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Bios on a Sony laptop. How to enter BIOS on a Sony laptop

How to enter Bios on Sony laptop Vaio

The need to enter the BIOS is due to some serious failures, problems, inability laptop computer cope with your work, perform your functions. You need to go into the Bios settings if you plan to reinstall on your laptop operating system. In case of any difficulties, leave the problem to a Sony laptop repair technician to solve the problem.

Standard methods for entering BIOS

The procedure for entering the BIOS menu is quite simple. To do this, you need to turn off the device and turn it on again. It is important not to miss the moment between turning on and loading the Windows OS. Depending on your laptop model, one of these keys may be responsible for this action: F2, F3, F8 or Dell.

The laptop manufacturer Sony Vaio has provided a slightly different login method for models such as Sony Vaio sve151j11v, svf152c29v, svf152a29v, sve171e13v, sve151e11v, sve171g11v, pcg 71211v, vgn and others.

How does the login process work on a Sony Vaio laptop?

It is worth remembering that never try to enter this menu with the laptop turned on; if the gadget is turned on, be sure to turn it off. What you should do next is to find the main key to enter the Bios, which is called “assist”, it is located near the on/off key.

Immediately after pressing it, you will see three red lights light up. And only after this the “Rescue Mode”, characteristic of Sony laptops, will be loaded. After the rescue mode is fully loaded and takes effect, you need to find and click “Run” in the proposed list of actions BIOS settings", which is called so.

This list shows the keys that, when pressed in this mode, will bring up the required menu. In this case it is F2

After you have done this, you can go to the “BOOT” tab, since it is at this point that you will need to make changes to the Bios download settings.

Navigation in this menu is done by manipulating the arrow keys, going back - esc, and confirming the selection - enter.

Sony, headquartered in Tokyo, is a multinational corporation. For happy owners of a Sony Vaio laptop, it sometimes becomes difficult to enable sony bios (OS subroutine). Let's look at several options for how this can be done.

How to login

There are several ways to enter the Sony Vaio BIOS, depending on the device model:

  1. Using the special Assist key.
  2. By pressing F2.
  3. You can get into the BIOS (BSVV, set of firmware) using the combination Esc + F2.
  4. Launch BIOS by typing F2+F3+ Delete.

Attention! Before pressing the selected combination, the device must be turned off. How to open the BSVV depends on the year of manufacture of the laptop.

If the laptop was officially purchased, then look at the documentation for it. This can be done on the official website. You need to use a search engine and enter the model number there. Often the hint when starting the device “Please use (required button) to enter setup” helps to determine the desired combination.

F2 button

On most Sony Vaio models, there is a set of firmware keys F2, DELETE, F3. A combination of F2+DEL, F3+DEL is possible. In new Sony Vaio models, the key combination F8 and F12 can be used to open Bios.

To login:

  • start the laptop;
  • alternately press F2+DEL;
  • we do it quickly;
  • Login occurs in a couple of seconds.

Attention! Only one F2 key is always responsible for opening system firmware; the combination is the entry code. For it, press the desired key periodically until the subroutine opens. When using a combination, you should try to press not two “positions”, but alternately, hold one and press the other with a short interval of time.

Combination Esc+F2

The developers explain the variety of options for opening BSVV (firmware set) by installing different motherboards. For this reason, there is no single sign-on to open the subsystem of the device, it depends on the model number and year of manufacture of the Sony Vayo.

ESC+F2 combination:

  • turn on the laptop;
  • when the word “vaio” appears on the monitor, press ESC+F2;
  • after pressing frequently, the OS subsystem (operating system) settings tab will be displayed.

If the BIOS does not open and the system continues to load Windows, you need to “reboot” the device. To do this, frequently and periodically press the ESC+F2 buttons.

Dedicated Assist button

You can enter the BIOS on a Sony Vaio laptop by pressing the Assist key. Users try proven and standard login methods using the F2 and DEL buttons. The new models of this company differ from all previous ones in the arrangement of buttons and a non-standard keyboard. The Assist key is intended to call up the special “Rescue Window” menu.

Note! The Assist button must be used in the same way as all the others. In other words, after starting the laptop, press frequently and periodically until the menu appears. It will appear on the monitor in a couple of seconds. Next, the user will be offered options for action.

To login:

  • press Assist;
  • the menu opens;
  • press F2;
  • we get to the subsystem settings window.

When the user has opened the BIOS, one must remember that selecting actions and navigating through the settings must be done using the keys: “←”, “”, “→”.

How to exit

The user usually enters the BIOS to set the priority of system actions. This must be done when reinstalling the OS (operating system). After receiving the necessary parameters, you need to exit the system settings window.

Procedure for using the Assist button to enter:

  • turn on the laptop;
  • press Assist;
  • we get to the menu;
  • Press F2, the BIOS window opens;
  • select the action: “run from disk/USB device”;
  • exit with (or without) saving the settings, ENTER.

With saving parameters

Many advanced users reinstall Windows OS on their own when:

  • due to a technical error it does not work;
  • violations occurred in the event of a virus attack.

Actions with saving parameters:

  • go in one of the described ways;
  • open standard settings, Where: serial number, BIOS version, etc.;
  • go to the “Boot” page;
  • set the necessary parameters for startup priority, laptop from a flash drive, from a disk;
  • save, press F10;
  • confirm saving by clicking “Yes”;
  • click on ENTER.

No saving changes

Often the user needs to find out the system parameters, check the order of starting the product from a disk, flash drive, or hard drive. To do this, he goes into the BIOS (subroutine system settings Windows).

This is done like this:

  • open the laptop;
  • go to the BIOS using one of the methods;
  • after viewing the information, in the main window select “without saving” (Exit Without Sawing, Quit Without Sawing);
  • a tab will open, you must specify Y/N (yes or no);
  • press the “Yes” (Y) button, then ENTER.

Attention! After pressing ENTER, the user will exit the BIOS without saving changes to the system routine, and the laptop will continue loading the Windows OS.

Options when you do not need to save changes:

  • accidentally changed the wrong parameters;
  • uncertainty in choosing changes;
  • there is no point in making changes.

The F10 and ESC keys are responsible for exiting the BIOS. To do this, go to the main page of the subroutine.

From the considered options for opening the BVVV of a Sony Vaio laptop, it becomes clear that the developers specifically change to different models entering BIOS. Reinstalling the OS should be carried out by trained specialists. You should always remember that when changing subsystem parameters, there is an option to take the laptop out of working condition, after which a complete re-flashing of the computer will be required.

In certain circumstances, you may need to call the BIOS interface, since it is used to configure the operation of certain components and set boot priorities (needed when reinstalling Windows) etc. The process of opening BIOS on different computers and laptops may differ and depends on many factors. These include the manufacturer, model, and configuration features. Even on two laptops of the same line (in this case, Sony Vaio), the conditions for entry may be slightly different.

Entering the BIOS on Sony

Fortunately, the Vaio series models have a special button on the keyboard called ASSIST. When you click on it while the computer is booting (before the OS logo appears), a menu will open where you need to select the item "Start BIOS Setup". Also, opposite each item there is a sign indicating which key is responsible for calling it. You can navigate within this menu using the arrow keys.

In Vaio models, the spread is small, and the desired key is easy to determine by the age of the model. If it is outdated, then try the keys F2, F3 And Delete. They should work in most cases. For newer models the keys will be relevant F8, F12 And ASSIST(the features of the latter are discussed above).

If none of these keys work, then you will have to use the standard list, which is quite extensive and includes these keys: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, Delete, Esc. In some cases it can be replenished with various combinations using Shift, Ctrl or Fn. Only one key or a combination of them is responsible for entering.

You should never rule out the option of obtaining the necessary login information from the technical documentation for the device. The user manual can be located not only in the documents that come with the laptop, but also on. In the latter case, you will have to use the search bar, where the full name of the model is entered and various documentation is searched in the results, among which there should be a user manual in electronic form.

Also, when you boot the laptop, a message with the following content may appear on the screen: “Please use (desired key) to enter setup”, from which you can find out the necessary information about entering the BIOS.

So I had to tinker and steam the day before with a Sony vaio SVE1712P1RB laptop, which a friend brought me, asking me to remove Windows 8 from it and install 7. O_o at first I tried for 40 minutes to get into the BIOS... I tried delete, all the options F1-F12, I even tried all sorts of combinations, like ALT+CTRL+S, etc. Never mind. Sonya persistently twisted the 8 logo and proceeded to download it. This cannot happen, because this can never happen... So that on a laptop, even a Sony vaio, it would be impossible to go into the BIOS, boot from DVD-ROMa and reinstall the OS from boot disk. And a solution was found

It turns out Sony models vaio SVE1712P1RB yes interesting button on the front panel, which is called ASSIST. Why the hell did the developers of this laptop reinvent the wheel, I don’t know... However, I only got into the BIOS by pressing this damn button with the laptop turned off

It contained the treasured item, which allowed me to enter the BIOS after selecting it. Well, isn't it nonsense? For me - complete. Well, or a very sophisticated protection against fools, so that they don’t climb into the BIOS with crooked hands and fumble around there in search of adventures.

However, for successful windows installations 7 instead of windows 8 there is one more nuance. Namely: one change had to be made in the BIOS. In chapter Boot there is a mode Boot mode, which with Windows 8 installed is UEFI

And in order for Windows 7 to install and work normally, you need instead UEFI select mode Legacy

The further into the forest, the more Microsoft comes up with various crap to complicate life system administrators and ordinary Enikey people. I didn’t mind spending an hour of time debriefing and searching for an entrance to the BIOS, and was even interesting. But I don’t think that for the average user it would take an hour. And even more so if it’s a whole organization with a stack of similar laptops. In this case, it is much easier to subscribe to

Sony gadgets are great technology, but still not perfect. Therefore, sometimes it becomes necessary to solve problems through the BIOS. But the SonyVaio line of laptops has some quirks to enter into this basic system.

You need to start by completely rebooting the device, since only in this case will it be possible to make changes to the BIOS settings. You can try to get into the base system of your laptop by pressing the F2 button (F3 on some models). This must be done promptly immediately after turning on the gadget and before the operating system starts loading.

If you didn't have time, the button didn't work and went Windows boot, restart your device and try again. In this case, the function key can be pressed several times.

On some models of SonyVaio gadgets, a special “ASSIST” key located on the front panel is provided to enter the BIOS. It works when the laptop is turned off and displays a menu indicating which function key your base system starts.

If you did everything correctly, a blue window with white text will appear on the device screen. Now you can start changing the settings you need.

Finally, do not forget to save all changes using the “Save & Exit Setup” item or the F10 button. In the window that appears, confirm your intentions to save the “edits” made by pressing the “Y” symbol.



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