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Deleted VKontakte pages archive. How to view a deleted VKontakte page - copy in Yandex and Google

A page on the social network VKontakte can tell a lot about a person, especially if he actively maintains it. On it you can find out a list of his hobbies, date of birth, look at photographs, records of interest from various groups, and much more. But if the user decides to delete his VKontakte page, all this information is hidden. A message appears on his page that this user I deleted my account and it is no longer possible to view the information on it. But there are several ways to view deleted page VKontakte, which we will talk about in this article.

Table of contents: Please note: The tips below are relevant not only when the page is deleted at the will of the user. They also allow you to view information on pages that have been blocked by VKontakte administrators for one reason or another.

Searching for a deleted VKontakte page in the search engine cache

Search engines store their database with information about all sites, including making them backups. Anyone can use them, which allows, among other things, to view information about the page of a remote user on VKontakte.

Important: This method valid only if the user has recently deleted his profile from VKontakte. If the page has been deleted for a long time, most likely a search robot visited it again and updated the saved copy.

In the following way, you can view information about a deleted VKontakte page using a search engine Google:

In the Yandex search engine, opening saved copies of VKontakte pages occurs in approximately the same way.

Please note: The social network VKontakte allows users to configure their privacy. In your personal account settings, you can configure the visibility of the page on the network. If this setting specifies that the page is visible to everyone except search sites, then it will not be possible to find saved copies of the page in Google and Yandex, since the search robot is prohibited from crawling such a page.

Viewing a deleted VKontakte page in the web archive

On the Internet, every day hundreds of sites change, are deleted, new ones appear in their place, and other similar manipulations occur. There are several services that monitor these actions, saving copies of sites and individual pages. Using such a service, you can view information that was posted on a remote VKontakte page. This is done as follows:

It is worth noting that the webarchive service does not work well with saving information about VKontakte user pages, and if the account was registered recently, there is a high probability that information about it will not be found in the service database.

Viewing a deleted VKontakte page in the browser cache

Important: This method can only be used by those users who want to see the page of a person they previously visited, but then deleted it.

The method is based on the fact that browsers store copies of sites, which is necessary for their more fast loading if necessary. If you visited a user's page some time ago, after which he deleted it, you have the opportunity to view its saved copy in the browser. This can be done in almost any browser; let’s look at Opera as an example.:

These are all ways to view information that was previously located on a deleted VKontakte page.

How to view a deleted VKontakte page, photo or website

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How to view a deleted VKontakte page? 3 options, you can also view, deleted accounts any social networks, photographs, websites. Simple ways no hassles!

Hi all!
In this article I will show 3 options for viewing everything deleted on the Internet.
Be it Twitter, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, any other social network. net.
In addition, you can see a resource that, for one reason or another, is no longer on the World Wide Web.
You can just look at what the blog was like, say, 5 years ago.
A very exciting activity).
Also, it is possible to watch deleted photos VKontakte user graphics.
From words to deeds.
Method 1.

How to view a deleted VKontakte page - copy in Yandex and Google

An excellent option, more suitable for social network accounts, or if you wondering, how to view deleted VKontakte photos.

I’ll show you using the example of the first deleted VK page I came across.
You can look not only at erased ones, but also at those blocked by social network administrators. networks.
This is what she looks like now.

What do we need to know in order to view deleted photos on VK of this user?

1. Go to the page or portal you need.
2. Copy the address (right-click on it - copy).
3. Go to the search engine Yandex, Google.
4. Paste the copied address (url).
5. Click on the triangle, the inscription “saved copy” will appear, click on it.

6. The page we need opens.

As you can see, the account has already been deleted, but you can see a copy of it).
By the way, if your page was accidentally blocked, you erased it yourself, maybe scammers have opened your account, are sending spam to acquaintances, friends, asking for money, you took it and deleted it and you have no way to restore it, but you have valuable photos there , which are only there and you are wondering how to look at old VKontakte photos that you deleted, it is done according to the same scenario).
Perhaps the only “-” of this is that if you recently registered on VK and you are left without an account, most likely the search engines did not have time to index it, that is, they may not find it.
Let's move on to the second method.

Browser cache

All sites that you view on the Internet are saved in the browser cache.
The less often you clean it, the slower your computer runs, but the more information is stored in it.
If what you need has been removed from the Internet recently, you can use this simple option.

To do this, you need to go into it and find this page.
I show it on the Google browser.
1. Click the 3 dots located in the upper right corner of the browser.
2. Go to the “history” tab, in it you can find what you need.

Internet archive

There is a portal on the Internet that stores almost the entire history of the Internet.
If you are interested in how to view old VKontakte photos that you have deleted, he can easily handle it.
Another option is to look at a blog that was deleted by the owner, the domain or hosting was not paid for, or the hosting provider was blocked for violations.

In general, there is often another problem.
The portal you need exists, but it is blocked in your country.
To solve this problem, you can use

For other cases, we will use internet archive.

To do this, follow the link.
Enter a page or resource.
You will be shown a calendar of days of information changes.
I'll show you using this blog as an example.
Click on “browse history.”
A graph of the number of changes to this blog that have been archived will appear.
This is what it looks like.

I can see, for example, what he looked like on May 2). A funny story happened there).
I saw a great programmer in myself!
That day I cheated a little, as a result of which I erased the fuck out of it).
I click on May 2nd.
That’s the kind of guru I was then).

As a result, I had to restore it throughout the May holidays).
This way you can view any information of interest, for example, what it was like 5 years ago, respectively, if it existed then).

These guys can do it in simple ways).
There are, however, disadvantages of all these methods (.
This is especially true for social network accounts.
If they were young (1-5), there is a possibility that search engines did not have time to index them, that is, they do not exist.
This, however, does not happen often, most likely in 1 of the 3 described cases, you should find what you need.

This concludes the article.
Still have questions?
Write in the comments to the article!
I undertake to answer).
Good luck!

It may happen that the user’s page, which you calmly visited a couple of days ago, turns out to be deleted. Question: is it possible to somehow view this page and if so, how to do it?

You can view the deleted page, but not in all cases, so we will not give a guarantee. There are two ways to see it.

Internet Archive

There is a so-called Internet archive - this is a site where pages of many sites are saved, including those that continue to work and those that have not existed for a long time. It is quite possible that the page of the user you need was loaded into this archive.

Go to archive.org. A search form appears. Enter the page address and press the Enter key. As an example, we will use Pavel Durov's page.

If the page is in the archive, you will know about it: the system will show all saved versions of the page as of a particular date. Just click on the desired date, for example, the latest one available in the archive, and look at the page. The dates are highlighted in blue in the screenshot.

Just remember that even if the page is in the archive, but it is only available to VK users for viewing, you will see the following:

Search engine cache

You can try viewing the page through the search engine cache. We recommend using Yandex or Google.

Open the search engine and enter the address of the user’s page, then click “Find”.

As you can see, the page has been found. You need to click on the button highlighted by the arrow, and then click on the “Saved copy” link.

The saved page opens in the search engine cache.

On home page archive, there is a block “Wayback Machine”. Here you need to enter the address of the remote page and press Enter.

Pay attention to the interface. There is a calendar at the top of the screen. It displays the available copies of the page. If there are several, you can view each of them. Let's try to zoom out to 2012 and see what was on my page at that time. We select the desired date on the calendar and get this result.

If the deleted page is not in the archive, you will receive a message like this.

Viewing a copy of your profile in search engines

Yandex and Google add information about all found pages on the Internet to their database. This also applies to VK accounts. The copy version changes with each database update (of course, if there are changes). This process takes several days.

If the user is very recent, there is a chance that search engines There is still a saved copy of it. And we can review it.

Let's see what it looks like in Yandex.

To make the operating principle more clear, consider a copy that is guaranteed to exist.

We go to Yandex and type your account address in the search.

The same principle applies to Google.

Now let's try to view the saved copy. To do this, expand extra menu(the triangle-shaped button is located next to the address). Click here "Saved Copy".

Now try the same steps for the remote page you want to see.

View Browser Cache

Every time you open a website page, your browser saves a copy of it to its history. This is done so that when you open it again, you do not have to download it again via the Internet, but instantly provide you with a ready-made copy. This significantly increases the speed of work.

If you recently visited the user's page, there is a chance that it is in the browser cache and you can view it.

Let's do this using Mozilla Firefox as an example.

Turn on offline mode. To do this, open the menu, then “Development”, and then check the box "Work autonomously".

Now in address bar browser, you need to specify the URL desired page, and press “Enter”. If a copy exists, it will be loaded. If not, you will see an error message.

I reviewed all three methods in video format.


There is a possibility that none of the described methods will produce results, and you will not be able to see information from the deleted page. In this case, all that remains is to hope that the user decides to restore his profile.

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