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How to find out imei after flashing. The procedure for restoring IMEI after flashing an Android smartphone


After prolonged use, any smartphone may begin to work incorrectly and generate errors. Both global brands (HTC, Samsung, Lenovo, etc.) and Chinese counterfeits are susceptible to this. In extreme cases, it is necessary to flash the system, reset the device to factory settings, after which the IMEI may be lost, which should be restored.

What to do if after the firmware the phone does not see the network

Users do not always turn to the service center for help. Changing the firmware is not a simple process, after which problems with the device may arise, so a successful installation is very important for the performance of the smartphone. One of the possible consequences due to an error during the procedure is that the phone does not see the network. If this happens, you need to check if you have a code in your phone. If it is missing, then below are ways to restore IMEI on Android after flashing it.

How to restore memory on Android yourself

The absence of an imey code on Android leads to the loss of the smartphone’s communication signal. Your gadget turns into a useless device that can neither send SMS nor make calls. After unsuccessful firmware, it is better to take the device to a specialist, but if you wish, you can try to restore the code yourself. In some cases, re-installing a new version of the OS helps. There are several options for how to register IM on your Android phone:

  • using specialized programs;
  • manual recovery via the engineering menu.

Manual recovery on Android

To make sure there is no imei code, dial *#606#. If nothing appears on the screen, it’s time to start restoring. You can find the identification number inside the phone itself (usually written under the battery) or on the device box. If the device is designed to work with two SIM cards, then there should be two IMEI. Instructions on how to restore it manually through the engineering menu:

  1. Take out the SIM card.
  2. Make a call using the number combination *#*#364633#*#*. It will take you to the engineering menu.
  3. Go to "CDS Information", then click on "Radio Information" and select "Phone 1"
  4. At the top after AT+, type the combination EGMR=1,7,“IMEI”.
  5. Click “SEND AT COMMAND” to confirm the action.
  6. If the device is designed for 2 SIM cards, then you need to repeat the procedure, but enter the combination AT+EGMR=1.10, “IMEI”.

The above method is written for Alcatel, Philips, Fly phones. But to go to the engineering menu on other models, other combinations are needed. Try one of the following for your phone:

  • gadgets on MTK processor - *#*#54298#*#*;
  • Samsung – *#*#4636#*#*;
  • HTC – *#*#3424#*#*;
  • Sony – *#*#7378423#*#*.

Using special programs

If you were unable to manually register your phone again, then there is another option on how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing the firmware. For this you can use the MTK65xx.zip application. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Remove the SIM card.
  2. Unpack and copy the application to your device via cable.
  3. Launch the program, click the “Read” button if the program did not automatically determine the identifier.
  4. Cancel the “same IMEI” option and enter the required numbers in the appropriate field.
  5. Click the "Exit" button and reboot your device.

After turning it on, call the combination *#06# and the number lost after the firmware will be restored. If the above method does not work, you can use another method:

  1. Download and unzip the restore_imei archive on your computer.
  2. Find and open the run.bat document using standard notepad.
  3. Enter your ID in the appropriate field and click the “Save” button.
  4. Run the same file by double clicking. The file should appear in the folder - MP0B_001.
  5. Copy it to your device's SD card.
  6. Download and install “Root Browser” on your Android.
  7. Using this application, move MP0B_001 to the following path /data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/MP0B_001.
  8. Restart the device and it should display correctly.

Video instruction: recovery via the engineering menu

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Modern technologies used in the production of mobile devices have significantly expanded the scope of their use - now it is not only a means of communication, but also the ability to access the Internet, photography, video recording, etc. At the same time, not only new functionality appears, but also identification information, which, for the safety of the data stored on the device, is also constantly modified, making it possible to find a lost gadget or restore lost information.

However, even the latest innovations cannot exclude the occurrence of any failures or errors in the system. There are often situations when, for example, after updating the firmware and then installing all applications, you cannot access the Internet, make calls or write SMS. The fact is that along with a change in firmware, the software shell of the device is changed, codes are updated, unwanted processes are removed, and a new structure is created.

But you must understand that any mistake made during the installation of any program elements can cause a violation in the system, leading to the loss of IMEI - a special number stored in the device’s firmware and identifying it on the network. You can see it on the packaging (box), in the instructions included with the smartphone (warranty card), under the battery of the device itself:

If your device is designed for two SIM cards, then two IMEI will be indicated.

On a normally functioning phone, finding out the identification number is not difficult at all - in the telephone number entry field you need to type the following combination of characters: *#06# (on some devices the call button is also pressed), then the corresponding information should appear on the screen. If your request was unsuccessful, then the same failure as mentioned above has occurred.

But, not everything is so hopeless - the identification number has not changed and has not gone anywhere, but simply lost its own registration power, and this is the reason for the failure of the main functions of your device. We will now tell you what can be done in this situation.

There are several ways to restore the functionality of your Android device.

The first, and most reliable, is to trust the services of a specialized service; you just need to find out its location. But we are not used to looking for easy ways!

Those who love experiments and those who are confident in themselves can immediately move on to the second method.

Recover imei using a special application

Before you use this method, you should know what you (or ROOT) need. Now, you need to write down the IMEI of your device (see paragraph above), then step by step:

  • Download and .
  • We open the utility, give permission to the request and find the “data” folder, go into it, then find the “nvram” folder, then “md.”, where the “NVRAM” folder is located, which we delete and wait until our Android recreates the files , after which a window should appear in which the operator of the network used will be determined.
  • We go to by typing the following combination of characters in the number input field: *2366*#
  • Are looking for CDS Information, then - Radio Information, And - Phone 1.
  • On the line after the letters AT+ enter E, it should look like this: AT+EGMR=1.7,"" and further AT+EGMR=1.10,""
  • Now selecting AT+EGMR=1.7,"" put in quotes mine identification number of the first SIM card (it turns out AT+EGMR=1.7,”967311665444199″), after that, click under the line SEND AT COMMAND, the entry “AT command is mSent” should appear below.
  • Next, we enter the IMEI of our second SIM card in quotation marks in the same way, but in the combination AT+EGMR=1.10,"" We also press the command SEND AT COMMAND, AT command is mSent appears.

All that remains is to reboot the device and dance a jig!

Another application that can help with recovery is GScript Lite, which performs IMEI authorization through an operator request (root rights are required).

  • We install and launch the GScript Lite utility, give permission for the manipulations performed.
  • We add a script called “needs su”, which has standard IMEI characters.
  • After adding, change the data by entering your identification number.
  • Save the changes and activate the script.
  • Restart Android.

Manual recovery method

  • We enter the engineering (internal) menu by typing the following combination in the telephone number entry line: *#*#3646633#*#* (on some phones you may need to press the call button).
  • Select “Connectivity”, go to “CDS Information”.
  • Now “Radio Information”, then “Phone”.
  • After the AT+ symbols, enter EGMR = 1.7, reboot your device and enter the command *#06# into the call line, your identification number should appear.

In addition to the methods described, there is another possibility. The fact is that many manufacturers, knowing about this problem, took care to release a special file that restores IMEI, which you can immediately download from the official website and save on your smartphone, so that in case of a problem you can download it to your device.

In the presented material, we described how you can change imei on Android - restore it after flashing it. In the article, we highlighted tried and tested methods for activating Android OS identification, but nevertheless, I would like to repeat that amateurish intervention in the system is fraught with unpredictable consequences, keep this in mind if you decide to restore IMEI yourself. Good luck!

On Android - a serious error due to which the device loses the communication signal, which leads to the inability to make a call, send a message or access the Internet.

Reasons for the failure:

  • Incorrect device firmware.
  • Error when returning the smartphone to factory settings.

Some models of Chinese smartphones can work without an identifier, but if you have a high-quality device from a well-known brand and your Imei has disappeared, the device will not work correctly.

Manual recovery

Dial *#06# on your Android phone. If the IMEI code does not appear on the screen, then you urgently need to restore it. You can find the identification number on the box, in the instructions, or under the battery. If the smartphone supports dual SIM cards, then two IMEI numbers must be specified.

Manual IMEI repair on Android:

If the number above does not work, try the following options:

If your Android supports two SIM cards, then you need to repeat the procedure for restoring the identification number. For the second SIM card the command will be: AT+EGMR=1.10,“IMEI”.

After recovery, you need to exit the engineering menu and reboot the phone. After turning on, dial *#06# again to check IMEI. If the number is not displayed, then to correct the error you will need an Android IMEI repair program.

Software recovery

If manual recovery did not help solve the problem of missing identifier after flashing, then try using the MTK65xx.zip program.

After rebooting the device, dial *#06#. The device identification number lost after the firmware update will be restored. If the above methods did not help you figure out how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing, then try another option:

Using Root Browser, move the MP0B_001 file to the /data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/MP0B_001 directory. After transferring the data, restart your phone and check the identification number again - this time it should be displayed correctly.

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IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) ​​is a unique identification number assigned to mobile phones and tablets during production. It is recorded in a special memory cell of the device and plays an important role in its functioning. If the ID is erased for any reason, the gadget will not be able to make calls or connect to the Internet.

The information presented below will help you understand how to restore IMEI on an Android device.

What is IMEI?

The have number consists of fifteen digits. It is necessary to uniquely identify a mobile device. Why is it needed at all and what functions does it perform?

  • The IMEI identifier can be used for the following purposes:
  • Determining the location of an electronic device in case of loss or theft.
  • Blocking of a mobile phone by the operator at the request of the owner.

Use of an identifier for wiretapping in the interests of investigating private conversations by intelligence agencies or the police.

It is important to know

The IMEI number is associated with the mobile device, not the SIM card. It remains unchanged when changing SIM and when returning the smartphone to factory settings.

How to find out who owns your smartphone?

To restore memory on Android, you need to know it. Of course, if it has already been deleted from the smartphone’s memory, the task becomes more complicated. Where can you watch it? Let's look at all the options.

Through the mobile device menu

You can easily find out through the settings menu (if it has not yet been erased). The procedure is as follows:

Using the service team

You can also view your IMEI by using . The following manipulations need to be performed: This and the previous methods are good when you want to write down the IMEI of your smartphone somewhere “just in case.” If it was not possible to do this, and the file in your smartphone has already been deleted,

you will have to resort to other methods of determining the original device identifier.

So, where else can you find out the IMEI code? Let's figure it out.

Sticker on the packaging or under the removable battery

If the smartphone is not counterfeit, the unique number should always be indicated on the box in which it comes, among other information.

You can also find it on a sticker located under the battery of your mobile device. Unfortunately, this only applies to devices equipped with a removable battery.


In the case of a dual-SIM gadget, two IMEI codes are used for each radio module of the gadget. If there is one radio module and two SIM cards, then the numbers will be the same.

The device identification number is always indicated in the contract concluded with the mobile operator. If you need to restore your IMEI, you can always find it out from the contract.

Will be useful

If for some reason you cannot find your copy of the contract, do not despair: you can contact the customer service center of your mobile provider with your personal passport so that they can tell you the IMEI identification number.

Restoring IMEI on Android

Well, we found out how to find out the IMEI ID. Now let's find out how to restore IMEI on Android, for example, after unsuccessful firmware.

There are several methods by which you can restore your memory on Android. Their detailed description is given below.

Method 1. Through a special engineering menu

Each mobile phone has a specialized service software module, through which, with proper qualifications, you can change various important parameters of the device. To restore the IMEI number through the service menu, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Open the engineering section by typing a combination of characters on the device’s keyboard (commands for accessing the service menu differ for different models of smartphones and tablets, they can be found on the Internet).
  • Activate the “Connectivity” tab.
  • Go to the “CDS Information” subsection.
  • Tap on the item “Phone 1”.
  • A window will appear where you need to type the following in the command line: AT+EGMR=1.7, “IMEY”, where the 15-digit name identifier is indicated in quotes.
  • Click the “Send at command” button to start executing the command.
  • Reboot your phone to complete the recovery process.

Method 2: Using a third-party application

You can also restore IMEI on your smartphone using third-party utilities, but to use them you need to obtain superuser rights (also called root rights). You can easily get root using the FarmaRoot utility. The process itself is simple and intuitive.

After getting root, you can try to restore it using a specialized utility. One such application is Chamelephon. The procedure for restoring the IMEI identifier using this utility is as follows:

  • Install the Chamelephon program from the Google Play Market application store;

IMEI is a unique code for the radio module of an Android smartphone. The number of SIM cards that the smartphone works with simultaneously affects the number of IMEI. If two SIM cards are used, there will also be two IMEIs. This code is intended to enable the device to be identified on the network. It turns out that this is a kind of “passport” of the device.

This article will discuss the main ways to restore IMEI, both using smartphone tools and using a third-party application.

There are two ways to restore the IMEI of a smartphone running Android through the engineering menu. Both of them require the user to manually enter the IMEI.

You can find out your unique code by examining the phone box or the information under the battery.

First way

Important! To set the second IMEI, you must repeat the procedure described above in item Phone 2.

Second way

If the phone's engineering menu differs from the one described in the first method, you can use this option.

Repair IMEI using Chamelephon app

Important! Before you start restoring using this method, make sure that you have root rights on your Android smartphone.


It is rare, but there are cases when IMEI cannot be restored. If nothing works out for you, you need to reflash the phone with another firmware and try again to restore the IMEI using one of the methods described above.



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