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Antivirus from Yandex for 6 months. Free Kaspersky antivirus, Yandex version

antivirus basic security rules


antivirus based on its own and partner technologies and warns about infected pages. But in order for you to be as protected as possible, we recommend following basic security rules, including installing an antivirus on your computer.

From today, all users of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan can take advantage of the joint offer of Yandex and Kaspersky Lab - the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus with a free license for 6 months.

If you want to purchase other Kaspersky Lab products, you can do this in the store of our partner - the Softkey company, and if you installed the free version and want to buy full license, then there is now a special price - a 20% discount on antivirus when purchasing through Yandex.Money.

Make your Internet safe!

Desktop Products and Yandex.Money Teams ","contentType":"text/html"),"proposedBody":("source":"Yandex already checks search pages with antivirus based on its own and partner technologies and warns about infected pages. But in order for you to be as protected as possible, We recommend following basic security rules, including installing an antivirus on your computer.

From today, all users of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan can take advantage of the joint offer of Yandex and Kaspersky Lab - the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus with a free license for 6 months.

If you want to purchase other Kaspersky Lab products, you can do this in the store of our partner - the Softkey company, and if you installed the free version and want to buy a full license, then there is now a special price - a 20% discount on antivirus when purchasing through Yandex.Money .

Make your Internet safe!

Desktop Products and Yandex.Money Teams ","html":"Yandex already scans pages in search with an antivirus based on its own and partner technologies and warns about infected pages. But in order for you to be as protected as possible, we recommend following basic security rules, including installing an antivirus on your computer.

From today, all users of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan can take advantage of the joint offer of Yandex and Kaspersky Lab - the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus with a free license for 6 months.

If you want to purchase other Kaspersky Lab products, you can do this in the store of our partner - the Softkey company, and if you installed the free version and want to buy a full license, then there is now a special price - a 20% discount on antivirus when purchasing through Yandex.Money .

Make your Internet safe!

Desktop Products and Yandex.Money Teams ","contentType":"text/html"),"authorId":"126038934","slug":"42102","canEdit":false,"canComment":false,"isBanned":false,"canPublish" :false,"viewType":"old","isDraft":false,"isSubscriber":false,"commentsCount":131,"modificationDate":"Thu Jan 01 1970 03:00:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)" ,"approvedPreview":("source":"Yandex already checks search pages with an antivirus based on its own and partner technologies and warns about infected pages. But in order for you to be as protected as possible, we recommend following basic security rules, including installation on antivirus computer.","html":"Yandex already scans pages in the search with an antivirus based on its own and partner technologies and warns about infected pages. But in order for you to be as protected as possible, we recommend following basic security rules, including installation on a computer. antivirus.","contentType":"text/html"),"proposedPreview":("source":"Yandex already scans pages in the search with an antivirus based on its own and partner technologies and warns about infected pages. But in order for you to be as protected as possible, we recommend following basic security rules, including installing an antivirus on your computer.","html":"Yandex already scans search pages with an antivirus based on its own and partner technologies and warns about infected pages. But in order for you to be as protected as possible, we recommend following basic security rules, including installing an antivirus on your computer.","contentType":"text/html"),"titleImage":null,"tags":,"isModerator" :false,"url":"/blog/company/42102","urlTemplate":"/blog/company/%slug%","fullBlogUrl":"https://yandex.ru/blog/company"," addCommentUrl":"/blog/createComment/company/42102","updateCommentUrl":"/blog/updateComment/company/42102","addCommentWithCaptcha":"/blog/createWithCaptcha/company/42102","changeCaptchaUrl":"/ blog/api/captcha/new","putImageUrl":"/blog/image/put","urlBlog":"/blog/company","urlEditPost":"/blog/562898437eba6ef16f80ba7a/edit","urlSlug": "/blog/post/generateSlug","urlPublishPost":"/blog/562898437eba6ef16f80ba7a/publish","urlUnpublishPost":"/blog/562898437eba6ef16f80ba7a/unpublish","urlRemovePost":"/blog/562898437eba6ef1 6f80ba7a/removePost","urlDraft ":"/blog/company/42102/draft","urlDraftTemplate":"/blog/company/%slug%/draft","urlRemoveDraft":"/blog/562898437eba6ef16f80ba7a/removeDraft","urlTagSuggest":"/blog /api/suggest/company","urlAfterDelete":"/blog/company","isAuthor":false,"subscribeUrl":"/blog/api/subscribe/562898437eba6ef16f80ba7a","unsubscribeUrl":"/blog/api/ unsubscribe/562898437eba6ef16f80ba7a","urlEditPostPage":"/blog/company/562898437eba6ef16f80ba7a/edit","urlForTranslate":"/blog/post/translate","urlLoadTranslate":"/blog/post/loadTranslate","urlTranslationStatus": "/blog/company/42102/translationStatus","urlRelatedArticles":"/blog/api/relatedArticles/company/42102","ampUrl":"https://blog.yandex.net/amp/ru/company/42102 ","author":("id":"126038934","uid":("value":"126038934","lite":false,"hosted":false),"aliases":(),"login ":"klonmax84","display_name":("name":"klonmax84","avatar":("default":"20706/126038934-17053926","empty":false)),,"address":" [email protected]","imageSrc":"https://yapic.yandex.ru/get/126038934/islands-middle","isYandexStaff":false),"originalModificationDate":"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "socialImage":("orig":("fullPath":"https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-yablogs/49865/file_1465551301378/orig")))))">

Demon paid antivirus Kaspersky for Yandex users

Yandex already checks pages in search based on its own and partner technologies and warns about infected pages. But in order for you to be as protected as possible, we recommend that you follow these steps, including installing an antivirus on your computer.

From today, all users in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan can take advantage of the joint offer of Yandex and Kaspersky Lab - with a free license for 6 months.

If you want to purchase other Kaspersky Lab products, you can do this in the store of our partner - the Softkey company, and if you installed the free version and want to buy a full license, then there is now a special price - a 20% discount on antivirus when purchasing through Yandex.Money .

Make your Internet safe!

Desktop Products and Yandex.Money Teams

Kaspersky Anti-Virus will protect Yandex users

Surfing the Internet can be a dangerous activity. About 70 thousand malware appears every day, which can not only cripple a computer, but also deprive users of savings or important personal data.

Surfing the Internet can be a dangerous activity. About 70 thousand malware appears every day, which can not only damage a computer, but also deprive users of savings or important personal data.

Kaspersky Lab and Yandex decided to join forces to make the Internet more secure. As part of the joint project, a special version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus will be created for Yandex users, providing basic protection for computers against malicious and potentially dangerous software.

Within a year, users from Russia and the CIS will be able to download a special anti-virus solution from the website www.yandex.ru or from the websites of Yandex partners. When installing the product, it is possible to install the Yandex.Bar application, which offers convenient Internet search and fast access to other Yandex Internet services. The Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus has a free license for 6 months. After its expiration date, you will be able to subscribe or purchase an annual license for the Kaspersky solution Internet Security/Kaspersky Anti-Virus with a discount when paying through the Yandex.Money service.

“Viruses, Trojans, and phishing sites can seriously harm a computer and its owner,” says Andrey Yarnykh, head of the Internet solutions department at Kaspersky Lab. “The joint project will give those who are not yet ready to pay for full protection the opportunity to provide basic protection for their computers for free, and in the future, on preferential terms, to take advantage of all the benefits of our anti-virus solutions.”

Kaspersky Anti-Virus protects your computer in real time from major information threats - both known and new. An important element is the heuristic analyzer, which increases the effectiveness of anti-virus protection. Using the most modern technologies allows you to achieve a high level of computer security and at the same time optimally use its resources.

About Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Lab is Europe's largest manufacturer of anti-malware and unwanted software systems, hacker attacks and spam. The company is one of the four leading global manufacturers of software solutions for providing information security. At the end of 2010, the company's revenue increased by 38%, exceeding $500 million. Kaspersky Lab employs more than 2,300 highly qualified specialists. The company's products reliably protect computers and mobile devices more than 300 million users worldwide, technologies are used in the products of the world's largest providers of software and hardware solutions. More detailed information can be obtained on the website

Hello admin, you've probably already heard about free Yandex version Kaspersky Anti-Virus and you probably know everything about her. Tell me, how does the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus differ from the regular version of the well-known antivirus at a price of 1,200 rubles? Are there any pitfalls? There are a lot of opinions on the Internet, some say there are no settings at all, and some say the opposite - more than in the regular version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Would you recommend this antivirus to any of your friends? Why am I asking, I’ve simply never installed Kaspersky Lab products for myself, but here I bought them new computer and the question immediately arose about antivirus software, I want to install this product, as I understand it, I can use it completely free for 6 months.

Free Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Yandex version

Friends, at the moment the promotion is over and if you install the free Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus, the antivirus simply will not be updated, so instead I advise you to download and install it, this is also a Kaspersky product (by the way, very good) and it works for free You'll be here all year!

  • Note: A description of most existing antiviruses, both paid and free, as well as their ratings, is described in our other article -

Yes, I installed this antivirus for my friends and I want to say that immediately after installation it needs to be configured to maximum protection. I will tell you how to do this in my article. At the end of the article, we will see how the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus works on a computer infected with viruses, that is, how it removes viruses and prevents us from accessing a malicious site.

  • Everyone to whom I installed this antivirus is happy, except for one of my friends, he had previously installed Kaspersky Internet Security and, according to him, he responded to danger faster, and free Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus somewhat delayed reaction. Let's be honest, the Kaspersky Internet Security product will cost you 1600 rubles, and Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virusabsolutely free for 183 days (half a year).
  • Friends, I have been servicing users’ computers for many years and I realized one thing: you are all so different that you cannot recommend a specific antivirus to everyone. Some people definitely need a paid antivirus and feel safer with it than with a free one. Some people need Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and those who don’t like it because it constantly finds some kind of threat, they, in turn, need ESET NOD32 (intelligent, which works much quieter) and so on. That is, decide on your antivirus program, you must definitely do it yourself. Any antivirus program has a trial period of 30 days, install and try, find yours. By the way, we have an article about all existing .

Important Note: As I have said more than once in my articles, these are serious times and any antivirus program (whether paid or free) needs an assistant. For example, a free startup manager, any malware always tries to go to startup and AnVir Task Manager will stop it and inform you about this (we will also see the work of AnVir in this article).

A free and daily updated anti-virus scanner will perfectly complement your protection; it is also sometimes called a “spider”. Check your operating system periodically with this “spider” and the risk of infection will be minimized.
Despite the fact that the free Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus can perfectly fight rootkits, you can periodically download an anti-spyware scanner from the Microsoft website that will protect you from various AdWare and SpyWare, rootkits and Trojans.
You may ask me, is there an antivirus program that already has everything? My answer is that there is no such program, friends, just as there is no universal pill for everyone. viral diseases.

Settings for the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus

  • The Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus has almost the same number of settings as the paid version of regular Kaspersky Anti-Virus, which will cost you 1,200 rubles; the Kaspersky Internet Security product will cost you even more, 1,600 rubles.
  • The Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus has a Protection Center, which includes file antivirus, mail antivirus, web antivirus, activity monitoring and finally powerful proactive defense(determination based on the behavior of the program is it a virus or not)
  • It is updated twice a day, but for regular user I think this will be enough.
  • Owners of the free Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus will not have access to technical support, well, see for yourself if you are a fan of different technical support, then you need to install regular version antivirus.
  • If you want to install the free Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus on a computer that does not have access to the Internet at all, then prepare for the fact that you will not be able to update the antivirus at all, even if you have the update databases in the archives. The free Kaspersky anti-virus does not have such settings to manually indicate to the anti-virus the location of the anti-virus databases on the local computer.
  • When purchasing a paid version of Kaspersky antivirus, all owners free version A 20% discount is available, but you will pay for the purchase with Yandex money.

What can I say, let’s download it together from the link


and install this product, consider all the antivirus settings.

The installation proceeds as usual for Kaspersky Lab products. But in this place, friends, you can choose whether to install Yandex Elements for you or not.

Download or not Yandex. The browser is up to you.

I advise you to take part in Kaspersky Security Network (KSN), then Protection from the cloud will be available to you, more about this later in the article.

At one of the stages of installing the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus, my Startup manager AnVir Task Manager was alarmed, warning that working applications of Kaspersky Anti-Virus were asking to be loaded into startup. Should I skip it or not? (if you have not yet installed the free startup manager AnVir Task Manager, then I recommend it, it is a very useful program, together with the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus they will work just fine). I click allow.

Activate trial version . Click next.

Activation completed successfully.

Then AnVir Task Manager got alarmed again and asked for startup to also gadget Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus, let's skip it and see how it will be useful to us. Using it you can log in antivirus settings, in the task manager, view reports And update antivirus

In the main window of our antivirus there are several buttons that give us access to the main settings of the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus: Scan, Update, Tools, Virtual keyboard, Quarantine, Protection from the cloud and Settings. Let's look at them all.


So, the information in the main window of our antivirus says that our License is valid for 183 days and our computer is protected, but the antivirus databases have not been updated for a long time. Click the Update button and in the next window Update. The antivirus update took several minutes.

Checking your computer In the main window of the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus, next to the Update button, there is a Check button, click on it. Full check. We can perform a full scan of all components of your operating system (which may take a long time).
Checking Important Areas. If you select this option, all startup objects will be scanned (a place where viruses especially like to settle)
Search for vulnerabilities. Checking your Windows for vulnerabilities.
Fourth, you can check for the presence of a virus in any suspicious file on your system by simply dragging it into the “ Drag or select objects for custom inspection»


Kaspersky Rescue Disk – Boot Live CD with Kaspersky antivirus. Using this rescue disk, you can boot your computer and scan your operating system for viruses. But the disk itself is not included in the distribution kit for the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and when you click on the Create button, we will download Kaspersky Rescue Disk from the official Kaspersky Lab website using the link.
Recovery after infection. Master of operating system recovery after a devastating virus attack. The wizard will tell you which settings to operating system are not working correctly.
Eliminating traces of activity. Will delete all traces of your presence on the Internet (for example, the history of visiting sites, programs you have launched)

Browser settings. A wizard that increases the level of browser security.

Settings Now it's time to configure the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
I want to tell my friends that by default the antivirus is configured very well, but it wouldn’t hurt to strengthen the protection a little. If you want to change something in the settings yourself, then you must know exactly why you are doing it. Let's look at the basic settings of our antivirus.
Click on the Settings button

Defense Center
Main parameters. The following items must be checked: Enable protection. Launch Kaspersky anti-virus Yandex version when you turn on the computer. You can enable password protection for changing settings and uninstalling the antivirus.

File antivirus

In this window, if necessary, you can increase Security level from Normal to High. Click the Settings button

General option, check File types – All files.

Parameter Performance, you can increase the level of Heuristic analysis of computer files to medium and check the Scan all installation packages checkbox. Do not touch the Advanced parameter, click OK.

Mail antivirus

will guard your mail. Here you can also upgrade the Security Level from Normal to High. Click the Settings button

Here we can also increase the level of Heuristic analysis of incoming messages to medium, there is no need to touch anything else.

Web antivirus

will protect you from malicious sites. A choice of Security Level is also available. Click on the Settings button.

We can increase the level of Heuristic Analysis to medium.

IM antivirus

Activity monitoring.

We leave everything as default.

Proactive Defense

protects you from new threats, information about which is not available in anti-virus databases. Setting. We leave everything as default.

Checking your computer

Basic scan parameters.

Very important parameter. It’s no secret that there are now a lot of viruses spreading through removable media (mainly flash drives), so I highly advise you to Checking removable drives when connected, check Full check

Full check.

Click the Settings button

Parameter Scope and mark the item.

Parameter Advanced, level of heuristic analysis Medium, check the box Rootkit Search and In-Depth Analysis

Checking Important Areas.


Parameter Scope mark the item Check installation packages.

Parameter Advanced, the level of heuristic analysis is average, check the boxes Rootkits search, In-depth analysis, iSwift technology

Custom scan


Parameter Scope mark the item Scan mail format files,

Parameter Additionally, check the box Search for rootkits, In-depth analysis.

Search for vulnerabilities. We leave everything as default.

Update . Update options. I advise you to leave everything as default.

Extra options.
Here you can note a useful parameter Energy saving. We put a tick on the item - Do not run scheduled scan options when running on battery power. If the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus is installed on your laptop or netbook and you do not have the opportunity to charge the battery, then checking for viruses will naturally eat up the last energy of the battery, so that this does not happen, we mark this item.

And one more important parameter Feedback. If you do not have a checkmark in the I agree to participate in Kaspersky Security Network checkbox, then be sure to check it and Protection from the Cloud will be available to you.

Protection from the cloud Cloud Protection deserves special mention. If you friends did not check the box at the beginning of installation - I participate in Kaspersky Security Network, then now you can fix everything. Press the button - Take part in Kaspersky Security Network (KSN).
What is Cloud Protection?

Protection from the cloud is an entire Infrastructure of online services and Kaspersky Lab services that provides access to a huge database of almost all existing programs, including malicious ones, which is also constantly updated.
Your computer will participate in improving this infrastructure for the benefit of all users. For example, when a suspicious file is detected in your operating system, the Anti-Virus sends a request to the cloud via this file, the response comes instantly, the file or program of interest is a virus, or vice versa - the program is safe. If there is no information on this file, then a deep analysis of the file detected on you will take place in the “cloud” and if it turns out to be a virus, information about this will remain in the cloud. The next time this file comes across to one of the users, it will immediately be identified by the antivirus as malicious.
You may ask - What about antivirus program updates, don’t they come with similar information?
Of course, when you update your antivirus, such information comes to your computer in the form of anti-virus databases, but with the cloud everything happens much faster, that is, the speed of reaction to emerging threats is increased. More advantages - The size of anti-virus databases is minimized.

There are also disadvantages to Cloud Protection, but this technology is constantly being improved and many believe that such protection is the future.

Well, the last thing I want to talk about is quarantine. If the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus mistakenly deletes your required file, then you can enter Quarantine and restore your file.

Removing viruses using the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Friends, at the end of the article I wanted to show you the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus in action, that is, we will conduct a small test and see if our free antivirus can cope with the viruses that I recently caught from the infected computer of one of my friends. The free antivirus installed on him did not cope with its task and did not see infected files and malicious processes at all.

I decided to remove the antivirus installed on him and installed the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for him. Immediately after installation, Kaspersky found an enemy process, and then, after a full scan, found infected files and disinfected them.

One more test, let's go to one malicious site where you can easily catch an infection. By the way, most antivirus programs do not classify this site as malicious, and by the way, in vain. As we can see, the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus does not allow us to access this malicious site, since it contains a malicious link.

Of course, not everything will be so smooth and it is possible that the Yandex version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus will not cope with some virus programs, but this happens with any anti-virus program. Therefore, as I noted at the beginning of the article, do not neglect additional useful programs: free manager AnVir Task Manager startup and free and updated daily antivirus scanner Dr.Web CureIt.



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