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The internal hearing speaker of the iPhone 4 does not work. The speaker in the iPhone does not work.

Worried that one speaker on your iPhone 4S/4 is not working? No need to panic. Everything is explained quite simply.

Unlike the 2G/3G/3GS models, on the iPhone 4S/4 the speaker is located on the right and the microphone on the left. On previous models it was the other way around.

As you know, the speaker on the iPhone is located next to the 30-pin connector, through which charging and synchronization with the computer/laptop occurs. There is a microphone next to it, on the left, with which your interlocutors can hear you.

If your iPhone 4S/4 speaker begins to wheeze or make strange sounds (hissing, gurgling), then you should contact a service center for professional help. To replace it yourself, you will need special knowledge, experience, as well as a set of tools (branded screwdrivers, spatula and suction cup). Buying a tool will not pay for itself to replace the speaker, unless you put this thing on stream :)

We continue our stories about problems that may arise during operation with iPhone and iPad. And today we will talk about one of the most common types of breakdowns in the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, namely problems with sound.

First, I'll tell you how it all works. Let's start with . Figuratively, the audio path in this iPhone models consists of a microphone (actually there are two), a voice speaker (this is where you hear the other person's voice when you put the iPhone to your ear during a call), a speakerphone, an audio mixer and an audio codec.

Microphone near the headphone audio output, which is used for noise reduction and for voice recording.

There are two microphones in the iPhone 4. One is the main one, located at the bottom of the case, it picks up sound during a conversation. The second is auxiliary, located in the upper part of the body and serves for noise reduction and as a separate microphone that the voice recorder uses when recording sound.

A microphone that is used to transmit your voice to the person you are talking to.

Audio codec is a chip Cirrus Logic 338S0589. The chip is a hardware audio decoder. For example, when you listen to music on your iPhone, this chip converts the sequence of ones and zeros that make up the digital file into analog signal, which is then output to the voice speaker, loudspeaker or headphones.

The iPhone 4 uses a Cirrus Logic 338S0589 chip for audio processing.Illustration taken from ifixit.com.

An audio mixer is essentially a switching device that is responsible for connecting an audio codec to voice and loudspeaker speakers, microphones and headphones (10C0124A0696). And when one of the above fails, problems begin.

Audio mixer in iPhone 4. The 10C0124A0696 chip is responsible for switching the audio codec with external devices. Illustration taken from ifixit.com.

So, what are the symptoms of iPhone breakdowns and what do they tell us?

Let's start with the disappearance of the volume level scale. For example, one fine day you press the volume buttons, the usual speaker icon appears in the middle of the screen, but there is no volume scale under it. Such symptoms may indicate a failure of the dock connector cable. There is a loud speaker on it and due to such a breakdown, the audio mixer does not “see” it. Replacing this part will cost around 300-350 UAH.

Or this may indicate a failure of the audio mixer. It seems like the sound is processed in the phone, but there is nowhere to output it. By the way, in such situations this scale appears after connecting the headphones. If everything is fine with them and the scale is visible, then the problem is most likely in the dock connector cable. The cost to restore the audio mixer will be within 800 UAH.

If the iPhone 4 goes completely numb, then this most likely indicates the premature death of the audio codec. In such cases, you will not even be able to start playing music in the Music.app application. And this is not surprising, because the device simply has “nothing” to reproduce it with. Replacing the audio codec will cost 600 UAH.

The failure of an audio mixer is accompanied by the “falling away” of one of the above devices for outputting or receiving sound: speakers, headphones (headset) or microphone. For example, the interlocutor may not hear you or you may not hear him in the voice speaker, but only when switching to speakerphone. Or instead of the interlocutor’s voice there will be some kind of crackling in the voice dynamics. It is also possible that your interlocutor will not hear you during a conversation, but the voice recorder will record sound wonderfully. Let me remind you that this situation is possible due to the fact that different microphones are used for conversation and for operation of the recorder.

And finally, problems with sound can arise due to failure of the speaker, microphones or headset jack (headphones). All these failures, as a rule, are covered by a breakdown of the audio codec and it is very difficult to identify the actual cause in the field. Replacing all of the above peripheral devices will cost from 200 to 400 UAH.

Now briefly about the reasons for the failure of microcircuits

There are only two of them. This is usually a manufacturing defect or mechanical damage. The microcircuit fails and is no longer able to perform its function, or the microcircuit detaches from the phone board due to mechanical impact (impact, fall). The most common reason is mechanical damage.

All of the above cases are not fatal. The non-functioning microcircuit is replaced, and the torn one is soldered back into place. All of the above is fully true for the iPhone 4S, with the only difference being that it lacks an audio mixer. Its functions are performed by an audio codec labeled Cirrus Logic 338S0987 (Apple 338S0987 B0FL1129 SGP).

All of the above damage this moment repaired, unless the problem occurs due to a crack in the main board. Such damage as I have already

If your iPhone speaker does not work - it is completely broken or wheezes and rattles during a call - you do not have to immediately go to a service center. First you need to try to find the cause of the problem yourself and fix the problem at home.

What could be the reason for the breakdown?

Sound problems with the earpiece (height) and bottom (polyphonic) speakers are quite common. Main causes of malfunctions:

  • moisture ingress due to the smartphone falling into the snow or being flooded with liquid (tea, coffee, juice, water)
  • mechanical impacts (impacts, falls on a hard surface) causing damage to internal parts (loop cable, ear sensor, microphone, front camera, etc.)
  • dust and small debris getting into the speaker or headphone jack
  • software malfunctions (especially if you install “wrong” programs on your phone)
  • volume is poorly adjusted
  • manufacturing defects

Problems can manifest themselves in different ways: it’s hard to hear the other person talking, rattling and wheezing iPhone speaker or stops working completely.

We fix the problem ourselves

If you can no longer hear the other person or they speak very quietly, start by checking your equalizer settings. First, adjust the volume during a call, making sure there is an indicator on the screen. Then make sure that there are no other devices connected to the phone jacks. Insert and remove the headphone plug several times. Turn off the Bluetooth function.

To eliminate the possibility of a software problem, you should remove new, recently installed software, and also reset all settings. Algorithm for hard rebooting the device:

  • Press the Home and Power buttons at the same time
  • hold for 10-15 seconds
  • wait for the gadget to reboot

If the speaker on your iPhone (spoke or bottom) still does not work, restore the saved copy of the system using iTunes. Remember to regularly update iOS to the latest version.

Also, simply cleaning the auditory and polyphonic speakers from dust often helps. Before performing the procedure, remove the cover and film from the back and front panels, then use a soft bristle brush lightly moistened with alcohol or purified gasoline.

If you suspect a manufacturing defect, immediately take your iPhone to an authorized service center or Apple retailer - they should replace the internal parts of your model for free. Remember - when installing unlicensed software and careless handling warranty conditions are violated. Therefore, if you dropped or spilled your smartphone and damaged the speaker (hearing, voice), do not waste time traveling. It is much easier to call an experienced technician to your home.

Where to go for help

If you have problems with the microphone (located in the lower part on the left side) or the speaker (upper, conversational), save time and effort - find a specialist on the website. Yudu performers will find and fix the breakdown as soon as possible if you encounter the following situations:

  • The speaker does not work well - it became worse to hear the interlocutor during a call after moisture or mechanical damage
  • rattling sound (when communicating through the voice speaker, while turning on the speakerphone)
  • the sound does not wheeze or tremble - it is not there at all

Each YouDo performer has been working for many years, has extensive experience in diagnostics and... Other benefits of performers.

A technician who specializes in technical maintenance"Apple" gadgets. A person who does not have professional knowledge in this area may make assumptions or act at random, relying on chance. However, there are a number of manipulations that can be done at home to return the “mobile phone” sound.

Ways to solve the problem

If you notice that the left or right speaker is producing too much quiet sound, this may indicate various types of damage inside the device. In this case, a service center (SC) employee will help correct the situation.

Often, device owners are in no hurry to seek qualified help and spend time searching for information about why the speaker on the iPhone 4, 4s does not work, re-read numerous forum pages where “traditional craftsmen” share their experience in restoring the functionality of the device and give out free advice.

Those who want to open and repair an expensive gadget themselves, following video instructions from the Internet, are especially at risk. When following directions, people sometimes don’t even understand what they are doing. As a result, instead of one speaker, both no longer work, or problems of a different nature appear.

We offer three safe way Correct the situation yourself if the iPhone 4 speaker does not work during a conversation:

  1. The volume level of speakers and headphones is adjusted separately; try turning up the volume, maybe you accidentally turned it down.
  2. Reboot your device, sometimes this helps.
  3. Reset the memory to factory default. After this, all parameters can be restored.

If none of the listed methods gives a positive result, call the service center and consult a specialist or immediately bring the iPhone to us to resolve the situation on the spot.

Operational assistance

On the way to the SC, remember whether the gadget was subjected to shocks or came into contact with a humid environment? Think about it: could it simply become clogged if you do not use a protective case or carry the gadget in the same bag with other things?

Tell the technician about your assumptions when you meet, this will greatly simplify the diagnosis. The most common causes of speaker problems are as follows:

  1. The audio channel is dirty. Instead of pure sound, there is a nasty hissing, wheezing and noise. This happens if the device has been in use for more than one month or is often located in places where dust accumulates.
  2. Water got in and the microcircuits oxidized.
  3. The phone fell and the sound chip came off.
  4. The headphone jack is jammed.

The master will eliminate any of the problems in front of you. If necessary, in service center We replace the speaker on iPhone 4, 4s at an affordable price. Used for repairs original spare parts, and the services are covered by a guarantee.

Contact our service center for a free consultation and diagnosis! Entrust the restoration of your favorite iPhone to the masters of their craft!

Recently, owners of Apple mobile gadgets often encounter a problem when the sound on the device does not work. And most often you hear that the sound has disappeared on the iPhone 4S and on the iPhone 5. For some reason, on these versions of smartphones, the sound often begins to disappear or the sound volume becomes barely audible. However, users of more modern models may also encounter the fact that the gadget’s speaker does not work.

What causes all these problems and how to solve them - the answers are in the instructions below.

If your iPhone has no sound, and it doesn’t matter what version the device is - four, five, 5s or any other, the problem most likely arose for one of the following reasons:

1 The audio channel is dirty. This usually happens if the device is more than one year old and the owner actively uses it. The channel can also become dirty if the phone is constantly in places where dust accumulates - for example, in a dirty room or in a bag without a case. The audio channel becomes contaminated with even very small particles of dust and debris, which leads to deterioration in sound quality. This can be manifested by hoarse sounds, noise, as well as the complete disappearance of sound. To solve the problem, you just need to clean the channel from dirt.

2 Water gets into the iPhone case. If the sound on the iPhone has disappeared and the iPhone 4, for example, does not produce any sounds, but only wheezing and hissing, liquid may have entered the device. Water getting inside a mobile gadget spoils the operation of the microcircuits, causing various problems, incl. sound disturbances. In this situation, as a rule, the sound disappears completely immediately or within a short time after moisture enters. And the iPhone owner is unlikely to be able to solve the problem on his own - he will have to contact a service center to restore the functionality of the gadget. The specialist will clean the internal elements of the device that have undergone oxidation and replace the damaged ones with new ones.

3 Mechanical damage to the speaker. As a result of the phone falling or hitting something, the speaker may be damaged, which will inevitably lead to a deterioration in sound quality, and perhaps (depending on the degree of damage), its absolute disappearance. In such a situation, unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to fix the problem yourself. In a workshop, replacing the speaker will take no more than half an hour, and the cost of the service is not that high. But it is still necessary to protect the device from accidental impacts and falls and store it in a protective case.

4 Disconnecting the audio circuitry. This problem can also occur as a result of a shock or fall of the gadget. By the way, it is more typical for iPhones 4 series, because... they, according to the observation of numerous users, are distinguished by poor-quality soldering of sound chips. In versions 5 and higher, this problem was partially resolved.

5 Problems with the headphone jack. Sometimes the user does not fully insert the headset into the jack, which results in low-quality sound. In this case, repeatedly disconnecting and connecting the headset helps solve the problem. Usually after 5-7 repetitions of this procedure, the sound returns to normal.

Thus, the reasons for the deterioration or complete disappearance of sound on an iPhone are most often problems inside the device, which are serious and can only be corrected by specialists. Therefore, if problems arise with sound in an Apple gadget, especially if its owner knows that the device has recently been subjected to mechanical stress, he should take the iPhone to a service center for diagnostics. And only in a number of cases can you cope with the problem yourself - for example, if there is no sound in the 4S model.

How to solve the problem of sound loss on iPhones 3-4

Above, we discussed the main causes of sound problems on Apple devices and outlined ways to solve them. As for versions 4 and earlier, with which such difficulties arise more often than on other phone models, a special approach is needed here.

Thus, during many years of using iPhone versions 3-4, users noticed that sound problems can be solved in the following ways:

  1. Increase the volume level.

Perhaps the fact is that the sound volume on the device was accidentally turned down. After all, the sound level is adjusted for headphones and speakers separately.

You need to check if the display shows “headphones” when they are not connected to the device. If such an inscription appears on the gadget’s screen, the headphone jack may be clogged and needs to be cleaned, which will most likely solve the problem.

  1. Reboot your iPhone.

Sometimes this method helps, and after a reboot the sound works fine. high quality, as before.

  1. Check the sound.

This procedure is done in the following areas:

  • checking the sound when calling/receiving SMS messages;
  • listening to a music track;
  • sound background when operating various applications installed on the device.

If the sound disappears only when applications are running, then the problem is software failures. If there are problems with the speaker and headphones, then obviously you need to look for breakdowns inside the gadget.

Sometimes resetting the settings helps users solve sound problems on iPhones. You need to reset absolutely all settings so that the memory state returns to factory settings, after which the problem may resolve itself. It is important to note that all contacts on the phone will be saved and will not need to be entered again, just like media files.

Lost sound on iPhone 4S? Solution to the problem - video:

What to do if there is no sound on iPhone 6

What to do if sound problems occur on one of the most latest versions iPhone - sixth. Often, when purchasing such a gadget, the user is sure that everything is perfect in the latest smartphone model. But no, a month or two passes, and the sound on the gadget turns off completely.

Many Six owners note that the sound is usually muted in calls, SMS messages, and applications, but audibility is excellent in headphones. What can help solve this problem?

Ways to return sound to iPhone 6 may include the following:

  1. Go to the main settings menu and select the “Assistive Touch” section, where you need to press the sound button. It may have been turned off, which is why the sound disappeared.
  2. Replace the power cable. Usually, after moisture gets inside the device, this part becomes faulty, even after complete drying. The problem is solved by replacing the part at the service center with a new one. This service is quite inexpensive.
  3. Clean the device's headphone jack - it may be clogged with dust or water has gotten inside. This can be done by cleaning the socket with compressed air.

Listed above are the main approaches to solving sound problems on iPhone version 6. Most often they occur due to hardware failures or a clogged headphone jack. In both cases, it is better to contact a specialist rather than solve the problem yourself, because... The device may be damaged, for example, during cleaning of the device.



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