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Deleting a VKontakte account. How to delete a page in a contact? How to delete an old, forgotten contact page from your phone forever? How to restore a deleted page in a contact? Deleting an account

Deleting a VKontakte page may not be as simple as it might seem, and not only because of the introduction of a new design. Basically, all social networks will actively attract you to activity on their site, because our time spent on their platforms is their money. Deleting accounts, not counting bots and malicious violators, is not one of their primary tasks. Therefore, deleting a personal page on VKontakte has been a difficult issue for quite a long time. Over time, the process became easier. With the transition to the new design, the deletion algorithm became as unified as possible for mobile devices and for the computer. Deleting a page is now done in a few clicks, and access to this function has become more intuitive, although somewhat different from the old one. This article concerns primarily those users who do not use special applications for VKontakte, since the user interface in this case will depend on the specific application and its version, up to the absence of a deletion option as such. In case there is “no time to explain,” the fastest and simplest method will go first. In other cases, it is better to manually go through the “settings” and clear the account information.

In the hover menu, you will see a Trash option. Please note that the file is simply moved to the trash and is not actually deleted. You can go into the trash folder to recover the page if you accidentally deleted the page. To get to the Trash, go to the "Pages" or "Posts" section, depending on what you want to delete. At the top of the page there is a horizontal menu that allows you to filter the page for viewing: “All pages”, “ Public pages", "Draft Pages" or "Trash".

Step-by-step instructions for deleting a VKontakte page for a computer browser

This will restore the page to its previous state - either in the publication or in the project. You can also check the box in front of multiple pages and use the Bulk Action drop-down box to restore or permanently delete multiple pages at once.

The easiest way to delete a VKontakte page

In order to delete your VK page the most in a fast way, you can just follow the link right now http://vk.com/settings?act=deactivate and follow the instructions on the screen. By default, deleting a VKontakte page is always divided into two stages. The first one we can influence is to delete the VKontakte page with the possibility of recovery. ABOUT permanent deletion account read below.

Additionally, you can “Empty Trash” to delete all pages in the Trash at once. Here are some things you need to know before you begin this process. Decide whether you want to remove the caller or cancel the caller. . When you delete an entire list, you delete signed, unfollowed, unfollowed, and purged contacts, as well as list options, signup forms, and list reports. Deleted data cannot be recovered.

Remove all contacts from the list

To delete the entire list, follow these steps: The Remove All Contacts option removes subscribed, unsubscribed, unfollowed, and purged addresses from your list. This process does not delete report data or your registration forms. To clear contacts from your list, follow these steps:

Step-by-step instructions for deleting a VKontakte page for a computer browser

Step-by-step instructions on how to delete a VKontakte page from your phone

How to delete a VKontakte page forever

As noted above, the described actions do not permanently delete your page, but only deactivate it. This is clear even from the link address itself. Deleting a page this way only starts the deletion process. Within seven months from the moment the page was “deleted”, you can restore it by logging into the VK website with the appropriate login and password. In this case, you will be sent to a page where there will be a link to “restore your page.” By following this link you can reactivate your account. If re-activation does not follow within the specified period, the account will be deleted forever.

Removing one or more subscribers

When you need to delete multiple subscribers, decide whether you want to delete them yourself or unsubscribe. Deleted subscribers may be added back to your list, so if you need to make sure a subscriber isn't accidentally added, unsubscribe them.

Deleted subscribers and associated statistics will be removed from your list. After deleting a subscriber, we will notify you of a success message to let you know the action was completed. To remove one or more subscribers from your list, follow these steps:

But just keep in mind...

...That all dialogues, likes and other traces of your activity on the VK website will remain in their places. There will be no active account in the database, however, traces of it will remain. Including the phone number associated with this account. If you intend to use the number to create a new VK account, it is better to unlink the number from it before deleting the old one.

Removing a subscriber from a profile

Each time you remove a subscriber from your list, their profile and associated statistics will be deleted from your list and cannot be restored. You can only delete subscribers that you manually canceled or that have an email subscription status.

Terminating Your Primary Membership

To remove one subscriber at a time, follow these steps: However, your membership will continue so you won't lose all your contacts and other information. Premium membership termination is not click-based. To do this, go to the “Help and Contact” section. Here's the Contact Us option. There you can cancel your membership under the topic “termination of premium membership”. Please note that you have ended your premium membership as a subscription for a specific period of time. Termination is possible up to three weeks before the end of this period.

If you are afraid that someone may abuse the data published from your account, you can change your real Last Name, First Name and Patronymic name to fictitious ones before deleting it. It would also be useful to spend some time deleting dialogues, reposts, clearing walls, deleting friends and similar matters manually.

This happens to your contributions and data.

Only Premium Membership ends with email termination. To completely delete your profile, your base profile must also be completed. To remove these messages, you can contact the group moderator and ask him to delete your messages. However, the information provided in your profile may take some time to appear in search engines. To remove them, you must contact the owner of the relevant page. This does not mean the account is closed forever.

Just because your account is deleted doesn't mean it can't be abused. As long as you can activate it, it can also be hacked.

P.S. for mobile device users:

Removing even official application VK in your Android, Mac and even Windows 10 does not mean deleting the account itself! To be on the safe side, carry out all the necessary actions through your browser, and then, after checking access to your account through the application, you can delete it.
If available to you old version VKontakte, you can watch a video on how to delete a VK page.

Deleting personal information

To delete your personal information

In the next window, click "Manage". You are now automatically redirected to your account settings. Scroll down and click Change Address Email. Robb Lewis is particularly proud of the online visitor. Including a visitor from Cupertino, California. Because that's what Lewis offers: a collection of links for deleting pages. He wants to make it easier for users to find deleted pages, Lewis says. The user can directly access the deletion page.

VKontakte: how to delete, how to restore, how to return a page after hacking.

  • With the advent social networks the life of almost every citizen has become public
  • Even if you very modestly position yourself on social networks, this does not mean that someone from your friends will not post a photo from a common weekend, a neighbor will not post a photo of you running for bread in the morning in a robe, and so on.
  • You can only remove such photos from the Internet through the court, but you can hide your life from a crowd of onlookers even more in a simple way-deleting a page on a social network
Deleting the VK page

We are all different, and our actions in life are different, as are the backgrounds that lead to these actions. Everyone is deleted from VKontakte in different ways, just like in life.

Once you click the confirm button, the account will be deleted. At best, the user is asked to rethink the solution - or at least provide a reason for the solution. The profile is then deleted. Other manufacturers have made Lewis much heavier. Lewis therefore links to a forum contribution in which users discuss the best way to delete their account. This is where the user is removed from the database.

In such cases, Lewis marked the links in red. There is no direct delete button, the user has no choice but to contact a service employee. But this is even worse: with some online portals, it is impossible to completely delete your user data. These entries are marked in black. Cause: The user's contribution could not be allocated correctly.

Someone loudly slams the door, writes emotional statuses and returns after a while, someone, quietly closing the door behind them, never appears again.

Causes? There may be thousands of them. For example, we are not all eternal. And VKontakte users are no exception. Relatives of the deceased quite often decide to delete the page in order to eradicate unnecessary conversations and so on.

Lewis said he himself had spoken "with some customer service people at some companies." Lewis wants to check the press secretary's details. What happens to your social media and email profiles after you die? Then relatives must monitor the estate - including user profiles on different platforms. However, the most deceased leave access data for their social networks.

It is very difficult for survivors if they do not know the login. Death reporting is relatively clear. There is a “Special Request to Register a Deceased Person” form. If you are unsure, the account can be temporarily put into memory state. This has the advantage that access to the profile is guaranteed - including content. So if you want to create backup copy data such as texts, videos or images is possible. Of course, this is not possible if the account is deleted directly. There is still the option to delete your account later.

Unexpectedly for everyone, young people who decide to radically change their lives are no exception. And how to delete hundreds of friends, thousands of posts and photos is easier to brush away your old life with one movement and go on a new path of life.


By the way, there is no way to get login information. Also not if it's a family member. The memorial profile posting feature gives friends, acquaintances, relatives and other mourners the opportunity to leave a message on the deceased's wall. The account is available to a limited extent only and offers the following features.

If you decide to delete, you should be aware that all data will be deleted. Status messages. . How long the processing takes depends on current use employees. There is a separate guide in the assistance area to assist relatives with their application. Legalized family members can request removal relatively easily. There aren't many hints on the help side either. The company provides a link to the online platform, which leads to the corresponding form. The account is set to invisible.

People began to leave and then return so often that VKontakte marketers even developed a scheme according to which everyone who left could be classified into one category or another.

  • I'm bored here. These are divided into two more subtypes: passive and dreamers. Passive, added as friends to colleagues and classmates. For the first week we actively looked at their photos and walls, and then we got bored... But any social network is a way of communication. You can communicate, brag about your achievements, read news, books, watch movies, listen to music, and so on. After registration, dreamers add a couple of friends, post a number of photos, interesting (from their point of view, because we are all different) posts and wait for fans and subscribers. Which do not exist and will not exist, because if you are not a master of a unique craft, not an actor or politician, then where will people come to your page from? Social network powerful tool in the hands of marketers, if you want to develop, learn, or pay specialists
  • Bloody KGB and its fans. A million horror stories about VKontakte and FSB surveillance. Only one question arises: what are you comrades writing on your pages, and who are you communicating with, that you are afraid of the FSB coming to your homes? And you really firmly believe that this requires a page from social networks. One unsubscribe on a forum, social network, website is enough and people will come to your home, and they don’t need your page, they just need an IP address. This is how the great theory of narrow-minded people collapses
  • Goodbye pathetic parody, long live the great Facebook. And they go, but not for long. After all, it has a different interface, which in many ways is not very clear to our average person; friends mostly post official news, articles on work, and just a bit of humor in it. If they find friends there at all...they get bored there a little, and then go back to their native land
  • I want no one to know it, I want to hide, they can jinx me and other panic attacks do occur. Hundreds of people. If this is not imposed by religion, and your friends do not support you... delete the page, of course, but you yourself understand that this will not solve the problem? Your neighbors at work and at home already know about you, you can be “jinxed” (although we personally treat this as a concept with skepticism) even at a trolleybus stop, but you can only hide on a desert island. Pay attention to the beginning of the article
  • Contactomania as a serious disorder. But here, in addition to deleting the page as in the previous case, a psychologist is needed. In order to understand the causes and help with treatment. Otherwise, you will quickly switch from contact addiction to gambling addiction, alcoholism, or something else. In general, beware

Save or delete VKontakte page

Before deleting a page, remember - first of all, VKontakte, like any social network, is a way of communicating with your friends, colleagues, relatives, and even those closest to you.

How do providers deal with email accounts in the event of death?

Heirs can also access them, but they can only remove them when they file a death certificate. Therefore, it is important to contact your email provider and clarify what documents are required. The so-called account inactivity manager is activated when the user has not been active for a certain time. Users can choose between three, six, nine or twelve months. Account information is then transmitted.

Page management is a personal matter for everyone. Some people post thousands of photos, others don’t have a single one of their own. Some people post their work, while others only communicate in private messages.

Is it possible to restore a deleted page in a contact?

In case there was an impulse and the page was deleted. Time passed, and they began to regret it, do not despair, the page can be restored.

Video: How to delete all posts from a VKontakte page?

Accounts have the option to name the real estate contact. This is the person who takes care of the account after death. A property contact can become active while the account is in a stored state. He can publish his contribution to the profile and publish, for example, an obituary. Or also let us know when funerals and memorial services are being held. The real estate contact can also respond to new incoming requests from friends, as well as update the profile and title.

If less than 7 months have passed, we begin to restore our home page. If more than 7 months have passed, unfortunately, you can only register a new one.

It's simple:

  • Follow the link https://vk.com/ VKontakte
  • Enter your username and password
  • Enter captcha code
  • A page will be displayed with information that your page has been deleted, and below “Restore your page”. Click on the link
  • Click "Restore Page"
  • Ready! Next time you don’t have to delete it, you can just exit the social network and not log in for a while

Video: How to restore a deleted VKontakte page?

Anyone who does not take care of their profile after their death can immediately request that his/her real estate contact delete the account upon death. There are also settings that, in turn, cannot be controlled.

  • Sign in to your account.
  • Reading messages.
  • Remove friends.
  • Deleting or changing contributions.
If you wish to create a real estate contact, you must be at least 18 years of age. Apart from this there are no restrictions that need to be taken into account.

Conclusion: How to handle your digital fortune to death

It is therefore also inevitable to deal with this fact at an early stage and regulate its online real estate. Nowadays, this also includes social profiles created over time. Anyone who wants to make life easier for survivors will ensure that a trusted person has access to the most important online profiles in the event of death. Working with digital heritage is still new to many, but all the more important. You must securely store or store access data for your social media profiles.

How to delete a page in contact with recovery?

Before deleting a page, we advise you to think it over several times. Did our mothers and fathers turn off the landline telephone number in their apartment twenty years ago because of a quarrel with someone? Have you ever refused to communicate with the outside world for the sake of anyone? We think not.

But if the desire is unshakable, just follow the link http://vk.com/settings?act=deactivate

How to recover a deleted VKontakte page

In addition, you should also directly define what should happen with the profiles so that everything can be adjusted to your liking. If you address this important issue early on, you will make it much easier for your family to cope with the loss and resolve the issues as you envisioned.

Your opinion on the topic is in demand. Learn how to set up and manage your contacts. For example, change what appears in the Contacts app, delete contacts, etc. For example, a business or school directory, you can also customize this accordingly.

And indicate the reason why you are leaving.

Video: How to delete a VKontakte page? And how to restore it

How to completely delete a page in a contact forever?

So, you have thought about everything many, many times, and yet your future life will be without VKontakte. Then you can delete your page forever.

  • Login to your account
  • Setup menu
  • General Tab
  • Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete your page”
  • Think a little more and finally confirm your action. Do you want to slam the “door” loudly? Click "Tell Friends"

Video: Delete VKontakte page FOREVER?!

The page is frozen, there is no desire to unfreeze it, but “it’s an eyesore” and something needs to be done with it. Especially if it is signed with your real name or business name.

It’s simple, you need to write to the support service and add identification documents to your request.

How to delete a hacked page in contact?

As soon as you discover that your page has been hacked, do not immediately panic and try to delete it. Yes, at some stage you neglected your safety and fell for the bait of burglars. But first, go to the link https://vk.com/restore and try to restore access.

Video: What to do if your VK page is hacked!!!

If your attempts are unsuccessful, then it’s time to write to the VKontakte support service https://vk.com/support?act=new&from=h&id=2519

How to delete a page in contact from android?

Users mobile versions They may panic - how can I delete it if there is no computer nearby? And it won't be anytime soon. Just as easy as in the browser.

How to delete a page in a contact through the application:

  • Log in to your VKontakte
  • Click the Settings menu
  • Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete your page”

Video: How to delete a page in contact from android?

How to delete a page in contact from an iPhone?

Just as simple as in the case of Android. More details in the video below.

Video: How to delete a contact page from an iPhone?

If you are interested in how to restore access, then information about this is above. It also describes in detail how to view friends, photos and other information on your page if you do not intend to restore it.

There is such online service https://archive.org/ containing a huge archive of data from the Internet. And this service has a “Wayback machine” button, by clicking on which and inserting a link to your deleted page, you will find yourself in the past, without restoring access.

How to delete a contact page via phone: tips and reviews

Kira: a monstrous incident happened in our family, after which my life changed forever. The attacks from strangers, writings and even threats did not stop, and I decided to delete my page. Thanks to the simple instructions, I did it in 2 minutes.

Igor: I had a turbulent childhood and an equally turbulent youth. I studied, started to make a career and tried to get a job in a company in Canada. I was refused, but the employee rose to the occasion and added from her personal account “with such social networks you will never be accepted anywhere.” I immediately deleted everything, but over time I got bored (already at new job) restored access but changed his first and last name, and also deleted all his photos.

Video: How to delete all posts from a VKontakte page?



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