
Formatting via BIOS

Formatting via BIOS

When the operating system is running, full formatting of the hard drive is impossible. The fact is that the operating system does not...

Putting things in order - cleaning the hard drive in Windows 10

Putting things in order - cleaning the hard drive in Windows 10

If you work a lot and intensively on your computer, you can quickly fill your hard drive partitions with documents and files...

Wanna Cry “shouted” to the whole world - how to solve the virus problem

Wanna Cry “shouted” to the whole world - how to solve the virus problemYes, this virus shouted very loudly to the whole world on May 12th. Wanna Cry turned out to be not the kind of virus that quietly and calmly spreads throughout the world from computer to computer, with which antiviruses gradually learn to work and which, over time, becomes

Temporary mail for 10 minutes without registration

Temporary mail for 10 minutes without registrationI think you have already encountered a situation where you needed to register on some site, for example, in, and for this you needed to provide an email address. And so that if you don’t have your address, you don’t have to register it, I recommend

What to do and how to unlock?

What to do and how to unlock?Many users of the Odnoklassniki social network complain that they cannot get to their page - supposedly it is blocked. But why? How to solve this problem? Let's try to figure out this not the easiest issue together. Reasons for blocking

Temporary email for 10 minutes?

Temporary email for 10 minutes?Surely you often register on various forums or websites, only to receive a link hidden from ordinary visitors. Temporary mail is vital for such matters, you don’t want to fill your personal mailbox with a mountain of spam,

How to make free internet: a few simple tips

How to make free internet: a few simple tipsAs you know, you have to pay for everything. And connecting to the Internet or using traffic is no exception. Therefore, many people are wondering how to make free Internet on a computer or mobile device. To solve this problem


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Three ways to delete a VKontakte page

Three ways to delete a VKontakte page

VKontakte, with a monthly audience of 80 million users, confidently occupies the first position in the TOP 10 most popular social networks on the Runet. Comfort of communication...

Computer beeps when turned on

Computer beeps when turned on

Many people already know that if the computer beeps when you turn it on, this means that there are malfunctions in it, which can be determined by the type of sound. IN...

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WannaCry (.wcry) is the virus of the year. What is it and how to remove it

WannaCry (.wcry) is the virus of the year.  What is it and how to remove it

WannaCry Decryptor (or WinCry, WannaCry, .wcry, WCrypt, WNCRY, WanaCrypt0r 2.0) is already called the “virus of 2017”. And not at all unreasonable....

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Methods to format a hard drive using BIOS

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On electronic media, be it flash drives, floppy disks or hard drives, data is stored in cells, like on a chessboard. They are created...

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