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How to find out what kind of asus laptop I have. Determining the laptop model - simple ways

A short article that will help you find out the model of your (or someone else’s) laptop or netbook. In this case, you don’t even have to look for its box or documentation (although this is also an option). This may seem trivial or uninteresting to some, or questions may arise like “How is it possible not to know the laptop model” or “Who do you have to be to not find out such simple information”, but in reality there really are situations when you need to determine the laptop model, but there seems to be nowhere to look. In general, I won’t linger for long and will get straight to the point.

1) We look at the sticker on the case itself where the keyboard is. It may be ridiculous, but sometimes people forget about it and don’t watch it. Banal inattention.
A similar sticker can also be on the monitor.

2) As I wrote above, look at the laptop/netbook box. Sellers often stick price tags on it indicating the model and characteristics. Manufacturers can also draw this on the box themselves.
You can also look at the documents, but they most often provide one documentation for the entire series, so the chance to find out the model is unlikely.

3) We turn the laptop over and look at what’s on the bottom. Most often, the information we need is there.

4) We remove the battery. Often you can also see the laptop model under it:

5) Let's find out using standard Microsoft tools,

To do this, open and enter the following command:
wmic csproduct get name

The result should be like this:

6) We will also use standard Windows tools. The method is suitable for Windows 7 and 8.

Right-click on My Computer, select Properties and look:

7) Using the program AIDA 64(former Everest) You can also look at the laptop model.

This program was created to view all information about the computer and system. It used to be free (when Everest was still there), but now it has become paid. Probably it became too popular and the producers decided to make money on it...
But she has a trial period of 30 days to “enjoy” all the delights of the program. but we generally need it for a couple of minutes, so we download it from, or even better, immediately from and watch it.

8) Using the program Belarc Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit You can also find out the laptop model. It is free, but does not have support for the Russian language, and besides, the size is 3 times smaller than the previous one from point 7.

We download, install, launch and receive a detailed report with a lot of data. But we only need one “System Model” block

That's all I have. I think 8 ways to look and find out the laptop model will be enough for you.

Today, many users do not know the exact name of the laptop model they are using. In principle, you can easily do without this. However, in some cases it is necessary to know the exact name of the device being used.

This may be required when manually downloading drivers directly from the manufacturer's website. Here for each specific model there is its own set. It also doesn’t hurt to know the exact model name when contacting technical support. This article will discuss how to determine the model name of an Asus laptop. Despite this, the methods described below are quite suitable for devices from other manufacturers. Whatever brand of device you are using, there is a lot of information associated with it. This is the motherboard model, serial number, unique ID, etc. All this is quite difficult. This article will help even a beginner to correctly determine the exact name of the laptop model.

How to determine the Asus laptop model

There are two most common methods. The first is to find out the laptop model from the package of papers that comes with the device. This includes a warranty card, an instruction manual, and a receipt from the store. In some cases, the user manual only indicates the name of the laptop series, and not the model of the device. How can you find out which ASUS model you are using? If the name of the model range is not enough for you, you can always turn to a special factory sticker. It is usually located on the box and on the bottom of the laptop. On it you can find the following information: serial number, laptop and motherboard model, barcode. After the word MODEL the name of the device is given. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the third, fourth and fifth characters in the name are not taken into account.

Is it possible to determine the model name from the OS?

If you lost the documentation for the device along with the packaging, there is nothing to worry about. All necessary information can be easily obtained directly from the operating system. Let's find out how you can determine the model name using the command line. To do this, you need to open the parameter entry line. To do this, you can use the sequence of actions Start menu - “Run”, or type “Run” in the search. Then type cmd. This will open the command prompt. In it you need to run the wmic csproduct get name command. Then you need to press the Enter button.

Then the next line will display a message with the name of the device you are using. It is not necessary to use the command line for this purpose. There is another way to find out the device model. To do this, you need to open “Run”. Paste "dxdiag" into the input line. The Diagnostic Tool window appears. It should immediately open in the System tab. In the “Computer model” section, the model of your laptop will be indicated. To get comprehensive information about the laptop, including the model name, you need to follow the path “Start” - “Control Panel” - “System and Security” - “System”.

You can also simply right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties”. On Windows 10, you can try using search. To do this, you just need to enter the word “System” in the search bar. You can also find out the name of the laptop model using special programs. One such specialized utility is Everest. To do this, you need to open the folder with the program and run the file with the exe extension. A program window will open. Here you need to follow the following path: “Menu” - “Computer” - DMI - “System”. At the bottom of the window in the system properties, the manufacturer, model name, unique ID number, serial number will be indicated.

other methods

To find out the model of the laptop you are using, you can use Bios. This method is especially useful in cases where the packaging documentation has been lost and the label with model information is damaged. However, it is not possible to log in to the system due to some kind of glitch. In this case, you need to contact support. But how to determine the name of the device? To do this you need to get into Bios. Depending on the device model you use, the methods may differ slightly, but there is nothing to worry about. There aren't many options here. You can try pressing the Esc key when loading the manufacturer's logo.

As a result, a black screen should appear. Here you need to find a line that says Enter to Setup... Instead of three dots, the combination of buttons that you need to press to enter Bios will be indicated. The same inscription can be located at the top of the screen or at the very bottom. If nothing happened when you pressed the Esc key, then the next time you boot, you can try other options: Del, Ctrl+F2, F2. After you go to Bios, the device name can be found in the Main tab. Also, in some cases, this information can be obtained by pressing the F12 button.

Hello friends, glad to see you on our blog. In this article I will tell you and clearly show you how to find out the laptop model.

In the last issue we found out in a couple of clicks. Today we’ll talk about laptops, how to determine their model and main characteristics.

Let's find out the model

Advanced computer users probably know how to do this, but there are also people who do not know this. So, especially for you, I decided to write this article on how to determine the laptop model.

A short outline of the article:

  • Packaging and documents,
  • Front or back panels and stickers,
  • Under the battery (battery),
  • View in BIOS,
  • Computer properties,
  • Command line,
  • Msinfo32 System Information
  • DirectX Diagnostic Tool,
  • Aida64 and Everest programs.

Let's start in order from the very beginning.

Packaging and documents

Few people leave or store packaging and documents from laptops, but warranty cards are saved more often. If you still have packaging or documents from your computer, you can look through them. If you still have a warranty card, then the laptop model is also written on it.

If you have neither packaging, nor documents, nor a warranty card, then I suggest considering the following options.

Front or back panels and stickers

On Asus laptops, a sticker with the model and main characteristics is usually affixed to the front.

On laptops from Fujitsu-Siemens or simply Fujitsu, you can find the name of the series line of personal computer models.

For example, in the Lifebook line, this designation can be seen in the upper left corner of the laptop. Also, on some models of other brands, the series and model are written in the corner or side of the case.

Look carefully at your laptop; if you are now reading this material from a laptop computer, you may find the letters and numbers of the series or model of your computer.

We look under the battery (battery)

Typically, the model and other data of the laptop from HP, Asus and Acer are written on the case under the battery and on the battery itself.

I'll give an example on an Asus laptop.

As you may have noticed, this inscription appears on the battery in two places, on the front and where the contacts are.

View laptop model in BIOS

Finding out your laptop model through the BIOS is probably one of the fastest and easiest ways. Unless, of course, you have a BIOS password that you don’t know. If you don’t have it, then you can safely use this method.

To do this, when you turn on the computer, you need to press the buttons several times And . If you have an HP (Hewlett-Packard) computer, then in order to get into , you need to press the key .

Go to the Advanced or Info tab and look at the model of your computer.

Computer properties

You can use the My Computer shortcut on your desktop or through the Start > Computer menu. I already wrote earlier.

Go to Computer >>> Properties >>> Performance counters and tools >>> Display and print detailed information about computer and system performance.

After that, the Additional information about your computer window will open in front of you, in which you can view the information you are interested in, as well as print this page.

How to find out your laptop model - computer properties | website

Command line or CMD

In the black window that appears, you need to enter the combination and press Enter.

After which you should see the message Name and the model of your laptop. Here's an example:

C:\Users\User>wmic csproduct get name
LIFEBOOK AH530 - this inscription is the model of your laptop.

How to find out your laptop model - command line | website

Msinfo32 System Information

You can use another convenient tool to view system information. To do this, call the Run window again. + and enter .

A system information window will open in front of you, which will list a large list. Starting from the name of your operating system, version and ending with the swap file.

How to find out your laptop model - Msinfo32 team | website

DirectX Diagnostic Tool

There is another way to see a description of your laptop using DirectX diagnostic tools. To do this, open the Run window again. + and enter .

This program will help you obtain detailed information about installed components and drivers.

How to find out your laptop model - Dxdiag team | website

Aida64 and Everest programs

If you want to get extensive information about the characteristics of your computer, you can use separate third-party programs. I'm used to working with Everest, I use Aida64 less often. Of course, there are other programs, but I will not touch on them in this review.

Everest and Aida64 are similar utilities, they have almost the same functionality and interface, only the names are different.


We go to Aida, go to the Menu tab, then go to the System Board, click System Board and look at the information that interests us.

Under the properties of the motherboard, in the third paragraph of the System plan, the model of your laptop will be written.

I have this Fujitsu Lifebook AH530, you may have a different company and model.

How to find out your laptop model - Aida64 program | website


Open the folder with the Everest utility and run the file or .

The system properties will contain the manufacturer, product, serial number, universal unique ID and the wake-up type.

How to find out your laptop model - Everest program | website

Let's sum it up

Today we got acquainted with many ways to find out the model of a laptop and computer. We were helped by: packaging and documents, front or back panels and stickers, battery and information underneath it on the case, BIOS program, computer properties, command line, run window with useful commands And , also worthy programs Aida64 and Everest.

You may have questions related to determining your laptop model. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, and also use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me on

This short note will be devoted to an interesting situation when you do not know how to find out your laptop model. I think that more advanced laptop users usually remember this data, although I can say for sure that some forget this information and, by the way, I am no exception. And if you are still a beginner, then this article is for you.

To find out what model your laptop is, just look at the front of the laptop, which is located just above the keyboard and at the top or bottom of the display. In the screenshots below you can clearly see where you can see this data using the example of Dell and Lenovo laptops:

It is very rare, but you can still find it when the model is written on the right side at the very bottom of the laptop, for example, like on eMachines and Acer laptops.

If the model is not written on the front of the laptop, then turn the laptop upside down and do a detailed inspection of it from below. There are usually several stickers stuck there, including the one with the name. The model can be written in different ways:

  • Using the word MODEL, and then the number itself.
  • Using the abbreviation MB, and then the number itself.
  • Simple writing of the number, without auxiliary words.

For example, below I showed 2 laptops: Samsung and Fujitsu.

However, what is written here is not always entirely correct, I mean that the model is not fully described. To make sure, we type in the manufacturer’s brand and the model itself into Google and check. There you can find the most reliable information.


Sometimes laptop manufacturers may hide this data a little deeper, such as on or under the battery.

Information for those who have not removed the battery. Turn the laptop over and find the latches that hold the battery. Usually there are 2 of them, but there are exceptions when there is only one. Then move them apart and the battery will rise on its own.

Now you can check for the data you need. Most often you can find it on the battery itself, but also look under it (on the laptop).

Let's try to find out the model using standard Windows tools

Now let's consider the option of how to find out the laptop model through the command line. Go to the “Start” menu, type cmd in the search bar or use the hot keys “Win” + “R”, type cmd and press “Enter”. A window should have appeared with white English inscriptions on a black background. We write the following line here: wmic csproduct get name and press Enter again. The model you are using will appear on the screen, for example “Asus X52J”.

As an option I can also suggest one more thing. Go to the “Start” menu - “Control Panel” (look at the upper right corner of the window, at the “View” item, set the value to “Small icons” there - select “System”). Here everything will be described in detail: the model, the manufacturer, and everything in general, but not everyone will have this information displayed. You can open this window using an alternative method: “Start”, “Computer”, but on the last item we click not with the left mouse button, but with the right one. Select “Properties” from the drop-down list.

HP Notebook:


Now let's talk about how to find out the laptop model directly when you start it. You probably already guessed that we are now interested in the BIOS. We go into it, look for the tab responsible for displaying this information, look, remember, done!


Of course, I can't mention the additional software, for example I really like Everest. The utility displays the most detailed characteristics of all components of your computer, including, of course, the laptop model. How can I watch it? After starting the program, select “Computer” on the left side of the window and go to “Summary Information”.

In the “Motherboard” section there is an item of the same name opposite which will say what you were looking for.

In this article, I have not considered all the methods on how to find out the model of a laptop, however, I think that the above methods are enough for everyone. Thank you all for your attention, come again ;).

To prevent compatibility problems when replacing components or connecting new equipment, you need to know the laptop model. Below we will discuss several proven methods, thanks to which the question of how to find out the laptop model will no longer be difficult for you.

Laptop case, stickers, battery

There is little hope for laptop packaging or any documents - usually all this is thrown away immediately after purchasing a laptop. But if you still have the instruction manual, you can look in it for information about the laptop.

A more realistic way is to find stickers on the front or bottom of the laptop. They contain complete information about the device, including manufacturer, series and model. For example, Acer Aspire 5745G.

If the stickers are torn off the case, then try to look at the model on the laptop battery. Turn it over and look for two latches (maybe one). Move them to the open position and remove the cover to remove the battery. The battery will be marked with the manufacturer (for example, HP or DNS), as well as the series and model.

Using software

If the information you are interested in is not indicated either on the case or on the battery, then you can resort to software methods for determining the exact model of the laptop. Let's try to do this via the command line:

Your laptop model will appear in the Windows interpreter window - all you have to do is rewrite it or remember it. If you are not comfortable with the command line or just want to double-check the information, look at your laptop model in the “System Information” window.

The manufacturer line indicates a specific brand - Sony Vaio, Dell, Lenovo. The model is indicated in numbers and Latin letters. Here you need to be careful: within a series, laptop models may differ by one sign.

Since we're going through system utilities, let's not ignore the DirectX diagnostic tool. Despite the implicit relationship to the issue of determining the laptop model, you can also find all the necessary information here:

These are proven options that work on laptops from all manufacturers, be it the common Samsung or the rarer MSI. There are other ways: for example, sometimes information about a laptop is pinned in the “System Properties” section. To open it:

Note: This method does not work on all laptops. For example, Asus with Windows 10 installed does not contain such information in the system properties.

Another option is to look at the information about the laptop in the BIOS. Restart your laptop and press Del (maybe another key) until the Basic Input/Output System window appears. There should be an “Info” tab, inside which basic information about the device is indicated.

Computer health monitoring utilities

Information about the laptop provides various programs for measuring temperature and other indicators of the device’s operation. For example, you can use the HWMonitor utility.

The line will indicate the laptop manufacturer (HP, Lenovo) and its model. You can double-check the data using the AIDA64 program. Although it is a paid utility, it has a trial period (30 days), which is enough to determine the laptop model.

There are a lot of programs that provide detailed information about your computer; you can look up the laptop model in any system monitoring utility. By the way, after receiving the necessary information, you should not delete these programs - use them to constantly be aware of the temperature of the processor and video card.



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