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Drive, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox - which cloud is better? Yandex.Disk or Google Drive. Which service is better? Comparison of Yandex disk and Google

Where do you usually store the necessary information that you may need access to at any time? Most likely on the traditional one. This is what all users did until recently. But now there are wonderful online services that offer to host any files on their servers. Today’s article will talk about two giants in this area: Yandex.Disk and Google.Disk. Both services allow you not only to place valuable information on their servers, but also provide an excellent opportunity to open access to view certain files to a specific group of people. Using the resources is not difficult at all.

Yandex.Disk service

The service immediately after its launch attracted the attention of the general public. Free 3 GB of memory that can be filled at your discretion, a user-friendly interface and a Russian menu have brought Yandex Disk to a leading position among its online counterparts. This resource is currently in the testing stage, so you can only try out its functionality by invitation. The company's management promises that this inconvenience will soon disappear. The application will create a folder of the same name into which you need to copy all the necessary files. They will be duplicated on the service. Any file can be made available for viewing by other users. To do this, you will need to give them a link to located in Yandex.Disk.

So, immediately after going to the Yandex.Disk website, a window opens in which the system prompts you to enter the address in order to receive a special invitation that makes it possible to use the service. You need to enter the data and click on the “Leave a request” button.

If everything is done correctly, a window will appear confirming that the application has been accepted.

The invitation arrives quickly, literally in 20-30 minutes. We look into the mailbox, open the letter and follow the link, which makes it possible to become a user of the service.

It will immediately offer to expand the standard memory capacity of 3 GB. By following simple steps, you can significantly increase this parameter. Although, if there is no need for large volumes, you can do nothing.

Menu clear and completely uncomplicated. On the left is information about the created folders, and at the top of the window there are menu buttons. The “Upload” button is needed in order to upload files from your computer to the service. The “Download” button is used to transfer files from the service to your computer. The “Delete” button eliminates unnecessary files. Well, the “Create Folder” function does not need explanation.

To select a file, you need to click on its name. Immediately after this, additional information will appear below.

Now you should click on the inscription “Personal file”. Instead, “Public” will appear, and a link will be written below, following which other users will be able to view selected file.

That’s all the complexity of this service; the rest can be easily figured out on your own.

Google Drive service

The Google.Disk service, unlike Yandex.Disk, does not require applications to receive invitations. Anyone who has one can use it. It provides 5 GB of memory for free, but this parameter is increased for an additional fee. The service is integrated with Google Docs. Therefore, by installing the application on your computer, you can find previously viewed documents there.

To get started use Google Drive, you need to install special software. To do this, on the service website, click on the “Install Google Drive for PC” button.

If everything went well, a window should appear:

Enter Google Drive personal account possible after authorization.

The system will then ask you to enter your phone number. But this is not at all necessary.

After this, your personal account opens.

Managing files is easy. If you select any of them, a menu will pop up at the top of the window.

The symbols on the menu buttons are intuitive. In addition, by hovering the cursor over them, you can read short information about their purpose. The first icon allows you to share the file, the second - organize, the third - delete, the fourth - view the file.

Comparative review of Google.Disk and Yandex.Disk

Yandex.Disk and Google.Disk are becoming increasingly popular. These services are built into ecosystems of services, which gives them stability and inspires user trust. They provide the ability to synchronize data from a phone, computer, tablet, through which you can establish an Internet connection. Convenient and intuitive interface, accessible menu allows you to master working with services even the most inexperienced users.

Both resources have released special applications for working with Android, Windows and Mac. Yandex has taken a more ambitious approach to platform issues. Therefore, unlike Google.Disk, it offers additional applications for Linux and iOS.

If we compare free memory, Yandex.Disk is clearly the leader. It provides 10 GB in return for simple user actions. And Google Drive gives only 5 GB. But the paid volume can reach 100 GB. Yandex.Disk does not provide such an option.

Google.Disk and Yandex.Disk are an excellent alternative to standard flash drives. They offer the ability to organize and access the files you need at any time. Both services are functional and reliable. Choose any one and enjoy all the delights of virtual file storage!

Cloud services are very convenient for storing and managing data. They are loaded with files that can be used to work directly on the Internet; if desired, they can be downloaded or transferred to another user by providing a download link.

Using these services is free. Some of the most popular cloud services are Google Drive, Yandex Drive - how to connect and use, instructions explaining these operations in detail will be given below.

Getting the cloud, connecting to Google Drive and Yandex.Disk.

If you want to receive a cloud on mail services - Yandex, Gmail, just open the mail you use and indicate your desire to receive a cloud. It is provided without delay and there is no need to even register. If your mail is on Yandex, you will be able to use 10 GB on Yandex.Disk. To get it, open the website yandex.ru, go to your mail and open the “Disk” tab located at the top.

After a greeting from the service, you will receive an offer to download a program that will ensure ease of use of Yandex.Disk. Before downloading it, try working with the cloud without the program. You can then upload the files you need to it, sort and delete them if necessary. Each next time to use the service, you will need to do these simple operations again: open yandex.ru, then mail and tab. If you want to access the cloud from a computer without using the yandex.ru website, you can use the appropriate Disk for Windows program, having previously installed and configured it.

Google Drive is linked to gmail.com. It will give you 15 GB for free use. To use it, you should go to your mailbox located on gmail.com. A little above your name you will see a picture on the right side with small squares on it. After clicking on it, click on the inscription "Disk". Sometimes after these operations the system asks several questions, after answering which you will receive a personal cloud on which there is already a folder and files. They can be left or deleted. The disk can be used either via mail or using a special program directly from a PC.

The same is true for the Mail.ru cloud, on which 100 GB will be provided for your use for free. After logging into mail.ru. You should open your mailbox and use the "Cloud" button. The service will already contain several sample files. To use the cloud from your computer, you just need to download the appropriate application, the shortcut of which can be placed on a convenient place on your desktop.

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Cloud storage of information is increasingly becoming part of our lives.
Cloud information storage is also called cloud services. These are special Internet servers that provide users with disk space to store their files on the Internet. Cloud services are incredibly convenient and popular, since such storage is accessible from any computer equipment connected to the Internet. Moreover, the same file can be accessed by several Internet users located in different parts of the world. What can I say, cloud services “rule” - this is “gout”, “OK!” and simply - “good.” And that’s why they (cloud services) are gaining momentum and breaking all records for popularity among the population...

Fundamentally, working with a cloud file-sharing service is very similar to working with a regular file-sharing service, only with much greater capabilities. If a regular file hosting service only provides for downloading, uploading and deleting files, then in cloud storage a full range of file work is possible - editing, renaming and all other actions that computer technology only allows.

How the cloud service works

Let's assume the user has several computers. For example, many users have a standard set of three computers - two desktop workstations (at home and at work) and a smartphone. Some go even further and additionally acquire a laptop. Everyone knows how hard it is to work in such conditions.
So, a cloud service for storing and synchronizing files allows you to create a special folder on each of the connected computers, the contents of which will be absolutely identical on all connected devices. That is, if the user puts a file in such a folder, then it will be immediately uploaded to the cloud Internet storage, and from there - to all the user’s computers. Thus, by placing a file in a folder on one computer, you immediately get access to this file on all your other computers, provided they are connected to the Internet.

Free cloud services

Free, cloud services can be called very conditionally and only because each of them has a small free disk space provided to a novice user. Free disk space is, so to speak, a trial version option (for acquaintance, for starters, for starters). To means to attract and intrigue the user. After this, as a rule, the user begins to be persuaded and persuaded to “buy additional disk space.” If the user really likes the work of the cloud service and the user wants to have more drive and more disk space, then naturally it will cost money. Even if not “for very big money”, but still “for money”.

Free disk space

Almost every cloud service (cloud) provides free disk space to get acquainted with its work. On average, this is approximately from 2 to 15 GB. It seems like a trifle, because we have long been accustomed to measuring all computer disks and their volumes in terabytes. But, on the other hand, almost 10 GB of disk is quite a lot. If you store only the most necessary and useful information, and don’t shove everything into your cloud, then 10 GB is a very decent amount.

Moreover, note that for any user this supposedly introductory volume is provided completely free of charge and for a completely unlimited period of time, so to speak - for life. And this is already something! This already is, absolutely and unconditionally - “PERFECT” and “FREE”. Let's start from this moment.

Yandex Drive, Google Drive or Dropbox?

Let's look at the work of three free disk spaces of cloud services for storing user files -, and. At the moment, these are the most popular cloud file storages in RuNet that are available to the Russian-speaking user and which can provide him free disk space. All three services offer approximately the same range of services. The only difference is in the principle of how the server works to synchronize files, and also in the amount of free disk space provided. My files are stored in all three clouds, so I can compare and analyze their performance.

Yandex-Disk An unpretentious cloud service adapted for the daily operational needs of the Russian-speaking population. Free disk space = 10 GB. Of the obvious advantages of the Yandex Disk service, this is a very good one. It is undemanding in terms of the consistency and quality of the network connection (Russian program!), supports reinstallation and rollback of the operating system, supports simultaneous installation and operation of several on a computer, excellent support for sleep mode and . Registration on Yandex-Disk is not necessary - 10 GB of disk space is automatically issued to all Yandex-Mail users and is located under the “Disk” button in any Yandex-Mail mailbox. Details in the article "" Dropbox Free 2 GB disk space. Among the advantages of the service - it is undemanding in terms of the consistency and quality of the network connection, supports reinstallation and rollback of the operating system, supports the simultaneous installation and operation of several operating systems on a computer, supports sleep mode and hibernation. The specificity of the Dropbox cloud service is the absence of a recycle bin for deleted files and, accordingly, the lack of the ability to empty this very recycle bin. As a result, all deleted and renamed files are repeatedly duplicated in the synchronization folders and remain in their places. Details in the article "" Google Drive (Google Drive) Free disk space 15 GB. The service is simple and reliable, like the imperial fleet! Ideal for long-term storage of user information. Works great via browser. The service's client program is simple and convenient, but extremely demanding on the consistency and quality of the network connection. It is very reluctant to support reinstallation and rollback of the operating system and does not at all support the simultaneous installation and operation of several operating systems on a computer. Registration on Google Drive is not necessary - 15 GB of disk space is automatically issued to each Google Mail user and is located under the “Manage” button in any Google Mail mailbox. Details in the article ""

How to work with cloud services

This article superficially examined the main features of the operation of three free Russian-language clouds - cloud services for storing and synchronizing user data in online storage.

Having very similar functionality, all three services are “tailored” for different user tasks. Therefore, it is very difficult to compare them and, most likely, it will not work. One is more suitable for operational daily work, and the other is for long-term storage of user information.

However, there are general principles for working with absolutely all cloud virtual services for storing user data and synchronizing them. All simple rules boil down to the user’s understanding of computer problems and a gentle mode of working with his “computer”:

  1. If installed, then you need to give it time to scan and synchronize files when you start your computer. The more files, the longer the scan. How else?
  2. When adding files to sync, you need to give your computer time to complete the full synchronization of files and folders.
  3. Never download anything from the Internet directly to the synchronization folder. You need to separate these two processes - first download, and only then move it to the folder for synchronization. After all, when you download a file from the outside, its volume changes all the time. The computer will go crazy synchronizing such a changing file.

Installation of the client program is not necessary at all

Client programs (client programs) are software that enables the user to interact with Internet services. Such client programs are available on many respected Internet projects, for example

Users and businesses will continue to move away from bulky and expensive servers and instead choose the cloud to store files. Given the variety of storage options available, you should choose carefully.

Lifehacker suggests paying attention to services that provide maximum free space with reliable data protection and high-quality service. Prices shown are for starter plans only.

  • Price: 2GB free, 1TB for $8.25 per month. The standard Dropbox Business subscription costs $12.50 per month per user.
  • Applications:
  • Russian language support: There is.

Initially, this cloud storage giant only gives you access to 2 GB of free space. But it can be easily expanded to 16 GB: just link accounts on social networks and offer a referral link to several friends.

A Dropbox Business subscription allows you to use your corporate account for collaboration, and also gives you unlimited space for your personal account. Moreover, you get a number of advanced features like file recovery and customization of access levels.

  • Price: 15 GB free, 100 GB for 139 rubles per month.
  • Applications: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android.
  • Russian language support: There is.

One of the most obvious options for owners of Android devices, since the application is natively installed on smartphones and tablets based on Google's OS. However, due to the considerable amount of free storage, the service may also be attractive to owners of other devices.

Among the disadvantages is that the interface of the browser version is not the simplest. But Windows and macOS users can download a much more convenient application.

3. Mega

  • Price: 50 GB free, 200 GB for 4.99 euros per month.
  • Applications:
  • Russian language support: There is.

Another service with a generous free plan and a drag-and-drop interface. Mega has a convenient mobile application for downloading files, as well as desktop clients for synchronizing them.

According to the company, all data is encrypted on your device before it ends up on the servers. The Mega client source code is available on GitHub and can be reviewed by any expert. Therefore, the statement inspires confidence.

  • Price: 10 GB free, another 10 GB for 30 rubles per month.
  • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, LG Smart TV.
  • Russian language support: There is.

The cloud from Yandex works quickly and stably, and is constantly acquiring new functions. The service has a high synchronization speed. The platform's capabilities are built into some third-party applications.

Despite the presence of clients for all popular desktop and mobile platforms, the Yandex.Disk browser interface is also very practical. The service also has very good opportunities to expand space through partnerships with companies. For example, if you are a Muscovite and use the OnLime tariff plan from Rostelecom, then the disk capacity increases by 100 GB.

  • Price: 5 GB free, 50 GB for 140 rubles per month, 1 TB for 269 or 339 rubles when you sign up for a personal or family subscription to Office 365, respectively.
  • Applications: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Xbox.
  • Russian language support: There is.

The former SkyDrive is built into standard Windows 10 File Explorer. There's no need to download an app - everything is already downloaded for you.

The operating system's built-in Photos app can use OneDrive to sync all your pictures between devices.

When installing a client for macOS, you should take into account not the most positive reviews about it.

In addition to the regular pricing plans, Microsoft has Office 365 Personal and Office 365 Home. Both subscriptions include 1 TB of cloud storage, full versions of Office apps for Windows and macOS, and a host of other benefits. The second option gives 1 TB to five users at once.

  • Price: 8 GB free, 64 GB for 69 rubles per month.
  • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone.
  • Russian language support: There is.

The closest analogue of Yandex.Disk in terms of available features, web version interface and supported platforms. Loses to its main competitor due to its extensive referral program. Among the advantages is a larger amount of free storage.

Among other things, the service has a tool for quickly creating and saving screenshots in the cloud.

  • Price: 5 GB free, 50 GB for 59 rubles per month.
  • Applications: Windows.
  • Russian language support: There is.

5GB of free space may not be enough, but iCloud is the most convenient way to back up your iPhone photos.

The service is integrated into the Finder program on macOS - the desktop of all MacBooks. Documents created through the iWork office suite are also saved in iCloud and can be synchronized between devices. The platform also has an official client for Windows, with which you can keep files on your PC up to date.


  • Price: 10 GB free, 100 GB for 8 euros per month. Business subscription costs 12 euros per month.
  • Applications: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android.
  • Russian language support: There is.

The platform quickly gained popularity and is supported by a number of popular work services, such as Google Docs and Office 365. Box desktop clients allow you to not only synchronize, but also edit files.

The company is actively promoting business subscriptions. It is the one that appears in the center of the screen when you click on the registration button. This plan gives you access to advanced collaboration features and unlimited cloud space.

  • Price: Free setup and use, space prices vary by hosting provider. Nextcloud Box costs 70 euros.
  • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.
  • Russian language support: No.

The company itself is not a cloud storage provider, but does offer free software for setting up the cloud on your own server. The main advantage of this option is speed. You can also enable encryption and not worry about files leaving your home network.

If you do not have experience in setting up servers, you can buy a pre-configured option - Nextcloud Box. Inside the device there is a 1 TB hard drive. It easily connects to an inexpensive single board computer. True, in order to get your hands on a mini-server, you will have to use the services of third-party companies: there is no direct delivery to Russia and the CIS countries.

  • Price: 2 GB free, 250 GB for $9 per month.
  • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.
  • Russian language support: No.

Another English-language platform that has long operated under a zero-knowledge protocol. It was implied that the company interacts with user data without disclosing its content in any way. Recently it turned out that there are some caveats here, and SpiderOak abandoned its main feature. But this did not stop us from striving to provide files.

The repository has clients for all popular desktop and mobile platforms. You can use the web client, but for privacy advocates this is the least preferred option since it exposes your password to SpiderOak employees.

  • Price: 5 GB free, 2 TB for $52.12 per year with special offer, then $69.5.
  • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone.
  • Russian language support: No.

The product supports constant synchronization of all your files - even those stored on network drives. The web interface allows you to share data by mail, Facebook and Twitter.

The advantage of IDrive is that files deleted from the computer from the cloud do not automatically disappear. The company also has a service called IDrive Express: if you lose all your data, they will deliver a hard drive to you for quick recovery.

  • Price: 10 GB free, 500 GB for $3.99 per month, pCloud Crypto encryption price: $3.99 per month.
  • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.
  • Russian language support: There is.

The service has restrictions on the speed of downloading files, but there is no limit on their size. The storage can be used from any platform - through an application or website.

The company is registered in Switzerland, a country known for its strict privacy laws. For an additional amount, you can use the pCloud Crypto service to encrypt individual files.

To store files on the Internet, it is most convenient to use cloud services. They allow you to free up space on your computer and work with documents and information remotely. Today, a considerable proportion of users prefer Yandex.Disk or Google Drive. But in some cases, one resource becomes better than another. Let's look at the main pros and cons, which together will determine the most suitable service for the job.

Which drive is better: Yandex or Google

Cloud storage is a virtual disk that allows you to access the necessary information from any mobile device and anywhere in the world.

Google may be more convenient and stable, but the Yandex.Disk version includes the ability to create photo albums.

Table: comparison of cloud storages from Yandex and Google

Options Google Drive Yandex.Disk
UsabilityExcellent user-friendly interface for both personal and corporate use.For personal use, the service is ideal and intuitive, but for corporate use it is not very convenient.
Available volumeInitial access includes 15 GB of free space. Expansion to 100 GB costs $2 per month, and up to 1 TB costs $10 per month.Only 10 GB of free space will be available for free. An increase in volume by 10 GB costs 30 rubles per month, by 100 - 80 rubles / month, by 1 TB - 200 rubles / month. You can permanently increase the volume due to promotional offers.
SynchronizationSynchronizes with available applications from Google, integration into some platforms is possibleSynchronizes with mail and calendar from Yandex, integration into some platforms is possible. To synchronize files on your computer and in the cloud, you need to install the application.
Mobile appFree, available on Android and iOS.
Additional functionsThere is a function for joint file editing, support for 40 formats, two languages ​​are available - Russian, English, a flexible system of file access settings, and the ability to edit documents offline.There is a built-in audio player, the ability to view and rate photos. There is a built-in application for processing screenshots and a built-in photo editor.

Of course, both programs are made extremely well and deserve the user’s attention. Each of them has both advantages and some disadvantages. Choose the one that seems more convenient and accessible to you.



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