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Russian operating system rosa. Review and installation of Linux ROSA Desktop Fresh R6

Good afternoon friends. Most users are accustomed to what if they say operating system, have in Windows view. I'm talking about this system wrote several books. Windows is the most widespread system in the world.

Most programs are written specifically for it. I mean programs on a computer, not a tablet or phone. This is of course a big advantage! But, at the same time, there is a HUGE minus here! Most viruses are also created specifically for the Windows system!

Also, many users are unhappy that Windows is a paid system. Unlike the same Linux. It's really an inconvenience. Moreover, as I heard, you will have to pay for Windows 10 every year. Also, many users do not like the Tens tracking features.

Although, at present, if you use it correctly, it becomes clear that Windows 10 is a rather convenient system. But it is not suitable for many computers. Firstly, it is not suitable for defense enterprises. And in general, the armed forces.

Just imagine - a cruise missile is flying to hit terrorists, and a completely different command comes from the Pentagon to hit a completely different object. What can you call it? This can be called a disaster! The same can be said about the defense industry.

Windows can transfer all Russian or other countries' defense secrets to the United States. He can’t even convey it, but he will convey it! What we need in this case is correct, we need a Russian operating system. Is there such a system? There is, and it is called Rosa.

Russian operating system Rosa Desktop for PC

A few years ago, I heard that a Russian operating system was being developed, specifically for the military and government. After all, Windows is also not suitable for the government. This system can transfer too many secrets to Microsoft.

And such a system has already been created, and more than one. Now we will talk about the most common of Russian systems Rosa Desktop, perfect for home use. The Rosa system has many varieties. For example: - Cobalt, Chrome, Nickel.

All of them are better protected than Desktop, because... designed to protect military, government and enterprise computers. This system has better protection than Windows. They know less about it and it has a better firewall.

Rosa Desktop differences and similarities with Windows

Rosa Desktop is based on the Linux system, so its interface is very similar to this system. It is free, which allows it to increase the number of users significantly! If you have ever worked with Linux, you will understand this Russian operating system without any problems.

The system was developed in 2011, but in reality great version came out in 2012. Just before sanctions and other nonsense. Otherwise, our industry and government would. enterprises had a hard time (many secrets would begin to go to the west)!

The system interface is somewhat reminiscent of Windows, but it also has its differences. The desktop is similar. There is a button, like Start. The system has two built-in browsers, Mozilla and Chromium. Have your own office suite, similar to MS Office. The OS has its own player and various graphics editors.

What's nice is that after installation there is no need to install drivers. The system is ready-made. In addition, there is a “Personal Firewall” utility, a utility for setting up a video card (a program about which I wrote several articles), etc. System disk called "Home Folder". Also, the Desktop interface is somewhat reminiscent of the Android interface.

For installation additional programs it has a program installer. What I especially liked is that the system has a built-in system freeze. I told you about a similar program. So, in the Russian operating system, a similar program is built in by default!

In other words, you can enable this function and install dubious software, browse suspicious resources, and after reinstalling the system, you won’t get anything for it! Toolwiz Time Freeze is built into drive C and takes up as much as 5 GB of memory.

This program in Rosa Desktop is a system program, therefore, it does not particularly load the OS. Remember I mentioned that the system is secure better than Windows? Among other things, the Desktop system can distribute the Internet quite well via WI-FI from your laptop in two clicks.

Also, I heard that soon the Russian operating system will be installed in educational institutions. Not surprisingly, some institutes conduct closed research. Also, the authorities will strongly recommend that computer stores install the Rosa system on their computers.

Conclusion: Rosa Desktop is an excellent system. It’s not very popular yet, but I think that soon it will gain more and more space due to its ease of use and freeness! We can say that import substitution in Russia continues.

Also, governments different countries began to install the Russian operating system, due to greater security and fear of transferring classified information to the Pentagon. But we will see whether this system will be in every Russian home. Good luck!

Video Russian operating system Rosa

Rosa Desktop download.

Hello everyone, today’s material will be devoted to getting to know the distribution Linux ROSA Desktop Fresh R6 from the Russian company "NTC IT ROSA", which in my opinion is a good option for a free operating system for a home computer.

And I'll start with the fact that yes indeed Linux distribution I liked ROSA Desktop Fresh R6, it looks beautiful and original, is quite productive, includes everything necessary and popular software and what will probably please many is that it is free. We will talk about this and much more now, but first I would like to remind you that we have already considered one Linux distribution, which is being developed by our Russian programmer, Point Linux, but it is focused on simplicity, speed and is suitable for those who do not we need all sorts of beautiful things. But if you want a simple, fast, convenient and at the same time beautiful and functional interface your operating system, then you better take a closer look at the ROSA Desktop Fresh R6 distribution.

Linux distribution ROSA Desktop Fresh R6

ROSA Desktop Fresh R6 is a free distribution of the Linux operating system, developed and developed by the Russian company STC IT ROSA and the distribution community. This distribution keeps up with the times and is focused on innovation, as evidenced by the original system interface and new versions of programs that are included in it by default.

The default desktop environment is KDE, but you can also install GNOME, LXDE, XFCE, Mate and Enlightenment.

The distribution supports i586 and x86_64 processor architectures. It is multilingual and, of course, supports Russian.

As I already said, ROSA Desktop Fresh has an original and, most importantly, interesting design, which is facilitated by the company’s own developments, for example:

SimpleWelcome is a single launch point for applications grouped according to their functional purpose, for example Internet, office, graphics, games, etc. SimpleWelcome has the following features:

  • access to all graphic applications in the system, as well as to all recently launched applications;
  • access to the latest open documents;
  • search by names and descriptions of applications, as well as by the names of recently opened documents;
  • launch applications using hotkeys, by default ALT+F1;
  • as well as other functionality.

Personally, SimpleWelcome reminded me of the start menu in Windows 8, i.e. tiles, although of course the design is different.

RocketBar- panel quick launch applications at the bottom of the screen with the ability to switch between them. One of the differences between RocketBar and the standard KDE bar is the ability to use large icons.

TimeFrame is a tool that allows you to track user activity on a timeline, for example, find files that you edited or created on certain dates.

StackFolder is a functionality that allows you to organize fast access to your most frequently used folders and files.

ROMP (ROSA Media Player ) – multimedia file player.

Current stable version

The current version at the time of writing is ROSA Desktop Fresh R6, it was released on July 15, 2015, which includes the following versions of components and software:

  • Linux kernel 3.14.44;
  • Chromium 43.0.2357.134;
  • Firefox 39.0;
  • Thunderbird 38.0.1;
  • LibreOffice 4.4.3;
  • Audacity 2.1.0;
  • Kdenlive 15.04.3;
  • GIMP 2.8.14.

Also, this version, compared to the previous release (R5), includes quite a lot of changes related to the SimpleWelcome and TimeFrame components; there are also changes in the distribution installer.

System requirements

  • Processor with a frequency of 2.0 GHz or higher;
  • 1.5 GB random access memory for 32-bit versions, 2 GB for 64-bit versions;
  • 20 GB of free hard disk space;
  • Monitor and video adapter supporting 1024x768 resolution.

Where to download Linux ROSA Desktop Fresh R6?

You can download ROSA Desktop Fresh R6 from the download page of the official website, here it is http://www.rosalinux.ru/rosa-linux-download-links/. Where you need it in the section " Operating system ROSA Fresh KDE R6", select 32 or 64 bit ISO image and click "Download".

Installing Linux ROSA Desktop Fresh R6

I’ll say right away that the installation is simple and if you have ever installed any operating system Linux system or Windows, then you can easily install the ROSA Desktop Fresh R6 distribution kit.

Step 1

We boot from the disk and get into the menu where we select “ Install ROSA Desktop Fresh R6", in order to install the distribution kit on HDD computer.

Step 2

And the first thing we do is select the language and click “ Next»

Step 3

Then we agree to the terms license agreement and click " OK»

Step 4

Step 5

We also select the method for switching the keyboard layout, i.e. keyboard shortcut and press " Further»

Step 6

Then you need to select the time zone and click “ Further»

Step 7

Then set the date and time, click " Further»

Step 8

In this step we can configure the disk layout, as an example I will select the item " Use free place " and in this case the partitioning will be done automatically, but if you want to partition the disk yourself, then select " Manual disk partitioning", click " Further»

As a result, after creating the partitions, the installation will begin, and at this time you can watch the slides.

Step 9

Then we configure the OS boot and click “ Further»

Step 10

Set a password for the superuser root, click " Further»

Step 11

Here we need to create a user and set a password for it, click “ Further»

Step 12

Step 13

We indicate the services that will start at boot and click “ Further»

Step 14

That's it, the installation is complete, all that remains is to restart the computer, to do this, click " Complete»

After the computer restarts, a login window will appear in which we enter our password and click “ Enter»

Screenshots of Linux ROSA Desktop Fresh R6



System parameters

File manager

That's all I have for now!

ROSA Desktop Fresh R11- final release of a home distribution based on the 2016.1 platform. This platform, in accordance with the release policy, will be supported for another 2 years - until the end of development new platform 2019.1. The previous platform - 2014.1 - will be removed from support after the release of the next corrective release R11.1, so users of the 2014.1 platform should plan to update in the coming months.

Images with four desktop environments are available for ROSA Fresh R11. Other options will be published as they are prepared by the community.

General features of the R11 release:

  • Components have been updated to new stable versions, and a large number of bugs have been fixed.
  • The base Linux kernel 4.15.0-x is used, based on the generic Ubuntu 18.04 kernel, with additions and settings specific to ROSA (for example, full preemption, SELinux support instead of AppArmor, etc.). Other kernel versions are available in separate repositories:
  • Glibc 2.24 (in backwards compatibility mode with Linux kernels up to 2.6.32), Qt 5.11.2, GTK+ 3.22, MESA 18.3.4, LLVM 6, GCC 5
  • Added support for installing the system on M.2 and NVME SSD
  • Support has been added to the ROSA installer file system for F2FS flash drives
  • The graphics subsystem has been improved for those cases when ROSA is used as a guest system in virtual machines based on KVM and Hyper-V (in special additional images)
  • Firmware files have been added to the installation images to support Epson scanners
  • The default is to create a universal initrd instead of one adapted for specific hardware
  • btrfs-progs version 4.19.1 has support for zstd compression, which is also present in the 4.15 kernel out of the box, which in combination with a flexible installer allows you to install Rosa on non-standard configurations with BTRFS (note that Grub does not yet know how to boot a system with BTRFS+ZSTD so when using root in ZSTD, make /boot a separate partition or defragment it within existing section with compression in non-zstd)
  • There are rootfs builds for chroot, manual installation and containers

The ROSA distribution continues to use RPM 5 and urpmi. Compared to the R10 release, RPM has been improved:

  • The process of installing and uninstalling programs has been accelerated several times by disabling the forced fsync() call after each transaction, which is not necessary on modern file systems
  • Fixed a buffer overflow when installing an RPM package with a huge number of objects (more than 120 thousand)
  • Multithreaded xz compression has been ported from RPM 4 to RPM 5, using multithreaded xz compression is enabled by default with standard compression of 6 when packing RPM and compression 2 when packing SRPM()
  • Fixed a severe memory leak when running rpmlint

More about the operating system ROSA Desktop Fresh R11 can be read

General principles all ROSA Linux releases:

  • Fast, no questions asked installation working system How ready-made solution for the user (the installer copies the Live system to disk using rsync)
  • Maximum possible support for various hardware configurations, incl. There are pre-installed non-standard drivers for popular WiFi adapters, booting is supported on systems with UEFI
  • Reinstalling the system while preserving all user data (subject to default installation), which allows even an inexperienced user to restore the system in case of failures (i.e., with automatic partitioning, a separate /home partition is created, which will be saved when the system is reinstalled and will not be formatted)
  • Majority necessary for the user programs immediately in the image, and the rest are installed for the most part from our repositories, without surfing the manufacturers’ websites and connecting third-party repositories
  • Ability to work with the system without using the command line, including installing proprietary drivers for video cards through a graphical or pseudo-graphical interface
  • You can easily

To install the ROSA Linux operating system, you need to prepare your computer, select and download an image, write it to a USB drive (flash drive) or DVD disc and finally install the system. All this is not so difficult and, if your computer turns out to be well compatible with ROSA Linux, even a novice user can cope with the installation.

Preparing your computer

The easiest way is to install ROSA Linux on empty disk or deleting all information on the disk. But this option is not very convenient - most likely you have important documents or photos, or maybe you want to keep Windows or another system next to ROSA Linux so that you can work both there.

If you already have another system installed and want to keep it, you may need to clear some free space for our Linux. We recommend using the tools that are already built into your installed system to change partitions on the disk so that there remains free, unallocated space of at least 20 GiB. The ROSA Linux installer can do this itself, but usually any system processes its partitions most correctly. Also if you use latest versions Windows, it is recommended to disable the "quick start" technology in them using the command

Powercfg -h off

It is recommended to install on a computer connected to the Internet via a cable. This will allow the installer to automatically determine the answers to most questions and make possible installation drivers for wifi (if they are not detected immediately)

Choosing a desktop image and environment

Current images of ROSA

  • ROSA Desktop Fresh R11 is the first release of the 2016.1 platform, which will be supported for 4 years, in accordance with the release policy, until the development of the new 2018.1 platform is completed. R9 features new software versions and is recommended primarily for enthusiasts.
  • ROSA Desktop Fresh R8.1 - For users who prefer stability.

Desktop environments

Unlike Windows, in ROSA Linux you can select various desktop shells to your liking and download an image with them.

Available desktop environments:

  • ROSA R8 distribution
~ KDE4 R8.1 ~:::~GNOME_R8 ~:::~ PLASMA_R8 ~:::~MATE_R8 ~
  • ROSA R9 distribution
~ KDE4 R9 ~:::~GNOME R9 ~:::~ PLASMA R9 ~:::~LXQt_R9 ~

Two architectures are also available - i586 and x64, respectively - 32-bit and 64-bit. 64-bit uses significantly more RAM but runs slightly faster; 32-bit programs, such as skype or steam, work fine on a 64-bit system. You should also take into account that some programs, for example viber or WarThunder are only available in 64-bit versions and therefore require 64 bit system. Modern computers also use UEFI technology.

In short, if you have modern computer with more than 2 GB of memory, then choose an image x64UEFI, if there is 1 or 2 GB of memory - 32-bit architecture i586.

You can evaluate how the ROSA Linux image you have chosen will work on your computer without installation; to do this, you need to boot into Live-mode by selecting from the boot menu Start ROSA Desktop

Burning an image to a USB drive and booting from it

Most often, ROSA Linux is installed on a computer using a USB drive. To install, you will need a flash drive with a capacity of 4GiB or more and the ROSA ImageWriter program. Select your flash drive and your chosen image in this program and click "Burn"

Now you need to reboot from the flash drive. This usually involves selecting a reboot order in your computer's BIOS. How to do this depends on specific model computer and described in its documentation, this is often done by pressing the F12 or F2 keys at the very beginning of boot.

Free space installation

If you cleared space for ROSA Linux before installation, select installation on the free space in the installer.

Installation problems

Most installation issues can be resolved using Errata

Other installation methods

Installation in VirtualBox

Recording an image in the console

To record an image in console text mode (this is only possible on Linux operating systems):

  1. Install the "dd_rescue" package.
  2. Insert the flash drive into the USB connector.
  3. Give the command from Root (we assume that your flash drive is visible to the system as /dev/sdb, this can be checked with the command blkid)

Carefully! If you incorrectly specify the drive to write to in the commands ddrescue or dd, then its contents will be destroyed!

dd_rescue -A ROSA.iso /dev/sdb

You can also write the image using the command dd with parameter bs=8M For example:

dd if=ROSA.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=8M;sync

Installation from DVD

Some old computers cannot boot from USB drives; you have to install ROSA Fresh from DVDs. Burn the image to DVD and boot from it, the installation is completely similar to the installation from USB flash drive. Use good wheels and not too high a writing speed, otherwise the installation process may fail.

I planned to come into the world of Linux several years ago, but I could not choose a distribution kit to my liking. My first distribution was Mandriva Linux, followed by openSUSE, but I have bad memories of openSUSE... then I decided to give up Linux and used windows heavily. But the thought of switching to Linux haunted me. After some time, I installed linux Mint- but was very disappointed. After installation, I received an operating system that had problems with Russification, as well as minor flaws, I still don’t understand why linux Mint is recommended for beginners as an alternative to windows. The latest experiment in learning about Linux was the distribution kit - ROSA Desktop Fresh, with the KDE desktop environment. This distribution is what today's review will focus on.

ROSA Desktop Fresh R6

Base: Mandriva
Project website: rosalab.ru
License: GPL
Hardware platforms: i586, x86_64
System requirements: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz, 1.5 - 2GB, RAM, 20 GB
Kernel 3.14.44, KDE 4.14.12, LibreOffice 4.4.3

ROSA Desktop Fresh R6 is a Russian Linux distribution, which in turn is based on Mandriva Linux. By and large, a lot of things have been “cut out” in ROSA and there is practically nothing left from Mandriva; ROSA is a full-fledged distribution with its own developments. ROSA supports popular desktop environments. There are also separate distributions with different environments.
— I don’t quite understand the whole situation that is happening around ROSA, the developers were fired, the company was sold, and what next? ROSA is developing slowly, but I have no confidence in it for the future.

It was funny to see the headline in the official ROSA VKontakte group: Russian operating system ROSA Linux- nonsense, no less. Well, you see, take one Linux distribution as a basis, add a design theme to it, your own small additions, change something - and pass it all off as Russian operating system

I have been using this operating system for about two months, and I will try to describe my impressions of using it, honestly and without bias!


Linux ROSA has its own own topic design, which is made in pleasant colors, which is pleasant to look at and pleasing to the eyes. These are not the acidic colors of ubuntu.
In general, in ROSE you can change absolutely everything, and to your taste, below in the screenshot, I added aero transparency, it turned out well, I’m used to windows)).

For many people who decide to switch from Windows to Linux ROSA, the bottom RocketBar panel will be very convenient, besides the RocketBar, you can install a standard panel, or an empty panel, the user has a choice. ROSE also has a variety of widgets, and it is possible to download new widgets.
If we click on the “ROSY” icon on the bottom panel, where “Start” is in Windows, then we will see SimpleWelcome- this is an in-house development of the ROSA company
This is actually a kind of “Start” menu, which contains various utilities, office, programs, etc. TimeFrame is also located there, also an in-house development of the ROSA company.

TimeFrame- allows you to easily track user activity on the timeline.
— In my opinion, unnecessary functionality, so I disabled TimeFrame.

System settings and options

This is probably the main point in the system, which contains various operating system settings. I think it won’t be too difficult for a beginner to understand these settings, as you can see in the screenshot, everything is simply impossible there.

Installing and uninstalling programs

ROSA Linux uses RPM packages. To install the program, you can use two methods:
1. Graphical interface.
2. Command line.

In order to install the program through the graphical interface, you need to go to the settings parameters, run - Add or Remove Programs, the graphical interface will open, enter the name of the program to be installed in the search bar, and press enter. Once the program is found, put a checkmark on the left and click apply, that’s all, the program is installed. To delete installed program, this can also be done through the GUI by unchecking the checkbox.

The second way to install the program and remove it is from the command line. Eg:
1. sudo urpmi opera- this command installs the Opera browser.
2. sudo urpme opera -a- this command will remove the Opera browser.
You can also install/uninstall the program by logging in as a super user, enter su in the terminal window, then the password, and then enter the command we need.

After we remove programs we don’t need, we need to enter the command at the command line: urpme --auto-orphans, and remove orphaned packages, they are not needed on the system.
System updating also occurs both through the graphical interface and through the command line.

As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to work with command line, and you don’t need to be afraid of it, these are not all commands, but most of them won’t be needed at all.

There are a lot of packages, games, programs, etc. in the ROSA repositories. The user just needs to enter the name of the program and install it. But there is one unpleasant fact: package versions are not always fresh, and this is upsetting; the word Fresh in the name of the distribution loses its relevance against this background. It is also disappointing that the program descriptions are 99% in English. To a person unfamiliar with English language, it will be difficult to understand what this program package is and what it is needed for.

Advantages and disadvantages

1. Well-Russified distribution.
2. Possibility of installation on a USB flash drive.
3. Stability.

1. Old versions of packages.
2. Description of packages in English.
3. Some programs are not in the repositories.
4. Unpopularity of the distribution.


Today, I use this distribution, this is the first Linux distribution that I installed and immediately started working, as if I had been using it for many years, everything in it is clear and logical, unlike those that I tried before.
So in general, ROSA is a good distribution, no worse or better than others.

— But for those who want to switch from Windows to Linux, and who are not afraid of the disadvantages of ROSA, I would advise using ROSA, since the system is friendly, and a person will not have any discomfort during the transition.



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