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What does software update mean on Android? Why you should use Windows automatic update

Software updates and the operating system itself are known to be the key to security and stable operation. Yes, if you do not update, your device will also work, but new functions may be missing or vulnerabilities may appear. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you how to update Android in different ways.

When a new smartphone first goes on sale, its software is often quite crude. A good manufacturer tries to fix bugs and release updates as soon as possible. It turns out that a user who does not install the patch will continue to use a buggy device.

Moreover, sometimes holes are discovered in the operating system that allow attackers to steal your personal data and force your smartphone to work in networks for DDoS attacks. It is in order to protect the user and make the smartphone fast, reliable, and also more functional that firmware updates are needed.

Preparing for the update

Before you begin the procedure for installing new versions of the OS, you need to make sure that your Internet connection is stable and has sufficient speed. The update algorithm is designed in such a way that an incompletely downloaded file will not be installed. However, if you are using a slow network, packages, often reaching gigabyte sizes, can take almost days to download.

Also, before you start, just in case, we advise you to create a backup copy of all existing data. Usually, the user’s personal files are not lost, but it’s still worth being safe. Just connect your smartphone to your computer or laptop and copy all your videos, photos and music there.

In what cases auto-update may not work?

There are 8 generations of the Android operating system. In addition, each manufacturer modifies the OS to suit itself. But one way or another, there are a number of established reasons why new updates may not be installed:

  • the update is simply disabled in the phone settings;
  • the manufacturer has stopped supporting the model and updates for it are no longer provided;
  • there is no connection to the network;
  • There is not enough free space on the drive.

From all this you can understand what to do if Android is not updated. Next, we move on to instructions for updating your device.

How to change the version (firmware) of Android

Since there are many versions of the Android OS, we will describe the process for each of them. Also, working with the OS may vary, for example, depending on the device manufacturer. In Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x, HTC One M7 or Meizu, everything may look completely different. We will not consider the first and second editions of the green robot, since if such devices still exist, then updates for them have not been released for a long time. An example of updating using third-party programs will also be given.

Standard over-the-air update procedure

So, let's get started and start with the oldest version of Google's OS and work our way up.

Android 4.x

In order to change the OS configuration, you first need to get into its settings. In the fourth edition of Android this is done like this:

  1. On the home screen, tap on the icon depicting several dots arranged in a row.

  1. Click on the settings gear, which is located in the main menu of the device.

  1. Scroll the list to the very bottom and select the item marked in the picture.

  1. We need the “System Update” item.

  1. Here we see that there are no new versions of the OS, but to be sure, we still press the marked button.

In the case of Android 4.x, if there were updates, the system would download them, then reboot and install in PreOS mode. The situation is exactly the same with other versions of OS.

Android 5.x

In the fifth edition of the operating system we do this:

  1. Move the notification line or, as it is also called, the “curtain” down and tap on the settings icon.

  1. Scroll the contents of the window to the very bottom and select “About tablet” or “About phone”.

  1. Just like in the fourth edition, click on the item circled in the screenshot.

  1. As you can see, there are no updates, but you can check them manually.

Android 6.x

Let's move on to the conditional equator of the development of operating systems from Google. This is the sixth version named Marshmallow. Let's look at how to check and, if necessary, apply updates here:

  1. On the desktop or, as it is also called, the home screen, press the menu button.

  1. Tap on the settings gear.

  1. Let's move on to the point marked in the screenshot below. You can find it at the very bottom of the settings.

  1. Click on “System Update”.

  1. As a result, we see that there are no updates. To be extra sure, click on the circled button to check their availability again.

Android 7.x

We won’t talk about the newest version of Android “eight”, because it is currently installed only on some smartphones. But let’s talk about its predecessor right now:

  1. We lower the “curtain” and go to settings.

  1. Scroll the list down and tap on its last list.

  1. Here, on the contrary, we select the very first point.

  1. Then click “Check for updates”.

As in other cases, there were no updates. This means we have the latest version of the operating system and you don’t have to worry about its security.

ROM Manager

  1. In order to install the program, you need to open the Play Market.

  1. Here we write down the name of the program we need and select it from the generated list.

  1. Click the button that will begin installing the application.

  1. We allow the utility access to the necessary resources.

  1. We wait until all the files necessary for the program to work are downloaded and installed.

  1. You can launch the application directly from the store.

  1. The program shortcut will also appear on the Android desktop.

Here is the ROM Manager software interface. We need to tell you something here. The fact is that this program has extensive functionality, which you will not need in its entirety. All you need is the “Check for update” item. Then just follow the program prompts.


The last option that we will consider is working with custom Recovery using unofficial firmware. In order to install the firmware through it, you must first download it in .zip format. This can be done on one of the forums that are replete with the Internet.

  1. To get into recovery, turn off your smartphone. Then press and hold the power button and volume up button at the same time. When the logo appears, release them. In the custom Recovery menu, select the installation option.

Since there are several such recovery options, the names of the items and their location may change.

  1. Next, open the folder in which you previously placed the archive with the firmware.

  1. And select the firmware itself.

Attention! If you flash a file that is not for your device, it may turn into a “brick” that even a service center cannot restore.

  1. To apply the update, pull the slider to the right.

You can also update your phone through a special package from the manufacturer. For example, in the case of Samsung, this is the proprietary KIES utility. You need to work with it through a computer.

Results and comments

This concludes our article and we can only say that if you have comments, you can leave them a little lower in the form provided for this.

Video instruction

For greater clarity and completeness of the picture, you can also watch a video on this topic.

Android is one of the most common operating systems specifically designed for mobile phones, smartphones and tablets. Now it is used by almost all manufacturers of this equipment. Any operating system is periodically improved and improved, its individual parts are optimized. Such fixes and improvements constitute an Android update.

You can check for modifications yourself. To do this, go to “Settings”, find the “Software Update” item there and view the update settings that open. To check if a new version is available, click the Update button.

Why do we need new OS versions?

In essence, an Android update is a good and correct thing, so you shouldn’t be suspicious or skeptical about it. As a rule, improvements make using the device more comfortable and faster.

The Android update is released on a micro and macro scale. Minor improvements are up to 100 MB in size and are intended for individual parts of the system. They are small patches, eliminating minor defects that are not even noticeable to the user. The purpose of such microactions is to improve and stabilize the performance of your phone or tablet.

And larger innovations already “weigh” about 500 MB and affect the entire device. In fact, there is a slight change in the OS version. Such a large-scale Android software update can also change the appearance of the system, making it simpler and more concise.

How does this happen

If your device is not allowed to receive updates by default, then each time a dialog box will appear with a notification and a proposal to install something new. You can delay downloading and installation for some time (from half an hour to two hours) or refuse the update altogether.

If you selected “Install”, the system will alert you that the device will reboot. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to close all running applications and save the necessary information, otherwise it will simply be lost. Immediately after the notification, the device turns off and the screen goes blank. After a couple of seconds, an image of a typical android robot appears on it, and at the bottom of the screen you will see the progress of the update process as a percentage. On average, updating Android takes from 5 to 20 minutes, after which a reboot occurs.

When the device turns on again, it optimizes applications to work correctly with installed updates. The number of such applications is displayed on the screen. After this last step, a notification appears indicating that the device was successfully updated. It is recommended to restart it so that all programs start working normally.

What are the problems after

As a rule, none. After the update, some applications that are not compatible with the new version, or individual icons from the Desktop may disappear (for the same reason). It also happens that new programs appear on the device, which will then be impossible to remove - this is provided by the developers.

As a rule, problems arise only if the Android firmware was done independently or unofficial versions of the software were used. And the warranty is lost for the same reason, so you will have to spend a lot of money to bring the device back to life.

How to return the old version

When you don’t like the updates you’ve received, there’s a natural desire to “return it the way it was.” But, alas, such an opportunity is not provided. Unless it occurs to you to manually change the firmware, but it’s better not to do this. Why? See previous section. It’s better to take another look at the new version of the OS - perhaps you’re just not used to it yet, but in a couple of days you’ll already love all the changes.

Despite the fact that Windows 7 was released a very long time ago and is characterized by significant stability, specialists from Microsoft persistently continue to improve it and develop updates, which are then sent to S7 users to install. Although in most cases it does not need updates.


Let us immediately give a specific answer to the question posed: is it necessary to update Windows 7 and is it necessary to do this, as the developers recommend. Or is it better to disable system upgrades completely, as some experienced users do.

The answer here is clear: no, it is not necessary if an unlicensed version of the product is installed on your computer, or if you are using a mobile Internet connection over a slow cellular channel. Below are instructions on how to make settings for this in the Windows Update Center. But even if the official OS is installed and with a high-speed connection to the global network, it is still recommended that users disable the automatic system update mode and perform it manually. For this purpose, it will be necessary to use the guidance below.


Programmers from Microsoft justify the installation of the upgrades they develop by increasing the reliability and stability of Windows 7, but at the same time they themselves provide for the mandatory creation of a restore point before each new update of the Seven. Sometimes you have to rollback after their events. Therefore, the question of whether it is worth installing them is relevant for all owners of a PC with this OS. Moreover, all possible shortcomings of the system have already been corrected by more than 99 percent, starting back in 2009.

To avoid “littering” the operating system with various incoming packages and modifications, it is advisable to update Windows under your own manual control.

For this purpose the following is required:

  1. Disable automatic installation;
  2. Periodically look at what changes there are in newly developed OS updates;
  3. If the user is interested in installing the received upgrades, give consent to the installation;
  4. If (in most cases) only minor changes are present, they should be discarded.

The procedure for disabling or activating updates in Windows 7

The following sequential steps must be taken:

Additional Information

Microsoft mainly sends 2 types of updates:

  1. Important;
  2. Optional.

Microsoft experts believe that the first type includes updates that do not improve the functionality and speed of the OS, but provide its protection. However, this is completely insignificant for the average user, who has a full-fledged antivirus running on their computer, which is specially created to solve system security problems.

In practice, in real conditions, embedded OS systems, unfortunately, cannot cope with most malware and hacker attacks. At the same time, antivirus utilities have a much more expanded and rich database of existing viruses, which are updated regularly.

The second type of updates, as a rule, is aimed at increasing system performance, for example, drivers for a computer’s video accelerator, etc. The speed of PC operation can be increased more effectively by independently visiting the official resources of component manufacturers and installing the latest software versions from there.

Greetings to all readers and fans of computer topics on my blog!

Many people often ask questions about Windows 7 updates. In particular, about the problems, the need for the procedure itself, as well as the impact of patches on the general condition of the systems and computer. This is what we will talk about today. Today I will talk about this in more detail. Go!

Why are updates needed?

Any operating system is still quite crude. For example, the same seven had problems with network security in the initial editions. Even some ports could not be opened because they were blocked in the OS code. Then the first service pack (SP1) appeared. He laid the foundation for fixing all bugs by Microsoft itself.

It is noteworthy that at that time almost no one was working on Windows Vista, since it was considered a complete failure and did not justify itself, both in terms of ease of use and in terms of security.

You can always download any updates on the Microsoft website. Even the operating systems themselves have a special center that independently downloads all the necessary software. In addition, all the necessary software can be downloaded manually. It is also available on trackers, although downloading from there is more dangerous, especially from little-known sites.

This should be done regularly, since patches not only increase the level of network security, but also help stabilize and speed up the system.

This is especially true for powerful computers with processors of 4 or more cores, as well as 4 or more gigabytes of RAM.

Do I need to install all the updates?

Great question. I will try to explain more clearly and in simple language. The update can be divided into two groups.

  • Important ones related to computer hardware (that is, hardware). And so, which do not need to be set without fail.
  • The second group includes patches that relate to office programs, time zones, and language packs.

Although system administrators advise installing all available software, if there is little space on your hard drive, then it is better to select only the most necessary patches.

For example, relating to hard drives, processors, graphics modules, firewalls, network cards, security policies, administration and other important sections and topics. It is especially worth installing service packs, rather than individual parts of updates.

Let me give you an example. We have a powerful computer. New updates have been released for the Ryzen processor from Microsoft itself, which increase the speed of the operating system on this hardware. Plus, the update includes software that adds language packs to Microsoft Office programs.

What do you think is more important to download and install? Of course, software for hardware. Especially if you don’t use the office often and don’t use other languages. In this case, system administrators advise downloading the software separately, in parts, and not through the automatic update center.

What security updates are needed?

If a computer is connected to a global network, there is always a danger of penetration into it. Theft of personal information and hacking of accounts on various social networks. Which updates to download for the security system? In a word, everything. First, you should take care of the firewall. It is precisely this that is an invisible shield between the global network and the user. Of course, you can install more advanced software from third-party developers, but Microsoft software does the job just fine.

Next, you need to take care of the network ports that hackers are often used to using. For example, having shared (made available for outside use) a port, there is no doubt that if a cunning and unscrupulous programmer notices this, he will definitely take advantage of it.

This is especially true for PAT viruses with backdoor code. Let me explain more clearly. Imagine a remote administration program. For example, Teamweaver or R-Admin. You can control your computer from another machine, in the same way as the one you are currently sitting at. This kind of software actually uses ports. Now imagine that another person can drive your car.

Moreover, you won’t even know about it, but he will have access to your files, see what you are doing, can even copy information, and you won’t even notice. That's why you should always monitor the release of new updates. Better yet, install additional software. For example, NOD32, Kaspersky or the same free Avast.

What should I know before downloading and installing?

Firstly, installing update packages may interfere with activation. For those who use licensed products from Microsoft, there is nothing much to worry about. You will only need to re-enter the code that is indicated on the box with Windows. But those who use assemblies and repacks will have a more difficult time.

In this regard, only installing a beta version of the operating system or searching for an activator can help, which in theory is illegal, so I warn you right away. It’s smarter to just find Windows with updates already integrated for the last day and install it, especially if you haven’t taken down the system or cleaned it for a year or two.

There is nothing complicated about this, by the way, here are a few articles from my blog on this topic:

I also want to warn you that after installing the service packs that you download on foreign sites, the time zone in Windows may well change. This is due to the fact that the update package was most likely originally downloaded for another country. Subsequently, the programmer translated it into Russian, took out everything unnecessary from it, and then packed it back. Therefore, I always recommend downloading updates from the Microsoft website.

Of course, maybe they will install something on your laptop that you don’t particularly need, however, this way you will at least be confident that nothing bad will happen to your current system and there will be no failures that could lead to failure of the hardware or the graphical shell itself.

What problems might arise?

I’ll give you some advice right away - don’t update without the Internet. If difficulties arise, you simply will not be able to find the answer on the Internet, and this is important, since if the software fails, it must be fixed immediately, or, in the worst case scenario, you will have to reinstall the operating system.

So, let's move on to common problems and their solutions.

Updates take forever to download.

This often happens on crookedly made Windows OS repacks. There can be many reasons. For example, a poorly written activator completely ruined the registry. Because of this, when updating automatically, the system simply does not understand what updates it actually needs. For 32 or 64 bit, for seven or eight, for one processor or another. The registry is an integral part of the Microsoft graphical shell. And if there is something wrong with it, it will certainly affect the operation of the system in the future.

The computer sees the update, but does not install it.

Here again, there is some kind of problem with Windows itself. Most likely, the wrong update package was downloaded. If the service pack is downloaded manually, then it is likely that such updates are already on the computer. Or you downloaded older version packages. In general, the software itself or the operating system should warn about this during installation. However, if we are dealing with an assembly from a novice programmer, then it is quite possible that there will be no notification about this.

In this case, I advise you to connect the automatic update center and download everything through it. Otherwise, it is better to refuse installation of the data that you downloaded.

An error appears - not applicable to this computer.

Often such a sign appears due to incompatibility between software versions and the machine itself. For example, you have a 64-bit seven visible. And the service pack is designed for 32-bit. Accordingly, the system will not allow it to be installed.

Therefore, it is important to download the software that is designed for your system.

It is also likely that you are trying to install software that is written for Vista or XP. Double-check everything, if necessary, download the software from another server or torrent.

Updates heavily load the system.

Most likely, after installing the packages, you have not yet rebooted. This happens when the computer processes still display any actions related to updates. Or unpacking and installation of files continues in the background. Before rebooting your laptop, make sure that the updates have finished installing. Otherwise, you will then have to delete everything and install it again, since the installation process is not renewable.

Read carefully what this or that program says during installation, since Microsoft products are always supplied with instructions for subsequent actions.

Files load the processor.

Maybe you opened the program twice. One version installed perfectly, the second one hangs in the background and loads the processor. In such cases, you need to find it in the task manager. Open it and look for the most power-consuming computer file. Then simply click on the task.

Perhaps unpacking is happening in the background, and it is not the processor itself that is slowing down, but the hard drive. This happens with cheap models. Their recording speed is quite high, but the ability to simultaneously work with many sweats is small. Hence the brakes on all systems.

Data loads memory.

Quite a common occurrence. Check, maybe you have a torrent running and are downloading a large file? The memory is heavily loaded when rewriting to a hard drive or extracting information from it. Or when there are many running processes with the wrong priority. For example, you have some Photoshop running in the background, and its priority is real time.

Close all running programs until you have installed all the updates.


Well, that's all. Let me remind you that the latest updates, which were quite large and useful, were released in August 2017 and April 2017. Download and install. If you have any problems, you can always visit my blog and find the answer.

By the way, subscribe to the site and you will be notified when new material is published. Share the article with your colleagues and friends on Facebook and other networks. Remember, it is better to find a solution to a problem online than to try to do something yourself without experience! See you again on the site, my dear readers and gadget lovers!

Periodically, every device running Android OS needs to update the current version of the operating system. Of course, even without this, the gadget will remain in working order, but nevertheless, some problems may arise with the old version. Therefore, today we will talk about how to update Android.

Often, when a new model is launched, some software problems remain out of sight of the manufacturer. A conscientious developer always tries to eliminate shortcomings in previously released versions that were identified while using the gadget, and in addition, add new functions that are more user-friendly.

There are also third-party developers who do not work for a particular company that produces mobile devices, but produce their own, unofficial software (custom firmware) for many device models, which may be of even better quality than Android versions directly from the manufacturer.

In addition, devices from little-known manufacturers (usually Chinese) purchased outside the Russian Federation and not properly localized also need firmware updates.

How to update the version (firmware) of Android

Standard procedure

Official updates from the manufacturer are released quite regularly. As a rule, this applies to popular models of gadgets or devices produced by well-known companies.

Such updates are absolutely free, do not require special knowledge from the user and, as a rule, occur automatically. An Internet connection is required to check the firmware and update it.

Go to the main settings, in the section " System", at the very bottom we find the item " About the phone" (May be " About the device"), then open the position " System update" (May be " Update BY", on some models you will need to press the " Check now«):

The display will show " System check“, after which a message will appear indicating that the latest version is available or that it is being used, which means the system has been updated automatically. If this does not happen, then before upgrading to a new version of Android, we find out information about the firmware installed on a specific device. To do this, go back to the “About phone” section and at the very bottom we find the necessary information:

Knowing the current firmware version is necessary to obtain information about the availability of more recent software versions for a specific smartphone/tablet model and the possibility of installing them.

Note: if you are using a gadget whose software does not support the Russian language, then you need to find the items “ About tablet" or " About phone» and look for the necessary information there.

Using third party programs (ROM Manager)

Sometimes downloading an official update via Internet is impossible, and custom firmware cannot be installed this way at all. In this case, one of the best applications used for these purposes - .

Using this program, you can easily create system backups and (in our case) manually update the current version of Android, including on Chinese smartphones.

To work correctly with the program, it is necessary if your device is not rooted.

After launch, the program will ask you to install ClockWorkMod Recovery (CWM), this is a more advanced mod of the standard Recovery Android OS. We agree, and then do the following:

Loading on SD card your device, the required firmware (zip archive format), which can be found on the official website of the developer of our device, launch the utility ROM Manager, then select the menu item “ Install ROM from SD card" Using folder navigation, indicate the path to the archive on your SD card. Now let's activate the button " Save current ROM"(this is done to be able to roll back to the old version if you don’t like the new firmware) and select the “” position:

We agree with the reboot and the program will start the process of rebooting the smartphone in mode CWM and installing new firmware.

Also, the ROM Manager application will help in searching for firmware for a specific device; to do this, select “ Download firmware", and it may well be that there is something more suitable just for you.

Learn more about the app's features ROM Manager watch the video:

Via ClockWorkMod Recovery

It is possible that updating Android using the ROM Manager utility failed, especially this situation is possible on smartphones from Chinese or little-known manufacturers. In this case, you can use the CWM menu.

ClockworkMod Recovery (or CWM Recovery) is an analogue of standard recovery with advanced functions. This utility will not only help you perform a complete reset of the device or install patches for games, but also update the firmware of your mobile gadget.

CWM supports most Android devices. In fact, every second modern Android smartphone (or tablet) is equipped with Modrecovery CWM. But if your device only has stock (standard) recovery, then install CWM Recovery using the ROM Manager application (see above).

After entering the ClockWorkMod Recovery menu, move using the volume key and first select “ wipe data/factory reset" (to reset all settings to factory settings), then " wipe cache"(to clear the cache). Now we find the line “ install zip from SD card" and confirm the action with the hardware button " Home"or the device power button (it plays the role of the " Yes»):

Note: for some device models, menu operation can be controlled using a sensor.

Next, getting to the point “ choose zip from sd card", indicate the path to the new firmware in the ZIP archive that was saved on the SD card, confirm the choice by clicking " Yes – Install /sdcard/update.zip»:

After completing the steps, the process of flashing our Android device will start. Upon completion, select “ reboot system now"to reboot the device and wait for the device to boot, which can take quite a long period of time.

Important ! Before updating the Android version (firmware), you need to fully charge the device, because the whole process will take about half an hour. During the firmware update, the smartphone will require a lot of energy to correctly complete the task. In addition, the display backlight will be at maximum brightness during the update procedure, and the update process interrupted due to a lack of power can lead to disastrous consequences.

Therefore, before you start updating your device, assess the degree of risk and try to approach the question of how to update the Android version responsibly. Good luck!



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