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Options for preparing for the OGE in computer science. Preparation for the OGE in computer science

Exercise 1:

The abstract, typed on a computer, contains 48 pages of text and in addition 32 more drawings. Each text page has 36 lines, each line has 48 characters. To encode characters, the KOI-8 encoding is used, in which each character is encoded with 8 bits. Define information volume the entire abstract, if the information volume of each figure is 2080 bytes.


In KOI-8 encoding, 1 character carries 1 byte (which is equal to = 8 bits) of information.

We know that there are only 48 pages of text + 32 drawings. Each page has 36 lines, each line has 48 characters.

Let's find out how much one page weighs:

48 characters * 36 lines = on one page 1728 characters.

1728 characters on one page * 1 byte = one page weighs 1728 byte.

48 total pages * per page weight 1728 byte = total weight of all pages of text 82944 byte.

Let's find out how much all the drawings in the abstract weigh:

By condition, 1 our drawing weighs 2080 byte. And all of them 32 drawing.

2080 byte * 32 drawing = 66560 byte.


Total weight of all pages of text 82944 byte + weight of pictures 66560 byte = 149504 byte.

By default, 1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 bytes.

149504 byte/ 1024 byte = 146 KB.

Answer: 146 KB

Task 2:

For which of the following bird names is the statement true:

NOT((first letter consonant) OR(last letter is vowel))

  1. Kite
  2. Gull
  3. Oriole

Conjunction (I) the result of the operation will be true when both initial statements are true.

Disjunction (OR) the result of the operation will be false when both initial statements are false.

Inversion (NOT) each statement is associated with a new statement, the meaning of which is opposite to the original one.

Logical operations have the following priority: inversion -> conjunction -> disjunction.


Let's expand the brackets:

First letter is vowel AND the first last letter is a consonant.

Answer: Hoopoe

Task 4:

The user was working with the Titian catalogue. First he went up one level, then went down one level, then went up one level again. As a result, it ended up in the directory:


Record the full path of the directory the user started with.

  1. From:\Art\Italy\Renaissance\Artists\Titian
  2. From:\Art\Italy\Renaissance\Titian
  3. From:\Art\Italy\Renaissance\Titian\Giorgione
  4. From:\Art\Italy\Renaissance\Giorgione\Titian

The condition specifies user actions:

First he went up one level, then went down one level, then went up one level again.

Let's do the conditions in reverse order:

Went up one level -> Went down one level -> Went up one level.

We take the catalog as our starting point "Giorgione"


If we fulfill our condition, we should end up somewhere above the Giorgione catalogue.


According to the proposed answers, only the 4th option suits us.

Answer: C:\Art\Italy\Renaissance\Giorgione\Titian

Task 5:

What formula can be written in cell D2 so that the diagram constructed after the calculations based on the values ​​of the range of cells A2:D2 corresponds to the picture?

1 4 3 2 1
2 =A1+C1 =C1 =A1-2 ?

Answer options:

  1. = A1+2
  2. = B1+1
  3. = C1*2
  4. = D1*2


From the table we know: A1=4, B1=3, C1=2, D1=1.

Let's fill out the table and find the values ​​of the fields: A2, B2 and C2.

1 4 3 2 1
2 6 2 2 ?

We learned: A2=6, B2=2, C2=2.

Now let's go back to our diagram and take a closer look at it:

We have one large part and three small ones.

Logically speaking, let's imagine one large part as A2, which is equal to 6. And three small equal parts, this is 6 divided by 3, it turns out one small part is equal to 2-um.

From the proposed answer options, we need D2 to be equal to 2.

It turns out that this is the fourth answer.

Answer: 4

Task 7:

Dunno encrypts Russian words by writing down instead of each letter its number in the alphabet (without spaces).

The letter numbers are given in the table:

Some encryptions can be decrypted in more than one way.

For example, 12112 can mean “ABAC”, or “AS”, or “ABAAB”.

Four encryptions are given:

  1. 812029
  2. 812030
  3. 182029
  4. 182030

Only one of them is decrypted in a unique way.

Find it and decipher it. Write down what you get as your answer.


We immediately exclude the third and fourth options. At the beginning of the encryption there is “18”, it can be either just “1” or “18”.

The first and second encryption options remain.

The encryption according to the condition starts with 1 and ends with 33. In the first encryption option, “29” can be either “2” or “9”, which cannot be said about the second encryption option, which ends with “30”. There is no “0” in the encryption, and we cannot separate the “30” cipher in any way.

Answer: REAP

Task 10:

The Dat table stores data on the number of sold units of goods of 10 types (Dat - sold goods of the first type, Dat - second type, etc.). Determine what will be printed as a result of executing the following algorithm, written in three programming languages.

Algorithmic language:

celtab Dat
integer k, m
Dat := 45; Dat:=55
Dat := 40; Dat:=15
Dat := 20; Dat := 80
Dat := 35; Dat:=70
Dat := 10; Dat := 45
nc for k from 4 to 10
if Dat[k] >= Dat then
m:= m + Dat [k]
output m


Dat(1)= 45: Dat(2)= 55
Dat(3)= 40: Dat(4)= 15
Dat(5)= 20: Dat(6)= 80
Dat(7)= 35: Dat(8)= 70
Dat(9)= 10: Dat(10)= 45
m = Dat (1)
FOR k = 4 TO 10
IF Dat(k) >= Dat (1)
m = m + Dat(k)
ID_650 4/8 neznaika.pro


var k, m: integer;
Date: array
of integer;
Dat := 45; Dat := 55;
Dat := 40; Dat := 15;
Dat := 20; Dat := 80;
Dat := 35; Dat := 70;
Dat := 10; Dat := 45;
for k:= 4 to 10 do begin
if Dat[k] >= Dat then
m:= m + Dat[k]

Let's solve the problem using the Pascal language as an example.

var k, m: integer;
Date: array
of integer;
Dat := 45; Dat := 55;
Dat := 40; Dat := 15;
Dat := 20;. Dat := 80;
Dat := 35; Dat := 70;
Dat := 10; Dat := 45;
for k:= 4 to 10 do begin
if Dat[k] >= Dat then
m:= m + Dat[k]

First, we introduce integer numeric variables k and m.

A table is given with 1 to 10 values ​​- ten types of goods sold.

The variable m is equal to the first type of goods (Dat := 45;).

If one of the values ​​from the 4th to the 10th type is greater than or equal to the 1st type, which is 45, then the larger value is added to the variable m. Which, in turn, according to our condition, the variable m is equal to 45.

It turns out that we have product types: Dat and Dat is greater than the value Dat := 45, and the Dat type is equal to Dat := 45.

As a result we get:

45 + Dat + Dat + Dat =

45 + 80 + 70 + 45 = 240

Answer: 240 will be printed

1 option
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the minimum number divisible by 7. The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. The sequence always contains a number divisible by 7. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the minimum number divisible by 7.
Example of the program:
Input data: 3,11,14,77
Output: 14
Option 2
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the maximum even number. The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. There is always an even number in the sequence. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the maximum even number.
Example of the program:
Input numbers: 3,10,99,42
Weekend numbers:42
Option 3
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the minimum number that is a multiple of 16. The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. The sequence always contains a number that is a multiple of 16. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the minimum number - the minimum number that is a multiple of 16.
Example of the program:
Input numbers: 3,64,48,80
Weekend dates:48
Option 4
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the maximum number ending in 1.
The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. The sequence always contains a number ending in 1. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the maximum number ending in 1.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:3,11,21,31
Weekend dates:31
Option 5
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the number of all numbers that are multiples of 6 and ending in 0.
The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program should output one number: the number of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 6 and ending in 0.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:20,6,120,100,150,0
Output numbers:2

Option 6
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the number of all numbers that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program should output one number: the number of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5.
Example of the program:

Output numbers:2
Option 7
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the sum of all numbers that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must output one number: the sum of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:35,49,55,105,155,0
Output numbers:140
Option 8
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the sum of all numbers that are multiples of 3 and ending in 6. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must output one number: the sum of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 3 and ending in 6.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:36,56,33,126,3,0
Output numbers:162
Option 9
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the sum and quantity of all even numbers divisible by 5. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program should output two numbers: the sum of the sequence and the number of even numbers divisible by 5.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:4,60,15,0
Output numbers:79.1
Option 10
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines their number and the sum of even numbers.
The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must output two numbers: the length of the sequence and the sum of fair numbers.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:4,60,15,0 Output numbers:3,64

This section provides you with information on the 9th grade exam "Informatics" in the OGE format. Demo versions, theory guides, exam specifications and practice tests are available. You can find information about the exam format below.

Exam Information

The computer science exam consists of two parts and 20 tasks.

First part contains 18 tasks of basic and increased levels difficulties

  • 6 tasks with selection and recording of the answer in the form of one digit
  • 12 tasks, implying that the examinee independently formulates and writes down the answer in the form of a sequence of characters

Second part contains 2 tasks high level difficulties.

The tasks of the second part involve practical work of students at the computer using a special software. The result of each task execution is a separate file. Task 20 is given in two versions: 20.1 and 20.2; The examinee must choose one of the options for the task.

Among tasks 1–6, tasks from all thematic blocks are presented, except for tasks on the topic “Organization of the information environment, information search”; among tasks 7–18 there are tasks on all topics except the topic “Design and Modeling”.

The tasks in Part 2 are aimed at testing practical skills in working with information in text and tabular forms, as well as the ability to implement a complex algorithm. In this case, task 20 is given in two versions: task 20.1 involves the development of an algorithm for a formal executor, task 20.2 consists of developing and writing an algorithm in a programming language. The examinee independently chooses one of two options for the task, depending on whether he has studied any programming language.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination paper

OGE in computer science is one of the exams that is taken at the student’s choice. To enter the 10th grade after the 9th grade, you need to choose 2 subjects of your choice and 2 disciplines are mandatory. Computer science is chosen by those who enter a class with a certain specialization or plan to enter a college or technical school where this subject is needed. Also, many choose computer science because it seems to be the most simple option. If you know a computer and have not chosen a subject to take, computer science is worth paying attention to.

The exam is divided into two parts - written and practical, which is performed on a computer.

  • The first part includes 18 tasks (the number may change every year), the difficulty level is basic. The goal is to test students’ theoretical knowledge for compliance with the norms and standards of the program. Main topics and focus of assignments: converting numbers from one number system to another, converting units of measurement, theoretical knowledge on all topics of the course. If you learn how to perform such tasks, remember the features and solution algorithm, there will be no problems in the exam. Also in this part there are programming tasks - this does not require specific knowledge and special abilities, it is enough to learn the algorithm.
  • The second part requires you to complete two tasks on the computer. Moreover, you need to cope without the help of the Internet. The tasks are aimed at testing work, e.g. Office package or programming environment. The first task, most often, is on Excel skills: find the sum, use formulas and graphs to demonstrate any values. Programming is performed in the Kumir, Python, Pascal environment. The student receives a task and completes it - the result should be a working, simple algorithm.

It is quite possible to complete the course and prepare for the exam with basic skills. The main thing is to practice writing algorithms, study theory, and learn how to perform tests. The online resource “I will solve the OGE in computer science” will help with the latter - it contains many tasks of different difficulty levels, after completing which the student can easily pass the exam with a high score.
It is recommended to begin your preparation by familiarizing yourself with , which outlines all the topics worth paying attention to. This will help create a schedule and preparation plan. Clearly set goals and an action plan, a little self-discipline and you can master the material even in six months. To master programming, you can use the help of a teacher, study textbooks on your own, study with a tutor - it’s a matter of choice.
Programming is considered the most difficult topic - spend more time on it. But classes using a special website resource will allow you to gain experience solving tasks of varying complexity online. Only by knowing how to use the information you have learned can you pass the OGE in computer science with a high score.



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