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Inserting page numbers on sheets. Word page numbers do not print

If a document has more than one page, then there is often a need to number it. Correct design official documents, abstracts, coursework, dissertations, printing of books and magazines require numbering pages when printing. In this article we will tell you how to put page numbers in Word text documents and Excel tables.

Numbering pages when printing in Word

  • Open the document, go to the “Insert” menu - “Page number”.
  • Click on the option and in the dialog box that appears, select the appropriate option - at the top, bottom of the page, etc.

  • According to the standard, a number is not placed on the first page, so we go to “Page Number Format” and here in the “Start with:” option we set the page from which the numbering will begin.

As a result, the second page of the document will receive number 2, but the first page will not have a number.

If you need the title page to remain without numbering, and the second page to receive the number 1, then in the “Page Number Format” box, indicate “Start with:” number 0. Thus, the first sheet will become zero, and the second will become first.

Numbering pages when printing Excel tables

  • Open the table, go to the top menu “View” - “Page Layout”.

  • Each page has its own header and footer, which is divided into three parts. Here you just need to click and add the page number.

  • Next, go to “Designer” - “Header and Footer Elements” - “Page Number”:

  • An & will appear in the footer area, add the word “of” and click on the “Number of Pages” option. You will get & from &.
  • Click anywhere on the sheet and see the result - the actual page number and the total number of pages in the document.

An article on how to number pages when printing was written with the support of specialists from the Printside.ru copy center

Many users often have to work with documents with a large number of pages. It is very difficult to navigate in such a file, since it will take a lot of time to find the desired paragraph or section. In this article, we'll look at how to number pages in Word to make it easier to navigate through the text.

Thanks to this, you can quickly navigate through the document and correctly determine where exactly you are. Moreover, if you plan to print this file in the future, numbering will save you from possible confusion in the sequence of pages.

We number

In order to number a document in the Microsoft Word editor, you must do the following:

  1. First of all, let's open a file with large contents.

  1. After that, go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Header and Footers” button. In the menu that appears, select “Page Number”. You will be asked where exactly to paste this element(when you hover over each item, you will see preliminary options on the right):

  • above or below;

  • on the fields;

  • current position.

  1. Immediately after this, you will see that a field for entering information will appear at the top or bottom (depending on the selected numbering type). In addition, on top panel will open new inset"Constructor". If you click on the “Position” icon, you can adjust the distance from the top and bottom edges. This way you can manually specify indents before the text.

Just don't overdo it. Consider the borders of the sheet. If you overdo it, you can go beyond print.

  1. In order to save the settings, you need to click on the “Close Header and Footer Window” button.

  1. Immediately after this, the dotted line will automatically disappear. As a result of this, you will see a neat number located at the bottom of the sheet.

If you don’t like something or it didn’t turn out the way you wanted, you can always resume editing. To do this, just double-click the left mouse button on the element located in the footer.


For more detailed settings There is a special menu item that is located on the “Design” tab.

Let's consider each parameter separately.

Special header and footer for the first page

Default in Word editor an automatic content numbering order is configured (starting from the very beginning and with number 1). But in some situations this is not necessary. For example, if the first page is title page. Especially if it is an official document and they will put a stamp there.

In order to fix this, you need to check the “Special footer for the first page” item in the “Options” menu. Immediately after this, you will see the corresponding inscription at the bottom of the sheet.

If you remove this checkbox, the number will appear on the title page again.

Different headers and footers for even and odd pages

To activate this setting, you need to check the corresponding box. Immediately after this, another inscription will be displayed near the frame. Now you can specify specific text for the header or footer of the top or bottom of an even or odd sheet.

Thanks to this, you can number the pages however you like. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise you may end up with an unreadable document.

Additional items

In addition to numbers, you can add anything to the footer. In addition, you can change the position of the elements. For example, make sure that everything that is there is aligned to the left. To do this, just click on the desired icon on the “Home” tab.

You can also add text. For example, you can start with the combination “Page No.”

In this case the text will be static. and page numbers increase.

You can also insert the current date and time. To do this you need to do the following.

  1. Go to the "Design" tab. After that, click on the “Date and Time” icon. In the menu that appears, you can select any format. To insert, click on the “OK” button.
  1. To prevent the date from sticking to the number, you need to place the cursor after this element and press the Tab button on the keyboard.
  2. Thanks to this, the document will look much more beautiful.

If you want to move to the third block (on the right), you need to press the Tab key again.

Microsoft developers tried to make the headers and footers more rich. In order to insert more information about the file, you need to do the following:

  1. Double-click on the bottom field to enable editing.
  2. Open the “Design” tab on the toolbar.
  3. Then click on the “Document Details” icon.
  4. Immediately after this you will see possible options inserts:
    • author's name;
    • file name;
    • the path to the file;
    • document's name;
    • document property:
      • author;
      • organization address;
      • address Email organizations;
      • annotation;
      • date of publication;
      • keywords;
      • Name;
      • organization;
      • notes;
      • supervisor;
      • state;
      • organization phone number;
      • subject;
      • organization fax.

You can put in whatever you want, but don't overdo it.

Page number format

In addition, you can customize the display of the appearance of the numbering. To do this, you need to do the following.

  1. In the menu that appears, click on the “Header and Footer” button.
  2. Next, select the “Page Number” section.
  3. Then click on the item that interests us.
  1. Immediately after this you will see the following window.

Change of numbering

If you wish, you can specify which number to start counting from. By default, a new document starts at "1", but you can specify any value. For example, the number "5". To save, click on the “OK” button.

As a result of this, you will see that the countdown has started from the specified parameter.

Number format

Sometimes you need to make sure that a set of numbers other than Arabic is used. To do this, just select the desired option.

For example, to make Roman numerals, you need to click on the appropriate item. To save, click on the “OK” button.

Using chapter numbers

In addition to everything described above, you can include the document title number in the header and footer. To do this, call up the “Page Number Format” window (how to do this is shown earlier) and check the appropriate box.

To add numbered headings, do the following:

  1. Click on the title of the section (in our case, this is the title of the verse).
  2. Then click on the Heading 1 style.
  3. Immediately after this you will see that appearance the text will change. But this is not enough.
  1. Make the title line active.
  2. Click on the triangle next to the “Multi-level list” icon.
  3. Select an option for headings.
  1. As a result of this you will see the following.
  1. Try checking the box next to the desired item again.
  1. This time everything should work out. The chapter number will appear next to the page number.

How to insert content

The convenience of numbering is that thanks to it you can create a table of contents. To do this you need to do the following.

  1. Go to the beginning or end of the document.
  1. In order to separate from the main text, you need to press the Ctrl+Enter key combination.
  1. As a result, you will find yourself on a new sheet.
  2. Then go to the "Links" tab.
  3. Click on the "Table of Contents" icon.
  4. After that, select any of the options.
  1. As a result, you will see the following result.

How to remove numbering

If you don't like what you've done, you can always delete it. To do this you need to take the following steps.

  1. Go to the Insert tab.
  2. Click on the "Header and Footer" button.
  3. In the menu that appears, select the “Page Number” section.
  4. Then click on “Delete numbers”.
  1. Thanks to this, everything will disappear without a trace.


This article discussed the main points when working with page numbering in the Word editor. If something doesn't work out for you, you may be doing something wrong. Try reading it again. In addition, you can access online help on the Microsoft website.

Video instruction

In addition to the instructions above, you can watch the video for additional comments.

. "Pagination. Printing the finished document"

Having studied this topic, you will learn:

    What is a header and footer and how are pages numbered?

    How to preview a document before printing

    How to configure print settings for a finished document

If you have several pages, you can create their numbering. To do this in the menu Insert you need to select an itemPage numbers... (Figure 1.) , then in the window indicate the location of the number (bottom or top) and alignment (left, right, center, inside, outside). The last two alignments (inside and outside) are used when mirrored page margins are set. You can also choose to display the number on the first page or not. When you press the buttonFormat Another window appears where you can set the number format (Arabic numerals, letters or Latin numerals) and indicate which digit the numbering will begin with. The numbering appears in the non-printing area of ​​the page, so you don't have to worry about accidentally removing or misplacing it.

Change of numbering

To change the font and other numbering options, triple click on the page number or menu View select item Headers and footers (Fig. 2) . After this action, the number will be in a frame that can be stretched and moved. To set the border and background color, click the button . The number inside the frame can be selected as text and the font, its color, size, style and other parameters can be set (rice. 3). On the tab Paper source select a buttonBoundaries (Fig. 4).
Using this panel, you can switch between footer and header, move to the next, return to the previous.

Inserting page numbers – performs automatic page numbering. In this case, it is possible to select a numbering format.
date and time – inserts the current date and time, and each time you open the document these values ​​will change accordingly.

To remove page numbering, you need to select the number as described earlier and press the key Delete . Numbering will be removed on all pages of one section.

Printing the finished document

The finished document can be printed on a printer. But before that it is advisable look how will it be to look like on print. You can switch to this mode using the menuFile - Preview or press the button - this is viewing the file onscreen in form in which he will beprinted . When you turn on viewing, a toolbar appears:

One page- display current pages.
Several pages - display several pages. To indicatequantities needs to be highlightedin the grid required number of pages.
Fitting Pages - Reducing document to one page to prevent a small piece of text from ending up on the last page.
After previewing, you can make adjustments to the text if necessary. Next step -
seal .

Selecting a Printer

In the window Seal The following settings need to be configured.
If it is possible to select a printer, then in the area
Printer in the dropdown listName select the type of printer you are using.
Specify the print range in the area
Pages . The pages to be printed can be set in several ways:

All - print all pages of the document.

Current - prints the page on which the cursor is located.
Numbers - printing the specified pages. You can list them separated by commas, for example 1, 6, 8, 10 (first, sixth, eighth, tenth) or a range of pages, for example, 12 - 22, 25 - 27 (twelfth to twenty-second and twenty-fifth to twenty-seventh).
Selected fragment - print the part of the document that is highlighted.

Number of copies
Enter the number of copies in the field
Number of copies . There is also a checkbox heresort into copies . It is installed by default; this means that all pages of the first copy will be printed first, then all pages of the second, etc. When you clear the checkbox, all copies of the first page will be printed first, then all copies of the second, third, etc.

Specify additional options Turn on - in this list you can select all pages, even or odd. Printing on even/odd pages is convenient when the document is divided into even/odd pages, respectively, and the text is located on both sides of the sheet.
In area
Scale on the list number of pages per sheet: You can specify the number of pages to print on each sheet of paper. On the listfit to page You can change the sheet format.
When checking the box
Two-sided printing You can print on a printer that does not support double-sided printing. After all the sheets have been printed on one side, you need to turn them over and insert them into the printer again.

Independent work:

    Open the multi-page document we will be working with (My documents – Didactics – Text_editor – The influence of the computer on human health. doc).

    Number the pages of the document: the number is located in the center at the bottom, the color of the number is green, the background fill is light yellow, the font is Arial Black, size is 12 pt.

    Switch to footer: Enter your full name. Aligned to the right, font - Arial Black, size - 12 pt, text color - red, background - light yellow.

    Adjust the pages so that last page There weren't 5 lines left.

    Print only the even-numbered pages of the document on network printer office.

How to number pages in Excel is a rather interesting question. It occurs when we want to print our document directly from Excel. If we did this, for example, in Word, then in the “Insert” tab there is a “Page Number” command. Page numbering in Excel is slightly different from numbering in Word.

To number pages in Excel, first you need to insert a “Header and Footer” - these will essentially be our page numbers. And then we'll just set up our footer.

To insert a header and footer, find the Header and Footer tool on the Insert tab and click on it.

Then select the “Right” position and click on the icon with the #(sharp) sign. As a result, we should have the entry “&[Page]” on the right.

Click “OK” twice. This will change the page view mode to “Page Layout”.

To return to normal mode, you can click on the “Normal” command, which is located to the left.

In the “Page Layout” mode, you can change and edit headers and footers (color, font, size). In addition to page numbers, you can insert the date, author, etc. into the headers and footers.

Let's see how our page numbering will look when printing the document. To do this, press “Ctrl” + “P” - this is an analogue of the “Print” command, and select “View” there.

Now we see that page numbering in Excel has appeared at the very bottom of the page.

So we figured out how to number pages in Excel.

If you need to number pages when printing a Microsoft Excel worksheet, you can insert page numbers into headers or footers. Added page numbers do not appear on the worksheet in normal mode - they only appear in layout mode and on printed pages.

Note: Note: The screenshots shown in this article were taken in Excel 2016. If you are using a different version, it may have a slightly different interface, but unless otherwise noted, the functionality will be the same.

Numbering pages of one sheet

Numbering pages of multiple sheets

You can number pages on multiple sheets of a book using the dialog box Page settings. For example, if a book has two sheets of two pages each, the pages of the first sheet will be numbered 1st and 2nd, and the pages of the second sheet will be numbered the same way.

Advice: To sequentially number pages on all sheets of a book, you need to change the number on each sheet from which the numbering of its pages begins. additional information see the article.

    Click the sheets or chart sheets to which you want to add page numbers.

Advice: [Group] Ungroup sheets.

Selecting a different starting page number

To number pages sequentially across all sheets in a book, first add page numbers to all sheets, and then use the following procedure to set the starting page number on each sheet. For example, if a book has two sheets, each of which is printed on two pages, use this procedure to start the page numbering of the second sheet at 3.

Changing the page numbering order

By default, Excel numbers and prints pages from top to bottom and then left to right, but you can change this order so that pages are numbered and printed from left to right and then from top to bottom.

Removing pagination

    Click the sheets (or chart sheets) on which you want to remove page numbers.

To highlight

Follow these steps

One sheet

If the sheet shortcut you want is not visible, use the sheet scroll buttons to find it, and then click.

Several adjacent sheets

Click the first sheet tab. Then, while holding down the SHIFT key, click the tab of the last sheet in the range that you want to select.

Multiple non-adjacent sheets

Click the first sheet tab. Then, while holding down the CTRL key, click the tabs of the other sheets you want to select.

All sheets of the book

Right-click the sheet shortcut and select the command from the context menu (context menu) Select all sheets.

Advice: If you have multiple sheets selected, the title bar at the top of the sheet will say [Group]. To deselect multiple sheets in a workbook, click any unselected sheet. If there are no unselected sheets, right-click the selected sheet shortcut and select the command from the context menu Ungroup sheets.

additional information

You can always ask a question Excel specialist Tech Community, ask for help in the Answers community, and also suggest new feature or improvement on the website

For long printouts, you'll probably want to add page numbers to help keep them in order. This technique describes page numbering capabilities.

Using basic pagination

To add pagination, follow these steps:

  1. Select View Book viewing modes Page layout to switch to page layout mode. Note that every page has a header and footer at the top and bottom. Each header and footer consists of three sections: left, middle and right. Be sure to keep an eye on this, especially if you are interested in registering a closed joint stock company in Moscow.
  2. Click the area of ​​any header where you want to add the page number.
  3. Select Designer Header and footer elements Page number. Excel will add code representing the page number.
  4. Click on any worksheet cell to see the actual page numbers.

In step 3, the code that Excel adds is actually just inserting a number. You can add text to the pagination code. For example - if you want your page numbers to read as Page 3, type Page (with a trailing space) before the code. This type of header or footer looks like this: Page &[Page] .

You may want to include the total number of pages so that the numbering looks like this: Page 3 of 20. In step 3, select Designer Header and Footer Elements Number of Pages by adding this to the code. In addition, you must enter the word from. The completed code looks like this: Page &[Page] from &[Pages] .

Changing the first page number

If your printout is part of a larger report, you may want to start page numbering at a number other than 1. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. Select File Print, and Excel displays the print options in Backstage view.
  2. Click the Page Settings link to open the dialog box of the same name.
  3. In the window Page settings go to the tab Page.
  4. Enter the first page number in the First Page Number field.

If you specify a starting page number other than 1, you probably won't want to use the &[Pages] code in the header or footer. Otherwise, you may see text like Page 18 of 3.

In the process of working with word processor MS Word, the further we delve into the study of its capabilities, the more we encounter various kinds of errors that, at first glance, did not occur through our (meaning the human factor) fault.

Have you ever had a situation where you want to print one page from an MS Word document, but a “smart” program prints a completely different page? Moreover, it could be like a page with b O with a larger number and with a smaller one. Inconsistency in page numbers in a MS Word document occurs due to the ability to start numbering on pages other than the first page.

Dear site visitors, below is a way to solve the problem yourself; if you can’t do it or don’t want to do it, you can order page numbering correction we have. Details

This can be convenient when a document can be prepared in parts, for example, the author of these lines, when preparing a dissertation, prepared the introductory part as a separate document.

The reasons for numbering pages other than the first number can be completely different, but the interesting thing is that if you try to selectively print a document by specifying the required page numbers, then the page numbers that are assigned to them will be printed, and not according to the order in which they are located in the document. For example, if the numbering in a document begins with the fifth number, and the sixth page is sent for printing, then the second page in order will be printed.

How to make arbitrary page numbering in a document?

In the “Design” tab, which appears when editing headers and footers, in the “Header and Footers” group there is a “Format Page Numbers” command.

Setting a custom number in a document

It is noteworthy that if you delete the page numbers after this, they will be visually deleted, but in reality they will remain. Therein lies the catch; the page that is fifth in order and does not have a number may not be the fifth. In this case, you can find out the serial number of the page by looking at the status bar at the bottom of the document, and the number that will be taken into account when printing the document will be indicated next to the vertical scroll bar.

Why is the numbering order in the document broken?

The fact is that changing the starting number using the “Format Page Numbers” command is created for current section, and the number of sections in a document is limited by the imagination of the author of this document. Therefore, you can change the format of page numbers as much as possible by specifying a starting number equal to the number of pages in the document. In other words, a 10-page document could have 10 first pages, ten 505th pages, or nine four-hundredths and one twentieth, and so on.

Here the question arises: if a document can have several pages with the same number, then what page will the printer print if you send only a page with a non-unique number for printing? There will be no sensation here; all pages whose number corresponds to the one specified during printing will be printed. That is, if the third page is sent, of which there are four, then four third pages will be printed.

How can I correct incorrect page numbering in a document?

Simply use the “Remove Page Numbers” command for each section of the document, and in order to speed up the correction process, you can quickly jump through the section headers.

Moving between sections in a MS Word document


The application is often used to work with text Microsoft Office Word, for designing tables, graphs and diagrams - Excel. Inserting page numbers is discussed using these programs as examples.

To automatically arrange page numbers in Word document It is necessary to work with headers and footers - empty space located in the margins of the document. The main advantage of using them is that when editing text in the workspace, the data placed will remain unchanged.

Open your document and go to the Insert tab. In the “Header and Footers” section, click on the “Page Number” thumbnail button. In the drop-down menu and submenu items, select how you want to place numbers on the page. After this, you will automatically move to the header and footer editing mode. To exit it, double-click in the document workspace with the left mouse button.

To select the format of page numbers (numbering in Roman, Arabic numerals or alphabetic letters) or to indicate which page the numbering should start from, select “Page Number Format” from the “Page Number” drop-down menu. In the additional window that opens, enter all the necessary changes.

To Excel document, also go to the Insert tab. Find the "Text" section and click on the "Header and Footer" button to access context menu. In the “Header and Footer Elements” section, click on the “Page Number” button. Do not assign any values ​​to the &[Page] field, just exit the header and footer editing mode. As data is placed on the pages of the document, numbering will be added automatically.

Page numbers placed in will be printed in the same form in which they were inserted into the document. If you want to add numbering to an already printed document, you can use the same method. Create electronic document with blank pages (no text), but assign them automatic numbering. Place the sheets of paper in the printer so that the existing text is on top, and print a blank document with page numbers.


  • Start pagination from the second page

Sometimes, when preparing abstracts, coursework or dissertations, you may encounter the problem of numbering pages in MS Word. The benefit of page numbering is obvious: it makes it easy to find the required section of the document that contains the information you are looking for. That is why numbering is a mandatory requirement for the design of books, scientific works, and business documents.


In the new Format dialog box, you can change the format of the letters or numbers that appear as page numbers. MS Word also provides the “Start with:” function, which allows you to select the number from which the page numbering of the document will begin.

MS Word 2007-2010
In this version of MS Word, adding page numbers is even easier. To begin, open the “Insert” tab, which is located on the menu bar. Next, click on the “Page Numbers” button. Here you can choose the place where the numbering will be located and the format of the numbers.

If you use large text documents in your work, for convenience you should number them, which will allow you to lay them out correctly when printing, without mixing up any of its pages.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - a document created in Microsoft Word.


When creating a multi-page spreadsheet or text format It would be a good idea to number the pages. And, as it turns out in practice, it is a completely simple action. Which is very convenient if you are writing a speech, a script, a work, or writing your own book. Just a few simple steps– and your document will not be mixed up under any circumstances.

Create in Microsoft Word Text Document. To do this, you can right-click on the desktop or on free space in your folder. Rename the document using the same right mouse button. And double-click the left button to open the document. With other settings, the document may open in a different way. To do this, you need to select the document with the left button and use the right button to select the required option in the drop-down window.



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