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Freeze a row in a Word table. What to do if the toolbar has disappeared in MS Word

The bias against tables has deep roots. To be honest, a dozen years ago tables could not boast of convenience due to the imperfection of the program as a whole. But a lot of time has passed since then. Microsoft has done a great job fixing its mistakes and doing everything possible for the convenience of users. It’s a pity, of course, that many of those same users don’t know about this and are still working in the 2003 edition office suite. Doesn’t it remind you of the story about hedgehogs and cacti? :)

I simply humanly recommend that everyone stuck in the past upgrade to at least the 2013 version Microsoft Office, or better yet, straight to the latest one, 2016. Believe me, it only seems to you that you are working in a classic environment; in fact, it has long been overgrown with moss and mold.

Use templates

Office routine is full, including tables. We take one electronic piece of paper, cut out part of it, insert it into new document and correct the details. A good technique, but it seems to me that working with templates is a little easier and faster. By the way, in the very Word templates They are called express tables.

Click on the "Insert" tab, click on "Table" and go to "Quick Tables". Pay attention to the “Save selected fragment to collection” item.

Here you will find several quite useful options and, most importantly, you will be able to save any other table or its fragment, including your own, as a template.

Draw tables

Remember the bear that, as a child, walked over your ears and hands in a rampant gypsy dance? It’s been since then that you’ve disliked singing and brushes, and it’s been since then that you’ve stubbornly ignored the “Draw Table” option in Word. Buck up, grown man! It's time to suppress the furry monster! It's easier than it seems.

Click on the “Insert” tab, click on “Table” and go to “Draw Table”.

And don’t be afraid to make a mistake: there is always an eraser at hand. Sometimes a pencil and eraser greatly simplify the creation of complex tables with small elements.

Insert rows and columns quickly

Starting with Word 2013, adding rows and columns has gone from being a mind-numbing chore to being a fun activity. Don’t think about it, the archaic “Insert columns on the left/right” and “Insert rows on the top/bottom” have not gone away, but you can now forget about them.

Hover your cursor over the space between rows or columns outside the table and click on the plus sign that appears.

In the future I would like to see something similar for the delete function.

Use a ruler

Every person has favorite and disgusting numbers that he indiscriminately uses or avoids in his life. Even in the parameters of your tables. I know people like that. :)

If you are used to accurately setting the indent values, width and height of cells through table properties, try an alternative - the ruler.

Move the cursor to the border of columns or rows, grab it, hold it Alt key and use the convenience of a centimeter ruler.

The same trick can be done with indent and protrusion markers. Hover your cursor over them and hold down the same Alt key.

Use hotkeys

If I were a developer software, I would call the hotkeys soul buttons. After all, sometimes you just want to hug your laptop just because they exist. As for Word tables, the three combinations I use most often are:

  1. Alt + Shift + Up/Down moves quickly current line one position higher or lower (simply an irreplaceable thing).
  2. Ctrl + Shift + A instantly turns capital letters into capital letters, which is very useful for headings.
  3. Ctrl+Tab adds a tab in a cell, while normal Tab moves the cursor to the next cell.

Convert text to table

A little bit of magic that you can show off in front of an amazed audience. Instead of creating tables the traditional way, try a couple of other, more sophisticated options:

  • Cell arrays copied from Excel are pasted into Word as a table with invisible borders.
  • Well-structured text can be easily converted into a table regular means Word.

Select the text, click on the “Insert” tab, click on “Table” and select “Convert to Table”.

Pay attention to the auxiliary parameters: the quality of the conversion directly depends on them.

Control cell sizes

If you want to get to know a person, give him a table with a tyrant text. A slightly loose interpretation of a well-known opinion, of course, but it hits the mark. Just look at the screenshot, or rather at the first column and the word “philological” - an ugly thorn.

According to my observations, in such cases, people first express themselves indecently, and then resort to a less than optimal solution - reducing the font size. But it is better to place the text in a different way.

Right-click in the cell, select “Table Properties”, switch to the “Cell” tab, go to “Options” and check the “Enter text” box.

Word will strain itself and return the runaway letter to its place, and peace will reign in the world again. By the way, for clarity, the “inscribed” text will be underlined with a blue line.

And sometimes you borrow someone’s table and hum contentedly under your breath: “Only you, the fish of my dreams”! Good job by someone else's hands! You start filling it with your data, and then uncontrollable devilry happens: some columns spread out due to the weight loss of others. The head becomes sober, and reality ceases to please. What should I do?

Jokes aside, it happens that they send you a table of a strict format, with which you cannot make mistakes. At the very least, don’t be lazy to send it back with the same dimensions. This way the recipient will see what he expects to see. To do this, disable auto-sizing based on content.

Right-click in any cell, select “Table Properties”, go to “Options” and uncheck the “Auto-size based on content” box.

The same option will save your table from collapse if you need to fill some cells with images: they will fit as a thumbnail instead of full-size.

Anything to add? Write in the comments.

When working with large tables, you need to freeze the row containing the column headings so that it repeats on each page. How can I do that?

How to Freeze Table Headings in Word 2007

  • Select the header row.
  • Right click.
  • Table properties.
  • On the “Line” tab, check the box as shown in the figure.

How to do this in Word 2003

In this Word versions Pinning headers is done in exactly the same way.
Conquer Word and see you again!

Microsoft Office Word has extensive capabilities for creating and editing tables. Such an object allows you to structure information and also facilitates the perception of text and numbers. Sometimes a table area takes up several sheets in a document, and constantly returning to the first row and looking at what a particular column means is inconvenient. Microsoft's office editor allows you to fix the top row, and today we'll figure out how to fix the table header in Word.

Fixing the cap

First, create a table in a known way through the Insert tab on the Control Panel and fill it with the necessary data.

In order for the header to be displayed on every page, you need to do the following:

  1. Select the first line.
  2. Go to the Layout tab on the main panel, look for the Data block and click the Repeat Header Rows button.

As a result we get:

When using this tool, the header will appear on all sheets of the document that contain a long table.

Fixing other rows

To fix the second or any other row of the table, you need to do the following:

  1. In the last cell, press Ctrl+Enter to split the table into two parts.

On a note! To check the correctness of the actions, turn on the mode for displaying hidden formatting characters. If you see Page Break, then everything is done correctly.

  1. Select the desired row, copy it using Ctrl+C, move the cursor to the first cell of the table on the second page of the document and press Ctrl+V to paste the data.

  1. Now on another sheet the first line is the heading and to secure it, use the already known repeat button.

If you need to remove the header fixation, then press the repeat lines button so that it is not highlighted in yellow, then the setting will be deleted.

There is a situation when the initial line must be stationary. Unfortunately, Word does not have a separate function for this, unlike Microsoft Excel, however, there is a solution to this problem. Go to the View tab, select Split, click in the place where you want to divide the document into two parts, and scroll through the bottom part, while the top remains motionless.

As you can see, it is not difficult to fix a specific row in the table area. The editor has a separate tool for this. This option is useful not only for the convenience of displaying the table in the document, but also when printing the final version of the file. Then, when reading, you don’t have to constantly flip back to the first page to see the value of the column.

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When working with a very long table, it will run across multiple pages. You can set up a table so that the table header row or rows appear automatically on each page.

You can choose one of two options to configure the table so that the rows and header rows repeat.

The following options are available here:

Highlight the lines or heading lines you want to repeat on each page. The selection must include the first row of the table.

In the Table Tools section, on the Layout tab, in the Data group, select Repeat Header Rows.

Alternatively, you can use the following approach:

In the table, right-click the row you want to repeat and select Table Properties.

In the Table Properties dialog box, on the Row tab, select the Repeat as header on each page check box.

Click OK.

Repeating table headings appear only in markup mode or when printing a document.

If you change the table header on the first page, the header will also change on all other pages. You can only change the table header on the first page: header rows on subsequent pages are locked.

Although Word automatically repeats table headers on new pages that are output from automatic page breaks, the header does not repeat when you insert a page break that you manually added to a table.

see also

Note: This page has been automatically translated and may contain inaccuracies and grammatical errors. It is important to us that this article is useful to you. Was the information useful? For convenience, we also provide a link to the original (in English).

Text editor Microsoft Word very functional. In addition to typing and designing text, here you can create various figures, graphs and tables, and perform several simple actions with drawings. Where are all the tools necessary for this? That's right, on the Toolbar.

It is located at the top of the page open document, and with Word 2007 on it you see not only tabs, but also the main buttons that are used for work. In this article, we will figure out what to do if the toolbar in Word has disappeared, and instead of the usual view, only the main names at the top are visible. I'll also tell you about the panel quick access, and how to add all the necessary buttons to it.

If the Word document you opened looks like the screenshot below, then to restore the toolbar, just click on the small arrow pointing down in the upper right corner of the window.

After this, all the usual groups and commands will be visible again. And if you need to leave only a sheet on the page, then you can hide the top ribbon by clicking on the same arrow, only now it points up. This can be used if you need nothing to distract you while working with a document.

If you have Word 2013 or 2016 installed, then to display the toolbar you need to click on the button "Ribbon Display Options", which is located to the right of the file name, next to the minimize buttons, in Full Screen and close.

After clicking, a small menu will open. The first item automatically hides the ribbon - the window expands to full screen and it hides; when you hover the cursor at the very top, it appears. When you click on the second item, only the menu items “Home”, “Insert”, “Design” and others will remain. If you choose the last option, then you will be able to secure not only the names of the items, but also the commands - this is actually what we need.

Now let's figure out what to do if it is not the control panel itself that has disappeared, but some tabs on it. Go to “File” at the top and select “Options” from the left list.

A window like this will open. Go to the tab "Customize the Ribbon".

For example, I didn’t have a tab on the toolbar. So I put a tick in front of it. To save the changes, click "OK".

After this, the item we need will appear, and you can use all the commands that are in it.

In Word, in addition to the toolbar, there is also a quick access panel. You can add icons to it for the commands you use most often. It is displayed either below or above the ribbon. By default, it has three buttons: save, cancel or return.

To customize it, click on the little black arrow pointing down and select from the list "Other teams".

Look for the desired command in the list, select it by clicking the mouse, and then click “Add”.

Everything that is in the area on the right will appear in the Quick Access Toolbar.

If necessary, all items can be arranged in the order that suits you. To do this, select one and change its position using the up/down arrows on the right. To ensure that changes made in Word are saved for all other files, select in the top field "For all documents". When finished, save by clicking on "OK".

Removal follows a similar principle. Open a familiar window, select an unnecessary command and click “Delete”. Save by clicking on “OK”.

That's all. Now you know not only how to get the hidden toolbar back, but also how to customize it and the quick access panel in Word.

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Almost all users who have at least once opened the Word editor remember the program’s workspace: at the top there is a control panel with various sections and functions. After analyzing the sequence of user actions, the developers grouped the commands into separate blocks, thereby making it easier to find the required option. In this article we will tell you how to pin the toolbar in Word if it is “hidden” under a document.

The hidden tape mode is especially convenient to use on netbooks and laptops with a small screen. It allows you to increase the view of the page and not be distracted by unnecessary details.

Proven methods:

  • Method number 1: you can pin the toolbar in Word by double-clicking on the panel, and you can display it again in the same way.
  • Method number 2: near the quick access panel, which is responsible for saving the document and canceling actions, you will see an arrow, clicking on which will open the context list. By checking the box next to the “Collapse Ribbon” command, you will hide the panel, and by removing it, you will display it again.
  • Method number 3: right-clicking on any empty field will bring up a short list of commands, including “Collapse Ribbon”.

The state of the ribbon remains after closing the document, regardless of which of the listed methods you used. In the collapsed position, the menu will open commands when you hover the mouse over the required tab, and then “hide” the commands again.

Hello, dear users of multifunctional text WORD editor. From today's “Crib Sheet” you will learn how to make, perform according to GOST, insert, pin, move, repeat, copy names, headings, inscriptions, table headers in Word to other pages. As before, we will work with its 2016 version.

You may ask, why am I spamming with all possible synonyms for one concept? But the fact is that there is a lot of confusion in this seemingly linguistic issue. Let's agree with you that the inscription above the table is another name for it. Here's the contents of the first one table row- this is the header or heading. Now, having dealt with the subject of our conversation today, we can begin to “make” it. Go?

How to make an inscription above a table in Word

This operation can be carried out in three ways. The first of them ensures full compliance with the requirements of GOSTs: 7.32-2001 (for graduation theses), as well as 1.5-93 and 2.105-95 (ESKD - One system Design Documentation). The inscription turns out to be modest and discreet, but at the same time it happens automatic numbering tables. The second and third methods are for those who are not constrained by the GOST framework and want to clearly design the name of the table. So…

Caption for the table in Word according to GOST

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Select the table. To do this, click the left mouse button on the movement marker (the cross in the upper left corner). After that we call context menu by clicking the right mouse button (the cursor is in the table field). In the window that pops up, select the line "insert title"(see Fig. 1).

In the first cell of the dropped window (see Fig. 2) we write the name. Moreover, friends, please note that according to GOST it begins with the word “Table” with a serial number. Then, through a dash with a capital letter, we enter the title itself and do not put a period after it. If the specified cell contains not the word “table”, but “equation” or “figure”, then you can make a replacement in "parameters" line "signature".

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In the third line "position" we are given the choice to place the table title at the top or below it. GOST allows both options. After filling out all the required fields, do not forget to click the button "OK".

You can delete a name that was inserted by mistake or that you don’t like using the key DELETE.

How to insert a table title in Word with your own formatting

Sometimes Word users have problems entering the table name. The cursor does not want to go beyond its upper boundaries. In this case, you need to do this:

  • place the cursor in the upper left cell;
  • in the toolbar "Working with tables" go to the tab "Layout";
  • In chapter "An association" click on the button "split table"(Fig. 3).

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Now our cursor has obediently taken its place above the table and is ready to enter its name. Any styles, sizes and colors of fonts are available to us. You can place the table title in a frame. Read how to do this here. But this method of giving a table a name has one drawback. Sometimes, if further formatting is necessary (adding/deleting rows, columns), the inscription “moves” to the side. It looks very ugly. To prevent such incidents from arising, it is better to use the third method.

How to add an inscription to a Word table so that it does not move

The first step is to add a row at the top of the table. Let me remind you how to do this: panel "Working with tables"- tab "Layout"- chapter "Rows and Columns"- button "insert on top". Moreover, new line will be empty, without text (Fig. 4).

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Next, in the newly added line you need to merge the cells. To do this, select the line in the same tab "Layout" go to the section "An association" and press the button "merge cells"(Fig. 5). After that, in the resulting large cell, enter the name of the table, center it and format the text.

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Now, in order for the inscription to look beautiful, you need to remove the cell borders. Select it again and follow the path: panel "Working with tables"- tab "Constructor"- chapter "Framing"- button "borders". In the drop-down menu, go down to the very bottom and click on the line "borders and fill".

After this, a new window will open in which you need to select the tab "Border" and deselect the buttons corresponding to the top and two side frames, then - "apply to cell" And "OK".

Now the inscription is practically “tightly glued” to the Word table. Everything looks very beautiful. But this method also has its pitfalls. It only applies to small tables that fit on one sheet. Otherwise, you, friends, will not be able to duplicate the table header in its continuations on subsequent pages without repeating the title. And you're not supposed to do that.

Because everyone knows that it is better to see once. than to read many times, I have prepared a short video for you, friends:

So... We are done with the inscriptions and names of Word tables. Let's now deal with headings.

How to attach a table header in Word

This question arises in the case of large tables that span several pages. Then, of course, for the convenience of working with their data, it is better to duplicate the title line at the beginning of each page. This is what we mean when we use the term “fix.”

So, it’s very easy to attach a table header in Word. To do this, you need to select it, then in the tab "Layout" and section "Data" activate button "repeat header lines"(Fig. 6). Now on every new page your sign will begin, as expected, with a header.

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The same can be done using the window "Table Properties". To open it, select the entire table, right-click on its field, and in the drop-down menu we find the line we need. In the window go to the tab "Line" and check the box "repeat as heading on every page"(Fig. 7).

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In this case, you just need to open the window again "Table Properties" and now go to the tab "table". Pay attention to the group "Wrap around". Choose a button "NO", it must be activated (see Fig. 8). Only then will you be able to duplicate the table header on subsequent pages.

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Now you will succeed.

How to freeze only the second row of a table without a header

It happens that a large and complex table has many columns and takes up several pages. Then, to make it easier to perceive its contents, column numbers are placed in the second line under the heading, and the continuation of the table on each new page begins with this numbering.

But how is this done? After all, when moving the table header, you cannot ignore its first row. Will not work. And we will not take the same actions that we did to repeat the title on each page. Let's do it simpler:

  • select the line with numbers;
  • copy it ( Ctrl+C);
  • insert into each first row in the continuation of the table on new pages ( Ctrl +V);

Everything is clear with this question. Is not it?

How to insert the inscription “table continuation” in Word

Yes, in large tables that occupy several pages, according to GOST, such an inscription is required. However, even if you do not have a GOST document, the inscription “continuation of the table” at the beginning of each new tabular sheet will still be quite appropriate. But WORD program does not allow text to be entered between table rows. What should I do? There is an exit. You need to follow these steps:

  • place the cursor in the last cell of the last row of the table on the first page;
  • make a page break at this point (Tab "Insert"- chapter "Pages"- button "page break");
  • The last line of the first page will shift to the second, and under the table on the first page you can place the cursor and enter the text: “continuation of the table” (see Fig. 9).

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But we need this inscription not on the first, but on the second and subsequent pages. Calmly. As soon as you start entering text, it will “jump” to the second sheet. Everything will be as it should be.

If the table occupies not 2, but 3 or more sheets, then, unfortunately, this operation will have to be repeated on each sheet again. This process cannot be automated.

For the second part of our article (about headers and headings), a video clip has also been prepared for you, dear readers:

In my opinion, friends, we have discussed all the issues that may arise when working with inscriptions and table headers in Word 2016. I hope you understand everything. If I missed something, ask questions in the comments. The next “Crib Sheet” will be about splitting and merging tables in Word. And for today I say goodbye to you. I wish you success!

Your guide to WORD 2016 GALANT.

And here are more articles on working with tables.



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