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Samsung phone location. Use Find My Phone to find your lost Samsung Galaxy device

The developers of the Android operating system made sure that their users could find a stolen or lost Samsung phone. This function becomes available thanks to special Google tools and third-party applications, which will also be discussed in this article. If your Samsung phone is lost, you can locate the device, erase data from it, and also block the device.

Looking for a Samsung phone by account

Main principles of search

This method can be accomplished in a few minutes. All you need is a Google account. Previously, you had to link to it, but now you can control the search functions using your Google account on your computer. It is important to prepare your phone for loss in advance, since after the fact this prerogative will become impossible. To do this, you need to log into your account via your smartphone.

This can be done in the “Settings” section, then “Profiles”. Here you will find a subsection where you should enter the password and login for your account. The role of the search engine here is performed by the GPS system, which displays geolocation on the screen.

For the search operation to be possible, you must ensure that:

  • The device has access to the Internet;
  • GPS enabled;
  • paired with the Find My Device application, which can be downloaded from Google Play.

The steps you take will allow you to remotely access the device using the Find My Device application. After installing the program, a section will appear in the phone menu in which you can perform actions from your PC.

The following functions will be available to you:

  • if the device is lost in the apartment, you can turn on a loud detection signal on it;
  • find your phone using your Google account, provided GPS is turned on;
  • block entry to the phone and display messages on the screen that will appear every time you try to turn it on;
  • delete any data from the device, preventing its recovery.

Search using Google

Now you can start searching for your phone via your computer. The main thing is that the device is turned on and is within the network coverage area (otherwise the search for it will have to be postponed until the right moment).

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • go to your Google profile;
  • select the desired device from the list, making sure that the information provided matches the device;
  • the location of the lost phone will appear on the screen;
  • If you do not find the loss when you are near the object, turn on the loud sound (the function is available even if there is no SIM card).

You can use the search through your account at home when you need to find a phone that is in silent mode.

Samsung Find My Mobile

This highly effective program is created specifically for Android by Samsung. “Find my mobile” is the second option for remotely searching for a phone. This service tracks devices registered with it.

To start working with the utility, you need to go to the “Find my Mobile Samsung” website and create a personal account. Immediately after this, you can log into your phone through the program, forward calls and messages, block the device or call it. If an outsider has changed the SIM card, the tracking system sends an SMS message to the previously existing mobile phone number, indicating the IMEI identifier. This measure helps law enforcement agencies find the thief, who will most likely be the owner of the new SIM card.

Getting started with the program

To use the search functions, create accounts on the Samsung search engine website page, as well as your Google profile. After that, add the account to the settings in the “Samsung account” section.

Then go to the “My Mobile” section and enter your details. Don’t forget to activate the “wireless networks” button, after which you will have access to the device. Phone registration occurs after reloading the “Find my Mobile” website.

How to remotely lock a Samsung phone if it's stolen

Check the box next to the “Find phone” section and start searching for the device. The location of the device will appear on the screen in a matter of seconds. To find out where your phone has moved, use the Track My Mobile feature. You can't do without blocking the device.

The "Lock Mobile" function will block it using a PIN code. To do this, select the appropriate option and click on it. A window with password fields will appear on the screen. Create a password, confirm it in the repeat field and click on the “Lock” button on the right. Now the robber will not be able to use your phone, and you will still have access to its contents.

Smartphone theft always turns out to be a nuisance. Despite this fact, the chance of successfully searching for a mobile device remains. The most important task for every smartphone owner is understanding how to act. The capabilities and direction of action are determined by the operating system of the smartphone. Modern mobile phone manufacturers are trying to expand standard methods in every possible way.

Ways to find a smartphone

To successfully search for a smartphone that has been stolen, they use cellular networks, GPS, and Wi-fi. In each case, it becomes possible to determine the exact location even if a different SIM card is installed in the phone.

For effective searching, the smartphone must be connected to the Internet. If the location of the phone has been determined over the past few days, but the current information is unknown due to the Internet being turned off, you can find out the past location and time of last activity.

Search methods based on operating system

The search for a smartphone is successfully carried out thanks to additional functions of the operating system. What options are becoming available? So, how to find a Samsung phone if you lost it somewhere? What actions need to be taken?

Android can be found using Android Device Manager. This service allows you to remotely control a smartphone that is connected to your Google account. The service must be enabled before it can be used successfully. How to do it?

  1. You need to go to the settings of your Android smartphone and select Security (Protection).
  2. After this, you need to go to “Device Administrators”.
  3. In the next step, you will need the “Device Manager” item.
  4. You need to check the box to use the device manager and confirm the corresponding intention. Subsequently, you can remotely erase any personal data and even lock the screen. After finding it, you can easily.

Turning on the system will allow you to find a Samsung phone in the shortest possible time.

If you manage to find a smartphone thanks to special applications from mobile operating system developers, you need to act with the help of the police. The main task is to prove that the phone belongs to you, so it is recommended to use the box and official documentation.

You can find it these days if necessary and desired! Losing is not yet goodbye to a Samsung gadget.

Modern smartphones from the Samsung Galaxy line are not cheap. Therefore, it is not surprising that when they are lost or stolen, owners make every effort to return the missing device. Fortunately, the Android OS developers took care of the safety of mobile devices and provided several effective tools for searching for them. Let's look at how to find a lost Samsung phone without contacting law enforcement agencies.

Ways to find a missing Android

There are several ways to find a lost or stolen smartphone:

  • using the Remote Control service or Device Manager, standard for all Android devices;
  • through the Find My Mobile service built into Samsung;
  • through additional software, which can be downloaded from the Play Market absolutely free.

Whichever search option you choose, its success will depend on the following factors:

  1. How long ago did you notice it was missing? Remember that when your phone is stolen, time is against you. If you do not take immediate action, the attacker will be able to remove the SIM card from the Samsung, perform formatting, or perform other actions, after which the chances of a successful outcome will be minimal.
  2. Is your device linked to Google virtual services? Most search tools require your gadget to be actively paired with Google Play. In its absence, it will be very difficult to find the loss.
  3. Whether the operating system was configured properly. Absolutely all search methods require preliminary configuration of Android. Without it, you will only have to contact law enforcement agencies, who rarely find stolen phones.

Search for Samsung using Google account

All mobile devices running Android OS are closely associated with Google. If you are linked to this service, the device owner has ample opportunities to use licensed software for free, backup personal data, protect the device from intruders, etc.

A built-in Google function called “Remote Control” will help us find a lost phone. By default it is disabled, so you will need to enable it:

After completing these steps, the smartphone owner will be able to:

  • determine the coordinates of the device with active mobile Internet, Wi-Fi or GPS;
  • remotely erase personal information stored on the device and produce;
  • set and change the code for the main screen;
  • send SMS to the smartphone even if the thief changes the SIM card;
  • call the phone for 5 minutes at maximum volume, even when using silent mode.

When remote control is enabled, Samsung search will be performed as follows:

If the stolen phone is connected to the Internet, its approximate location will be displayed on the map. At the same time, you can call it, block it or format it.

Finding a phone using Find My Mobile

You can also use the free Find My Mobile tool to find your lost or stolen Samsung Galaxy. Its configuration is performed in the following sequence:

After your phone is stolen, to find it you need to:

If the Internet connection is turned on on your smartphone, the exact location of your device will be displayed on the map. Otherwise, the search will start automatically as soon as the Samsung has access to the network.

In the old days, losing your cell phone 99% of the time meant you'd have to buy a new device. But with the advent of the Android operating system, the situation has changed radically. Improved network infrastructure also contributed to this. If previously mobile phones rarely connected to the Internet, now they are online almost always. This allows you to find both your smartphone and tablet via the Internet. Now we will tell you exactly how to do this.

Today’s material is written for those who have either already lost their phone or are afraid of facing its disappearance. It is best to know in advance about all the search methods, so that you can then act as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, the search methods discussed today are not suitable for all devices. They are practically useless for budget smartphones and tablets if they are not equipped with a GPS chip. Also, owners of very old gadgets running Android 2.2 or an earlier version of the operating system should not rely on our article.

Note: Finding a switched off phone is often impossible. Only those devices that are turned on and on which a Google account is activated can be searched.

Search at home

The most popular method of searching for a phone, which was popular back in the days of push-button models. Just call your number from another device. Don't have another phone at hand? Then you can make a call from your computer using Skype- as long as there is at least some amount of funds in your account.

As soon as you make a call, a melody will play on your smartphone. This will allow you to determine by sound exactly where the device is lying. Of course, this option is only suitable for those cases when you are sure that the device lies somewhere in the depths of a blanket or under a chair. If you lost him outside your apartment, then calling may not help. And certainly this method does not allow you to find a stolen Android phone.

Search for a Samsung smartphone

Now many manufacturers are introducing their own service for finding a lost tablet or smartphone. We will talk about how this function works using the example of a device from Samsung. It works if the smartphone is connected to the Internet and has a Samsung account on it - do not confuse it with a separate Google account. Of course, you must know the login and password of this account. The email you provided during registration can serve as your login.

If you want to find a smartphone through a computer, then follow these steps:

2. Click on the button To come in».

3. Enter your username and password. You can check the box next to “ Remember my ID"if you plan to continue using the service in the future.

4. Press the blue button " To come in».

5. Now click on the button Find device».

6. You will be taken to a completely separate site. Here you need to click the button " Find».

7. You will have to enter your username and password again, and then click the “ To come in».

9. If you have several South Korean gadgets, you can select the one you need using the corresponding item located in the upper left corner.

This service allows you not only to see the location of the smartphone, but also to block it or completely erase all user data from it. You can also call it - this is important in cases where the device has rolled under the sofa or remains in the pocket of your outerwear. Many other smartphone manufacturers provide similar services.

Using a Google Account

Google endowed its operating system with the function of remotely searching for a smartphone back in 2013. Since then, it has been successfully used by millions of people. It operates in a similar way to the Samsung service discussed above. Of course, the smartphone must be able to transmit data to the Internet, it must have GPS location tracking enabled, and it must also have a Google account. Finding a device using a PC or any other device on which a browser is installed is as simple as possible:

1. Go to special website, created by Google.

2. Log in - in this case you must enter the same username and password that are used on your smartphone. If the default email address is incorrect, change it by clicking on the link " Login to another account" When you are finished entering your password, click on the “ To come in».

3. Next you will be taken to a page with the service Google Maps, where the location of your smartphone will be displayed. If you have several devices, you can select the one you need using the field in the upper left corner.

This service also allows you to clear the device of user information, block it, and also make a call. If the smartphone is not currently connected to the Internet, the service will provide information about the date of the last connection.

The service is called Android Device Manager. Its operation must be enabled in the smartphone settings. This is done as follows:

1. Go to " Settings».

2. Go to the section " Safety».

3. Go to " Device Administrators».

4. Check the box next to “ Android Remote Control».

Using Third Party Applications

Questions about how to find a lost Android phone do not arise for those people who use an antivirus. The fact is that such applications are most often also equipped with the function of remotely searching for the location of a smartphone. In particular, it is available in the following antiviruses:

This function is also included in a very useful utility CM Locker, which serves for enhanced protection of personal data.

Due to Cell phones are becoming more and more popular, cases of their loss are also becoming more frequent, so it would be useful to understand how to find a lost phone Android. It is possible that the phone was stolen. In any case, for devices on the Android platform there are only a few ways to find a stolen or simply lost phone. But it is worth noting that all of them only work if the owner has taken certain actions before losing his device. What these actions are and what to do if the owner did nothing before the loss, we will analyze further.

Method number 1. Using your Google account

Now the owners of almost all phones on the Android platform have a Google account. Actually, with its help, they have the opportunity to download games, log in to different sites and social networks without creating a new account, and perform many other operations.

So, it is a Google account that allows you to find a lost phone and find out its exact location, even if it is currently turned off. The fact is that all versions of Android have a so-called device manager.

If you turn it on (dispatcher), this will make it possible in the future to easily and quickly find out the location of the phone.

5 Useful Google Tools

This is done as follows:

  • Go to the settings, then go to the “Security” menu (on some versions “Protection”), then click on the “Device Administrators” item, the appearance of which is shown in Figure No. 1.

  • The “Device Administrators” section contains a single item called “Device Manager”. There is a checkbox next to it. Actually, all the user needs to do is check that box and exit the settings. However, after the checkbox is checked, a message will appear, the appearance of which is shown in Figure No. 2.

This message talks about what this very “Device Manager” can do, and specifically:

  1. Delete all data from the device;
  2. Change passwords on it;
  3. Block your phone.

You just need to agree to this message by clicking on the “Activate” button.

Note: On all versions of Android, starting from 5.0, all the above settings do not need to be done. In them, the device manager is enabled by default.

By the way, this is the only case when a stolen or lost phone on the Android platform can be found without any actions taken before its loss - if it has operating system version 5.0 or higher. In all other cases, it is simply impossible to find him without the help of law enforcement agencies.

Interesting applications for mobile

That's all. The process of connecting the phone, in fact, to the tracking service is completed. Now you can try to find out the location of the device. To do this, you need to follow the automatic device tracking link, which looks like this: www.google.com/android/devicemanager. Of course, you will need to log in there, if this has not been done earlier. After this, the system itself, automatically, will find the phone that is registered to this account. Again, in order for the phone to be linked to a Google account, you need to log in to Google once. The appearance of the window itself is quite classic for such programs.

In Figure 3, the main control panel is highlighted. As you can see, it has three buttons that allow you to make a test call to the phone, block it, or clear all data from the device. To carry out one of these actions, you just need to click on the appropriate button. In addition, this window has a map where you can see the real location of the phone. Even if it is now turned off, the system will show the location where the phone was the last time it connected to the Internet. Thus, we can say that Google services are simply indispensable help if you have lost your phone. They allow you to track the location of the device via a computer in a matter of minutes.

Method number 2. Using pre-installed programs

In general, there are quite a lot of all kinds of programs that help in finding a lost phone via the Internet. All of them perform the same function as Google’s “Device Manager,” namely, displaying the device’s location on a map, but each has its own unique features in terms of functionality, interface, or other nuances. Therefore, below is a list of the most popular programs for finding a phone or other device on the Android platform via the Internet:

Lost Android

This program is interesting, first of all, because attackers really know little about it, and even if the phone ends up in their hands, they are unlikely to realize that such a program is on it. Accordingly, they will not understand that the owner may know where his device is currently located. And all thanks to the fact that in the list of Lost Android programs it is displayed simply as Personal Notes and has a shortcut to a regular notepad. Accordingly, the attacker will think that this is just some kind of notebook and nothing more.

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On the official website of this program (http://www.androidlost.com/) you can find a download link and complete instructions for use. To start using Lost Android, you must also log in to Google using the button highlighted in Figure 4.

Lost Android features are:

  1. Find out the location of the phone;
  2. Give a sound signal (for example, a siren);
  3. Make the device vibrate;
  4. Send an email about an incorrectly entered PIN code;
  5. Send the location of the device by email.

Lookout Security & Antivirus

Here we are talking about a full-fledged system for protecting your phone from unauthorized access, viruses and spyware, and from other various threats. In addition, standard functions for such programs are available, such as location detection, sound notification and device locking. Among the features, it is worth noting an unusual interface that will appeal to high-tech lovers, as well as the ability to recover data from a phone that was in the hands of attackers. In general, it is also a very useful application if you have lost your phone.

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By the way, the Lookout Security & Antivirus application is often included in the TOP of the best on Google Play (link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lookout&hl=ru), and the rating of 4.5 says a lot !

Where's My Droid

Everything here is based on sending an SMS message with a special syntax. So, using special codes, you can make the phone ring itself or send its coordinates to a given phone. The Pro version also has the ability to take hidden photos. This means that the person holding the device in his hands will not even know that he is being photographed at that moment, and the resulting photos are sent to the specified email. Download link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alienmanfc6.wheresmyandroid&hl=ru.

All these programs allow you to find your phone through your computer.

Method No. 3. Law enforcement

So, if you have an Android version less than 5.0 on your phone and you have not installed any special programs before, there is only one way left, which is to contact the police. There you just need to write a statement about the missing mobile phone. It is possible that law enforcement officers will be able to recognize your device by IMEI, that is, a unique identifier that every phone has.

Advice for those who have not yet lost their phone. Write down your ID somewhere so that law enforcement officers can later recognize your device by IMEI. To find it out, you just need to dial *#06# on your phone.

The application will need to indicate all the phone information. To prove that you are its owner, take with you a box, a receipt from the store, or any other documents and things that may indicate this.

Below you can clearly see how a phone search occurs using standard Android services connected to Google.



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