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Scheme of a solar-powered LED flashlight. Making a solar garden lamp with your own hands

Every fifth owner of his own home wants to transform the appearance of his garden at night with solar-powered lamps, but many cannot afford such luxury (meaning a high-quality device). There is always a way out. You just need a few radio components that are not that expensive and a soldering iron. Such a lamp will be individual, will not look like store-bought ones and will last you much longer than store-bought ones. When assembling a solar lamp with your own hands, you will determine the necessary parameters yourself.

Below we will consider in detail one of simple options Solar garden lamp diagrams.

The operating principle is very simple. During the day, a small battery is charged using light energy from a solar battery. And at dusk, when solar panel the voltage drops, the transistor switch cuts off the current from the solar battery and supplies power to the LED from the charged battery. In the morning, the transistor switches back when voltage appears on the solar panel.

♦ nickel-metal hydride or lithium ion battery voltage 3.6V with a capacity equal to the power of the LEDs multiplied by the number of hours battery life+ stock 30%;
♦ solar cells with an output voltage of at least 5V;
♦ the resistor is calculated by the formula R = Ubat x 100/N x 0.02, where N is the number of LEDs in the circuit, and Ubat is the battery voltage.
♦ transistor 2N4403 or a suitable analogue.

A self-assembled solar-powered lamp will automatically turn on at nightfall and turn off in the morning. The cost of its production will be 2–3 times less than the cost of the finished product. Although, to be honest, the price of a solar-powered garden lamp is not that high. They make crafts not for profit, but for pleasure.

Operating advice. Solar-powered lamps are quite difficult to withstand winter, so it will be better if you bring them into the house. The battery must be completely discharged by covering the solar panel with dark material. Wrap each battery in newspaper so they will last longer. In general, such lamps last for 6–7 years of active use.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the scheme, everything is extremely simple. You can also add a miniature switch to this circuit to turn off the lamp when it is not needed. And finally, for comparison, here are a few more options for solar-powered lamp circuits.

Many people have probably thought about how to illuminate the local area so that it is both cozy and aesthetically pleasing. But this means additional energy costs. And besides, in order to supply voltage to each of the street lamps, you will have to ruin the landscape and dig ditches into which the cable will be laid. Well, wires hanging in the air from one garden lamp to another is completely unsightly.

And here the thought arises: “But you can install a lantern on a solar battery, and then electrical energy will be produced this way.” free generator, like a sun!". Naturally, a person goes to the store to buy such devices and, looking at the prices of these lighting devices, forgets about his desire, because their cost is very high.

But there are hands and a head, and this device was created by the same people, which means that it is quite possible to assemble a solar-powered garden lantern with your own hands.

Let's try to figure out whether this is possible and how difficult this work is.

Preparatory work

Of course, the ideal option would be if you have a faulty device - in addition to understanding its structure, you can at the same time understand how to repair a solar lantern with your own hands, but there is also a drawback in the implementation of this idea. Naturally, you can take several cheap garden lanterns that require repairs and replace them with solar panels, but upgrading their Chinese filling will still be necessary. Therefore, their base is needed only for training, since a repaired flashlight will not last longer than one made from scratch.

Before you start creating a solar-powered lamp, you need to understand the design of such devices.

Although all flashlights look different, their operation scheme is very simple. It consists of a solar battery (panel), a battery, a voltage converter and an LED or module.

The diagram of such a lamp will be clear to any novice radio amateur and it looks like this:

And now, having already understood the circuit and understanding the principle of operation of a flashlight that runs on the energy generated by solar cells, you can decide what brightness is required, which light elements to choose, and in accordance with this, choose a battery and solar panel.

For lighting summer cottage ultra-bright ones are quite suitable Cree LEDs, 1–1.5 volts in the amount of 3 or 4 pieces per lamp. With such elements, a battery with a capacity of 3,000 mAh and an output voltage of 3.6 volts will be sufficient. Such a battery will be charged from the solar panel for 8–10 hours, which is quite enough to operate the selected LEDs for up to 12 hours.

And, of course, the solar panel itself. The fact is that the solar battery of garden lamps produced nowadays is very small. A suitable battery would be 65 x 65 x 3 mm in size, with an output voltage of 4.4 V, 90 mA. It may well provide the necessary nutrition.

Electronic control unit. Now you need to assemble the “head” of the lamp, namely the control unit itself. For this you will need:

  • four MLT 22 kOhm resistors;
  • two KT503 transistors;
  • one diode (Schottky 11DQ04 would be optimal).

Since all this will be placed on one board, it is of course better to etch it yourself. But there is an option that is more accurate and less labor-intensive. Nowadays you can buy universal breadboards in stores. In addition, stranded copper wire should be on hand when working to create tracks.

So when all the elements of the future electronic unit control assembly is complete, you can start soldering. You need to assemble the following diagram.

4 LEDs are freely included in such a circuit. And if the build quality is at a high level, then such a control unit will last for many years.

Lantern assembly

Naturally, everyone comes up with the shape of a solar-powered lamp themselves; there is complete scope for the master’s thoughts and imagination. Once the circuit of the electronic control unit is assembled, connecting LEDs to it will not be a problem. Of course, you can turn on a regular switch in the LED power supply, but it will be much more convenient if instead you install a photocell in parallel with the motion sensor. Then, at dusk, the solar-powered lamp, made by yourself, will automatically turn on, and turn off at dawn. Or it will trigger on a passing person, which is also convenient.

It is also possible to connect a controller when using RGB LEDs, then the solar lights will also be adjusted by the color of the glow, and remotely, but in this case you need to understand that it will also need power. Although we are also solving this issue. After all, the choice of solar panels on the shelves of electrical stores these days is unusually wide. This means that choosing the right ones will not be difficult.

Additional features using solar panels at home


Of course, everyone decides for themselves, depending on their employment and financial situation, what to do - buy such a lamp or make it with their own hands. But it’s not even about the amount spent on new flashlights, although here the savings come out to be more than 4 times.

Isn’t it nice to know that there is a lamp working on the site of a house or apartment that was created not in a factory, but with your own hands, as they say, “on the knee”? This is probably the main reason why you should try to assemble a solar-powered garden lamp yourself.

The design of a solar-powered garden lamp is quite simple, if not primitive. A standard garden lantern consists of five key components:

  • solar battery;
  • battery;
  • light source (LED, LED matrix);
  • switching mechanism (light, sound, motion sensor, etc.);
  • fastening part.

It all works like this: during the daytime, sunlight falls on a solar battery, which is a bunch of several photocells that convert solar energy into constant electricity. This current is accumulated in a storage device, which is a rechargeable battery (AA batteries are most often used in garden lamps). At night, current is supplied to the LED(s) or LED matrix and we receive light.

In most cases, all this is monitored by an automatic switch, a photocell, which closes the circuit at low light levels. Another sensor can act as a switch, for example, a motion or sound sensor, as well as a simple mechanical button for manual activation.

This diagram clearly shows the principle of the average solar-powered lantern and how it works:

It doesn’t seem difficult, but it sounds like a million. Is solar energy expensive?

Solar energy is free, but the equipment needed to use it can cost a lot of money. However, the simplest garden lights with a solar panel can be bought for ridiculous money, about $1-3. Yes, they are not suitable as lighting devices, but they can be used to mark a path, for example, or the boundaries of a site. There are, of course, more expensive versions, equipped with motion or sound sensors, separate solar panels, etc. and so on. But even the most expensive garden lights will pay for themselves a hundredfold in a fairly short period, because solar energy is FREE!

Are there any benefits at all besides saving on electricity?

Oh, there are a lot of them. We list only the most obvious of them:

  • the absence of the need to use a cable gives you freedom to choose a place to install the lantern (even in a shaded area of ​​your garden, if you use an external solar panel);
  • simple and clear installation;
  • huge service life (up to 15-20 years, subject to proper operation and timely replacement of batteries);
  • a huge range, including decorative lamps, both for the garden and for water features;
  • environmental friendliness.

It's clear. What is the best way to install garden lights in your dacha and use them in general?

Self-contained lighting kits are easy to install and have a very wide range of uses. Let's look at a few ways to use solar-powered lights to improve your property.

Safety lights

You can use various combinations of solar-powered lights to illuminate walkways, stairs, edges of landscaping, and architectural features. Lawn (the usual lantern on a leg), wall and spotlights are suitable for this. Equipped with photocells, they will illuminate obstacles in your area all night long and ensure safe movement around it. A lighting system using motion sensors will be more effective. Start with budget lawn lights along the edge of your path and you will realize how convenient they are.

Security lights

Powerful floodlights with a motion sensor will help to provide lighting in dark places, such as a porch or outbuilding, protecting you and your property. Such spotlights are much more expensive than ordinary garden lights, but they also provide much more light. They are equipped with a powerful solar panel, which is often mounted separately from the spotlight on the sunny side and transmits energy to the device through a cable.

Decorative lights

Enhance your landscape with accent spotlights. This is mainly done powerful spotlights, if you need to highlight a tall tree or part of the facade of a building, as well as small spotlights if you need to focus on small bushes in flowerpots. There are also original pendant lamps with a solar battery installed in them - they will find their place on the branches of your favorite tree.

What should I do if I can’t install lights where there is a lot of sunlight?

Many people mistakenly believe that they can only use solar panels where there is a lot of sunlight, constant good weather and nothing else. In recent years, technology has made great strides forward, solar panels have greatly increased their efficiency, and the widespread use of LEDs has significantly reduced electricity consumption. Just don't place lights where they will be constantly in the shade, try to point the solar panel towards the south and regularly check the cleanliness of the solar cells.

How to choose a solar lamp? Are there any nuances?

Besides the obvious points such as appearance products, neatness of assembly, strength of materials, operating time on a single charge, etc., you should pay attention to the features of the lamp, based on the operational requirements for it.

Degree of protection

First of all, pay attention to the degree of protection, namely the IPXX marking, where the first number indicates the degree of protection against the penetration of solid objects, including dust, and the second - from the penetration of moisture. Do not forget that garden lanterns will be used in quite extreme conditions, so the protection of the internal filling of the lantern must be at the proper level. Typically, luminaires for outdoor use have a minimum degree of protection of IP44. This means that the product is protected from foreign objects with a diameter of about 1 mm getting inside, as well as splashing water from all sides. The product, as you understand, is not protected from dust and heavy rain.

Tables for decoding the degree of protection (IP) in accordance with the international standard IEC 60529 (DIN 40050, GOST 14254)

Degree of protection against solid objects (click to enlarge)

Degree of protection against water (click to enlarge)

Drive type

In most cases, garden lights are equipped with nickel-cadmium (NiCd) or nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) lamps. rechargeable batteries type AA. The second type of battery is preferable, as it has an average capacity of 2 times greater (NiCd: 500-900 mAh, Ni-MH: 1000-2000 mAh), more environmentally friendly and reliable (withstands extreme temperatures, does not have a memory effect, etc. .). It is worth noting that now most manufacturers of solar street lights equip their products with Ni-MH batteries. Even if you come across lamps with NiCd on board, feel free to take them if they suit you in other respects, because the batteries can always be replaced with your own.

Solar Panel Photocell Type

If possible, pay attention to the type of solar cells used. Not even a type or type, but a subtype, since in most cases garden lamps are equipped with silicon crystalline photomodules. Silicon, in turn, can have a different structure, which divides silicon solar cells into monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous silicon elements. The highest efficiency is for monocrystalline silicon and is 15-20%, slightly less for polycrystalline silicon - 10-14%, least of all for amorphous silicon - only 5-6%. Also, elements tend to degrade, that is, lose power over the years. Amorphous silicon is more susceptible to degradation than others, so try to avoid panels made from this material.

You should also pay attention to the type of switch. In most cases, the lights are equipped with a photo relay, which turns on the light only when it gets dark outside. Such lanterns are designed to burn all night and illuminate, for example, paths on your site. There are also lamps equipped with motion sensors - they are ideal for illuminating steps, doors, etc. Such lights consume energy more economically, shine only when needed, and can also perform a security function.

Have you heard that they often break down and cannot be repaired?

They break down no more often than any other lamp, and care and prevention are needed in any case, but garden lamps are not very demanding in operation. Wipe the solar panel regularly with a damp cloth to prevent dirt from blocking the passage of sunlight. Most often it is the batteries that fail, especially if they are NiCd. It's easy to make a replacement. During the season when you do not plan to use the flashlights, be sure to remove the batteries and store them separately, following the recommendations for storing a particular type of storage device. Sometimes the contacts oxidize, especially if the flashlight’s degree of protection is only IP44, and it was regularly exposed to heavy rain and moisture eventually got inside the product. Repairing a flashlight is quite simple if you have at least basic technical skills and you understand the phrase “clean the contacts of the battery poles and the power container.”

If you are interested in technology and electronics, a solar-powered garden lantern can be completed and improved. Often, the most inexpensive models, which are switched on only with a button, are equipped with a photo relay. Sometimes RGB is used instead of a regular diode. Here we rely on your imagination and ability to use Google (we recommend checking YouTube for this question).

If you are thinking about organizing lighting for your garden plot, then do not rush to buy lighting fixtures in the store. You can make solar-powered garden lamps with your own hands.

If you want to illuminate an open area, but it is difficult to supply electricity to it, then you should think about solar-powered lamps, the batteries of which are charged by the rays of the sun. With the onset of darkness, such devices begin to work, creating a comfortable environment in your garden. The lamps are easy to use and install, and also attract with their quite affordable prices and wide selection.

Solar garden lamp

This article will be of interest to those who like to create useful things around the house with their own hands. One of the advantages of making lamps “on your own” is that your model will be exclusive and completely reliable (after all, you made it yourself). However, remember: it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve significant savings. We will not describe expensive circuits using ready-made controllers, but will focus only on the simplest option. Almost anyone who has ever held a soldering iron in their hands can repeat it.

Schematic diagram of an easy-to-replicate lamp

Below circuit diagram a lamp powered by sunlight is very simple, and has been tested many times by numerous amateurs who specialize in making useful devices with their own hands.

Schematic diagram

How it works:

  • During the daytime, the solar panel (S) converts the energy of light rays into electricity.
  • The current it produces through diode D1 charges the battery (A).
  • The positive potential applied to the base through resistor R1 “holds” transistor T1 in the off state and LED D2 does not light up.
  • When the solar panel illumination decreases significantly, the transistor opens (due to a decrease in the positive potential applied to the base) and connects LED D2 to the battery. The LED starts to light up.
  • Diode D1 prevents the battery from discharging through the solar panel.
  • With the onset of dawn, the positive voltage coming from the “+” output of the solar panel to the base “closes” transistor T1 and LED D2 stops lighting, and the battery begins to charge again.

Criteria for selecting parts and prices

The choice of parts depends on how powerful the lamp you intend to make. We provide specific ratings for a homemade lighting device with a power of 1 W and a luminous flux intensity of 110 Lm.

Since in the above diagram there are no elements for monitoring the battery charge level, then, first of all, you need to pay attention to the choice of solar battery. If you choose a panel with too little current, then during daylight hours it simply will not have time to charge the battery to the required capacity. Conversely, a light panel that is too powerful can overcharge the battery during daylight hours and render it unusable.

Conclusion: the current generated by the panel and the battery capacity must match each other. For a rough calculation, you can use the ratio 1:10. In our specific product, we use a solar panel with a voltage of 5 V and a generated current of 150 mA (120-150 rubles) and a battery form factor 18650 (voltage 3.7 V; capacity 1500 mAh; cost 100-120 rubles).

Also for production we will need:

  • Schottky diode 1N5818 with a maximum permissible forward current of 1 A - 6-7 rubles. The choice of this particular type of rectifier part is due to the low voltage drop across it (about 0.5 V). This will allow you to use the solar panel most efficiently.
  • Transistor 2N2907 with a maximum collector-emitter current of up to 600 mA - 4-5 rubles.
  • Powerful white LED TDS-P001L4U15 (luminous flux intensity - 110 lm; power - 1 W; operating voltage - 3.7 V; current consumption - 350 mA) - 70-75 rubles.

Important! The operating current of LED D2 (or the total total current when using multiple emitters) must be less than the maximum allowable collector-emitter current of transistor T1. This condition is met with a margin for the parts used in the circuit: I(D2) = 350 mA< Iкэ(Т1)=600 мА. Battery compartment KLS5-18650-L (FC1-5216) – 45-50 rubles. If, when installing the device, you carefully solder the wires to the battery terminals, you can refuse to purchase this structural element.

  • Resistor R1 with a nominal value of 39-51 kOhm - 2-3 rubles.
  • We calculate the additional resistor R2 in accordance with the characteristics of the LED used.

Purpose and calculation of an additional resistor in the LED power circuit

The battery voltage may be too high for the LED (this may cause it to fail). To compensate for its excess, we use an additional resistor R2. Its denomination is calculated based on the formula: U(A) = U(D2) + U(R2), where:

U(A) – battery voltage;

U(D2) – LED operating voltage;

U(R2) – voltage drop across additional resistor R2.

For the TDS-P001L4U15 LED used in the above circuit with an operating voltage of 3.7 V, the use of resistor R2 is not required, since U(A) = U(D2). That is, our specific scheme will look like this:

As an example of calculating additional resistors, consider a circuit with the connection of two different types of LEDs: D2 - BL-L813UWC (operating voltage - 2.7 V; current consumption - 30 mA; cost - 15 rubles) and D3 - FYL-5013UWC/P (2, 2 V; 25 mA; 20 rubles).

We calculate the additional resistor R2 for LED D2.

U(A) = U(D2) + U(R2)

U(R2) = U(A) – U(D2) = 3.7 – 2.7 = 1 V

According to Ohm's law (familiar to everyone from school):

U(R2) = R2 I, where I is the current consumed by the LED, therefore

R2 = U(R2) : I = 1: 0.03 = 33.33 ≈ 33 Ohm

Similarly, we calculate the additional resistor R3 for LED D3:

U(R3) = U(A) – U(D3) = 3.7 – 2.2 = 1.5 V

R3 = U(R3) : I = 1.5: 0.025 = 60 ≈ 62 Ohm

On a note! After calculations have been made, the values ​​of additional resistors are rounded to the nearest standard values.

The final circuit with two different types of emitters will look like this:


The circuit consists of a minimum number of elements, so installation can be easily carried out using a hinged method. The length of the “legs” of the parts will be quite enough to perform soldering without the use of additional wires. After completing installation and checking the functionality of the manufactured luminaire, all joints should be insulated using a heat pencil or appropriate sealant.

For those who prefer to mount components on printed circuit board, can do this by using a universal circuit board of suitable dimensions or making one yourself.

What is the lampshade made from?

Before we tell you what shapes can be used to make a lampshade, let us remind you of the requirements that must be observed when making the lamp body yourself:

The solar panel should be located outside on the top of the product so that it is well illuminated during the daytime.

All connecting seams between structural elements must be carefully sealed (the components of the circuit are afraid of moisture).

LEDs must be placed in the transparent part of the lampshade.
Otherwise, everything will depend only on your imagination, personal preferences and available materials. One of the simplest options is to use a glass jar as a lampshade (for example, for storing bulk products) with a wide neck and a tight lid:

  • make a hole in the lid and pass the wires from the solar panel through it;
  • fix the solar panel on the outside using sealant;
  • We mount the battery compartment and circuit elements on the inner surface;
  • We place the LEDs at the bottom of the can.

A food container made of transparent plastic can be successfully used as a practically finished case. There are a large number of such products on sale various sizes and shapes (round, square, rectangular). The choice will depend on the size of the solar panel and the number of LEDs.

In custody

Repeating the simplest scheme and having acquired the necessary manufacturing experience, you will be able to produce the required number of a wide variety of homemade solar-powered lamps. Such economical and mobile lighting devices will not only decorate your personal plot, but will also significantly increase the comfort of its use in the dark (for example, if you place them along garden paths, above front door or at the summer gazebo).

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project.

At the moment, many people own dachas or estates outside the city. Many people want to relax in the evening, sit in the yard or take a walk in the garden. To accomplish all this, you need to have lighting in the area. However, it is not always possible to supply electricity, and it is also expensive. It is in such cases that the question often arises: how to make a solar-powered lantern yourself?

The first thing you should understand is how solar-powered garden lights work. The easiest way to understand the operating principle is to take the most common solar-powered garden lantern as an example.

Components of the device:

  1. A lighting unit, which is most often presented as a regular LED.
  2. Energy conversion element.
  3. Flashlight on/off control devices.
  4. Built-in energy storage device (battery) – for operating the flashlight in the dark.
  5. Flashlight mounting detail.

Understanding how solar-powered garden lanterns work is quite simple if you understand the operating principle of each of its devices. During daylight hours, the converter accumulates solar energy and transfers it to the battery in the form of electrical energy. This is necessary for the flashlight to function at night.

More expensive versions of the solar lamp may have a motion controller installed that turns on the lamp when a person approaches.

Positive and negative sides of lamps

Before you begin to study the question of how to make a solar-powered lamp yourself, you need to study all the pros and cons of this device.

pros solar lamps are:

  1. Opportunity quick installation lighting, as well as no need for knowledge of electrical wiring, since it is not used;
  2. The light from the lamps is not so bright and does not hit the eyes;
  3. Significant savings on energy costs;
  4. Solar-powered lanterns are fully automatic, which is very convenient. In the absence of owners at the dacha, they can provide some protection from intruders;
  5. Solar powered devices are completely safe for the environment as they do not require grounding;
  6. Simple process of caring for lanterns;
  7. Very long service life of solar lamps;
  8. They have high protection against adverse weather conditions.

But there is solar lanterns and cons. Among them:

  1. The built-in battery will last for no more than 8 hours of illumination provided that it was clear all day. In addition, the light from the lanterns is slightly dim, so some areas will still have to be illuminated using electricity.
  2. Buy good and powerful device it won't be cheap.
  3. Some customers complained that the devices did not work or worked intermittently during rain. In cloudy weather, charging slows down almost by half, which means that the lamps will last for no more than 4 hours of operation at night.

Types of solar lamps

Even a novice craftsman can make a solar-powered lamp with his own hands. Let's look at the most popular devices.

With short leg

Very convenient for illuminating paths in the garden. The cheapest model of all, and the installation is the easiest. The pointed leg is simply pressed into the ground with your hands.

The power of such lamps is very high and is equal to 100 W of an incandescent lamp, if a solar lamp has a power of 10 W. Used to illuminate the porch of a house or garden.


Most often used for decoration garden plot and can be placed on tree branches or hung in a gazebo.

Wall mounted

They are used to illuminate the facade of the house and are attached to it.

How can you improve the finished model?

The design of a solar garden lamp is quite simple. However, in order to understand it, a minimal understanding of the symbols of electrical devices will be necessary. The issue of improving an already purchased device is very acute for those who have purchased lamps from a Chinese manufacturer.

Improving a solar lamp

How to fix a solar flashlight? It is not particularly possible to carry out repairs or many improvements here, since the constituent elements themselves are very few. The whole modernization process comes down to replacing some parts, such as the battery, in order to increase the operating time of the lamp at night. You can replace the diode with a more powerful one if necessary.

Upgrading the tower lantern

One of the most common types of solar-powered lanterns. The circuit of a solar garden lantern of this type of standard assembly includes an initially rather weak choke. If you replace this part with a more powerful one, you can achieve greater brightness from the flashlight as a whole.

Do-it-yourself solar-powered LED lighting can also be upgraded by manipulating the throttle. However, when replacing these parts, the energy consumption from the battery will increase and it will have to be replaced with a more powerful one. If this is not done, the flashlight will either work for a short period of time or will burn out from overvoltage.

Device with three LEDs

In order to get brighter and more uniform lighting, you can install three instead of one standard diode. However, when installing them, you should ensure that the voltage spread is minimal, otherwise only one area will be brightly illuminated, and two more will emit dim light.

Making a lamp with your own hands

Simple solar powered garden lantern circuits can be assembled by anyone who has minimal knowledge in this field.

Selecting parts for the flashlight

Before you start purchasing all the components for assembling the lamps, you need to take into account the quantity, since the power of each of them will depend on this, which means the components will be different:

  1. The first thing you need is to buy an energy converter. A polycrystalline silicon battery is considered one of the best for such purposes. Its weight is very light, and its protection against moisture and damage is high. In addition, the power is quite high.
  2. A lithium-ion battery is a must.
  3. Next, you need a lighting element. The most popular type of LED now is a conventional LED. Installation possible LED lamp, but its energy costs are unreasonably high. Do-it-yourself lighting from solar panels based on a regular LED is quite enough.
  4. The last and most vital part of the device is the electronic control module, consisting of two pairs of resistors and a pair of transistors.

Connection of the LED, battery and solar battery is carried out separately. For assembly, you can purchase a fairly cheap and versatile DIY PCB board 42x25mm.


You will learn how to make an automatic solar cell lamp in our video.



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