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What is contact synchronization in VK. How to synchronize Facebook and VKontakte

I like order, but only in some things. If we talk about the order around me, then I may not follow it at all until the critical moment. Even now, looking at my desktop, I am horrified, but I continue to clutter it. The situation changes in the opposite direction when it comes to computers and other electronic equipment. I like to keep such things clean both externally and internally.

My Mac has a minimum of the most necessary programs installed, and if the computer desktop is cluttered, it is only because of work. The same goes for iPhone. The fewer icons, the better. All contacts in the corresponding application are sorted by first and last name, no nicknames or nicknames. Each contact with whom I contact more than once a month is assigned a photograph that I uploaded using special software on a Mac, and all the necessary information is entered into each of the fields. How many readers are as meticulous as I am? If that’s enough, I’d like to introduce you to the creation of Russian developers from the AlterEGO studio - an application called .

In fact, I have been waiting for the appearance of an analogue of such an application for a long time. After all, when filling out the fields when registering on social networks, we indicate information that is sufficient to create a contact in the phone book of your smartphone or tablet: first name, last name, contact phone number, email address, photo. This is perhaps the bare minimum. This is approximately why the VKontakte Synchronizer application was created.

The application greets us with a window for entering authorization data for your VKontakte page. In order to give the application access to your friends list, you must enter the login and password for your social network account. After confirming the request to allow access to information about your friends, a screen similar to this appears in front of you.

These three items include all the settings you need. The Contacts menu hides a list of three sub-items for selecting the type of synchronization. You can import all your friends into your iPhone, or select those pages that have a phone number in their profile, or leave your iPhone contacts. I preferred to choose to import contacts containing phone numbers, despite the fact that I already have the phone numbers of most of my friends from the social network.

Next, in the “Avatars” menu, you can either completely disable their synchronization or select the required size. By default, the application suggests uploading medium-sized images, but I choose large ones. In any case, manually installed full-screen avatars look much nicer than those loaded from the application. Moreover, considering that a good half of my friends regularly change their header photos to posters for various musical events, I would prefer to choose the method I previously used to download and install contact photos.

The third menu contains a list of fields that will be filled in with the information available on the profile page: home and mobile phone, address, birthday and website. You can disable any of these fields and install only the set you need. Perhaps, besides the phone number, you will not need any other information, so feel free to disable the appearance of all fields with one button, move the “mobile phone” menu to the “On” position. and all synchronized contacts from now on will be transferred to your iPhone only with the name and phone number indicated.

After you have configured the synchronization order, go to the main screen of the application and touch the corresponding button to start synchronization. The application downloads all information about friends and displays a list of detected contacts. Here you can check with the contacts already on the device and thoroughly clean all the information. But this is if in the last settings menu you did not turn off the display of all its sections. This is necessary if it is impossible to apply a common settings template for all contacts. For some people, their home phone number is their main one, but their date of birth is invalid. If you have more than 100 friends on your profile, then this selection process can take quite a lot of time. After entering the adjustments, touch the “synchronize” button and observe the process. Its duration depends on the number of your friends and the parameters you set. In my case, synchronization lasted no more than fifteen seconds.

Upon completion of the process, we go to the contacts.app application, where all synchronized contacts are sent. In my case, the names of all my friends were written in Latin, but I attribute this primarily to the fact that I use the English version of the site vk.com. I did not make any restrictions and the application loaded all the information that was initially installed. What really caught my eye was the nickname “(null)” written in the field. Apparently the developers did not consider the issue of synchronizing nicknames that are not displayed after entering the iPhone. Another nearly half of my contacts had their birth date assigned to a day in 1970, even though many of my friends didn't even exist on the planet yet.

It's these little bugs in the app that are a little depressing. The application is good in its idea, although the implementation of some aspects clearly requires improvement. I really want to believe that the developers will not abandon their new project, but will develop it to the level of a full-fledged high-quality synchronizer for the contact information of all our friends, not only on VKontakte, but also on Facebook and other social networks.

Today, the Android platform occupies a leading position in the mobile gadget market. The developers have done a great job for their users, and in the application store you can now find almost any tool for entertainment and work. The operating system is tightly linked to Google services, which make it easier and more secure to work with personal data and use all kinds of applications. But the smartphone system may fail and a problem may arise when, for example, Android contacts do not sync. The fight against this malfunction will be discussed in this article.

Synchronization can be useful to you when you have several gadgets, regardless of Android or iOS. It is with its help that you can easily transfer all available information from one device to another. The first thing you should do for this is create a Google mailbox.

When you log into your “account” on your smartphone, the system will automatically start copying all your contacts and other information to the Google server (to the cloud). At any time and from any device, you will have access to files transferred to the cloud, where you can always view phone numbers, photos and other important records.

You can view the data copied to the cloud by following the link and selecting Contacts in the top left menu.

To make changes, you need to go to the phone settings menu and click on the “Accounts and Synchronization” tab, and for more precise settings of the service, there is a whole section in the OS called “Google Settings”.

Solutions to the problem

Checking the Internet

The first thing you should do before you start troubleshooting is to check whether your device has an Internet connection. To do this, open a web browser and go to any page or run a program that requires network access to enter. For obvious reasons, it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem without a connection.

It won’t be superfluous to check your access to Google mail - enter your login and password on gmail.com. In addition, you should make sure that there are no failures on the company’s servers.

To make sure your account is active, try going to the Play Market and start downloading any program. If there is no access, the service will give you a corresponding warning about the need to create a new one or log into an existing Google service.

Checking auto-sync

It is also worth paying attention to whether the auto-sync mode is activated. It is necessary so that all data is automatically connected to the Cloud, which does not require any additional actions from you. Automatic synchronization is enabled in the settings of the mobile gadget. Scroll through the menu and go to the “Accounts” section, inside which you will find the Google line, in the window that opens, in the upper right corner you need to click on the vertical ellipsis and in the drop-down menu activate the “Auto-sync data” function.

Turn off airplane mode

Try turning airplane mode on for a few minutes and then turning it off. To do this, click on the tray icon. After it is disabled, re-registration will occur in the network, and a new automatic exchange of information will start.

Clear storage

When the device's internal memory is full, no data is recorded or sent. To restore functionality, delete unused applications, duplicate photos and music, or files that you no longer need. This also applies to the list of required numbers, since when the memory allocated for them is full, the phone will not be connected to the Cloud.

Delete gmail data

Be careful before starting this step. The fact is that after it is carried out, all SMS drafts and saved signatures, sounds of incoming alerts and other related settings will be deleted. Delete data only as a last resort when other methods cannot solve the problem. Follow these steps:

  • Go to your phone's settings menu.
  • Select “Applications and notifications” and in the window that opens, click on the “Application information” line.
  • Click on the Gmail button where you need to go to Storage.
  • Click on the “Erase data” function.
  • Reboot your smartphone.
  • Re-login to your Google account manually.


  • Go to your smartphone settings.
  • Select "Users and Accounts".
  • Click on your account.
  • Click on the “Synchronize accounts” option.
  • In the upper right corner, tap on the three vertical dots, and then on the “Synchronize” line.
  • Google account synchronization on Android is running.

Removing and re-adding a google account

When carrying out this procedure, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your files and contact list, they will all remain on the server.

To delete an “account”, go to “Accounts”, select the Google tab and call up the submenu (three dots in the right corner), click “Delete”. Now you need to reboot the device and re-login to your account by entering your username and password.

Forced synchronization

There are two methods for this procedure, which will entail a forced connection of your Android phone with the Cloud.

Change the date and time settings. Go to the settings, disconnect the gadget from the network and enter the incorrect clock and date settings. Exit to the main screen and make the settings again, only specifying the correct numbers.

Make the gadget connect with the “account” via the ussd command. Open the dialer and enter the code: *#*#2432546#*#*.

Third party application

Alternatively, the “Fix contact synchronization” program will help resolve the problem. Download it from the Play Market and follow the instructions in the description, try to restore the Google service.


In principle, there is nothing special to add to all the instructions given here, one of the methods must definitely work, the main thing is to follow the recommendations given and you will overcome the error.


Today, most VKontakte users have their own page on. These two social networks are the most popular among young people. If you use Instagram to showcase your best photos, you may need to import them to your VKontakte page. To avoid doing this manually, in the settings of each page there is the possibility of integration with other services.

To do this, click on your avatar in the upper right corner and go to the “edit” section. Here you need to select the “contacts” subsection and click on the “integration with other services” tab.

Then a window will appear in which you need to enter your data (username and password) on Instagram. Once you have entered your details, click on the “login” tab.

After confirming your details on Instagram, click on the green “Authorize” tab.

Now you need to determine where photos from Instagram will be saved on VKontakte. If you select the first option “album”, then you select the VKontakte album into which the photos will be imported. The second point is your VKontakte wall. And the third option allows you to selectively import photos. For example, when you post a new photo on Instagram, you can tag it with the hashtag #vk, which will allow you to import it into a specific album. If you tag a photo with the hashtag #vkpost, it will be imported onto your VKontakte wall. But if you chose the third option, but when publishing photos on Instagram you do not put one of these hashtags, then this photo will not be published on Vkontakte. Once you have entered these settings, click on the Save tab.

Natasha July 4, 2012 at 2:47 pm

Sync Android "Contacts" with Google account and "Calendar"

Hello, dear Khabrovsk residents!
I have been the owner of an HTC Incridible S for almost a year now. In recent months, I have been really looking forward to updating Android to the ICS version, and the day before yesterday I finally got it. In addition to the update, I reset the phone to factory settings, thereby Having cleaned it. After all this, the device seemed to work faster and more clearly, and in general became a little more user-friendly in terms of the interface.
Having enjoyed the result of the update and cleaning, I decided to take full advantage of all the possibilities and decided to make sure that the birthdays of my contacts from the phone would automatically appear in the calendar on the same phone.
This is where the fun began.

The idea was simple and elegant:

  • There is a “Standard Android calendar”, which connects to your Google account and downloads date calendars from it (there are calendars for Holidays of various countries of religions, etc., etc., and among others there is your personal calendar, with dates birthdays of your friends, i.e. contacts).
  • There is a “Contacts” on the phone, with business cards in which you can add a birthday. In turn, from these “Contacts” you can send all business cards to your Google account
  • There is an official VKontakte application, in which it is possible to synchronize Friends with the “Contacts” of the phone, thereby entering, among other things, birthdays into business cards on the phone

The process looks like this (we start from the end of course):
Open the “VKontakte” application and find the “Contacts Synchronization” button in the settings, click on it accordingly

Next, select the synchronization option and wait for “Next”

A little waiting, help in choosing “Whom to connect with” and voila “Contacts” are synchronized. Everything is beautiful, business cards now have avatars and birthdays that we really need.
Next, just as simply and unobtrusively, go to “Contacts” -> Settings; and select “Move contacts”

In the window that appears, select from where and where to move

After which we see a strip that shows that the contacts are being sent there and this process ends sooner or later.
Satisfied, we go to the phone settings, go to “Accounts and synchronization”

Find your Google account and select it

In your account settings, check the necessary boxes and click “Synchronize”

Then, satisfied, we go to look at the calendar widget on the desktop, and it turns out to be damn empty, nothing has been added to it, well, not a single date at all.

The calendar settings are set to display everything.

Actually the question is, help who knows. What am I doing wrong and how can I do it right?

Apparently, anonymity in Russia is really coming to an end. While the country's authorities are struggling with data encryption, the social network VKontakte has decided to add a search by the phone number of any person. A special item has appeared in the social network settings that allows you to enable or disable this feature if the user does not want to be found by the mobile number linked to the account.

To protect yourself from the new feature, which is a search by phone number, you need to go to the settings and change the last item in the “Privacy” section. The website publication checked the information and made sure that the corresponding special item in the settings actually appeared. It's called "Who can find me when importing contacts using the number *********".

If this function is active for all users, and this is how it is configured by default for all users, then your account on the VKontakte social network will begin to appear for other users in the “Possible Friends” section. Phone numbers are associated with each other by analyzing the contents of the contact list on the mobile device. According to the official press service of the social network, it is impossible to find a specific person by number, but users have a different opinion.

According to a VKontakte representative, the results of data import display not only contacts from the address book, but also several similar profiles so that the owner of a specific number cannot be identified. However, the spread is quite small, so it is extremely easy to determine the identity of the number. It is enough to look at the contact name in WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram, and then compare it with that of the profiles offered by the social network. With a 90% chance you will be able to find out who exactly owns the phone number.

Users of the social network VKontakte are outraged that the social network did not notify them of the new setting, adding it secretly. Moreover, the administration has activated it for all people by default. Many are now expressing fears that their phone number has been included in a database that has become known or will become known in the future to third parties. Representatives of the social network deny all accusations and assure the safety of all data.

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