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Deleting a page in a contact. How to erase a page. Removal via technical support

No, no, and sometimes Internet users have a desire to just leave VKontakte. In an instant, destroy the profile and all its contents: correspondence, pictures, photos, videos, music, and games, of course. These measures, frankly speaking, cannot be called anything other than radical. Well, what to do, how to be otherwise? If a session is just around the corner, if a person got married, and his ex-passion bothers him (and from different accounts), if he doesn’t give him peace, the eleventh level in his favorite game “three in a row”, if... Oh, how many more of these “ifs” there can be! There are many reasons, but one effect.

So, dear reader, if you decide to delete your VKontakte page forever, then so be it. There is no smoke without fire. All doubts aside, let's get started! By the way, you can complete this task different ways. So choose which one is closer to your heart and soul.

Method No. 1: using a standard function

1. When opening the VKontakte website in your browser, be courageous and firm, and most importantly, do not forget for what purpose you are opening it. With the same feelings, log in (enter your username and password).

2. In the menu of your VKontakte account, click “My Settings”.

3. Scroll the page with options down with your mouse wheel. At the bottom of it, find and click the link “You can delete your page.”

4. The alarming and at the same time solemn moment of saying goodbye to your VKontakte profile is approaching. There's just a little bit left to do:

  • indicate the reason for parting with VKontakte: turn on the radio button next to one of the proposed options (for example, there is another page). Or indicate your reason in the field below the list;
  • if you want to tell your friends on VK that you are leaving this social network, check the box next to “Tell friends”;
  • Click "Delete Page".

How to get a deleted profile back?

After the above steps, the personal VKontakte page will be deleted and will no longer be accessible, but will still be stored on the servers social network for 7 months (that is, it will not disappear irrevocably).

To restore a deleted page, follow these steps:

  • log in to VK using your login;
  • at the top of your profile, under the message “Your page has been deleted,” click the “restore your page” option;
  • in the section that opens, click “Restore page” again.

Note. The account will return to your disposal in the form in which it was before deletion - with photos, music, videos and other content.

Method No. 2: “freezing” the account

A more labor-intensive removal option, but still an option. Best suited for temporarily parting with an account, as well as for a kind of “disguise” - hiding your presence on the network.

The “freezing” procedure means that all profile data is changed, including the name of its owner, all content and contacts are deleted, and maximum restrictions are set in the privacy settings.

If you want to resort to such measures, but are not well versed in the settings of the VKontakte social network, follow the steps recommended in the instructions below. And the profile will be frozen 100%.

1. Go to "My Settings" and on the "General" tab:

  • in the “Page Settings” block, enable all the options (“Disable commenting...”, “Hide the gifts block...”, “Show... my posts”);
  • in the “Your page address” block, change the profile link and click on the “Change address” button.

2. Without leaving the settings page, go to the “Privacy” tab. And in all available options, through the drop-down menu, set the value to “Only me”, and in the “Contact me” block - “No one”.

3. Delete all existing content in the “My Photos”, “My Videos”, “My Audio Recordings” sections.

4. Delete all friends (Before deleting, you can inform some of them that you are “freezing” the profile).

That's all! Now the account will be in a “lethargic sleep”. And if you're into it long time If you don’t come in, it will disappear completely. So to speak, it will remove itself.

A couple more fun ways to get rid of your profile...

Ignoring the administration

1. Open the “My Settings” section and go to the “Black List” tab.

2. In the “Enter…” field, enter the first and last name of the founder of the social network - Pavel Durov (or the address of his page).

3. Click the “Add to blacklist” button.

There is reason to believe that after such manipulations with the settings, the profile will be deleted within 24 hours without any proceedings.

Close your account and can't find the key

  1. On the “My Settings” page, in the “Change Password” block, enter your profile login password.
  2. Separately, in a notepad or other editor, with your eyes closed, type a chaotic set of letters and numbers about 15 characters long. Alternatively, you can ask your tabby pet, a cat, to do this. Let him run over the keyboard.
  3. Copy the “generated” password and enter it into the “New password” and “Repeat password” fields (on the page general settings VC).
  4. Click the “Change Password” button.
  5. Created New Password in notepad, delete immediately. And don’t even try to remember it!

Now you won’t be able to “kill” a couple of hours on VKontakte once again. After all, a new password has already been set, and an unknown one at that...

Enjoy your absence from VKontakte! Or, if you want, a moderate stay...

A few days ago, VKontakte introduced a function for deleting an account. Now we will go through the entire process step by step and delete an account.

The link to the deletion form is at the very bottom of the page "My settings". We are very pleased with the fact that such an opportunity has appeared; just a few days ago, in order to delete a VKontakte page, you had to write a letter to technical support, or upload and distribute as much as possible some kind of creepy porn.

You are taken to the deletion page, which contains several templates with the help of which you will have to convey to the site administration the reason why you decided to leave mortal VKontakte. For each reason, the best copywriters on the planet have prepared texts, outbursts of laughter from reading which should prevent the user standing on the edge of deleting the page from deleting his account.

But no matter how it is, we click “Delete page” without forgetting to check the “Tell friends” checkbox. What could be better for a social network than viral dissemination of information about deleting users? Hm.

In the news of all the friends of the deleted person, the message “So-and-so has deleted the page with the message” and the text of the message appears. A controversial decision, suddenly in a final message to nowhere a person decided to pour out all the accumulated grievances and experiences and personal information like credit card numbers? If you don’t know that all my tens of thousands of friends will see the farewell text, you can make a big mistake (the fact that most VKontakte users don’t know this word won’t stop them from doing it). Again, great opportunities for spam.

After “deleting” a page, it can also be easily restored. There is no question of any grace period (for example, after “deleting” a LiveJournal, at least another 30 days must pass, only then will the LiveJournal be completely deleted without the possibility of recovery; FB has a similar mechanism), so it’s strange that “deletion” account is called "deletion" and not "deactivation" or "temporary fatigue".

PS: our editorial office received a secret mockup of a new update of the VKontakte application for iPhones. You can make sure that the developers have optimized as much as possible screen space for iOS 5 and brought the most important tabs to the screen:

Viva la Vkontakton! (otherwise what would we write about?)

Each user of the VKontakte website has the right to delete his page, but he can do this different ways. There are also alternatives that allow you to avoid deleting your account. .

Why delete your VK account?

You can erase a page in order to untie your phone from it. This is necessary if there is a need to create a new account for a busy number.

You can also delete your account for other personal reasons. It doesn’t matter what kind, since no one will ask why you decided to get rid of the page.

How to erase a page

The easiest way to delete an account is through the page settings. This option is only available on the desktop version of the site. That is, through official application You won't be able to use it on IOS or Android. But you can also delete an account from a mobile device: you need to log into your page through a browser, not an application. To perform deletion in the browser version of the site on your computer, phone or tablet, just follow these steps:

Video: deleting and restoring a page

Removal via technical support

This additional method removal, which should only be used if the above method does not work in your case. To delete a page, you can contact technical support site ( https://vk.com/support?act=new), detailing the reason why you cannot delete the page in the standard way.

Send a request to delete a page to technical support

The disadvantage of this option is that the response from support may take several days. However, it is not a fact that support will immediately agree to delete your account; you may be required to provide additional data or actions to verify your identity.

How to speed up the process

As mentioned above, after deleting your account, you will have the opportunity to restore it within six months. But the process can be speeded up at any time if you register to the number for which you registered deleted page, new account. In this case old page will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to restore it.

Cleaning the VKontakte page

There is an alternative to deletion - you can clear all data on the page. You will have to do this manually, deleting all photos, videos, music and other files individually. But there is even more safe way- hide the visibility of all elements of your page. Using this method, you can make photos, videos, music and other files invisible for all friends, subscribers or only certain users.

Using this method with privacy settings, you will save your page and all the data on it.

You will also be interested in material on how to hide VKontakte friends via a computer or mobile devices: .

Deleting a public page

To delete a group, public or public page, you need to do the following:

Situations when getting rid of a page on VK can be difficult

If you have another situation in which you cannot delete a page through your account settings or create a new one account to the old number, then contact support, describing in detail why all the above methods do not suit you.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog!

Most of us, young and old, spend a lot of time, sometimes even too much, on social networks. Networks, of course, bring certain benefits to people. With their help, you can find friends and acquaintances from childhood and youth, communicate with them, being many, many thousands of kilometers away from each other.

They make it easier to find a job, help you meet people and even find your “soul mates.” Social networks are filled with a huge amount of different information, from which each user can choose something interesting for themselves and discuss news with other users.

One of the most popular and most visited sites in the post-Soviet space is VKontakte, in which you can or page. Almost every third Russian-speaking user “lives” in it world wide web. But sometimes a person, for a variety of reasons, has a desire or need to delete his page from a social network.

Someone decided that real friends, family and hobbies deserve more attention than sitting in front of a computer screen. And some not very decent people have hacked a page and are actively sending spam from it.

In this article I want to answer those who want to know how to delete a VKontakte page forever without recovery.

From virtual life to real life

At one point, you start to wonder if it's too much time. virtual life takes away from your real life?

To solve this issue, you can simply forget about the existence of VKontakte and never appear there again. But at the same time, there is a high probability that your abandoned page will be hacked and used to send spam. And this, believe me, is not very pleasant when your friends, and other network users, receive information of dubious content as if from you. Therefore, I think that it is better to temporarily or permanently, at your request, delete your page from the network.

If you want to interrupt communication only for a certain period, then in the settings in the “Privacy” section you just need to set the parameters under which either only you will see all the information on the page, or no one will see it at all.

To retire for good, in the first years of existence In contact with users had to resort to various tricks. The reluctance to kindly let go of users was apparently due to the need to keep as many visitors on the network as possible. By changing personal data, deleting all photos, videos and audio recordings, erasing messages and notes on the “wall”, the user turned the profile into uninhabited. Because of this, after some time, the moderators deleted it.

Now you can leave the network very simply and without much difficulty.

Open the “General” tab on your page in the “Settings” section.

At the very bottom of the page, find the inscription “You can delete your page.”

Click it and you will be taken to a page where you are asked to indicate the reason for deletion. You can choose from the options offered or write your reason for refusing to use the social network in the future. You also retain the right to leave, as they say “in English,” without saying goodbye to your friends, or you can tell them that you are leaving them on this social network. To do this, either leave or uncheck the “Tell Friends” checkbox.

After you say goodbye to the site and click the “Delete Page” button, a window will appear with a message that, if necessary, you can restore the page until a certain period (currently this is given about 7 months).

So, if you change your mind and decide to resume communication on VKontakte, the site administration will wait for your final decision for several months.

How to delete a VKontakte page forever without recovery

Well, if you have a terrible desire for your page to disappear without a trace and as quickly as possible, there is a not very decent, but effective way. Having changed all personal data, deleting all friends and absolutely all information from your page, turning off all notifications that came to mailing address, you can start actively sending spam and doing all sorts of other outrages, which I will not describe here.

Additionally, you can change your password and buy a SIM card, which you won’t mind throwing away after all these procedures, and link your profile to a new phone number. For all this, punishment from the site administration will not take long. The page will be deleted once and for all without the right to be restored.

Until the next articles, friends! In the meantime, I advise you to read interesting material on the topic: “”. Good luck with your difficult choice of whether to stay online or not! And more joy in real life!

Best regards, Maxim

Many people are already tired of social media. networks and want to delete an account, for example on VKontakte, how to delete a VKontakte page forever without recovery



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