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I managed to launch the game because it's parallel. Troubleshooting Incorrect Parallel Configuration

Errors occurring while working with standard Windows applications are common. If you see a message about problems with the parallel configuration (Error 14001 - The application could not start because its parallel configuration is incorrect), then the system could not find the necessary resources to launch the application libraries. This is due to malfunctions individual software components and failures in the parallel configuration that writes the libraries and resources that are needed to run the application.

Fault Analysis

To identify the problematic component and module, you should use Sxstrace exe. To do this you need:

You should compare the required version of the application with the existing one, if they do not match, this is the problem. The problem can be solved by installing the required version of the program.

Reinstalling components

After checking, you need to install the correct software components. Most often this is Microsoft Visual C++. To update:

In addition to this program, you may need to reinstall the NET Framework:

For the Ten, you should also check the readiness of all systems for updates:

After all the manipulations done, the desired application should launch immediately.

Correction via the registry

If the previous methods did not help, you should correct the error through the directory:

After the corrections, you should close the registry and restart the system. The error should disappear after these steps.

other methods

Perhaps the cause of the problem is that the system cannot download and install updates on its own. To solve this problem should download"Troubleshooter" for the OS. After installation, just run it, and it will fix the problems itself.

In addition, there are several other methods for solving error No. 14001.

SFC Team

Using SFC Scan will allow find and fix damaged files. For this:

If a message will appear“Windows Resource Protection” means that there is damage, but the program cannot fix it. This can be corrected by repeating the procedure in safe mode. To do this, in the tenth and eighth versions of the OS you need to do reboot the PC with the "Shift" key held down. In earlier versions, simply restart the system and hold down the F8 key during the restart.

System Restore

More radical measures include rolling back the OS to an earlier version. For this:

This option is only available if the system has been enabled and configured to save restore points.

Removing Windows Live components

Windows Live is a series of applications and programs from Microsoft that are built into the system. Sometimes they are the cause of many errors and then it is better to get rid of them:

After removal, you should restart your computer and continue working.

Reset to factory settings

The most radical remedy in Windows 10 is a return to the original factory settings. To do this you need:

The method should be used only if all other recovery methods are useless.

An error with incorrect parallel configuration occurs quite often in the Yandex browser. And it occurs completely by accident. In this article you will learn how to fix this error and return the Yandex browser to working condition.

Reasons for the error

The reasons for the error with incorrect configuration are still not completely clear. According to some statements, this error occurs due to a conflict in the Visual C++ libraries, although it is not clear how it arises. According to other statements, the error appears due to an incorrect browser update.

Yandex browser error - parallel configuration is incorrect

Eliminating the “Incorrect parallel configuration” error when launching Yandex browser

On some sites you can find a lot of methods for eliminating this error. Some suggest clearing browser cache folders, reinstalling libraries and , checking the integrity of system files, and so on. But all this is ineffective.

A 100% effective method is a simple reinstallation of the Yandex browser. Moreover, there is no need to remove it before doing this.

Just go to it, download the installation file and run it.

Downloading the Yandex browser update file

Users of various applications (especially gaming) may encounter the inability to launch the desired application and the message “ The application failed to start because its parallel configuration is incorrect" In this article I will tell you what the side-by-side configuration is incorrect message means, why this error occurs and how to fix it.

Typical error message: "The application could not start"

First of all, it’s worth deciding what the parallel configuration is incorrect and what the essence of this error is. It usually occurs in a situation of conflict between programs that use C++ library files in their work. These files are involved in the operation of the Windows operating system and are used, in particular, for installing or updating products from Microsoft and other developers.

At the same time, the error “The application could not be started because its parallel configuration is incorrect” can also occur in the absence of any Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 libraries on the user’s computer, as well as errors , and .

To fix the parallel configuration is incorrect error, you need to follow the steps that I will discuss below.

How to fix the "The application could not be started" error

To fix the parallel configuration is incorrect issue, follow these steps:

After rebooting, install each of the following applications, and after installing each of them, restart your computer:

For 32-bit machines:

For 64-bit machines (don't forget about reboot after each installation):

Visual C++ 2013 (x86/x64/ARM).


Above, I discussed the reasons and solutions to the problem “the application could not start because its parallel configuration is incorrect.” Typically, the most popular cause of the described dysfunction is a conflict between programs that use Visual C++ libraries in their work. The most effective solution in this situation would be to completely uninstall all Visual C++ products, and then completely install them as described above. This will allow you to get rid of the side-by-side configuration is incorrect error and continue to enjoy stable and reliable operation of your PC.

In contact with

When launching programs, most often old ones, users sometimes encounter the error “The application could not be started because its parallel configuration is incorrect.” This error has much in common with another error, the description of which indicates that one or another DLL file is missing on the computer, and yet they are different. All programs launched in the Windows environment in one way or another use its resources, represented by system components, in particular, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable libraries.

Each program contains a manifest that specifies which versions of components are used. When an application starts, Windows reads the manifest, and then searches for the required components and, if not found, displays the corresponding error. Let's say the manifest of the program you are launching states that it uses Microsoft Visual C++ 2008. If the system does not have this version, Windows will try to find the required library in an older version. In this case, a conflict often arises, which results in an error indicating an incorrect configuration.

Reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of the above error is a conflict between MSVC components of versions 2008 and 2010. The simplest and most obvious way to fix it is to reinstall them. Go to “Programs and Features”, first remove the problematic program, then find the Microsoft Visual C++ packages of the specified versions in the list and remove them.

Restart your computer. Then download from the official website www.microsoft.com the required versions (the easiest way to find is through Google) and install them sequentially.

Please note that the problem may not only be related to versions 2008 and 2010; all packages may need to be reinstalled. If some MSVC packages are missing on your system, and it is desirable to have versions from 2005 to 2015, download and install them. Restart your computer, reinstall the program, run it and check if the error disappears. In most cases, installing/reinstalling MSVC solves the problem. If the error occurs again, it is also recommended to reinstall the NET Framework component (downloaded from the Microsoft website).

Manifest Analysis

To avoid reinstalling all versions of MSVC, you can use the built-in console utility sxstrace.exe, which allows you to analyze manifests and find out which component is causing the conflict. To do this, run a command prompt as administrator and run the following command:

sxstrace trace -logfile:D:/sxsTrace.etl

As a result of the tracing, the data will be saved to a file sxsTrace.etl to the root of drive D. Now let's convert the resulting file into a readable text document. To do this, immediately run the following command:

sxstraceparse -logfile:D:/sxsTrace.etl -outfile:D:/sxsTrace.log

Open the resulting text document and find in it a line with the elements “Error” or “ERROR”.

Above in the search results block, look for the line starting with “INFO”. It will indicate the version of Microsoft Visual C++ that your program needs to run. If the version listed in the trace file is not available in Programs and Features, download and install it.

Incorrect software configuration (access rights, open ports, interfaces), as a result of which the computer system or data may be compromised. The most important stage in writing any software is configuring it for specific platforms to work correctly with them.

Individuals or groups of attackers use such inconsistencies for their own purposes.

Regardless of the nature, any failure weakens the built-in security mechanisms and makes the machine vulnerable to hacker attacks.

Classification of program configuration errors

The most common cause of software configuration errors is the human factor. The system administrator may not know or forget to close access to the computer system, as a result of which anyone can perform any actions on his behalf.

Main errors that can be used by criminals for subsequent hacking:

  • Problems of the logical type arise when editing configuration parameters, incorrectly entering variables for calculations, or discrepancies between individual results, which will most likely lead to malfunctions or a complete freeze of the program.
  • System errors include memory overflow, incorrect redirects, lost data, or references to non-existent objects.
  • Violation of the integrity of the structure.
  • Debug switches left active for developers to make changes to the finished product and fix detected bugs; Some users, when installing and reinstalling the OS or software, set the automatic inclusion of additional functions.
  • In Windows 10, there are quite often flaws in text files containing data about basic configuration parameters.
  • Complete absence or outdated signatures of antivirus software.

In all of the above cases, attackers will actively use the problems that arise to inject malicious code or covertly launch various applications.

Object of influence

Configuration errors can occur in any application, but the most vulnerable to hackers are those located in Windows system files, software installed on servers, iTunes, 1C software products and others that use multi-level engineering calculations and hyperlinks.

The main causes of errors:

  • Outdated versions of OS components; You can install the latest modifications through Windows Update or download them manually from the official website.
  • Incompatibility of individual components with elements of the Visual C++ package, which is included in the basic package of many games and other applications. It can be solved by removing outdated versions and installing the latest ones for this OS, downloaded from the official Microsoft website.
  • Incorrect parallel configuration due to incorrect keys and registry entries occurs when the versions of the default system libraries do not match the latest updates. To fix it, you need to bring the corresponding registry entries to default values; before starting editing, it is recommended to create a restore point.
  • Incompatibility of the bit depth of the installed software and the OS.

Causes of configuration errors

The main sources of configuration errors are:

  • inaccuracies in the program code, design or implementation made by the creators during the development and writing of the program;
  • incorrect installation of the product or non-compliance with the developers' recommendations (for example, closing running applications during the installation process or disconnecting the Internet);
  • external factors: power outages of the computer or equipment connected to it, incorrect operation of drivers or other OS components;
  • the hard drive or memory is full, as a result of which the changes made are not completely saved;
  • negligence, inexperience of users or intentional causing of harm by accomplices of attackers;
  • some bugs arise as a result of a combination of previously performed actions, which individually do not lead to problems of this kind;
  • accidental or intentional external interference with the aim of causing a failure and introducing third-party code, launching a virus or Trojan, or installing other malicious software.

Configuration error risk analysis

No one is immune from the appearance of such bugs. They can arise due to incorrect user actions and after hardware failures. What’s worse is that problems that arise can be used by attackers to infect your computer.

If you receive a message about a detected configuration error during installation or startup, you must do the following:

  • check the compatibility of the installed software with the operating system and its components; if this is the cause of the conflict, you can try installing a different version or replacing the program with an analogue;
  • try running the application with administrator rights;
  • to restart a computer; perhaps the malfunction was one-time in nature and will not recur after restarting the system;
  • check the versions of Microsoft Visual C++ components, if necessary, download them from the company’s official website and reinstall them;
  • check the registry to ensure that the parameters associated with the problematic application correspond to the default values;
  • If the above steps did not give the required result, you can reinstall the application.



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