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How to enable prtscr on a laptop. How to take a screenshot on a laptop? Accessible Guide

Those who love experimenting with photos should undoubtedly know how to take a screenshot on a laptop or computer.

Depending on who has what, the creation process is the same. It depends more on Windows than on PC.

In modern PCs, more precisely operating windows systems You can easily take a screenshot using standard tools.

Only if used additional applications, the effect will be significantly greater, especially when editing them.

All laptops: acer, asus, compaq, hp, Toshiba, Samsung, Lenovo, dell and others, as well as computer keyboards For screenshots there is a “print screen” button, but it is written in English “Print Screen”.

Only the full name is rare - usually they are abbreviated, sometimes “PrtScr” sometimes “Print Scrn”.

This key is always located at the top right. She looks like the picture below.

To take a screenshot on your laptop, just click on it, open “Paint” (available on all Windows) and click paste.

If you know how to use paint, you can immediately edit the photograph you take (apply an inscription, change the size, add other elements) and save it in the required format.

By pressing the printscreen key, you take a snapshot of the entire laptop screen. If you only need a part, then use scissors (I don’t know about XP, but everyone has it on Windows 7 and 8).

To get to it, click , almost at the very bottom, click on the line “all programs”, scroll the window to the very bottom and click “standard” - you will see the scissors right away.

By clicking on the scissors, you can easily take a photo of anywhere on your laptop screen. But they don’t have much functionality – if you want more, read on.

  • Yes, before I forget - in addition to pictures, you can record everything that happens on the screen of your laptop in a video -

Free programs to take screenshots of screens on laptops or computers

As I wrote above, take screenshots standard means They know how to do it, but they can’t give them a sophisticated look.

If you're interested in such things, then download any of the following (or experiment with them all) - they're free and very easy to find on your own.

  • FastStone Capture - besides taking screenshots, has many additional functions
  • Screenshot Captor - is equipped with a wide variety of capabilities for working with screenshots.
  • EasyCapture - creates different types of screenshots and is very easy to use.
  • DuckCapture - will do different types screenshots of a laptop screen or any window.
  • Clip2Net - not only takes screenshots, but also, if necessary, posts them on the Internet.

That's all, as they say, I helped as much as I could - I told him what I knew. If anyone knows more, write in the comments, and we will check, discuss, and learn. Good luck to everyone.

There are at least 2 ways to take a screenshot of a laptop screen on Windows.

Using the PrtSc button

To do this you need to do the following:

Using the Scissors program

  1. You need to open the standard Windows Snipping utility (you can quickly do this by typing in search bar Start menu corresponding request).
  2. When the utility opens, the user will be asked to select any part of the screen and take a picture of it.
  3. The photo is ready. The utility will automatically prompt you to select a location to save the image file.

These methods of creating a screenshot on acer laptop Also suitable for computers.

On a tablet

To take a screenshot on acep one or another tablet model from Acer, there are several methods:

Method 1

  1. You need to press the button with the image of the Windows icon and at the same time the button that decreases the volume (if the screen is created, there will be a flash on the screen, and the characteristic click of the camera shutter will be heard from the speaker).
  2. The screen will be automatically saved in the gallery of your mobile device.

Method 2

  1. If a keyboard is connected to the device, you need to simultaneously press the key with the Windows logo and PrtScn (looks the same as on a laptop).
  2. The screenshot will be placed automatically in the tablet gallery, in the corresponding Screenshots folder.

On a smartphone

To take a screenshot on an Acer smartphone (phone) in the standard way, you need to follow these steps:

  1. At the moment when you need to take a screenshot, you need to simultaneously press the Power button (which is responsible for activating and deactivating the screen) and the Volume Down button (just like on a tablet, there will be a characteristic flash and sound).
  2. The screen will be automatically saved in the device gallery, in the corresponding Screenshots folder.

Let's sum it up

The ability to quickly take screenshots will be useful to all owners of Acer devices in everyday life. Users mobile devices based on Android can, in addition to standard methods, use special applications for screenshots that can be found in Google.Play, for example: Screenshot Ultimate Pro, Screenshot It, Screenshot.

Sooner or later, each of us is faced with the need to photograph information from our laptop monitor. Most often, such a picture is called a “screenshot,” although no less common names are “printscreen” or simply “screen photo.” Thanks to this functionality, it becomes possible to more easily convey a problem with the OS to a specialist or, conversely, explain to a beginner how a particular tool works. Therefore, it is desirable for every user to know how to make a print screen on a laptop.

How to use the Prt Scr button on a laptop

The useful function of creating a print screen is available to all PC users and most keyboards are equipped for this with a key of the same name “Prnt Scr” or “Prt Scr”, which is essentially the same thing. The “printscreen” button on a laptop is most often located at the top right.

Using a screenshot you can save useful information from sites where it is impossible to select text for copying.

When you press this magic button, nothing will happen visually, since the resulting image will only be copied to the clipboard. Then it all depends on what exactly you need this function for. If you need to send a photo as a message, just place the cursor in the text line and then press the key combination “ctrl+v” or “shift+insert”. However, this does not work in all cases. Sometimes, to insert a picture, you must first remove it from the buffer to get a separate file, which is then attached to the text.

To do this, you need to open any program for working with images, for example, photoshop or built into any windows editor paint, and insert an image using the command of the same name or, again, the key combination “ctrl+v”. Here, if desired, it is possible to crop out the excess from the picture, add a signature, highlight with a frame important point, or sketch out (hide) personal information that you do not intend to share. Then save, specifying the extension “jpg” or “png”.

If you need to copy a window open on your monitor, try using the combination Alt keys+ PrtScr, so as not to suffer with further pruning. The clipboard will contain only the window you need, without the rest of the screen.

For some laptop models, the “Prt Scr” button performs several functions at once. Taking a screenshot with this option is combined with the “SysRq”, “F10” or “Ins” commands. On the one hand, this is convenient - the keyboard is more compact, on the other hand, how can you make a print screen on a laptop in this case?

If you have just such a keyboard in front of your eyes, then in order to save the screen image you must first hold down the “Fn” key, and only then “Prt Scr”, or press them simultaneously. The file will also be copied to the clipboard.

How to take a screenshot on a laptop if there is no “Prt Scr” button

It happens that the required key is not on the keyboard. There are two easy ways to solve this problem:

  1. Press “windows + R”, the “Run” window will appear. Paste the command “osk” into the line and click “ok”. A virtual keyboard with the desired button will appear on the screen.
  2. Just like in the previous method, launch the “Run” window, but now use the “snippingtool” command, and then click “ok”. The “scissors” window will immediately appear and the cursor will turn into a cross. Just select the desired area of ​​the screen and click “save”.

Programs for taking screenshots

There are many special programs to easily take screenshots. Many of them are absolutely free and at the same time allow you to edit the resulting image without using additional tools.


Download from the official website: http://app.prntscr.com/ru/download.html

Another method is to install the “Lightshot” extension in the browser so as not to clog up the laptop memory, but keep in mind that the ability to make a print screen will only be available when open window Internet.


This is a service cloud storage information. After downloading, you need to register by entering your email (or log in through your Google account). It’s also easy to use - after clicking the “printscreen” button, the program will save your screenshot in cloud storage, as well as on the computer. You can exchange such pictures directly from a virtual folder.

Thanks to having your own account, saved photos can be easily seen and sent from any device connected to the Internet. You can get the dropbox installation file here: https://www.dropbox.com/downloading (download will start automatically).

Yandex disk

A convenient service for creating and storing screenshots for those who have Yandex mail. It also saves the received photos to your computer and to the cloud, but at the same time makes it possible to edit them immediately. Download here: https://disk.yandex.ru/download/#pc.


A small program for creating print screens. home distinctive feature- the presence of the “autoscreenshot” function, by running which the images will be automatically saved after a certain period of time.

All of the programs listed are absolutely free, and besides, they will not take up much space on your hard drive. Another useful point is that in the internal settings you can select any hotkey that is convenient for you instead of the standard one.

Knowing how to take a screenshot from a laptop monitor makes it easy and simple to share information with friends or save it for yourself. Which of the above methods is most convenient is up to you to decide.

Screenshot (screenshot) - a snapshot of a laptop screen or its area, stored on a medium in jpg, png, jpeg, etc. format. It is useful when writing instructions and saving important data that cannot be copied or downloaded, sending system notifications to technical support or provider. You don’t need any special skills or knowledge to take a screenshot of the screen on any laptop. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the tools and third-party utilities built into OS Windows 10.

Screenshot in OS Windows 10 from the keyboard method No. 1

Using the built-in capabilities of the OS greatly simplifies the process of saving pictures from the monitor, since there is no need to install additional programs. To take a screenshot, use the combination function keys on keyboard. The process will be as follows:

Using the key combination PrtSc and Ctrl, take a snapshot of the entire screen, including the Start panel and tray. If you want to save data only from the active window (the area where the important information), instead of Ctrl press Alt. In the future picture there will be no area with Start.

Screenshot in OS Windows 10 from the keyboard method No. 2

The first method is good when the resulting file needs a little modification - removing unnecessary things, adding signatures, etc. But there are times when you just need to save a screenshot of the screen without modifications. Then it is more convenient to use the key combination Win (graphically indicated by Windows windows) and PrtSc. Pressing them simultaneously will automatically save a screenshot of the monitor in the “Screenshots” service folder. It is located in the Quick Access menu in the Pictures folder. The resulting file can be edited in any graphic editor.

Screen area screen in OS Windows 10 from the keyboard method No. 3

The operating system since 2017 allows you to take a picture of any part of the screen. To do this, use the simultaneous pressing of the Win keys (Start button) + S + Shift from the keyboard (it is important to press the keys simultaneously, and not in a row). When a cross appears on the monitor, you need to use it to mark the boundaries of the area to be saved. The file has been created. All that remains is to paste it into Paint or another application by pressing Ctrl+V.

Using the Snipping Tool

The operating system has a built-in Snipping app. With its help you can not only take a screenshot, but also edit it and save it in in the required format. Do this:
The Snipping Tool app is linked to the new Paint 3D (last button on the toolbar). If you need to make major edits to a graphic document, it is worth using.

Using third party utilities

You can find many on the Internet software to take screenshots. But Shotnes and Lightshot are considered the simplest. It is better to download them from the official websites https://shotnes.com and https://app.prntscr.com/ru. Installation of utilities will be standard. It will take a few seconds. After installation, the laptop does not need to be rebooted; all software functions will be available.

To take a screenshot using Shotnes, do this:
Submitted software products good because they have a function automatic sending object to the cloud, to the website, etc. The utilities also allow you to perform simple file editing: changing colors, labels, arrows, etc. Both programs have a Russian-language interface.

The choice of method for saving an exact copy of the screen or its area depends on both the purpose of the screenshot and the further actions with it. For serious file editing, it is better to choose powerful ones. graphic editor with a large list of capabilities, and the image itself is saved using built-in OS tools. But if the requirements for the screen are minimal, it will clog up the free space hard drive installation unnecessary programs not rational.

When dealing with work on a laptop, each and every PC user periodically has to expand their vocabulary with new, not always understandable words that are associated with performing a particular computer task. However, if almost everyone has already gotten used to such funny terms as “distribution”, “installation”, “screen resolution”, having kindly transferred them from theory to practice, then there are problems with the concept of “prinscreen” and how to make it on a laptop and so they continue to arise. Our instructions work with any brand of laptop (Toshiba, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, Asus, Sony Vayo and others).

Is this bad luck? It’s unlikely, considering that we have several effective solutions in stock for it! But first, a little theory, you don’t mind, right?

Screenshot, princescreen and screen photo: is there a difference?

Remember how, as children, we were asked to find the differences between two pictures? So, when dealing with the concepts of “screenshot”, “photo of the screen” and “printscreen” (“prinscreen”), we don’t have to deal with this. Why? Yes, because all these terms reflect the result of the same process, namely creating a photograph of the entire laptop screen or a separate part of it using “hot keys” or special computer programs. Got the idea? No?

Method No. 1: Working with Scissors

Perhaps the fastest and easiest way to create printscreens on a laptop is to use the “Scissors” program built into Windows. For reference: you can find it in the “Start” menu in the “Accessories” section or using the corresponding query in the “Start” search bar:

I must say that the program looks quite simple. For example, in Windows 7 it is presented in this design:

Meanwhile, the laconic design of the utility interface hides very extraordinary capabilities. So, using “Scissors” you can easily create a screenshot of the entire screen or a separate active window, giving the finished print screen the desired shape - standard rectangular or any other at your own discretion, and also editing it at a subsequent stage. At the same time, after working for a minute with the settings in the “Options” of the program, you can simply activate the function of copying fragments to the clipboard or specifying a URL when working with HTML:

Actually, in order to take a screenshot on a laptop using “Scissors,” just press the “Create” button after launching such a program and select, adhering to the boundaries of the frame that appears, the required fragment of the screen. After this is done, the selected area of ​​the monitor screen will be displayed in the utility window:

If you wish, you can immediately add an inscription to the finished screenshot in the program or graphic drawing. To do this, just use the “Marker” or “Pen” functions:

As for the possibility of saving a print screen created using “Scissors” in the laptop’s memory, here, frankly, there is freedom for users. Why is that? Perhaps because after pressing Ctrl+S, which corresponds to the “Save As” function, the program will not only prompt us to select a storage location for the image, but will also provide us with the ability to determine the appropriate format (file type) for it. Quite convenient, isn't it?

And finally, it must be said that the print screen received in the Scissors program can be automatically sent via e-mail by clicking the corresponding button. True, in this case, the computer must be installed and connected in advance. Microsoft Outlook. But this, let's say, is a completely different story.

Method number 2: Use “hot keys”

Another very common option for taking screenshots on a laptop is using the so-called “hot keys” located on the keyboard. Which ones? Where is the print screen on the laptop? First of all, the PrtSc buttons (also called PrintScreen, Prt Scr) or the PrtSc+Fn combination (if they are marked on the keyboard in the same color):

Note that with their help it will be quite easy to “photograph” the entire monitor screen:

At the same time, if you need to take a screenshot of a separate (active) window, this key combination will have to be replaced with Alt combination+ PrtSc, so as not to have to worry about cropping the resulting image in the future:

It seems easy, right? However, in practice there are “serious” problems with this method. What's the point? Perhaps the problem is that one click on the “hot key” is not enough to save the resulting screenshot. How so? Where is the screenshot saved? The finished photo is not saved in the computer’s memory as a separate image, but is temporarily placed on the clipboard, from which it will have to be “retrieved” in the future. True, this can be done different ways.

So, if you want to send a screenshot via a message to VKontakte, after pressing PrtSc, it will be enough to open the corresponding section of the social network, and then press Ctrl+V on the keyboard. At the same time, if you need to place the resulting print screen in Word document, after launching such a program, you just need to click the “Insert” button in it:

Is the meaning clear? Then we move on to the more difficult part, namely saving the photo as a full-fledged image. What is the difficulty here? Perhaps the point is that to successfully complete such a task we will have to use not only “ hotkey", but also additional programs and services, for example, the same “Picture Manager Microsoft Office", Paint, GIMP, Picasa, Photoshop or a similar utility.

In particular, in order to create a screenshot using Paint, which, it should be noted, is available on absolutely all computers with Windows OS, after pressing PrtSc (or Alt+ PrtSc), open this program, press Ctrl+V at the same time, and then save the image in a suitable format using the "Save" button:

In Paint, we note that, if desired, you can pre-edit the resulting screenshot by adding an inscription, fill or drawing to it, changing its format, size, etc. Everything, one way or another, depends only on you!

Method No. 3: “Tension” of special programs

In cases where the “hot keys” or “Scissors” for some reason failed to perform the functions assigned to them in creating print screens, you can easily entrust this “difficult” mission to special screener programs. In particular, you should turn to such software products as Lightshot, FastStone Captur, Bandicam, Screenshot Captor, Greenshot, EasyCapture, DuckCapture, Dropbox, Clip2Net and the like for help.

So, in order to take a screenshot in the Bandicam program, after launching it, just select the screen mode in the settings menu, then adjust the “camera” lens, having previously indicated the desired image size in the window that appears, and finally click the “photo” icon:

At the same time, you can set special “hot keys” in the program, which will allow you to make print screens at any suitable moment. You just need to first select the appropriate settings for Bandicam:

As for saving finished screenshots, there is no need to waste time on this process, since the utility independently saves and transfers all images obtained with its help to the Bandicam folder it created on the computer.

In the same time excellent option to create and quickly edit print screens on a laptop there will also be a program, the distribution kit of which is absolutely free to download for users of different operating systems, including Windows, Ubuntu and Mac OS. How does it work? Surprisingly simple! So, after installing Lightshot on your laptop for a minute, you just need to press the PrtSc button on the keyboard to display the photographing field on the screen:

By adjusting its size, we will be able to give the future screenshot a suitable shape without any extra effort. After this is done, we will only need to edit the resulting image, if necessary, and then save it using the appropriate button in the program:

As for editing a screenshot, Lightshot gives users the opportunity, in addition to text, to add a drawing, fill, and also a graphic symbol in the form of an arrow, line or square to the image. At the same time, the program is also equipped with keys quick access, which in one click allows you to print a princescreen, copy it to the clipboard, and also send it directly to social networks or upload it to the official website of the utility. At the same time, Lightshot is practically invisible on a laptop, due to the fact that such a software miracle weighs just over 2.5 MB.

Well, as you may have noticed, taking a screenshot on a laptop is not at all difficult. In this case, the main thing is to choose the method that suits you. Good luck!

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