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The sort order set for the database is different from the system one. Database error “The sort order is different from the system one”: how to fix it? 1s sort order established

You recently bought a new computer, installed 1C:Enterprise 7.7, transferred the database from the old computer, and your expectations for more comfortable work were overshadowed by the inscription on the screen:

This error occurs when the NT6 and 1C code tables do not match. There are 2 main ways to solve this problem.

1. If you work locally, on one computer and you do not need to periodically transfer the database to other computers, then the easiest way is to change the code page of the infobase, as shown in the figure below.

To do this, launch 1C:Enterprise in configurator mode, then select the item “ Administration» - « IS code page" And in the window that opens, select from the list, at the very bottom “ +Current system installation " and click " OK».

We wait for re-indexing, close the configurator and you can continue working, your data will not change or be lost.

2. This method should be used if in 1C:Enterprise 7.7. work on a network, and also use different versions of Windows (for example, Windows XP and Windows 7), or you work with one database on different computers, for example, at home and in the office, in the case where the database is located on removable media.

The solution is also quite simple, you need to create a file “ ordnochk.prm"in any editor, for example in the same notepad. This file may be empty or may contain the line “Hello”, in this case it does not matter, the main thing is the correct file name.

It must be placed in the root folder with 1C:Enterprise installed (by default it is “ C:\Program Files\1Cv77\BIN\"). This file will disable sort checking.

If you have a network version and 1C:Enterprise is installed on each computer, then you need to place this file on each one, this is important.

That's it, enjoy your work.

At the moment, few people use 1C version 7.7, but there are still organizations that, for one reason or another, cannot switch to newer platforms. In my practice, I haven’t seen configurations written in 7.7 for a long time. But just recently I had to deal with 7. In the process I encountered such a problem. When running on different versions of Windows, the same error constantly appears. Namely, the sort order set for databases differs from the system one. There are two ways to solve this; let’s look at each of them in more detail.

How to disable 1c code page checking

Changing the code table

The easiest way is to change the code page in the 1C program. To do this, launch the program in configurator mode. Next, go to Administration - Code page of information security tables.

In the window that appears, select + Current system installation and click OK.

After which the program should start, but there is one caveat: if users from different operating systems work in this configuration, for example Windows XP and Windows 7, then when starting on a different version you will need to do similar actions each time.

Disabling code page checking

This method is much better and simpler. You can disable code page checking in 1C. To do this, you need to create a file named ordnochk.prm and place it in the program folder at this path C:\Program Files\1Cv77\Bin. If you do not have a Bin directory, place the file in the directory above. C:\Program Files\1Cv77\

The 1C program is on a different path for me, so don’t pay attention to it. That’s all, if something doesn’t work out, write in the comments, I’ll try to answer and help everyone.

There are times when it is impossible to start the 1C program, and a dialog box appears with the message The sort order set for the database is different from the system one!. After closing the window, the program closes (you can run it in Configurator mode).

Cause of error and solutions

The cause of the error is a mismatch between the system settings and the 1C settings.
By the way, if the operating system is localized and the regional settings are set correctly, then when installing 1C its settings will be brought into line with the system ones.

Checking the settings are correct

I. System settings (for localized Russified version of Windows)

1. Open Start - Settings - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options.

2. On the Regional Settings tab, the drop-down list should be Russian.

3. On the Languages ​​tab – More details... – Languages ​​and text input services dialog box – Options tab – The default input language should be Russian-Russian.

4. On the Advanced tab there should be – Russian.

II. 1C settings

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, the drop-down list should contain – 1251 – Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian and Serbian languages.


1. If you are using the DIMB component (distributed infobase management), - when sort order checking is disabled - you SHOULD NOT use characters of any alphabets other than Latin in the three-letter identifier of infobases included in the distributed database.

2. It should be borne in mind that disabling the sort order identity check can lead to unexpected results - for the user of the 1C program! – the order of lines, for example, when generating reports.

Troubleshooting Windows Vista

If you are using Windows Vista, then get rid of the message The sort order set for the database is different from the system one! the above methods will not work.

For this:

1. Launch the 1C program. In the Launch 1C window, select the desired information base.

2. In the drop-down list In mode, select Configurator – OK.

3. The Configurator will start. Select menu Administration – Code page of information security tables...

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, in the drop-down list, select + Current system installation – OK.

5. In the Configurator window with the message “When changing the code page, the indexes of all infobase data tables will be rebuilt! Do you want to change the code page?" click Yes.

6. After a certain period of time, depending on the size of the information security, the Configurator window will appear with the message “Code page has been changed!”, click OK.

7. Close the Configurator, you can work with the infobase.

8. To work with other information security systems, change the code page of information security tables in the same way.

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1C: what to do if the message “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one!” appears

The cause of the error is a mismatch between the system settings and the 1C settings.
By the way, if the operating system is localized and the regional settings are set correctly, then when installing 1C its settings will be brought into line with the system ones.

Checking the settings are correct

I. System settings (for localized Russified version of Windows)

1. Open Start - Settings - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options.

2. On the Regional Settings tab, the drop-down list should be Russian.

3. On the Languages ​​tab – More details... – Languages ​​and text input services dialog box – Options tab – The default input language should be Russian-Russian.

4. On the Advanced tab there should be – Russian.

II. 1C settings

2. In the drop-down list In mode, select – OK.

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, the drop-down list should contain – 1251 – Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian and Serbian languages.


1. If you are using the DIMB component (distributed infobase management), - when sort order checking is disabled - you SHOULD NOT use characters of any alphabets other than Latin in the three-letter identifier of infobases included in the distributed database.

2. It should be borne in mind that disabling the sort order identity check can lead to unexpected results - for the user of the 1C program! – the order of lines, for example, when generating reports.

Troubleshooting Windows Vista

If you are using Windows Vista, then get rid of the message “The sort order set for the database is different from the system one!” the above methods will not work.

For this:

1. Launch the 1C program. In the Launch 1C window, select the desired information base.

2. In the drop-down list In mode, select Configurator – OK.

3. The Configurator will start. Select menu Administration – Code page of information security tables...

4. In the Code page of infobase tables window, in the drop-down list, select + Current system installation – OK.

5. In the Configurator window with the message “When changing the code page, the indexes of all infobase data tables will be rebuilt! Do you want to change the code page?" click Yes.

6. After a certain period of time, depending on the size of the information security, the Configurator window will appear with the message “Code page has been changed!”, click OK.

7. Close the Configurator, you can work with the infobase.

8. To work with other information security systems, change the code page of information security tables in the same way.



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