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Geographic information systems (GIS). Development of geographic information systems Main functions of GIS

GIS (stands for “Geographical Information Systems”) are computer systems that make it possible to display data on a screen in electronic form. Images obtained through GIS belong to the new generation of maps.

Geography on the screen

In addition to geographic maps, such maps can be supplied with other data from the field of statistics, demography, etc. They allow different types of analytical operations that are not available for old paper media.

Technical support for electronic maps exists in the form of a huge number of analytics, editing tools, and extensive databases. When creating and using them, many modern tools are involved - from scanners to space satellites that take pictures of the earth's surface.

The information obtained with the help of new technologies is used not only by geographers, but also in business, construction, marketing, and public administration. Even housewives know what geographic information systems are. And they use electronic cards quite successfully!

GIS - definition and basic concepts

What exactly does this term mean? Geographic information systems (GIS) is the name of systems whose purpose is to collect, store and analyze spatial data, as well as their graphic visualization. GIS belongs to the new generation of computer technologies. The science that studies the applied and technical aspects of working with GIS is geoinformatics.

GIS is a successful combination of the ability to work with databases (queries, analytics) and the spatial visualization characteristic of maps. Data is stored in such a system in thematic layers tied to geographic location. GIS work with both raster and vector data, so any problem related to spatial information can be effectively solved with their help.

What makes them different

The characteristic features of a geographic information system include advanced analytics, work with huge amounts of information, and the availability of special tools for processing spatial data.

Their main advantages are user-friendliness (data in three-dimensional dimensions is the easiest to perceive), the ability to integrate information accumulated from various sources, and create a single array for collective use.

Then - automatic analysis of geospatial data and a report, the use of decoding of aerial and space photography, previously created diagrams and terrain plans, which increases the efficiency of application by an order of magnitude. Significant savings in time resources and the ability to create three-dimensional models of geographical objects.

Main tasks

GIS functions are a series of operations on:

  • data entry (digital maps are created automatically),
  • data management (all of them are stored with the possibility of subsequent processing and use),
  • their query and analysis by comparing multiple parameters,
  • visualization of received and processed data in the form of interactive maps.

Reports on each object can take the form of a graph, diagram or three-dimensional image.

GIS capabilities

With the help of a GIS system, it becomes possible to determine in a given territory the presence, quantity and relative location of all existing objects. In addition, it is used, for example, to analyze geospatial data characterizing population density, etc., and determine various changes over time.

With the help of GIS systems, it has become possible to simulate the expected situation regarding, for example, the addition of a new object - a road, a residential area, etc.

GIS - classification

There are several classifications of these systems. If we divide them according to the principle of territory coverage, then each GIS can be classified as global, subcontinental, national, regional, subregional, as well as local or local systems.

Based on the level of management, these systems consist of federal, regional, municipal and corporate.

They are also distinguished by functionality. GIS (the abbreviation is clear to a large number of users) can be either fully functional or specialized, designed to solve specific tasks - for example, viewing data, entering and processing it.

Depending on the subject area, GIS can be classified as cartographic, geological, environmental, and municipal or urban.

Integrated geographic information systems are those in which, in addition to standard functionality, it is possible to subject images to digital processing. Full-scale GIS reproduces data at any scale you choose. Spatiotemporal systems make it possible to operate with information in the past or future.

Where are GIS used?

GIS is a universal tool with a wide range of applications. Which one exactly?

  • A typical area of ​​their use is land management, compiling cadastres, calculating areas and setting boundaries of land plots. It was precisely to solve such problems that the first such systems were created.
  • Another area is the management of production infrastructure facilities, their accounting, planning, and inventory. Creation and placement of a network of objects for a specific purpose - shops, gas stations, etc.
  • Engineering surveys and planning in the field of architecture and construction, solving problems for the development of the territory and optimization of its infrastructure.
  • Creation of thematic maps.
  • Management of all types of transport - from land to water and air.

Other areas

Nature conservation activities, environmental activities, planning and management of natural resources, environmental monitoring, modeling of environmental processes.

Field of geology and mining. With the help of GIS, it has become possible to calculate mineral reserves based on exploratory drilling samples and modeling the structure of the deposit.

Further development

Since the 70s thanks to government support, experimental projects have appeared on the use of GIS in navigation and waste removal systems, transport traffic, etc.

Since the 80s a period of development on a commercial basis began. The market was filled with a lot of software, all kinds of applications appeared, the number of users who learned what GIS technologies are exceeded the number of professionals.

In the current period, which can be called a user period, thanks to high competition among manufacturers, it has become possible to create thematic consumer groups, hold teleconferences, and form a unified global geostructure.

About the prospects of GIS

A new stage of evolution in the development of GIS can be considered the emergence of geodesign, which is now required everywhere - from the field of land use and natural conservation to planning new infrastructure and construction projects, as well as when maintaining utility networks, etc.

The future belongs to GIS technologies containing the beginnings of artificial intelligence. Modern GIS are the latest computer developments based on the use of space and aerial photography, serving to implement global government programs.

Nowadays, GIS systems are developing at an unprecedented pace and are among the most interesting commercial solutions. In Russia today, about 200 different organizations are engaged in their development and implementation, which allows us to talk about competition with Western manufacturers. It is no longer a secret to anyone that new technologies hold enormous prospects based on the further development of computer information processing tools.

Geographic information system is a system for collecting, storing, analyzing and graphically visualizing spatial (geographic) data and related information about the necessary objects. It is also used in a narrower sense - as a tool (software product) that allows users to search, analyze and edit both a digital map of the area and additional information about objects.

"Geographic Information System" is a set of hardware and software tools and algorithmic procedures designed for collecting, entering, storing, mathematical and cartographic modeling and figurative representation of geospatial information.

Geospatial data" means information that identifies the geographical location and properties of natural or artificially created objects, as well as their boundaries on earth. This information can be obtained through (among other means) remote sensing, mapping and various types of surveying.

Geographic data contains four integrated components: location,

Properties and characteristics, spatial relationships, time.

GIS: geography, cartography, remote sensing, topography and photogrammetry, computer science, mathematics and statistics.

2. Areas of use of GIS.

GIS includes the capabilities of database management systems (DBMS), raster and vector graphics editors and analytical tools and is used in cartography, geology, meteorology, land management, ecology, municipal government, transport, economics, defense and many other areas.

3.GIS classification.

By functionality: - full-featured general-purpose GIS;

Specialized GIS, focused on solving a specific problem in any subject area;

Information and reference systems for home and information and reference use. The functionality of GIS is also determined by the architectural principle of its construction:

Closed systems do not have expansion capabilities; they are capable of performing only the set of functions that are clearly defined at the time of purchase; - open systems are distinguished by ease of adaptation and expansion capabilities, since they can be completed by the user himself using a special device (built-in programming languages).

According to spatial (territorial) coverage, GIS are divided into global (planetary), national, regional, local (including municipal).

By problem-thematic orientation - general geographic, environmental and environmental management, sectoral (water resources, forestry, geological, tourism, etc.).

According to the method of organizing geographic data - vector, raster, vector-raster GIS.

4. GIS structure.

Non-positional (attributive): descriptive.

Data (spatial data):

Positional (geographic): the location of an object on the earth's surface.

Hardware (PCs, networks, drives, scanners, plotters, etc.).

Software (software).

Technologies (methods, procedures, etc.).

The introduction of information systems into various spheres of human activity finds its place in the field of geodesy and related fields of research related to it and other terrestrial areas. Following a parallel course with the emergence and development of satellite geodesy, information systems provided technological, management, geological, meteorological, cartographic, transport, multi-branch opportunities for obtaining the necessary spatial information of a certain degree of accuracy.

Any geographic information system (GIS) is, in modern terms, first of all a project based on scientific and practical data with the aim of obtaining some final result on a given topic.

GIS is a kind of new form of georesearch based on the collection and processing of necessary data by methods of geodesy, applied mathematics and created computer applications.

The phrase “geographic information system” contains three fundamental words that reveal its essence.

The word “geo” is associated with all objects of exploration and research inside, near and on the earth’s surface.

The “information” component of the phrase is associated with methods of processing and converting the received information into the necessary digital graphic product.

The “system” is considered a connecting component that gives integrity to the entire picture of research and combines all its elements and parameters into a spatial form.

Geographic information systems can be considered as software tools that allow you to work with spatially related information, with a geoimage, but not with a simple image, but which is registered. The process of registration (snapping) involves certain actions to orient images in a specific way in a particular coordinate system. It is this opportunity that is considered the main feature of GIS, unlike other programs.

It also has special tools that allow you to turn an ordinary map into a real model of an existing surface. So at a certain moment the idea came to combine a map with information, that is, the map is not itself, but it has special attributes (descriptive characteristics) that are non-spatial. Correlating spatial information with non-spatial information, linking it into a single system and creating analysis tools led to the emergence of GIS structures. The combination of positional and non-positional information can be considered the main know-how of GIS constructions.

Structure of the geographic information system

The geoinformation structure consists of four components:

  • The first part involves the collection of data and materials from various primary sources of information; there are positional (with coordinate reference) and non-positional (descriptive, in attribute tables) primary sources;
  • The second part consists of sampling the necessary data and storing it on computer media;
  • The third part is technological, which serves to systematize, describe, compare, highlight, and most importantly analyze data in various ways;
  • The fourth part is the resulting one, with conclusions of the final results in the required forms in accordance with the technical specifications.

Opportunities that arise when working in GIS

In the process of working with geographic information systems, we can conclude that they allow you to give quick answers to many questions and make optimal decisions in various areas of human activity, namely:

  • What is in certain areas of the location?
  • Where is a specific object located?
  • Assess the dynamics of changes in time, space, volume, and so on;
  • what spatial structures exist?
  • Allows for modeling with specific technical design conditions (for example, a cartogram of earth masses)

The main functionality of GIS applications is as follows:

  • Registration of geoimages;
  • Creation of new geoimages (vectorization);
  • Creation of databases and their statistical processing;
  • Analysis and processing of spatial data (geoanalysis);
  • Analysis of non-spatial (attribute) data;
  • Visualization and mapping;
  • Data storage.

Types of geographic information construction

It is worth highlighting the possibility of classifying GIS according to different criteria:

  • By territorial basis (global, national, regional, territorial, local)
  • By thematic basis (geological, agricultural, forestry, meteorological, urban and others)
  • According to functional characteristics (multiscale, spatiotemporal)

Prospects for the development of geoinformation structures

Currently, the following are considered promising areas for the development of geoinformation order:

  • earth remote sensing data (everything we receive from space multispectral images of various ranges, radio data from artificial earth satellites);
  • global positioning (GPS technology) with GIS applications in the communication space;
  • Internet and geographic information systems (storing information online using cloud technology, search engines, other portals);
  • GIS television;
  • GIS2 (GIS that studies itself).

It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous, brief definition of this phenomenon. Geographic information system (GIS) is an opportunity for a new look at the world around us. Without generalizations and images, GIS is a modern computer technology for mapping and analyzing objects in the real world, as well as events occurring on our planet. This technology combines traditional database operations, such as query and statistical analysis, with the benefits of rich visualization and geographic (spatial) analysis that a map provides. These capabilities distinguish GIS from other information systems and provide unique opportunities for its use in a wide range of tasks related to the analysis and forecast of phenomena and events in the surrounding world, with understanding and highlighting the main factors and causes, as well as their possible consequences, with planning strategic decisions and the ongoing consequences of the actions taken.

Mapping and geographic analysis are not entirely new. However, GIS technology provides a new, more modern, more efficient, convenient and faster approach to analyzing problems and solving problems facing humanity in general, and a specific organization or group of people in particular. It automates the analysis and forecast procedure. Before the use of GIS, only a few possessed the art of summarizing and fully analyzing geographic information in order to make informed optimal decisions based on modern approaches and tools.

GIS is now a multi-million dollar industry involving hundreds of thousands of people around the world. GIS is taught in schools, colleges and universities. This technology is used in almost all spheres of human activity - be it in the analysis of such global problems as overpopulation, land pollution, reduction of forest land, natural disasters, or in solving specific problems, such as finding the best route between points, selecting the optimal location for a new office, searching houses at his address, laying a pipeline in the area, various municipal tasks.

Components of GIS

A working GIS has five key components: hardware, software, data, people, and methods.
Hardware. This is the computer running the GIS. Today, GIS operate on various types of computer platforms, from centralized servers to individual or networked desktop computers.

GIS software contains the functions and tools needed to store, analyze, and visualize geographic (spatial) information. The key components of software products are: tools for entering and manipulating geographic information; database management system (DBMS or DBMS); tools to support spatial queries, analysis and visualization (display); graphical user interface (GUI or GUI) for easy access to tools.

Data. This is probably the most important component of a GIS. Spatial location data (geographic data) and associated tabular data may be collected and produced by the user themselves, or purchased from suppliers on a commercial or other basis. In managing spatial data, a GIS integrates spatial data with other data types and sources, and can also use the DBMSs used by many organizations to organize and maintain the data they have.

Performers. Widespread use of GIS technology is impossible without people who work with software products and develop plans for using them to solve real problems. GIS users can be both technical specialists who develop and maintain the system, and ordinary employees (end users) to whom GIS helps solve current everyday affairs and problems.

Methods. The success and efficiency (including economic) of using GIS largely depends on a properly drawn up plan and work rules, which are drawn up in accordance with the specific tasks and work of each organization.

How does GIS work?

A GIS stores information about the real world as a set of thematic layers that are aggregated based on geographic location. This simple but very flexible approach has proven its value in solving a variety of real-world problems: tracking the movement of vehicles and materials, detailed mapping of real-life conditions and planned activities, and modeling global atmospheric circulation.

All geographic information contains information about spatial location, whether it is a reference to geographic or other coordinates, or references to an address, postal code, electoral or census district, land or forest identifier, road name, etc. When such links are used to automatically determine the location or locations of the feature(s), a procedure called geocoding is used. With its help, you can quickly determine and see on the map where the object or phenomenon you are interested in is located, such as the house where your friend lives or the organization you need is located, where an earthquake or flood occurred, which route is easier and faster to get to the point you need or at home.

Vector and raster models. GIS can work with two significantly different types of data - vector and raster. In a vector model, information about points, lines, and polygons is encoded and stored as a set of X,Y coordinates. The location of a point (point object), for example a borehole, is described by a pair of coordinates (X,Y). Linear features such as roads, rivers, or pipelines are stored as sets of X,Y coordinates. Polygon features, such as river watersheds, land parcels, or service areas, are stored as a closed set of coordinates. The vector model is particularly useful for describing discrete objects and is less suitable for describing continuously changing properties such as soil types or object accessibility. The raster model is optimal for working with continuous properties. A raster image is a set of values ​​for individual elementary components (cells), it is similar to a scanned map or picture. Both models have their advantages and disadvantages. Modern GIS can work with both vector and raster models.

Problems that GIS solves. A general purpose GIS typically performs five data activities (tasks), among other things: input, manipulation, management, query and analysis, and visualization.

Enter. To be used in a GIS, data must be converted into a suitable digital format. The process of converting data from paper maps into computer files is called digitization. In modern GIS, this process can be automated using scanner technology, which is especially important for large projects, or, for small jobs, data can be entered using a digitizer. Many data have already been translated into formats that are directly understandable by GIS packages.

Manipulation. Often, to complete a specific project, existing data must be further modified to meet the requirements of your system. For example, geographic information may be at different scales (street centerlines are at a scale of 1:100,000, census tract boundaries are at a scale of 1:50,000, and residential properties are at a scale of 1:10,000). For joint processing and visualization, it is more convenient to present all data on a single scale. GIS technology provides different ways to manipulate spatial data and extract the data needed for a specific task.

Control. In small projects, geographic information may be stored as regular files. But with an increase in the volume of information and an increase in the number of users, it is more effective to use database management systems (DBMS) for storing, structuring and managing data, or special computer tools for working with integrated data sets (databases). In GIS, it is most convenient to use a relational structure, in which data is stored in tabular form. In this case, common fields are used to link tables. This simple approach is quite flexible and is widely used in many GIS and non-GIS applications.

Query and analysis. If you have GIS and geographic information, you will be able to receive answers to simple questions (Who is the owner of this land plot? At what distance from each other are these objects located? Where is this industrial zone located?) and more complex queries that require additional analysis (Where are there places for construction new house? What is the main type of soil under the spruce forests? How will the construction of a new road affect traffic?). Queries can be set either by simply clicking on a specific object or using advanced analytical tools. Using GIS, you can identify and set patterns for searching, and play out scenarios like “what will happen if...”. Modern GIS have many powerful tools for analysis, among which two are the most significant: proximity analysis and overlay analysis. To analyze the proximity of objects relative to each other, GIS uses a process called buffering. It helps answer questions like: How many houses are within 100 m of this body of water? How many customers live within 1 km of this store? What is the share of oil produced from wells located within 10 km from the management building of this oil and gas production department? The overlay process involves the integration of data located in different thematic layers. In the simplest case, this is a mapping operation, but in a number of analytical operations, data from different layers is physically combined. Overlay, or spatial aggregation, allows, for example, the integration of data on soils, slope, vegetation and land tenure with land tax rates.

Visualization. For many types of spatial operations, the end result is a representation of the data in the form of a map or graph. A map is a very effective and informative way of storing, presenting and transmitting geographic (spatially referenced) information. Previously, maps were created to last for centuries. GIS provides amazing new tools that expand and advance the art and science of cartography. With its help, the visualization of the maps themselves can be easily supplemented with reporting documents, three-dimensional images, graphs and tables, photographs and other means, for example, multimedia.

Related technologies. GIS is closely related to a number of other types of information systems. Its main difference lies in the ability to manipulate and analyze spatial data. Although there is no single generally accepted classification of information systems, the following description should help distance GIS from desktop mapping, CAD, remote sensing, database management systems (DBMS) and technology. global positioning (GPS).

Desktop mapping systems use cartographic representation to organize user interaction with data. In such systems, everything is based on maps; the map is a database. Most desktop mapping systems have limited data management, spatial analysis, and customization capabilities. The corresponding packages work on desktop computers - PC, Macintosh and low-end UNIX workstations.

CAD systems capable of project drawings and plans of buildings and infrastructure. To combine into a single structure, they use a set of components with fixed parameters. They are based on a small number of rules for combining components and have very limited analytical functions. Some CAD systems have been extended to support cartographic representation of data, but, as a rule, the utilities available in them do not allow efficient management and analysis of large spatial databases.

Remote sensing and GPS. Remote sensing is the art and science of taking measurements of the earth's surface using sensors such as various cameras on board aircraft, global positioning system receivers, or other devices. These sensors collect data in the form of images and provide specialized processing, analysis and visualization capabilities for the resulting images. Due to the lack of sufficiently powerful data management and analysis tools, the corresponding systems can hardly be classified as real GIS.

Database management systems designed for storing and managing all types of data, including geographic (spatial) data. DBMSs are optimized for such tasks, so many GIS have built-in DBMS support. These systems do not have tools for analysis and visualization similar to GIS.

What can GIS do for you?

Make spatial queries and perform analysis. GIS's ability to search databases and perform spatial queries has saved many companies millions of dollars. GIS helps reduce the time it takes to respond to customer requests; identify areas suitable for the required activities; identify relationships between various parameters (for example, soils, climate and crop yields); identify locations of power supply breaks. Realtors use GIS to find, for example, all the houses in a certain area that have slate roofs, three rooms and 10-meter kitchens, and then provide more detailed descriptions of these structures. The request can be refined by introducing additional parameters, for example cost parameters. You can get a list of all houses located at a certain distance from a certain highway, forested area or place of work.

Improve integration within the organization. Many organizations using GIS have discovered that one of its main benefits lies in the new opportunities to improve the management of their organization and its resources by geographically aggregating existing data and allowing it to be shared and modified in a coordinated manner across different departments. The ability to share and constantly expand and correct the database by different structural units allows you to increase the efficiency of both each unit and the organization as a whole. Thus, a utility company can clearly plan repair or maintenance work, from obtaining complete information and displaying on a computer screen (or on paper copies) relevant areas, such as water pipes, to automatically identifying residents who will be affected by these works, and notifying them of the timing of expected shutdowns or interruptions in water supply.

Make more informed decisions. GIS, like other information technologies, confirms the well-known adage that better information leads to better decisions. However, GIS is not a tool for making decisions, but a tool that helps speed up and increase the efficiency of the decision-making procedure, providing answers to queries and functions for analyzing spatial data, presenting analysis results in a visual and easy-to-read form. GIS helps, for example, in solving such problems as providing a variety of information at the request of planning authorities, resolving territorial conflicts, choosing optimal (from different points of view and according to different criteria) places for placing objects, etc. The information required for decision-making can be presented in a concise cartographic form with additional textual explanations, graphs and diagrams. The availability of information that is accessible to perception and generalization allows decision-makers to focus their efforts on finding a solution without spending significant time collecting and analyzing the available heterogeneous data. You can quickly consider several solution options and choose the most effective and efficient one.

Creating maps. Maps have a special place in GIS. The process of creating maps in GIS is much simpler and more flexible than traditional manual or automatic mapping methods. It starts with creating a database. The digitization of ordinary paper maps can also be used as a source for obtaining initial data. GIS-based cartographic databases can be continuous (not divided into separate tiles or regions) and not associated with a specific scale. Based on such databases, it is possible to create maps (in electronic form or as hard copies) for any territory, of any scale, with the required load, with its selection and display with the required symbols. At any time, the database can be updated with new data (for example, from other databases), and the data available in it can be adjusted as necessary. In large organizations, the created topographic database can be used as a basis by other departments and divisions, while quickly copying data and sending it over local and global networks is possible.

Geographic Information Systems or simply geographic information systems (GIS) are spatial data management. Spatial data, in turn, is data that describes the location of objects in space, most often in the form of two or three-dimensional geometry. Geographic information systems allow you to do everything with spatial data that any other information systems do with their data, namely: they provide the ability to add, delete, update, query, view, analyze, etc.

There are two main formats for presenting spatial data: in the form of vector graphics and in the form of rasters:

Raster graphics or raster image is usually a two-dimensional array of dots, each of which is represented by a different color. Modern GIS allow you to work with raster images of almost any format from bmp, png and jpeg to TIFF/GeoTIFF. Raster graphics are usually used to design the “background” of a digital map, on top of which vector geometry is already displayed. You don’t have to look far for examples: open Google Maps or Yandex maps and there you will see a huge number of rasters. Very little is presented in the form of vector graphics on these maps, namely a road graph, territory boundaries and some other objects. The undeniable advantage of raster images on digital maps is that they allow you to display a huge amount of spatial information with relatively small amounts of memory. The downside is that the quality of the image on the raster decreases sharply with a significant increase in the display scale, therefore, for different scales, rasters of different territorial coverage and resolution are used, which replace each other as the image is enlarged and reduced. You can see how this happens when working with the same Google Maps and Yandex maps.

Vector graphics– this is, in fact, geometry presented in the form of sets of coordinates. The vector graphics presentation format does not store the image itself - it is generated “on the fly” by the GIS rendering (visualization) subsystem, and therefore the image quality is always high, regardless of the current scale. The following types of vector spatial data are distinguished:

  • Point geometry. It is used in cases where, on a given scale of an electronic map, only the location of an object is important. Typically, point geometry is represented as a point on a map of a specific color, but some GIS allow you to replace this point with a raster image or a vector symbol, such as an arrow, symbol, or icon. In addition to the coordinates of a point, the point geometry itself can be further parameterized by its orientation on a plane or in space, which determines the rotation angle of the corresponding symbol or icon on the map. Point geometry can be used to visualize almost any objects, with the exception of extended ones, since everything depends on the scale of the map.

  • Linear geometry. Used to represent objects for which it is important to reflect their extent (length) and linear configuration. Such objects include roads, rivers (on a small scale), sections of territorial borders and other similar objects. Again, on larger scales the same objects can already be depicted in the form of areal geometry.

  • Areal geometry. It is used when everything is important: location, length and area. For example, a plot with a house on a small scale can be represented by point geometry, and on a larger scale it can be represented by areal and linear geometry. Areal geometry is not only polygons, but also complexes consisting of linear fragments, arcs of various radii, and also containing holes represented by other polygons.

GIS and information modeling basics

Vector and raster geometry in GIS do not compete with each other, but each perform their own functions. Raster graphics are used to design a graphical representation of an electronic map. It helps the user navigate when viewing and searching for objects on the map, since the terrain is most often represented by aerial photographs of the area. Vector graphics are a means of representing objects on a map that are significant in the context of the current GIS configuration - those objects whose data is managed by the information system. If this is a city map, then streets, houses, engineering structures and other urban infrastructure objects are usually presented in the form of vector graphics. If these are utility networks, for example, water supply networks or heating networks, then significant objects in this case are additionally pipeline sections, central substations, equipment, etc.

The advantages of vector graphics, in addition to the above-mentioned constant image quality at any scale, include the ability to select objects on the map, edit their representation using built-in GIS tools, or perform spatial queries on such data.

Spatial query is a structured query to spatial data, the criteria of which are conditions associated with the coordinates of vector geometry. For example, you can query for all objects of a certain type that are inside a given outline, intersect a given boundary, or are within a certain distance from a given point.

Any non-graphic information that additionally characterizes a particular object in the system can also be associated with spatial data. Moreover, any object of an information model in a GIS can be represented by a set of spatial objects and sets of associated semantic attributes that describe this object in the same way as if it were represented in any non-graphical system. Let's say that if a GIS uses a DBMS to store its data, then the semantic part of the description of objects is records in tables of a relational database. Example: GIS manages gas pipeline network data. The “gas pipeline section” object in this case can be represented by linear geometry structures to view the network on a small map scale; areal geometry for a large scale and a separate table for storing its length, radius, material and other technical characteristics. Quite often, structured queries to data managed by GIS are a symbiosis of traditional database and spatial query parameters. For example, a request to select all sections of a gas pipeline of a certain radius in a territory specified by a certain polygon.

You can get acquainted with the basic principles of information modeling, which are also valid for GIS.

What does a geographic information system consist of and how does it work?

Subsystem for working with spatial data storages. There are GIS solutions that use databases as a spatial data storage, interacting with a DBMS. There are software products that store data in files of their own format, and there are those that can work with various sources of graphic information. The subsystem for working with spatial data repositories is the GIS software components responsible for creating connections with the repositories themselves and exchanging data with them, including via network protocols.

Coordinate systems control module. The coordinates by which spatial data is represented in a geographic information storage can correspond to either a rectangular (Cartesian) or a geographic coordinate system built on the basis of an ellipsoid. If earlier it was believed that the earth was round, then in our time its shape is described by a rather complex figure - geoid. The surface of the geoid coincides with the water level of the world ocean, which is conditionally extended under the continents. Ellipsoid, in turn, is the locus of points obtained by rotating the geoid around its main axis. I am not a specialist in geodesy, therefore I will not go into the intricacies of constructing earthly coordinate systems, but will continue my story from the perspective of a GIS user. The coordinate system can also be global (over the entire territory of the earth) or local - intended for positioning within certain limits of the earth's surface. There are local geographic coordinate systems, which for a specific area have higher accuracy than the world coordinate system. This is achieved due to the fact that such coordinate systems are built on the basis of a local ellipsoid that is more accurate in the conditions of a given area (in comparison with its global description). Rectangular coordinate systems, by their nature, are all local, since only in small areas the error associated with the fact that the earth is not flat, but round, does not interfere with the construction of relatively accurate maps. The origin of coordinates of such coordinate systems is chosen arbitrarily, and they are created for various purposes, including in order to have an idea of ​​​​the relative position of objects, but for security reasons exclude the possibility of obtaining their true (world) coordinates. An example of a local coordinate system is the local coordinate system of the city of Moscow, which has zero coordinates in the area of ​​the main building of Moscow State University.

The coordinate system control module is designed to convert points from the original coordinate system of the spatial data storage into plane coordinates, with which the graphics core of the operating system works, allowing the image to be displayed on the screen, printer and other output devices. This module is also responsible for the inverse transformation: transformation of the coordinates of a point on a plane into the coordinates of the information storage (world or local coordinates). The inverse transformation is used in the process of editing (digitizing) geometry using GIS tools. Most often, GIS deals with the WGS 84 (World Geodetic System) coordinate system, which is a single coordinate system for the entire territory of planet Earth. A geographic or, as it is also called, geocentric coordinate system, such as WGS 84, is an ellipsoidal coordinate system that determines the coordinates of objects relative to the center of mass of the earth. Geographic coordinate systems differ from each other by the shape of the ellipsoid on which they are based. The set of transformations that are used to transform the coordinates of a geographic coordinate system into a Cartesian coordinate system is called a map projection. In other words, map projection– is a reflection (unfolding) of an ellipsoid of a geographic coordinate system onto a plane. The most widely used projections are the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection and the Gauss-Kruger (GK) projection.

Legend or subsystem for setting up graphical representation. Any spatial data storage is represented by a set of vector and raster graphics objects. In 2D GIS, individual spatial data objects are often called layers, since the image formed in the electronic map window is created sequentially: the display subsystem “draws” each type of object in turn. Thus, the result of image formation is a multilayer two-dimensional picture, where each subsequent layer is applied on top of the previous one. A legend is the main tool in GIS, with the help of which it is determined not only the order in which objects are displayed on the map (the order of layers), but also the parameters of their display (color, line thickness, caption font, etc.). Using the legend, individual features can be included or excluded from the list of displayed layers on the map. The legend can describe the layers that represent the features retrieved by the spatial data subsystem from different connections. For example, one map combines topographic map (terrain) data from one source and utility network data (gas pipeline, heating network, etc.) from another source.

Display subsystem. An important parameter for setting up the graphical representation of spatial data is nominal map scale. It is when the scale of data display in the GIS electronic map window corresponds to the nominal scale, the thickness of the lines, font size and other parameters correspond to those specified in the legend, and in conditions of a different scale, which can be easily changed by the user, the thickness of the lines and font size will be increased or decreased accordingly. Thus, the nominal map scale is the reference point for the display subsystem. The principle by which the display subsystem forms a graphical representation of spatial data is largely determined by the legend of a particular map. A GIS workplace can consist of a whole set of electronic maps, each of which is represented by its own legend.

Spatial data editing subsystem. This is, in fact, a set of GIS user tools that allow you to edit spatial data. Drawing new or editing existing geometry usually comes down to sequentially indicating points on the map. When these points are selected, the coordinate system control module transforms the cursor coordinates on the screen into points corresponding to the information storage coordinate system. Modern graphical input systems can also allow, when specifying points, to “snap” to existing data, for example, to the corners or midpoints of polyline segments, to point geometry, etc.

Spatial data analysis subsystem. The same subsystem that allows you to configure, execute and display the results of spatial queries. The parameters for the graphical presentation of the results of spatial queries are also determined by means of the legend.

Printing subsystem. A type of display subsystem designed to output fragments of electronic maps to a printer or plotter (plotter). Additional functions of the printing subsystem, in comparison with the subsystem for displaying images on the screen, include setting up and generating a graphical representation on the printout of the legend itself, as well as a symbol for the scale, compass, and other attributes necessary for working with the paper version of the map.

Business logic subsystem. Any software used to configure the operation of a geographic information system to solve a specific application problem or group of problems. Such tools may include a subsystem for information modeling of a subject area, for integration with other information systems, and created, for example, on a built-in GIS and much more. The composition of the business logic subsystem for different software products of this class may differ significantly, or may be absent altogether, since everything depends on the purpose of a particular solution.

The most famous modern GIS

The most well-known representatives of GIS software components are the products of three American companies. These include Intergraph's Geomedia family of solutions, ESRI's ArcGIS products, and Pitney Bowes' MapInfo tools. In Russia, due to a number of circumstances, the last two are the most popular, although Geomedia in many aspects is a more universal and modern product. In particular, Geomedia and Geomedia Professional allow the user to work with spatial data of various formats directly (including ArcGIS and MapInfo data), without resorting to preliminary procedures for converting and importing them, while competing solutions prefer to work only with their data formats .

P.S. Examples of designing GIS subsystems in C# in the context of studying an object-oriented approach to programming, namely: classes for working with vector graphics, a subsystem for working with geoinformation storage, the architecture of a linear transformation service and some others are considered in a programming course.



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