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Which calorie counting app is better? Calorie counting programs: application features and best variations for Android and iOS

One way to lose weight without harm to your health is to normalize your diet. And to normalize nutrition, it is necessary to count proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BZHU), as well as calories.

Why is it worth downloading Calorie Counter for Android?

Calories are energy that is expended when the body expends energy during physical activity, or is obtained when it ingests food. Of course, if you spend more than you receive, then a person will begin to lose weight.

This is why you need a Calorie Counter for Android. Thanks to its huge database, it calculates the resulting number of calories from the food consumed. This is very convenient, since it contains a lot of information about the products. You just need to choose your product and add the number of grams you took.

Downloading Calorie Counter for Android for free will also help people calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss, slow weight loss, weight maintenance or weight gain, depending on various factors, such as age, height, current weight, lifestyle. Such programs will make the work much easier for those who control the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in their diet. You can plan your menu for the day in advance.

The calorie counter for Android is used not only by those who want to lose weight, but also by athletes and simply people who monitor their health. At first, this may seem like a very boring task, requiring serious calculations, it can be too tedious, distracting, and time-consuming. But, as soon as it becomes a habit, such a procedure will cease to be tiring. And a person who is accustomed to his diet will already know how many calories he receives or spends. It's a matter of time.

This is very useful for those who want to take care of their body, take care of its health and live a long and happy life with the right nutritional guidelines. She will develop the habit of eating right, because she will have to report to herself not in her head, where she can hide some truth from herself. All the facts will be right before your eyes.

Calorie counting apps contain an impressive database of foods and data on their calorie content. The programs are available for free in the AppStore.

Anyone can tone up their body, build abs on their stomach, and muscles on their arms and legs for the swimming season. The main thing is to be active for at least 15 minutes every day (walking will also help with this task), occasionally go to the gym, and maintain the correct balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and not cross the limit of the permissible number of daily calories.

And, if everyone must figure out the motivation to start life from scratch with their own hands, then special tools available on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch have long been able to cope with calorie counting. Finally, you can put your diary aside and hide your calculator in your desk drawer.


A calorie-counting app that wins awards every year on the App Store and is often touted by Apple as a key tool in the fight against excess weight, unbalanced diets, and unpalatable food.

One of the advantages of the program on iPhone is the presence of three important sections that are aimed at helping those who are ready to start life from scratch. Firstly, there was a place for a diary in which you can write down accumulated ideas and thoughts, indicate the changes that have occurred in the body and the number of kilograms that have disappeared from the floor scales.

Secondly, the Lifesum application provides selections from professionals, where recommendations and special thematic sets are given, such as “lose weight in 3 weeks” by 5 kilograms. And finally - recipes. From different countries of the world, with non-standard ingredients and for every taste.


The application is a multifunctional calorie counter, which, according to the developers, has an incredibly large database of products and ingredients. You don’t have to rewrite anything from the etiquette, the main thing is to enter the name, accept the changes, and updated statistics will appear on the screen, displaying how much and what has been eaten, and how much more you can eat.


A “dietary product” available on the App Store with the sole purpose of motivating those who decide to take the true path and change their figure for the better.

The developers have come up with a lot of functions - here you can count calories on your iPhone, read interesting stories from subscribers about recent changes in soul and body, and select exercises for future workouts.

Additional advantages include translation into Russian, a special barcode scanner, and full support for Apple Watch (the watch will help you record the number of calories burned and update your daily diet).


A free iPhone diary with a built-in calorie counter, an incredible amount of recipes and recommendations, clear tips from the pros, and a separate section where it's easy to find workouts for the whole body.

One of the advantages is the presence of a colorful interface that helps you constantly scroll through different menus and literally light up with new ideas.


A simple table that can count calories, indicate how much protein, carbohydrates or fat is not enough in the body, and in what period of time the long-awaited changes in the body will occur.

The advantages are free distribution, synchronization with the version from the browser and translation into Russian. But with advertising there are serious problems that cannot be avoided.


The application is a newcomer to the genre, capable, like the rest of the list, in helping you work out your daily diet, control your calories consumed, and choose the ideal dishes that are balanced in taste and complexity.

Among the unexpected are a minimal amount of advertising and no subscriptions (and here you can add new products without passing verification), tips for beginners and high-quality technical implementation.

Modern mobile applications not only entertain the gadget user, but also help him monitor his health and, in particular, his weight. Fitness does not always bring results in the fight against extra pounds, so even athletes have to look at foods in terms of calorie content, not taste. The mobile apps discussed in the review will help you count calories, create a workout program, keep a diet diary, and take other steps toward losing weight.

Android users should pay attention to the following programs:

Let's lose weight together

Price: Free

This application is a real encyclopedia on weight loss; The information for this application was collected not only on the Internet, but also in paper sources over a long period of time. It is especially pleasant for users that this useful program for Android is completely free.

With the application " Let's lose weight together» the user can:

  1. Get acquainted with a huge number of diets - the Kremlin, economical, Atkins and Elena Malysheva diets.
  2. Read articles on vitamins, microelements and biological supplements.
  3. Use one of several functional calorie calculators (section “Calculations”) - this will help you maintain your diet.
  4. Design your own weight loss diary in graphical form - this will allow you to track the dynamics of excess weight loss and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of diets.
  5. Study a detailed calorie table, which includes more than 25 thousand different products and ready-made dishes.

There is only one drawback of the application - intrusive advertising, however, according to 2 million users, this is not a big problem. If you wish, you can get rid of advertising by installing the paid version of the program.

My weight loss coach

Price: Free

Application for Android smartphone My weight loss coach performs not so much an informational as a motivational function: each user receives a “graphic” body (avatar), on the example of which he can see how his own body is changing as a result of the current diet.

What else is interesting about this weight loss app?

  1. Collection of motivational photos. The application contains a whole gallery of pictures of owners of ideal figures. You can set a target weight and see what your body will be like when you reach it.
  2. Function "SOS hunger" confirms that the application developers have a great sense of humor. If the user intends to eat too much out of boredom, he should press the “SOS” button, and an advice will appear on the screen reminding him that food will not make him happier - calling a friend will help cope with boredom much more effectively.
  3. Reminder function – thanks to it, the owner of the gadget will never forget that it is time for him to workout or weigh himself in order to record the results.

You can also find paid and free (Pro) versions of the application on Google Play My weight loss coach– Features such as a calorie counter and weight loss graph are not available in the free version.

Best Weight Loss Apps for iPhone

In the AppStore you can find several applications that will definitely teach you how to take care of your body and get rid of excess weight:

Price: Free +

– the most rated calorie counting app for iPhone. By accurately specifying anthropometric data (weight, height) when installing the program, the user will find out the personal calorie intake that must be observed day after day in order to lose excess weight. The developers of the application claim that it has a number of characteristic features that allow it to go one step ahead of its competitors:

  1. The application boasts the largest food database - it contains more than 4 million individual products and dishes. The database is updated on a regular basis.
  2. The program includes a barcode scanner, making it easy to find the desired product in the database.
  3. The application synchronizes with the program website, so you can fill out your diet diary both from a computer and from a mobile phone.
  4. The program is perfectly Russified, works perfectly even on iPhones 3 and 4 generations and at the same time is free.
  5. The calorie counting app can be installed not only on iPhone and iPad, but also on Apple Watch.

The application has disadvantages: firstly, it can only be installed on devices with iOS 8 or later, and secondly, the paid version of this application (without advertising) will cost the user a pretty penny - it costs 749 rubles.

"Calorie Counter" by Fat Secret

Price: Free +

« Calorie counter» from the developer Fat Secret– a worthy competitor to the application. Using this program, you can find out the calorie content of all foods included in the user's daily diet.

The application provides a number of tools that will allow you to achieve your goal - lose weight or, on the contrary, gain it:

Application from Fat Secret, despite similar functionality, has several advantages over the more well-known one: firstly, it can be downloaded for free (no Pro or Lite versions), and secondly, it is compatible with iOS 7.

Ducan's diet

Weight control chart, with which the user can monitor progress.

  • Nutrition calendar– thanks to this tool you can create a menu for months in advance.
  • The application from Pierre Dukan has been translated into many languages ​​and is always popular even though it is paid - its cost is 229 rubles.


    There are a huge number of weight loss apps on both Google Play and the AppStore, so it’s not surprising if the user’s eyes run wild. It is very important to approach the choice of a program for losing weight or counting calories wisely, because your health depends on the advice that the application will give you. It is better to download programs with high ratings, the effectiveness of which has been proven by millions of downloads - such programs include, for example, “ Let's lose weight together" And " Calorie counter» from Fat Secret.

    Typically calorie counters contain the following:

    • calculating the daily calorie intake for each person individually;
    • a list of popular products with already established standards;
    • daily consumption meter;
    • counter for daily consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
    • weight loss tracking and convenient charts;
    • tracking your daily water intake.

    But what distinguishes each program from each other is how these functions are implemented. Different designs, variability of settings, product base - this is what forces the user to make a choice in favor of a specific one.

    Popular calorie counting apps


    FatSecret is a free calorie counting app available for both iOS and Android. Does not require any subscriptions and has no in-app purchases. And the best part is, there are no ads! The advantage of the application is its ease of use: it’s easy to find the product you need in a huge database, and you can add your own. The application is already loaded with a database of recipes with calculated nutritional value of dishes. For additional motivation, the program provides a social feed in which users can share their diet, food and achievements.


    Another popular application among Android and iOS users is Lifesum. The program is free to download, but you can purchase a paid account, which will expand access to information about products (for example, sugar and cholesterol content), and will also take into account body volume and percentage of fat tissue.

    The free account has a large database of products, and Lifesum remembers the foods you eat most often. Therefore, it becomes more and more convenient to use it every time. It is possible to read barcodes from packages, as well as add your own recipes. The application can remind you of weighings, meal times and water intake. In addition, the free account has a good base of exercises.


    This application, like some previous ones, has both paid and free accounts and is available for download on Android and iOS. In the paid version, you can get a database of 100 recipes for a healthy diet, enter measurements of different parts of the body and track nutrients (fiber, sugar, etc.) and blood sugar levels. But all the basics are included in the free account. It contains a product database, barcode scanner, weight recording and physical activity tracking. But unlike other programs, you cannot add entire recipes, only individual products. The food diary can be supplemented with photographs, which makes keeping it more enjoyable.


    Another convenient application for those who decide to take control of their nutrition. It is available for both Android and iOS users. In it, just like in others, you can monitor the nutritional value of foods and your progress in staying in shape.

    The developers consider the advantage of the application to be the daily expanding product database, which contains more than 4 million items. Therefore, the user will most likely find most of the products and will not have to enter them himself. There is also a barcode scanner, a recipe nutrition calculator, and the ability to create an unlimited number of your own dishes. The application contains 350 exercises: cardio and strength. It is also possible to add your own. Another nice addition is the ability to synchronize personal accounts on a mobile phone and on a website.

    On the downside, MyFitnessPal has in-app purchases, so some additional features are not available to everyone.


    Dine4Fit's nicely designed weight loss app contains all the basic features for a calorie counter. It has a large product base. It shows cholesterol content and the glycemic index, which are important to know not only for those who are actively losing weight, but also for people who monitor their health.

    Pros of the application: good ready-made ones that calculate the number of calories burned in one session. Users note that adding products to this application is very quick and easy.

    But there are also disadvantages: you cannot add your own recipe, the program does not show the sugar content in products and takes a long time to load.

    Easy Fit

    The bright design and animated details of the Easy Fit application will not let you get bored and will make you open the application every day. The menu is made in the form of bright icons. The user can customize the interface to suit themselves, since in the settings you can choose one of 24 color schemes.

    The application contains all the standard functions for tracking nutrition: a large database of products, the ability to set a goal and track statistics. In addition, it can work without the Internet.

    The disadvantages highlighted by users are that the database may not contain familiar products, since the program was not made by Russian developers. But this can be fixed: just add what you think is necessary. And the second disadvantage is that the program, unfortunately, only exists in the Android version.


    Calorie is another app only for Android users. A very simple program for those who do not want to bother with additional functions. She can work without the Internet, count calories, monitor weight loss statistics, and read data on physical activity from Fit. The only thing that is required from the user is to register on the application website and enter nutrition data daily.


    Today's article is addressed primarily to those who care about their health and monitor their figure and weight.

    In this article I will talk about a free program called “calorie calculator from Tatyana Popova.”

    The program contains a large number of different products and even ready-made dishes, indicating not only the number of calories, but also the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    In the upper left corner of the main program window there is a “Product Groups” window.

    In the upper right corner of the main window there is a window that displays products that are in the subgroup of products from the left window (for example, the bakery products group, the fresh bread subgroup, products in the right window: sliced ​​loaf, table loaf, etc.).

    In the middle of the window there is a large window that displays a list of products and dishes from your diet.

    It works as follows: select a product and click the “Add to diet” button:

    We select the time of administration and the portion, or manually set the number of grams, or select the “portion” item and select the number of servings. Then click “Yes”. The product is added to the central window.

    If a product is missing from the list of products, you can add it by clicking on the “Add” button:

    Enter the name of the product, choose which group to place it in, enter the calorie content per 100g of product and the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Click OK - the new product has been created. In the same way, you can create a group or subgroup of products. You can also delete or edit the entered product by clicking on the “Delete” and “Change” buttons.

    If you need to create not a new product, but a new ready-made dish, proceed as follows:

    Add to the diet the components that make up the dish:

    Click the button in the lower right corner “record as finished dish”:

    enter the weight of the dish, or select the option “I don’t know how much it turned out”, click OK:

    Here you need to enter the name of the dish and select which group to place it in, the rest of the data will be entered automatically.

    Let's look at a few more functions of the program.

    As can be seen from the screenshot, the diet contains the following inscriptions: “Total per meal” and an indication of calories, proteins, etc. separately for each meal, if this information is not needed, uncheck the box next to the inscription “Calculate subtotals”; if you do not need information on proteins, fats and carbohydrates, uncheck the box next to the inscription “Show BJU”.

    In addition, in the window with the diet there is a field labeled g., in which you can put a checkmark; if you do this, proteins with fats and carbohydrates will be displayed as a percentage, and not in grams as by default.

    I suggest watching a video in which a fitness instructor talks about effective weight loss techniques: nutrition and exercise.



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