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How to set automatic page numbering in Word. How to number pages in Word

People who use a computer for work and study periodically face the need to create or edit electronic text documents. There is often a need correct design, but not knowing how to correctly number pages in Word jeopardizes the completion of the work. For these purposes it is used Microsoft Word various versions (as part of packages office programs Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013). Provided for you detailed information with a description of an important stage for the correct execution of the document - numbering in Word.

In Word 2007 and 2013, continuous page numbering is automatically created for a text file. But if the section headers and footers differ, then the markup can be automatically placed only in the selected or current sections. You can add a feature such as a new countdown for different sections. To place it, adhering to a certain order throughout the document, this procedure must be repeated for each subsection separately.

  1. To do this, find the "Insert" menu.
  2. Go to "Numbers".
  3. Click the Format button.
  4. In the “Start from” field, enter the value of the first sheet number of this section. If you wish, you can change the format of its writing.

It is more convenient to mark up text sheets when the “Insert” menu is used. Use it and the “Numbers” submenu.

  1. In the “Numbers” window, “Position” drop-down list, select a header or footer.
  2. The Alignment drop-down list gives you the ability to choose an arrangement relative to the edges of the sheet.
  3. To configure markup parameters, click on the “Format” button and select marking features.

The title page of Word does not always have to have a designation. This situation arises when the counting of a text file should not begin from the first sheet, as happens when printing a report or abstract.

  1. Go to the header and footer editing section. Double-click on the top or bottom field.
  2. In the “Options” subsection, check the box for the topmost item “Special footer for the first...”.
  3. Close the editor for this subsection.
  4. When formatting a document, its countdown will begin immediately from the second sheet.

From the third page

For a text file that does not require continuous numbering starting from the first page, you can use a break. This technique is suitable if there is not only a title page, but also a content or outline of the document. In Word, it is possible to set header and footer parameters separately for each section. While in the "Work with Headers and Footers" menu, disable the "Same as previous section" function.

  1. Go to the "Insert" section and select "Break".
  2. All text behind the cursor will automatically move to a new empty sheet.
  3. An additional section is created for the text.

How to put page numbers in the footer

First, some information about what headers and footers are. This is the free upper or lower part of the sheet on which text or tables are located. They may contain information such as the work's title, author's name, creation date, and numbering. On the header and footer field it is possible to place not only text information, but also add a stamp or logo.

The location on each subsequent sheet may differ from the previous one, depending on the need. In this case, they are formatted only in the “Working with Headers and Footers” constructor and in the edited text they appear as a background located in the margins. Using Word 2010, to get to the “Work with Headers and Footers” menu, double-click the left mouse button on the bottom or top field.

In the "Working with Headers and Footers" group there are separate commands for the bottom and top positions. By clicking on one of them, you can see a list of ready-made templates taking into account any preferences. To account for the number of printed sheets, templates from the “Number” submenu are often used, where you can choose the location of the field with the number, as well as its appearance.

In frame

In Word 2010, pages are numbered using a special “Frame” object. To apply it, you need to enter the header-footer editing mode, use “Insert – Express Blocks – Field” and select Page from the list of fields. Determine its format and click OK. Changing the format is done through the menu “Insert – Header and Footer – Number – Number Format”.

What does continuous numbering mean?

In a text file, automatic numbering can be carried out: throughout the entire volume of the document or separately for each specific section. End-to-end means that for each page, not including the first, one more value will be added than was on the previous one. Counting is performed in both Arabic and Roman numerals (regular or small). Sometimes uppercase and lowercase Latin letters are used.

The numbering of a text file can begin with any integer, with the exception of negative ones, and is placed at the top or on the bottom line of the footer. For documents that are supposed to be printed on both sides of the sheet, you can set numbering on even and odd sides; it is called mirroring. If necessary, you can refuse to enter a value on the first page of text. Numeric or alphabetic reference values ​​are displayed only for the "Markup" document viewing mode.

How to remove incorrect page layout

How can I remove the numbering if it turns out to be unnecessary? Deletion occurs only when working with headers and footers. You need to remove a numeric or alphabetic value on one page of a document to remove all others. But if the parameters “separate headers and footers of even and odd pages” are set, then the numbers will be deleted separately for each stage. If the document was divided into sections, for example, an abstract, then the numbering is removed separately for each part.

Numerical or letter designations that were set using the “Insert” menu, then “Numbers”, it is advisable to delete them along with the frame. To perform this operation, click on the number and a field frame will appear. Then click on the frame itself so that markers appear. To complete the deletion, press the “Delete” button on your keyboard.

Video: how to correctly number pages in Word

When faced with the need to number pages in a Word document, some people who do not have the skills to do so resort to manually adding numbers or letters. This is not only inconvenient and time-consuming, but can also lead to an error, and then the work will have to start all over again. Watching the videos offered to you will help you make this process simple and automatic.

Each Word page receives an assigned letter or numeric value, depending on the specified requirements: from the first page, from the second or selectively; top or bottom, middle or side (left, right), portrait or landscape format; with a frame in the form of a stamp or table. The task at hand, how to number in Word 2013, will become easily achievable if you understand the essence of the actions being carried out, as with other versions of Microsoft office programs.

The time has come to tell you how to number pages in a Word document, because without this nuance there is no need for a table of contents.

Page numbering in Word 2003, 2007 and 2010 documents may be necessary in any situation. If you are submitting some kind of report, essay or coursework, then you certainly had to create a table of contents for the document. But so that a person can easily find the page he needs, the entire document must be numbered.

Setting page numbers in Word 2007 and other versions is very easy. Go to the Insert tab. Around the middle of the screen, you will find an area called Header and Footer. And it already has a Page Numbers button.

By clicking on it, we can number our entire Word document from beginning to end.

But what if we need to place page numbers not on the entire document, and we don’t need to start from the first one. What then? It's simple. This is provided for when numbering pages in Word. You just need to select the Page Number Format tab, and there you can set the values ​​according to the requirements in your document.

In addition to the page number settings, in the Page Numbers tab you can specify where to display the numbers that number the page.

Thus, you have learned how to number pages in Word 2007 and 2010. And also where, how and with what help to arrange page numbers and set this in the settings.

When your document is completely numbered, then everything is good. But what if you suddenly want to remove the numbering?

Read about this in the following articles, and leave questions in the comments.

Text Word editor is one of the most popular programs for typing. It is difficult to find a Windows-based computer that does not have this program installed. The popularity of this program is confirmed by the number of questions about it that users ask on this and other sites on the Internet.

In this article we will look at one of the most requested features in the Microsoft program. Here you can learn how to put page numbers in Word.

How to put page numbers in Word 2007, 2010 or 2013

In 2007, Microsoft Word switched to the so-called ribbon interface. Main feature This interface is that all program functions are distributed across different tabs. In order to activate a particular function, the user needs to go to the desired tab and find a button there that is responsible for the function the user needs.

For example, in order to put page numbers, you need to go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Page Number” button.

After clicking on the “Page Number” button, a drop-down menu will appear in which you can choose how to place the page number: at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, or in the margins.

Here you can also. To do this, click on the “Page Number” button and select “Delete Page Numbers”.

How to put page numbers in Word 2003

If you are using Word from 2003, then in order to add page numbers you need to open the “Insert” menu and select “Page Numbers”.

This will open a small window called “Page Numbers”. Here you can select where you want the page number to appear (top of page, bottom of page, right, left, or middle).

After selecting the appropriate location, click on the “OK” button and numbering will appear on the pages of your document. If you want to start numbering from a different number or change the number format on the page, then you need to click on the “Format” button in the “Page Numbers” window.

After this, a small window called “Page Number Format” will appear. Here you can change the number format, enable chapter numbering, and also select the number from which the numbering should begin.

In order to remove page numbering in Word 2003, you need to open the “View” menu and select “Header and Footers”. After this, you need to manually erase the page number on any page of the document and close the “Header and Footer” editing mode.

There are a lot of documents that require page numbering. This is a coursework, a diploma, or just a contract. And I sincerely hope that you will not number the pages manually by putting the number at the bottom of the page as my friend did. In any case, after reading this article, you will probably know how to number pages in Word 2013 and Open Office. And you will also have a little secret of how to do page numbering in Word from page 3 (it was a joke about the secret).

How to set page numbering in Word from the first title page

So, the most common method of numbering in your documents will most likely be direct continuous numbering, which starts from the first page. If you're just starting to print a document, create a page numbering template right away so you don't have to think about it later.

For simple page numbering, go to the INSERT tab at the top of the document. In this section, find the section called "Header and Footers".

Finding it is not at all difficult. It looks like in Word 2013 as in the image below. This block in the section is responsible for setting up headers and footers. A document has a header and a footer, and each can be customized differently.

In our case, we need to add numbering to one of the headers and footers. Click on the “Page Number” link and select where on the page you want to place the number. Most often the numbers are placed at the bottom of the page.

Page numbering in Word 2013

The layout at the bottom of the page looks like this (as in the image below). For simple numbering, you can choose 3 types of number placement. Left, center and right side of the page.

I selected Footer to place the page number and chose Left Footer as the location. It all looks like this.

In the header and footer section, you can configure how the numbering will be displayed (page number format...). Click on the menu item corresponding to the name.

A window with format settings will open. Here, as promised, I will tell you the very secret of secrets :). In order:

  • Number format - select the type of display of page numbers: numeric, numeric with hyphens, alphabetic, alphabetic in capitals and display in Roman numerals.
  • Include chapter number - allows you to add the page number of the current chapter to the page numbering.
  • Page numbering - in this block you can specify the number from which page numbering will begin. For example, select number 3 to make numbering from page 3.

To add a current chapter page, you need to specify the format in which the chapter is displayed in your document. If you have set the chapter display as “Heading 1”, specify “Heading 1” in the settings accordingly and Word will automatically determine on which page the new chapter of your document begins. You can set the format for displaying chapters on the main tab as shown in the image below.

If your document has a title page (such as an essay or dissertation), you will most likely need to remove the numbering from this first title page. This can be done, for example, by turning on page numbering starting from the second, and printing the title page in a new document separately without numbering. But Word developers took care of users and introduced a function to disable numbering for the first cover page. To turn on this option you need to switch to the header and footer mode. To do this, double-click the left mouse button on the header or footer area.

After double clicking it will appear new inset"Working with headers and footers." In this tab, find the option called “Special First Page Footer” and check it. This will turn off the numbering display for the first page and you will not need to create a new file separately for the cover page.

To remove page numbering in an existing document, go to the “INSERT” tab and in the “Header and Footer” section, click on the “Page Number” menu item. Select “Remove page numbers” from the drop-down list. It's so simple and not difficult.

Despite a seemingly similar approach to document editing, in Open Office the page numbering differs significantly. First, you must add a header and footer to which you will add fields (as service elements are called in the open office). Each header and footer must be enabled (or added) separately.

In an open document, click on the “Insert” menu and select the desired header and footer from the drop-down list. For page numbering at the top of the document, I chose the header. In the right menu, click on the words “Normal”. After clicking, a corresponding header and footer will appear in your document, with which you can now work.

The header looks like the image below. Place the cursor in the footer area to edit. This is where you will need to place the numbering code.

Click the "Insert" menu item and select "Fields" from the list. In the right menu, find and insert the “Page Number” field.

Add a field for numbering

A number with the page number will appear in the footer where the cursor is placed. Gray color means that this is a special field and not a regular symbol. To this number you can add any text that will be repeated on all pages. On the image I have added the text “This is the page number.”

You can also format all text in the header and footer like regular text (change the font, size and alignment on the page - left, right or center).

To change the format of the field to display the page number, you must double-click the left mouse button on the gray page number. This will open a window with field display settings. For the page number field, you can change the format display (Arabic, Roman, or alphabetic) and set the offset. Offset allows you to specify which number to start numbering from. At offset 2, the first page will be number 3, etc.

Removing numbering in open office

To remove numbering in Open Office, you simply need to disable the corresponding header and footer. To do this, select the appropriate header and footer from the “Insert” menu and click on “Normal” with a check mark.

Disabling a header and footer deletes all information that is specified in it. Confirm the deletion and the numbering will be deleted. If, in addition to numbering, you have any other important information that you plan to use, you can simply remove the gray page number in the footer. This will disable the numbering, but will leave the footer itself with different information.

This article contains explanations made for Microsoft Word 2010, but it also applies to other popular Microsoft versions Word - 2007 and 2013.

How to insert a page number in a Word document?

Page numbering in Microsoft Word is very simple. Just go to the “Insert” tab and then in the “Header and Footers” subsection click on the “Page Number” button. In the list that opens, you need to point to the appropriate item: “At the top of the page”, “At the bottom of the page”, “In the margins of the page” (placement in the margins of the page is practically not used: as a rule, the page number is placed either at the top or at the bottom).

Among the displayed templates, you need to select the appropriate one by clicking on it.

How to set up page numbering?

Make numbering not from the first page

Very often, in accordance with the rules for preparing documents, numbering is not placed on the first page. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, this is expressed in the absence of a page number on the title page. To implement this option, you need to enter the header and footer, and in the “Designer” tab that appears in the menu, check the “Special footer for the first page” checkbox.

Adapt for duplex printing

To set up different display on even and odd pages (usually required when duplex printing), you need to enter the header and footer, and in the “Designer” tab that appears in the menu, check the “Different headers and footers for even and odd pages” checkbox. After this, you will need to configure the number for even pages by entering the even page footer - see the description of how to do this above.

Add information about the total number of pages

To number pages in the “Page... of...” format, when selecting a numbering format, scroll the list of options to the subsection “Page X of Y” (the very bottom of the list) and select one of three alignment options.

How to remove a page number in a Word document?

This feature is used quite rarely, but it is worth mentioning. To remove numbering in the "Header and Footer" subsection, click on the "Page Number" button, then select "Delete Page Numbers" in the list that opens.

Step-by-step instructions using which you can easily set up page numbering in a Word document. This information applies to all versions of the editor: 2003, 2007 and 2010.

Using numbering makes the search process easier necessary information. This is achieved due to the fact that you can make notes or remember the page number on which the necessary data is indicated. The combined use of a table of contents and numbering allows you to navigate a large document and easily move to its main blocks (chapters, sections, etc.).

: - step-by-step instruction.

Setting up page numbering

If standard numbering is enough for you, then when you hover over the fields “Top of page”, “Bottom of page”, etc. a drop-down menu will be presented from which you should select the room location. As soon as you click on one of the options, your pages will receive serial numbers.

This is the most basic way. Now let's make things a little more complicated.

Numbering from a specific page number

It is not always necessary to do it in such a way that the first page in the document is marked with the number "1". This situation may arise if you are creating a part inside a large workbook. Or title pages, table of contents and other information will be attached to the document after its creation. In any case, you need to understand how to start numbering pages from the desired number.

We return again to the “Insert” ribbon, then “Header and Footers” and click the “Page Number” button. Now click on the button " Page number format".

In the block " Pagination", you need to select "Start with", and indicate accordingly desired number. If the numbers have already been set, they will change their value according to this setting. If not, repeat the steps from the previous section.

Please note that here you can also set the desired number format and add the current chapter number.

Headers and footers in Word

If you have already completed the steps described above, you probably noticed that the numbers are inserted in blocks, located at the top and bottom of the page. These blocks are called headers and footers in Word, and are used in all versions of the editor (2003, 2007 and 2010).

As you probably already guessed, we will use headers and footers to mark page numbers. This is far from their only function, but now we are interested in it. Separately, it should be noted that using headers and footers, we can set the desired number for any individual page or group of pages.

So go to desired page, and double-click the left mouse button on the footer or header (top or bottom area). An editing window will open.

Now use the keyboard to enter the required value. When finished, press the Enter button to complete the operation.

As we have already noted, almost any information can be placed in footers, including hyperlinks and footnotes.

Note. created in a couple of seconds. are made a little more difficult. Both instructions have already been published for you.

Practice, you will definitely succeed.

Video for the article:

Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?

Microsoft Word is the most popular word processor, one of the main components of the MS Office suite, recognized as the generally accepted standard in the world of office products. This multifunctional program, without which it is impossible to imagine working with text, all the possibilities and functions of which cannot be fit into one article, however, the most pressing questions cannot be left unanswered.

Thus, one of the common tasks that users may encounter is the need to set page numbers in Word. Indeed, no matter what you do in this program, be it writing an essay, term paper or dissertation, report, book or regular, large text, you almost always need to number pages. Moreover, even in cases where you don’t really need it and no one requires it, it will be very difficult to work with these sheets in the future.

Imagine that you decide to print this document on a printer - if you don’t staple it or staple it instantly, how will you then find the right page? If there are a maximum of 10 such pages, this, of course, is not a problem, but what if there are several dozen or hundreds of them? How much time will you spend organizing them if something happens? Below we will talk about how to number pages in Word using the 2016 version as an example, but you can number pages in Word 2010, as in any other version of the product, in exactly the same way - the steps may differ visually, but not thematically.

1. Having opened the document that you want to number (or an empty one that you just plan to work with), go to the tab "Insert".

2. In the submenu "Header and footer" find the item "Page number".

3. By clicking on it, you can select the type of numbering (location of numbers on the page).

4. Having selected the appropriate numbering type, you need to approve it - to do this, click "Close the header and footer window".

5. The pages are now numbered and the number is in the location corresponding to the type you selected.

How to number all pages in Word, except the title page?

Most text documents in which you may need to number pages have a title page. This happens in essays, diplomas, reports, etc. The first page in this case acts as a kind of cover, which indicates the name of the author, title, name of the boss or teacher. Therefore, numbering the title page is not only not necessary, but also not recommended. By the way, many people use a corrector for this, simply covering up the number, but this is definitely not our method.

So, to exclude the numbering of the title page, left-click twice on the number of this page (it should be the first).

In the menu that opens at the top, find the section "Options", and in it put a tick opposite the item "Special footer for this page".

The number from the first page will disappear, and page number 2 will now become 1. Now you can work on the title page as you see fit, as needed, or in accordance with what is required of you.

How to add numbering like “Page X of Y”?

Sometimes, next to the current page number, you need to indicate the total number of pages in the document. To do this in Word, follow the instructions below:

1. Click on the “Page Number” button located in the tab "Insert".

2. From the drop-down menu, select the location where this number should appear on each page.

Note: When selecting an item "Current location", the page number will be placed at the location where the cursor is located in the document.

3. In the submenu of the item you selected, find the item "Page X of Y" select the required numbering option.

4. To change the numbering style, in the tab "Constructor" located in the main tab "Working with headers and footers", find and click the button "Page number", where in the drop-down menu you should select "Page Number Format".

5. Once you've selected the style you want, click "OK".

6. Close the window for working with headers and footers by clicking on the outermost button on the control panel.

7. The page will be numbered in the format and style you selected.

How to add even and odd page numbers?

Odd page numbers can be added to the right footer, and even page numbers can be added to the left footer. To do this in Word you need to do the following:

1. Click on the odd page. This could be the first page of a document that you want to number.

2. In a group "Header and footer", which is located in the tab "Constructor", click on the button "Footer".

3. In the drop-down menu with lists of formatting options, find "Built-in" and then select "Aspect (odd page)".

4. In the tab "Constructor" ("Working with headers and footers") check the box next to the item "Different headers and footers for even and odd pages".

Advice: If you want to exclude the numbering of the first (title) page of the document, in the “Design” tab you need to check the box next to “Special header for the first page”.

5. In the tab "Constructor" click the button "Forward"- This will move the cursor to the footer for even-numbered pages.

6. Click "Footer" located in the same tab "Constructor".

7. In the drop-down list, find and select "Aspect (even page)".

How to number different sections?

In large documents, it is often necessary to set different numbering for pages from different sections. For example, there should be no number on the title (first) page; pages with a table of contents should be numbered with Roman numerals ( I, II, III…), and the main text of the document must be numbered in Arabic numerals ( 1, 2, 3… ). How to number different formats on pages different types in Word, we will describe below.

1. First you need to display hidden symbols, to do this you need to click the corresponding button on the control panel in the tab "Home". This will allow you to see section breaks, but at this stage we just have to add them.

2. Scroll the mouse wheel or use the slider on the right side of the program window to scroll down the first (title) page.

3. In the tab "Layout" click on the button "Breaks", go to point "Section breaks" and select "Next page".

4. This will make the title page the first section, and the rest of the document will become Section 2.

5. Now go down to the end of the first page of Section 2 (in our case this will be used for the table of contents). Double-click on the bottom of the page to open the header and footer mode. A link will appear on the sheet "Same as previous section"- this is the connection that we have to remove.

6. Having first made sure that the mouse cursor is located in the footer, in the tab "Constructor"(chapter "Working with headers and footers"), where you need to select "Same as previous section". This action will break the connection between the title section (1) and the table of contents (2).

7. Go down last page table of contents (Section 2).

8. Click on the button "Breaks" located in the tab "Layout" and under the point "Section breaks" select "Next page". Section 3 will appear in the document.

9. With the mouse cursor in the footer, go to the tab "Constructor", where again you need to select "Same as previous section". This action will break the connection between Sections 2 and 3.

10. Click anywhere in Section 2 (table of contents) to close the header/footer mode (or click the button on the control panel in Word), go to the tab "Insert", then find and click "Page number", where in the drop-down menu select "At the bottom of the page". In the drop-down list, select "Easy number 2".

11. Opening the tab "Constructor", press "Page number" then select from the drop-down menu "Page Number Format".

12. In paragraph "Number format" select roman numerals ( i, ii, iii), then click "OK".

13. Scroll down to the footer of the first page of the entire remaining document (Section 3).

14. Open a tab "Insert", select "Page number", then "At the bottom of the page" And "Easy number 2".

Note: Most likely, the displayed number will be different from the number 1; to change this, you must follow the steps described below.

15. The document page numbering will be changed and arranged in accordance with the necessary requirements.

As you can see, numbering pages in Microsoft Word (everything except the title page, as well as pages of various sections in different formats) is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Now you know a little more. We wish you successful studies and productive work.

Today we will once again talk about the capabilities built into the Microsoft Office Word text editor. For a moment, there are so many of them that hardly anyone remembers everything by heart. Moreover, not everyone needs them. But sooner or later we are faced with routine work that can be done in a matter of seconds using the very functionality of MS Word. In this context, we considered page numbering in Word to be routine work. Agree, we don’t use it very often, right? Yes, of course, students (sometimes even schoolchildren) need it in essays, dissertations, etc.; it will also be useful for book authors, and... we don’t even know who else. We won’t go into details about why exactly you need numbering - we can talk about this for quite a long time, but we’ll just tell you how to number pages in text editor from Microsoft.

How to quickly number pages in Word automatically

The instructions are extremely simple, logical and memorable, so you are unlikely to refer to this text a second time. Well, let's get started:

Now you yourself understand that there is nothing complicated about this and the answer to the question “How to number pages in Word?” really simple. But we don’t end our story here - sometimes we need to number the pages starting from a certain one, for example, from the fifth. What is it for? The title of the book can be placed on the first, acknowledgments on the second or third, and on the fourth short description, similarly with theses and abstracts.

How to number pages in Word from a specific sheet

And here, too, there will be nothing complicated; moreover, even the instructions are partially similar to those described above:

As you can see, everything is once again extremely simple and clear. But even this is not all, sometimes you need page numbering in the form of Roman numerals, English letters, and so on. What needs to be done to make it look exactly like this?

How to number pages in Word using letters or Roman numerals

In fact, even such a procedure will not cause you any inconvenience. Everything is done literally in a matter of seconds:

And this time there is absolutely nothing complicated. Congratulations, now you know how to manage numbering in Word and how to number pages in general.

Finally, I would like to address an interesting question that you may have. After performing all of the above steps, a line may appear in some versions of Word.

Hello, friends! In this Cheat Sheet we will find out how to enable page numbering in Word. We will talk, as before, about latest version program - 2016. In this article you will get answers to the questions:

How to make continuous page numbering in Word

The easiest way to insert page numbering in Word is end-to-end, when the pages are “recounted” from the first to the last in order. We do this one-two-three times (Fig. 1):

  • Go to the tab "Insert".
  • Finding the section "Header and footer", and in it the line "Page number".

All pages of a Word document are numbered automatically. To consolidate the operations performed in the document, simply close the header and footer window (green arrow in Fig. 1) or, even simpler, double-click with the left mouse button on any piece of text outside the header and footer.

How to insert numbering in Word, starting from the second page

Quite often it becomes necessary to start numbering pages from the second, leaving the first under the title page. Depending on the design standards or the wishes of the author, the numbering may begin with the number 1 or 2. Let's look at both of these cases.

To perform this operation, go to the footer control panel "Constructor", click on the section "Page number", in the menu that opens, select "Page Number Format" and in the line "begin with…" put zero. Close this window, select the numbering position (top/bottom), and design style. After this, a zero number will appear on our title page, the next one after it will be marked with a number "1"(Fig. 2).

To get rid of the completely unnecessary zero, go to the section "Options" all the same panel "Constructor" and put a mark "Special footer for the first page". After this, remove the zero with the key « Backspace» or « Delete» . On the second page we will have the number 1 , and all subsequent ones will be numbered in order.

If the system of starting from the number is selected for document execution "2", then at the third step in "Page Number Format" in the line "begin with" put one. Next, we repeat all the steps already described. As a result, the numbering of your document will start from the second page and number "two". The first number will indicate the title.

How to set numbering in Word from the third or any other pages

Except on the title, in abstracts, coursework, reports or e-books It is not customary to put the number in the table of contents. Then it becomes necessary to start numbering pages from the third, fourth or further pages. To perform this operation, you will need to separate pages that do not need to be numbered into a separate section and follow 8 steps in succession.

So, let's say we are not going to put numbers on the first page - the title and the second - the table of contents. But at the same time we want to take them into account in the general numbering, that is, start the listing from the number "3". Our actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. On the tab "Home" turn on "Hidden formatting marks"(for ease of use). The same action can be performed using hotkeys : Ctrl+ Shift+8
  2. Place the cursor at the beginning of the third page (or the one from which you are going to start numbering).
  3. On the tab "Layout" In chapter "Page settings" select a team "Break", and in the window that opens - the line "Next page".
  4. On the page after the break (at in this example this is the third) make two clicks on the header and footer area (free field above or below the text) - a panel will open "Constructor".
  5. In chapter "Transitions" disable the button "Like the previous one" alternately for header and footer. The link to be broken corresponds to the active (unshaded) footer button.
  6. In chapter "Header and footer" in the opening window "Page Number Format" in the line "begin with…" put a number "3" and click “OK”.
  7. In line « current position» select the page numbering style.
  8. To consolidate all completed actions, you must either close the tab "Constructor", or simply double-click on any part of the main text.

I will not present to your attention a lot of screenshots. If this multi-move seems a little difficult for you to understand, then just watch the short video instruction.

How to set page numbers in Word in the “X from Y” format

This method is used when you need to display the page number against the background of their total number in the document. This task is solved quite simply, since the collection of numbering styles contains a ready-made template of a similar format. So, here is the chain of necessary actions:

  • open a tab "Insert";
  • In chapter "Header and footer" click on the button "Page number";
  • in the drop-down menu, select the upper or lower numbering position, but not "On the fields";
  • in the style collection we find the format "pageX fromY» ;
  • consolidate the actions and move on to the main text by closing the panel "Header and footer" or double-click the left mouse button on the text (Fig. 3).

As you can see, this method is simple and easy, but I want to immediately warn my reader that it has one drawback. When numbering pages in this way, it will no longer be possible to insert any other information into the headers and footers. If there is such a need, then you need to add page numbers like “X from Y” using another method - using field codes. We will not discuss the topic of codes within the framework of this material, since it is quite extensive. One of the future articles will be devoted to it.

We also haven’t figured out everything about numbering yet. In the next “Crib Sheet” we will look at all the remaining questions and close this topic.

Goodbye friends! Your guide to WORD 2016 GALANT.



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