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What should be in the c-file and what should be in the h-file? Online Including one C source file into another? Dividing program text into modules.

Used correctly, this can be a useful method.

Let's say you have a complex mission-critical subsystem with a fairly small public interface and a lot of unimplemented implementation code. The code runs up to several thousand lines, hundreds of private functions and quite a bit of private data. If you work with non-trivial embedded systems, you probably run into this situation quite often.

Your solution will likely be layered, modular, and decoupled, and these aspects can be conveniently represented and enhanced by coding different parts of the subsystem in different files.

With C you have a lot to lose by doing this. Almost all tools provide decent optimizations for a single compilation unit, but are very pessimistic about anything declared extern.

If you put everything into one C source module you will get -

    Performance and code size improvements - In many cases, function calls will be inlined. Even without inlay, the compiler has the ability to produce more efficient code.

    Channel level and function data are hidden.

    Avoiding namespace pollution and its consequence - you can use less cumbersome names.

    Faster compilation and communication.

But you also end up with an unholy mess when it comes to editing this file, and you lose the implied modularity. This can be overcome by splitting the source code into multiple files and including them in a single compilation unit.

However, you need to impose some conventions to deal with this. To some extent this will depend on your toolchain, but some general pointers are

    Put the public interface in a separate header file - you should still be doing this.

    Have one main .c file that includes all child .c files. This may also include code for the open interface.

    Use compiler guards to prevent private headers and source modules from being included by external compilation modules.

    All personal data and functions must be declared static.

    Maintain a conceptual distinction between .c and .h files. This uses existing conventions. The difference is that you will have a lot of static ads in your headers.

    If your toolchain doesn't impose anything, you shouldn't specify private implementation files like .c and .h. If you use enabled guards, they will not generate code and will not introduce any new names (you may end up with some empty segments as a result). The huge advantage is that other tools (like IDEs) will handle these files accordingly.

The file extension doesn't matter to most C compilers, so this will work.

However, depending on your file or project settings, the included c file may generate a separate object file. When linked, this can result in double defined characters.

The C language does not prohibit this type of #include, but the resulting translation unit must still be valid C.

I don't know what program you are using with the .prj file. If you're using something like "make" or Visual Studio or whatever, just make sure you set it to a list of files that need to be compiled without one that can't be compiled independently.

You can correctly include .C or .CPP files in other source files. Depending on your IDE, you can usually prevent double linking by viewing the properties of the source files you want to include, usually by right-clicking on them and clicking on properties, and uncheck /check compilation/link/exclude from build or any other option . May be. Or you can't include the file in the project itself, so the IDE doesn't even know it exists and won't try to compile it. And with makefiles, you just simply didn't put the file in it to compile and link.

EDIT: Sorry, I gave an answer instead of answering other answers :(

Including a C file within another file is legal, but not advisable unless you know exactly why you're doing it and what you're trying to achieve.
I'm pretty sure that if you post here the reason why your question will be communicated to the community, you will find another suitable way to achieve your goal (note the "almost" as it's possible that this is a solution given the context).

By the way, I missed the second part of the question. If a C file is included in another file and at the same time included in a project, you are likely to run into the problem of duplicate symbols, why linking objects, i.e. the same function will be defined twice (unless they are static).

Depending on your build environment (you won't specify) you may find that it works exactly the way you want.

However, there are many environments (both IDEs and many handcrafted Makefiles) that expect *.c to be compiled - if this happens, you will likely encounter linker errors due to duplicate symbols.

Generally, this practice should be avoided.

If you absolutely must # include the source (and this should generally be avoided), use a different file for the file.

This is fine? yes it will compile

is this recommended? no - .c files are compiled into .obj files, which are linked after compilation (by the linker) into an executable (or library), so there is no need to include one .c file in another. Instead, you'll most likely want to make a .h file that lists the functions/variables available in another .c file, and include the .h file

You can use the gcc compiler on linux to link two files with one output. Let's say you have two c files, one is "main.c" and the other is "support.c". So the command to connect these two is

Gcc main.c support.c -o main.out

These two files will be associated with one main.out. To run the output the command would be


If you are using main.c function which is declared in support.c file then you should declare it in main also using extern storage class.

Source files

The text of a C program can be divided into several source files. The source file is a text file that contains either the entire program or part of it. When a source program is compiled, each of its constituent source files must be compiled separately and then linked to the other files by the linker. Individual source files can be combined into a single source file, compiled as a whole, using a preprocessor directive #include.

The source file can contain any holistic combination of directives, compiler instructions, declarations, and definitions. Integrity means that objects such as function definitions, data structures, or a set of related conditional compilation directives must reside entirely in one file, i.e., they cannot begin in one file and continue in another.

The source file does not need to contain executable statements. Sometimes it is convenient to place variable definitions in one file, and in other files use these variables by declaring them. In this case, variable definitions become easily searchable and modifyable. For the same reasons, named constants and macro definitions are usually collected in separate files and included via a preprocessor directive #include into the source files that require them.

Instructions to the compiler usually only apply to specific sections of the source file. The specific compiler actions specified by the instructions are determined by the specific implementation of the C compiler.

In the following example, the source program consists of two source files. Functions main And max presented in separate files. Function main uses the function max in the process of its implementation.

/* source file 1 - main function */

extern int max(int, int); /* function declaration */

main() /* function definition */

int w = ONE, x = TWO, y = THREE;

/* source file 2 - max function */

int max (a, b) /* function definition */

In the first source file the function max declared but not defined. This function declaration is called a pre-declaration; it allows the compiler to control calls to a function before it is defined. Definition of a function main contains function calls max.

Lines starting with the # symbol are preprocessor directives. The directives indicate to the preprocessor the need to replace the identifiers ONE, TWO, THREE with the corresponding values ​​in the first source file. The scope of the directives does not extend to the second source file.

Programming Kozlova Irina Sergeevna

27. C++ source files

27. C++ source files

A C++ program most often includes a large number of source files, each of which contains descriptions of types, functions, variables and constants. In order for a name to be used in different source files to refer to a specific object, it must be declared as external. Eg:

extern double sqrt(double); extern instream cin;

The easiest way to ensure consistency between source files is to place the same descriptions in separate files called header files, and then include, that is, copy, these header files in all files where these descriptions are needed. For example, if the description of sqrt is located in the header file for the standard mathematical functions math.h and you need to extract the square root of 4, you would use the program:

Since regular header files consist of a large number of source files, they have no descriptions that should not be repeated.

In the include command, include the file name that appears in angle brackets, for example, refers to a file with that name in the standard directory (usually /usr/include/CC); files stored in other locations are referenced using names enclosed in double quotes. For example:

#include "math1.h" #include "/usr/bs/math2.h"

will include math1.h from the current user directory and math2.h from the /usr/bs directory.

Let's show how we could define the output stream type ostream. To simplify the problem, let's assume that the buffering type is streambuf. The type streambuf is defined in the same place as the real definition of ostream. The value of a user-defined type specifies the data needed to represent an object of that type and a large number of operations to operate on those objects. The definition consists of two parts: a closed (private) part, which contains information used only by its developer, and an open (public) part, which is the type's interface to the user.

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27. C++ source files A C++ program most often includes a large number of source files, each of which contains descriptions of types, functions, variables and constants. To ensure that a name can be used in different source files to refer to a specific object, it

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A.3.5. Source texts of the calculator program Listing A.3 shows the text of the program that calculates the values ​​of postfix expressions.Listing A.3. (calculator.c) The main part of the calculator program/* Calculations in unary format. *//* Single-line codes are supplied to the program input

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Appendix 3 Source code for the hoc calculator These files contain all the code from "The Unix Programming Environment", by Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike (Prentice Hall, 1984, ISBN 0-13-937681-X). A separate hoc6 distribution contains any fixes that we have applied to that; the version in this file is from the book.Copyright © Lucent Technologies, 1997. All Rights ReservedPermission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for


When you modify source files in Visual C++ and save them, the lines must end with the "CR/LF" [carriage return, line feed] combination. On UNIX systems, lines are terminated with "LF". Therefore, when viewing files that have been modified in the Windows group on UNIX systems, you may see many "^M" characters in the lines. This only happens when you use an editor that doesn't know how to interpret the Windows file. Visual C++ can open files with lines ending with UNIX LF creation. If you modify this file and Save it from Visual C++, then it is saved in Windows format (you will see CR/LF and not the LF that was previously on the system).

This article describes procedures for saving a modified file created on the Windows platform in a format that can be used on UNIX systems.

NOTE: Visual C++.NET IDE contains functions available to save a file in UNIX format. In the IDE, save the file using Save as..., select save from the drop-down list Save with encoding..., and press the thrn button Yes. Select String Encoding from the drop-down list UNIX (LF) and then click the button OK.

You can use the following steps to create a Win32 console application project that converts a file containing "CR/LF" to terminate the line for "LF":

  1. To create a new one using Win32 console applications, an empty project named DOS2UNIX.
  2. From File menu, press button New and then click the button Files Tab.
  3. Select C/C++ Source File and enter the name of the new file DOS2UNIX.cpp.
  4. Paste the following code into DOS2UNIX.cpp:

    #include #include #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv) ( if(argc !=2) ( cout<< "Please specify: dos2unix filename" << endl; return 0; } char ch; char temp="\0"; //Open the file for reading in binarymode. ifstream fp_read(argv, ios_base::in \ / ios_base::binary); sprintf(temp, "%s.temp", argv); //Create a temporary file for writing in the binary mode. This //file will be created in the same directory as the input file. ofstream fp_write(temp, ios_base::out \ / ios_base::trunc \ / ios_base::binary); while(fp_read.eof() != true) { fp_read.get(ch); //Check for CR (carriage return) if((int)ch == 0x0D) continue; if (!fp_read.eof())fp_write.put(ch); } fp_read.close(); fp_write.close(); //Delete the existing input file. remove(argv); //Rename the temporary file to the input file. rename(temp, argv); //Delete the temporary file. remove(temp); return 0; }

  5. From Construction menu, press button Creating DOS2UNIX.exe to create an EXE file.

You may need to test this exe file to see if it is working correctly. To do this, open the file in the Visual C++ binary editor. When you select Open in Group File menu by selecting DOS2UNIX.ex, Settings Open as To whom Binary and then clicking Open. For example, if the file contains "hellocrlfworld", the binary file data (hexadecimal) would look like this:

48 65 6 C 6 C 6F 0 D 0A 57 6F 72 6 C 64

This is equivalent to:


At the command prompt, run dos2unix.exe . Next, open the file in the Visual C++ binary editor. You will see that 0x0d s are removed. Until you change the file and save it in Visual C++ 0x0d s will not appear.

This can be used in combination with the Visual C++ Automation Model to automate the entire process. A simple Microsoft Visual Basic macro script can be written to call this tool, but the tool must first be added Service the menu looks like this:

  1. From Service menu, press button Settings and then click the button Service Tab.
  2. Provide a name such as DOS2UNIX and provide the full path to the Dos2unix.exe file in Team edit field.
  3. Set the argument to $(Filename)$(FileExt).
  4. Specify the source directory $(WkspDir) (specify your own path).

To check the operation of the program, open the file in the Visual C++ editor, and then from Service start menu DOS2UNIX means. You will see that the file opened in the editor has had all its CR characters removed.

If you want to automate this process, handle it so that every time you save an open file in the Visual C++ editor, DOS2UNIX.exe is called to remove 0x0d s, then use the following VBScript macro:

"This event is fired every time the document is saved in the VC++ Editor. Sub Application_DocumentSave(theDocument) "This will call the user tool in the Tools menu. "Change the number depending upon what you have. By default you only "have 6 tools under the Tools menu, so the DOS2UNIX tool will be the 7th. ExecuteCommand "UserTool7" End Sub

This VBScript code will only work if you have files open in the Visual C++ Editor. This is the only way to call an exe file from a VBScript macro (VBScript macros cannot be passed parameters). You can write in Instead and it will be more flexible. Call the "DOS2UNIX.exe" tool from an add-in without having to add it to Service menu.

In Visual C++ using the provided VBScript macro:

  1. Open an existing file with the .dsm extension or create one.
  2. Paste the code previously given into the file.
  3. In Visual C++, do the following:
    1. From Service menu, press button Settings.
    2. Click the button Macro and add-in files Tab.
    3. Click the button Review load the .dsm file containing the macro. Once in the .dsm file was selected in Review dialog box, the file will appear in Add-ons and macros list of files using the selected checkbox next to it.
    4. Click the button Close to continue.

Now, if you open the file in the Visual C++ editor and save from the file File menu, the called macro and all 0x0d s will be removed from the open file. Since this will affect any file saved from now on and applied to any project you open in the future, be sure to disable the macro from Service menu using Settings(uncheck the box next to the macro).

You can correctly include .C or .CPP files in other source files. Depending on your IDE, you can usually prevent double linking by viewing the properties of the source files you want to include, usually by right-clicking on them and clicking on properties, and uncheck /check compilation/link/exclude from build or any other option . May be. Or you can't include the file in the project itself, so the IDE doesn't even know it exists and won't try to compile it. And with makefiles, you just simply didn't put the file in it to compile and link.

EDIT: Sorry, I gave an answer instead of answering other answers :(

Depending on your build environment (you won't specify) you may find that it works exactly the way you want.

However, there are many environments (both IDEs and many handcrafted Makefiles) that expect *.c to be compiled - if this happens, you will likely encounter linker errors due to duplicate symbols.

Generally, this practice should be avoided.

If you absolutely must # include the source (and this should generally be avoided), use a different file for the file.

I thought I'd share a situation where my team decided to include .c files. Our architect mainly consists of modules that are decoupled through a message system. These message handlers are public and call many local static worker functions to do their work. The problem arose when trying to get coverage for our single test cases, since the only way to implement this private implementation code was indirectly through the common message interface. With some worker features in the stack's lap, this proved to be a nightmare to ensure proper coverage.

Including .c files gave us the opportunity to get to the cog in the machine, which was fun for us to test.

Including a C file within another file is legal, but not advisable unless you know exactly why you're doing it and what you're trying to achieve.
I'm pretty sure that if you post here the reason why your question will be communicated to the community, you will find another suitable way to achieve your goal (note the "almost" as it's possible that this is a solution given the context).

By the way, I missed the second part of the question. If a C file is included in another file and at the same time included in a project, you are likely to run into the problem of duplicate symbols, why linking objects, i.e. the same function will be defined twice (unless they are static).

The C language does not prohibit this type of #include, but the resulting translation unit must still be valid C.

I don't know what program you are using with the .prj file. If you're using something like "make" or Visual Studio or whatever, just make sure you set it to a list of files that need to be compiled without one that can't be compiled independently.

you should add a header like this


note: both files must be placed in the same place

You can use the gcc compiler on linux to link two files with one output. Let's say you have two c files, one is "main.c" and the other is "support.c". So the command to connect these two is

Gcc main.c support.c -o main.out

These two files will be associated with one main.out. To run the output the command would be


If you are using main.c function which is declared in support.c file then you should declare it in main also using extern storage class.

The file extension doesn't matter to most C compilers, so this will work.

However, depending on your file or project settings, the included c file may generate a separate object file. When linked, this can result in double defined characters.



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