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Requirements for the formatting of articles. II

Conditions for publication in the collection of conference materials

Materials will be published AFTER the conference based on the results of the sections. The collection will include only those articles whose authors will make a presentation during the conference.


Dear Colleagues! Please note: the editorial board of the collection reserves the right not to include in the collection articles that do not meet the requirements (including the volume of text, the design of tables and illustrations).

The title of the article file must contain only letters. The file name must contain the author's last name. When registering online, you are allowed to attach ONLY archived files in .zip and .rar format.

To prepare the article must be used text editor Microsoft Word and font Times New Roman .

Maximum scope of Article 8 full pages; minimum - 6 full pages (from 16 to 20 thousand printed characters).

Page settings:

paper size - A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm)

orientation - portrait


top - 2.4 cm

lower - 2 cm

left - 3 cm

right - 2 cm

· from edge to footer:

upper 1.2 cm

lower 1.25 cm

The material of the article should be presented in the following sequence:

· Title (title of the article)

The title should be in capital letters, bold font (font size 13 pt) and centered. Please note that there is no period at the end of the title!

Font - bold, font size - 13 pt, centered.

· Name of the organization

The name of the organization must be in lowercase letters.

Font - regular, font size - 13 pt, centered.

· The name of the country

The country name must be in capital letters.

Font - regular, font size - 13 pt, centered.

· Annotation

An abstract of no more than 10 lines should briefly outline the subject of the article and the main conclusions contained in it.

Font - regular, font size - 12 pt.

Formatting by aligning to the width of the page.

· Article text

Font size - 12 pt, line spacing - single, red line - 1 cm.

Formatting by justification.

The style is normal. When typing text, you should not strictly hyphenate words with a hyphen.

Conventions and abbreviations found in the text should be disclosed the first time they appear in the text.

Sections and subsections of the article are numbered in Arabic numerals, highlighted in bold and not placed on a separate line.

· Tables

Tables in the text must be made in Microsoft editor Word (not scanned or as a drawing). Tables must be located within the working area. Formatting the table number and its name: regular font, size 11 pt, centered. Please note that there is no period at the end of the table title! The contents of the table are normal font, size 11 pt, single spacing. If the article contains tables

· Illustrations

Drawings are placed within the working area. It is allowed to use drawings in JPEG formats and GIF. Drawings must allow movement in the text and the ability to change sizes. The scanned image used in the text must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Signature under the picture. Formatting of the title and number of the figure - normal font, size - 11 pt, center alignment, single spacing. Please note that there is no period at the end of the name of the picture!

· Page numbering and footers

Don't use headers and footers. Page numbering is at the bottom right, starting from page 1.

Article text...article text... . Text of the article... etc.

· Bibliography

The list of references is located at the end of the article. Font size 12 pt., formatting aligned to the width of the page.

Examples of a list of references:

For books:

Tooth A.T. Organizational crisis management. M.: University Humanitarian Lyceum, 2003.

Petrunin Yu.Yu., Borisov V.K. Business ethics. M.: Delo, 2000.

For articles in journals, collections of works and other collective publications:

Marinko G.I. Organizational culture and knowledge management // Philosophy of science and scientific and technical civilization: Anniversary collection / Responsible. ed. S.L. Katrechko. M.: Polygraph-Inform, 2005. pp. 322-338.

Voronina T.P., Molchanova O.P. Features of managing an innovative organization // Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 21. Management (state and society). No. 2. 2004. P. 66-82.

For materials from INTERNET:

Surin A.V. 10 years of management training at Moscow University: experience and problems. - http://e-journal..pdf (the date the material was viewed on the Internet is indicated in brackets).


The collection is assigned the international index ISBN, BBK and UDC indices.

All articles are subject to editing (scientific and technical).

The editorial committee of the collection of conference materials reserves the right to refuse publication to authors of articles that do not correspond to the level of the conference.

Distribution is carried out (in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 1994 “On Legal Deposit of Documents”) to major libraries Russian Federation and member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, to the Russian Book Chamber. The planned circulation is at least 500 copies.

I. General provisions

1.1. This regulation determines the procedure for preparing and posting on the official website of Roshydromet publicly available information in open data format (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) in order to ensure the exercise of the rights of citizens and organizations to access information about the activities of Roshydromet in accordance with federal laws dated 02/09/2009 No. 8-FZ “On ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies”, dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection”, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2009 No. 953 “On ensuring access to information on the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies”, dated July 10, 2013 No. 583 “On ensuring access to publicly available information on the activities of state bodies and local governments in the information and telecommunications network “Internet” in the form of open data”, other regulations -legal acts.

1.2. The following basic concepts, terms and abbreviations are used in these Regulations:

1.2.1. Publicly available information in open data format (open data) is information created within the limits of their powers by government bodies, or received by specified bodies and organizations, as well as information and analytical organizations participating in the publication of their own open data on the territory of the Russian Federation, which is subject to placement on the information and telecommunications network “Internet” in a format that ensures its automatic processing for the purpose of re-use without prior modification by a person (machine-readable format) and can be freely used for any legal purpose by any person, regardless of the form of its placement.

1.2.2. The schedule for the disclosure of priority socially significant data sets (hereinafter referred to as the Schedule) is a schedule for the placement by government agencies of socially significant open data sets on the Internet information and telecommunications network, approved by the minutes of the meetings of the Government Commission for Coordinating the Activities of the Open Government. The graph contains the following list of parameters of open data sets generated for disclosure:

Brief description of the data set;

Frequency of data provision;

The government agency responsible for the publication;

Level of detail;

Time limit for ensuring compliance with maturity level III.

1.2.3. An open data set is a systematic collection of data of the same type, presented in an open data format, consisting of individual elements characterized by a set of attributes, and allowing automated systems without human intervention, identify, interpret and process such elements.

1.2.4. An open data set passport is a set of information about an open data set that allows you to uniquely identify such a set and obtain automatic mode key parameters characterizing a set of open data. The format of the passport is determined by the Methodological Recommendations for the publication of open data (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Recommendations), approved by the minutes of meetings of the Government Commission for Coordinating the Activities of the Open Government.

1.2.5. The structure of the open data set is a description of the fields of the open data set. The structure of the data set contains a list of the required fields of the open data set, as well as the type of information that is indicated in these fields.

1.2.6. Open Data Register is a systematic list of open data sets that allows you to automatically search for open data sets and obtain key parameters of these sets, including hyperlinks necessary to access open data sets.

1.2.7. Data revocation - termination of access to a set of open data in the event of loss of relevance of the data or detection of errors in the published set of open data.

1.3. Participants in the interaction in the preparation and placement of publicly available information in open data format are:

1.3.1. Employees of structural divisions of the central office of Roshydromet are responsible for the publication of open data sets.

1.3.2. Employees of the subordinate institutions of Roshydromet are responsible for the publication of open data sets.

1.3.3. Responsible for organizational and methodological work with open data, employee of the Information Resources Department of the Observation Network and Hydrometeorological Services Directorate.

1.3.4. Responsible for posting information on the official website of Roshydromet are employees of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "GCC Roshydromet".

II. Preparation of publicly available information in open data format

2.1. The preparation of publicly available information in the open data format (hereinafter referred to as the preparation of open data) is carried out in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations within the time limits established by the Schedule.

2.2. The employees responsible for the publication of open data sets agree with the person responsible for organizational and methodological work with open data on the structure of the open data set and the passport of the open data set no later than 5 days before the planned date of publication of the data set.

2.3. The data set, prepared in accordance with the agreed structure, is submitted by the employee responsible for the publication of open data sets for posting on the official website of Roshydromet in the “Open Data” section. in accordance with the established procedure, in accordance with the order of Roshydromet dated December 23, 2013 No. 715 “On the commissioning of an updated version of the official website of Roshydromet, on the preparation and placement on Roshydromet websites of information about the activities of Roshydromet,” in in electronic format by the address Email: infrsrs@site. Along with the data set, the structure of the open data set in tabular format (field name, field type) and the passport of the open data set, agreed upon in accordance with clause 2.2 of these Regulations, are also sent to the specified address.

2.4. Requirements for submitting data sets in electronic form:

2.4.1. Open data should be presented in the form of one flat table (without nesting), which does not use references to data from other tables and arrays.

2.4.2. The first row of the table must contain the names of the table fields.

2.4.4. If the open data contains a georeference, then all objects in the set must be georeferenced. Open data containing object coordinates must be reflected in a three-dimensional coordinate system format for geographic positioning.

2.4.5. Open data containing a date must be in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

2.4.6. Open data must be prepared in *.xml or *.csv format.

III. Publishing publicly available information in open data format

3.1.1. The person responsible for organizational and methodological work with open data checks the set of open data. In case of incorrect preparation of data, the person responsible for organizational and methodological work sends to the employee responsible for the preparation of open data a notification that the data needs improvement and recommendations for improvement to the email address from which the set of open data was received. Within 3 working days, the data set must be finalized in accordance with the sent recommendations. The revised set is provided in accordance with clause 2.3 of these Regulations.

3.1.2. After the set of open data has been verified, the employees of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "GCC of Roshydromet" responsible for posting information on the official website of Roshydromet publish a set of open data and a passport of the open data set, if the set is published for the first time. At the same time, appropriate changes are made to the open data register. If the set has previously been published and is published only a new version data, then in the set passport and in the open data registry, data is updated that changes: data relevance dates, set publication dates, data version numbers, etc.

3.1.3. If the requirements change in the Methodological Recommendations for the publication of open data sets (changes in the formats of passports, open data registers, etc.), in other advisory or regulatory documents on the publication of open data sets, all changes to published and already published information on sets open data are carried out within the time limits determined by the specified documents.

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In order to ensure access of citizens and organizations to publicly available information about the activities of the Federal Tax Service in the form of open data, in pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2012 No. 601 “On the main directions for improving the public administration system”, implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law dated 02/09/2009 No. 8-FZ “On ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies and local governments”, Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149 “On information, information technologies and information protection”, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2013 No. 583 “On ensuring access to publicly available information about the activities of state bodies and local governments in the information and telecommunications network “Internet” in the form of open data”, Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2013 No. 1187-r, minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission for Coordination of Open Activities Government dated May 29, 2014 No. 4, I order:

1. Approve the Regulations for the preparation and disclosure of publicly available information in the open data format in accordance with the principles of openness in accordance with this order.

2. The order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 23, 2015 No. ММВ-7-6/118@ “On publicly available information of the Federal Tax Service of Russia posted on the Internet in the form of open data” shall be declared invalid.

3. The heads (acting heads) of structural divisions of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service of Russia must ensure control over the timely submission of publicly available information to the structural division of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service, coordinating the work on the generation of open data, and to the structural division of the central apparatus of the Federal Tax Service, coordinating organizational issues providing access to open data and publicly available information from the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

4. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the deputy head of the Federal Tax Service, who coordinates methodological and organizational support for the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in implementing the Open Government project.

Regulations for the preparation and disclosure of publicly available information in open data format in accordance with the principles of openness

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations for the preparation and disclosure of publicly available information in open data format in accordance with the principles of openness (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the procedure for the preparation and disclosure of priority socially significant sets of open data on the official website of the Federal Tax Service (https://www.nalog. ru) in the information and telecommunications network “Internet” (hereinafter referred to as the Internet site).

2. The following basic concepts, terms and abbreviations are used in these Regulations:

a) Open data - publicly available information in open data format, as well as information containing information about the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and posted on the Internet in accordance with Federal law dated 02/09/2009 No. 8-FZ “On ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies” in a format that allows automated processing without preliminary changes by humans (machine-readable format), for the purpose of repeated, free and free use;

b) Schedule - the schedule for disclosing priority socially significant data sets of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the implementation of measures in the field of open data for 2017-2018 was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 13, 2017 No. ММВ-7-17/549@ “On the organization of work on the implementation of measures in the field of open data in 2017 - 2018";

c) A set of open data - a set of homogeneous elements of machine-readable data and meta-information describing them;

d) Passport of an open data set - a set of information about a set of open data published on the Internet. The open data set passport format is given in the Methodological Recommendations for the publication of open data by state bodies and local governments, as well as the technical requirements for the publication of open data, approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission for the Coordination of Open Government Activities dated May 29, 2014 No. 4 (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Recommendations ). Requirements for filling out the Open Data Set Passport are given in these Regulations;

e) Structure of the data set - description of the fields of the data set, as well as the type of information that is indicated in these fields;

f) External consumers - individuals, legal entities, foreign organizations, foreign structures without education legal entity, state extra-budgetary funds, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, state bodies, local governments, foreign tax administrations, defined in the Policy of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the field of quality of provision public services and the implementation of government functions for 2015-2018, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 31, 2015 No. ММВ-7-17/371@.

3. Participants in the interaction in the preparation and placement of publicly available information in open data format are:

a) employees of structural divisions of the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (hereinafter - the Central Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia), responsible for providing publicly available information (hereinafter - the Information Provider);

b) employees of the structural unit of the Central Election Commission of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, coordinating the work on the generation of open data (hereinafter referred to as the Coordinator);

c) employees of the structural unit that organizes the provision of access to open data (hereinafter referred to as the Content Manager);

d) executor of the State contract (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Specialist).

II. Preparation and publication of publicly available information in open data format

4. Preparation of publicly available information in open data format is carried out according to the Schedule.

5. The information provider prepares the material to be provided in the form of open data and sends the Open Data Set Passport and the Data Set Structure to the Coordinator and Content Manager for approval.

6. The Coordinator and Content Manager check the Data Set Structure for errors and the ability to correctly convert the material into machine-readable Open Data Sets.

7. In case of incorrect preparation of the material, the Content Manager, within seven working days, sends a memo to the Information Provider with recommendations for improvement.

8. After agreeing on the Structure of the data set, the Information Provider sends the Technical Specialist materials for conversion into machine-readable data.

9. After converting the material into machine-readable data, the Technical Specialist transfers it to the Content Manager or uses automated tools to independently publish the Open Data Set.

11. In case of transfer of material to the Content Manager for publication, the Content Manager checks the submitted materials for correctness of input and within seven working days ensures publication on the Internet site in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations.

12. In the case of using automated tools for self-publication of an Open Data Set, the Technical Specialist controls such publication.

13. The information provider monitors the relevance of the open data set of the Russian Federation (https://www.data.gov.ru) published on the Internet site, on the Portal (hereinafter referred to as the Open Data Portal) in the area of ​​its activities in accordance with periodicity determined by the Schedule for a given Open Data Set.

14. The Coordinator, in case of detection of an outdated Open Data Set posted on the Internet site or Open Data Portal, sends a memo to the Information Provider about the need to update the Open Data Set. In this case, the Information Provider is obliged to update the Open Data Set within two days from the date of receipt of the memo.

III. Features of publishing publicly available information in open data format and creating new Open Data Sets

15. Open data sets must be published on the Internet site, taking into account the requirements of the Open Data Portal for further automatic export.

16. Technical requirements for the presentation of Open Data Sets in electronic form are approved by the Methodological Recommendations.

18. The frequency of updates of Open Data Sets should not be less than once a year.

19. When creating new Open Data Sets, the Information Provider must provide a function for automatically uploading publicly available information in open data formats in information systems ah Federal Tax Service of Russia, and also take into account this function when expanding functionality information systems of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in accordance with the Temporary Recommendations for the formation, direction and consideration of requirements for software AIS “Tax-3”, approved on December 1, 2016 by Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia A.S. Petrushin, mandatory for use from 01/01/2017 (sent by letter from the Department information technologies dated 02.12.2016 No. 6-8-04/0454@).

20. Requests and proposals for the formation of new Open Data Sets are sent by external consumers to the Coordinator in any way that allows identifying the sender of the request and containing contact information of the external consumer for feedback purposes.

21. When receiving requests and proposals from external consumers for the formation of new Open Data Sets, the Coordinator redirects the requests and proposals to the Information Provider in the area of ​​activity to provide a conclusion on the possibility of forming the specified Open Data Sets.

22. The information provider, within a week from the date of receipt of the request or proposal from the Coordinator, sends a conclusion to the Coordinator and Content Manager on the request submitted by the Coordinator and, if such Open Data Sets are ready to be formed, the information provider initiates the introduction of additions to the Schedule and is guided by these Regulations. Next, the actions described in the Regulations are performed.

to preparation and disclosure
publicly available information in format
open data in accordance with
principles of openness,
approved by the Federal Tax Service of Russia
dated March 6, 2018 No. ММВ-7-17/125@

Open Data Set Passport

Characteristic Characteristic value
1 An identification number The identification number is indicated in the format provided for by the Methodological Recommendations
2 Data set name The name of the data set is indicated in the form in which the set is to be published, allowing one to determine the type of data contained in the set
3 Description of the dataset Indicated a brief description of data set, which should not repeat the name of the data set. The description of the data set should be simple, understandable and as informative as possible about the content of the information in the data set.
4 Dataset owner Federal Tax Service of Russia
5 Responsible person Indicate the full name and position of the person responsible for sending the application for posting the data set on the Internet site
6 Phone number of the responsible person Indicate the contact telephone number (in full) of the responsible person indicated in the Passport
7 Responsible person's email address [email protected] address mailbox V Outlook program, or other mail program, provided for use by employees of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the exchange of external data.
8 Hyperlink (URL) to the set
9 Data Format Specify the data format (csv, xml, etc.)
10 Description of the data set structure For example, http://data.nalog.ru/opendata/7707329152-job/structure-20170614.csv
11 Date of first publication of the dataset
12 Last modified date The date is indicated in the format DD.MM.YYYY
13 Contents of the last change All changes that were made to the data set during a scheduled or unscheduled update of data, related or not related to a change in the structure of the data set, are indicated.
14 Relevance date The date is indicated in the format DD.MM.YYYY
15 Keywords that match the content of the dataset Several keywords are indicated that can help search for a data set on the Internet, as well as on the Internet site
16 Hyperlinks (URLs) to previous releases of the dataset
17 Hyperlinks (URLs) to previous versions of the dataset structure
18 Version of methodological recommendations The version of the guidelines is indicated in X.0 format, where X is the serial number indicated in Arabic numerals

Document overview

The procedure for preparing and disclosing publicly available information on the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the open data format has been improved.

Open data refers to publicly available information and information about the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, posted on the official website of the Service (https://www.nalog.ru) in a format that allows automated processing without preliminary changes by humans (machine-readable format), for repeated, free and free use. use.

The features of publishing publicly available information in open data format and creating new sets of open data are determined. The frequency of updating open data sets is at least once a year.

6. Procedure for publishing open data sets

General rules publications in the form of open data submitted to a state body or local government:

a) a state body or local government body translates the data set into a machine-readable format in which this open data set is subject to publication;

b) a state body or local government body publishes a data set, adds the necessary information to the page of the open data section (portal) and provides a link to the page of the corresponding set ( file view set) of open data. The open data set page must include a link to download the selected open data version or to a programming interface (API);

c) a state body or local government body checks the availability of a published set of open data for users of the official website on the Internet;

d) a state body or local government body transmits in the form of a file in a machine-readable format a record of a published set of open data, downloaded from the register of data sets opened by a state body or local government body, to the authorized government body;

e) the authorized government body updates consolidated register open data, as well as other information about published sets of open government data, which they maintain on a page on the Internet to publish summary information about data opened by government agencies or local government in machine-readable formats, thereby maintaining a consolidated register of open data sets up to date.

The interaction diagram for publishing open data (Figure 1) reflects the role-based approach to the process under consideration, representing a description of the functional and technological components. Thus, icons indicate functional roles (one employee can have several roles).

Figure 1 - Scheme of interaction when publishing a set

open data (not provided)

a) an industry division of a state body or local government body prepares material for presentation in the form of open data. This preparation is carried out by the role “Information Provider” (the role responsible for the content of the material);

b) after preparing the material, the “Information Provider” transfers the material to the “Technical Specialist” of its department for its conversion into machine-readable data. Upon receipt of the material, the “Technician” checks the material for errors and the possibility of correct representation into machine-readable data;

c) after translating the data into a machine-readable representation, the “Technician” transfers the data to the “Content Manager” (the role responsible for publishing open data sets in one of the required ways, as well as alternative ways publishing) or uses automated tools to self-publish a set of open data;

· Igor Zhuravlev

· Igor Zhuravlev, Andrey Kurosh, Alexey Chumachenko, Polina Vafina

· Igor Zhuravlev, Polina Vafina

You received email, where there are several recipients in the copy. What happens if you click the Reply All button?

· A letter will be created, where the address from which you received the original letter will be indicated in the “To” field

· A letter will be created, where in the “To” and “Copy” fields all addressees listed in the original letter will be respectively indicated.

· An email will be created with an empty “To” field.

· A letter will be created, where the recipients listed in the original letter will be indicated in the “Copy” field

You received an email from a specific address. There are several more addresses in the “Copy” field. You want to reply only to the person from whose address the letter came. Which button should you press?

· Answer

· Reply All

· Create a message

· Forward

What is the “To Execute” button used for?

· To set a calendar reminder

· To prepare a response on behalf of the manager

· So that the message is always marked as unread

· To forward a letter to a subordinate

Which concept is defined below?

· Open data

Open Data Passport

666. The definition of which concept is given below:

· Open data

· Open government data

· Open Data Passport

In what format is data not prepared for the open data set for the purpose of their publication on the Open Data Portal of the Russian Federation?

· XML format

· DOC format

· CSV format

Which of the icons will allow you to launch software application to create an open data set in CSV format?

Table 1

table 2

· Table 1

· Table 2

Which table meets the requirements for publishing an open data set?

Table 1

table 2

· Table 1

· table 2



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