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How to create a new icloud on iPhone 4s. Registering in iCloud

E-mail has become for all of us not just a means of communication, but a tool necessary for the full use of the Internet. Without an email account, it is impossible to register on any portal, subscribe to a newsletter or log into an account to pay for purchases in online stores. Providing mail services for every company is an important part of business, and that is why, as part of its iCloud cloud storage, Apple also launched a service for receiving and sending electronic correspondence, which we will talk about today.

Of course, the easiest way to use iCloud mail is from iOS devices. But icloud.com mail also supports logging in from a computer, and you can read incoming letters or send mailings directly from the browser window. The main thing is that the “Mail” application itself is active for your account, but we will talk about all such points in detail below.

Login to your account

First, let's look at the simplest option of how to log into iCloud mail from a computer. If you already have an Apple ID account (read about logging into iCloud via Apple ID), and this identifier itself ends in addresses such as @icloud.com, @mac.com or @me.com, then you only need:

  1. Open an Internet browser.
  2. Enter icloud.com into the address bar and press the Enter key.
  3. Enter your login information in the appropriate fields, and then click on the right arrow button.

Important! If you used a different email address when registering your Apple ID (that is, if you did not receive a free email address from Apple), then you will need to enable the Mail app for each specific device, which will be discussed below.

It also supports iCloud mail and login from a Windows-based computer through a special application. In order to use this program, you need:

  1. Open your browser and follow the link support.apple.com/ru-ru/HT204283.
  2. Click on the blue “Download” button.
  3. Confirm the download of the file and run it, then follow the instructions for installing the software.

Enable the Mail app for third-party mail

As described above, the iCloud email service will not work by default if you used a mailbox such as gmail.com when creating your Apple ID. In other words, you can log into icloud.com mail from a computer without additional settings only if you have an Apple email address. In other situations, you will need to perform a number of actions, the list of which differs for each of the devices used, namely:

  • on a tablet computer or smartphone with iOS, you need to open the settings, select the “iCloud” section, turn on the “Mail” item, and then make the simplest email address settings, following the prompts;
  • On a computer running MacOS X, you need to open the Apple menu and go to the system settings section. In the “iCloud” section, select “Mail” and follow the setup instructions.

Important! It is necessary to make these settings in order to be able to send mail through the iCloud service. The thing is, this can't be done without an address that ends in @icloud.com or another approved domain. It is the implementation of the instructions above that will allow you to create such a mailbox for yourself in addition to the one that was used during registration.


If you want to log into your iCloud account from your computer in order to only exchange mail, but do not intend to use this account as your only and main one, then you can simply register a new ID for yourself, and at the same time get rid of the need to make any settings . This is done as follows:

  1. You need to visit appleid.apple.com.
  2. Click on the “Create Apple ID” button.
  3. Go through the standard registration procedure by creating a new email address from Apple.

Using the email service itself, I hope, will not cause you such difficulties as logging into iCloud mail from a computer. And the video below will help you not to get lost in all these forms and menu items. You can also read about data recovery using iCloud, and read about finding iPhone using iCloud.

How to sign into iCloud from a computer

Good day, friends! We continue the series of notes on the Apple line, in terms of iOS and gadgets that to some extent simplify the life of iPhone lovers. I recently published a note. In this same post I want to tell you about such a useful feature as icloud.com, how to log into icloud from a computer.

If you log into your iCloud account via a computer, then working with Apple services on an iPhone will become much easier for the user.

For example, icloud on iPhone will help you make settings that will allow you to receive notifications about incoming messages or simplify control over operations from your account.

What is iCloud and what is it for?

What is icloud.com? This is one of the services that is very popular. Its purpose is to store data.

It works like a cloud. The icloud storage also has an email function. You can receive and send messages.

Anyone who has an Apple gadget can log into icloud from a computer or phone. Every user of Apple products has a registered account on iCloud.

You can upload various files to Apple's cloud for storage. From office to multimedia, and also download them from there in the future.

The cloud stores data from installed applications, contacts with whom the gadget owner communicates, as well as correspondence.

The developers took care of their users. They provided the ability to log into your account not only from an iPhone or other official branded device, but also from a PC.

Moreover, no matter what operating system is installed on it.

How to log into an icloud account from an iPhone most often does not arise. Because all you have to do is enter your credentials and use it.

But how to log into iCloud from a computer? This is a slightly different story. There are several ways that we will now consider.

How to log into icloud via browser

This is the easiest and also the fastest login to icloud. To implement it, there is no need to find and download software.

Let's look at how to use the cloud without software, as well as how and where to log into Apple's cloud storage.

2 To log in to iCloud from your computer, you first need to enter your apple id and password. Thus, the user is identified in the system.

If you do not yet have an account on icloud.com, then first go through the registration procedure, and after that log into your account.

Once the user has logged into their account on icloud.com, a menu will open. Using it, you can set up synchronization between your computer and your phone.

Another useful feature is to create notes and reminders in your account; they will be saved to your smartphone automatically.

Another plus is the ability to work with documents in the browser. Not only save them, but also edit them.

A special tab called “Devices” allows you to see when you logged into your icloud account from a computer, and when from your phone. This is necessary for account security. The user may notice that someone has visited his account and change the password to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing important files.

One of the main advantages of using an account from a browser is that you can access the icloud media library and all other folders, and fully use all the capabilities of the resource from any computer.

It doesn't matter what operating system is installed on your PC. Enough . Log in to your account, enter your password and you can use it.

The only disadvantage of working with the cloud through a browser is that photos will not be automatically uploaded to iCloud from your computer. You have to do this yourself in manual mode. Unlike DropBox.

But there is another method that may be useful to use: logging in through a special Apple utility for Windows OS users.

How to use the login software

The main advantage of this method is that it allows you to use the storage to its full potential. That is, all its functions.

In addition to what can be done through the browser, the user is also given access to the cloud disk, to e-mail - to incoming and outgoing correspondence.

And also to file synchronization. Photos are instantly and automatically uploaded to storage.

The computer application is suitable for those users who have an operating system of at least Windows 7 installed on their PC, and those who prefer MacOS.

1 To log into your account, the user needs to download the application from the official iCloud website using the link below.

2 Install the downloaded application. This procedure is quite simple, you just need to follow the installation instructions.

3 After the program is installed, open it and log in to your account. To do this, enter your Apple ID and password. Then click Login.

You will have to wait a little, no more than a few seconds. During this time, synchronization will occur and all settings and files will be displayed on the computer.

Upon completion of the process, the corresponding folders will appear in the PC’s Explorer, this is all that the icloud utility provides for the computer. The only thing is that you can always get accurate information about the storage space and detailed statistics on what it is occupied by.

You can move files into it from hard drives and . If you have a constant connection to the Internet, all of them will automatically be synchronized with your account.

You can also easily and instantly move files to your local disk from the cloud.

Additionally, on the official Apple website you can always study information on how to use mail and calendars from iCloud in, or how to save all data from iCloud to your computer:

  • iCloud for Windows and Outlook https://support.apple.com/ru-ru/HT204571
  • Saving data from iCloud https://support.apple.com/ru-ru/HT204055

Please note that after installing iCloud on your computer, the main menus for work appeared in the START menu: calendars, mail, reminders, “Find iPhone”, etc., they all lead to the corresponding section on the website icloud.com. Everything that was described in the first method of logging into icloud through a browser.

Features of using the service

Those who use iCloud should pay attention to some features of the application. For example, if you log out of icloud or, then all the data that was uploaded to your account will be unavailable.

In all these cases, the user loses access to the account, and at the same time all the files that were in it. A new smartphone requires a different account linked to it.

How to exit iClay without loss

Let's say you decide to uninstall the iClod program for Windows, thereby exiting iCloud, and when uninstalling you will see the following picture. The utility will warn you about deleting all data downloaded to your PC along with iCloud Drive.

But the data is not deleted from the cloud, and will still be available to other devices connected to iColud. Now let's look at how to log out of your icloud account without loss.

  • First, all the necessary photos should be transferred from the stream to the phone’s memory, or simply transferred to another folder on the PC.
  • Save documents.
  • If there are any important SMS, then it is also better to transfer them, since in some cases they may disappear.
  • Now you will need to save the video, as well as information from notebooks and calendars, if it is important. Otherwise, after logging out of your account, all this will be lost forever.

But not all iPhones have the ability to save important information. This function is available only to Apple smartphones with an operating system of iOS 4 and higher.

Those platforms below version 4 do not have the ability to save files from an account.

There is no such problem for those who use the application not only on the phone, but also on the computer. The account remains accessible to them from the PC. Using a computer, you can transfer all files to a new account.

How to log into iCloud on a computer - is it necessary?

In conclusion, a note about how to log into iCloud from a computer, I would like to add that using iCloud from a phone or computer makes life easier for the user of smartphones and tablets from Apple. It's up to you to decide whether to use it or not.

Moreover, this function is completely free. You can try using icloud, and if you don’t like it, you can easily delete all data from the cloud and do not log in from your phone or computer.

iCloud Drive for Windows

How to enable iCloud sync between Windows and iOS

iCloud is a branded cloud storage that has been freely available to all Apple owners since October 12, 2011 (a worthy replacement for the once popular MobileMe). You can create an icloud account in just a few minutes using the guide below.

The service makes personal content available to all smartphones, tablets or PCs connected to one common Apple ID. In the cloud, you can safely save copies of almost all data that is stored in the local memory of the gadget. Changes made to iCloud are automatically applied to all synchronized devices.

Main functions

Need an email inbox or extra space for your media files? Then you should register in the system. Use it for:

  • conducting informal correspondence with friends and relatives;
  • business communication with colleagues and superiors;
  • authorization on various resources;
  • access to online banking and various electronic payment systems.

Other useful features include:

  • iPhone search (if the phone is stolen, you can remotely log into its system and delete important files, as well as completely block it);
  • file backup;
  • an application that allows you to track the locations of certain people (to carry out some kind of surveillance, you will need a user agreement);
  • synchronization from: contact list, Safari bookmarks, photos, notes, calendar.

As you can see, this resource is a whole range of useful functions that make the use of modern Apple gadgets even more convenient and efficient. When purchasing used equipment (or for other reasons), the account “details” may be lost. Don’t deprive yourself of all the benefits of modern technology, because you can get a new apple id within a few minutes! Read more about the benefits below.

Advantages of a cloud service

Why should you create an icloud account and how is it different from the alternatives? It is enough to cite just three advantages of the object in question:

  • free use of the product (maximum 5 GB of space, if you want more, pay a special rate);
  • there are no annoying ads, which cannot be said about Gmail and, especially, Yandex;
  • An effective mechanism is available to combat spam (aliases, virtual mailboxes).

Opening ID on iPhone and iPad

@icloud.com is an Apple ID with which you can quickly authenticate in App Stores, Game Center and other branded services. To do this, you need to activate the ID by connecting your icloud account on your iPhone.

The cloud allows you to significantly save money. For example, you no longer need to pay money to install an expensive application from the official store. To do this, just find out the ID details of your friend/relative, who has already paid for the program, and log into his “account” from your phone. But this method is not always convenient for several reasons. At a minimum, you may not have the aforementioned friend with the required application.


How to register for icloud from your own phone or tablet? Follow a simple algorithm:

  1. Connect to the Internet.
  2. Go to “Settings”, then to the mail and calendars section. Add a new account in the appropriate field (check the account type as i-Cloud).
  3. Make your ID. Enter your date of birth, first and last name. At this stage, users often make a serious mistake by entering false names, etc. Remember, to recover the code from your “account” you will need to confirm your identity. Doing this with a fictitious name will be quite difficult.
  4. Click on “Get free. email to icloud."
  5. Write down the name of the future address (here you can be as sophisticated as you like).
  6. Enter the code for the new mailbox. Be careful, the combination of characters must meet the following parameters:
    • be no shorter than eight characters (more is possible and preferably);
    • contain at least one number, uppercase and lowercase letters. The result should look something like this: “2727amAD”. Don't waste too much time coming up with a combination - you can easily change it in the future.
  7. Select three security questions and answer them. The procedure provides an additional layer of protection. These answers may be needed in due course to recover your password.
  8. Enter the virtual email address you already use. It will be a backup and will be needed for your authentication and password recovery (when you complete the process, confirm the backup mailbox. To do this, follow the link in the letter that will arrive at the address you specified).
  9. Turn on "updates" to receive regular news, software updates, and new product information from the American corporation.
  10. Please read the general instructions for using the product carefully. Click on the "Accept" button.
  11. Registration is completed!

As you can see, absolutely anyone without any knowledge base can create an icloud account.

Top 3 questions from users

No. 1: “How to log out of your old account?”

Go to settings, then to "cloud". Scrolling down the page, you will see the inscription: “Exit”. Feel free to click on this button (in some versions of iOS you need to click on “Delete account”).

No. 2: “How to register for icloud from a Mac desktop computer?”

For this device, the instructions are identical to those described above. To do this on a PC, go to System Preferences and then to iCloud.

#3: “What about logging in from a Windows PC?”

The resource is available only for branded products. Therefore, you will not be able to install icloud on a Windows computer. But you can do this, for example, from an iPhone, and then go to the Internet service website through a standard browser on your PC. There you will find an application in which you can open the icloud account you registered earlier.

Security at the highest level

Why do more and more people prefer Apple ID over other identifiers? It guarantees a high level of security of personal data. Even if the profile is hacked by guessing the password, scammers will not be able to change and get a new apple id. And you can reset your password at any time. How to create new code? To change it use:

  • sending the corresponding letter to the alternate mail;
  • answers to the security questions that were selected during registration;
  • company support service.

Strengthen the security level of your device by connecting a new account in the settings of your smartphone, iPad or PC (Mac) in the cloud menu. After this, no one will be able to block you remotely. This means that all personal data (photos, notes, mobile numbers, etc.) will remain accessible only to you.


I hope you appreciated the efforts of the engineers of the American company, who take care of the simple registration procedure for new owners of smart equipment. The procedure is not complicated, for those familiar with computers and people, 5-10 minutes of time and you get a fully functioning smartphone.

If you have any other questions, I’ll leave a video instruction below that will help you understand the configuration mechanism in detail.

Video instruction

Today, having an email is not just necessary; it is an important necessity, especially if you use modern gadgets: smartphones, tablets, and so on. In our article we will consider how to create iCloud mail on iPhone or Mac. First of all, you need to know that mail with the domain name icloud.com can only be created on Apple devices. If you are the owner of an iPhone, iPad or Mac, you can create such an account.

Benefits of creating iCloud mail

create icloud mail

The main advantages of creating mail from Apple:

  1. The ability to receive Push notifications is convenient if you don’t want to miss important emails.
  2. Absence of any advertising in the mail.
  3. Mail works without failures or breakdowns.
  4. You can also create alias mailboxes.
  5. Reliability and security (Google is known to read user mail).

How to Register iCloud Mail on iPhone

To create iCloud mail, you must already have one (read how to do this in our article).

You can register iCloud mail:

  1. On iOS devices - iPhone or iPad.
  2. On computers with macOS - iMac, MacBook and others.

How to create @icloud.com email on iPhone

Before creating and setting up an icloud.com email, you need to make sure that you have Internet access on your iPhone (it doesn’t matter: 3G, LTE or Wi-Fi, the main thing is that it is there).

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone and go to the Mail section.
  2. Go to the “Accounts” tab and tap on the “Add account” tab.

  1. Then select the top option “iCloud” and click on “Create an Apple ID account”.

  1. Next steps: fill in the date of birth, First Name and Last Name.

  1. In the next step, check the box “Get free. e-mail in iCloud" and click "Next".

  1. Then we come up with a unique name for the @icloud.com email and click “Next”.

  1. The next step to register your email is to create a password (at least 8 digits, with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters) and fill it in two fields.

  1. Next, you need to ask security questions and answers to them (also write them down) and add a backup email, also for security purposes (but not necessarily, you can skip it).
  2. Next, you need to confirm the “Terms and Conditions” by clicking on the word “Accept”.
  3. The last necessary action is to confirm the creation and registration of your iCloud mail by entering the code or following the link (it will be sent to the created mail).

@icloud.com email has been created!

How to Create iCloud Mail on Mac

To create an email address with the domain name @icloud.com you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open System Preferences and then sign in to iCloud.
  2. Click on the “Create Apple ID” sign.

  1. In the first step of three, fill in the fields: region and date of birth and click “Next”.
  2. In the second step, put a checkbox next to “Get free. e-mail in iCloud" and fill in: First and Last Name, enter the password twice (also, it’s better to play it safe and write it down on paper first and then enter it into the fields).
  3. The third step is to ask and answer security questions to ensure greater security for your account.
  4. The last necessary action is to go to the created mail and confirm its creation by clicking on the link.

You won't be able to create mail with an icloud domain name on a computer running Windows., Apple devices required. If you have an iPhone or iPad, registering your @icloud.com email is not difficult, follow the instructions; registration will take a couple of minutes. As a result, you will receive protected mail from spam and hacking, as well as absolutely no advertising.

iCloud is a cloud storage service, Apple's Internet service, first introduced in 2011 with iOS 5. Using iCloud, users can store all kinds of information, be it music files, photos, contacts, calendar notes and much more, and also send it to any iOS device and Mac computers. Agree, it’s quite convenient if you use more than one Apple device: all the information you need will always be at hand.

How to create (sign in to) an iCloud account

Before using the iCloud service, you must sign in to your cloud storage account. Starting with iOS 5, iCloud is automatically attached to the user's iPhone, iPad or Mac account. Therefore, to log into your account, you just need to specify your Apple ID and password by going to “Settings” and selecting the iCloud tab.

If you want to have an email address with the domain name @icloud.com, you can create one yourself by going to “Settings” > “iCloud”, finding the “Add-ons” tab there, and “Mail” in it.

iCloud storage capacity

You can also select the required amount of iCloud storage in the settings. By default, the user is given up to 5 GB of free space, but this is not the limit. iCloud storage can easily be increased by 10 GB, 20 GB or 50 GB, but this will require a monthly subscription fee.

How to use iCloud

You can access all information stored in iCloud on a special page icloud.com, having previously specified your Apple ID and password for it.

After this, you will have access to a virtual desktop on which icons of all those applications that are configured to synchronize with iCloud will be located.

iCloud Keychain

Separately, I would like to mention the “iCloud Keychain” function, which allows you to store in cloud storage data from Facebook or Twitter accounts or other sites from the standard Safari browser, credit card data, as well as information about all Wi-Fi networks of approved iPhones or iPads installed on them version iOS 7.0.3, as well as devices running OS X Mavericks 10.9 or later operating systems.

To activate the “iCloud Keychain” function, you need to go to “Settings” > “iCloud” and select the “Keychain” tab, then move the toggle switch to “on” mode.

The next step is to enter your Apple ID password, after which this function will be activated.

How to delete an iCloud account

Deleting an iCloud account only takes a few seconds. To do this, you need to go to Settings > iCloud > Delete Account, which will bring up a dialog box warning you: If you delete your account, all documents stored in iCloud will be deleted from this iPad.

Next, indicate what you want to do with the iCloud information stored on your device: keep or delete.

Forgot your iCloud password, what to do?

Since you use your Apple ID to log into your iCloud account, if you forget your alphanumeric combination, you can always reset it or change it on the “My Apple ID” page. You can get more detailed information about recovering a forgotten Apple ID password here -.



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