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How to send a document by email for dummies. Secrets of business email correspondence Foolishly send a copy to my e-mail

“It’s like the fairy tale about the boy who constantly cried wolf.” If you abuse the “urgent” tag, people will stop answering your emails. And a truly important letter may go unnoticed because of this.


Yes, the tone of your letter can reflect your relationship with the recipient. However, you may be considered unprofessional if you allow yourself to be too informal in your correspondence. Avoid excessive use of exclamation marks, emoticons, colored text, unusual fonts, and excessive brevity of messages.

Be especially careful if you work with people of different ages, with language barriers, or with those who prefer a more traditional form of communication.

Too dry tone

At the same time, being a robot is also not worth it. It's okay if you show your character or enthusiasm in your letters - within reasonable limits.

Reply All

Work email is not for entertainment, but for communication. So if you're replying to an email sent to a group of people, think twice before clicking "reply all." To do this, your answer must be extremely important to everyone.

Sending copies without permission

Sharing other people's information with others is, to say the least, impermissible. It doesn't matter whether you send a client a copy of a letter from your boss who responded to him in any way, or include one employee in personal correspondence with another. Few people might like it if you send a copy of a letter without their consent.

Sending blind copies

Sending BCC breeds mistrust. If you want to send a letter to someone, and this person, in theory, should not participate in work correspondence, copy the text and send it as a separate letter.

Unspecified email subject

Subjects like “It’s Me,” “Hello,” or “FYI” (FYI) simply don’t grab attention. The person will not understand what is being said and will not want to respond to the letter. Work-related letters should be clear and concise. The recipient is more likely to open the email if he understands what you want from him.

Sending too many personal emails

You can sometimes use jokes, touching stories and motivational quotes to cheer someone up. But people get tired of this quickly, no matter what your intentions were in writing them. If you send too many personal emails, they will simply be set to auto-deletion.

Be rude

You shouldn’t send letters full of poison, because people will remember it when the opportunity arises. Instead, write a letter and leave it in “Drafts” for two days. Then you can come back to it and edit it, removing the barbs. This way you will achieve what you want faster. In addition, you will be treated as a very patient and thoughtful professional.

Stupid email address

If you are sending an email to a client, employee, or potential employer, do not use email with an “unprofessional” title. If there is anything in the email title that purports to be witty or contains sexual or vulgar connotations (something like ), you run the risk of making the other person feel negative about you from the very beginning. Create a separate email for purely professional needs.


The fact that the email was sent from an iPhone is not an excuse for sending sloppy emails. If you make more than one mistake in your letter, it may be considered unprofessional. If this is a very important letter, and you are in a hurry to get somewhere, then try to at least check it before sending it.

Sending emails early in the morning

Most people, when receiving letters, look at the time they were sent. If the letter is sent too early, you may be viewed negatively. At the very least, you will be considered a workaholic with no personal life. It's worse if you are considered intrusive. If inspiration awakens you at night, write a letter, save it in “Drafts” and send it during working hours.

Too many punctuation marks

People sometimes get too carried away and use a lot of exclamation points. The result may seem immature or too emotional to some. Don't abuse it!!!

Non-professional fonts

The Purple Comic Sans font has its own scope. In business, it is better to use classic fonts, colors and sizes. Your letters should be easy to read.

Typically a font size of 10 or 12 is used. Easy to read fonts like Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman are best for the job. Preferable color is black.

Letter too long

Most people spend seconds, not minutes, reading emails. Many people simply skim over the text with their eyes, so write your letters based on this. People find it difficult to read large paragraphs - break the text into smaller blocks. Highlights and bulleted lists are much easier to read. You can also highlight the main points in bold or italics, but do not do this often.

If you need to send copies of some letters in Mail.ru mail to another mailbox (email), i.e. send not all mail, but only that which comes from a specific address or contains some specific words, then using this detailed instruction “” the setup will take 3 minutes.

Step 1. In the mail, find the desired letter in the “Inbox” and mark it with a checkmark, then in the “More” drop-down menu, select “Create filter”:

Step 2. A page with many filter settings will open. To set up a filter for sending some letters to another email, put a tick in the first line “From” and in the column opposite insert the address or part of it from which these letters come. In the second paragraph, we indicate the address to which copies should be sent. In the third paragraph, indicate what to do with the received letter in your mail. Next, enter your email password and click “Add filter”:
Step 3. Now a letter with a forwarding confirmation code is automatically sent to the address you specified; this code must be entered in the appropriate field, which you will find in the left “Filters” menu. The top line will be the unconfirmed forwarding address, click on this link and you will see a field to insert the code:

After setting up, the specified letters will be sent to you and to the address that you specified and confirmed with the code. To set up forwarding all incoming mail please use another .

Sometimes it becomes necessary to forward all letters that come to one of your emails to another email automatically. To make it clearer, here is an example. You have mail on Yandex and Google (Gmail). You use GMail all the time, this is your main mail, and Yandex from time to time. So, in order not to periodically log into your Yandex mail, you can make sure that letters from there are sent to GMail automatically and then you won’t have to log into your Yandex account at all to regularly check new letters.

In this article I will show you how to set up the forwarding of letters from one mail to another using the example of different mail services.

All this works the same in all email services, the only difference is in their interfaces, i.e. the corresponding settings are located differently.

Earlier, in a series of articles, I looked at another way to receive letters to the desired email from other email accounts. It lies in the fact that you do not set up the automatic forwarding of letters, which I will talk about today, but connect the desired mailbox in the settings (the function is called “Mail Collection”), for example, via the POP3 protocol, and from there the constant collection of new letters begins. The method is similar, but in some cases it is more difficult to set up than a regular transfer.

If you are interested in the method of collecting mail, then this is described in the relevant articles: collection in GMail, in Yandex, in Mail.ru

Below I will show in detail how to set up the forwarding of letters from Yandex mail. And then I will briefly touch on 2 more mail services (GMail and Mail.ru), on which everything is done in a similar way, with the only difference being the interface.

Setting up mail forwarding from Yandex to any other email

Go to your mail settings and select “Email processing rules”.

Click “Create Rule”.

Now our task will be to create a rule by which the mail service will determine that all letters must be sent to another address that you specify.

If you want those letters that are marked as “Spam” to be sent, then you will have to create 2 separate rules on Yandex.

Creation of the 1st mandatory rule. Forwarding all emails except spam

In the rule settings, remove the “If” condition that will be added initially by clicking on the cross next to it. Because we don’t need to set conditions for selecting any specific letters. After all, we will forward everything that comes in the mail to the “Inbox”.

At the top, where you can configure for which emails to apply the created rule, you should select “to all emails except spam” and “with and without attachments”.

Below, check the “Forward to address” checkbox and indicate your email to which you want to forward all letters from the currently open email. Also enable the “Save a copy when forwarding” option.

Click the “Create Rule” button.

Yandex will ask you to enter a password. Enter your password for your current email and click “Confirm”.

The rule will be created, but you will see the message “Waiting for address confirmation” next to it.

Now you need to go to the email address that you specified for sending letters and confirm sending there. This is done in mail services so that you cannot forward letters to random addresses that you do not have access to.

In that mail, find a letter from “Yandex.Mail”, open it and follow the link from there.

Click “Confirm Forward”.

Ready! Now all letters that end up in your second mail (Yandex) in the “Inbox” folder will be automatically forwarded to your main mail, which you specified in the rule.

Note! According to the rule created above, letters from the Spam folder will not be forwarded! Because the rule states “for all emails except spam,” and you won’t be able to immediately include “Spam” in the rule, because forwarding for spam emails does not work and you would get the error “For emails from the Spam folder, forwarding emails with using a filter is not possible.”

But you can make sure that spam is also sent. To do this, you need to create another rule that will automatically transfer all spam to the “Inbox” folder. Therefore, if you need to send spam too, then see below for information on creating the 2nd rule.

Sometimes the necessary letters end up in spam, so if you don’t plan to go in and check your second mail at all, counting only on the automatic forwarding of letters from there, then I recommend setting up the forwarding of spam letters as well!

Creating the 2nd rule. If you need to forward “Spam”

Let's create another rule.

Here we need to indicate that all letters that are marked by the service as “Spam” should be transferred to the inbox.

To do this, at the top, where “Apply”, select “only to spam” and “with attachments and without attachments”.

Remove the “If” condition, we still don’t need it here.

Check “Put in folder” and select “Inbox”.

Click “Create Rule”.

The rule is ready!

After all the manipulations done, all letters that come to your second mail (where you set up forwarding) will be processed according to the created rules. That is, if you receive a letter in your mail that the service has identified as spam, then this letter will automatically be placed in your inbox, according to the created rule No. 2 (if you decide to set it up). And everything that is in the “Inbox” folder, in turn, will be sent to the email you specified, according to rule No. 1.

Setting up forwarding using Mail.ru as an example

Go to your mail settings and select the “Filtering Rules” section.

Select “Add forwarding”.

Specify to which address the letters should be forwarded and click “Save”.

Confirm your action by entering the password for your Mail.ru email.

Go to the email address where you will forward the letters, find the letter from Mail.ru there and click on the link from the letter (this is necessary to confirm the forwarding).

In the next window, click “Confirm” and a message will appear that the transfer is confirmed.

At Mail.ru, return to the “Filtering Rules” section and enable forwarding:

If you need to forward emails marked as “Spam”, then you need to create the same rule as in the example with Yandex mail. In the “Filtering Rules” section, add a new rule, where you specify the following settings.

Most email clients, including Gmail, Mail.ru, Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, allow you to put multiple recipients in A copy(in English the abbreviation is accepted SS), or Bcc (CCB). IN Copies recipients can see other people's addresses. In the second case, the identity of additional recipients is hidden.

Adding a recipient's address

To specify the recipient(s) of the email, enter their email address in the field To whom (That):

Some email clients allow you to simply enter your username into a field, which is then automatically filled in by the program.

If you use this field to send email to multiple people, each of them will be able to see the full list of other recipients.

How to create a copy of an email

Field CC or Copy used to exchange electronic messages in a more indirect way than the field To whom. If you are not directly addressing the person in your email, but would like that person to follow the conversation in the email chain or simply be aware of the topic, the field Copy would be a great option. The addressee, who is in Copies letters, receives an unread letter in his mailbox, just like the one who was placed in the box To whom; the only difference is who you address the letter to first in the body of your email. In the professional world, mailing to Copies is used very widely and serves to ensure that colleagues are aware of various events and topics.

You can list email recipients by simply entering a list of addresses in the field Copy, which is usually located immediately below the field To whom. Everyone in this chain of recipients will be able to see the names and email addresses of all other recipients:

How to BCC an Email

Every email client (Gmail, Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Yahoo, etc.) allows the sender of an email to reach a large number of people without exposing their information to other users in the email chain. This function is called BCC or Hidden copy. You can hide recipients by entering their addresses in the field Hidden copy instead of using fields To whom And Copy:

You can use this feature for both individual and group emails. This is especially useful if you want to keep your contacts private, protect them from spam and unwanted emails, or simply if you don't want your recipients to know who received the same message.

Field Hidden copy not always available by default for all email clients. For example, in Outlook You will need to go to Options to access settings; V Thunderbird you will need to select this function from the drop-down menu; V Gmail need to press a button Copy And Hidden copy; V Windows Live Mail You will need to press the keys simultaneously Alt + B.

Image: © Web Hosting - Unsplash.com

magician_roman in The concept of "blind copy", learning not to do stupid things

Surprisingly, many people, when they need to send an email to several people at once, simply list the addresses in the "To" field, this is normal when this email is addressed to your colleagues or friends, but when sending letters to a group of clients, you are thus showing everyone addresses of other recipients, essentially revealing your address base.

All your clients need to do is forward this letter to your competitor and your contacts will immediately leak.

It’s strange, but many far from stupid people are surprised to learn that if you need to send a letter to many recipients so that they do not know about each other, then there is a “Bcc” field for this.

For example, for mail.ru it will look like this:

And so once again briefly:indicated the addresses in “to” - everyone can see to whom you sent the letters, indicated in “blind carbon copy” - everyone thinks that the letter is only for him.

And each recipient will receive a letter where in the “to” field there will be just his address . For other programs, if you can't find where to BCC, ask someone to show you. Another small point, you must specify one address in the “to” field; most programs or mail servers will not allow you to send a letter without this parameter.

And so, when it comes to sending out offers, news to a group of your clients - here the practice of using blind copy is clear, you must hide your address base. An interesting point about sending a letter to your colleagues, here it is recommended to act according to the situation, for example, sending a letter with a request to send suggestions (for example, to improve customer service) and if each colleague sees that other people have received the same letter, then most likely they will not respond - will rely on others, which means you need to use a hidden copy. If this order is carried out, then, for example, indicating your colleague’s boss will simply work wonders, and your order will be carried out.

A separate issue with suppliers. On the one hand, indicating all recipients in the copy should show the supplier that you have a choice and he should offer you good prices. On the other hand, the manager who received your letter, seeing that it was sent not only to him, will most likely treat your request “coolly”. Personally, in my opinion, I think that in the case of suppliers, you need to use a hidden copy, at least to protect trade secrets, but more likely for a good relationship with the supplier’s manager.

You can read a recent case of a specialist’s mistake, when all recipients saw other recipients: Smacks to everyone in this chat, there were really respectable people there - directors, but still many received spam in response.

Well, as always, discussion in the comments is welcome.



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