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Download software for ati radeon card. Updating AMD Radeon graphics card drivers

When assembling a PC themselves, most users spend a lot of time choosing a processor and video card. This especially applies to gamers. They look at each model very seriously. But it's interesting that some of them don't even know how to update AMD Radeon or Nvidia graphics card drivers.

Essence of the question

So, imagine that you have built or bought yourself a computer. Every advanced user knows that equipment needs to be monitored and maintained. It is important to respond promptly to all her “protests,” otherwise there may be complex problems that will require the intervention of a specialist.

To prevent this from happening, you need to clean your PC from time to time, not only from the inside, but also from the outside. And, of course, keep an eye on all the components. Knowing whether the video cards are AMD Radeon or Nvidia is important. We'll find out why further.


So, recently, the video card has become almost the main component in the system, especially when it comes to gaming builds. Drivers for it appear several times a month. What is this connected with?

The most popular reason is the release of a new game. When a new product is released in the world of gamers, video card manufacturers immediately try to optimize their device for a specific project. To a new game did not cause irritation, did not create “freezes” or stutters, so we have to develop such updates.

Troubleshooting is another reason why you will need to update your AMD Radeon Graphics video card driver. Some previous versions of “firewood” could bring errors and bugs to users. To correct its mistakes and alleviate player complaints, the manufacturer is releasing another update.

If you have an old PC or laptop, and you understand that an outdated processor and video card will not handle newfangled games, also try updating the drivers. Very often, developers release similar updates that increase the potential capabilities of devices.

But it's not just games that are affected by new drivers. Some of us use graphic editors who also need resources. Along with their improvement and development, the required productivity also increases. Hence the need to understand how to update AMD Radeon and Nvidia video card drivers.

And finally, all modern browser revisions require the use of new developments regarding hardware acceleration. In order for the system to be able to support all the technologies that develop over time, you again need to take care of updating the “firewood”.

Where to begin?

If you suddenly decide that it's time to take action, but don't know where to start, start by identifying your device. Of course, if you assembled a computer yourself, then the likelihood that you do not know the model of the video card is extremely small.

But if suddenly you are the owner of a laptop or purchased system, you can only know that the graphics accelerator belongs to Nvidia or AMD. Your system may be powered by an integrated Intel graphics card.

But this information is not enough. You will have to find out what the model of the video card is before looking for drivers for it.


So, the above manufacturers are now the most common representatives of graphics accelerators. We can confidently say that there are simply no other variations. And if you come across some unknown name, then such a system will turn out to be one in a million.

To determine which camp your video card belongs to, just go to the “Device Manager”. This can be done in two ways (for owners Windows systems 7):

  1. Open “My Computer”. Right-click on an empty space and go to “Properties”. Here on the left you will notice several items, among which you will find the one you need.
  2. Click “Start” and select “Control Panel”. In the window that opens, look for “Device Manager”.

When you have opened the desired menu, you will see a list of everything that is connected to your PC. Here you need to find the “Video adapters” subsection. IN modern systems usually two options. The first is the integrated graphics card that comes with your processor. The second is a discrete accelerator.

You can rewrite all the names. Both models will be useful to us in the future. Although priority, of course, is given to AMD video cards or the model you find on the list.


Do you really need updates? After all, sometimes the system contains automatic downloads. Perhaps the computer itself has already loaded everything it needs to work.

In any case, right-click on the video card and click “Properties”. A new window will open in which we go to the “Driver” tab. The development date and version of the “firewood” will be indicated here.

New AMD version

In general, the update mechanism itself is practically indistinguishable from each manufacturer. You need to go to the official website and find the desired category there. The developers offer two ways to install firewood.

In the first case, you will need to download special utility, which itself will determine the model and version. If it detects that there are updates, it will prompt you to download them.

In the second case, you can independently enter the family and model of the accelerator. Since in Device Manager we got necessary information, you can do it this way. Just look for the desired option in the list, indicate the operating system you are using and download.

New version of Nvidia

To update the drivers for the AMD Radeon HD 6620G video card, you need to go to the manufacturer's official website. In the case of Nvidia, you will have to do the same. We are not offered to download any programs this time. You need to immediately select the type of product, its series, family. Next, specify the operating system and language.

Then click on search. If we see that the manufacturer has found us drivers that appeared just a couple of days or weeks ago, we can download them. After the file is downloaded, just run the installation and follow the instructions.

Intel Update

Of course, if you were able to update the AMD video card drivers, then most likely you will not need to touch the integrated accelerator. But if you want everything at once, you can try updating that too.

To do this, you can install a special utility, Intel Update Utility Installer, run it, and it will do everything itself. When the scan is completed, possible files will be available for you to download.


There is nothing difficult about improving the system. Some people immediately set up an update in the operating system. In this case, you can keep up with new products directly from Windows.

You can also install special programs, which monitor the entire system. In this case, all new drivers will be delivered to the PC and installed with your permission.

When people who did not know how to update AMD Radeon and Nvidia video card drivers begin to understand the importance and necessity of this process, the system becomes more modern. More opportunities will open up for you. This is especially important for gamers who want maximum performance in games.

To summarize, it is important to understand that you only need four actions: identifying the model, downloading drivers from the site, installing them and rebooting the PC. All this will not take you even an hour of time. But the result can be significant.

Good day. Video card performance greatly depends on the drivers used. Very often, developers make fixes to drivers that can slightly improve the performance of the card, especially for new games.

The picture in the game (or video) freezes, it may start to twitch, slow down (especially if system requirements the game should work fine);

Change the color of some elements. For example, I once had fire not displayed on my Radeon 9600 card (more precisely, it was not bright orange or red - instead it was a faded light orange color). After the update, the colors sparkled with new colors!;

Some games and applications crash with video driver errors (such as “no response was received from the video driver...”).

So, let's get started...

1) How to find out the model of your video card?

Before downloading and installing/updating drivers, you need to know exactly the model of your video card. Let's look at several ways to do this.

Method No. 1

The easiest option is to pick up the documents and papers that came with the PC upon purchase. In 99% of cases, these documents will include all the characteristics of your computer, including the video card model. Often, especially on laptops, there are stickers with the indicated model.

Method No. 2

Take advantage of some special utility to determine the characteristics of a computer (link to an article about such programs:). I personally, lately, like hwinfo the most.

Pros: There is a portable version (no need to install); free; shows all the main characteristics; There are versions for all Windows operating systems, including 32 and 64 bit; no need to configure, etc. - just start in 10 seconds. you will know everything about your video card!

For example, on my laptop this utility produced the following:

Video card - AMD Radeon HD 6650M.

Method No. 3

I don’t really like this method, and it is suitable for those who update the driver (rather than install it again). In Windows 7/8, you first need to go to the Control Panel.

Then in Device Manager, open the “video adapters” tab - your video card should be displayed there. See screenshot below.

And so, now knowing the card model, you can start looking for a driver for it.

2) Update the driver for the AMD (Radeon) video card

The first thing you need to do is go to the official website of the manufacturer, to the drivers section - http://support.amd.com/ru-ru/download

Then there are several options: you can manually set the parameters and find the driver, or you can use the auto search (for this you will need to download a small utility to your PC). Personally, I recommend installing manually (more reliable).

Selecting AMD driver manually...

Then specify the main parameters in the menu (consider the parameters from the screenshot below):

Notebook Graphics (video card from a laptop. If you have regular computer- specify Desktop Graphics);

Radeon HD Series (the series of your video card is indicated here, you can find out from its name. For example, if the model is AMD Radeon HD 6650M, then its HD series);

Windows 7 64 bits (indicate your Windows OS).

Actually: all that remains is to download and install them. With this, usually no further problems arise...

3) Updating the driver for the Nvidia video card

Official site for downloading drivers for Nvidia video cards - http://www.nvidia.ru/Download/index.aspx?lang=ru

Let's take video as an example. GeForce card GTX 770 (not the newest, but suitable for showing how to find the driver).

Product type: GeForce video card;

Product series: GeForce 700 Series (the series follows from the name of the GeForce GTX 770 card);

Product family: indicate your GeForce GTX 770 card;

Operating system: just specify your OS (many drivers come automatically directly to Windows 7 and 8).

4) Automatic driver search and update in Windows 7/8

In some cases, it is possible to update the driver for a video card even without using any utilities - directly from Windows (at least now we are talking about Windows 7/8)!

1. First you need to go to device Manager- you can open it from the OS control panel by going to the section system and safety.

3. Then you need to select a search option: automatic (Windows will search for drivers on the Internet and on your PC) and manual (you will need to specify the folder with the drivers located).

Windows has determined that the drivers for this device do not need to be updated.

5) Special Driver search utilities

In this article I will present one that I use myself to find the most latest updates drivers - Slim Drivers. It searches so well that after scanning it, there is nothing more to update in the system!

Although, of course, the category of such programs should be treated with a certain degree of caution - before updating drivers, make a backup copy of the OS (and if something goes wrong, roll back; by the way, the program creates backup points for system recovery automatically).

Official website of the program: http://www.driverupdate.net/

By the way, when you update all the drivers, you can make a backup copy of all drivers directly in Slim Drivers. They may be needed if you have to reinstall Windows in the future or if you suddenly update some drivers unsuccessfully and you need to roll back the system. Thanks to backup copy- well, you will need to look for drivers, spend time on this - the program can simply and easily restore them from a prepared backup copy.

That's all, happy update everyone...

Correctly, drivers for an ATI Radeon or AMD Radeon video card are called AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition. To increase video adapter performance, improve video quality on the display, fix possible mistakes software, get the right to use the latest functionality and settings, we recommend downloading drivers for the AMD Radeon video card for free and in the future, after about a month or two, update the video card drivers to latest version On this page of the site there is a site without registration. Permanent link: website/ru/drivers/radeon

Software package and its compatibility with equipment and OS

The AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition package, in addition to drivers, includes many utilities, Visual C++, VCredist, . Net Framework, Multimedia Center program for listening to audio and watching video content, Catalyst Control Center for changing video card settings. There is a real point in downloading new drivers for the AMD Radeon video card for free for a computer or laptop, since the latest version of this software fixes minor errors, improves performance, improves OpenG support, and optimizes CrossFire. In terms of compatibility with equipment, there is full support for AMD Radeon video cards of the popular X300 - X1950, 2400 - 6770, 7000 - 7990, 9500 - 9800 series, as well as R7 240/250/260, R9 270/280/290 and others, to for example, HD 8670m, 8750m. Also important is the full compatibility of the corresponding set of programs with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, confirmed by certificates from Microsoft Corporation.

Advantages of AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition

Among the advantages of AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition, we should highlight work with multiple desktops, HyrdaVision technology, hot keys, texture analysis technologies and AMD HD 3D, new versions Dota games, Overwatch, Warhammer. Try downloading AMD Radeon drivers for free on your desktop computer or laptop without leaving the site without registration and SMS to enjoy the benefits of the latest version of AMD Radeon video card drivers, which include:

Excellent video quality,
- support for video adapters of any level,
- work without failures, glitches, artifacts, etc.,
- optimization of the ratio of power and energy consumption,
- manage settings in AMD Catalyst Control Center,
- ready-made settings profiles for popular games,
- rapid change any parameters “on the fly” without rebooting,
- own Multimedia Center,
- improved support at the office. website.

Free and available to any user

We recommend downloading AMD Radeon HD Graphics drivers for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 for free in order to be able to significantly update the video subsystem of a computer based on ATI Radeon or AMD Radeon without the need to change the hardware and, moreover, for free. Downloading and installing the AMD Radeon video card driver will not take much time, and even an inexperienced user can handle this procedure. According to user reviews and comments, after installation and use for work, games and when watching movies, old problems disappear, screen refresh rates improve, hardware performance increases, the computer runs faster, freezes, glitches and brakes disappear.

New AMD Radeon HD drivers free download

Last update: 04-12-2019 to version 19.12.1
Purpose of the utility:
Operating system: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7
Download AMD Radeon drivers for Windows 10: or

Not all users know how to update AMD Radeon video drivers. I want to provide instructions. There's really nothing complicated.

Determining the video card model

You need to accurately determine the model of the video adapter. This is done in several ways. Let's look at each of them.

device Manager

  1. Call Device Manager. On each Windows versions this is done in different ways. Universal method— press Win+R, in the window that appears, enter devmgmt.msc and click Enter.

  2. Find and expand the tab "Video adapters".

  3. The model will be indicated there.
  4. AIDA64 Extreme

    On the Internet you can find programs and utilities that will identify all the components of your computer. One of these is AIDA64:

    1. Download it from the official website and install.
    2. Expand the tab "Display" left.

    3. Select "Windows Video".
    4. The video adapter model will be indicated on the right.

    5. Updating the driver

      You have found out the model, all that remains is to update the ATI Radeon drivers. This is also done in several ways.

      AMD official website

      There are two options available: select the model yourself and download the driver, or download an application that will automatically detect and install the AMD driver. Let's look at both:

      device Manager

      Often this method ATI Radeon driver updates work poorly, but occur:

      Programs and utilities for updating

      On the Internet you can find a lot of programs that perform automatic installation AMD drivers or update. For example, DriverPack Solution or Driver Genius. It is enough to download any of them. It will detect all computer devices and find the latest software for them. You just have to choose which one software update.

Often, errors in games such as black screens, stutters, freezes, missing textures, low FPS for owners of ATI/AMD Radeon video cards are due to the fact that old drivers for the video card are installed on the PC or the user completely forgot to install the drivers.

Where and how to download drivers for ATI Radeon video cards

To fix a lot various errors in games, optimize performance GPU AMD/ATI installed on a PC, it is recommended to always download and install latest drivers for ATI video cards. This is especially true for those who are fans of video games, because for almost every popular game, Radeon releases a driver package to optimize the game’s performance, improve stability, FPS and expand graphics capabilities.

Attention: it is not recommended to download drivers for video cards from Radeon with third party resources on the Internet, as the installation file may contain a virus that will damage the data on your PC.

In order to download drivers for AMD/ATI Radeon video cards, you need:

How to manually download the ATI Radeon HD video card driver

If you want to manually download the driver for the ATI/AMD Radeon HD video card for your operating system, you can also do this through the official website technical support AMD. For this:

Attention: The drivers listed in the "Latest Drivers" section AMD GPU » not suitable for Apple Boot Camp and products AMD FirePro . In order to download drivers for this system and product, you need to use the instructions from the section “Where and how to download drivers for ATI Radeon video cards" of this manual.

Download drivers for ATI Mobility video cards

Drivers for ATI Mobility mobile video cards can be downloaded from the official AMD website by going to the downloads section. The process of downloading drivers for mobile video cards from Radeon is identical to the download process for conventional video cards, so you can use the instructions for downloading drivers for ATI video adapters above.

Correct installation of drivers for Radeon video cards will help you avoid conflicts and mistakes operating system. To perform the installation correctly, use the tips below:

  • Always remove an outdated driver before installing a new one. For this:
  1. Go to the Add or Remove Programs panel through the Start menu
  2. Find the program "ATI catalyst Install Manager" and click "Uninstall"
  3. Through the uninstall manager, select “Quick/Express removal of all ATI software.”
  4. When the program finishes removing Catalyst drivers, restart your PC and begin installing new ones.
  • Do not download ATI drivers from third-party Internet resources. All necessary files are available on the official AMD website.
  • When installing AMD drivers, disable your antivirus. Enabling antivirus software may interfere with the normal installation of files, which will ultimately lead to errors and problems. After installing the drivers, do not forget to turn on your antivirus.



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