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How to make different headers and footers on different pages in excel? How to remove headers and footers in Excel How to make a header and footers in Excel.

A header or footer is any information that is printed in the top or bottom margin of a page. If the table is large and is located on several sheets and a header and footer is specified in this table, then it is visible on each printed sheet of the document. There are headers and footers. The header is above the print area, the footer is below.

Headers and footers are usually used to number pages. The footer can also contain other information, such as the file name of the document or the date it was printed.

It is convenient to work with headers and footers in the Page Layout mode. To switch to this mode, open the View -> Book Viewing Modes tab and click on the Page Layout button.

To enter information into the footer, you need to click in the header or footer field.

The footer field is divided into three areas: left, center and right. Each area can contain any information, including text and commands to fill the footer with important information.

Text in the header and footer field is entered and formatted as usual, like any text.

For example, in order for the page number to appear in the center of the header when printing a table, you need to place the cursor in the central area of ​​the header and click on the Page Number button in the Design tab.

As a result, the string &[Page] will appear in the header and footer field, which will be replaced by the page number as soon as the header and footer is completed.

Excel allows you to quickly enter commands into the header and footer area. To do this, you need to place the cursor in a certain place in the header and footer and click on the corresponding command button located on the Design -> Header and Footer Elements tab.

Button Team Result of the command
0021 &[Page] The page number is displayed in the footer field
0022 &[Pages] The footer field displays the total number of pages of the table
0023 &[Date of] The current date is displayed in the footer field
0024 &[Time] The current time is displayed in the footer field
0025 &[Path]&[File] The footer field displays the full route to where the book is located, starting with the drive name, all subfolders, including the name of the book itself
0026 &[File] Only the book file name is displayed in the footer field
0027 &[Sheet] The header and footer field displays the name of the worksheet sheet
0028 &[Drawing] A picture is displayed in the header and footer field
0029 If a picture is inserted into the header and footer field, you can change the picture format

In the header and footer field, you can set the font in which the header and footer will be displayed, the size of the letters, and the color of the characters. To do this, use the Font tab in the Home menu.

To add a table title, date, numbering, or some other similar information, fill out the headers and footers in Excel. Such objects will be present on every sheet. You can see them only in markup mode. They are often inserted into documents that are intended to be printed.

To add a table title, date, numbering, or some other similar information, fill out the headers and footers in Excel

These are small indents at the bottom and top of the table. You can write text in them, insert a picture, or specify the path to a file.

To ensure all formatting appears exactly as it would appear on paper, turn on Markup mode.

  1. Open Excel.
  2. In the status bar (bottom right) there will be small buttons and a scale slider.
  3. If you hover over them, a tooltip will appear.
  4. Find "Page Layout". It is located between “Normal” and “Page”.
  5. After this, the headers and footers will appear.
  6. To remove them and continue working in standard form, click on the “Normal” button. If it is not active, then one of the notes is highlighted. Click anywhere in the table - then you can change the mode.

To ensure all formatting appears as it would appear on paper, turn on Markup mode

These elements have three editable fields. You can, for example, insert the file name into one of them, the date into another, and a logo or icon into the third.

Adding and editing

Notes in tables can be edited in two ways. Through parameters they can be attached to sheets and diagrams, through markup - only to sheets.

Page settings

To make headers and footers in Excel, follow the instructions.

  1. Select a chart or worksheet. To “hook” several parts, click on them while holding down the Ctrl key.
  2. If you need to cover the entire document, right-click on the sheet tab (at the bottom of the window) and select “Select All”.
  3. Open the "Markup" section in the menu bar at the top.
  4. In the Page Setup panel at the bottom right there is a small button in the form of a corner with an arrow. Click it.
  5. Go to "Header and Footer". Their settings are located here.
  6. Click on the “Top” or “Bottom” drop-down list and select one of the templates. There is a numbering of sheets, their number, the name of the book, used for editing utilities, and the like.
  7. To add information there that is not in the list, click on “Create top”/“Create bottom”.
  8. There will be three blocks in the window that opens. They correspond to three header and footer fields.
  9. Type something in them to make a text note.
  10. Above these blocks there are buttons responsible for the content. Hover your cursor over them and a tooltip will appear. If you click, for example, “Insert Picture”, you can add a picture.
  11. Information and links in these objects are displayed as formulas. The path will be designated as &[Path]&[File], and the current date will be designated as &[Date]&[Time].
  12. To remove this, simply erase the formula.

To make headers and footers in Excel, follow the instructions.

If you want to make special data for the first page or different text in even and odd sheets, check the boxes next to the desired options.

  1. Open Options - Header and Footer.
  2. There are settings at the bottom of the window.
  3. Check Align to Margins and Rescale so that you don't have to resize your notes at the same time as you edit the document.
  4. There is also an item “Different for even and odd pages”. If you enable this function and click on “Create top” (or “Create bottom”), the window that opens will have two tabs - for even and odd.
  5. To make a “Cover Page,” check the box next to “Special for First Page.” Accordingly, if you activate this setting and click “Create Top”, a window will also appear with two sections - for inserting regular notes and one unique one.

Page layout

Here's another way to work with these objects:

  1. Insert tab on the menu bar.
  2. In the "Text" panel, click on "Header and Footer".
  3. Marking will turn on.
  4. Click on the area above or below the table.
  5. Write the desired text in it.
  6. If you want to add pictures, folder paths or anything like that, use the designer. It will appear in the menu bar when you click on a header or footer.
  7. It has buttons that allow you to insert a graphic, date, number, and so on.
  8. There you can also find settings responsible for creating special notes on the first page, even and odd sheets.
  9. If you check the box next to one of these items, the markup mode will display which specific block you are filling in - even or odd.

If you want to add pictures, folder paths or anything like that, use the designer


Here's how to remove headers and footers in Excel:

  • Just switch the view from markup to something else. And these elements will not be noticeable.
  • If you need to not just hide them, but completely erase them, go to Insert - Header and Footer and manually delete information from each block using the Delete or Backspace key.

This method can be time consuming. Especially when working with large amounts of data. You don't have to spend hours just trying to get rid of notes. Here's how to remove headers and footers in Excel in the entire document at once, without going through each block:

  1. Select the sheets or charts in which you want to erase this information.
  2. "Markup" tab.
  3. In the Page Setup panel, click on the small icon that looks like a corner with an arrow.
  4. Section "Header and Footers".
  5. In the "Top" and "Bottom" drop-down lists, select the "None" option. These items will disappear in all marked areas.

Excel will help you in your daily work

Headers and footers are used to create notes in various Microsoft Office documents. Usually they add company logos, numbers, titles, first and last names of the author, contact information, signature, beginning and ending of letters (for example, “Good day, colleagues!” or “With respect, ...”). Any information that needs to be taken out of the margins is placed there.

In this article we will look at the question of how to create and remove headers and footers in Excel 2007.

There are two ways to insert a header and footer into an Excel 2007 document sheet.

Method 1– Page layout mode. Select the “Page Layout” tab in the ribbon and in the “Page Settings” group and click on the button in the lower right corner.

After this, the “Page Settings” window will open. Go to the “Header and Footer” tab and select one of the provided options by clicking on the arrow next to the Header and Footer fields.

If none of the presented options suits you, you can create your own header by clicking on the “Create header/footer” button. In this case, another “Header (or Footer)” window will open. Here you can create your own header text or select from the additional options provided (Insert date, Insert time, Insert file path, Insert sheet name, etc.). After everything is done, click OK. In the example below, we chose to insert a date in the header on the left, and a picture on the right.

Method 2– Inserting a header and footer through the “Insert” tab. Select the “Insert” tab in the ribbon and in the “Text” group click on the “Header and Footer” button.

After this, your Excel 2007 document will open in the “Working with Headers and Footers” - “Design” mode. In this window, in fact, you can do everything that was done in the first way.

Ready! Now, if you go to the Excel 2007 document preview, you will see the following

P. S. How to preview an Excel 2007 document?) Click the “Office” button in the upper left corner of the screen, and then “Print” - “Preview”.

In order to remove a header and footer in an Excel 2007 document, you need to go to the “Insert” tab in the ribbon and in the “Text” group click on the “Header and Footer” button. In the “Working with Headers and Footers” - “Design” mode, click on the “Header” button in the upper left corner of the screen and select “No” from the drop-down list. Do the same with the footer.

Removing Headers and Footers in Microsoft Excel Hi all,
Today a user contacted me with a question about how to delete text from the top of the table, he says the whole department tried to delete it and nothing worked. I looked, looked and said: “so these are headers and footers!”
And after this incident I decided to write a short article about how to delete text that cannot be deleted at the top or bottom of an Excel table. There will be three ways to remove headers and footers, but I recommend using the third (last method) it is more convenient, it seems to me, although the taste and color... In short, let's move on to studying this issue.

Header and footer is an area located at the top and bottom of an Excel page. They record notes and other data at the discretion of the user. At the same time, the inscription will be end-to-end, that is, when writing on one page, it will be displayed on other pages of the document in the same place. But sometimes users encounter a problem when they cannot disable or completely remove headers and footers. This happens especially often if they were enabled by mistake. Let's find out how you can remove headers and footers in Excel.

Ways to remove headers and footers

There are several ways to remove headers and footers. They can be divided into two groups: hiding headers and footers and removing them completely.

Method 1: Hiding Headers and Footers

When hidden, headers and footers and their contents in the form of notes actually remain in the document, but are simply not visible from the monitor screen. There is always the option to enable them if necessary.

In order to hide headers and footers, just switch Excel from working in page layout mode to any other mode in the status bar. To do this, click the icon in the status bar “Normal” or “Page”.

After this, the headers and footers will be hidden.

Method 2: Manually removing headers and footers

As mentioned above, when using the previous method, headers and footers are not deleted, but only hidden. In order to completely remove headers and footers with all the notes and notes that are located there, you need to proceed in a different way.

  1. Go to the “Insert” tab.

  1. Click on the “Header and Footer” button, which is located on the ribbon in the “Text” tool block.

We delete all entries in the header and footer on each page of the document manually using the Delete button on the keyboard.

After all data has been deleted, turn off the display of headers and footers in the previously described way in the status bar.

Headers and footers- This is information that is automatically inserted on each page of a document, such as the title of the document or its section. As soon as you press the button Headers and footers, the appearance of the document on the screen will change, the cursor will blink in the window called Page header, and a tab will appear on the ribbon Working with headers and footers(Fig. 4.44).

The header can have different appearances. You can select it from the button list Page header, or you can, in the Header and Footer Elements group, specify what you want to see on each page of your document. In Fig. 4.44 in the header there will be the page number, date and current time. When you have played enough with the header, in the group Transitions click the button Go to footer.

Open list button Options, and you will see that you can set a special header and footer for the first page and different footers for the even and odd pages. For example, in Fig. 4.45 Author and date are selected as the footer.

To bring the document on the screen into the form you’re used to after typing headers and footers, on the tab View Click the Normal button.

We will talk more about the View tab in the corresponding section. In Group Text there are three more buttons. With their help you can add an object to the table WordArt, signature line and insert a foreign object into the table (insert an object from another file so that it can be changed in the program in which it was created).




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