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Yandex browser add-ons for downloading voice messages. Category “Add-ons for browsers”

Updated: July 16, 2017

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about Yandex Bar - a popular extension (panel) for . Once upon a time, this was a completely useless panel that offered little to both the average Internet user and the webmaster.

But now, in my opinion, Yandex Bar has grown out of children’s pants and can be considered as a rather convenient and complete tool that increases the convenience of surfing the Internet and which will be useful to a certain extent even for webmasters.

Although, of course, all of the above does not apply to all versions of Ya.Bar that you can download. For example, for the Opera and Chrome browsers, this panel is unlikely to be useful to webmasters, because there is not much of what is present in the full-featured versions, which are intended to be installed as or Internet Explorer. I don’t work with Safari, so I can’t say anything about the functionality of the Yandex Bar version for this browser.

Recently Ya.bar was renamed to , but even the version numbering of this add-on for popular browsers continued. There are not many changes in Elements compared to the previous version of this extension, but they still exist. Read more in the article at the link above.

Why does the Yandex search engine need a Bar (Elements)?

Previously, I had a subconscious question, why do search engines go out of their way and try to add more and more new ones? free services in addition to the usual search and why they are trying to almost forcefully impose on us, ordinary users, your panels, all kinds of bars, free programs (for example, which is in your browsers and the default search).

Basically, the box just opens. The Bar, Google Toolbar, and Bing Bar are needed for two main reasons. Firstly, tightly tie you to your search engine through the search form and all these additional services, which can be accessed from these panels.

Secondly, they simultaneously solve for themselves (or are trying to solve) another global mega-task - to improve. Probably everyone has already heard about the influence of user factors on promotion. Let’s say that tracking user behavior in search results won’t be a problem, but here’s how track visitor actions directly on the sites?

Here you will get the answer to the question, why such sophisticated (and, probably, expensive to develop and support) visitor counters, like Google Analytics, are positioned as absolutely free (and the same Liveinternet, probably sells its statistics to search engines, otherwise it would not be free).

But not all sites have counters (after all, many webmasters understand how this can turn out if there is not enough high quality resource), which is why search tools such as Yandex Bar are needed. It must be useful to users, otherwise it will not be installed, but among other things, it collects data about their behavior. Those. Thus, Yandex actually recruits free testers, thereby increasing the quality of its search results and the level of its income.

In general, search engines, just like you and me, dear readers, are fighting for a place in the sun, i.e. for the banal. Well, it, just like for us, ordinary webmasters, will be directly proportional to the resulting income.

After all, search engines (at least Google and the RuNet mirror) earn up to 90 percent of all money from contextual advertising(Publish in their search results and AdWords, respectively). True, you and I, dear readers, unlike them, have a much larger assortment, but, of course, on a much smaller scale.

Yandex Bar (in its new name it is called Elements and a link to a description of the differences between these two applications is given at the beginning of this publication) is now installed on many RuNet users, and most of them did not download it specifically, but simply forgot to uncheck the corresponding boxes when installing which someday free program, which entered into an agreement with Yandex or was purchased by it outright (ala, Punto Switcher, the link to which I provided just above).

But nevertheless, now you can quite consciously download and install Yandex bar for your browser (versions for Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer) and at the same time not regret what you did.

Download and install Yandex Bar for Mozilla, Explorer, Opera and Chrome

Next on the Yandex Bar panel are your profile buttons and the search engine informer. Mail with the number of new letters, as well as buttons for going to the page, adding a page opened in the browser to Ya.Bookmarks and a button leading to a page with additional widgets and buttons. It’s the last button, or rather the addition of new buttons, that we’ll talk about in a little more detail.

Yes, Ya.bar also adds two icons to the address bar, shown in this picture:

When you click on the first “Address Bar Corrector” button, you seem to block the keyboard layout that you currently have selected in operating system. Those. even if you select Russian for typing, in address bar will still be entered letters. Probably, this may seem convenient to some, but personally I don’t care.

But I liked the second button of the i.bar “Show in an easy-to-read form”, because it actually acts as a “Print page” button, which allows you to present web pages in an easy-to-read form (removing everything unnecessary).

Many people don’t like to read from the screen, and they don’t always have time for it, so by printing a page with a minimum of graphics, you can significantly save on printer ink. Perhaps there is still no button to transfer to, but for this purpose you can use and.

Other buttons and widgets for Yandex Elements

So, find the ones you need additional buttons and click on “Install” located just below, and once again duplicate your desire in the pop-up window:

After that, in the same pop-up window you will be asked to make presets displaying new buttons on the Yabar panel and clicking the “Save” button after completing these manipulations:

That's it, the buttons will appear on the panel. If you are not satisfied with something (for example, their position relative to others in the Yandex Bar line), then you can go to the settings (gear-shaped button) and make the shuffles you need, and also, if desired, change the order of their appearance to panels:

A set of buttons "Ya.Webmaster" allows you to receive fast access to that useful service directly from the bar panel, as well as view some indicators of your sites (if you have created separate buttons for them).

There is also an expanded set of buttons for Ya.Money and many other buttons for Ya.Bar, but it’s up to you to decide what to use and what not. And in general, using Yandex I would not classify Bar as a mandatory attribute, because this panel still does not meet all the requirements of a webmaster, although in combination with other extensions for Mozilla browser Firefox has a right to exist. IMHO.

Differences between Elements and Bar for Chrome, Mazila, IE and Opera

Download latest version Elements You can go to this Yandex page by accessing it from the browser where you are going to install this add-on:

Actually, after Opera, you will see the Elements button in the upper right corner, displaying the number of letters in your mailbox and opens many other tabs when clicked, and in the address bar you will see a button that allows you to activate and configure the word translator on the page opened in the browser:

In the case of Opera, however, the translator button will not be located in the address bar, but also in the upper right field. Default, translation of words on the page opened in the browser will be carried out by moving the mouse cursor to it and holding CTRL on the keyboard, although this operation can be simplified:

I found this option of Yandex Elements quite convenient, especially if a complete translation of the page is not required, but you just need to look up the meanings of some words:

Well, of course, in the browser where you installed Elements, if you open a new empty tab, it will display Yandex bookmarks, which you are free to customize to your taste and color preferences.

And the main difference between Elements and the Bar is that in the new panel it is now possible to enter search queries not in a separate form, but directly in the address bar (saves useful browser space), and along with the addresses you have already typed earlier, and Yandex search suggestions:

It looks especially wonderful in Chrome (the brainchild of Google). But personally, for more than ten years I have been mainly using Yandex search and all these violent actions of the Runet mirror suit me quite well (a flag in their hands, a drum around their neck).

In Internet Explorer (IE) and Mozilla Firefox, the Yandex Elements panel will look a little different and its functionality will be a little wider:

The buttons that will be displayed on the Elements panel can be selected in the settings of this extension. To do this, from the Firefox button menu - Add-ons - "Extensions" tab - "Settings" button opposite "Elements":

The settings window almost completely replicates the similar Yandex Bar settings window for Mazila Firefox:

I have nothing new to add compared to what I wrote about the Bar. I’ll just say that I don’t understand Yandex’s desire to constantly change everything, often losing what’s useful for which many users used their browser add-ons.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site





Often, novice Internet users do not know how to add extensions to Yandex.Browser and why they are needed. Therefore, we will try to help them understand these issues.

So, add-ons (extensions, plugins) are small programs that extend functionality web browsers. Of course, any browser has its own built-in tools, but still, as a rule, they are not enough.

As for add-ons for the web browser, they are very different - these are all kinds of converters, alerts Email, plugins for social networks, ad blockers, weather forecasts and many others.

This article will look at extensions for Yandex.Browser. The additions that will be discussed will ensure the most comfortable pastime on the Internet.

It is worth noting that you can choose absolutely any plugins for your web browser, and not just those that will be discussed below.

How to add extensions (third-party) to Yandex Browser

In order to install add-ons for the web browser from the Yandex search engine, the user will need to perform just a few simple steps.

First of all, launch the browser and go to its menu (the button with the image of three bars), and then go to the “Add-ons” section. On the page that opens, you will see a list of all extensions built into Yandex.Browser. Some of them may be disabled, while others will be enabled. However, now we are talking about third-party plugins - those that you need to download and install yourself.

So, scroll down the page and click on the “Add-on Catalog” link. Now you can select the plugin you need and add it to your web browser. For example, if you want to install the “VKontakte” extensions for “Yandex.Browser”, then enter the name in the search bar social network, select the plugin and click the "Add to Browser" button. After this, the add-on will be integrated into Yandex.

Built-in plugins. Activation and deactivation

In Yandex.Browser, the developers have provided very useful built-in extensions. To view them, open the web browser menu and go to the "Add-ons" item. Here you will see a list of all the native ones that are installed in the browser.

You will notice that all extensions are divided into categories:

    Tools- here you can find plugins such as “Screenshots”, “Comfortable video viewing” and “Turbo mode”.

    Synchronization- in this block, the Evernote and LastPass extensions deserve special attention. They will be discussed below.

    Yandex services- You can highlight the additions "Yandex.Mail" and "Yandex.Disk".

    Safe Internet- in this category you will see extensions WOT (site rating based on user opinions), Adguard (blocks intrusive advertising, popup windows).

If you want to activate or, conversely, deactivate some add-on, then simply move the toggle switch (on the right) to the desired position.

Evernote Web Clipper extension

If you are an active Evernote user, be sure to install the Evernote Web Clipper plugin for your browser. You already know how to add extensions to Yandex Browser, so there should be no difficulties with this procedure.

Updated: August 13, 2017

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Recently, the main browser in which I work with the site and surf the Internet has become . Judging by how it is rapidly conquering the world, pushing the once popular and into the background, it turns out that I am not alone in this. The one I once loved is slowly dying and fading into the background.

However, for some reason for mysterious reasons to me I wanted to try it new Yandex browser, which, in fact, is a clone of the clever Chrom. There are already quite a lot of such clones, because the engine on which this browser runs is distributed under an open license. I already mentioned it in the above article.

There he also mentioned the brainchild of Yandex, which at that time did not evoke any special emotions in me, because it was frankly damp and nothing for the better. Google Chrome was no different. It was all the more surprising to discover that a new version This browser gave me purely positive emotions, and if I don’t find any hidden bugs in it, I’ll most likely move to it in the near future.

Judge for yourself, new Yandex browser learned to synchronize bookmarks, passwords and other rubbish with my own server. Files you download from the Internet and all pages you open (Kaspersky and own funds). There is now a really working Turbo mode and an amazingly convenient translation of words when they are highlighted.

Well, everything you need to work with the Yandex browser extensions, apps, or themes can be installed from the Chrome Web Store. In any case, everything I use has been successfully installed and works. It is possible that I “discovered America,” but I will still share my impressions.

What's good about this browser

Please note that you are free to uncheck the last box so as not to assist in the collection of information about your preferences on the Internet. I have already said many times that search engines You need your browsers in order to push your search into them by default and to receive data about . But that’s not the point, because most people simply don’t care about it, just like me. Let them collect.

Then wait a couple of minutes for the installation to complete and you will be able to see new browser from Yandex. I’m thinking of putting my impressions of this miracle of programming thought into a list, if you don’t mind. Do not you mind? Well, okay.

Synchronization, Tableau, Yandex browser version for iPad, etc.

Yandex browser extensions

Well, everything is generally simple here. In the help for this product, Yandex modestly notes that you are free to download and install extensions, applications and themes from online store, however, for some reason without mentioning that this very store belongs to Google. Just like that, we modestly sat down. But many people use this or that browser for the sake of extensions - if they don’t exist, the lion’s share of users won’t either.

Due to the fact that Chrome and the Yandex browser run on the same engine, most extensions and themes will fit on the latter without problems. Personally, I don’t use any applications, but all of them, which I wrote about in detail in the above article, installed without problems.

Let me briefly list them and provide direct links to installation so that you don’t have to worry about finding them in the Chrome online store. Again in list form, if you don't mind. Do not you mind? Well, okay.

Themes for Yandex browser

Now as for themes for the new browser from Yandex.ru. They are all taken from the same online store on the “Themes” tab. Try to see all the diversity of beauty there. Themes are installed in the same way as extensions:

If the downloaded theme is not to your taste, then you can safely continue your search, but if you are completely disappointed, no one is stopping you from returning to the default one.

To do this, you will need to select “Settings” from the gear menu and click on the button "Return default theme":

Well, that's probably all. What did you think of this reviewer?

Php?v=5&id=1" style="border: medium none; width: 715px; height: 300px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site





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