can make a backup copy of all data just in case, and this copy will be located on your personal computer.

Recovering our device without saving data.

If you didn’t use the first method, it was because the system error, you need to move on to the second option, which may turn out to be more effective. The procedure is as follows:

Download the latest version of software from the official website.
- Transfer device to DFU mode. In order to perform this action, you must first connect USB device cable to personal computer, then simultaneously press two buttons – Power, Home. After ten seconds have passed, you need to let go Power button, and continue to hold the second button. Five seconds must pass before the apple icon appears on the screen. Now in the program we click on “Restore” and wait for it to be downloaded to the device required firmware recovery.

After this action, the password will be successfully destroyed and you will be able to log into your device without much difficulty.

The second effective method is to unlock the device using the ICLOUD service.

This method is not universal, because it destroys all data on the device; you can restore it, provided you created a backup copy.

In order to be able to unlock your device using this method, you must first download software such as “Find iPhone” onto it. In addition, to unblock your smartphone, you will need an Internet connection, within your means. Wi-Fi networks or mobile data.

Recovery procedure:
- Make sure you have Internet access.
- We go from any device connected to the same network to the Find iPhone program.

In the all devices section, we find the phone to which access has been blocked, open the options menu for this phone and select “Erase all data on iPhone.”
- A confirmation window opens, in which you will again need to click on the “Erase data” button.

The last point is to enter your Apple ID password and click on the “Finish” button.

After this, you will notice that the settings have started to reset, you do not need to do anything until the loading bar reaches the end and you see the Apple logo pop up on the screen.

Unlocking the device after performing the “JaIlBreak” operation.

There are people who hacked their phone, and they don’t want to use the first two methods, because after restoring the phone, it will go into factory settings mode, which means that their hacking will not be visible, everything will need to be done in a new way. For this reason, a third method has been released and it is optimal for everyone. The point is that you need to use free program, which has the name – SemiRestore. For this program to work, your device must have installed important component, its name is “OpenSSH”, you will have to download this component from the application store – Cydia.

The SemiRestore software must be installed on a person’s computer; it removes all settings without removing JailBreak on the device. Unlocking the utility using this method occurs in several stages:

Download from the official website of the utility.
- Connecting the device to the computer using a cable.
- Launch the downloaded utility and recognize your device.
- After the recognition process, you must select the button responsible for the process of clearing all data on the device.

During this process, your device may undergo several reboots. There is no need to worry, this is a normal phenomenon, when the process comes to completion, then on its screen you will be able to notice a desktop with initial settings. But, no need to worry, because the Cydia app store is here to stay. Having launched it and found that it works normally, we can conclude that the jailbreak has not disappeared, and it can be used as it was before the unlocking. Now you can put a new password on the device again, and if possible, install a backup copy of the data you need.

Now, every person who has read these instructions from beginning to logical conclusion understands perfectly how they can restore an iPhone. There is no need to think that performing these actions is difficult, and there are many pitfalls in the process; in fact, nothing is difficult, you can easily do all the manipulations yourself, without the help of specialists. It is recommended that before starting each action, you back up your data; this will help, in case something happens, to restore the iPhone to its original form. After all, you never know what can happen as a result of doing certain actions.



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