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What does the number of processor cores affect? Multi-core processor. The whole truth about multi-core processors This means a 4-core processor

what is 4 x nuclear microprocessor

“Two gigs, two cores!” - this is the usual marketing slogan of many computer stores not so long ago. And, if an ordinary user could somehow answer the question of what these “two gigs” are, then regarding the second point the situation was much more deplorable. Merchants encourage you to buy 6 nuclear microprocessor, the client, fascinated by the number 6 (after all, more than 2 or 4), is in a hurry to fork out more money. Although not many of them Maybe answer, for example, the question of what constitutes 4 nuclear processor ?

4 Cores or 2 Cores

What are these kernels?

There was a time when all processors were exclusively single-core. And that was quite enough. After all, all that was required was to perform specific computational tasks, necessary for the user right now. Over time the amount simultaneously the number of tasks to be solved has increased. The situation has worsened with the entry of PCs into the home device market. Now the user wanted to listen to music, play a game, and unpack a voluminous archive... And all this - simultaneously.

It was then that the idea arose to divide the processor into several computing units, each of which would deal only with its own task. But - at the same time! Thus, the poor device would not have to be torn between several tasks at once, moving from one to another in turn. Each computing unit would process only its own task. As a result, the computer begins to process more tasks faster simultaneously. Each such block is called a core. This is in theory. But in practice?

Divide by four.

In practice, the number of cores may turn out to be “dummy”. And that's why:

firstly, they may not be “real”, that is, logical. Roughly similar to hard drive, which Maybe to be alone, but physical, that is, real. And for the same price. A Maybe be divided into two logical partitions. Or four. But at the same time it costs 4 times more. Naturally, such HDD no one will buy. However, for some reason this is what happens here. A 6-core processor is unlikely to have all 6 full-fledged physical computing units. Most likely, they are divided into logical ones. In this case, the power of one physical core is divided among all logical ones. In reality, it turns out that less power will be allocated to perform a specific task. It’s just that sellers and catalog authors “forget” to talk about this;

secondly, not all applications can effectively interact with all kernels at once. Although programming for multi-core processors is quite common today. However, if you plan to work with obviously the most modern applications, especially in the field of 3D, you can safely buy at least a six-core processor and be confident in well-coordinated work;

Finally, we must not forget about the exchange bus. Still, the cores must actively interact with each other and exchange the necessary information if the application supports multi-cores. And if the bus thickness between them is insufficient, then all the advantages of a multi-core processor will be reduced to a minimum.


What is a 4 core processor? What is a 4-core processor? I have the most common processor, 4-core processors. 2-core or 4-core processor? 2-core or 4-core nuclear CPU? 2-core or 4-core processor? Multi-core CPU- Wikipedia. such that a 4096-core processor is integrated into a 4-core processor arm. 2 or 4 core processor. It is impossible to understand this issue without knowing what a 4-core processor is. What to choose: 2-core or 4-core processor. Better, of course, is a 4-core processor on a phone, now there are even more, but if you will. How to make sure that the processor is 4-core. 4 Core processor what is it | Miscellaneous | Rem-Tv. Tell me, what is a 4-core processor? And why is the more cores the better? Tell me what 4-core is CPU. User Lyuda Verbitskaya asked a question in the Other computer category and received the answer. Central processing unit - Wikipedia. Pipelining architecture was introduced in CPU with the aim of. Which is better: 4-core or 2-core? CPU. What is it? Which is better, a 4-core or 2-core processor? The times have long since sunk into oblivion.

In reality, nothing like that happens. To understand why an eight-core processor does not double the performance of a smartphone, some explanation is required. The future of smartphone processors is now. Eight-core processors, which only recently could only be dreamed of, are becoming increasingly widespread. But it turns out that their task is not to increase the performance of the device.

These explanations were published in the article “Octa-core vs Quad-core: Does it make a difference?” on resource pages Trusted Reviews.

The terms “octa-core” and “quad-core” themselves reflect the number of CPU cores.

But the key difference between these two types of processors is the installation method processor cores.

With a quad-core processor, all cores can work simultaneously to enable fast and flexible multitasking, smoother 3D gaming, faster camera performance, and more.

Modern eight-core chips, in turn, simply consist of two quad-core processors that distribute different tasks among themselves depending on their type. Most often, an eight-core chip contains a set of four cores with a lower clock speed than the second set. When a complex task needs to be completed, the faster processor naturally takes on it.

A more accurate term than "octa-core" would be "dual quad-core." But it doesn't sound so nice and isn't suitable for marketing purposes. That's why these processors are called eight-core.

Why do we need two sets of processor cores?

What is the reason for combining two sets of processor cores, transferring tasks to one another, in one device? To ensure energy efficiency! This decision necessary for a battery-powered smartphone, but not for a head unit that is constantly powered by the car’s on-board power supply.

A more powerful CPU consumes more power and the battery needs to be charged more often. And batteries are a much weaker link in a smartphone than processors. As a result, the more powerful the smartphone processor, the more capacious battery it needs.

However, for most smartphone tasks you will not need such high computing performance as a modern processor can provide. Navigating between home screens, checking messages, and even web navigation are less processor-intensive tasks.

But HD video, games and working with photos are such tasks. Therefore, eight-core processors are quite practical, although this solution can hardly be called elegant. A weaker processor handles less resource-intensive tasks. More powerful - more resource-intensive. As a result, overall power consumption is reduced compared to the situation when only a processor with a high clock frequency would handle all tasks. Thus, a dual processor primarily solves the problem of increasing energy efficiency, not performance.

Technological features

All modern eight-core processors are based on the ARM architecture, the so-called big.LITTLE.

This eight-core big.LITTLE architecture was announced in October 2011 and allowed four low-performance Cortex-A7 cores to work in conjunction with four high-performance Cortex-A15 cores. ARM has repeated this approach every year since, offering more capable chips for both sets of processor cores on the eight-core chip.

Some of the major chip manufacturers for mobile devices focused their efforts on this "octa-core" big.LITTLE sample. One of the first and most notable was its own chip Samsung, famous Exynos. Its eight-core model has been used since Samsung Galaxy S4, at least in some versions of the company's devices.

More recently, Qualcomm also began using big.LITTLE in its eight-core Snapdragon 810 CPU chips. It is on this processor that such well-known new smartphone market products as HTC One M9 and G Flex 2, which became a great achievement for LG.

At the beginning of 2015, NVIDIA introduced Tegra X1, a new super-performance mobile processor, which the company intends for car computers. The X1's main feature is its console-challenging GPU, which is also based on the big.LITTLE architecture. That is, it will also become eight-core.

Is there a big difference for regular user?

Is there a big difference between a quad-core and an eight-core smartphone processor for the average user? No, in fact it is very small, says Trusted Reviews.

The term "octa-core" is somewhat confusing, but it actually means duplication of quad-core processors. The result is two independently operating quad-core sets, combined with one chip to improve energy efficiency.

Do every modern device need an eight-core processor? There is no such need; for example, Apple ensures decent energy efficiency of its iPhones with only a dual-core processor.

Thus, the eight-core ARM big.LITTLE architecture is one of possible solutions One of the most important issues regarding smartphones is battery life. As soon as another solution to this problem is found, the trend of installing two quad-core sets in one chip will stop, and such solutions will go out of fashion.

The central processing unit is the “alpha” and “omega” of any computer. It is this that determines the overall performance of the entire machine. And it depends on him whether the PC can handle the new toy. Because if the processor is not suitable, then a cool video card will not save you. Dual-core “stones” have not been quoted for a long time. They are used only for work in office machines. Now the trend is a 4-core processor with a decent amount of third-level cache. Many manufacturers have such models in their arsenal. They differ in performance, energy efficiency and heat generation during operation under load. We will analyze the most interesting models from the masters of the genre: Intel and AMD. But first, a few words about how to choose the right processor.

How to choose a processor?

How to choose a good 4-core processor? The answer to this question is based on your preferences and requirements. First you need to decide what kind of computer you need to build. If you have a simple home PC with wide multimedia capabilities, then a budget “stone” without any bells and whistles will be enough. To play high-definition videos, play music and surf the Internet, you don't need much power. You can sacrifice the cache and some other options. If your interests are broader, and you plan to actively use Photoshop, Vegas, Pinnacle or other professional applications, then you will have to spend money on a mid-range processor price category. But if you are an avid gamer, then you can’t do without a top-end “stone”. And modern chips with 4 cores of the latest generation cost a lot. In general, it all depends on your needs and financial capabilities.

The second aspect that requires special attention is the motherboard socket. A socket is a connector for installing a processor. Available Various types connectors. And if your motherboard is designed for a socket for AMD processors, then you won’t fit an Intel chip into it, no matter how hard you try. However, this statement is true for computers five years old. Modern manufacturers They are trying to produce boards with universal sockets. This allows you to install any 4-core processor into the motherboard. Such unification is only beneficial for users. You don't have to choose too much. So, let's look at the most interesting models of “stones” from the best manufacturers.

Kaby Lake

Let's start with the top "stone" from Intel. 4-core Intel processors have always been characterized by high performance and energy efficiency. What can the “Seven” have to offer? It has 4 cores and 8 threads. The nominal operating frequency is 2900 megahertz. However, in turbo mode, this processor can accelerate to 4300 megahertz. Not a bad performance boost. The third level cache (L3) is 8 megabytes. This is an excellent result. "Intels" of the previous generation had only 6. The heat dissipation of this "stone" is kept at the level of 35-112 W. This means that even under maximum load, the standard cooling system is sufficient for the processor.

A graphics accelerator with good performance is integrated into the core of the “stone”. This means that you don't even have to use discrete video card(in some cases). And this has a positive effect on All experts agree that this processor will remain relevant for another 3-4 years. True, this copy is worth a lot. But this is Intel. This company has never been known for its affordable prices.

AMD Ryzen 5 2400G

A fresh processor from AMD - Intel's sworn enemy. Nevertheless, this is an excellent 4-core processor: 2 megabytes of L2 cache, 4 megabytes of L3 cache, operating frequency of 3600 megahertz. In turbo mode, the processor accelerates to 3900 MHz. Built-in Radeon Vega graphics accelerator with 11 chip cores and a clock frequency of 1250 megahertz. This adapter is quite enough even for games. Although not with maximum settings graphics. As you can see, the characteristics of the Ryzen are slightly inferior to the Seven from Intel.

However, this is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that the Ryzen gets very hot. If you plan to load this processor “to its fullest,” then you can’t do without an upgraded cooling system. However, I'm pleased with the price. The new product from AMD is several times cheaper than the sixth generation Intel processor (not even the eighth). So for those who intend to save money, the choice is obvious. We have just reviewed the top models of 4-core processors from both manufacturers. Now let's turn our attention to simpler models.

Intel Core i3-8100 Coffee Lake

The 4-core one belongs to the eighth generation of the line of the same name and has several interesting options. So, its maximum frequency is 3600 megahertz. The third level cache is 6 megabytes. The processor does not overheat (probably the coolest in the line), has low power consumption, and its mobile version performs well in laptops. This is a “stone” of the mid-price segment. It's perfect for home computer with advanced multimedia capabilities. And if your PC has a powerful graphics adapter, you can even count on playing games. Processor manufactured in 2017. This is the latest of all Intel processors available (at a price).

X4 955

4-core AMD processor, which at one time was especially popular among gamers. This “stone” was released in 2009 and immediately became interesting to the general public, as it had an unlocked multiplier and was easy to overclock. For 2009 it had excellent characteristics. Yes, they are nothing in 2018 either. For a multimedia computer with some pretense of being a gaming computer, it’s not bad at all. Judge for yourself: clock frequency - 3200 megahertz (in normal mode), third level cache - 6 megabytes, power consumption - 125 W. As can be seen from the specifications, a computer based on this “stone” can even handle modern games. Albeit without all the “beauties” and effects. The best thing about this processor is the price. This is the cheapest chip of all those reviewed. It is perfect as a budget solution.

Intel Core i5-6600K SkyLake

We continue to look at processors. The 4-core one, the characteristics of which we are now analyzing, was produced by Intel in 2015. It was designed as a replacement for the outdated Core i5 model and had excellent characteristics, which make it relevant in our time. The clock frequency in normal mode is 3500 megahertz. At maximum load, the frequency increases to 3900 megahertz. "Stone" has a third level cache of 6 megabytes. Intel HD Graphics 500 is used as an integrated graphics accelerator. This “stone” is much more productive than the Core i3 discussed above. But the best thing is the price. Not a single chip from Intel with such performance could boast of such availability.

AMD FX-4300

Probably the cheapest 4-core processor from AMD. It has good characteristics even for 2018. The maximum frequency is 4000 megahertz. Third level cache - 4 megabytes. There is no built-in graphics accelerator, but there is an unlocked core multiplier, which allows you to overclock the processor. By the way, this is the only “stone” from AMD that practically does not heat up. This interesting chip was released in mid-2012. But even for this time he is quite weak. This, however, is not surprising. Even then, AMD positioned it as a budget solution for home computers. However, for a budget device it is very powerful. Such inconstancy is AMD's signature style. Sometimes they offer a worthwhile item for next to nothing. And sometimes they raise the price of a frankly worthless product. This is what happened with this processor. But they didn’t raise the price for it. For which honor and praise go to AMD marketers. The best part is the cost of the chip. Its price rarely exceeds $100.


So, we looked at the best processors from the masters of the genre. The 4-core processor is very productive in itself. But the “stones” from Intel are actually works of art. Those who value performance and reliability choose the “blue” brand. Even though his products are very expensive. If required budget processor, then it’s better to pay attention to AMD products. There is nothing cheaper than these chips. And in performance they are not much inferior to Intel. But the choice is a personal matter for everyone. We talked about the best 4-core processors. Then it's up to you.

Probably every user with little knowledge of computers has encountered a bunch of incomprehensible characteristics when choosing a central processor: technical process, cache, socket; I turned for advice to friends and acquaintances who were competent in the matter of computer hardware. Let's look at the variety of various parameters, because the processor is the most important part of your PC, and understanding its characteristics will give you confidence in your purchase and further use.


CPU personal computer is a chip that is responsible for performing any operations with data and controls peripheral devices. It is contained in a special silicon package called a die. For short designation use the abbreviation - CPU(central processing unit) or CPU(from the English Central Processing Unit - central processing device). In the modern computer components market there are two competing corporations, Intel and AMD, who constantly participate in the race for the performance of new processors, constantly improving the technological process.

Technical process

Technical process is the size used in the production of processors. It determines the size of the transistor, the unit of which is nm (nanometer). Transistors, in turn, form the internal core of the CPU. The bottom line is that continuous improvement in manufacturing techniques makes it possible to reduce the size of these components. As a result, there are much more of them placed on the processor chip. This helps improve the performance of the CPU, so its parameters always indicate the technology used. For example, Intel Core The i5-760 is manufactured using a 45 nm process technology, and the Intel Core i5-2500K is manufactured using a 32 nm process. Based on this information, one can judge how modern the processor is and surpasses its predecessor in performance, but when choosing, a number of other parameters must be taken into account.


Processors are also characterized by such a characteristic as architecture - a set of properties inherent in a whole family of processors, usually produced over many years. In other words, architecture is their organization or internal design of the CPU.

Number of Cores

Core- the most important element of the central processor. It is a part of the processor that can execute one thread of instructions. The cores differ in cache memory size, bus frequency, manufacturing technology, etc. Manufacturers assign new names to them with each subsequent technical process (for example, core AMD processor- Zambezi, and Intel - Lynnfield). With the development of processor production technologies, it has become possible to place more than one core in one case, which significantly increases CPU performance and helps to perform several tasks simultaneously, as well as use several cores in programs. Multi-core processors will be able to quickly cope with archiving, video decoding, the operation of modern video games, etc. For example, rulers Core processors 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad from Intel, which use dual-core and quad-core CPUs, respectively. On this moment Processors with 2, 3, 4 and 6 cores are widely available. A larger number of them are used in server solutions and are not required by the average PC user.


In addition to the number of cores, performance is affected by clock frequency. The value of this characteristic reflects the performance of the CPU in the number of clock cycles (operations) per second. Another important characteristic is bus frequency(FSB - Front Side Bus) demonstrating the speed at which data is exchanged between the processor and computer peripherals. The clock frequency is proportional to the bus frequency.


So that the future processor, when upgraded, is compatible with the existing one motherboard, you need to know its socket. A socket is called connector, in which the CPU is installed on motherboard computer. The socket type is characterized by the number of legs and the processor manufacturer. Different sockets correspond to specific types of CPUs, so each socket allows the installation of a specific type of processor. Intel Company uses socket LGA1156, LGA1366 and LGA1155, and AMD uses AM2+ and AM3.


Cache- the amount of memory with a very high access speed, necessary to speed up access to data that is permanently located in memory with a slower access speed (RAM). When choosing a processor, remember that increasing the cache size has a positive effect on the performance of most applications. The CPU cache has three levels ( L1, L2 and L3), located directly on the processor core. It receives data from RAM for higher processing speed. It is also worth considering that for multi-core CPUs, the amount of first level cache memory for one core is indicated. The second level cache performs similar functions, featuring lower speed and higher volume. If you plan to use the processor for resource-intensive tasks, then a model with a large second level cache will be preferable, given that for multi-core processors the total L2 cache size is indicated. The most powerful processors are equipped with L3 cache, such as AMD Phenom, AMD Phenom II, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, Intel Xeon. The third level cache is the least fast, but it can reach 30 MB.

Energy consumption

The power consumption of a processor is closely related to its manufacturing technology. With decreasing nanometers of the technical process, increasing the number of transistors and increasing the clock frequency of processors, the power consumption of the CPU increases. For example, processors Core line i7 from Intel require up to 130 watts or more. The voltage supplied to the core clearly characterizes the power consumption of the processor. This parameter is especially important when choosing a CPU to use as a multimedia center. Modern processor models use various technologies that help combat excessive power consumption: built-in temperature sensors, automatic control systems for voltage and frequency of processor cores, energy-saving modes when the CPU load is light.

Additional features

Modern processors have acquired the ability to operate in 2- and 3-channel modes with RAM, which significantly affects its performance, and also support a larger set of instructions, raising their functionality to a new level. GPUs process video on their own, thereby offloading the CPU, thanks to technology DXVA(from the English DirectX Video Acceleration - video acceleration by the DirectX component). Intel uses the above technology Turbo Boost For dynamic change CPU clock speed. Technology Speed ​​Step manages CPU power consumption depending on processor activity, and Intel Virtualization Technology hardware creates virtual environment to use multiple operating systems. Also modern processors can be divided into virtual cores using technology Hyper Threading. For example, a dual-core processor is capable of dividing clock frequency one core to two, which contributes to high data processing performance using four virtual cores.

When thinking about the configuration of your future PC, do not forget about the video card and its GPU(from the English Graphics Processing Unit - graphic processing unit) - the processor of your video card, which is responsible for rendering (arithmetic operations with geometric, physical objects, etc.). The higher the frequency of its core and memory frequency, the less load on the central processor will be. Particular attention to GPU Gamers must show themselves.

Good afternoon, dear readers of our tech blog. Today we don’t have a review, but some kind of comparison: which processor is better, 2-core or 4-core? I wonder who is performing better in 2018? Then let's get started. Let's say right away that in most cases the palm will go to a device with a large number of physical modules, but chips with 2 cores are not as simple as they seem at first glance.

Many have probably already guessed that we will consider all current representatives from Intel family Pentium Coffee Lake and the popular “hyperpen” G4560 (Kaby Lake). How relevant are the models this year and is it worth thinking about buying more productive ones? AMD Ryzen or the same Core i3 with 4 cores.

The AMD Godavari and Bristol Ridge family is deliberately not considered for one simple reason - it does not have any further potential, and the platform itself turned out to be not the most successful as might have been expected.

Often these solutions are bought either out of ignorance or “as a spare” as some kind of the cheapest assembly for the Internet and online films. But we are not particularly happy with this state of affairs.

Differences between 2-core chips and 4-core ones

Let's look at the main points that distinguish the first category of chips from the second. At the hardware level, you can notice that only the number of computational units differs. In other cases, the cores are united by a high-speed data exchange bus and a common memory controller for efficient and operational work with RAM.

Often, the L1 cache of each core is an individual value, but L2 can either be the same for all, or also individual for each block. However, in this case, the L3 cache is additionally used.

In theory, 4-core solutions should be 2 times faster and more powerful, since they perform 100% more operations per clock cycle (let’s take the identical frequency, cache, technical process and all other parameters as a basis). But in practice the situation changes in a completely non-linear way.

But here it is worth paying tribute: in multi-threading, the whole essence of 4 cores is fully revealed.

Why are dual-core processors still popular?

If you look at the mobile electronics segment, you will notice the dominance of 6–8 nuclear chips, which look as organic as possible and are loaded in parallel when performing all tasks. Why is that? Android and iOS OS are fairly young systems with high level competition, and therefore optimization of each application is the key to success in device sales.

The situation is different in the PC industry and here's why:

Compatibility. When developing any software, developers strive to please both new and old audiences with weak hardware. There is a greater emphasis on 2-core processors at the expense of support for 8-core processors.

Parallelization of tasks. Despite the dominance of technology in 2018, getting a program to work with multiple CPU cores and threads in parallel is still not easy. If we are talking about calculating several completely different applications, then there are no questions, but when it comes to calculations within one program, it’s even worse: you have to regularly calculate completely different information, while not forgetting about the success of the tasks and the absence of errors in the calculations.

In games, the situation is even more interesting, since it is almost impossible to divide volumes of information into equal “shares”. As a result, we get the following picture: one computing unit is working at 100%, the remaining 3 are waiting their turn.

Continuity. Each new solution is based on previous developments. Writing code from scratch is not only expensive, but also often unprofitable for the development center, since “this is enough for people, but users of 2-core chips are still the lion’s share.”

Take for example many cult projects like Lineage 2, AION, World of Tanks. All of them were created on the basis of ancient engines, which are capable of adequately loading only one physical core, and therefore here the main role in calculations is played only by the frequency of the chip.
Financing. Not everyone can afford to create a completely new product, designed for not 4.8, 16 threads. It is too expensive, and in most cases unjustified. Take, for example, the same cult GTA V, which will easily “eat” 12 and 16 threads, not to mention the cores.

The cost of its development exceeded a good 200 million dollars, which in itself is already very expensive. Yes, the game was successful because Rockstar's credibility among players was enormous. What if it was a young startup? Here you already understand everything.

Do you need multi-core processors?

Let's look at the situation from the point of view of a simple layman. Most users need 2 cores for the following reasons:

  • low needs;
  • most applications work stably;
  • games are not the main priority;
  • low cost of assemblies;
  • the processors themselves are cheap;
  • the majority buy ready-made solutions;
  • some users have no idea what they are being sold in stores and feel great.

Is it possible to play on 2 cores? Yes, no problem, as the Intel Core i3 line up to the 7th generation has successfully proven for several years. Also very popular were Pentium Kaby Lake, which for the first time in history introduced Hyper support Threading.
Is it worth buying 2 cores now, even with 4 threads? Exclusively for office tasks. The era of these chips is gradually passing, and manufacturers have begun to switch en masse to 4 full-fledged physical cores, and therefore you should not consider the same Pentium and Core i3 Kaby Lake in the long term. AMD completely abandoned 2-core processors.



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