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Application on 2 sheets in 1 copy. How to prepare applications in coursework according to GOST: several important rules

Careless execution of the “Mark of the presence of an application” requisite can tell a lot about the professional level of the clerk. The procedure for its registration is explained clearly and with clear examples by office management consultant I.V. Murnina.

There are two main ways to design an application.

"What does it matter? The main thing is to make it clear what’s in the appendix and how many sheets there are, so you can check if everything is in place.”, - a person far from office work will say or think. But no.

The use of one or another method of preparing an application does not depend at all on the desire of the secretary or executor of the document. This procedure reflects a certain office-work or management procedure, and incorrect execution of the application can lead not only to the loss of the attached documents, but also to poor execution of the manager’s instructions, or non-execution at all. Careless or incorrect design of props “Application Availability Mark” can also tell a lot about the professional level of the clerk and knowledge of the regulatory and methodological base. The procedure for preparing these details is clearly, accessible and with clear examples set out in GOST R 6.30-2003 “Requirements for document preparation”.

We direct...

The first of the considered application design methods concerns correspondence. Most often, the application is found in cover letters. We can say that this is a mandatory detail of the cover letter, although relevant documents may be attached to other types of letters. For example, invitation cards for a letter of invitation to an event, samples of printed products for a letter of guarantee regarding payment for the production of these products, etc.

Props “Application availability mark » located below the text, immediately before the signature of the authorized official. It is drawn up from the border of the left field, with a capital letter and in the singular. Regardless of the number of applications, the word is written "Application" , then put a colon and begin to describe the application in accordance with the rules of the Russian language. As you know, a colon requires a lowercase letter, and a period in the numbering process requires a capital letter. Then the nuances begin. If the application is named in the text, for example, “We are sending a copy of the instructions for office work of CJSC Corporate Consulting”, then in the appendix they simply indicate the number of sheets (l.) and copies (copies) of this very instruction:

Application: for 6 l. in 1 copy.

For documents with stamp “For official use” (DSP) The stamp and copy numbers are also indicated, since when preparing such documents their copies are numbered. If the document is not named in the text of the letter at all or a group of documents is designated by general concepts: “package of documents”, “materials”, then the appendix lists the name, number of sheets and copies for each document separately. At the same time, applications are measured and printed “hanging line”, “without getting into” the definition of the props "Application" .

Sometimes the number of attachments is so large that the text of the letter is two lines, and the listing of attachments takes two or more sheets. The sheets are numbered as usual. If the sheets of the appendix are bound, then their number is not indicated; in the appendix they write: 1 brochure - 1 brochure:

Appendix: guidelines for the course “Office Management”, 1 bro.

An attachment to a document may, in turn, also have an attachment, and when sending there is no point in indicating the number of sheets of the main document being sent and its attachment separately. The risk of getting confused and missing something is too great, so they make a link to the attachment available for the document being sent, and indicate the total number of sheets marked “total.” When indicating the name of the document, ensure that it is agreed upon; the appendix “to the project” means “to it”, and if the instruction is approved and is indicated not as a project, but as a document, “instruction”, then - “to it”:

It is allowed to indicate four addresses in a row in a letter, but the application is not always sent to all the specified addresses, sometimes only to one or two. A link to this must be given in the attachment and when receiving such a letter you should be especially careful and check whether the attachment was originally sent to a specific recipient or the letter was sent to you only for your information. And the application is not initially provided.

Application: for 7 l. in 3 copies, only to the first and third address.

This is not a common case, but if the situation is assessed incorrectly, it will take a lot of time and effort. It is also not worth asking the sender to resend the application; this does not speak in your favor, but quite the opposite: it discredits your professional level.

In accordance with Appendix No. 00

Applications have more than just letters. Administrative documents: orders, instructions, rules, instructions, regulations, etc. , may contain tables, diagrams, graphs, samples of filling out various forms of documents. In order not to overload the text of the main document with additional information, such “accompaniment” is included in a separate appendix. The text of the main document, as a rule, contains links to the existing application. For example, “To issue orders from the manager for core activities, an order form is used (Appendix No. 5)” or “The organization form is drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 1”. Applications can also have a letter designation, for example "Appendix B".

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when approving organizational documents by issuing an administrative document, the approved document is an attachment to the approver. In this case, the document being approved (rules, instructions, reports, etc.) is marked with a stamp of approval of the document with reference to the details of the approving document, and above this stamp it is indicated that the document is an application (see example below). As a rule, the approving document carries additional information on the implementation of the approved document. For example, familiarize all employees with the new Regulations on the structural unit. At the same time, organizational documents approved by administrative documents have their own separate and very rich office life.

For example, the organization's staffing table is approved by order of the director and, in fact, is an annex to this order. But in practice, the order, as a rule, is separated from such an application and the staffing table is treated as a separate document. The same is done with rules and instructions, which are also quite often approved not by the signature of the manager, but by the issuance of an order, since their implementation requires explanations and additions. And here I would like to draw the attention of specialists that it is not worth working with the originals of such documents. Make a copy and work for your own health. Otherwise, in a short period of time, such a very important document turns into packaging paper (on paper) or, worse, may simply be lost (both in electronic form and on paper).

The design of the application, when referenced in the text of the main document or statement, looks like this. On the first sheet of the application, in the upper right corner, write “Appendix No.” and, with line spacing, indicate the name, date and number of the document to which the application relates. Possible spelling of the word "Application" in capital letters. It is allowed to center individual parts of this attribute relative to the longest line. The components of the application are limited to the right margin, they should not be too long and some logic should be followed when dividing line by line. In the example below, it is worth sacrificing the “beauty” of the design and not dividing the position "CEO" line by line.


The order of design of the text application corresponds to the design of the main document. The margin sizes, type and font size must be the same. When preparing applications, you should carefully check the references to them in the text of the “main” or approving document, and when sending, completeness: strict compliance of the sheets and copies specified in the letter.

I.V. Murnina

consultant on
office management, seminar leader

Applications in the thesis is the section in which you include visual materials. Visualization can be presented in different forms - diagram, table, drawing, comparative table, etc. These materials are so voluminous that it is impossible to include them in the work itself. That's why we came up with apps. Different universities have different requirements, but there are general rules for formatting applications in scientific papers. So, how to design an application?

How to properly design an application

Applications are drawn up at the end of the scientific work, after the list of references used. You can file them with your work, or better yet, attach them to your diploma in a separate folder. If you file appendices to the text of your thesis, separate them from the main part with a blank sheet of paper.

Applications are numbered in the upper right corner of the page. If the application takes up 2 sheets, then on the last sheet you need to write “End of the application...”. If the application includes three sheets or more, mark “Continuation of the application...” on the 2nd and subsequent ones, and on the last one, “End of the application...”. If one application contains several figures or tables at the same time, then do not forget to number them. Each illustration is numbered separately.

Give your applications titles that relate to the text of your manuscript. We provide links to these applications in the text. "Cm. Appendix..., Fig. ..." . To make everything clear to the reader and avoid confusion and unnecessary questions, format the appendices clearly, with a decoding of all the symbols that may appear in the tables, figures and diagrams.

Indicate the application itself in the table of contents of your work. Check with your school about whether to use continuous pagination or create your own for applications. At the same time, we save the application numbers.

How to draw up an annex to the contract

The annex to the agreement must be drawn up correctly, otherwise, this risks the fact that the document will not have legal force. First, familiarize yourself with the GOST standards for application design and try to carefully comply with all standards. After you have completed the work, I advise you to give the document to specialists for verification, or immediately seek help from special companies that are involved in the preparation and execution of documentation.

If you decide to do everything yourself, then follow this tip:

  1. We are preparing documents that will become annex to the contract (graphs, tables, acts, lists, etc.).
  2. Applications are printed on separate sheets of paper and bound several pages at a time into one document or brochure.
  3. Enter the numbering in accordance with the regulations.
  4. All documents must be marked with the application. On the initial sheet of the document, write “Appendix No.” in the upper corner and put the serial number on the right. Immediately below it we write the name of the administrative document “to the contract for the provision of services” and its details (number and date of signing).
  5. We place a note about the application in the main document.
  6. Having indicated the title of the section, we then place a list of attached documents. We arrange it in the form of a numbered list. In it we indicate the name, number of sheets and copies, and do not forget to comply with the numbering.

1. The letter is printed on white paper or light-colored paper in A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A5 (148 x 210 mm) format.

2. The sheet must have fields of at least:

20 mm - left;

10 mm - right;

20 mm - top;

20 mm - lower.

The date of the letter is the date it was signed. The date is written in Arabic numerals in the sequence: day of the month, month, year. The day of the month and month are written in two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot; year - four Arabic numerals.

4. Outgoing number.

The registration (outgoing) number of the letter consists of its serial number, which can be supplemented at discretion with an index (for example, the initials of the head of the direction). The registration number of a letter compiled jointly by two or more departments consists of the registration numbers of the letter of each of these departments, separated by a slash.

6. Addressee

The recipient may be organizations, their structural divisions, officials or individuals. When addressing a letter to an official, the initials are indicated BEFORE the last name. The name of the organization and its structural unit is indicated in the nominative case.

For example:

LLC "Company "Name"

Planning department

The position of the person to whom the letter is addressed is indicated in the dative case, For example:

to CEO

LLC "Company "Name"

A.A. Ivanov

LLC "Company "Name"

Planning department

B.B. Petrov

The letter should not contain more than four addressees. The word “Copy” is not indicated before the second, third, fourth addressees. If the number of recipients is larger, a mailing list is created.

The “Addressee” attribute may include a postal address. Elements of the postal address are indicated in the sequence established by the rules for the provision of postal services.

When addressing a letter to an organization, indicate its name, then the postal address, For example:

LLC "Company "Name"

Yaroslavsky pr-kt, 12, Yaroslavl, 150001

When addressing a letter to an individual, indicate the surname and initials of the recipient, then the postal address, For example:

Sidorov V.V.

st. Svobody, 5, apt. 12,

Yaroslavl, 150000

7. Text of the letter

The text of the letter is drawn up in the form of a table, coherent text, or a combination of these structures.

Columns and rows of the table must have headings expressed by a noun in the nominative case. Subheadings of columns and rows must be consistent with the headings. If the table is printed on more than one page, the columns of the table must be numbered and only the numbers of these columns must be printed on subsequent pages.

A connected text usually consists of two parts. The first part indicates the reasons, grounds, goals of writing the letter, the second (final) - decisions, conclusions, requests, proposals, recommendations. The text may contain one final part (for example, a request without explanation).

In the text of a letter prepared on the basis of documents of other organizations, their details are indicated: name of the document, name of the organization - the author of the document, date of the document, registration number of the document, title to the text.

The following forms of presentation are used in the letter:

First person plural ( “please send”, “send for consideration”);

First person singular ( “I consider it necessary”, “please highlight”);

Third person singular ( “society does not object”, “Name” LLC considers it possible”).

8. Application

A note indicating the presence of the attachment named in the text of the letter is issued in the following way:

Application: for 5 l. in 2 copies.

If the letter has an attachment that is not named in the text, then indicate its name, the number of sheets and the number of copies; if there are several applications, they are numbered, For example:

Appendix: 1. Lease agreement for 5 l. in 2 copies.

2. Transfer and acceptance certificate for 1 liter. in 2 copies.

If applications are bound, then the number of sheets is not indicated.

If another document is attached to the letter, which also has an attachment, a note indicating the presence of the attachment is issued in the following way:

Appendix: letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 05.05.2007 N 02-6/172 and an appendix to it, only 3 pages.

If the application is not sent to all the addresses specified in the document, then a note indicating its availability is issued in the following way:

Application: for 3 l. in 5 copies. only to the first address.

9. Signature

The “Signature” detail includes: the title of the position of the person who signed the letter (full if the letter is not drawn up on a letterhead, and abbreviated for a letter drawn up on a letterhead) and a transcript of the signature (initials, surname), For example:

When a letter is signed by several officials, their signatures are placed one below the other in the sequence corresponding to the position held, For example:

When signing a document by several persons of equal positions, their signatures are placed at the same level, For example:

10. Print

The seal imprint certifies the authenticity of the signature of an official on documents certifying the rights of persons recording facts related to FINANCIAL funds, as well as on other documents PROVIDING certification of an authentic signature.

11. Performer

The mark about the executor includes the initials and surname of the executor of the document and his telephone number. A mark about the performer is placed on the front or back side of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner, For example:

At first glance, it seems that application, as well as props " Marking the presence of the application“It’s simply impossible to format it incorrectly. There is GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" (hereinafter referred to as GOST R 6.30-2003), which sets out the rules for preparing the details of organizational and administrative documents. And if there are any questions related to application design, then the majority turns to the text of GOST R 6.30-2003.

This fragment of the document may indeed clarify some points related to application design. But, unfortunately, all questions cannot be answered there. For example, it remains unclear:

  1. Where exactly in the documents should the “Appendix Availability Mark” attribute be placed?
  2. Is it always necessary to write “Appendix” on the first sheet of the application in the upper right corner, indicating the document, its date and registration number?

The answers to these questions can be found, but in other documents. Let's try to do this together.

Where should I place the “Application Availability Mark” attribute?

As you know, Appendix A of GOST R 6.30-2003 contains layout diagrams for the details of organizational and administrative documents. If you look at them, you can come to the conclusion that 21 the “Mark of the presence of the application” attribute must be in the range of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field(See Figure 1). Actually it's not like that. The boundaries, which are marked with dotted lines in these diagrams, can be moved both up and down. Moreover, there are cases when registration of props « Marking the presence of the application"in the range of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field can lead to disastrous consequences (see Example 1).

Imagine a situation where a letter of notification about an exhibition-conference is drawn up, consisting of two pages, and the text on the second page occupies no more than one-fourth of the total area of ​​the sheet. Accordingly, if props « Marking the presence of the application» placed in the interval of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field, then there is a lot of free space between this prop and the text (see Figure above). It is in this free space that “cunning craftsmen”, both on the part of the organization that authored the document and on the part of the recipient organization, can, after training, add any text that will allow them to get their benefit. At the same time, the management of both organizations may not even know that any additions have been made to the text of the letter. Compare the two versions of the same letter shown on this spread.

So, to prevent anyone from adding any new text to an already signed document, It should be placed not closer to the border of the bottom margin, but after the text of the document. Moreover, the indentation should be 2-4 line spacing, the size of the indentation is fixed in the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, which were published by the developer of GOST - the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Document Management and Archiving (VNIIDAD).

If you look again at the layout of the details of organizational and administrative documents (see Figure 1), you can note that detail 21 - “Mark of the presence of the application” and detail 22 - “Signature”located on the same level. However, the signature should be placed underrequisite “Mark of the presence of the application” at 2-4 intervals. This must be done so that no one can add another attachment to the document after signing the document.

Speaking of location “App availability mark” requisite, it is worth noting a number of other points. If you look at the fragment of GOST R 6.30-2003, published at the beginning of the article, you will see that GOST provides examples of design, where it is clearly visible that the props we are considering are located from the border of the left margin with an indent . However, there are no clear indications of this in the GOST text. But they are in the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, and this is what is written there:

Thus, we can conclude that the arrangement we demonstrated in Example 2 will be correct.

In which organizational and administrative documents can the “Stamp of the presence of an application” attribute be used?

The text of GOST R 6.30-2003 states that “App availability mark” requisite can be issued in letters (see paragraph 3.21 given at the beginning of the article). That is, if the letter contains any application, then this detail must be formalized without fail. Moreover, in cover letters, the main purpose of which is to send documents that do not have an address part, “App availability mark” requisite must always be completed (see Example 2).

Also props « Application availability mark", if necessary, may be present in the following forms information and reference documents: certificates, memos, explanatory notes, memos.

But there are types of organizational and administrative documents in which props « Marking the presence of the application» is not issued, because information about applications is indicated directly in the text. This is stated in the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003 and in the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies. Such documents, for example, include a protocol.

Props « Marking the presence of the application» is not issued in administrative documents: orders, instructions, instructions, resolutions and decisions.

Typically, if an administrative document has reference or analytical annexes (graphs, diagrams, tables, lists), then in the text in the relevant paragraphs of the administrative part there are links: “(Appendix 1)”, “(Appendix 2)” or “according to the Appendix 1", "according to Appendix 2". If the appendix to the administrative document is an approved document (regulations, rules, instructions, etc.), the following mark is made in the corresponding paragraph of the administrative part: “(attached)” (see Example 3).

Is it always necessary to write “Appendix” on the first sheet of an application?

Is it always necessary to do on the first sheet of the application in the upper right corner inscription « Application» indicating the document, its date and registration number? At first glance it seems yes. But that's not true. Therefore, many people make mistakes when they put this label on all applications indiscriminately.

Let's consider cases when inscription "Application" indicating the document, its date and registration number should not be affixed.

Firstly, it is inappropriate when you are sending any an independent document that does not have an address part, together with a covering letter .

However, if it is not a covering letter that is sent, but, for example, a notification letter or an invitation letter, and the attachment includes additional materials that were specially prepared for this letter, then the above inscription must be placed on the attachment.

Secondly, you shouldn't do it inscription « Application» on a document approved by an administrative document. It is when designing such applications that mistakes are most often made. And look what happens: there are options when the necessary information is missing (Example 6) or when it is duplicated (Examples 7 and 8).

Possible options for incorrect registration are not limited to this. However, the rules for drawing up annexes to administrative documents are regulated using the example of decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation in the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies.

From the above, we conclude that the approved documents must contain the requisite “Document Approval Statement,” which is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, and not the inscription “Appendix No.” with the data of the administrative document. But if the application is of a reference or analytical nature (i.e., not approved), then in its upper right corner the inscription “Appendix No.” should be written indicating the relevant document, its date and registration number.

How should applications be designed?

At application design The following simple rules should be followed:

  1. Applications Always are issued on standard sheets of paper, not on letterhead documents.
  2. Since applications are not registered separately, they should not contain the details “Document Date” and “Document Registration Number”. After all, the date and registration number of the document to which the application relates can be seen in the upper right corner on the first page of the application in the inscription “Appendix...” (see Example 5) or in the details “Document approval stamp” (see Example 9).
  3. The title to the application text is printed in a centered manner; there is no period at the end of the title. The name of the application type (the first word of the application title) is highlighted in capital letters and can be printed in space (POSITION, LIST, LIST, etc.) . The line spacing between the first line of the title and subsequent lines can be increased by 6 pt.

    The title of the application is located under the inscription “Appendix...” or the attribute “Document approval stamp” and is separated from them by two to four line spacing.

  4. The margin sizes, fonts and line spacing when printing applications are identical to the sizes used when printing document texts.
  5. The application sheets are numbered independently, starting from the second sheet. Page numbers are placed in the middle of the top margin of the sheet. In this case, the number is written in Arabic numerals without punctuation (dots), without indicating the word “page” or its abbreviated versions “page.” or with." and dashes.
  6. Organizational and legal documents - instructions, rules, regulations, regulations approved by administrative documents and which are appendices to them - must be signed by the head of the structural unit who developed this appendix. Other applications, if necessary, may also be signed by an authorized official. If the application is not signed, then it is advisable to end it with a horizontal line located in the center of the text at a distance of approximately 3 line spacing. The length of the line should be several centimeters. This simple trick will protect you from adding any text to the end of the application after signing the main document (see Example 5).

Here is an example of the correct design of the first page of the Regulations on a structural unit, which is an appendix to the administrative document (see Example 9).

* * *

Concluding the article, I would like to note that if questions arise related to the preparation of documents or the organization of work with them, it is better to look for answers in several regulatory documents or sources at once, rather than stop at one. This is the only way to get the most complete answer to your question.

1 Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation: Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003. - VNIIDAD. — 2003.

2 The location of some details, which should be issued only in specific areas of the document page, are indicated directly in the text of GOST R 6.30-2003 and the above-mentioned Methodological Recommendations. Such details include: “Document approval visas”, “Note on the execution of the document and sending it to the file”, “Note on the receipt of the document by the organization”, “Identifier of the electronic copy of the document”.

3 If there are several applications, they are numbered, i.e. the inscription “Appendix” must include the sign “No” and the serial number of the application (see Example 5).

4 Exceptions are independent documents that do not have an address part, are sent with a covering letter to a third-party organization (see Example 4) and are indicated in the letter as attachments. These documents are prepared in a standard manner, i.e. according to the rules applicable to certain types of documents.



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