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Check your PC for viruses without installation. Programs for removing viruses from your computer

If a lot of unnecessary advertising materials appear in the browser, files disappear somewhere on the desktop, or other incomprehensible things happen, and the antivirus is powerless against them, a virus removal utility comes to the rescue.

This concept refers to a small program that simply finds and removes viruses and their remnants.

This is an inferior antivirus, such as Doctor Web or Kaspersky, but a small part of them that only scans the system and removes everything malware.

Such utilities do not require installation and, most often, are distributed completely free of charge.

Some antivirus giants release such utilities so that users can fully appreciate the power of their software.

An example of such is the same Doctor Web and Kaspersky.

The first “giant” has this utility called , and the second one – .

These two programs are the most popular of their kind, but far from the most effective. But they are distributed for free!

Using their example, we can consider the main functions and features of viruses removal utilities.

And then we’ll move on to considering those programs that really work effectively against ad viruses and other unnecessary programs.

  • Several ways: How to clean your computer from viruses absolutely free

No. 6. Dr.Web CureIt

No. 5. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

There, by the way, you can download this very utility.

On the forums you can find reviews that Kaspersky Virus The Removal Tool does not find most ad viruses, which Dr.Web CureIt easily copes with.

Some write that it takes a very long time to run and heavily loads the computer's memory.

Often it is simply impossible to run other programs in parallel with Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. Although, all Kaspersky products suffer from this.

In any case, although Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool is the brainchild of one of the best antivirus products of our time, it does not have even a quarter of the power that Kaspersky antiviruses are famous for.

Therefore, it is better to use one of the utilities listed below.

No. 4. AdwCleaner

In any topic on the forums where free utilities for removing viruses are discussed, it will appear.

And this is not at all surprising, because many choose this particular program as an alternative to the popular ones.

Although, if you take all the many reviews and posts, then it can hardly be considered the most powerful of its kind. But AdwCleaner was created, as they say, with soul and for people.

After a standard and identical virus removal process for everyone, AdwCleaner shows recommendations on how to avoid similar problems in the future.

As for use, this healing utility is practically no different from the above-mentioned similar programs.

The AdwCleaner window is shown in Figure 4. All actions are concentrated in the section with the appropriate name (highlighted in the figure).

To start using it, you need to click the “Scan” button, and then wait until the end of the scan.

The “Results” section (located immediately below the “Actions” section) will contain the inspection report.

There you can select all the threats found or some specific ones and click the “Delete” button.

Of course, the scanning and removal algorithms for all such programs are different, but the method of use is almost the same for all.

As for AdwCleaner, judging by the reviews of people that they left on forums and in in social networks, this healing utility works better than Kaspersky and Doctor Web products.

There were cases when the same Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool did not find anything, but AdwCleaner found several dozen viruses and easily removed them from the computer.

No. 3. Anti-Malware

No. 1. HitmanPro

It's quite possible that HitmanPro will be our winner today!

At least, the reviews about this utility are so positive that it is quite possible to consider HitmanPro the most powerful of its kind to date.

Yes, the program is paid, but it has a trial period of 30 days. During this time, it is quite possible to completely clean the system of all kinds of viruses and never think about them again.

The very fact that HitmanPro removes not only existing viruses, but also remnants remote programs and the so-called tails of viruses, already says a lot.

At the same time, the HitmanPro developers did not repeat the mistakes of the people who created Anti-Malware.

They did not choose to sacrifice the main function, i.e. virus removal, for the sake of a beautiful design and a wide range of additional functions.

We can say about HitmanPro that it is really powerful! In tests conducted by various sites, this particular utility performed best.

What other similar programs did not pay attention to, HitmanPro detected very quickly and immediately reported their existence.

By the way, if we talk about speed, this is another undeniable advantage of HitmanPro.

Thus, we can highlight the following main advantages of HitmanPro:

  • Speed ​​of operation (in this parameter HitmanPro is clearly better than all its current competitors);
  • High-quality virus removal;
  • High-quality detection of viruses and even their remnants.

The disadvantages of this utility are:

  • Paid license (there is a trial period for 30 days);
  • Minimum additional functions.

Basically, the choice between good removal viruses and a beautiful interface is quite obvious.

Therefore, HitmanPro is the best virus removal utility and the winner of our today's competition.

Although very few people know about this program.

If the trial period has expired and there is no way to buy a license, Spybot Search & Destroy, Anti-Malware or the popular AdwCleaner can deal with viruses well.

But HitmanPro is still better!

More information about HitmanPro can be found in the video below.

Dr.Web CureIt (Doctor Web CureIt)– a free healing utility that does not require installation and can be used already on an infected system. Every computer needs protection from viruses, but unfortunately, standard antiviruses do not provide a 100% guarantee of protection. In addition, practice shows that there is no ideal antivirus; there is no program that could protect a computer from all possible threats. Even when using what you consider to be a serious antivirus, there is always the possibility of problems and oddities appearing in the operation of the OS or various programs.

Today, users increasingly come to the attention of information about the emergence of new viruses and Trojans that can cause significant harm to a computer. This portable version (can be run even with usb flash drives) free antivirus from Dr.Web finds and removes various dangerous software. The program is downloaded for free from the official website and, after cleaning the computer, is removed, without conflicting with the antivirus already installed on the computer.

Main characteristics of Dr.Web CureIt

  • You can scan your PC for malicious elements both routinely and in emergency situations - if problems are detected in its operation;
  • keeping your computer clean and tidy because it detects and removes things that other antivirus programs do not see;
  • inspection both as a whole and selection of objects for inspection;
  • there is a help document that describes in detail the process of working with the program;
  • launch from command line, will allow you to set additional settings for check;
  • quarantine manager with the ability to delete, restore to default, or to a specified folder;
  • scanner operation protection mode during scanning;
  • the ability to add files to exceptions in the settings;
  • support for a large number of program interface languages.

Advantages and disadvantages of Dr.Web CureIt

The advantages of the program include

  1. It is possible to install it on a device already infected with a virus.
  2. Detection of virus programs even when they are not in the database.
  3. Function for scanning archived files of many different formats.
  4. Consumes a small amount of computer resources.
  5. The program is portable and does not need to be installed on a PC.
  6. Free to use on home computers.

The disadvantages of the program include

  1. Files copied to a PC are automatically checked for viruses, and therefore the copying process is significantly slowed down.
  2. Freezes are possible when the computer interface “freezes” (a rather rare phenomenon, but quite real).
  3. Designed for single use. Because its antivirus database is not automatically updated. To check your computer yourself latest version you will need to download it again each time.

Installing and updating Dr.Web CureIt

Program installation

Doctor Web Curate does not require installation, as it is a portable version. Double-click the downloaded file from the link below, check the box (we agree to the terms of use), click the “Continue” button and start the scan. You can also select objects to check and configure as desired, there is nothing complicated about it.

Program update

Dr.Web CureIt! - The healing utility can cure the system once and is not a permanent means of fighting computer viruses. To update this utility You will need to download a new one from the link below, so the databases are updated one or more times per hour.


Today Doctor Web Curate is one of best solutions to quickly check your computer for viruses, Trojans and other evil spirits without installing it on your PC. Of course, there are analogues from other companies, but as experience has shown, this product copes with its task perfectly.

You can download Doctor Web Curate for free using the link below.

If you think that you can only detect and get rid of viruses, then you are mistaken! You'll probably ask, how is it even possible to check a computer and laptop for viruses without installing an antivirus? So, this is possible, even without an Internet connection! And free ones will help us with this antivirus utilities and online scanners.

The most important thing to note is that such utilities can only scan the PC for threats and remove them; they do not treat the computer, keep this in mind.

Before we begin to analyze the topic, I would like to say that such programs only complement the main antivirus, but cannot replace it. Therefore, I recommend installing full-fledged security software. Here are some of them from the last year.

Checking for viruses using free programs

Microsoft Safety Scanner

Microsoft has created special utility to check your computer. You can download from site. Please note that it is valid for 10 days! After it expires, you will need to download new version with already updated virus databases. Its main advantage is portability; it works without installation on a PC.

The developers do not indicate which OS the program supports, but judging by reviews on the Internet, it works on both Windows Xp and subsequent versions - Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10. Also, it does not conflict with other antiviruses.

Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

A free program from the well-known developer Kaspersky, designed to search for and remove Trojans and other threats on your PC. The analysis process uses cloud technology, which significantly speeds it up. You can download it from here.

When malware is detected, Kaspersky does not remove it, but only reports the threat. But you can always remove the viruses found yourself; to do this, just follow the path indicated in the report and neutralize the necessary threat.

After completing the scan and cleaning of the system, be sure to restart your computer.

Dr.Web Sure it

"Doctor Web" - free program designed to scan your PC for viruses without installing an antivirus. Is different fast speed work and a very large database of known threats. With its help, you can find malware in a few clicks and remove them once and for all.

All you need to do is download the utility, open it and start the scanning process. Doctor Web will thoroughly scan your system and cure it of viruses. The utility perfectly recognizes most threats and supports all versions of Windows.

There are threats that cannot be removed normally Windows mode, to do this, log into safe mode and check again.

Online computer scan for viruses

BitDefender QuickScan

A utility from a well-known developer that allows you to perform an online scan without downloading and installing an additional antivirus, simply by clicking on link. To start working, you need to press the button " Scan now“, after which a special extension will be installed in your browser. He will have access to all available data on the laptop for verification. The process itself lasts no more than 2 minutes.

Why so fast? As indicated on the official website, this is due to the fact that the entire process is carried out in the cloud, and the technology itself consists of identifying threats that are active at the time of scanning.

ESET Online Scanner

Another way you can scan a PC or netbook without downloading additional antivirus program. It is completely free for ordinary users. To scan, you will need to go to official site.

If you are using Internet Explorer, then the analysis will be performed without downloading additional files. If you use other browsers to access the Internet, then you will need to download a small file and run it. According to the developers, the ESET online scanner is capable of detecting and removing any type of threat.

A clear advantage of this utility is the ability to customize scanning. After you click the button to scan, the current anti-virus database will be downloaded from the Internet and the search will begin. Of course, the utility is of high quality and reliable, but to use it, additional software is still installed on the computer and it cannot be used without the Internet.

Panda ActiveScan

Service of the world-famous cloud antivirus. For free scan online required go on the website. Just like ESET, Panda works in IE without installing additional files.

As stated on the official website, the utility is capable of detecting any Trojans and malware. Treatment of a laptop with its help always goes unnoticed quickly and very effectively!

Dr.Web online

Besides widely famous program Cure it, Dr.Web web also has very good free scanner, which allows you to perform a complete scan of your computer for viruses online without installing or downloading any additional software. Perhaps its main disadvantage is that each file will have to be downloaded separately, which is not convenient in all cases.

To improve your usability online scanner om Doctor Web, you can place all questionable documents in one archive, then send this entire archive for verification at one time. But there is a nuance here, the volume of one archive should not exceed 10 MB, you also need to understand that the download speed will directly depend on your Internet connection. Therefore, if you have a fairly weak Internet connection, downloading even such small files can take a long time.

Kaspersky online

You can scan important files for viruses and other threats using free scanner from Kaspersky. It works online, without installation on your computer. In fact, this is a kind of analogue of Doctor Web, discussed earlier.

Kaspersky features support for downloading larger files up to 50 MB, which is very convenient. Also supports downloading of all types of data, including archives. It works quite quickly, for example, as a test I decided to download an archive of 36 MB in size, in the end it was checked in a minute. Unfortunately, he does not treat your computer; you will have to remove viruses yourself. But despite this, I definitely recommend it.

All disassembled programs perform only a few functions - detection and removal. They cannot cure your computer. Therefore I recommend using full-fledged antiviruses, which will not only protect Windows OS from malware, but in most cases will also be able to cure infected files.

Detailed video on the topic

Greetings to all readers of the blog site. Have you ever had situations where your computer does not work as usual? It takes a long time to load and programs open slowly. The solution to the problem could be online check computer for viruses without installing additional extensions. Let's consider the most popular methods that may be useful to you.

Why check

Have you ever had situations where the antivirus does not find threats, but the laptop suddenly starts working slowly and messages of dubious content appear? By the way, in one of my recent posts I wrote, .

This behavior is associated with the appearance of a program with malicious code on the system. Can't find it and can't remove it from the computer installed antivirus for the reason that it is a program. This is where special services can help. Use them, especially if you notice that your computer is not working properly.

But before working with them, pay attention to the following:

  • During operation, an additional module or extension is loaded, which communicates with the anti-virus database using the cloud;
  • Do not use unknown services; in one of my previous articles I wrote about that. If in doubt, check for advertisements. Manufacturers of high-quality software make money by selling products, so they will not place “dubious” advertising.

Important! You cannot protect your computer without antivirus software that has access to all files on the HDD.

How to scan in Dr.Web

This effective method. Let's look at why. This is the first antivirus created in Russia to offer this type of scanning. In addition, he offers:

By following the link online.drweb.com check the url - address, or file. To do this, you do not need to load any additional modules onto the HDD. Add the document you want to check in a special form.

After downloading it, click on the “check” button.

Important! To ensure the security of your information in real time, purchase full-fledged Doctor web . The method described above is used only for one-time diagnostics.

How to check in ESET

This is a free tool for effective removal malicious code. Located at: esetnod32.ru . He can:

  • scan documents without installation;
  • detects all types of threats;
  • delete malicious code from the registry.

If you use Explorer, there is no need to download and install additional programs. For other browsers, download and run the application with the “exe” extension that the system offers. After loading the scanner, click on the “launch” button.

How Kaspersky online scanner works

This free utility available at kaspersky.ru . It can identify common threats. Work occurs using cloud technology. This will reduce the time required for scanning. Also, Kaspersky developers took care of users working on Mac. An additional protective component was released for them.

Important! The scanner works correctly with antiviruses installed on the system. It does not remove the code, but only reports it. After checking, you will have to delete everything yourself.

Working with the Virustotal service

It belongs to Google. Checks files for malicious software. To start working with it, go to the address virustotal.com . A form will open where we indicate the link to the blog, or select on HDD necessary files. Next, click on the “check” button.

Important! Anti-virus databases are regularly updated in automatic mode, so Virustotal will find all the latest modifications of viruses.


We reviewed services for checking a personal PC for viruses. They scan files and pages for free and look for malware in them. Use them even if you have an antivirus installed. Use the service from Doctor Web and you will not have any difficulties treating files. If used together with full version antivirus, your computer will be reliably protected.

Developer: "Doctor Web"
Version: 11.1.7 from 03/22/2020
System: Windows
Language: Russian, English and others
License: For free
Downloads: 149 721
Size: 206 MB


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