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Connecting a Xiaomi smartphone to a computer. Why does the PC not see the Xiaomi phone when connecting? If the connection is only in camera mode

Mi devices that run on the proprietary MIUI operating system have wide functionality: for example, we have already talked about how to wirelessly transfer files from a Xiaomi smartphone to a Windows PC. Today we’ll talk about how to activate in MIUI storage mode and how to connect a Xiaomi smartphone via USB to a computer.

A USB connection is most often required in two cases:

  • you want to quickly dump all photos to your computer from your Mi smartphone
  • or you want to work with system partitions (installing an application cache and more)

For this purpose, Android and MIUI in particular provide two connection modes: USB flash drive(Media Device MTP) and camera mode(Camera PTP). If you have the original firmware without any modifications, these two connection options will be available after connecting your Mi smartphone and PC.

In order to download photos to your computer as quickly and efficiently as possible, select the camera mode by activating the slider. Your computer will open a folder with photos in MIUI (or offer to install software for working with photos). Attention: in camera mode, even if you select “Open device to view files”, you will not have access to system partitions, only folders with photos will remain visible.

To get to the system partitions of your Mi smartphone, select the MIUI connection in storage mode. After this, all available sections and folders of the device will open to you. Attention: Be careful when working with MIUI system files.

If for some reason your MIUI does not connect to your computer and the smartphone/tablet connection modes are not displayed, it may be a matter of custom firmware. It may also be useful, the proprietary Mi PC Suit application, how to set it up.

If the phone does not connect to the PC on its own, you will have to do this manually. In the “USB connection to a computer” menu there is a subsection media device (MTP) - you need to check it. You need to click “attach USB as a drive” if necessary. A dialog box will appear in which you need to click OK.

With the advancement of technology and the emergence of new gadgets, it is important to understand how to provide connectivity between multiple devices. This is necessary for high-quality data transfer, as well as in order to expand the functionality of each of them. If you have a Xiaomi smartphone, then you have probably already thought about how to connect your phone to your computer. We propose to study in detail the options for implementing these plans.

The easiest way is to connect your Xiaomi smartphone via USB. As a rule, the Windows operating system versions from XP and higher are capable of automatically finding drivers to recognize mobile devices and ensure work with them through a computer. So usually you just need to do the following:

  1. Insert the USB into the phone, and its other end into the computer connector.
  2. Select in the pop-up window on your computer monitor what exactly to do with the new device.

This method helps most users, but sometimes problems arise. For example, the computer may not recognize the new connection, in other words, it “does not see” the smartphone. Accordingly, it is impossible to work with files on it via a PC.

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Problems connecting Xiaomi to a computer

Determining exactly what exactly caused the problem is extremely difficult. Theoretically, there are many options why a connected gadget is not recognized by the computer. You most likely will not be able to figure this out yourself without special training. If we talk about the most common causes of the described problem, we can highlight:

  • Using a non-original USB cable;
  • Lack of necessary drivers;
  • Using the wrong connection method;
  • There are system problems.

Simple ways to solve the problem

The easiest way to solve the first problem. It is possible to properly connect a computer to a Xiaomi gadget only when using the original cord. If you have lost it, it is better to buy a new one than to look for alternative options.

You should also definitely know the features of the Windows operating system installed on your computer. Can it download drivers automatically? Is the driver you need already installed? Has it been updated, and if so, when? You should know the answers to all these questions.

How to download drivers?

If you are not sure that the latest version of drivers for working with the Xiaomi gadget is installed on your computer, then it is better to play it safe and. Sometimes PC operating systems crash and cannot automatically find the required driver on the network and install it. Therefore, we will act in manual mode, especially since the problem is solved very simply.

  1. Download the drivers from the link above and unpack them.
  2. Install the downloaded driver by selecting a folder for it on your computer.

Having connected the gadget to the computer, you need to click on "My computer" right mouse button, go to "Task Manager" and detect a phone and cable that were not initially found by the system. By clicking on any of the items that appear, we follow the diagram “Driver” – “Update” and indicate the current path to the drivers.

If the problem really was a driver mismatch, then after performing the described manipulations, you can effectively connect your gadget to the computer.

Setup via phone

It is also possible that you cannot connect your smartphone to your PC because the latter does not have the appropriate settings. This is also easy to check:

  • Go to the “Settings” section on your mobile phone;
  • We go through the following path: “Advanced” - “For Developers” - “USB Debugging” - “Enable”.

Once you've done this, connect the USB to your computer again to see if this method worked. If not, then don’t despair - perhaps the problem is a little more serious, but it can be solved.

Connecting in camera mode

Many smartphones, without connecting to the computer as a file drive, are nevertheless recognized by it when the camera is turned on. This makes it possible not to solve the connection problem, but to bypass it.

For example, if we want to download a file from the computer, then we can send it to a folder with files, and only then, through the phone itself, transfer it to the location you need. By analogy, if, on the contrary, you need to transfer a file from your phone to your computer, you can first move it to the gallery, and from there transfer it to your computer.

But, again, this will not solve the problem, but will only get around it. Suitable for one-time use in time pressure, but on an ongoing basis it is unlikely to be convenient.

Complex ways to solve a problem

If you are determined to resolve the issue, you will have to make an effort to understand the problem. Next, we suggest learning more complex methods on how to connect Xiaomi to a computer.

  1. Through the program Android terminal emulator. The application is installed on the phone via Google Play, allowing you to access the phone as a USB drive. In the program window that opens, you need to request to obtain superuser rights in the root folder. To do this, write the letters SU (Super User). After that, we write a much longer command: setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb and press Enter, confirming your actions. We restart the gadget by issuing the R command.
  2. Through the program. You will not find the application in the Play Market, so download it from the link from the previous sentence. The program allows you to access connection settings. It often happens that after the first choice, the settings disappear, and this application will help solve the problems. To do this in the field "Package" need to be inserted "com.android.settings", and in the field "Class""com.android.settings.UsbSettings". All you have to do is click on "Create Shortcut" to complete the task. By clicking on the shortcut, you will have access to the connection settings.

Firmware change

This is also not the easiest way to resolve the issue, but we decided to put it in a separate category. Generally speaking, the problem with the inability to connect the phone to the computer may depend on three components:

  • Computer;
  • Phone;
  • USB cable.

And if in the case of a cord you need to look for a problem in mechanical damage or its compliance with the gadget model, then in the first two cases, one way or another, bugs in the operating systems are to blame.

How do we most often “treat” problems that arise on a PC? That's right, reinstalling Windows. For phones, such a definitive solution could be changing the firmware. Few people today use official firmware, preferring to download pirated versions for free. This is why problems and malfunctions often arise.

You can install new firmware on your phone yourself in Fastboot mode, but can you guarantee that the new firmware will be better than the old one, and changing it will solve the issue? If not, then it’s better not to take risks, but to have the phone checked by specialists so that they can get a comprehensive picture of the problem and solve it. Yes, this will require certain financial costs, but you will be satisfied with the result. In addition, if specialists provide a guarantee for their work, then this allows you to rest assured that such a problem will not bother you in the foreseeable future, and you can easily connect your smartphone to your PC.

How do you usually connect your phone to your computer?

Before I took the risk of officially updating the firmware over the air, everything was clearly according to the scheme:

After which the phone was displayed on the computer and you could go to it and transfer the necessary files.

Why doesn't the computer see the phone - connecting Xiaomi Redmi via USB?

However, after the update this stopped working - Xiaomi is no longer detected in Windows. The phone does not connect to the computer via USB, but only charges. How now to connect Xiaomi Redmi to a computer? Don’t rush to look for the driver - it’s not the issue at all, but the fact that in the new version of the firmware, in the interests of security, in order to protect the smartphone from playful inexperienced hands, Xiaomi’s USB connection was pre-installed to block. To remove it, do the following.

That's it, now we proceed in the same way as before - connect the Xiaomi Redmi to the computer, click on “USB Charging” and select the MTP file transfer mode. Then go to Windows in “My Computer” and see the phone in the list of devices.

Click on it and get access to the internal memory and SD card folders

I am sure that all Xioami owners will find this instruction mega-useful and questions about why the computer does not see the phone connected via USB will no longer arise.

With the advent of new devices on the technology market, users have a greater choice, determined by their need for something new, interesting, and unknown. With these needs and devices, uninvited guests also come to us in the form of bugs, problems, glitches and everything else. In this article we will try to figure out the question of how to connect a Xiaomi smartphone (in our case, Redmi 4x) to a computer, since it is of interest to device owners very often.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to use additional software; in some cases, someone will be forced to reset the device to factory settings and connect to the computer again and again, download “incomprehensible” software, and so on.

Possible causes of problems

Below is a list of possible causes of problems connecting the phone to the computer:

  • Non-original components (specifically USB);
  • Lack of drivers;
  • Incorrect connection method;
  • System problems with the device, etc.

Of course, the above is not a complete list; in fact, it is much longer. Next, we will try to describe all the ways we know to solve the problem and try to figure out not only how to connect your device to a computer, but also tell you how to make this process easier. These tips should help even if your laptop or computer does not see the phone.

Connection methods

1 Method - Standard

If, when you connect your phone to your PC, the desired device does not appear in the “My Computer” section, or it appears, but the contents are missing and the folder is empty, this does not indicate a problem. In the latest firmware, the data transfer function is activated only upon request; by default, only the charging mode is enabled.

When you connect the gadget, a connection notification should appear at the top, click on it.

If you didn’t have time to “catch” the notification, just lower the curtain down, it will be there, tap on it.

A dialog box appears in front of us where you can select the connection mode, select “data transfer”.

After these manipulations, the smartphone simply must appear as a connected device.

Method 2 - Turn on debugging mode

The method described above is the simplest, and if it does not help you, consider the next option from the same “simple” category. Follow the following path on your phone:

  1. Settings;
  2. Advanced settings;
  3. For developers;
  4. Activate "USB Debugging".

After these steps, connect the gadget to the computer, the connection should be established successfully, then select the data transfer mode - see method 1.

If there is no “For Developers” item in the menu, there are two reasons for this:

  1. You have not activated developer mode;
  2. This mode blocks the installed antivirus.

To activate the “secret” mode, go to the “About phone” item in the settings, click 7 times on the line with the MIUI version, after which the mode will be activated and this item will appear in the corresponding section of the menu.

In the case of an antivirus, you need to pause its operation (active protection) in order to see the required menu item.

We enable the MTP method, thanks to which you can access the phone as a multimedia device. An alternative option for the same action: dial *#*#13491#*#* in the call menu. This menu appears on each device, having almost the same appearance, so it makes no difference whether you have a Xiaomi Redmi 5a or a Redmi 4x.

Method 3 - Multimedia mode

Alternative 2 ways if something goes wrong. Dial in the call menu *#*#13491#*#* , as soon as you type the last character from a given combination, a dialog box should appear. In it we select the method - MTP, thanks to which we will be able to access the phone as a multimedia device.

This menu appears on each device, having almost the same appearance, so it makes no difference whether you have a Xiaomi Redmi 5a or a Redmi 4x.

Method 4 - Update drivers

It is quite possible that the connection problem is not in the phone, but in the PC itself, or rather in the drivers. If you have an original USB cable, then we rule out that the problem is there. You should definitely try using different USB ports on your computer, for example, plugging them into the rear connector. If this doesn’t help, then you can immediately try updating the drivers manually.

  1. Go to the device manager on the PC;
  2. Expand the “portable devices” section, your Xiaomi phone should be displayed there;
  3. Right-click on the smartphone to bring up the menu and select “Update drivers”;
  4. Select "Automatically search for updated drivers".
  5. If the problem has not been corrected or no new versions of drivers were found, then download the drivers yourself and indicate the path to them.

An alternative to this method is to install the Mi PC Suite program, which already contains all the necessary drivers; more details about this program will be written below.

Method 5 - troubleshooting connection problems

Connecting any device to a computer triggers several processes at once. Now they are automated, but not always everything goes as it should. For example, if the computer does not see the smartphone even after updating the drivers, then the problem is something else. For such cases, there is a troubleshooting wizard in Windows OS.

  1. Go to the control panel
  2. Select "Hardware and Sound"
  3. Open "Devices and Printers"
  4. In the "Multimedia Devices" section, find the Android device, right-click and select "Troubleshoot";
  5. The troubleshooter will check the connection and fix it if possible or make specific recommendations.

It is quite possible that your smartphone will be identified as an unidentified device and will be located in a different section with a different icon. If, when connecting to the PC, no new devices are found, then the problem is not software; you need to check the ports and cable.

6 Method - use the terminal (root)

One of the most effective ways to solve connection problems.

After installation, connect the phone to the computer and write several commands in the program. It is important to understand that with its help we will have access to the phone in USB storage mode. Enter the first command and press Enter:

By executing the su command, we enable superuser rights (must be present) and confirm our choice. The next phrase will be more complicated:

setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb

after which we press Enter on the smartphone, that is, the enter button.

If you want to log into the device using the MTP method (as a multimedia device, and not in flash drive mode), then do the same, only with the second command (where mass_storage is replaced with mtp) enter:

setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb

Remembering devices such as Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus and even Xiaomi Mi Max, you are glad that such problems happen to them extremely rarely, although it is strange why they arose with the fourth Redmi. Okay, let’s look into the issue further, and let the developers who assembled the smartphones look for the root of the evil.

If the connection is only in camera mode

Having considered the five main ways to solve the problem, I would like to discuss an alternative option, which we have listed separately because of its simplicity and unusualness.

If the phone is connected in camera format, and not as a drive, try dragging the necessary files into the photo folder, and then move them through the phone to the desired sections. But this is for those who don’t want to do anything at all, trying to solve the problem without effort.

Additional software

PC software - Mi PC Suite

This is an alternative to the usual driver installation, since this software combines many components for successful synchronization of the gadget with the computer.

Thanks to this program, you will not only connect your smartphone to your PC, but also get additional features:

  • Backup and data recovery;
  • Creation and management of screenshots;
  • Computer Internet access;
  • Firmware update;
  • File manager.

If after installing the software the connection problem is not resolved, then go to the “Task Manager”, find your unidentified cable and phone, click on any of the items, and then follow the standard scheme, that is, “Driver”, “Update”, specify the path


QCustomShortcut - If connection settings are missing

Next we will talk about a program (not available in the market), thanks to which you will be able to access the connection settings if they disappeared after your first choice, which also happens quite often. In its second field Package set the item com.android.settings, and in the Class field – com.android.settings.UsbSettings. Click the Create Shortcut button and you're done.

Now, by clicking on the shortcut, you will have access to the connection settings.

Third party file transfer programs

If you need to transfer a couple of files from your computer to your phone or vice versa, but the USB connection does not work, you should take a closer look at programs from third-party developers. You can use cloud storage to transfer data: Yandex disk, Cloud mail, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. Then click

It is worth knowing that transferring large files is limited to 4GB in size, since Xiaomi uses the fat32 file system.

If, when copying a file, the process hangs and the transfer does not complete, then try creating a separate folder on your smartphone and copy the required file into it.


The main connection problems lie in small things, and the first and simple ways to solve them should help in most cases, because, sad as it may be, this happens due to our carelessness. If the reason is in the device itself, now you know how to solve them using reliable and practice-tested methods.

It is unlikely that this article will not help someone, and if not a single method is really useful to you, then the roots of the problem are much deeper than you think, most likely you will have to install new firmware on the device through the mode, but this is a separate issue topic for discussion. We hope you will never need articles on how to connect a Xiaomi smartphone to a computer, but if such a question arises, you can solve it thanks to our article.

At a time when users of various gadgets have more and more options to choose from, the number of problems, accordingly, increases in direct proportion. Today we will try to understand this issue - and identify the main reasons why the computer does not see the phone. The fact is that users are often bothered by this problem, but the reasons for its occurrence may be different. To solve it, you may need third-party software or even a factory reset. So we advise you to first read this article to the end, and only after that decide what to do if the computer does not see Xiaomi.

Below is the main list of reasons why your MIUI smartphone does not connect to the computer:

  • Drivers are not installed on the computer.
  • Non-original USB cable.
  • The phone was connected incorrectly.
  • System problems or other reasons.

Of course, this is not a complete list of reasons, since they can be very diverse, and it will be difficult to fit them into one article.

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How to fix connection problems

Download drivers

When you connect your Xiaomi Redmi or Mi to your PC, several processes run simultaneously, and they do not always work as they should. If, for example, your computer is not able to automatically find and install drivers for your smartphone, then the gadget on MIUI will not function normally. To begin with, it is important to know that you should only connect via an original USB cable (not a fake). If so, then the problem is not with him. After this, try connecting your Xiaomi phone to other USB ports (note that there are also such connectors on the back of the system unit).

To install drivers, just download, unzip and install the following 2 archives: and . If you have Windows 8 or higher, before doing this you need to disable driver digital signature verification and restart your PC. A little later we will describe another way to install the driver.

Enable Debug Mode

Installing drivers for MIUI is as easy as shelling pears, but it also happens that this method did not help solve the problem. In the second option, everything is also done very simply. To implement it, go to your smartphone in Settings – Advanced – For Developers – USB Debugging and enable this feature.

It often happens that when the smartphone is connected to the PC, the user sees a menu on the monitor that provides the opportunity to select the type of connection. We need an MTP connection, which involves connecting a computer to a smartphone as a multimedia device. In addition, you can enter this combination in the phone dialing menu: *#*#13491#*#* , which brings up the same menu. The menu itself looks almost the same on all devices, be it Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, Redmi 3 Pro or Xiaomi Redmi Note 2.

What to do if your phone is connected in camera mode

In addition to the two above, there is also a third option, which we have highlighted separately due to its non-standard nature. If your Mi connects to the PC only as a camera, and not as a drive, then you can try transferring the files you need to the “Photos” folder on the phone, and then using the file manager to distribute them into sections. But this method is suitable for the lazy - if there is no desire to delve into the problem and make any efforts to solve it.

Also, pirated software installed on the phone or the “wrong” MIUI firmware may be an obstacle, but we won’t go into that now. We would like to offer you several more complex options if the PC still does not see any devices connected to it.

More complex methods

If simple ways to solve the problem did not help you, and your PC still does not see your smartphone, we suggest you use a couple of new tips.

  1. Via terminal. To do this, go to Play Market and download the application Android Terminal E. Install it, then connect your smartphone to your computer, thereby accessing the device in USB storage mode. After that, write “su” in the application (this will enable super-user rights) and confirm your choice. Then enter another command: setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb and press the Enter button. At the end we write Reboot, thereby rebooting the smartphone.
  2. Some users who want to log into the phone via MTP connect in the same way, changing only one phrase in the last command, replacing "mass_storage" on "mtp".

If you remember smartphones such as Xiaomi Mi Max or Redmi Note 3 Pro, then such problems did not arise with them, which is why it is unusual that they appeared with the third Redmi smartphones. The Note 2 didn't have these problems either. But oh well, these are already problems for the developers, and we must solve the connection problem.

How to return connection settings

If for some reason your connection settings have disappeared and you want to restore access to them, no problem. There is a program for this called (it is not in the play market - download from this link). After downloading and installing the program, run it. There will be several fields here, in the second field (Package) select item com.android.settings, in field Class – com.android.settings.UsbSettings. Click on the button Create Shortcut and enjoy the result.

Now you get full access to all connection settings. By the way, if you go back to the same drivers, we also recommend installing the program - with it you will forever solve the issue of their absence. Connect a smartphone with the program already installed, right-click on the “My Computer” window and go to Task Manager. There, find unidentified devices - smartphone and cable - and then click on "Update" In chapter "Driver" and specify the path in the MiPhone Manager folder to main/Driver. Click "Further" and update the drivers on the cable and smartphone tabs. We hope this method helped you, and the computer will tell you “I see a new device.”

Bottom line

Most often, problems with connecting any smartphone, for example, Redmi Note 3 Pro to a PC, are hidden in small things, and they are not at all difficult to solve. If the reason lies in the phone itself, then now you have several reliable methods in your arsenal to solve this issue.

And if you have a special case, and none of the methods suggested above helped, then most likely the roots of the problem lie much deeper than you think. You may have to reflash the phone, but that's a completely different story.



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