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Problems with Hamachi blue circle. What does a blue or orange circle mean in Odnoklassniki?

Hamachi is the latest program for creating a secure network over the Internet, which performs the function of a local one. As a result, it turns out that computers located at a great distance are connected to each other according to the principle of a local network over the Internet. But even modern programs have glitches, one of which is “Tunnel through a repeater”. The main disadvantage of this problem is the low speed of the game and endless crashes from servers as a result of weak ping. In this article, we will tell you how to fix a tunnel through a repeater in Hamachi.

Why does this problem happen?

The problem of a tunnel through a repeater is quite common and completely solvable. The cause of the problem is that the program cannot reach the computer directly, and therefore seeks communication through third-party servers. In this situation, the indicator next to the name of one of the network members lights up blue.

Fixing a tunnel through a repeater

To remove a tunnel through a repeater, follow exactly the instructions below. By completing all the steps, you will create favorable conditions for creating a direct tunnel between computers.

1. First you need to check if your IP is white. The fact is that for a direct connection between computers, at least one of the users must have a white IP. You can get a white IP through the provider that provides you with the Internet.

2. When Hamachi is running, the antivirus and firewall must be disabled. You can disable the firewall through the Control Panel, System and Security - Windows Firewall. You can disable the antivirus until the next reboot, or for some time, for example, 30 minutes.

3. Go to Hamachi and open the Options panel. Go to Advanced Settings and change the Use Proxy Server value to No.

4. Restart Hamachi and check the LED color of the user you want to connect to. If it is green, then you have been able to fix the tunnel through the repeater.

Now you know how to fix a tunnel through a repeater in Hamachi. If you still cannot fix this problem, then you need to check the settings of your router or provider to prohibit the use of direct ports. Also ask another user to follow the same steps above. We hope you will be able to set up Hamachi and play seamlessly with your friends online at the highest speed and low ping.

If a blue circle appears next to your gaming partner’s nickname in Hamachi, this does not bode well. This is evidence that it was not possible to create a direct tunnel; therefore, an additional repeater is used for data transmission, and the ping (latency) will leave much to be desired.

What to do in this case? There are a number of simple ways to diagnose and correct it.

In most cases, fixing the problem comes down to a simple check of data transmission blocking. More precisely, the built-in protection of Windows (Firewall, Firewall) very often interferes with the program’s operation. If you have an additional antivirus with a firewall, then add the Hamachi program to the exceptions in the settings or try disabling the firewall completely.

As for basic Windows protection, you need to check your firewall settings. Go to “Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Windows Firewall” and click on the left “Allow interactions with an application...”

Now find the desired program in the list and make sure that there are checkmarks next to the name and also on the right. It’s worth immediately checking the restrictions for some specific games.

Among other things, it is advisable to mark the Hamachi network as “private”, but this may have a negative impact on security. You can do this the first time you start the program.

Checking your IP

There is such a thing as “white” and “gray” IP. To use Hamachi, “white” is strictly necessary. Most providers issue it, however, some save on addresses and make NAT subnets with internal IPs, which do not allow a separate computer to fully access the open Internet. In this case, you should contact your provider and order a “white” IP service. You can also find out your address type in the tariff plan details or by calling technical support.

Port check

If you use a router to connect to the Internet, there may be a problem with port routing. Make sure that the “UPnP” function is enabled in the router settings, and “Disable UPnP - no” in the Hamachi settings.

How to check for a problem with ports: connect the Internet cable directly to the PC’s network card and connect to the Internet by entering a name and password. If even in this case the tunnel does not become straight, and the hated blue circle does not disappear, then it is better to also contact your provider. Perhaps the ports are closed somewhere on the remote equipment. If everything goes well, you will have to delve into the router settings.

Disabling proxying

In the program, click “System > Options”.

On the “Options” tab, select “advanced settings”.

Here we look for the “Connect to server” subgroup and next to “use a proxy server” set “No”. Now Hamachi will always try to create a direct tunnel without intermediaries.
It is also recommended to disable encryption (this may fix the problem with the yellow triangles, but more on that in a separate article).

So, the problem with the blue circle in Hamachi is quite common, but fixing it in most cases is very simple, unless you have a “gray” IP.

If a blue circle appears next to your gaming partner’s nickname in Hamachi, this does not bode well. This is evidence that it was not possible to create a direct tunnel; therefore, an additional repeater is used for data transmission, and the ping (latency) will leave much to be desired.

What to do in this case? There are a number of simple ways to diagnose and correct it.

Network blocking check

In most cases, fixing the problem comes down to a simple check of data transmission blocking. More precisely, the built-in protection of Windows (Firewall, Firewall) very often interferes with the program’s operation. If you have an additional antivirus with a firewall, then add the Hamachi program to the exceptions in the settings or try disabling the firewall completely.
Yellow triangle and blue circle in Hamachi. WE FIX!!!

As for basic Windows protection, you need to check your firewall settings. Go to “Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Windows Firewall” and click on the left “Allow interactions with an application...”

Now find the desired program in the list and make sure that there are checkmarks next to the name and also on the right. It’s worth immediately checking the restrictions for some specific games.
Why am I blue in Hamachi(Solution)

Among other things, it is advisable to mark the Hamachi network as “private”, but this may have a negative impact on security. You can do this the first time you start the program.

Checking your IP

There is such a thing as “white” and “gray” IP. To use Hamachi, “white” is strictly necessary. Most providers issue it, however, some save on addresses and make NAT subnets with internal IPs, which do not allow a separate computer to fully access the open Internet. In this case, you should contact your provider and order a “white” IP service. You can also find out your address type in the tariff plan details or by calling technical support.

Odnoklassniki is the most popular social network, which in terms of the number of registered users is second only to VKontakte in the Russian-language segment. Like any other social network, Odnoklassniki has a lot of nuances that you need to know. In our case, we will talk about a user activity indicator.

There are three ways to identify friends on Odnoklassniki: study the status of his avatar, track the dates and times of the latest entries in the Feed, or write a personal message. The interlocutor may respond immediately or not respond to the message while online - but how to find out?

Avatar state

You can determine whether a friend is online by paying attention to his main photo. Log in to Odnoklassniki by entering your username and password. In the window that opens, click the “Friends” tab.

The list that opens contains users whose acquaintance has been confirmed by a mutual request to be added to the list of friends. A blue or orange circle may flash in the lower left corner.

Its blinking means that this friend is currently on the site. The same symbols appear if you click on the Guests tab.

The color of the icon will tell you what device your friend is using to log into the social network. If the circle is blue, it means the user is using a phone, smartphone or tablet. If Odnoklassniki is opened from a computer or laptop, the orange icon blinks. If you go to the friends tab and select “Friends Now Online” in the left menu, all online friends will have orange or blue dots flashing. People’s avatars have the same designations in the “People are currently on the site” section in the left menu of their personal profile.

In the phone version, the orange icon remains round, and the indication that a friend is logged in from a phone or tablet resembles the shape of the phone in the left corner of the photo.

User is offline

Clients of the social network notice that after leaving the site, they remain online for 5-10 minutes and continue to receive messages. Why does the circle blink if a friend has left his page? If you close the Odnoklassniki page on your computer along with the browser or tab, your friend remains visible online for another 5 minutes. During this time, the system records the lack of activity, execution of actions, and determines that you are offline. If the account is open, but no new entries are made in the Feed and no actions are taken for five minutes, the dot under the photo will disappear. To instantly log off the network and not appear in your online friends’ lists, you must first click on the “Logout” button on the top panel:

Or select the drop-down Client Menu next to the avatar thumbnail and click “Exit”. The system will instantly log you offline and you will not appear in online lists.

Ability to hide online

Invisibility will not help hide your presence on your personal page - icons are shown for every friend who accesses ok.ru from any device and performs actions in the account: viewing the feed, profiles, groups, listening to music. Invisibility is designed to be hidden in the Guests section. If you visit someone else's account, its owner will instantly receive a notification about the guests and will be able to explore your Feed in response. Invisibility allows you to hide visits to other accounts - when you log into them, notifications will not be sent.



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