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Selecting a programming environment. Convenient tools for creating programs Application for windows xp developers

Greetings to all readers of the site! There is one wonderful free one on the Internet, and it is this that will be discussed in today’s article.
Many users sometimes think about creating a computer program themselves, and there are various reasons for this, for example:

Despite the diversity of these reasons, they all share one difficulty - to develop a program, you need to know programming languages. To study the syntax of any programming language, a couple of months is enough, but to understand the logic of the language and learn how to apply it in practice, it will take years. But, as you know, there are no hopeless situations! In our case it will help us program for creating computer programs, which you can download absolutely free!

Looking ahead, I will say that after reading this article to the end, in just a couple of hours you will be able to create your own simple programs. So let's get started.
Our program for creating computer programs called HiAsm.

HiAsm is a powerful visual application development system with which you can develop your program without using programming. With HiAsm you can create various audio and video players, browsers, online chats and much more. You can create all these applications without a single line of code; the visual environment will do everything for you!

Before you start working with software for creating programs for your computer, I suggest downloading and installing it.

After downloading, you need to go through the standard installation procedure for this application.
1 . Select the desired language, in my case it is Russian.

2. Continue with the installation.

3. We accept the terms of the license agreement.

4. Select a location on your hard drive to install the program for creating programs for your computer.

5. Specify your name and email address (since email confirmation is not required, you can specify any email)

6. We complete the program installation process.

Once you have installed HiAsm, you can proceed to launch. Having launched ours, we will see the following window:

In order to start creating your application, you need to click on the main menu item “File”, then “ New…", choose " Windows"(if we want to create an application for Windows OS) and click " OK”.
Thus, we will get a form for our future program, which for now contains a single element called MainForm.

The form is the foundation of the program on which the various elements will be based. To add elements to our program, click on the item of the same name in the upper left part.

A tab opened with a huge collection of various elements. Thanks to such a large arsenal, you can create a very serious application that will meet all your requirements.
To show how HiAsm works, I will create a simple program that will have one button, clicking on which will change the title of the form from " Form" on " Hello».

How to install an element on a form?

So, we find the button in the elements panel (when you hover the cursor over an element, a tooltip with its name will pop up), left-click on it, then move the cursor to the part of the form in which we want to place it.

How to change element settings?

In order to configure our button, go to the upper right part of the program and click “ Properties" Now we see a tab with all the properties of our button. Now we are interested in the property " Caption", which is responsible for the label on the button. By default it has the value " Push", we will change it to " Click».

How to set an action for an element?

Now we come to the hardest part of creating an application using programs for creating computer programs- we need to make the button of our program start working. Once you understand the meaning of this operation, it will become simple and logical for you.
In order for our button to change the name of the program form, we need to establish a connection between the button and the main form (MainForm element). To do this, move the mouse cursor over the green dot located on our button, then hold down the left mouse button and begin to draw a line to the center MainForm.

Now you need to double-click on the laid segment and set the name of the form, which will appear after clicking on the button. After double clicking on the segment, “ Data editor».

If you want to set a text name for the form, then select String, and if numeric, then select Integer or Real. Select the data type " String" and enter the word " Hello».
At this point our program is ready and now we need to test it. To do this, we save our project - “ File", then " Save as" and select a location to save. To start we need to click on the green arrow or press the key F9.

Our program has launched, now we check its functionality - click on our button.

How can we replace the form title has changed and this means that the program is working! So that you can run the program without HiAsm, you need to create an exe file. To do this, click on the main menu item “ Launch" and click " Compile».
Congratulations, you have just created a program for Windows! To make the process of creating programs easier, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the following programming concepts:

  • data types;
  • the concept of events in object-oriented programming;
  • properties of Delphi programming environment components.

Knowing these concepts will greatly facilitate the process of creating programs in HiAsp. In this article we looked at an excellent free program for creating computer programs, also created their first application and tested it for functionality. To help you quickly understand the HiAsp program, I have selected several fairly good video lessons dedicated to this wonderful program creation environment. I wish you pleasant viewing!

Undocumented HiAsm features

HiAsm Settings

Graphics in HiAsm

Do you know which ones are free?

Programming is getting easier and easier. This has long ceased to be the lot of unkempt geeks who see nothing around them except computers. Programming environments are simplified, visualized, and operate with concepts that are closer and closer to life. The next step in simplification is is programming without writing code. Fully visual environments. We want to present one of them in this review.

Hiasm- free programming environment, program designer, which allows you to create programs without knowing any programming languages. Instead, you are asked to arrange... squares. Most of them describe things that are quite understandable to the average user. For example, a window, a button, an icon. Others serve to relate visual components to each other and describe their behavior. BUT! You don't need to know the syntax of the language. You don't have to worry about compilation errors, broken links, or stack overflows. This won't happen. This is a designer. =)

So, we have already said that programs in Hiasm are a set of connected squares. But don't rush to draw the program. The program website has an incredible number of examples for all occasions.
But if you haven’t found what you need (or you’re just interested in trying), let’s get started.
Let's try to write a program almost equal to “Hello, world!” according to complexity. This program will allow you to enter your name and greet you at the click of a button.

Launch HiAsm and create a new project " File«-« New…". Select project type " Windows application". I immediately recommend saving the project somewhere.
You have one square in front of your eyes - “ Form", which is called MainForm. Great. Select this square and click the “Form Editor” button in the top toolbar.
A prototype of our window appears. Let's place on it those controls (these are labels, buttons, text entry windows) that we need.
All kinds of elements are collected in the left panel of the program. It's called " Elements«.
It opens by default in the " Interface", which is what we need.
We drag out an “Input field”, a button and two inscriptions onto our form. we place them as our sense of aesthetics dictates. And press the button " Form editor«.
Oppa!!! New squares have appeared on our field!
These are the elements that we added.
Let's make the button say "Entered". To do this, select the button and click the Properties tab on the right. There are several of them, but we are interested in one thing - Caption(Meaning). Let's change it to the inscription “Entered”.

And let's get started.
This is done using a green triangle ( Launch) in the top panel.
Here it is our window in all its glory! With a button, an input field and incomprehensible inscriptions in text fields. But the program starts! (I'm afraid of the word “Works”). The program designer gave us the opportunity to create a working application in a matter of minutes!
Close your window with a cross. And let's continue.
Remove extraneous inscriptions from text fields. This is also done using the property Caption, like the button.
Now we need to tell the program that when the button is pressed, the following should happen:
— “Hello” should appear in the left text field
— What you entered as your name should appear in the right

For this we need connections between the squares.

Communications pass data or messages from component to component that some event has occurred. So let's tell our text fields that the button is pressed.
To do this, find a green dot on the button square (there is only one there), hover the mouse, and read. So this event occurs whenever the button is clicked. Super! Where to take it? Yeah, there’s also a dot on the text square on the left. DoTex t Sets the caption text. Exactly what is needed. But we need to set the text of two inscriptions!
Here we need a splitter.
It is in the category " Tools» component tabs. They brought a small square (like a chair) onto our field. Now you can attach one connection to one end, and two to the other.
We attach our button to it on the left and attach the other two to the DoText points of our text squares.
Soooo. Well, our first text box will simply say “Hello.” Double-click on the connection and enter the text “Hello”.
But the second one should take the value that the user enters!
So, another connection. This time with an input field.
Near the square with the inscription “ ab"There is a gray dot at the bottom that is responsible for storing data. from there we will take the entered value. And drag the connection to the gray dot at the top of the second text box. That's it, now he will know where to get the text when the button tells him to update.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the HiAsm program designer is in Russian and contains detailed Russian documentation. So, if you want, you can figure it out.
Good luck in programming without programming!

Undoubtedly, many computer users have at least once thought about creating their own computer program, and there are a number of reasons for this.

Despite their diversity, they all share the same difficulty, namely, to develop your own program you need to master programming languages ​​such as Visual Basic, Delphi, Java, etc. It only takes a couple of months to learn the syntax of a language, but it will take years to understand the logic of the language and learn how to apply it.

But do not despair, because it is precisely for such cases that programs have been created for creating programs for a computer; there are quite a few of them, but the most functional is HiAsm.

HiAsm is a powerful visual application development system with which you can develop your program without knowledge of programming languages.

Thanks to this program, you can create various audio, video players, browsers and many other programs with different functionality.

First you need to download the program; you can do this by clicking on the direct link.
After downloading, we proceed to the standard installation procedure. Select a language convenient for us and click "OK".

In a new window, accept the terms of the license agreement by clicking, "I accept".

Select the folder to install the program and click "Further".

Click "Install".

After completing the installation of the program, in the window that opens, enter the name and mailbox and click "Further".

Click "Ready" and start launching the program and working in it.

To create an application, click on the menu item "File" and choose "New". In the window for creating a new project, select "Windows - Windows Application" and press "OK".

As a result, we will get a form for our future program, which for now contains a single element called MainForm. To add elements to our program, click on the item "Elements" in the upper left part of the program for creating computer programs.

The Elements tab has a huge collection of different elements. Thanks to the presence of such a large arsenal, you can create a very serious application that will meet all your requirements.
Good luck creating programs that meet your requirements.

Hi all! You've probably already heard the news that in the first 4 weeks More than 75 million people have already installed Windows 10. In this context, we are especially pleased to share with you an introductory article from Arseny Pechenkin from DataArt on how to start developing top ten applications.

For those who are unsure whether or not to install Windows 10 on their favorite machine, we offer a short overview of materials about the platform, development tools and new features available when developing applications.

I think everyone already knows where and how to get their copy of Windows 10 - we won’t dwell on this point. The installation is similar to installing Windows 8. If you are going to update the system, I strongly recommend making a backup of the files from the system disk.


What development tools can I use? You will need a new MS Visual Studio 2015. Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition and paid Professional and Enterprise editions are currently available.

Some time ago, almost all sections on development for Windows 10 led to sections about development for Windows 8.1, but after the release the documentation is gradually updated (taking into account the fact that the UWP platform for Windows 10 is a development of WinRT).

Online course at Microsoft Virtual Academy

For those who prefer an audio-visual format of getting to know the platform, there is an introductory course: A Developer's Guide to Windows 10.

The course covers the main features of the platform, models and tools available for creating Windows applications. Several basic scenarios that are implemented in the application are considered: working with a small amount of memory, background execution of tasks, communication between devices, file and data management, and user interaction methods.

License and device unlocking

As with development for Windows 8/8.1, a developer license will be required. This is similar to the Windows 8/8.1 Developer License when you create your first project directly in Visual Studio (this is not the same as a store publishing account). To install applications on your devices, do not forget to unlock them:

Universal Applications

What's new for the developer? It was announced that the universal application can be run on any Windows 10 platform. This is implemented through a system of various APIs. That is, there is an API layer common to all platforms (Universal Windows Platform, UWP). If the application uses only its capabilities, it will work on all platforms with UWP.

If you need to use specific platform capabilities (for example, working with hardware buttons on a smartphone), then you can use the corresponding APIs through platform extensions. This functionality will only work on platforms that have these APIs, so checks for the availability of the corresponding methods and classes must be built into the code.


Out of the box in Visual Studio, we have access to only one project template, Blank App.

This is a Single Page Universal Windows Application project that has no predefined controls or structure.
In addition to the standard template, you can find templates from the developer community.

The collection currently includes the following project templates:

  • Blank App, a basic single page XAML project. Similar to the standard Blank App included in the Windows 10 SDK, but without Application Insights telemetry.
  • SplitView App, a multi-page application project with adaptive SplitView control.
  • Composition App, a project that does not use the standard component library, instead using the Windows.UI.Composition API,
  • Composition XAML App, a project using XAML and the Windows.UI.Composition API.


To make it easier to log into the UWP platform, Microsoft has prepared a growing collection of examples:

Currently, the most common and purchased visual programming environments on the software market are Borland Delphi, C++ Builder, Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition.

1) Borland Delphi is a proven product designed for developing applications in the WINDOWS 95/98/2000/Me/NT/XP environment. Its popularity in the software market is due to the following factors:

Borland Delphi is a combination of classical programming principles and modern technologies. Delphi combines visual tools for quickly creating applications, a high-performance (up to 350,000 lines of code per minute on a Pentium 90) object-oriented language compiler, a component-based architecture of the development environment, a scalable mechanism for accessing databases;

the ability to reuse once created code, thereby reducing the time and effort spent on development;

a fast compiler makes the development process interactive;

real machine code runs 10-20 times faster than interpreter-based systems;

the highest development speed is achieved through the use of a set of built-in components, visual design and debugging tools RAD - Rapid Application Development;

the prototype turns into the target system without rework;

applications and components are created using one tool - the object-oriented programming language Object Pascal;

The working language of Delphi is Object Pascal - a programming language that includes a handler for error situations and exceptions, which can significantly increase the stability and reliability of the program. Increasing the likelihood of code reuse due to the principle of inheritance of visual forms and other new features of this tool, among which the most prominent are caching updates, filters, background query execution, and working with various data formats.

It is also worth noting the high speed of compilation, which significantly reduces the cost of debugging individual parts of the program. Compiling on the Pentium architecture also increases the performance of a system built in this environment. The ability to use API functions directly, as well as indirectly, increases system viability among developers of large applications that use the full power of the Windows operating environment.

In addition, a significant advantage of Borland Delphi software is the knowledge base of the language, which was laid down when programming in early versions of Pascal under DOS, given that the structure and semantics of visual programming have not undergone any changes.

The Borland Delphi IDE is based on numerous built-in functions and classes from a class library structure known as the Visual Component Library (VCL). Most of these classes are actually descendants of other classes from the VCL. They allow:

Use graphical tools to create standard Windows controls, windows, and applications.

support database applications, which consists of organizing access to databases (dBase, Paradox, ASCII, Access) and managing data from applications through database processors, such as Borland Database Engine (BDE) or ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) from Microsoft , as well as develop client-server applications for databases based on SQL servers.

develop Internet applications and Web server extensions.

create your own components, dynamic link libraries (DLLs) and packages, develop COM applications.

use ActiveX and OLE Automation mechanisms - high-level software technologies based on COM.

Conclusion: Delphi is a productive and productive environment for creating applications, which is due to the following aspects: the speed of the compiler and the high performance of compiled programs, the flexibility and scale of the underlying architecture used.

2) C++ Builder, like Borland Delphi, belongs to RAD_systems.

C++Builder has the same capabilities as Delphi, but it also has significant advantages, such as: a visual development environment, has a number of additional functions compared to Delphi, which facilitates and speeds up application development; availability of a library of STL templates (Standard Template Library); MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) library support; the ability to import and further compile Visual C++ applications working with MFC; greater volume of service functions compared to Delphi; flexibility and extensibility of the C++ language, due to the ability to overload operators, create template libraries, etc.

The advantages of C++ Builder include:

  • - universality, brevity and relatively low level;
  • - adequacy to most system programming tasks.

However, it should be noted that C provides only means of sequential control of the progress of calculations: a conditional branching mechanism, loops, compound instructions, subroutines - and does not contain multiprogramming tools, parallel processes, synchronization and organization of coroutines. Almost all UNIX applications are written in C.

The disadvantages include the syntax of the C language, due to its flexibility, it can make the program code difficult to read and does not contain multiprogramming tools, parallel processes, synchronization and organization of coroutines.

Conclusion: C++ Builder is a universal programming language with a compact way of writing expressions, modern data management mechanisms and a rich set of operators. In addition, C supports data abstraction using the class mechanism and provides object-oriented programming and allows you to enter your own data types that correspond to the tasks being solved.

3) Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition

This version of Visual Studio is an entry-level professional tool. It combines the simplicity of Express versions with the powerful development tools you need to:

  • – creating business applications using Visual Basic, C#, C++ languages;
  • – creating Windows and web applications, applications for portable devices;
  • – creating client-server applications using web services, and applications for working with data, for which there are built-in tools.

Visual Studio also allows you to:

  • – use the report generation capabilities of SQL Reporting Services to format the output data;
  • – expand the capabilities of Visual Studio using third-party tools;
  • – create department-scale corporate web applications using website debugging and precompilation tools.

It is also worth noting the support for the multilingual application development environment CLR (Common Language Runtime). This capability is made possible by the Common Language Infrastructure, or CLI, a universal cross-language interface that supports the development of software components in various programming languages.

At the same time, an undoubted advantage for programmers is that they can develop (or modify) software in the most suitable programming language. Here the nature of the task should be taken into account (for example, it is more natural to implement recursion or symbolic processing in a functional programming language, and formalizing the structure of the subject area in an object-oriented language).

The Visual Studio 2005 development environment uses Microsoft.net (pronounced dot-net) technology, a software technology for creating both regular programs and Web applications.

Therefore, firstly, the main service capabilities for developers that the .net environment provides (debugging, code analysis, etc.) do not depend on a specific programming language, and, therefore, programmers do not need to re-learn the features of the development environment if required switch from one language to another. For example, a service written in C++ for Microsoft.net might call a class method from a library written in Delphi; you can write a class in C# that inherits from a class written in Visual Basic.net, and an exception thrown by a method written in C# can be caught and handled in Delphi. Each library (assembly) in .net has information about its version, which allows you to eliminate possible conflicts between different versions of assemblies. Secondly, despite the fact that not all programming languages ​​are yet supported by .net, it is possible to independently develop a translator for any programming language, and this does not cause difficulties even for programmers who have virtually no professional training in the field of compiler development.

With the power of the Microsoft Visual Studio.net development environment and the Microsoft.net Framework specification, Microsoft provides developers with the most powerful tools to quickly create and deploy modern applications and XML Web services.

The Microsoft.net platform, thanks to Visual Studio.net and the .net Framework, will enable faster development of software applications and services.

Conclusion: Visual Studio.net today is one of the most productive and productive environments for creating applications, due to the following important aspects:

universal interlingual interface;

quality of the visual processing environment;

speed of the compiler and high performance of compiled programs;

flexibility and scale of the underlying architecture used.

General conclusion: the Borland Delphi programming environment was chosen for the development of the application program, because Borland Delphi has all the tools to solve the problems.



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