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We solve the problem with the microphone in Skype. Setting up the microphone, sound and camera in Skype How to set up the microphone in the preview version of Skype

Hi people! Today you will learn how to set up a microphone in Skype. To set up a microphone on Skype, you need to repeat what I wrote. Skype is already known all over the world. Thanks to it, you can communicate with your interlocutor who is on the other side of the world, and at the same time see him live.

Of course, video communication requires a camera and microphone. Today we will talk about microphones. For simple devices, it will be enough to insert it into the corresponding pink connector. But with modern devices things are a little more complicated.

If, after connecting the microphone, it still does not turn on in Skype, then you will need to check its settings in the system: I also wanted to say that for Skype you will need a webcam, so I advise you to read articles about that or here is a good one.

« Control Panel» — « Equipment and sound"- "Sound "

Or like this:

Right-click on the speaker icon on the taskbar and select “ Recording devices».

There should be no problems if your computer has one sound card. In this case, the “Recording” tab will indicate this device by default. But if there are several sound cards, then in the settings select the card into whose connector the microphone will be connected.

Nowadays, they mainly produce combined camera + microphone devices. The connection process is the same as described above. Now I’ll take a closer look at the sound settings.

On the “Levels” tab, adjust the microphone sensitivity level: set the “microphone” slider to the initial right position up to 100 units, and the “ microphone gain"by +10 dB.

Now let's look at how to set up a microphone in Skype if you have made all the previous settings, but the microphone in the program still does not work.

Open Skype settings and follow the route:

“Tools” - “Settings...”.

In the window that opens, select “ Sound settings".

Now pay attention to the “Microphone” section; the default device that is specified in the operating system microphone settings should be selected in it. If everything is correct, then look at the “Volume” section. A green bar should appear here when you speak into the microphone.

You can tick the option “ Allow automatic microphone setup" In this case, the sound volume will be adjusted by the computer: if necessary, increase or decrease. Check the service in operation. If the volume fluctuates erratically, then cancel this action.

So, if the question “How to set up a microphone in Skype” remains open for you, and the sound and video do not work, then most likely the problem is related to the installation drivers of the device or a hardware malfunction. Please ask your wishes and questions in the comments. All the best!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

If you decided to start using Skype or just bought a new microphone, you were probably worried about the question: “How to set up a microphone in Skype?” or “What to do if you don’t hear anything?” Read on and you will find out everything about it!

Before setting up...

You won’t be able to talk without a microphone in Skype, so you need to connect it correctly and configure it for further pleasant communication on Skype. To correctly and quickly set up and check the microphone in Skype, you must first do the following:

First, you need to plug in the microphone into the appropriate connector (if it is not built into the device, as is often the case on a laptop, but is presented as headphones with a microphone or as a separate camera with a microphone). If your pickup device has a round regular plug, and the computer you want to plug it into has three different colored holes that match in diameter and shape, plug it into the pink (light red) one located on the sound card.

See if there is a jumper (on/switch) on the cord (if the microphone/camera was purchased separately)? If so, make sure it is in the “on” position.

If you have a wireless microphone, make sure that the battery is charged (if it runs on rechargeable battery(s), check the batteries for charge (if it runs on batteries), if it runs on regular disposable batteries, buy new ones.

Make sure you are using the latest (newest) version of Skype. If you are not sure about this, download the new version of this popular messenger from the official website (skype.com) completely free of charge.

Check if you have internet access.

System check

If your microphone is physically turned on, setting up the microphone should always begin with setting the necessary parameters in the operating system. You need to do this:

1.Go to your computer's Start menu.

2.Find the section responsible for sound (usually called “Hardware and Sound”) and go there.

3.Select the “Sound” section.

4.Go to the second tab – “Record”.

5.If you see several lines on this tab, that is, several device options, select the one you need by first right-clicking on it and selecting “Enable” (this item will be present in the drop-down menu if the microphone is currently disabled and there is an option enable it), and then double-click. The "...properties" window will open.

6. While on the first tab (“General”), select the following item in the “Device Usage” section: “Use this device (on).”

7.Select the second tab from the left called “Listen.” There you need to check the “Listen from this device” checkbox if you want the sound from the microphone to be played through the speakers.

8.If you connect a microphone to a laptop, select “Continue operation when switching to battery power” in the power management section.

9.Go to the third tab to adjust the sound levels by dragging the sliders left and right (move to the right - this means making it louder).

Please note: it is better to set the “Microphone Gain” slider to “+10 dB” (ten decibels), and not to the maximum value.

10.On the fourth tab - the improvements tab - you can suppress noise or echo by checking the appropriate boxes. Then nothing will interfere with Skype conferences.

How to configure in the program?

How can you check if your audio pickup setting is correct in Skype? To “connect” a microphone in Skype, you need to:

  1. In the main window of the messenger, go to the “Tools” menu.
  2. Go to "Settings".
  3. Select "Sound Settings".
  4. Select the name corresponding to your microphone from the drop-down list in the first section.
  5. Check the "Allow automatic configuration..." checkbox. Now, in those moments when the voice starts to sound too loud or too quiet, the program itself will adjust this parameter, reducing or increasing the sound level accordingly. It is because of incorrect manual settings that some users experience a loud microphone when making a call.
  6. How to check your microphone in Skype? Say something into the microphone. If at the same time the bar located just below, called “Volume,” changes color from gray to green and begins to move, then the microphone is working and is picking up sounds properly.

Problems at work

If you have everything set up, why is there still no sound? Check out the following options:

Try making a call (voice call) in Skype to any subscriber (except “Echo...”) to test the microphone. If during a call an icon with a crossed out microphone is displayed on the screen, then the sound is muted in the program itself - click on this icon to turn it back on.

If you have several similar devices connected to your PC or laptop that are used to receive sound, this may also prevent the target microphone from working correctly. You need to turn off all other unnecessary devices and, after restarting the computer, try checking the Skype sound again.

To check which devices are connected to your computer, go to this path: “Start” – “Control Panel” – “Hardware and Sound” – “Sound”. In the window that opens, in the first tab, which is called “Playback,” you can see all such devices.

If you do not want (or cannot) disable other sound pickup devices, right-click on the name of the one you are currently connecting and select “Use as default” from the drop-down menu.

If your microphone connector is rectangular (USB) and does not work even though it is turned on, try unplugging its plug and then plugging it into other similar connectors on your computer (laptop).

If the system (Windows OS or another) does not see your device even after following all our instructions for connecting and setting up sound for Skype, then you need to install drivers. This can be done in two ways:

1.Insert the driver disk into the CD-ROM, which is always included with the microphone itself when you purchase it, and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

2.Download drivers from the official website of the company that manufactured your microphone and install them.

If there is sound (and this is confirmed by your Skype interlocutor), but it “hisses”, “croaks” or is such that it is impossible to understand individual words, you (or your provider) may have problems with the connection. In this case, until there is a normal, constant Internet speed, you will not be able to talk in the program.

When it is very difficult to hear (the microphone is quiet), you can try to solve this problem in the following way: try to equalize the difference in sound between the noise and your voice. To do this, use one of the following methods:

  • Move closer to the microphone so it can pick up the sound more clearly.
  • Check the following: is there anything blocking the microphone and its recording head or preventing the free passage of sound waves?
  • Try to eliminate background noise (there is an amplifier in front of you, so all sounds that enter it will be amplified, even extraneous noise).
  • Try turning down the overall volume a little (too much volume can create an echo that makes it impossible to hear anything). This can be done in the same place where you checked the auto-tuning box.

For more information on how to fix problems with a microphone not working in Skype, you can.

Set up the microphone in the program, check the settings of your operating system - and you will be able to talk as much as you like with your family and friends using Skype!

A guide to setting up a microphone on a laptop for voice communication via Skype.


Today the application Skype occupies the top line of the ranking of the most popular programs for voice communication on the Internet. With its help, you can make free calls to friends and relatives, arrange group video conferences and simply chat.

Naturally, for full voice communication through this program, a microphone is required. Most often, connecting and setting it up does not cause any difficulties. Simply insert the microphone into the appropriate connector and you can start using the program.

However, inexperienced users of computers, in particular laptops, may encounter certain problems when connecting a microphone and its initial setup. Just about how to properly set up a microphone for communication in Skype, and will be discussed in our article.

The main reasons for the microphone not working in Skype

Microphone physical problem

  • A trivial, but very common problem. Many users of external microphones have encountered difficulties with voice communication in the program Skype, they begin to diligently delve into the PC settings, change sound parameters and even update sound card drivers, without first checking the microphone for functionality. Even if the device was purchased recently, it is quite possible that it was damaged during transportation or that you were sold a defective one. To check its functionality, just connect the microphone to another computer and if it shows no signs of life, then the problem clearly lies in physical damage.

Incorrect connection

  • To connect a variety of audio devices, each computer has a number of special connectors. If we talk about laptops, then they have two of them: an input and an output. The output is used to connect speakers and headphones, and the input is for a microphone. As a rule, the microphone input on the housing is red or pink. If you insert the microphone into a different connector, then, of course, it will not work for you.

Incompatible sound card drivers

  • A rare problem, however, it also has a right to exist. For various reasons, users have to reinstall or update their sound drivers. Out of ignorance, beginners download from the Internet and install on their PC the first available drivers, which often do not work correctly with their sound card, or even refuse to function at all. You should install drivers only from the official website of your sound card manufacturer or from the disk that came with your computer.

Incorrect microphone settings in the system

  • The most popular problem. Like other devices, the microphone requires proper and careful setup. It is quite possible that the microphone volume is turned down in the PC settings or the jack is completely disabled. Next, we will analyze in detail the correct microphone settings.

Configuring basic microphone parameters in the operating system

So, as mentioned above, most often the reason for a non-working microphone lies in incorrectly specified settings. Before proceeding to the program settings Skype, you need to understand the operating system settings. Follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Open the menu " Start" and select the line " Control Panel" On the main page of the panel in the upper right corner in the section " View» select value « Small icons» for a more convenient viewing of the content. Find and open the section " Sound».

  • Step 2. In the window that opens, go to the “ Record» and right-click on the connected microphone. In the list that opens, select the line “ Properties».

  • Step 3. In the next window you need to go to the “ Levels» and look carefully at the set parameters. The recording volume slider should be moved all the way to the right, and the levels slider should be at zero. If you have a cheap microphone, about 200 rubles, then it probably has low power. In this case, you need to experiment with the parameters. Try setting the recording volume to 85% , and the levels slider is on +20 decibels.

  • Step 4. By going to the tab " Improvements" or " Effects", You can set additional parameters for the microphone. For example, remove noise or background echo. It is recommended to activate these functions only if you are using a built-in or high-quality external microphone. Next, click the buttons “ Apply" And " OK».

Setting up a microphone in Skype

We figured out the microphone settings in the system. It's time to go directly to the settings of Skype itself. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Launch the program and in the top menu click on “ Tools" In the list that appears, select the line “ Settings" and in the window that opens, go to the tab " Sound settings».

  • Step 2. At the very top of the window that opens is the microphone settings section. If you are using a laptop with a built-in microphone, but using an external one, then make sure that the device you need is selected in the column.
  • The recording volume bar is displayed below. With any sound, the jackal should fill with green. This will be a signal that your microphone is working properly.

  • Check the box next to the line “ Allow automatic microphone setup"so that the program independently regulates its volume. To continue, click the " Save».

This completes the microphone setup. You can start full communication in the program Skype. If, after all the actions you have taken, the microphone volume scale in the settings is not filled with green, then your microphone is either faulty, or incorrectly connected, or you missed one of the setup steps.

If everything works correctly, but your interlocutor still cannot hear you, advise him to check his sound settings. Most likely, the playback volume in the system or in the program itself is reduced Skype.

VIDEO: How to set up a microphone on a laptop and improve the quality of a conversation via Skype?

Apart from the video camera, this is perhaps the most important thing in the quality of the application. If you have correctly connected the microphone to the computer and there are no problems with playing audio devices in the system, then all that remains is to adjust the volume in the program itself. How to do this, read our detailed instructions.

Instructions for setting up a microphone in Skype

1. Open the program by clicking on the shortcut on the desktop or in the quick launch menu. At the top of the Skype window, select the " Tools" and in the drop-down list of options, click on " Settings».

2. In the list of settings, select the “” section. Speak into the microphone and the volume will automatically adjust to your voice.

If the sound in the microphone disappears or is very low, then uncheck the box next to “Allow automatic microphone settings” and move the volume slider to the desired position - quieter or louder. We recommend not setting the volume to maximum, as the sound can go off scale and create interference.

3. Now you need to check the microphone operation. To do this, select the "" option.

4. Next, the automatic testing service will offer to record your voice for 10 seconds, and then listen to the recording as your opponents hear it. If there are no problems with volume and playback, then the microphone setup in Skype is complete.

You can also make volume settings during a call to the testing service. To do this you need:

  • Click on the " Communication quality data».
  • In the settings window that pops up, select the “ Microphone».
  • During recording, make the settings as shown above in the second paragraph.

To quickly test a microphone or video camera, you can select from the contact list at any time Echo/Sound Test Service and click on the handset or camera icon.

If you have no sound in your microphone after setting it up, then go to “ Sound settings" and click on the section " More information about setting up your audio hardware».

Expert opinion

Konstantin Ivashov

Leading specialist in communication network development

In this article, you will learn how to turn on the microphone in Skype and configure it so that communication in the messenger is comfortable and stable. Even a user with minimal knowledge and computer skills can do this on their own.

Setting up a microphone in Skype

If you have several recording devices connected to your computer, and you need to talk through headphones, you need to select the appropriate device in the Skype settings and use it as a microphone.

Using the Windows 7 operating system as an example, let's look at how to configure a microphone in the program settings.

  • On the top panel, click on the button " tools»;
  • select " settings»;
  • in the window that opens, go to the “ sound settings»;
  • next to the word “microphone”, open the drop-down list of available devices;
  • select the required recording device;
  • In the lower right corner of the window, click on the button “ save».

After this, you can check the functionality of the microphone by calling the Echo test service or seeing if the sound scale changes in the Skype settings. In the same way, you can adjust the sound in the Android application.

Settings via control panel

If after setting up the microphone in Skype you still cannot be heard, the reason is due to incorrect operating system settings. To change system settings, you need to use the control panel, which allows you to manage devices, including audio recording devices.
To open the control panel you need to:

  • go to the start menu;
  • go to the “control panel”;
  • in a new window, select “sound, speech and audio devices” (on Windows 10, 8, 7 – “manage audio devices”);
  • Go to “sound and audio devices”.
  • in the tray (panel of running programs) right-click on the volume icon;
  • select “adjust audio settings”.

To set up the microphone you need:

  • go to the “speech” tab;
  • select the default audio recording device;
  • in the “volume…” settings, make sure that the slider is in the free position (not at zero).

After setting the settings, go to Skype and check if the microphone is working.

Installing drivers

If you have completed all of the above settings, but the microphone does not work or you are hard to hear, you should update your audio device drivers. Headphones or webcams come with installation discs that contain the necessary drivers for the headset to function properly on a computer.

  1. insert the disc into the CD drive;
  2. open the installation file;
  3. wait until all the necessary drivers are installed on your computer.

After this, the new equipment will appear in the device manager, and you can activate it through the Skype settings or control panel.

If you do not have an installation disk, then the Internet can become a source of drivers. To search for it, you should enter the headset model and the OS used in the search engine.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Savelyev

Computer Security Specialist

You should not download files from unverified sources. Download drivers only from the official websites of device manufacturers.

Setting type Implementation
Setting up a microphone in Skype — on the top panel, click on the “tools” button;
— select “settings”;
— in the window that opens, go to the “sound settings” tab;
— next to the word “microphone”, open the drop-down list of available devices;
— select the required recording device;
— in the lower right corner of the window, click on the “save” button.
Settings via control panel — go to audio device management;

— go to the “speech” tab;
— select the default audio recording device;
— in the “volume…” settings, make sure that the slider is in the free position (not at zero).

Installing drivers — insert the disc into the CD drive;
— open the installation file;
— wait until all the necessary drivers are installed on your computer. Or, if you don’t have an installation disk, then the Internet can be the source of drivers. To search for it, you should enter the headset model and the OS used in the search engine.

Did you manage to set up your microphone in Skype?




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