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How to install the NVIDIA video card driver without unnecessary components. How to install new drivers on a video card or why you need it! How to install drivers for nvidia video card

How to update NVIDIA video card drivers to the latest version and speed up recently released games on your computer or laptop? This can be done by following a few simple steps.

There are two ways to install or update the driver:

Automatically find NVIDIA drivers

Once loaded, launch and click “I ACCEPT. CONTINUE".

What video card do I have and the version of the software that controls it?

In the new window, select "Allow me to choose from a list of device drivers on my computer." In the dialog box that opens, click Install and then click Next. It is important to be sure of the source of the downloaded driver, and it is recommended to only install it if the software actually belongs to the manufacturer, otherwise there is a risk that the file is malicious.

If you followed the instructions correctly, the driver installed perfectly. To complete the process, simply follow the operating system instructions and reboot the machine when prompted. Rest easy user, you don't have to pull your hair out and spend hours on unfamiliar sites to find the files you need. Download drivers for 32-bit or 64-bit systems.

After installation, in the window that appears, leave the bird opposite "Launch NVIDIA GeForce Experience" and click "CLOSE".

The program will open and automatically search for the driver, after which you need to click "Download driver".

We are waiting for the download to finish.

After downloading, select the installation method.

Express installation Suitable in most cases if you are not updating, but installing the driver.

Click here to view a list of drivers. To update your video card drivers on 32-bit systems, click here. Find the management software you want to install on your computer, right-click on it, then select the Troubleshoot option.

They both list installed devices and report the drivers associated with them, indicating which drivers are up to date and which ones require updates. It is believed that after a few months, the vast majority of parts have updated drivers - at least this is expected from major manufacturers. User, now it's your turn to tell. And after using our tips, have you solved your problems? A graphics card is a critical component for those who want to increase their graphics processing power.

Custom installation it is better to use when you want to update not all components or want to do clean install.

Reading installation sometimes it can solve some problems with the driver that may have arisen in the old version.

After the driver is installed, restart your computer.

Manually find drivers for NVIDIA products

The second method of installing or updating the driver requires you to know the model name of your video card.

Whether it's for enjoying the latest version of the gaming world or for rendering projects, having an updated graphics card is just as important as the quality of the hardware. The first is through the official website of the manufacturer, the second; Through the application. Here are two ways to find your driver: You can browse the sections and find the type, series, and family of your graphics card. To load the driver correctly, you need to know about your device.

Updating the NVIDIA GeForce driver using standard Windows tools

If you don't know exactly what your graphics card is, skip to the next step. Another way to download the driver is to use option 2. This will make the tool identify your graphics card model and the best driver for it based on your operating system. To use this option, click the Graphics Drivers button and wait for the system to scan.

Information about the driver version will appear, as well as the file size. Click "DOWNLOAD NOW", then "ACCEPT AND DOWNLOAD".

Run the downloaded file. The first thing you will be asked to do is unpack the installation files. Just click "OK".

After unpacking, the installation will start. At the first installation step, you need to click “I ACCEPT. CONTINUE"

Where can I find the necessary software?

Once you do this, you can download the file. Step Download and install. You will need to have access to the register to use the resources. The software agrees to you using your account or logging in.

Step Successfully enter the Drivers menu. The screen will be loaded with the drivers available for your video card. Select the "Download" button and wait for the process to complete. Step Once the driver has successfully downloaded, complete the installation by clicking the Express Install button. Please note that you must have administrative privileges to complete the installation. Once the process is complete, your driver will be installed. Enjoy the updated board.

Select the installation method Express installation(suitable in most cases) or Custom installation(with the ability to select components to install or perform clean install) and press "FURTHER".

Wait for the installation to complete and click "CLOSE".

After installation is complete, restart your computer.

Click “Login” to enter the developer’s website and install the updater. Once the card is identified, the page will present your card's components and a "Download" button to download the configuration and driver software update.

Click Install to prepare your system for this update. The program will display a display telling you about the download operation. Wait until this procedure completes to begin installing the update. Once the download is complete, the user can choose Express Install, Automatic Driver Update, or Custom Install, which allows you to choose which components of the new version will be installed.

Typically, computer hardware manufacturers rarely release updates for their drivers. As a rule, the manufacturer releases a driver, then several updates, and that’s it. But this does not apply to video card manufacturers. , or more simply put, video drivers, are updated regularly. At the same time, not only new video card models receive updates, but also those that are already several years old.

The software will display a pop-up window informing you of the installation progress. It is recommended that the user stop other applications to speed up the process and avoid problems during operation. Once the process is complete, the program will display a report about the new version and a message at the top saying that the driver has been updated. If you want to check for new updates, simply click the "Check for Updates" button.

Problems are less likely, but there are fewer changes and workarounds. The following procedure, called a clean install, will often fix problems related to video cards and drivers. Download the latest graphics driver from the chipset manufacturer, not your graphics card or computer manufacturer. Save the file where you can easily find it, but don't install it yet. Instead, run the installer downloaded in step. Restart your computer. Remove the old video driver. . You should now have a clean version of your video driver.

With the help of video driver updates, video card manufacturers not only correct errors that were made earlier, but also optimize the operation of the video card for those games that appeared after the release of the video card itself. In some cases, this allows you to get a significant increase in FPS.

Considering all of the above, it becomes clear that video drivers need to be updated. And this is exactly what we will talk about in this article. Here you will learn how to update the video driver on Windows 7 or Windows 10.

How to Update AMD Radeon Video Driver

In order to update the video driver for an AMD Radeon video card, you must first go to the official AMD website using this link: .

On this page you need to find a form to search for a video driver (screenshot above). includes 4 drop-down menus and a “Display results” button. Each of these drop-down menus must be opened and the appropriate option selected. Next we will look at them in more detail.

A custom driver from your computer manufacturer is installed on your computer. The installed driver has not been tested for this computer. Contact your computer manufacturer to obtain the appropriate driver. Open the "Driver" tab and determine the version of the installed driver.

You can also look up the driver's date to judge the driver's "coolness". A version much more modern than the one on our car, which is even 6 months old! Once you do this, move on to step 3! Once you have downloaded the archive, extract it and save the location where you extracted the installation files.

  • The first menu is selecting the type of your video card. For desktop computers - choose Desktop Graphics, for laptops - Notebook Graphics.
  • Second menu - selecting a video card series. The video card series is always indicated in its name. If you have an AMD Radeon R7 250 video card, then your series is Radeon R7.
  • Third menu - selecting a video card model. Here you need to choose. For example, Radeon HD7xxx.
  • Fourth menu - select operating system.

After all menus are filled out, click on the “Display results” button. As a result, a page for downloading the video driver should open. Here we simply click on the “Download” button and wait until the driver is downloaded to the computer.

Select Browse My Computer to search for driver software. Then select "Choose" from the list of available drivers on my computer. Our driver is ready for installation! Click "Next". Let's check! Two ways to download drivers.

If you use your computer for gaming. It is advisable to have the latest driver. If you don't use your computer for gaming: There is no need to update your graphics card driver. Below are only the latest update files. Other old files are also present.

Select "Custom installation" and then "Perform a new installation". Some people recommend deleting the contents of the Installation folder. If this doesn't cause problems, you may not be able to remove some features later. Uninstall control panel programs and features.

After the video driver has been downloaded, you can proceed with the update. To do this, run the downloaded EXE file and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. After installation is complete, you may need to restart your computer.

How to update the NVIDIA GeForce video driver

Click "Search for updates." B Select updates to install. If an update is available, the display will show: “New updates available.” Click Start, Control Panel. In the lower left corner: - Click "System Information". Symptom: When you right-click on an icon, it disappears.

How to do it: algorithm

However, access to updates is not available. Obviously, you can download and install the driver without any problems. System Restore is always available to return to a previous configuration. When the driver file is loaded:. - go to the download folder. - double click on the downloaded file.

Here, just like on the AMD website, you need to fill out the search form. Below we will look at all the drop-down menus of this form.

  • Product Type menu. Here you need to select the type of your video card. In most cases, this is Geforce.
  • Menu "Product Series". Here you need to select the series of your video card. The series is always indicated in the model name.
  • Product Family Menu. Here you need to specify the exact model of the video card.
  • "Operating system" menu. Here you need to specify the version of your operating system.
  • Menu "Language". Here you need to select one of the available languages.

After filling out the search form, click on the “Search” button. As a result, you will see a page where you can download the latest version of the video driver for your video card.

First, the file is unpacked into a folder in the root of the hard drive. The installation consists of several components. If you select Custom Installation, you will see the various components that need to be installed. It seems that this is no longer necessary. Not anymore, but it used to be.

Today the solution is to squash your old driver with a new driver. A: If you have overwritten an old driver with a newer version, you can always reinstall the old driver. For more information, click on the following link: Option 2: Reinstall the old driver. On the download page: - check the license terms, - click "Download".

Now you can update the video driver. Run the downloaded EXE file and follow the installer's instructions. After the update, you may need to restart your computer.

Formatting a hard drive during a custom installation of Windows 7 will delete all data on the partition that is being formatted, in particular files, settings and programs.

Create a backup copy of all necessary files and settings so that you can restore them after installation. You will need to reinstall the programs you want, so make sure you have installation discs and product keys for programs you will use in Windows 7, or installation files for programs you downloaded from the Internet.

Note Note: If you are using the upgrade version of Windows 7, do not use third-party software to format your hard drive before installing Windows 7. Instead, simply follow the instructions in this section.

"Custom installation" and disk formatting


  • If you are using the upgrade version of Windows 7 on a computer without the operating system installed, you may not be able to turn it on. The upgrade version requires Windows XP or Windows Vista on the computer to activate Windows 7. During installation, the product key field must be left blank.
  • You may need to update your drivers after Windows 7 installation is complete. To do this, click the Start button, select All Programs, and then Windows Update. If the driver you need is not available on the Windows Update website, see

Hi all! Today, I want to talk to you, dear readers of the site, on such a topic as installing and updating drivers for NVIDIA video cards. The topic is very relevant for many, because the video cards of this company are considered one of the most popular in the world. And a lot of people, having bought a computer with a cool video card, after a while they wonder why this or that game doesn’t want to work normally!?

For example, the graphics are displayed incorrectly or the game constantly crashes or does not start at all. Why is this happening? No, not because the video card is outdated, modern video cards are made to last for years, my video card, for example, is already quite old, but still allows you to run the most modern games with good graphics. It's all about the drivers, which need to be updated promptly. But first, what is it anyway? What are drivers?

Driver- a special computer program that allows other programs and the operating system to function with certain devices that are part of the computer.

As a rule, the Windows operating system already has basic drivers for the video card built-in, but they cannot provide the best functionality, and even if the official manufacturer’s drivers are already installed on the computer (For example, you bought a computer in a computer store, where everything you needed was installed), then they need to be updated at least once every six months. After all, no one is perfect and developers, every now and then, find errors, correct them, and also add various modifications.

By the way, I recently had one problem, or rather, not me but my dad, the game Word of Tanks, suddenly, for no reason at all, began to produce graphics errors and refused to start at all. At first I tried to solve the problem by reinstalling the game client, but I soon realized that the problem was completely different; it turned out that the video card drivers had failed! And this, friends, also happens sometimes. Therefore, if you use a computer for gaming purposes, then you simply must know how to install, update and reinstall drivers. So let's get started already.

How to install drivers for nvidia video card

There is nothing difficult about installing or updating drivers, at least for NVIDIA video cards. For this we need only one program. Now I will tell you step by step how this is all done. By the way, in order to write this instruction with pictures for you, dear readers, I had to remove the software of my video card.

1) Download the program from here .

2) We launch it with administrator rights (via the right mouse button). This window has opened in front of us, we accept the license agreement.

3) We wait until the program installs; sometimes this process can take a long time. Once the program is installed, click “close”

4) After some time, the installed program should start; the first time it is launched, it will look for the latest drivers for the video card installed on the computer. As soon as she finishes searching, a button will appear "Download driver", click on it and wait until the driver we need loads.

5) Once the driver has loaded, two buttons will appear, one "Express installation" other "Custom installation". We select the selective one and wait for some time while the installation is being prepared.

6) Now, we can choose which components to install and which not. If you don’t have a set-top box with 3D glasses for your computer, then you don’t need “3D Vision Driver” and “3D Vision Controller Driver”, uncheck them and click “Install Driver”

7) Right now Attention!: During installation, the screen may turn off and on several times, this is normal, so do not be alarmed. Also, installation can take a long time.

8) Congratulations, you have successfully installed all the necessary drivers for your video card, now close this window, there is only one small detail left to configure. Go to the tab "Options", here I recommend setting the frequency of checking for updates to "Once a month", you can also uncheck "Download driver update automatically". I will not remove this option, because my Internet is more or less fast.

That's all, we installed the drivers for the video card, and set up timely notification of new versions. So gaming performance should now be high! By the way, I also recommend reading about it. Well, next time I’ll tell you about some software related to the video card, without which most games refuse to work. That's all, if anything is unclear, ask. See you later.

How to update NVIDIA video card drivers to the latest version and speed up recently released games on your computer or laptop? This can be done by following a few simple steps.

There are two ways to install or update the driver:

Automatically find NVIDIA drivers

Once it loads, run it and click “I ACCEPT. CONTINUE".

After installation, in the window that appears, leave the bird opposite "Launch NVIDIA GeForce Experience" and click "CLOSE".

The program will open and automatically search for the driver, after which you need to click "Download driver".

We are waiting for the download to finish.

After downloading, select the installation method.

Express installation Suitable in most cases if you are not updating, but installing the driver.

Custom installation it is better to use when you want to update not all components or want to do clean install.

Reading installation sometimes it can solve some problems with the driver that may have arisen in the old version.

After the driver is installed, restart your computer.

Manually find drivers for NVIDIA products

The second method of installing or updating the driver requires you to know the model name of your video card.

Information about the driver version will appear, as well as the file size. Click "DOWNLOAD NOW", then "ACCEPT AND DOWNLOAD".

Run the downloaded file. The first thing you will be asked to do is unpack the installation files. Just click "OK".

After unpacking, the installation will start. At the first installation step, you need to click “I ACCEPT. CONTINUE"

Select the installation method Express installation(suitable in most cases) or Custom installation(with the ability to select components to install or perform clean install) and press "FURTHER".

Wait for the installation to complete and click "CLOSE".

After installation is complete, restart your computer.

If you have problems displaying water textures in a combat session, please completely reinstall your video card driver.

If you have an AMD ATI Radeon video card.

AMD. To correctly update the video card driver, it is recommended to completely remove the currently installed driver package.

For Windows XP:

Go to Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
In the list of programs, select “ATI catalyst Install Manager” and click Uninstall/Change.
In the Uninstall Wizard window, select “Express Uninstall ALL ATI Software”.

Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.
(For Windows 8: Click Windows+X > Control Panel > Programs and Features.)
Find "ATI catalyst Install Manager".
Select "Express Uninstall ALL ATI Software".
Restart your computer after the uninstallation process is complete.

Installing the driver for an ATI/AMD video card is as follows:

Run the downloaded driver installation package.
Select a location to unpack the driver and click Install.
After unpacking is complete, the Installation Wizard will launch.
Click Next or Next, click Install.
Select "Express" or "Express".
Accept the license agreement. After this, the installation process of the driver package will begin.
After driver installation is complete, restart your computer.

If you have an nVidia video card.

You can download the new version of the driver for your video card on the nVidia website.
To correctly update the video card driver, it is recommended to completely remove the currently installed driver package.
The driver is removed as follows:

For Windows XP:

Go to Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
Look for the entry "NVIDIA Windows Display Drivers", "NVIDIA Display Drivers" or "Graphics Driver".
Select "Delete".
When asked by the program: “Should I remove this software?” — answer by clicking the Delete button.

For Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8:

Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.
(For Windows 8: Click Windows+X > Control Panel > Programs and Features).
Find “Nvidia Graphics Driver” or “Graphics Driver” in the list of installed programs.
Select "Nvidia Graphics Driver" and click the Uninstall/Change button.
When the program asks “Should I remove this software?” — answer by clicking the Delete button.
After removing the driver, restart your computer.

After removing the driver, run the previously downloaded driver installation package.

The driver is installed as follows:
Accept the license agreement.
In the installation options, select “Custom installation” (“Advanced options”), click Next.
In the Custom installation options, be sure to check “Perform a clean installation” and click Next.
After driver installation is complete, restart your computer.



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